The project would see the government’s property
developer and major project agency Development
Victoria and the AFL work together.
New life could be breathed
Pat joins in on the
Development Victoria bought the leasehold over
160 Harbour Esplanade, currently occupied by
into the Docklands water- Channel 7, in 2018.
front after a bold plan was According to a state government press release, the
future redevelopment of the sites “presents opportu- Padel Tennis craze
announced to explore a nities” to create a mixed-use development “that can
revitalise Docklands’ waterfront and enhance the
“major new development Stadium as a sports and entertainment complex”.
opportunity” at Marvel
Stadium and AFL House.
“ Acting Minister for Development Victoria Natalie
Hutchins said the joint venture would “unlock a major
new opportunity in Docklands” while “transforming
the waterfront and enhance Marvel Stadium as a
Two-time US Open winner
and two-time Wimbledon
sports and entertainment precinct.” finalist, Pat Rafter, had a hit
AFL executive general manager Matthew Chun said
the league was committed to delivering a “memora- on the Game4Padel courts
WORDS BY ble experience for fans and visitors to the precinct
and excited by the opportunities this agreement pres-
underneath Shed 21 at Yarra’s
BRENDAN REES ents at the site”. Edge on January 12 as part the
Mr Chun told a Property Council of Australia event
in October last year that there were opportunities to “Padel Open” where local and
Under a joint venture between the state government
“go high” at its current headquarters at AFL House, as
well at the Channel 7 building.
international players competed
and the AFL, “redevelopment opportunities” for the
sites are being considered to “transform the water-
While it remains to be seen how the project will for $10,000 prizemoney.
unfold, the proposal would however be separate to
front” with “a range of potential uses” including hous- state government’s $225 million investment in the
ing, commercial and entertainment. redevelopment of Marvel Stadium, which was com-
The Channel 7 building, adjacent to AFL House, pleted in 2023.
could also form part of the Harbour Esplanade
overhaul. Continued on page 5.
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Five-tower development and
pocket park in Docklands
get green light from council
WORDS BY Overall, the development would “deliver
BRENDAN REES a diverse village of buildings and public
spaces” and could support between 500 to
600 dwellings and 20,000 metre squares of
commercial spaces, including a possible
The City of Melbourne has given the all- hotel.
clear for a five-tower development and The precinct would be delivered over
pocket park next to Docklands Primary four stages with the new park include in the
School, in what is touted as the “creation of first stage.
a new and diverse neighbourhood”. The west podium would comprise three
Developer MAB has proposed to build towers and the east podium contains two.
towers ranging from 50 to 70 metres high According to the designs, the podiums
over two 20-metre podiums for residential, would be responsive to streetscape char-
office and retail use at 396-416 Docklands acter with a frontage that has a “varied
Drive. architectural language and material selec-
The site, which spans nearly a hectare, tion, presenting as a collection of buildings
is currently used as a commercial carpark, rather than a singular expression”.
and is the only remaining parcel of land left Amendments to the planning applica- Future Melbourne Committee meeting, with
in NewQuay (north of Docklands Drive) to tion have been ongoing since the original Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece praising
be undeveloped. 1999 application, which was more recently the application, noting the pocket park was
While the plans are still subject to final informed by community engagement con- “fantastic news for everyone”.
approval from the Minister for Planning ducted by MAB. “This is a happy day for Melbourne, a
Sonya Kilkenny after the application was re- The City of Melbourne’s planning team happy day for Docklands, and a happy day
ferred to the council for comment, the plans has worked with MAB to create “several for the community at Docklands Primary
would include a 700-square-metre public positive design changes to address previous School,” he said at the meeting.
park at the corner of Little Docklands Drive concerns” including a separation of 10 me- “This is an application which we’ve heard
and St Mangos Lane, adjacent to Docklands tres between the towers, the removal of one it’s been 24 years in the making. And I’m
Primary School. tower, overall reduction in maximum built really pleased with what’s before us.”
