Arzimovich - Elementary Plasma Physics - 1965
Arzimovich - Elementary Plasma Physics - 1965
Arzimovich - Elementary Plasma Physics - 1965
L e v A . A rz im o v ic h
Plasma Physics
A Blaisdell Book in the Pure and Applied Sciences
Script a Technica, Inc.
Plasma is a state of matter, normally found in extraterrestrial space.
It possesses exceedingly interesting properties that are being in
creasingly applied to the solution of important problems of modern
technology. Thus, the subject is of major interest to the general
reader. However, the reader who desires an understanding of the
basic properties of plasma encounters considerable difficulties.
Most present-day books employ extremely complex mathematical
tools and require a good preparation in modern theoretical physics.
There is no need, however, to use complex mathematics to explain
the basic phenomena occurring in plasma. Such mathematics is
often misused and is consequently of no more than decorative
We shall attempt to interpret the fundamentals of plasma physics
in a manner understandable to a reader with a high-school knowl
edge of mathematics and physics. We do not mean to imply, how
ever, that the material is presented in a predigested form — for
assimilation without thought. Such an attitude is neither suitable
nor possible in the study of plasma physics.
This book discusses not only the various plasma processes but
also the methods of analysis of such processes. By becoming
familiar with these methods, the reader will be able to attain a
genuine understanding of the physical significance of the phe
nomena involved. The absolute cgs (centimeter, gram, second)
system of units is used in all computations. In some cases, the
practical system of electrical units (ampere, volt, joule) is also
1. Introduction 1
4 . Radiation 81
4.1 Bremsstrahlung 81
4.2 Recombination Radiation 83
4.3 Radiation Emitted by Excited Atoms and Ions 84
4.4 Betatron Emission from Plasma 85
4.5 Flux of Energy Emitted by Plasma 87
In d e x 185
Plasma Physics
( 1. 1)
since there are still a number of electrons left in each of the atoms
even after one or more of the outer electrons have been removed.
Thus, the larger the atomic number (that is, the number indicating
the position of the particular element in the periodic table) the
larger the number of electrons in the atom, and the higher the
energy necessary to remove the inner electrons. Therefore, the
final ionization of heavy atoms, in which even the inner electrons
are removed, will occur only at exceedingly high temperatures
(of the order of 106 - 107 degrees Kelvin). We know that the com
plete ionization of a heavy gas leads to a situation in which to each
positive ion there will be Z free electrons, where Z is the atomic
number, that is, the original number of electrons in the neutral
atom. However, the gas as a whole remains neutral, since the
ionization process as such does not produce an excess of charge of
either sign.
At high temperatures the ionization of a gas occurs as a result
of the various interactions between the individual atoms on the
one hand, and electrons, ions, and radiation, on the other. These
interactions are varied and very complicated. We shall, therefore,
postpone their description to a later chapter, and for the moment
confine our attention to the behavior of the ionized gas as a
A gas in which an appreciable number of atoms or molecules
are ionized is referred to as plasma. The term plasma was first
introduced by the American physicists Langmuir and Tonks in
1923. Plasma is the normal state of matter at temperatures of the
order of 10,000°K or more. It is the most common state of matter
in nature. For example, the sun and all the stars are nothing else
but gigantic condensations of high-temperature plasma. The outer
layers of the earth’s atmosphere, that is, the ionosphere, are also
known to consist of plasma.
In the above discussion we introduced the concept of plasma
in terms of the simple process of heating of a gas in a perfect
container. In practice, this is neither the best nor the easiest
method of producing plasma either in laboratory experiments or
in industrial processes. The normal conditions under which
plasma is produced are those which prevail in the various forms
Production o f Plasma 5
not mean that at every instant of time the electric field at every
point in space is exactly zero. In fact, the field at an internal point
in the plasma exhibits very rapid fluctuations, both in its magnitude
and in its direction. These random fluctuations yield zero average
field, provided that the interval of time over which the average is
taken is long enough.
However, if the electric field is measured at different points in
the plasma at a given instant of time, the resulting distribution is
found to be approximately of the form shown in Fig. 2. The
random space and time variations in the internal field of the
plasma are superimposed on the macroscopic fields due to external
sources. Therefore, the motion of an electron or an ion in plasma
can never be regarded as strictly consisting of free-motion intervals
during which the particle moves under the influence of the average
(that is, the external) field only. The random internal field cannot
be ignored altogether; it is implicit even in our simplified model.
When we say that the effect of all other charged particles in the
plasma on the trajectory of the chosen ion or electron is exhibited
by the collisions between them, we are, in fact, replacing the true
effect, which is due to the interaction of the particle with the
internal microfield, by the device of a collision.
After these preliminary remarks, we can proceed to an analysis
of the free motion of individual charged particles in given electric
and magnetic fields.
2The elementary charge e is equal to 4.8 X 10~10 esu = 1.6 X 10-19 coulomb.
14 Motion o f Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
electric field is parallel to the y axis, and that the initial velocity
of the particle v0 is parallel to the x axis (path / in Fig. 3). The
motion of the particle in the direction of the x axis is then uniform,
whilst in the direction of the y axis it is uniformly accelerated.
The coordinates of the particle are given by the formulas
where Vi and Vi are the velocity of the particle at any two points
M i and M 2 on the trajectory. We note that the quantity E(y2 — y {)
is the potential difference between the points Mi and M 2 . There
fore, the right-hand side of Equation (2.3) is the product of the
charge of the particle and the potential difference between the end
points of the trajectory traversed by the particle. For example,
if the particle begins its motion from a state of rest, its kinetic
energy at any point on its trajectory will be equal to q U, where U
is the potential difference, in electrostatic units, between the initial
and final points of the trajectory. If the potential at the initial
point is conventionally taken to be equal to zero, then at any
other point on the trajectory U will be equal to minus the value
of the potential.3 If U is expressed in practical units, that is,
volts (V), then the relation between the kinetic energy and the
potential difference traversed by the particle can be written in the
following form:
twice the impact parameter (at the ends of this segment, the force
acting on the particle is reduced by one-half as compared with its
value at the point of closest approach). A particle having a velocity
v will traverse the segment A 1 A 2 in a time equal to 2b/u. During
this time, the force acting upon it will be approximately perpendicu
lar to its path. This force may be approximated to be equal to
qiqi/b2, where q\ and qi are the two interacting charges. As a
matter of fact, the mean force will be smaller, but the true time of
interaction will be greater than that assumed here. During the
time taken by the particle to traverse the segment A 1 A 2 , this force
will transmit to the particle a velocity equal to
1 q\q2 2b
m b2 v
in the direction perpendicular to the initial direction of motion,
where m is the mass of the particle. The ratio of this velocity to the
initial velocity v must be equal to the tangent of the angle of deflec
tion t? (see Fig. 4), and since in the case of small deflections tan d is
approximately equal to we have
where the symbol ~ indicates that the expression is only very
roughly true; that is, it gives the order of magnitude of 1? and the
true result may be different by an appreciable factor. Such approxi
mate expressions are widely used in modern physics and are fre
quently just as useful as the precise formulas. Approximate calcu
lations are useful whenever we have to analyze complicated phe
nomena involving a large number of different factors. Under such
conditions, it is first necessary to ascertain the relative importance
of the various factors. A typical example is the expression for the
Debye radius given by (1.3). There is very little point in trying to
establish the exact value of this quantity since the concept of the
Debye radius is introduced in order to distinguish between two
extreme cases in the behavior of a system of charged particles,
namely, ( 1 ) when the particles are independent of each other, and
(2 ) when they form a plasma.
