#22 - The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22 For LEONARDO
#22 - The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22 For LEONARDO
#22 - The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22 For LEONARDO
Training 1
Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
Paused Snatch + Snatch Gymnastics Skill Development: Rope Climb
1. Find your daily max in 1 snatch with a 3 sec pause just above the knee + 1 snatch. 2x Jump high + Hold
2. Drop down to 80-90% of 1. and do 10 x 1 snatch, focusing on maintaining good positions throughout the 2x Jump high + Rope anchor
lift. 2x 1 Rope climb complex (jump + pull up + toes to rope + climb) Video
*The pause in the snatch allows you to you really make sure your hips and chest are coming up at the *Use this part to practise again the most efficient way to climb up the rope (high jump + high and tight
same time and speed, try to then replicate the same movement pattern without the pause for the second anchor) to prepare yourself for rope climbs with a weighted vest.
Gymnastics Conditioning:
Snatch Deadlift 6 rounds, each for time:
5 x 3 @ 100% of your most recent 1RM snatch. 400m Run with weighted vest
*Focus on not allowing the bum to rise quickly, focus on the eccentric portion of the rep, lowering slowly. 2/1 Rope climb 15ft with weighted vest
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Overhead Walking Lunges
Ideally this set is done with 2x KBs or DBs however if you can’t go heavy enough use a barbell. *Focus is to maintain times over the 6 rounds. Go hard on the run and then straight into the rope climb.
10m for max weight. However, make sure you climb up efficiently and avoid any failures.
CrossFit: Plyometrics:
4 rounds for time: 3 rounds:
10m OH walking lunges with 2x KB 16-32kg Choose a weight that is heavy but you can manage unbroken. 10 Single leg step ups with jump Video
10 Box step overs with 2x KB 24/20in 10 One legged seated box jumps (5 each leg) Video
5 Hang squat snatches 80/50kg 2 Box jump complex Video
10 Burpee box jump overs 24/20in
*The goal is to go fast and to keep the lunges unbroken and the snatches without failure.
Daily Movement Drill:
Week 4/4 Bridge:
Max time in bridge hold (max 2 min). Scaled Option: Video Full version: Video
Accessory: Goal by the end of this cycle is to have the feet on the floor and the arms straight with hands under your
3 rounds: shoulders.
10 Twisting back extensions (each side) Video
10 GHD around the world Video
LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22
Training 2
Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
STOH Chipper (from rack/blocks) Gymnastic Skill Development:
For time: RMU warm up:
10x 40/25kg 5 Kip swings
10x 50/35kg 5 Kip swings with WB between feet
8x 60/45kg 2-3 RMU transition
8x 70/55kg 2-3 RMU transition with WB between feet
6x 80/60kg 2-3 RMU with WB between feet
6x 90/65kg
4x 100/70kg A)
4x 105/75kg For time:
2x 110/80kg 10/7 RMU with light WB 4-8kg
2x 115/85kg 10/7 RMU
*The sets don’t have to be unbroken, you can drop the bar in between although at the lighter weights it’s Rest 10 minutes, then
recommended to practise TnG reps. Scale the weights up to a maximum of
45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90% of your 1RM. Focus on fast lockout, avoid jumping forward and make B)
sure you recover the feet properly after a split jerk to show control. 5 rounds:
#FocusoftheDay 5/3 RMU
5 Man Makers 22.5/15kg
Front Squat *The WB obviously makes the RMU more challenging however it is a good test of how organised you are
1. Build to a heavy double with a 2 sec pause in the bottom position on the first rep. during the muscle up (leading with toes not knees).
2. Drop to 80-90% and perform 3 x 2 without pause.
CrossFit: 3 rounds of:
For time: 20m Heavy Yolk carry
15-12-9-6-3 200m Sled drag
Front squats 60/45kg Choose a heavy but managle weight for the Yolk that you can move without a break over the 20m.
Bar facing burpees Substitute barbell walk between two racks.
*Obviously arms will be fatigued from the chipper however, the goal is to keep the FS unbroken and move
with the fastest maintainable pace on the burpees.
For quality:
Accessory: 50 Banded wood chops (each side) Video
For quality:
Accumulate 3 reps each arm of 1 TGU with a DB.
Accumulate 3 reps each arm of 1 TGU with a KB. Daily Movement Drill:
Accumulate 3 reps each arm of 1 TGU with a barbell. Week 4/4 Bridge:
No need to go for a daily max, just use a heavy weight you can move with quality. Max time in bridge hold (Max 2 min).
LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22
Training 3
Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Conditioning:
Banded Deadlift Video (Note, video is with deficit) Bike Erg
1. Build to a heavy set of 3 banded deadlifts. 2 x 20 pieces min with cadence increasing:
2. Keep the weight and do 3 x 3 without band. 5 minutes @ 70 rpm.
*No overarching at the top and focus on maintaining a straight back on the way down against the tension 5 minutes @ 75 rpm
of the band. 3 minutes @ 80 rpm
3 minutes @ 85 rpm
Workout: 2 minutes @ 90 rpm
21-15-9 1 minute @ 95 rpm
Calorie Row Ride for five minutes easily between the pieces. Adjust the damper to optimise each RPM setting.
Deadlift 100/70kg Rowing option:
Obviously a quick piece, however will you be able to maintain the splits during the whole workout?
4 x 3000/2500m with 3 min easy jog between
2 rounds as heavy as form allows: Gymnastics:
10 (each side) Single leg fixed good mornings Video Gymnastic Skill Development:
10 (each side) Bulgarian split squats with barbell 2 rounds of:
Prioritise quality over weight. 10 Plate walks backwards Video
10 Plate walks sideways Video
6 steps to the side (3 left, 3 right)
1x HSW across zickzack course (for ideas check this Video)
1x HSW over obstacle
Gymnastics Conditioning:
9 min AMRAP:
1x HSW ZigZag course (about 10m length)
15 ub WB 9/6kg
1x HSW over obstacle
10/7 ub Pull ups
LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22
Training 4
LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22
Training 5
Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Conditioning:
Clean Pull + Power Clean + Clean 3 rounds:
1. Find your daily max in the complex (1+1+1). 750m Row
2. Once you can’t power clean the weight anymore continue to find your daily max in clean pull + clean. 10 DB Power cleans
3. Drop down to 80% and perform a 9 min EMOM: 10 DB STOH
Min 1: 3 Squat cleans 3 rounds:
Min 2: 2 Squat cleans 750m Ski
Min 3: 1 Squat clean 10 DB DL
10 DB Front squats
Strict Press 3 rounds:
1. Find your daily 4RM. 1.5km Bike Erg *Substitute 30 cal Assault Bike
2. Drop to 60% and complete 20 reps in as few sets as possible. 15 DB Thruster
3 rounds:
800m Run
CrossFit: 15 DB OHS
Weight: 2x 22.5/15kg
8 rounds, 60 sec on – 30 sec off: Time cap: 50 min
AMRAP: *No resting between the movements, keep a fast but maintainable pace on the machines / Run that allows
20 DU you to start directly on the DB movements afterwards. The weight should be light enough that you never
10 Air squats go to failure.
5 Power cleans 50/35kg
Accessory: Gymnastics Strength Development:
2 rounds of:
3 rounds for quality of: 4-6 strict TTB, tempo: 3112
5-8 Bilateral active internal rotation Video 4-6 strict (C2B) Pull ups, tempo 3112
5-8 Cuban rotations Video
10 Prone floor angels Video 12 min EMOM:
Min 1: 10 Burpees + max strict TTB
Min 2: 10 WB 9/6kg + max strict C2B
Daily Movement Drill: Min 3: Rest
Week 4/4 Bridge: #FocusoftheDay
Max time in bridge hold (Max 2 min).
4 rounds for quality:
5-8 KB Bottom up shoulder press (each side)
5-8 KB Bent over row (each side)
LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 22
Training 6
Session #1 Session #2
The Progrm Mash: Weightlifting/Strength:
With a few longer workouts this week, the mash focuses on some shorter but higher intensity pieces with a Bench Press
longer rest period in-between. 1. Build to a heavy set of 3.
2. Keep the weight and do 10×1.
For time:
40/30 cal Bike Single Arm DB Bench Press
Straight into; 3×6-10 each side
2 rounds:
20 C2B Pull ups Double DB Bent Over Row
10 Box jump overs, 24/20in 3×8-12
20 Deficit HSPU Make sure you keep your back straight and keep your elbows close to your body.
Time cap: 10min
10 min Rest Accumulate 2 min Bar lock* Video
*Every time you break 10 Bradford press Video
For time:
50/40 cal Ski Erg
Straight into;
2 rounds:
20 TTB
Daily Movement Drill:
10 Burpee Box jump overs, 24/20in Week 4/4 Bridge:
20 Alternating Pistols Max time in bridge hold (Max 2 min).
Time cap: 10 min
10 min Rest
For time:
60/50 cal Row
Straight into;
10/7 RMU
10 Burpee complete Box jump overs 24/20in
Time cap: 10 min
Choose a rep scheme you can keep the gymnastics unbroken. For example if you cant manage 20 C2B
unbroken go for a number you can each round, this is to keep the intensity higher.
LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: https://theprogrm.com Copyright © The Progrm 2019