The proposed park would feature seating, form height, revised building envelopes, a “For those of us who know this area, we
a children’s play area, a café, ramp and stair revised public park layout, and additional know that there’s a desperate need for
access, sandstone boulders, and bike ramp design principles to guide future planning green space around the Docklands Primary
access. applications. School. We also need space that’s available
Designed by ARM Architecture, the pro- A summary of the engagement stated for the parents and carers in the community
posal features two triangular podiums, east Docklands Primary School was “excited by to drop their kids off and pick them up, and
and west, that would combine the five tow- the prospect of the community park” and that’s exactly what this development pro-
ers, and be separated by an 11 to 13-me- hoped to contribute its input into the design posal is going to deliver.”
tre-wide pedestrian laneway with “lush of the space “which MAB believes is an ap- “It’s also a great example of council
green planting” linking Docklands Primary propriate consideration”. working constructively and creatively with
School, the tram depot, and NewQuay cen- The plans were endorsed by the City of the developer to get a positive outcome for
tral park. Melbourne councillors at their December 5 both the developer and the city.” •
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The vision for a residents 3008: Could Costco’s departure pave the way
advocating for community for a new Docklands High School?
representation While the exit of any business from
the precinct isn’t usually cause
for optimism, Costco’s recent
announcement that it will leave
Our strength lies in our diversity, which
also means accommodating a myriad of
Docklands for Ardeer could open
perspectives and needs. It requires the en- the door for a desperately needed
In the bustling heart of gagement of every “village” member – each secondary school.
individual, business, and community group
Melbourne, Docklands – and acknowledges the need for other
representative groups to ensure compre-
stands as a vibrant and “ hensive community participation. WORDS BY
I want to celebrate those already making SEAN CAR
evolving community. a difference in Docklands. The residents for the entire community that businesses
in pink, keeping Victoria Harbour pristine, are still in a compromised position with cur-
the Docklands Representative Group The wholesale supermarket giant’s country rent market conditions, and increased costs
(DRG) enhancing vertical living and own- manager Chris Tingman confirmed with outside of that are putting businesses under
ers’ corporation (OC) participation, and Docklands News in January that it would a lot of strain,” he said.
WORDS BY Game4Padel’s community-building Padel soon close its Docklands warehouse, However, he added: “Although it’s never
CR JAMAL HAKIM Open Tournament are shining examples. however an exact timeframe for when is a nice thing to hear a big employer exit
Local businesses like Cargo and Berth, not yet known. Docklands, the opportunity of the large
supporting those in need on Christmas Day, Opened in 2009, Costco’s departure space that Costco’s departure opens
also demonstrate the community spirit that will mark the end of a 15-year presence for a new business or community use in
underpins Docklands. in Docklands which helped create an im- Docklands is exciting – something good
As a dedicated member of the Docklands A formal residents’ group would create a portant activation of an otherwise difficult could come out of this.”
Stakeholder Group, I’m constantly consid- point where ideas can come together and site on Footscray Rd, drawing thousands of Locals took to social media in January to
ering ways to enhance our community’s empower these individual efforts, trans- customers to the precinct every year. share a range of ideas on what big business-
functionality and vibrancy, focusing on forming them into collective action with a “Costco is continually looking to improve es could potentially replace Costco at the
hearing the diverse voices within our tangible impact on policy and community our members’ experience and bring great site, which included the likes of IKEA and
neighbourhood. initiatives. Imagine a community where value,” Mr Tingman said. “Our focus is al- Bunnings.
We have a number of groups represent- initiatives like a fortnightly mah-jong eve- ways to find the right location to meet our But the idea which has been raised the
ing areas of Docklands, and yet something ning (make sure to check this out!), bringing specifications so that we can ensure every most is for a new Docklands Secondary
is missing. I believe a key initiative in this locals together for fun and connection, warehouse is comprehensively stocked, of- School.
vision is the formation of a group that rep- become the norm. fering a wide range of products and services Issues surrounding the growing pains at
resents individual residents. The council, through the Docklands of the best quality at the best possible price.” the nearby Docklands Primary School have
Drawing inspiration from Residents 3000 Stakeholder Group, is committed to facili- “We are closing the Docklands warehouse been well reported, with students overflow-
and the active participation in neighbour- tating these endeavours, but the impetus for and relocating to Ardeer. Costco is very ing into a temporary campus in the District
ing Southbank3006, the idea of a Docklands a residents’ group must come from within excited to be a part of the wider Melbourne Docklands shopping centre.