Motion o f Charged Particle in Electric Field 19
( 2. 6)
* 4 - B
For large b, that is, when the particles pass each other at a large
distance, this formula is identical with (2.5), and this justifies the
very approximate estimate previously derived. The range of ap
plicability of the formula may be illustrated by the following
special case: The deflection experienced by a 1 eV electron when it
interacts with a singly-charged ion at an impact parameter b = 1 0 ~ 6
cm is about 0.14 rad, that is, about 8.5°. The magnitude of the de
flection decreases with increasing energy.
F igure 5. T r a je c to r y o f a p a r tic le p a s s in g th ro u g h th e b o u n d a ry b e tw e e n
tw o re g io n s a t d iffe re n t p o te n tia ls .
gous to the propagation of light rays. This fact is used in the design
of electronic instruments which are analogous to optical apparatus,
for example, the electron-optical converter, the electrostatic elec
tron microscope, and so on. Analysis of the general similarity
between ordinary mechanics and geometrical optics has led to the
development of modern quantum mechanics, which provides a
very satisfactory description of all atomic phenomena. However,
all this is outside the scope of the present book, which is exclusively
concerned with the physics of plasma.
and will reach its maximum value when the field is zero (point A in
Fig. 7b). The magnitude of the maximum velocity is proportional
to the force acting on the particle during the acceleration, and
inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. If the field
strength were constant during the first quarter of the period and
equal to its maximum value, the velocity of the particle at time
t = T /4 would be
qEo T _ x qEp
m 4 2 mu
Since, however, the field gradually decreases, the final velocity will,
in fact, be smaller than this value. Exact calculations show that the
velocity of the particle at time t = 774 is given by
( 2 . 8)
During the next quarter of the period, the field changes sign, the
particle is decelerated, and its velocity becomes zero at the end of
the second quarter-period (point B in Fig. 7b). As soon as this
point is passed the particle, accelerated in the opposite direction,
reaches a maximum negative value equal to —vmax at time / = 3J/4,
and then again returns to zero at the point D, that is, after one
complete period of the electric field. The whole process is then
repeated periodically. The graph showing the variation in the
velocity of the particle is shifted relative to the graph of the field E
by one-quarter of the period. When £ is at a maximum, the velocity
is zero, while zero values of the field correspond to maximum
velocities ( ± i w ) .
Consider now the variation in the length of the path traversed by
the particle. In the time interval between 0 and T /4, the particle
begins to move in the direction of the field and eventually acquires
its maximum velocity. The motion in this direction continues
throughout this time interval, as long as the velocity is positive.
The displacement reaches the maximum positive value at time
t = T/2, which corresponds to the maximum negative value of E.
During the next half-period, the particle moves in the opposite
direction and eventually returns to the original position at the end
Motion in Alternating Electric Field 25
( 2. 10)
.F = - v X H, (2.11)
F igu re 9. V e c to r p r o d u c t o f tw o v e c to rs A a n d B.
Motion o f Charged Particles in Uniform Magnetic Field 27
r = 1. 12-1014— (2.13)
When the particle moves toward the region of stronger field, the
angle a continues to increase until it reaches 90°. This occurs at the
point at which the right-hand side of (2.20) is equal to unity. The
magnitude of the magnetic field H at this point can be found from
1 = sinof0
which yields
( 2. 21)
sin2a 0
36 Motion o f Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
F igure 18. Motion o f a positive ion along a magnetic line o f force due to a
straight-line current.
Motion o f Charged Particles in Nonuniform Magnetic Field 39
of its inertia. During its subsequent motion, the ion will intersect
the neighboring lines of force at small angles. For example, at
the point M% the angle between the velocity of the ion and the field
vector H may be, say, a. Since the velocity of the ion is now no
longer strictly parallel to the lines of force, the particle will ex
perience a force of -\qvH sin a. In the present case, this force is
parallel to the current producing the magnetic field. As a result,
the ion is given a velocity component in the direction of the positive
y axis and this is, in fact, the drift velocity of the particle in the
nonuniform field. The situation is the same in the case of electrons,
except that they drift in the opposite direction. It is easy to show
that the drift of a particle, due to the presence of a longitudinal
component to its velocity, occurs in the same direction as the
drift of a particle whose velocity is perpendicular to H.
Calculations show that in the general case, when the particle
has both a transverse velocity and a longitudinal velocity V\\,
the drift velocity is given by
( 2. 22)
rise to the magnetic field must not enter the conductors, which is
equivalent to saying that the particle must not enter the region in
which a current is flowing. When this condition is not satisfied,
the equation for the drift velocity becomes more complicated,
but all the qualitative effects described above remain. When the
drift takes place across the lines of force, both velocity components,
Un and Ujl, remain constant in magnitude. In view of the above
analysis, the magnitude of H along the drift groove is also constant.
It follows that v \ / H = const and this means that the drift motion
does not affect the adiabatic invariance of v]_/H.
In order to obtain a clearer picture of the motion of a charged
particle in a slowly varying (in space) magnetic field, we note that
this motion may be resolved into two simpler component motions,
namely, the Larmor motion with a velocity v± = v sin a and a
displacement of the center of the Larmor circle. The latter, in
its turn, can be resolved into motion along the lines of force with
the velocity Un = ucosa and a slow drift at right-angles to the
lines of force with the velocity ud.
The general situation may be illustrated by a number of simple
examples. One of these is the motion of a charged particle in the
field of a straight conductor carrying a current. The motion of a
charged particle in the Earth’s magnetic field may be taken as
another example. The drift motion in the field of a straight-
line current may be described with the aid of Equation (2.22).
We shall confine our attention to the case when a = 90° and,
therefore, Uj_ = v. Under this assumption, Equations (2.22) and
(2 . 1 2 ) yield
Ud= vr
where r is the Larmor radius of the trajectory of the particle and R
is the radius of curvature of the line of force. In the present case R
is equal to the distance from the current. Suppose, for example,
that the current is equal to 1 0 5 amperes and a 1 0 0 electron-volt
proton is at a distance of 10 cm from the conductor. We thus
have r/R = 7 X 10~ 2 and therefore ud is quite small in comparison
with v, and is equal to 1 X 106 cm per sec. Thus, the particle
Motion o f Charged Particles in Nonuniform Magnetic Field 41
4The trajectory shown in this figure represents the path of a high-energy ion.
