Hazard List Creation

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Prepared By : Chalak Taufiq Majeed

Purpose and Impact :

Identify Identify who Controlling Easy to
Hazards will be harm the hazard update

According to OSHA standard:
A hazard is the potential for harm (physical or mental). In
practical terms, a hazard often is associated with a What is Hazard
condition or activity that, if left uncontrolled, can result
in an injury or illness. Identifying hazards and eliminating ?
or controlling them as early as possible will help prevent
injuries and illnesses.

What is Risk

RISK is the likelihood of

potential harm from
According to IOSH: that hazard being
realized. The extent of
the risk will depend on:

The likelihood of that The population who

The potential severity
harm occurring might be affected

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
 A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks to identify
hazards before they occur. It focuses on the relationship between the worker,
the task, the tools, and the work environment. Ideally, after you identify
uncontrolled hazards, you will take steps to eliminate or reduce them to an
acceptable risk level. A JHA can be conducted on many jobs in your
workplace. Priority should go to the following types of jobs: Jobs with the
highest injury or illness rates; Jobs with the potential to cause severe or
disabling injuries or illnesses, even if there is no history of previous accidents;
Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to a severe accident or
injury; Jobs that are new to your operation or have undergone changes in
processes and procedures; and tasks complex enough to require written

According to their Definitions:
 A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g., electricity,
chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at
work, stress, etc.
 A risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will cause
somebody harm.
Based on both definition above: When the risk
The risk will be the collecting point between human and Hazard
or : will be found?
Hazard + Human =Risk
The main reason of Human availability in Hazard area is
executing some activity (according to definition ).

Risk evaluation:

The contact point of hazard

and human will be during To identify who will be harm
For evaluation the For each activity there are
some activities in this area, due to the risk , it required
procedure below shall be some Hazards shall be
to identify hazards it to define who execute the
followed: identified.
required to create a list of activity.
activities first in each aera.

Evaluate risk according to

Define the risk due to each Define the control measure
possibility (likely hood) and
Hazard. for risk control.
severity of risk.

Risk level evaluation:

Likelihood Criteria according to IOSH

Rare: possibility of
happen 1 per million Unlikely: 1 case per Possible: 1 case per
or one case among 100000 cases. 10000 cases.
one million cases.

These criteria shall

Likely: 1 case per Almost certain :1 be considered as
1000 cases. case per 100 cases. most importance for
evaluating risk

During any activity on any equipment in the industrial
locations recommended to:
1. Define the risk according to equipment manual and
tools with its severity.
2. Define the environment and location hazards around
equipment that effect and risky.
How to define
3. Define other near by activities by other parties that Severity for
cause the risk around equipment location.
4. Chose the right resource for implement the activity to
avoid risks. hazards :

Control measures for risk control

 Elimination and substitution, while most effective at
reducing hazards, also tend to be the most difficult
to implement in an existing process. If the process is
still at the design or development stage, elimination
and substitution of hazards may be inexpensive and
simple to implement. For an existing process, major Elimination
changes in equipment and procedures may be
required to eliminate or substitute for a hazard. and

 Engineering controls are favored over administrative
and personal protective equipment (PPE) for
controlling existing worker exposures in the
workplace because they are designed to remove the
hazard at the source, before it comes in contact with
the worker. Well-designed engineering controls can Engineering
be highly effective in protecting workers and will
typically be independent of worker interactions to Controls
provide this high level of protection. The initial cost
of engineering controls can be higher than the cost
of administrative controls or PPE, but over the
longer term, operating costs are frequently lower,
and in some instances, can provide a cost savings in
other areas of the process.

 Administrative controls and PPE are frequently used
with existing processes where hazards are not
particularly well controlled. Administrative controls
and PPE programs may be relatively inexpensive to
establish but, over the long term, can be very costly
Controls and
to sustain. These methods for protecting workers
have also proven to be less effective than other
measures, requiring significant effort by the affected


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