3008 is both exciting and essential. This the community. I encourage every resident West community; we feel it is the perfect The primary school was constructed on
group would not only hear but amplify a and stakeholder in Docklands to recognise location for offering more convenience for the last conceivable site left in Docklands,
greater number of local resident voices, in- the power of their voice and the importance our rapidly expanding membership base.” and the school’s principal Adam Bright and
tertwining it with community-led activities. of their participation. “We look forward to sharing our progress the school community have been vocal
Ultimately when we have representa- Establishing a Docklands 3008 is more with our members as we work on the relo- about the need for the government to start
tion across the spectrum, and by uniting than an objective; it’s a vital step for our cation. Any updates will be shared via social thinking about a secondary school for the
residents, businesses, our primary school, dynamic and diverse community. It’s about media and on our website.” area.
sports clubs, and developers, we can weave creating a forum that not only reflects While Mr Tingman didn’t confirm when What better use for the Costco site than
the rich, diverse fabric of our community but actively supports the myriad voices of asked by Docklands News, reports have a high school, which would help draw more
into a cohesive whole. Docklands. suggested that a contributing factor be- families to the area and provide a commu-
Docklands’ unique mix of commercial vi- Our community is more than a location; hind Costco’s decision was an increase in nity activation that could breathe new life
brancy and serene waterfront living brings it’s a vibrant, living entity shaped by its expenses, namely council and state govern- into this site abutting the Moonee Ponds
its own challenges in representation and members. Let’s unite to form a group that ment costs. Creek?
decision-making. A residents’ group would represents residents and works to col- Docklands Chamber of Commerce pres- It would require a major investment by
be instrumental in supporting to navigate laborate with other local groups to truly ident Daniel Hibberd said the announce- the state government to purchase the land
these complexities, ensuring all facets of deliver on the spirit, diversity, and vibrancy ment was another reminder local business- from Costco, but after all the education
our multifaceted community are consid- of Docklands. Your voice is crucial, and es in Docklands, irrespective of their size, planning failures in Docklands to date, this
ered along with residents. together, we have the power to shape our were still feeling pressure. would be the perfect way to repay the debt
Creating this group is no small task. community’s future. • “I think that there needs to be a realisation to local families.•
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Your City of Melbourne community update
Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM, founder and CEO of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and Melburnian of the Year for 2023
Melburnian of the Year Kon “Society so often forgets it, but Australians are just a step away from in health, education, housing,
Karapanagiotidis OAM, everyone deserves to be seen and being on the streets, so we need to meals, financial aid and women’s
inspires us all to build a more valued. After all, with a change of the show each other compassion.” empowerment, and much more.
compassionate Australia, where wind we could be the ones in search of
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
everyone has a seat at the table.
safety and welcome.” A CHARITY BEGINS has also worked tirelessly to support
From a Greek-Australian child At 28, Kon founded the Asylum Seeker and evacuate refugees from Nauru and
experiencing racism in a country A Seat At My Table: Philoxenia Resource Centre with TAFE students Papua New Guinea. The organisation
town to CEO and founder of the he was teaching to become welfare is training the next generation of
Kon’s strong family values have workers. Their first task was to provide advocates as Australia’s largest
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Kon
made their way into the title of his meals for refugees who couldn’t find investor in refugee leadership.
has turned trauma into action that
Greek cookbook. Created with his food in Melbourne.
positively impacts countless lives. “We are Australia’s most influential and
mother Sia, A Seat At My Table:
As a human rights lawyer, social Philoxenia includes 100 vegan and “The TAFE students were migrants, effective refugee organisation when it
worker, Children’s Ground board vegetarian recipes. Proceeds have refugees and lots of Australian comes to creating change,” Kon said.
member, philanthropist, masseur, raised more than $200,000 for the mums in their 40s and 50s returning
and cooking enthusiast, Kon is both Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. to studies – they were people HOW TO MAKE AN IMPACT IN
a passionate advocate for people in about whom the world had low YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD
need and a voracious learner. expectations,” Kon said.