42 Motion o f Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
5This expression for the drift velocity can be easily derived if it is recalled that
the effect of a force F on the given particle is identical with the effect of an equiva
lent electric field E, where F = qE.
Motion o f Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields 47
I//// /////////////////////A
F ig u r e 2 6 . A charged particle in the space between
moving magnetic mirrors.
/ Uh + « Q
/ vu+ «
u X
A General Review o f Properties o f Gases 53
• •
• •
#• •
the mean free path can be derived by considering Fig. 30a. This
figure shows the passage of a molecule A through a very thin
layer of gas which we can imagine as existing in space. The path of
the molecule is indicated by the dashed line. It is perpendicular
to the surfaces of the layer. In order to simplify the calculations,
let us suppose that all the molecules in the layer, except for the
molecule A , whose fate we are investigating, are at rest. If the
thickness of the layer d is sufficiently small, the probability that
the collision will occur is d/X . Thus, for example, when d / \ = 0.01,
only one out of a hundred molecules passing through the layer
will, on the average, experience a collision within this layer.
On the other hand, the probability of a collision depends on the
number of molecules in the layer and on the magnitude of the
effective collision cross section a. Fig. 30b shows the gas layer
as seen by the incident molecule A . Circles of diameter 2a are
drawn around each of the target molecules. Whenever an incident
molecule enters one of these circles we say that a collision has
taken place. In order to determine the probability of a collision
of this kind, we must find the relative area occupied by these targets
Suppose that the area of the layer shown in Fig. 30b is S so that
A General Review o f Properties o f Gases 57
This expression was derived on the assumption that all the mole
cules but one are at rest. This assumption is clearly invalid and
the above formula must be corrected for the fact that the target
molecules are also in motion. If it is assumed that all the molecules
behave as if they were perfectly rigid spheres, then the expression
relating X, n, and a is found to be
X = _ L .J_ (3.5)
■ y j2 n < r
7This is not quite true since the mean of a quotient is not equal to the quotient
of the means. However, this mathematical distinction is not of particular
importance in the present context.
58 Motion o f Charged Particles in Plasma
T able 1
- = —+ —+ — (3.8)
b0 — gigi (3.9)
m ,v f
where the subscript i refers to the particle which has been scattered
through 90°. For the sake of simplicity we shall suppose that the
other charged particle (represented by the subscript 2 ) has a much
greater mass and simply acts as a center of the electrostatic force.
Let us draw a circle of radius b0 about this center. Its area will be
•S' = {q\q-i!m^)1. If we set qx = e and q2 = Ze, then
Z 2e4
5 = 7T (3.10)
Collisions between Charged Particles in Plasma 63
which gives the mean value of <re; taking into account the fact
that the electron velocities are not equal, but are distributed in
accordance with Maxwell’s law. This is the reason why the
denominator involves the square of the electron temperature.
The expression for <jee is analogous in form:
, m « 6 - 1 0 - 5-JL. (3.12)
^However, the energy dependence of the effective cross section is given correctly
by Equation (3.10).
64 Motion o f Charged Particles in Plasma
9Since the kinetic energy is given by W = %mv2 and the momentum by p = mv,
it follows that W = p2l1m.
66 Motion o f Charged Particles in Plasma
per cubic centimetre by the ions from the electrons is then equal to
4 X 106 erg, which corresponds to a power transfer of 0.4 kilowatts
per litre. Suppose now that the external source of energy is
switched off, so that after a short interval of time a virtually
complete thermal equilibrium is established between the electrons
and the ions, and T t is practically equal to Te. In point of fact,
with the above rate of heat transfer, each electron will lose on the
average about 4 X 10~12ergin 10 microseconds, which corresponds
to a reduction in its temperature by 30,000°K and a corresponding
increase in the temperature of the ions. Therefore T, and Te will
become equal in only about 20 microseconds after the external
source of energy is switched off. However, if the electron tempera
ture is increased to 108°K, without a change in their concentration,
the rate of heat transfer will be reduced by a factor of 30. The
time necessary to establish thermal equilibrium between the
electrons and the ions will then increase by a factor of 3 X 104,
and will therefore be of the order of a second.
The above examples are purely illustrative. The ratio of Te to T {
may, in general, vary within very wide limits, depending on the
conditions prevailing in the plasma. In a plasma with a low
density of charged particles, the heat transfer between the electrons
and the ions may be very slight at relatively low electron tempera
tures, and therefore a hot electron gas may be mixed with a cold
ion component. However, there are other possible cases when
Te and T,- may be approximately equal. For example, studies of
the radiation emitted by the plasma forming the outer layer of the
sun suggest that the electron and ion temperatures in this plasma
are not very different.
0 5 10 15 20 W(eV)
T able 2
A iv
> «
.^ »—
* £
1 i
a >
^ £
X = -. (3.17)
4.1 Bremsstrahlung
When a free electron passes through the electric field of an ion or
atom, there is a change in the direction and magnitude of its veloci
ty. A large instantaneous change in the velocity of a charged
particle leads to the appearance of electromagnetic radiation whose
energy is supplied at the expense of the kinetic energy of the particle.
This means that, during its collision with an atom, an electron may
lose a part of its energy by emitting a photon. The energy hv of
the photon may amount to any fraction of the initial kinetic energy
We of the electron, but its maximum value is We. The appearance
of a photon with this maximum energy signifies that all the kinetic
energy of a fast electron has been converted into electromagnetic
radiation. Since hv can also assume any other value between 0 and
We, the emitted radiation, or the bremsstrahlung as it is commonly
called, has a continuous spectrum of frequencies between 0 and
We/h, in contrast to the radiation emitted by excited atoms which
consists of discrete spectral lines of definite wavelengths. Plasma
is not the only source of bremsstrahlung. A more common example
is the radiation emitted by x-ray tubes, used for diagnostic or
therapeutic purposes in medicine. In an x-ray tube a beam of fast
82 R a d ia tio n
1 I I
F igure 39. Possible transitions during the recombination o f an electron
and a proton (schematic).
j = vE, (5.4)
Te (°K) V (cgs)
104 10*3
105 3 • 1014
106 10*6
107 310*7
108 10*9
— r > v. (5.8)
It has already been pointed out that r is proportional to v3 and
inversely proportional to the ion concentration, so that r = (a///,)u3,
where a is a numerical coefficient. Substituting this expression into
(5.8), we see that the continuous acceleration of the electron begins
when E v 2 / n i exceeds a certain maximum value. As the electric field
96 Electric Current, Diffusion, and Thermal Conductivity
n0 nte ve<ja
where the bar over the product veoa represents the mean of this
quantity (with allowance for the electron-velocity distribution and
the dependence of <ra on ve). In very approximate calculations, we
may assume that ve is equal to the mean thermal velocity of the
electrons and <ja can be taken at this velocity. The product of these
two parameters should not then be very different from the true
mean of the product ve<ra.
