Ensayo de Tracción en
Ensayo de Tracción en
Ensayo de Tracción en
table of Contents
1.first. objective of the presentation
2. second. types of test tubes and
their creation processes
3. third. testing machine
4. room. Test speeds
5. fifth. general conclusion
1.objective of the
Traction tests on polymeric specimens are conducted
to assess the mechanical properties of materials, such
as their strength and deformation under tension, in
order to select the most suitable polymers for specific
applications and optimize manufacturing processes.
2. types of probes and their
creation processes
-Injection Molding: This method
is widely used in the
manufacturing of polymeric
specimens due to its high
efficiency and capability to
produce specimens with precise
shapes and dimensions.
3. testing machine
The Instron testing machine is a
versatile equipment designed to
perform tensile tests on a variety of
materials, including metals, plastics,
rubber, and other composite materials.
With a loading capacity of up to 50
kilonewtons (kN),
4. Test speeds
The ASTM D638 standard
establishes three testing speeds
for conducting tensile tests on
plastic materials. These speeds
are commonly known as slow,
medium, and fast testing speeds.
5. general conclusion
In conclusion, the tensile test helps to understand
how polymers behave under tensile loads, which is
crucial for ensuring the safety and quality of final
products in a variety of industries, from automotive
to construction and electronics.
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