THE POWER OF COMPASSION For people seeking to follow in Kon’s
“Education is power – the power to do “This project taught them that they change-making footsteps, he has some
good, and the power to influence and Motivated by generational tenacity could make a difference and change encouraging advice:
change things for the better. Thanks and a conscious decision to “lead the world for the better – all you need
with love”, Kon’s journey has seen him “Be proud of where you come from,
to my parents’ legacy, I get to live this is the intention, passion and ideals to
support the most vulnerable people in work hard, remain humble and make a
dream. I can’t waste that opportunity,” do so. There’s not much more to it
our communities. difference. Everything you build, you
Kon said. than that.”
build through your own hard work,”
Among Kon’s many roles, he has The eight-week TAFE project became Kon said.
FAMILY VALUES worked the midnight shift on a crisis a charity, and thousands of people
line, run support groups for male “There is a long way to go, and the
Kon’s grandparents came to Australia began to volunteer and donate in the
survivors of incest, promoted safety work is ahead of us, but we cannot
as refugees, and his parents made wake of the Tampa affair.
for sex workers on the streets of St despair. Despair is not a strategy.
great sacrifices for their children. We’ve got to come back and be
Kilda, and provided massage clinics for ASTONISHING IMPACT
His dad spent humiliating and gruelling men experiencing homelessness. prepared, and more compassionate.”
years working on a tobacco farm to Twenty-two years later, the non-profit
“I was working with men sleeping The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
support the family, and his mum never has made a huge impact – supporting
rough – tough guys who’d been in website offers a wealth of information
fulfilled her dream of being a maths 30,000 people in need, raising a
prison – and they’d be like little lambs. about how to support refugees, from
teacher. Kon was the first in his family quarter of a billion dollars and saving
They told me it was the first time volunteering to booking catering with
to complete high school. thousands of lives. This success was
they’d been touched without being social impact. To learn more, visit
based on three core principles:
Kon and his sister, Her Honour Nola harmed. We don’t often think about asrc.org.au
Karapanagiotidis, who was the that, with men,” Kon said. “I decided that the Asylum Seeker
first Greek-Australian woman to be Resource Centre would never ABOUT THE MELBOURNE
“People we turn our backs on have take money from the Australian AWARDS
appointed a judge in the County Court
trauma at the heart of their journey. government, that we would be
of Victoria – remain ever grateful for The Melbourne Awards are the City
That’s the common thread. Whether outspoken and fearless, and that we
these sacrifices, and their family’s of Melbourne’s highest accolade,
it be displacement, abuse, serious would never turn anyone away in
strong Greek values. recognising the people and
health issues, bereavement or family need,” Kon said.
“The Greek term ‘philoxenia’ means to breakdown, trauma is the universal organisations who make a significant
welcome the stranger, or to love the story. Intergenerational trauma, in Today, 200 staff members and 1000 impact on community life.
stranger. ‘Philotimo’, too, means being particular, places people at the margins. volunteers deliver English classes, a
“I’m surprised, humbled and very
a servant to love. These values are like full-scale legal service, an incubator for
“Everyone is worthy – there’s no grateful to be recognised in the
breathing for Greeks,” Kon said. refugee-led businesses, two social-
such thing as a broken person. Most Melbourne Awards,” Kon said.
enterprise cafes, numerous programs
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Your City of Melbourne community update
Browse 30,000 books, use Around the corner there’s a computer Books and collections The dynamic space is also home to
high-tech creative gadgets or lab where training and digital literacy a holistic range of services, including
workshops will be held, and lockers The library has more than 30,000 maternal and child health services,
bliss out on the rooftop terrace books – 22,000 for adults and 8000
while your children play at narrm with laptops you can borrow to use parenting services, immunisation,
throughout the library. for children. There are books in a family support and counselling.
ngarrgu, the City of Melbourne’s variety of languages including Chinese,
new flagship library and family The library also offers many different Japanese and Korean. narrm ngarrgu
Creative makerspace and sound
services centre. spaces you can use for events and also offers an English as an Additional
meetings. These spaces are low-cost to
Language collection.
narrm ngarrgu is on Wurundjeri
book, and free for First Nations people. Explore your passions or start a new
Woi-wurrung Country, and we have When you return books inside the new
creative side-hustle in our decked-
worked closely with Elders, artists For library users who need mobility library, pause at the window above
out makerspace. Think 3D printers,
and community members to bring support, narrm ngarrgu offers a state- the slot and watch – like a child at a
laser cutters, sewing and embroidery
this warm, welcoming space to life by of-the-art bathroom fitted with a hoist chocolate factory – as a state-of-the-
machines, airbrushing, electronics,
drawing on deep knowledge systems. and full-size change table. art machine automatically sorts the
sound studios and much more.
titles into their correct categories.