98 Electric Current, Diffusion, and Thermal Conductivity
j = £ 0 sinco/, (5.10)
where o>is the angular frequency of the electric field. All the quanti
ties in this expression are in cgs units. The amplitude j 0 of the
current, that is, its maximum value, is related to the amplitude of
the electric field £ 0 by j 0 = nec2E0/m eo>. Equation (5.10) is valid
when the time between collisions is large in comparison with the
period of the high-frequency oscillations. When this conditions is
not satisfied, the plasma exhibits not only a kind of inertial induct
ance but also a finite resistivity.
The lower part of Fig. 7 shows the variation in the position of an
electron under the influence of a high-frequency field. Just as in the
case of mass point executing oscillations under the influence of a
periodic force, the displacement of the electron under the action
of the alternating electric field lags in phase behind the velocity by
90°. Hence, the displacement S lags 180° behind the force; that is,
the displacement is in a direction opposite to the direction of the
force. It follows that the high-frequency properties of plasma are
the reverse of those of ordinary dielectrics.
In order to obtain a better understanding of these special proper
ties of plasma, consider the situation illustrated in Figs. 43a and b.
These figures represent the displacement of charges in an ordinary
dielectric and in plasma. For convenience, it is assumed that in
both cases only the electrons are displaced. Inspection of the left-
hand drawing, which represents an ordinary dielectric, shows that
the electrons move in the direction of the forces acting upon them,
Plasma in High-frequency Field 101
T= (5.13)
Motion under Action o f Pressure Difference 103
When X < X*, the refractive index of plasma can be obtained from
o o
o ° o
O O o
The quantity (p0 — /?,)/£ is the pressure drop per unit length.
However, this is not a simple quantity, since it is characterized both
by a magnitude and a direction. In point of fact, it is a special type
of vector. When preceded by a minus sign, it is called the pressure
gradient, which in vector analysis is represented by the symbol
grad p. The negative sign is necessary to allow for the fact that the
direction of the gradient is in the direction of increasing pressure,
106 Electric Current, Diffusion, and Thermal Conductivity
o "
rC t *
cU rdn cx
c 3
o Ea
n • cwo M ^
• x
. 0*On« o • •
• ^ • u
. 0.0 • • • . o , • • •
o’. °.O o^ 0o 0-0 . .*
• • • o
° - o °
o . ° • o • . •
• ° * o • n : • : o
o o n
second in the opposite direction. It is clear that the larger the differ
ence in the concentration of the particles from left to right, the
larger the magnitude of the current. The variation in the concentra
tion is indicated by the curve in Fig. 47. The slope of this curve
gives the rate of drop in the concentration n of the impurity. The
relative change in the concentration over a small part of the x axis is
a measure of this drop. It is precisely the concentration gradient
(taken with a negative sign). According to the basic assumptions of
the theory of diffusion, which have been verified experimentally, the
intensity of the current of particles should be proportional to
—grad n. If we denote the diffusion current by Q, we have
Q = —D grad n, (5.18)
where D is the diffusion coefficient. This coefficient is related to the
various quantities which govern the motion of the particles in the
gas. It is clear that the larger the mean velocity and the mean free
path X of the particles, the faster they will diffuse. Therefore, for a
given variation of the concentration, the diffusion current should
increase with increasing velocity and mean free path. This means
that the diffusion coefficient should be a function of v and X. Cal
culations show that
D = -v \. (5.19)
For readers who are interested not only in the theoretical results
expressed by Equations (5.18) and (5.19), but also in the way in
which these formulas may be obtained, we give a derivation based
on the simplest ideas (whose main disadvantage is its somewhat
formal nature). This derivation is unimportant to our subsequent
discussion and may be omitted altogether by readers who are not
interested in mathematical proofs.
A change in the concentration of particles in space means that
there is also a change in the pressure of the component of the gas to
which these particles belong. If the temperature is assumed to be
the same at all points, then Equation (3.1), which relates p, n, and T,
shows that the pressure gradient is simply proportional to the con
centration gradient, and their ratio is equal to kT. However, as has
Motion under Action o f Pressure Difference
already been pointed out, the quantity —grad p is simply the force
acting on all the particles enclosed in a unit volume. The force
acting on a single particle is therefore given by
F = — grad n. (5.20)
W = -U 2 = jjkT.
Experimental Techniques
into the probe from the plasma along the y axis. Positive values of
the current represent an electron current; negative values represent
an ion current. On gradually increasing the voltage applied to the
probe, we successively pass through three different parts of the
probe characteristic. In the region marked A in Fig. 49, the current
flowing to the probe is due to positive ions. In region B there is a
rapid increase in the electron current which reaches saturation (con
stant value) in the region C .'
This form of the curve can be quite simply explained. When the
voltage applied to the probe relative to the plasma is large and
negative, the electrons cannot reach the probe and the current is
due to positive ions only. The current due to these ions is rela
tively small since, for equal concentrations of electrons and ions,
the latter have a much smaller velocity, whilst the magnitude of the
current is proportional to the product of the concentration of the
particles and their velocity. The electron current is cut off so long
as the negative potential on the probe is high enough to prevent the
fastest electrons, in the tail of the Maxwellian distribution, from
reaching the probe. In order to reach the probe, the electrons must
ascend the retarding potential difference and lose kinetic energy by
doing work against the electric field.
Suppose that the absolute magnitude of the retarding potential
difference is U, which means that the potential of the probe relative
to the plasma is — U. Only those electrons can reach the probe
whose kinetic energy is greater than e U. Since the kinetic energy of
the electrons is of the order of kTe, it follows that the electron cur
rent to the probe will remain cut off as long as kTe is much less than
e U. A current will appear when kTc and e U are of the same order of
magnitude. Calculations show that if the electron energy distribu
tion follows Maxwell’s law, then the fraction of the total electron
current which reaches a probe at a potential U is e~eUlkT«. Therefore,
when eU = kTc, only 37% of the electron current will reach the
probe. When eU = 2kTe this figure becomes 12%, and when
eU = 3kTe, only 4% of the electrons reach the probe. Thus the
general expression for the probe current in this region of the char
acteristic is
/ = /, + Ioe-'VtkTe, (6 . 1)
Probe Method 117
( 6 . 2)
The slope of the graph is e/kT e from which the absolute electron
temperature Te can be calculated. We note that this method of
determining Te is based on the assumption that the electron energy
distribution is Maxwellian, so that the electron current is propor
tional to e~eU,kT«. The probe characteristic itself may serve as a
Inle a
/. = (6.3)
F igure 52. Basic arrangement for measuring the refractive index o f plasma
by measuring the number o f wavelengths which can be fitte d into a layer o f
plasma: 1 — high-frequency oscillator, 2 — receiver.
