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Synthesis Essay Template

Everything you need to construct a strong synthesis essay.

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DIRECTIONS FOR – SYNTHESIS Essay (Embedded Assessment #2 – Unit 1)


 ALL QUOTES MUST BE DOCUMENTED. (Follow the format in your quote guide.)

 NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS - I, you, me, we, our, your, etc. (You may have
personal pronouns if used in your quotes.)
 DO NOT USE CONTRACTIONS. (You may have contractions in quotes.)

You are to write a five-paragraph essay.


In a well-developed synthesis essay, using 3-5 sources and your own observations – defend,
challenge, or qualify the statement that “The America still provides access to the American Dream”.
Integrate a variety of sources into a coherent, well-written ARGUMENTATIVE essay. Your
observations should be central and your observations support this argument.

1. Once you have determined what your topic is, and the three main ideas that will be in favor (DEFEND) or against (CHALLENGE) that topic, construct
your thesis statement.
2. Combine these arguments into a single statement of your topic plus an opinion that reflects your arguments. This is your thesis statement!
3. The thesis sentence will be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph and will clearly state the topic of your paper.
Example: America, a land once full of opportunity and riches for those who worked hard and had a vision, now provides less access to the “American
Dream” because of economic barriers1, an ever-shrinking middle-class2, and a collapse of traditional family values3.

FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH – Your first body paragraph will focus on the first reason you gave in your thesis.
Begin your body paragraph with a broad topic sentence that ties directly to your thesis sentence.
Example: Economic hardships are happening with greater frequency than in years past.

1. You need two concrete details (specific examples from a text read in class) to support your topic sentence. The detail must be a quote or example
from the story.
2. After each quote, be sure to give 2 commentaries explaining what the quote shows and/or why it is significant. (This shows that…; This is important
3. Be sure to use transitions within your paragraph so that you move smoothly from one sentence to the next.
4. Be sure your quotes fit smoothly into your paper. Quotes are often most effective if they actually become part of one of your own sentences.
5. You will need a concluding sentence to pull your paragraph together.

SECOND BODY PARAGRAPH – Your second body paragraph will focus on another reason (stated in thesis).
1. Begin your body paragraph with a broad topic sentence that ties directly to your thesis sentence. Be sure this sentence includes a transition as well.

Example: The average American or the middle class keeps growing and has more responsibilities
the previous generations.

2. Follow steps 2 through 5 just as you did for your first body paragraph.

Third BODY PARAGRAPH – Your third body paragraph will focus on final reason (stated in thesis).
1. Begin your body paragraph with a broad topic sentence that ties directly to your thesis sentence. Be sure this sentence includes a transition as well.

Example: The days of a “typical two-parent household” where the father is the breadwinner and the
mother stays at home to rear children are gone.
2. Follow steps 2 through 5 just as you did for your first body paragraph.

1. Reword your thesis sentence.
2. Briefly recap the main points from your body paragraphs.
3. Finally, make some wrap up statements about the concept behind the theme and what Arthur Miller intended his audience to “walk away with”, how
might this truth affect/impact the lives of the readers, why might the author have wanted to make this point, etc. (Be sure you do not lapse into
first person in your conclusion.)
4. End with a strong “clincher” sentence, one that gives a sense of finality to your paper. Ending sentences are important because they make a lasting
impression on your reader.
DIRECTIONS FOR – SYNTHESIS Essay (Embedded Assessment #2 – Unit 1)

Topic (define your concept of the American Dream – think about “The Four Freedoms” and “The Declaration of Independence)


Narrowing sentence that focuses the lens of the paper (are you DEFENDing, CHALLENGEing, or QUALIFYing)


Working thesis sentence with 3 reasons or to be examined, etc. (Why, listing 3 reasons – think money, education access, etc.).

Working topic sentence first body paragraph


Concrete detail #1 (Quote from a specific article that supports your claim)

Commentary #1 supporting detail #1______________________________________________________________________________

Commentary #2 supporting detail #2______________________________________________________________________________

Concrete detail #2 (A second QUOTE – possibly an acknowledgement of a counterclaim or opposite side of the argument)


Commentary #1 supporting detail #1______________________________________________________________________________

Commentary #2 supporting detail #2______________________________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS FOR – SYNTHESIS Essay (Embedded Assessment #2 – Unit 1)

Conclusion Sentence ______________________________________________________________________________________

Working topic sentence second body paragraph


Concrete detail #1 (Quote from a specific article that supports your claim)

Commentary #1 supporting detail #1______________________________________________________________________________

Commentary #2 supporting detail #2______________________________________________________________________________

Concrete detail #2 (A second QUOTE – possibly an acknowledgement of a counterclaim or opposite side of the argument)


Commentary #1 supporting detail #1______________________________________________________________________________

Commentary #2 supporting detail #2______________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion Sentence ______________________________________________________________________________________

Working topic sentence third body paragraph


Concrete detail #1 (Quote from a specific article that supports your claim)
DIRECTIONS FOR – SYNTHESIS Essay (Embedded Assessment #2 – Unit 1)

Commentary #1 supporting detail #1______________________________________________________________________________

Commentary #2 supporting detail #2______________________________________________________________________________

Concrete detail #2 (A second QUOTE – possibly an acknowledgement of a counterclaim or opposite side of the argument)


Commentary #1 supporting detail #1______________________________________________________________________________

Commentary #2 supporting detail #2______________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion Sentence ______________________________________________________________________________________

Reword your thesis___________________________________________________________________________________________

Briefly recap the main points of your three-body paragraphs___________________________________________________________

Clincher sentence – the final statement that will convince the reader of your opinion if there is nothing else that is read of the paper.

DIRECTIONS FOR – SYNTHESIS Essay (Embedded Assessment #2 – Unit 1)

Defend, challenge, or qualify: _________________________

Text(s) used to support this Text(s) used to support this Text(s) used to support this

1. 1. 1.

2. 2.


Texts that could be used as

Texts that could be used as Texts that could be used as
opposition. opposition.
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