The name, materials, artworks – even Last but not least, help yourself to
Expert support is on hand to help you
the design of the carpet – honour and water or a cuppa from the stations
celebrate the First Nations community. dotted throughout narrm ngarrgu. Children’s library learn how to use all of the equipment.
narrm ngarggu means ‘Melbourne We want you to feel at home.
Knowledge’ in Wurundjeri Woi- Rooftop terrace
wurrung language. Aboriginal artwork When you reach the spectacular
Spanning three levels and 3000 sqm, rooftop terrace, crawl through the
Maree Clarke, a Mutti Mutti / Yorta
narrm ngarrgu is an urban oasis for giant eel trap, breathe in the native
Yorta and Wemba Wemba / Boon
families designed so everyone in our plants and pause to reflect by a
Wurrung artist from north-western
diverse community can explore their coolamon cast from a giant eucalyptus
Victoria, collaborated with other
interests, learn something new and burl by Wurundjeri Elders, which will
creatives and designers to shape
access integrated family support. be used for smoking ceremonies.
immersive spaces that tell the stories
of the site and its context. The rooftop terrace also features an
It’s also our first new library in almost
a decade. outdoor play area and a water-play
Designed to invite reflection, learning,
space for the warmer months.
ceremony and play – the artworks
The project is part of the broader
at narrm ngarrgu celebrate the rich
Queen Victoria Market precinct
contribution First Nations people make On the way to the dedicated bubup
transformation and the $1.7 billion
to the life of the city, share stories of wilam Children’s Library, follow a trail
Gurrowa Place development, with
Country and speak to the impact of of blue ants that weave among images
support from the Victorian Government,
colonisation. of native animals and plants, including
the Living Libraries Infrastructure
sugar gliders, koalas and golden billy-
Program and Changing Places. Maree described the expansive library buttons.
space as a super-giant blank canvas.
Welcoming, accessible spaces Grab a colourful cushion from the
“In the Children’s Library, I’ve designed stack and make yourself comfortable
The entryways to narrm ngarrgu set the carpet to represent the seven with books from local and international
the scene for a very special library seasons of the Kulin nation through authors, in multiple languages.
experience. plants and animals,” Maree said.
The bubup wilam Children’s Library
The front counter is staffed with caring “And I’ve also designed the forest on features stories galore, access to a play
workers who ensure everyone visiting the mirrored glass that’s down the area on the secure terrace and a large More library locations
the library feels welcome. Community passageway, so children again will be space that will host storytime, craft The opening of narrm ngarrgu Library
outreach, social work, digital literacy able to see themselves reflected in sessions, book clubs and more. and Family Services adds to our five
and Aboriginal liaison staff members the forest on the way to the beautiful
The library also hosts a social work neighbourhood libraries, City Library,
support this commitment to inclusivity library.
outreach program, which provides plus the Mel-Van mobile library service.
across the library.
“Through the main library carpet – support and referrals to families in need. You can find narrm ngarrgu at 141 Therry
Venture further inside to discover lofty with the beautiful watercolour and the
Street, Melbourne, just across the road
spaces for reading and study that maps over the top – people will get to
Family services centre from Queen Victoria Market.
transform into grand event spaces with learn about the five clans of the Kulin
retractable tiered seating. nation. And what better place to learn Our family services centre offers a
about it than in a library.” generous playroom, outdoor play area To learn more, visit
and accessible parent room. melbourne.vic.gov.au/libraries
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Bringing an eye for good
urban design to Docklands
Dr Elek Pafka has brought the best of both worlds to
life as a resident of Docklands.
He also alleged the business “repeatedly to be relocated to North Wharf, which would
complied” with all the council’s requests be further away from apartments, but this
and adjusted the venue’s noise limiter to was to be carried out once structural works
ensure it met EPA standards. were completed by Development Victoria.
“We have done everything the council has “We are shocked at how unprofessional
ever asked of us and have been repeatedly some of their behaviour has been,” Mr
blindsided by their actions not matching Hughes said.
their words. We are shocked at how unpro- “The council has failed to act in good
fessional some of their behaviour has been,” faith, and we are being expected to bear the
he said. cost of that. That is wrong.”
