Round River Myth Meaning Flowing Water May 2019
Round River Myth Meaning Flowing Water May 2019
Round River Myth Meaning Flowing Water May 2019
Research at Hornsby Bend
The Round River: Myth, Meaning, and Flowing Water
Kevin M. Anderson, Ph.D.
Austin Water – Center for Environmental Research
The Round River
Hesiod, Theogony:
"Okeanos the completely encircling river."
Fluvial Philosophy
Stream of Consciousness
Process, Time, Science, and Reality
Henri Bergson 1859 – 1941
French philosopher, the first to elaborate what came to be called a process
philosophy, focus on reality as motion, change, and evolution.
He was also a master literary stylist, of both academic and popular appeal,
and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927.
• Élan vital
• The world is a process of creative evolution in which • Duration
the novelty of successive phenomena rather than the • Memory
constancy of natural law is the significant fact. • Multiplicity
• While the space world of science and common sense • Creativity
is taken to be an interpretation put upon sense • Novelty
images in the interest of practical activity and as a • Intuition
falsification of free-moving reality.
• Duration and time are fundamental parts of
experience, and, hence, reality.
• A true apprehension of reality is to be gained not by
the analytic procedures of mathematics and science
Creative Evolution 1907
but by that intuition that can grasp wholes.
The Round River and Ecology
American Mythology
The Round River – Aldo Leopold
"One of the marvels of early Wisconsin was the Round River, a river that flowed into itself, and
thus sped around and around in a never-ending circuit.
Paul Bunyan discovered it, and the Bunyan saga tells how he floated many a log down its
restless waters."
Metaphor for ecology
Aldo Leopold 1887-1948
How does Nature work?
Aldo Leopold and The Round River – A Metaphor for Ecology
"a river that flows into itself“
"The current is the stream of energy which flows out of the soil into
plants, thence into animals, thence back into the soil in a never
ending circuit of life…
In our educational system, the biotic continuum is seldom pictured
to us as a stream.
From our tenderest years we are fed with facts about the soils,
floras, and faunas, that comprise the channel of Round River
(biology), about their origins in time (geology and evolution), about
the technique of exploiting them (agriculture and engineering).
But the concept of a current with droughts and freshets, backwaters
and bars, is left to inference.
To learn the hydrology of the biotic stream we must think at right 1953
angles to evolution and examine the collective behavior of biotic
This calls for a reversal of specialization; instead of learning more
and more about less and less, we must learn more and more about
the whole biotic landscape”
Biotic Navigation
“Ecology is an infant just learning to talk, and, like other infants,
is engrossed with its own coinage of big words.
Its working days lie in the future.
Ecology is destined to become the lore of Round River, a belated
attempt to convert our collective wisdom of biotic materials into
a collective wisdom of biotic navigation.
This, in the last analysis, is conservation.”
Aldo Leopold 1948
Everything Flows!