At the point A the radiation is divided into two parts, one of which
travels via B i along the bent continuous waveguide, while the other
travels along B 2 and passes through a chamber containing the
plasma. The two waves are reunited at C. The intensity of the
radiation recorded by the receiver depends on the result of the re
combination at C. If the two waves reach the point C in phase,
that is if the crests of one coincide with the crests of the other, as in
Fig. 53a, then the two waves interfere constructively and the signal
recorded by the receiver reaches a maximum value. If, on the other
hand, the waves differ in phase by 180° and the crests of one of the
waves correspond to the troughs of the other, then there is destruc
tive interference, and the strength of the signal is reduced (Fig. 53b).
Suppose that, to begin with, there is no plasma in the container.
122 Experimental Techniques
e - W u lk T e
eW u-w pkT e' (6.4)
This does not mean that the ratio of intensities will be precisely
equal to this quantity, since the intensity is also a function of the
internal properties of the atom, which have an effect on the transi
tion probability. However, these additional factors are tempera
ture-independent and can be approximately taken into account.
Therefore, when W\\ — W\ is much greater than kTe, the factor
e (wi-wu)ikT, is v e r y sensitive to the ratio of the line intensities, and
its magnitude may be used to estimate the electron temperature.
In some cases, it is possible to use other spectroscopic measure
ments to determine Te. For example, if the plasma has a very high
concentration, then in the far infrared region it emits as a perfect
blackbody at the temperature Te. Therefore, by measuring the
absolute flux of radiant energy emitted by plasma in the form of
infrared radiation, it is possible to estimate the electron tempera
Spectroscopic determinations of plasma concentration are very
difficult because they involve the accurate measurement of the
absolute intensities of spectral lines. The temperature of the atoms
and ions in plasma is usually deduced from various indirect data.
However, in some cases, spectroscopic measurements can also be
Plasma Spectrometry 125
used for this purpose. The point is that the temperature of the
atoms is related to the width of the spectral lines emitted by them.
This is due to the Doppler effect, which relates the frequency of a
wave to the velocity of the source. A simple example of the
Doppler effect is the increase in the pitch of the whistle from an ap
proaching locomotive, and the reduction in this pitch which is ob
served as soon as the locomotive moves away. These phenomena
are encountered both in acoustics and in optics. For example, if a
source of light moves towards the receiver with a velocity u, the
frequency of the oscillations measured by the receiver is given by
a b
— 1
— 2
— 1
l 1H
unit length which carries a current j. The force acting on this con
ductor must be equal to jH /c.
This conclusion can be generalized somewhat by considering the
case when j and H are at an angle different from 90°. Under these
conditions, the field strength may be resolved into two components,
one of which is parallel (H n) and the other perpendicular (H±) to
the current. The component H\\ has no effect whatsoever on the
current and therefore the force is equal to jH ± /c. It can also be
written in the form jH sin d/c, where 0 is the angle between the direc
tions of j and H. In the language of vector algebra, with which we
are already familiar, this means that the force acting on the unit
cube may be written in the form j X H/c.
This is the force which balances the pressure in the plasma when
it is placed in a magnetic field. For equilibrium, it is necessary that
the electrodynamic force be equal and opposite to the forces acting
on the boundary layer due to the pressure drop across it. It has al
ready been explained in Chapter 3 that this force is equal to —grad
p, and therefore the condition for equilibrium of plasma in a mag
netic field is
i j X H = grad p. (7.1)
This formula is quite general. It holds both for the boundary layer
and for any volume element within the plasma.
In order to elucidate the physical significance of Equation (7.1),
we must first establish the reason for the appearance of a current.
This can be done with the aid of Fig. 58a, which shows the cross
section of a cylinder of plasma. The trajectory of each particle in
this cross section may be represented by a Larmor circle. For the
sake of clarity, only the electron Larmor orbits are shown. Let us
suppose that the pressure is constant over the cross section except
for a very narrow boundary layer where it suddenly drops to zero.
Under these conditions, the Larmor circles are uniformly dis
tributed over the area occupied by the plasma. The motion of the
particles inside the plasma does not result in a net current flow
since any given point is traversed with equal probability by particles
with opposite directions of motion. However, near the boundary,
130 Plasma in a Magnetic Field
m (7.3)
The higher the concentration and temperature of the plasma, the
greater the field strength required to balance the pressure.
The above three ways of describing the behavior of plasma in a
magnetic field are equivalent, since they describe the same physical
phenomenon in different ways. In particular. Equation (7.1) may
be applied to the current flowing in the boundary layer of the
plasma, and this will again yield Equation (7.2). Without repro
ducing this proof, we note that, qualitatively, the equivalence of
the two methods of determining the electrodynamic forces is a
consequence of the relationship between the current density j and
the change in H. If the current flows at right-angles to the uniform
132 Plasma in a Magnetic Field
F igure 59. Origin o f the forces which compress a cylinder o f plasma when a
current flows through it (Hi — magnetic field due to the current).
pa = I j X H - grad p, (7.4)
where p is the density, that is, mass per unit volume, and a is the
acceleration of the plasma. All the quantities entering into this
equation are given per unit volume. Therefore, the left-hand side
consists of the density p multiplied by the acceleration, while the
right-hand side consists of the vector sum of forces acting on a
unit volume of the plasma.
Inspection of Equations (7.1) and (7.4) will show an important
property: These equations have nothing in them to indicate that
they refer to plasma, since the microscopic structure of the medium
enters into them under the guise of the macroscopic parameters p,
a, and p. The equations can equally well be used for the analysis
of phenomena occurring in a strong magnetic field in any con
ducting medium capable of changing its form under the action of
external forces. This means, in particular, that Equations (7.1)
and (7.4) are valid not only for plasma but also for a conducting
liquid, provided its conductivity is high enough and gravitational
and capillary forces can be neglected. Therefore, Equation (7.4)
is usually referred to as the basic equation of magnetohydrody
In our analysis of the behavior of plasma in a magnetic field,
we saw that Equation (7 .1) could be derived on the basis of macro
scopic considerations without explicitly taking into account the laws
governing the motion of the ions and electrons, and without
discussing the mechanism responsible for the appearance of the
electric field in plasma. As long as we are using the conducting
liquid model to describe the various processes occurring in plasma,
we may consider that the current can flow freely both along and
at right-angles to the lines of force. However, we cannot confine
our attention to this simplified theory because sooner or later we
shall encounter the following question: What effect has the
magnetic field on the current flowing through the plasma, and in
particular, under what conditions will the current flow at right-
134 Plasma in a Magnetic Field
V / / / / / / / / / Z ___
where E' is the electric field due to the initial separation of the
electrons and ions. The factor 1/n on the right-hand side of
Equation (7.5) is introduced because we are dealing with the force
on a single ion rather than all the ions in a unit volume. Therefore,
140 Plasma in a Magnetic Field
when one is concerned with the validity of Ohm’s law in the case
of plasma in a magnetic field, one must remember that the relation
between the current and the electric field strength in the plasma does
not include the component of the electric field which is balanced by
the ion pressure gradient. This means that the field E' in Equation
(5.4) need not be taken into account.