Mr Hughes said he and his parents had In February, the venue was engulfed
put six years of work and all their savings in flames after being the target of a sus-
into creating the business but now they now pected arson attack, three months into its
faced the prospect of bankruptcy and losing operation.
their family home. ATET said it continued to await further
“The City of Melbourne claim to be a information from Victoria Police, which is
champion of the live music scene, but they still investigating the fire.
have rejected every attempt to save our “The business was just getting back on
venue, which was cherished by the music its feet from that incident when the council
community,” Mr Hughes said. suddenly shut them down,” the business
“We believe if council are allowed to get said in a statement.
away with this, they will keep doing it. We Docklands News contacted the City of
are standing up for not only ourselves, but Melbourne and Development Victoria for
other small businesses and the live music comment. •
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What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Faces of Docklands
Not having a driver’s licence can limit a “We take family for granted. Not every-
young person’s goals for work, study, and one is able to ask mum or dad to take them
housing, so the Salvation Army is making out in the car. Volunteers power the Drive
learning to drive more equitable through its for Life TAC L2P program,” Mr Harvy said.
Drive for Life TAC L2P program in the City of “Some young people really don’t have
Melbourne. any other way to get their licence and it’s a
The inclusive program is funded by TAC really big thing in their lives if you can help
and matches learner drivers aged 16 to 21 them achieve that goal. If you have some
with volunteer mentors who can help them spare time, becoming a Drive for Life TAC always seeking to attract and recruit more Learners must be aged 16 to 21, with a
achieve their licence and reach their full L2P program mentor is a really worthwhile volunteer mentors.” current learner’s permit, and without access
potential. and rewarding way to spend it.” To be eligible, you need a current unre- to a vehicle, a supervising driver, or both.
Stephen Harvy, program manager (and “We welcomed and provided training for stricted driver’s licence, maturity to bring To apply to be a mentor or learner, visit
volunteer mentor), is seeking new mentors our latest intake of volunteers in December to a mentoring relationship with a young salvationarmy.org.au/driveforlife, phone
to help more young people achieve their (pictured) readying them for matching with person, a desire to improve road safety, and 0477 408 533, or email driveforlifel2p@
licence, and their dreams. learner drivers in the year ahead but are just two hours per fortnight or month. salvationarmy.org.au •
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Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no Docklands News
Docklands’ O’Brien Icehouse “It’s one thing to be able to skate, handle
Melbourne Ice Women’s is set to host the Australian the park, shoot and score, but it’s another
thing to be strategic on the ice – you never
Women’s Ice Hockey League stop learning and developing.”
team eyes finals glory (AWIHL) finals on March 9 and Despite noticeable progress for the
AIHWL, challenges persist for equal op-
10, with the Melbourne Ice portunity between the men’s and women’s
Women’s (MIW) team hoping to teams.
While The Melbourne Ice men’s team
“reclaim the championship title” play for free, MIW players pay upwards
in the 2023/2024 season. of $3000 each season, and all staff are
WORDS BY “There’s been a lot of change in the last
couple of years for women’s sports, I think
in direct relation to AFL Women’s and
other sports that have emerged – people
are starting to realise that it can be just as
Currently positioned at the top of the lad-
entertaining,” Ms Moore said.
der, MIW is busy training for the remaining
“There are young women who are
games of the season to not only secure a
coming up now who are fantastic hockey
spot in the finals, but also to contribute to
players and they’re going to be way better
the establishment of women’s ice hockey
than I am, and they deserve that opportu-
as a leading sport.
nity to not be prevented from playing just
“We went into the season with a lot of
because of financial reasons – there’s a lot
pressure on us to perform,” MIW’s captain,
of us senior players who are fighting for
Georgia Moore said.
that equal right.”
“We are that team that everyone else
One of MIW’s rising stars is almost
wants to knock off, so it puts a bit of
14-year-old Taylie Nelson, a Docklands
a target on our back – we have to be
resident and player in their Development
performing at our best at all times.”
Having played ice hockey since the age
“I’ve been watching the MIW team since I
of 9, Moore brings extensive experience
was little and now, I get to train with them
to the team, representing both MIW and
every week, it’s amazing,” Ms Nelson said.