2. When the plasma as a whole moves with velocity v, the rela
tion between the current and the field is
This equation shows that, during its motion across the magnetic
field, the plasma experiences an induced field represented by the
second term in the brackets. 14 This field must always be added to
the electric field produced by external sources. It follows from
Equation (7.6) that, in the case of plasma moving with a drift
velocity cE/H, the quantity in brackets must be equal to zero.
This gives a new and independent interpretation of the disappear
ance of the current in plasma moving freely in crossed fields.
The current in a drifting plasma is equal to zero simply because the
resultant electric field is zero.
3. Although the relation between j and E in the presence of a
transverse magnetic field in plasma in equilibrium is the same as in
the absence of the field, this does not mean that the physical picture
is identical in the two cases. In particular, it is obvious that, in the
presence of a strong transverse magnetic field, the electrons cannot
be continuously accelerated.
14This field appears in any conductor moving through magnetic lines of force.
Diffusion in Magnetic Field 141
D = (7.7)
some small impurity within it. (This was assumed in the analysis
of diffusion processes in the absence of the field.) This aspect
represents a further fundamental difference between plasma
processes occurring in the absence and in the presence of a field.
When H = 0, a nonuniform distribution in the plasma pressure
leads to a current rather than to diffusion. If the magnetic field
strength is not zero, the difference in the plasma pressure is balanced
by a corresponding difference in the electrodynamic pressure in
such a way that the sum p + H 2/%-k is constant over the cross
section of the plasma (provided that the lines of force are straight).
Therefore, under these conditions, one should observe a gradual
disappearance of the boundary between the regions of different
values of p and a tendency towards a uniform spacial distribution
of plasma.
The outward diffusion current from the region occupied by
plasma leads to dispersion of the plasma which originally occupied
a clearly defined region in a magnetic field, with the result that
plasma eventually reaches the walls of the vessel. This phenome
non exhibits another aspect, namely, a decrease in the magnitude of
the current flowing in the boundary layer of the plasma. We
have already pointed out, in the preceding section, that this current
is a direct consequence of the very existence of plasma confined
by a magnetic field. The length of persistence of this current depends
on the duration of the diffusion process. If there were no collisions
between the particles, there would be no change in the configura
tion of the plasma in the plane perpendicular to H (since under these
conditions D = 0). It follows that the current would remain con
stant. This result can obviously be related to the fact that, in the
absence of collisions, the plasma behaves as a superconductor
(since the electrical conductivity is proportional to the average time
between collisions). By definition, the flow of current through a
superconductor does not require an electromotive force to maintain
the current.
The situation is quite different when collisions do take place.
The diffusive dispersion of the plasma gives rise to a change in its
concentration, and this, in its turn, leads to a change in the magnetic
field inside the plasma (since with decreasing concentration there
Diffusion in Magnetic Field 143
tention to the simple case where H and n vary only in the plane
perpendicular to the lines of force, but remain constant along the
lines of force. We can then imagine a filament of plasma in space,
which is parallel to H and is thin enough so that H and n may be
regarded as essentially constant. We shall suppose further that the
plasma as a whole is moving across the magnetic lines of force.
In all other respects, the motion will be assumed to be arbitrary.
Our imaginary filament of plasma may have a variable cross section
and may undergo compression and expansion, in which its cross-
sectional area will decrease or increase. Accordingly, there may
be a change in the concentration of the particles in a particular
volume element. Suppose that, at the initial instant of time, the
cross-sectional area of the filament of plasma is Si and the plasma
concentration is n\ so that the total number of particles per unit
length is n\S\. After a certain interval of time, the cross-sectional
area will change and become equal to, say, S 2 while the concentra
tion will be «2 - Since the total number of particles per unit length
must remain constant, it follows that «i*Si = H2S2 and, therefore
rti = S 2
112 Si
It must be noted that this result will only be valid if the motion
of the plasma particles is collective in character, that is, if the plasma
moves as a whole and the diffusion processes, tending to equalize
the concentration at different points, may be ignored. This condi
tion holds only for sufficiently rapid processes for which the time
intervals under consideration are much smaller than the time
necessary to retain the plasma in the magnetic field. For fast
motion, the magnetic flux in each filament of the plasma is also
conserved. The magnetic flux is equal to the product of the mag
netic field H and the cross-sectional area S. The conservation of
the magnetic flux in fast processes is a consequence of the law of
induction, according to which a change in the magnetic flux
through a conductor results in the appearance of an induced
electromotive force. The latter gives rise to the current which pro
duces a magnetic field tending to oppose the original change in the
magnetic flux. The electromotive force is proportional to the rate
Diffusion in Magnetic Field 145
where pis the density of the plasma; that is, p = nrm. Provided the
density is not too low, the permittivity €mag is practically always high
Thus, for example, in hydrogen plasma with n = 1013 particles per
cm3 and H = 10,000 Oe, the permittivity is found to be about 2,000.
The large magnitude of €raag gives rise to some very interesting prop
erties of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in magnetized
plasma (see Section 7.5).
Equation (7.12) is not universally valid. It holds only when the
electric field varies slowly. If the frequency of the field is com
parable with the Larmor frequency of the ions, Equation (7.12)
can no longer be used.
We shall use the above expression for emag to analyze a fairly
simple paradox concerned with the behavior of magnetized plasma
in a gravitational field. Consider a plasma concentration in the
form of a parallelepiped placed in a uniform magnetic field which is
at right-angles to the gravitational field. At first sight, it would
appear that the plasma will not fall since each charged particle will
execute a drift motion at right-angles to both the gravitational and
magnetic fields. However, it is evident from Fig. 64 that the drift
motion leads to the appearance of equal and opposite charges on
the surfaces of the condensation which, in turn, produce an electric
field. This field also gives rise to a drift in the direction of the
gravitational force. The drift of the particles under the action of the
force mg takes place with the velocity u = (c/eH )m g. If the plasma
concentration is n, the extra charge q formed on each square centi
meter of the lateral surface of the plasma in a time t will be neut
(only the drift of the ions is taken into account), so that
According to the laws of electrostatics, the electric field inside the
plasma due to these charges is equal to 4irq/€mag. If we now suppose
148 Plasma in a Magnetic Field
that «mae is much greater than unity, we need only take the second
term in Equation (7.12) and assume that €maR = A-wnmic2/ H 2. The
electric field in the plasma is then given by
4wq H
E =
2. The temperature of the electrons and ions is the same and re
mains constant over the cross section of the filament.
3. The plasma filament is in the form of a cylinder of circular
cross section.
It follows from the first assumption that the electrodynamic
forces act on the surface layer of the filament and, since they must
be balanced by the pressure, we have
where Hi is the magnetic field due to the current at the outer surface
of the filament. Since Te = 7), the pressure in the plasma is 2nkT.
The magnetic field strength due to the current on the surface of the
filament is directly proportional to the current / and inversely pro
portional to the radius of the filament ro. As is shown in textbooks
on electricity and magnetism,
H, = — , (7.16)
where c is the velocity of light and / is measured in electrostatic
units. Substituting these expressions for p and H into (7.15), we
have after some rearrangement
/ 2 = \c \r \n k T . (7.17)
The quantity ■nr^i is the number of particles of given sign per unit
length of the plasma filament. We shall represent it by N. Equa
tion (7.17) may then be rewritten in the form
p = 4c2NkT. (7.18)
If we now substitute the numerical value for k and express I in
amperes (1 ampere = 3 X 109 esu), Equation (7.18) becomes
I 2 = 5.5-10-14AT, (7.19)
which is more convenient for practical calculations.
The relation between / and T was derived above for a current
flowing on the surface of the plasma filament. A more detailed
theoretical analysis shows that this relationship remains valid for
any distribution of current over the cross section of the plasma
150 Plasma in a Magnetic Field
ring is due to the fact that each element of length of the ring ex
periences a force due to the magnetic fields of all the other elements.
For example, the segment ab experiences the field due to the seg
ment cd. Since the currents are equal and opposite, the two ele
ments repel as indicated in Fig. 65. The current ring will therefore
tend to expand, and its radius R will increase.
This property of the current ring is an example of a general
result in electrodynamics: Namely, a conductor which carries a
current always tends to increase its self-inductance. For a linear
conductor, the increase in the self-inductance occurs when its length
increases and the cross-sectional area decreases.
If there were no forces preventing the expansion of the ring, the
G as leak Plasm a
4E J
V / / '/ 7 7 V / / T
/ / 7
Si S%
1----- 11
© © 00 ®
© ©
© ® © ©F ©
A <
0 © © ©
0 © ©
0 © ©
© © ___
* ( 7 ' 2 0 )
where / is the elastic constant, that is, the ratio of the force to the
deflection, and m is the mass of the body executing the oscillations.
This formula is valid for any process in which the restoring force is
Oscillations and Waves in Plasma 155
J'o = — J—
2lT = \ 7Wle = 9 -!03V^.
15The electric field inside the region A is equal to 4 irq, where q is the charge per
unit area on Si or Si. Electrons displaced through a distance £ produce an extra
charge o f q = ne£.
156 Plamsa in a Magnetic Field
tenuated in the plasma; that is, their energy will be absorbed and
converted into heat. Under these conditions, the sound can only
propagate through plasma over very short distances.
The Langmuir electron oscillations and ion sound are forms of
periodic motion of matter in the longitudinal direction. This
motion gives rise to longitudinal electric fields. However, ordinary
electromagnetic waves can also propagate through plasma. Let us
recall some of the main properties of such waves: In their simplest
form, electromagnetic waves are a periodic process in which the
electric and magnetic fields are strictly related to each other. In
vacuum, the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves is
always the same and equal to c. Both the electric and magnetic
fields in the wave are perpendicular to the direction of propagation;
that is, the waves are transverse oscillations of the two components
of the electromagnetic field as illustrated in Fig. 69. In a material
medium, the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves is
c/'yjt, where e is the permittivity. In the absence of a magnetic field
the permittivity of plasma is less than unity, and therefore the
velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasma is
greater than the velocity of light in a vacuum. Electromagnetic
waves cannot penetrate into plasma and propagate in it if their
frequency is less than p0, since the permittivity is then negative
and the velocity of the wave complex.
The propagation of electromagnetic waves in magnetized plasma
is of particular interest. The phenomenon is very complicated and
Oscillations and Waves in Plasma 157
F igure 71. Propagation o f a sound wave in magnetized plasma. The wave
is associated with the bending o f the lines o f force.
= <7-23>
Such transverse electromagnetic oscillations, which propagate
along the lines of force as if these were elastic threads, are called
Alfven waves, after the Swedish astrophysicist who predicted them.
The properties of sound waves are also modified in the case of
magnetized plasma. In a sound wave, the oscillations of the medi
um occur in the direction of propagation, and therefore a magnetic
field frozen into the plasma may have an important effect on the
Oscillations and Waves in Plasma 159
Technological Applications
H2 + H2
cHe2 + «'
H 3 + / / ',
( 8. 1)
16W e recall that deuterium is the hydrogen iso to p e with atom ic w eight 2, w hile
tritium is the hydrogen isotop e with atom ic w eight 3.
Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions 161
The two arrows show that a collision between two deuterons may
result in the -appearance of either a helium nucleus and a neutron,
or a tritium nucleus and a proton. In the first case, the energy re
leased in the fusion reaction is about 3.3 MeV (MeV = million
electron-volts), while in the second case, the energy is about 4 MeV.
When the masses involved in the reactions are the same, the energy
released in the fusion process is found to be approximately the same
as the fission energy released in uranium reactors. However, the con
ditions which must be obtained before the reactions can take place
are quite different in the two cases. Fission can occur in a medium
whose atoms are at rest, since atomic nuclei play a passive role and
are simply targets for the bombarding neutrons. In contrast, the
fusion reaction can only occur in a medium whose nuclei are in very
rapid motion. The basic fusion reaction can only occur when the
two interacting particles approach each other to within a distance of
the order of 10“ 13 cm. This can only happen if they overcome their
mutual electrostatic repulsion, that is, if they have a very high
relative velocity. This in its turn means that the temperature of the
medium must be very high. It follows that the necessary condition
for the fusion reaction to proceed at a high rate is that the medium
must be very hot. Hence the term thermonuclear reaction.
Calculations show that fusion reactions of the type described by
Equation (8.1) occur at an appreciable rate only above temperatures
of the order of a few million degrees but in order that the liberated
energy be of practical interest, the temperature of the deuterium
must be increased to a few hundred million degrees. At such
temperatures, the deuterium can, of course, no longer exist as a
neutral medium and is converted into highly ionized plasma con
sisting of fast deuterons and electrons. It is evident that the main
difficulty lies in the insulation of the high-temperature plasma from
the walls of the chamber in which it is contained. Since plasma has
an enormous thermal conductivity, this insulation is essential, be
cause otherwise all the energy would immediately escape to the
walls and the required high temperature would not be reached.
This means that the plasma must, in effect, be contained in a high
vacuum, and this can only be achieved with the aid of a magnetic
field whose lines of force surround the plasma. In point of fact, the
162 Technological Applications
Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions 165
a b
F igure 78. Magnetic trap with opposing fields (the coils producing the
field are represented by the rectangles).
volume which has the form of a spinning top. This magnetic trap
will retain particles for which the angle between the direction of
motion and the lines of force is not too small.
Since the external magnetic field in these magnetic traps serves
only as the thermal insulator, the problem of heating the plasma is
quite independent of the trapping problem. It can be resolved in
various ways; for example, it is possible to inject into the trap
plasmoids, accelerated to high velocities with the aid of electro
dynamic injectors of the kind described in the preceding chapter.