Australia in the sport, as well as having
“Training with MIW is like my dreams
played overseas.
have come true – I’m still too young to play
“I moved to Canada when I was 17 and I
for the team in the AIWHL but I can’t wait
was there for 10 years playing hockey,” she
until I’m old enough to wear my own MIW
told Docklands News.
“While I was away, the AWIHL started up
MIW’s next home game at O’Brien
in 2007 – it was great to be able to come
Icehouse is against Brisbane Lightning on
back and jump into competitive hockey
February 24 and 25, which Ms Moore hopes
that was women-specific”.
the community will come out to support
Ms Moore describes ice hockey as not
their local team ahead of finals, which
only a “highly entertaining, fast-paced
will also contribute to the aspirations of
sport”, but also one that requires a lot of
players like Ms Nelson to reach their full
“It may look quite simple from an
For ticket information: obrienicehouse.
outsider’s perspective, but there’s a lot
going on,” she said.
com.au •
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7 2 1 12
first time (10)
Free from
6 4 1 8 danger (4)
14 Looked at (8)
1. Axl Rose cameoed
1. Axl Rose (pictured)
4 9 7 15 Modern (6)
as a musician in which in
1988 film
as a musician
which 1988 film alongside
5 8 6 4 1 18 Strand (6)
20 Drink (8)
Clint Eastwood?
Eastwood? 9 1 6 23 Conceal (4)
2. What
What was was the
the name
of Blackbeard’s
Blackbeard’s ship? ship? 3 7 6 8 24
Perks (10)
Nothing (3)
3. What
What waterfront
is the name of
is considered
cognitive process 5 3 8 27 Coiffeur (11)
the first
that restaurant/café
in Docklands?
people to
jumbled and
8 1 5 28
Jocks, etc. (9)
Flanks (5)
4. incorrectly
On average,spelt words?
4. According
imports how to many
the tonnes DOWN
Victorian Government,
of coffee beans
5. heroin-involved
What did the British
each day?
overdose 6 3 1 9 1 Head of state (9)
2 Passivity (7) 17 Protector (8)
design and install infitheir
in 2022?
rose to what gure
2 3 Systematic (10) 19 Filled (with
tanks after World War II?
5. Before moving to her
6. November’s Diwali Festival
current location on Collins
1 4 7 2 4 Losers (8) holes, e.g.) (7)
21 Recommended;
5 As one (6)
St, fashion icon
attracted more
than how
5 6 6 Playthings (4) guided (7)
Barro called what city
lane people to Marvel
Stadium’s Town Square?
3 5 8 1 7
Mean (7)
Bird of prey (5)
22 Imprudent (6)
23 Vishnu
6. Before the days of
7. electricity,
Why are bananas the CBD’s curved?
lifts 2 7 13 Inexorable (10) worshipper (5)
25 Scorch (4)
8. were powered
7. Why
by what?
as ‘hot’,
and withcurved?
are bananas
4 5 7 8 16 Prized items (9)
‘no shade’,
8. Which twowhich
of Docklands
area 9
businesses took out awards
at criticised?
the Melbourne Awards? 8 2 3 5
9. Who played the lead
Codeword No. 032
character, Tony Soprano,
in the hit TV series EASY HARD 1 14
7 3 2 5 9 4 6 1 8 5 3 6 2 4 9 8 1 7
The Sopranos? 1 9 4 6 8 3 5 2 7 9 7 4 1 5 8 6 2 3
10. What is the offi cial
official 2 15
8 6 5 7 1 2 9 3 4 8 1 2 3 6 7 5 4 9
national sport of Australia?
4 5 6 1 2 7 8 9 3 7 4 5 9 3 2 1 6 8
9 1 3 4 6 8 7 5 2 2 6 1 8 7 5 3 9 4
11. On average,the
Occupying Melbourne
heritage- 2 7 8 3 5 9 4 6 1 3 9 8 6 1 4 2 7 5 3 16
of classic cars?
Theme: Rodents
12. Simon Perry’s Threaded
7 20
Field can be found next to
The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.
what Docklands landmark?