However, the most important problem is not the development of
methods for filling up magnetic traps with plasma, but the elucida
tion of the conditions under which stable retention of hot plasma in
the trap is possible.
The first of the above mentioned two traps presents the most
serious difficulties as far as stability is concerned. This system has
one obvious disadvantage: The magnetic field decreases in the
radial direction, that is, at right-angles to the axis. Since the plasma
exhibits diamagnetic properties, and therefore tends to move in the
direction of decreasing magnetic field, it follows that if a small
pimple or hump appears on the surface of the plasma, it will tend to
grow in the radial direction. As a result, random surface deforma
tion will lead to the appearance of streaks of plasma whose length
will continuously increase. This will eventually result in the expan
sion of the plasma, bringing it into contact with the walls.
A similar conclusion can be reached by considering the variation
of the ratio of plasma pressure to the magnetic pressure during a
deformation of the surface of the plasma. Let us suppose, for the
sake of simplicity, that the magnetic field in the plasma is zero.
Under these conditions, we have p = H 2/ 8 t on the boundary be
tween the plasma and the field. If a small section of the surface is
deformed so that it enters a region of lower field strength, the
equilibrium of the forces is upset, and the pressure in the plasma
will no longer be balanced by the electrodynamic force. Therefore,
the deformation will tend to increase. These qualitative conclusions
are supported by detailed theoretical calculations and are in agree
ment with the experimental results. In spite of the large number of
attempts at achieving stable retention of plasma within mirror traps,
Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions 173
joining the centers of the two coils. In the absence of the con
ductors, the system would form a simple magnetic trap of the form
previously illustrated in Fig. 15. However, the additional con
ductors carry currents which flow in directions normal in the plane
perpendicular to the axis and produce a field whose magnitude in
creases with the distance r from the axis. In particular, for a system
consisting of six such conductors, the field H near the axis increases
in proportion to r2. This magnetic trap was used in the first success
ful experiment in which high-temperature plasma was maintained
in a stable configuration for time intervals of the order of a tenth of
a second.
Although an interval of time of the order of one-tenth of a second
seems rather short in comparison to the time intervals encountered
in every-day life, it is nevertheless very long in comparison to the
time intervals which characterize the development of micro-
processes in plasma. For example, a fast electron in hot plasma
may succeed in traversing the plasma several hundred times in one-
tenth of a second, and the corresponding path length in the plasma
will exceed 100 km. This means that one-tenth of a second repre
sents a satisfactory retension of the particles in the plasma. This
result was achieved by M. S. Ioffe in the Department of Plasma
Studies of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the USSR, and is the
major achievement in the development of controlled thermonuclear
reactions in recent years.
M agnetohydrodynamic Conversion o f Energy 175
It is, of course, still too early to say that the way is now open to
the successful utilization of thermonuclear generators of energy.
So far, it has only been possible to retain the plasma particles in a
magnetic field at relatively low concentrations and it is still not
known what will be the behavior of dense plasma under these
conditions. It must also be remembered that there are still no effec
tive methods of producing high-temperature plasma of high con
centration. However, one gains the impression that one of the main
barriers to the successful development of thermonuclear generators
has been removed and that technological developments will finally
lead to a successful solution of this problem. Thermonuclear fusion
will then become an important new source of energy available for
the requirements of mankind.
F ig u re 80. B a s ic a rra n g e m e n t o f a m a g n e to h y d r o d y n a m ic c o n v e r te r
{th e n o z z le is on th e le ft).
176 Technological Applications
where b is the width of the plasma jet and / the length of the elec
trodes, that is, the length of the region in which the plasma is
decelerated. It is assumed that the magnetic field is uniform over
the entire area bl. For a given set of parameters defining the geo
metric dimensions of the generator and properties of the plasma
jet, the maximum transfer of energy (although not the maximum
efficiency) corresponds to Ri = R 2 . Under these conditions
W = 1 0 -1 6 (8.5)
17These remarks are concerned only with physical principles and are not meant
to indicate that the practical design problems of magnetohydrodynamic generators
and plasma engines are identical. The two devices are, in fact, quite different.
182 Technological Applications
E le c tr o n c h a r g e e = 4 .8 - 1 0 - * ° e s u
E le c tr o n m a ss me = 9 . 10- 28 g
P r o to n m a ss trip = 1 .6 7 - 1 0 - 24 g
S p e e d o f lig h t c — 3 * 1 0 10 c m /s e c
P la n c k ’s c o n s ta n t h = 6.62* 10“27 erg sec
B a ltz m a n n c o n s ta n t k = 1 .3 8 * 10—1 6 e r g /d e g r e e
186 Index
K in e tic th e o r y o f g a se s, 55
F araday, 131, 145
L a n g m u ir e le c tr o n o s c illa tio n s , 156
F ermi, E nrico , 50
L a n g m u ir o s c illa tio n s , 153
F is s io n , 160
L a n g m u ir p r o b e s, 114
F r e q u e n c y , 23
L a r m o r c ir c le , 3 4 , 129
F u lly io n iz e d p la sm a , 68, 82
L a rm o r fr e q u e n c y , 2 9 , 3 9 , 147, 157
F u s io n , 160
L a rm o r m o tio n , 4 0
F u s io n r e a c tio n , 161
L a r m o r p e r io d , 4 4
L a r m o r r a d iu s, 2 8 , 3 2 , 3 5 , 127
G a s d isc h a r g e , 148 L a rm o r r o ta tio n , 4 2 , 86, 131
G a s-k in e tic p ressu re, 143 L a w o f in d u c tio n , 144
G ay-L ussac, 52 L a w s o f B o y le , 52
G e o m e tr ic a l c r o ss s e c tio n , 80 L o n g itu d in a l e le c tr ic field , 43
G r a v ita tio n a l field , 147 L o w -te m p e r a tu r e p la sm a , 64
Index 187
158 T h e r m o n u c le a r r e a c tio n , 6 4 , 1 6 0 -
P e r m ittiv ity o f p la sm a , 1 46, 157 163, 1 7 0 , 1 7 4
P in c h e ffe c t, 1 48, 1 5 0 , 1 62, 170 T h e r m o n u c le a r r e a c to r , 8 2 , 8 9 , 143
P la n c k ’s c o n s ta n t, 7 7 T o k a m a k in s ta lla tio n s , 169
P la s m a , 4 , 7, 10 T r a n sv e r se e le c tr ic field , 4 5
P la sm a c o n d u c tiv ity , 1 37 T r o c h o id a l m o tio n , 4 5
P la sm a e n g in e , 181 T r o c h o id a l o r b it, 134
P la sm a fila m e n t, 1 6 3 , 165, 169 T r o c h o id s , 4 5
P la s m a in je c to r , 152 T rubnikov , B . A ., 87
188 Index