8 21
9 22
12. (LaPost
Stadium TrobeOffice (GPO) building
St end)
11. $1 pertoyear
(enough forthree million cups)
99 years.12. Marvel
Esplanade 9. 10. Cricket
James 11. 30 tonnes
Gandolfini 10. Cricket
Living Room and
grow towards the Mojo Harbour9. James
sun 8.Festival 10 23
5. They grow
Special kettles 6.the
tea towards sun 8.
12,000 7. The
5. Lane 6.
11 24
(enough to make Water/steam
three pressure
million cups)
3. Renzo’s 4. 24 deaths
Bar Restaurant per
4. 30 year
1. The Dead Pool 2. Queen Anne’s Revenge
12 25
5x5 No. 033 13
M T 9-Letter No. 032 Today’s Focus:
30 words: Good
A N A Using the nine letters 47 words: Very good
CAPYBARA MURINE in the grid, how many 60+ words: Excellent
words of four letters
L M CHINCHILLA OPOSSUM or more can you list?
The centre letter must R G
CHIPMUNK PAWS be included and each
letter may only be used
once. No colloquial B U D
or foreign words. No
SOLUTIONS capitalised nouns,
HAMSTER RAT apostrophes or plural
words ending in “s”.
udon, undo, unbid, ungird, ungirt, unit, unrig, unto
touring, trug, trugo, truing, tubing, turbid, turbo, turd, turgid, turn,
PUZZLES AND PAGINATION Reference: OBTRUDING, obtund, outbid, outing, outrig, rotund, round, rout, routing, ruin, ruing, rung, runt, tour,
©PAGEMASTERS PTY LTD Collins Concise doubt, doubting, dour, drub, drug, dung, during, gourd, gout, ground, grout, grub, grunt, guidon, guiro,
English Dictionary
Secret message: Always nibbling
bound, bourn, bout, bruin, bruit, brunt, brut, bund, bung, bunt, burg, burin, burn, burnt, burton, donut,
February, 2024
Please support our advertisers because without them we would have no Docklands News
LIGHTING AND HERITAGE EXPERT EVENT Gather your friends and get down to
Melbourne’s ultimate Super Bowl live site to Wander around the Collins Square Retail
Including latest science, research and
watch the 2024 Super Bowl – a free event at Plaza during your lunch break and immerse
information to assist you in your home, your
Marvel Stadium. yourself in a Valentine’s Day shopping
street, with your council, and for our precious
The weather is gettting warmer and extravaganza with carefully curated local
heritage listed parks, gardens and places.
Stadium Square (Gate 1, 2 & 3), Marvel market stalls.
Melbourne’s events season is just
Stadium Collins Square, 727 Collins St, Docklands
getting started. Here’s our list of the Community Hub at the Dock, 912 Collins St
best community events this month.
It’s time to try paddling with The DAM Busters Customers are invited to spend $50 on food Ceilidh Dance (Pronounced Kay-lee) Celebrate unity in diversity on the occasion
Breast Cancer Survivors Dragon Boat Club and beverage at any participating restaurants, Melbourne Scottish Fiddlers will have you of Holi – festival of colours. Enjoy three days
and meet a great group of people. Free. All cafés or takeaway food and beverage outlets up and dancing all night. No partner or and nights of celebrating with colours, music,
equipment provided. at The District on Monday to Thursday and experience needed, just a love of unbridled, dancing, multicultural performances, food and
receive a free Hoyts movie ticket, valued at chaotic fun. ‘Ye dancin’? ‘Ye askin’?
Community Hub at the Dock, 912 Collins St drinks, and much more.
$26.50. Free tickets are redeemable between
Monday and Thursday. moviesonus.com.au Ron Barassi Snr Park (West)
Business Directory
Mon-Fri 8:30-5pm
(Tue, Thu until 6pm)
More information via cschristmas.com.au
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57 Merchant St, Docklands Victoria Harbour Medical Centre Telephone 9629 1414
T (03) 9021 9487 | mob 0488 799 487 2-3/850 Collins Street Docklands 3008 After Hours 13 74 25
(opposite Victoria Harbour Medical Centre) Entry via Merchant St Fax 9629 4265
www.docklandsdentalstudio.com.au Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 9am-12 noon
victoria harbour
Mob: 0447 449 779
W: www.rothlaw.com.au
At Rothwell Lawyers we deliver exceptional legal Hours: Mon to Fri 8am-8pm & Sat 9am-1pm
advice, and always focus on achieving the best
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