Study On Thermal Unstable
Study On Thermal Unstable
Study On Thermal Unstable
Research Article
Study on Thermal Unstable Vibration of Rotor under Journal
Whirl with Large Amplitude in Journal Bearing
Received 27 July 2019; Revised 10 November 2019; Accepted 19 November 2019; Published 25 January 2020
Copyright © 2020 Qilong Hu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To investigate the thermal unstable vibration caused by journal whirls with large amplitude in journal bearing, an analysis model
of lubricant film thickness is established. The journal surface temperature distribution is solved, and the reason for journal surface
temperature difference appearance and its influence on rotor vibration are analyzed. Taking a turbogenerator as an example, the
journal surface temperature difference and the induced rotor thermal bending under synchronous whirl in the bearing are calculated.
Meanwhile, an engineering vibration fault with its treatment is presented. Results show that, the journal surface circumferential
temperature difference is caused by viscous shearing within lubricant film under journal whirls with large amplitude in journal
bearing. The direction of temperature difference is related to the direction of unbalanced force acting on journal. The temperature
difference causes rotor thermal bending, which can be converted to a thermal unbalance on the rotor. The rotor vibration is caused
by both thermal and initial unbalance. When the rotor is running below or at the critical speed, the vibration is on the increase
until it leads to instability of the rotor eventually. When the rotor is running above the critical speed, the rotor vibration fluctuates
periodically. Reducing the initial (mechanical) unbalances decreases the rotor vibration and the journal surface circumferential
temperature difference.
Rj α S
푦 = 푒0 cos훽 + 퐴 푦 cos(휔푡 + Φ푦 ) + 푅푗 cos(휔푡 + 훼 + 훽),
where 𝑒0 is static eccentricity, 𝜔 is whirl/journal angular speed,
φ O
t=0 and 𝑅𝑗 is journal radius.
Axcos(ωt+Фx) With the line connecting bearing center 𝑂𝑏 and journal
e0 θj
center 𝑂𝑗 as 𝜉-axis, 𝜉-𝜂 coordinate system is established (see
Figure 1). At time 𝑡, the time-varying eccentricity ratio of the
Ob x
Elliptic orbit
journal can be expressed as
2. Journal Surface Temperature Distribution where 𝑁 is the number of grid time point in a whirl cycle,
Modeling 푖 = 1, 2, . . . , 푁.
2.1. Lubricant Film Thickness under Journal Synchronous 2.2. Journal Surface Temperature Distribution. When the
Whirl. Figure 1 depicts the synchronous whirl elliptic orbit. The lubricant film in journal bearing is on stead-state condition,
journal whirls in an elliptic orbit around its static equilibrium the lubricant film temperature distribution equation is [20]:
position 𝑂𝑗𝑠 in the journal bearing, under the action of
unbalanced force. Points 𝑂𝑏 and 𝑂𝑗 are bearing center and
푑푇 4퐻 2퐻푇푏 2퐻푇푗 2휇휔푅푗
+ 푇 − − − = 0,
journal center, respectively, as shown in Figure 1.
At time 푡 = 0, the journal center and the thinnest lubricant 푑훼 휌푐휔ℎ 휌푐휔ℎ 휌푐휔ℎ 휌푐ℎ2
film thickness point on journal surface are located at 𝑂푗0 and 𝑆,
respectively. The angle between point 𝑆 and horizontal position where 𝑇 is lubricant film temperature. 𝑇𝑏 and 𝑇𝑗 are bearing
is 𝛽. At this moment, points 𝑂𝑏, 𝑂𝑗𝑠 and 𝑂푗0 are collinear: temperature and journal surface circumferential temperature,
respectively. The lubricant in journal bearings has a density of
퐴 𝑦 sinΦ𝑦 𝜌, a specific heat capacity of 𝑐 and a viscosity of 𝜇. The convec-
훽 = arctan( ), tion heat transfer coefficient (𝐻) between lubricant film and
퐴 𝑥 cosΦ𝑥
journal or bearing can be expressed by the following formula
where 𝐴 𝑥, 𝐴 𝑦, 𝛷𝑥 and 𝛷𝑦 are amplitude parameters and as (Ettles, 1992) [21]:
phase parameters for elliptic orbit at 𝑥- and 𝑦-direction, 1
퐻 = × 25.5(휔푅푗 ) 휇−0.2 (2휋푅푗 ) .
0.7 −0.4
respectively. 2 (9)
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 3
Assuming that the heat transfer time is negligible, the journal Table 1: Parameters for journal and lubricant.
surface temperature distribution can be approximately con-
Parameters Value
sidered to be equal to the lubricant film temperature distribu-
tion. Meanwhile, assuming that the bearing temperature (𝑇𝑏) Journal properties
is constant and equals to the ambient temperature (𝑇𝑎), the Journal radius 𝑅𝑗 (mm) 250
one-dimensional thermal equilibrium equation for solving the Bearing radius clearance 𝐶𝑏 (mm) 0.5
lubricant film temperature distribution can be given: Lubricant properties
Label (turbine oil) #46
푑푇̃ 2퐻 ̃ 2휇휔푅푗 Supply temperature 𝑇0 (°C)
+ 푇 − = 0, Density 𝜌 (kg/m3)
푑훼 휌푐휔ℎ
휌푐ℎ2 860
Specific heat capacity 𝑐 (J/(kg•K)) 1943
where 𝑇̃ = 𝑇 − 𝑇𝑎, means the temperature difference between Viscosity 𝜇 (Pa•s) 0.0396
lubricant film temperature and ambient temperature. Ambient temperature 𝑇𝑎 (°C) 20
The lubricant film temperature rise is Calculation parameters
훥푇 = 푇̃ + 푇푎 − 푇0 , (11) Working speed 𝑛 (rpm) 3000
Static eccentricity ratio 𝜀0 0.5
where 𝑇0 is lubricant supply temperature. 𝑥-Direction amplitude 퐴 𝑥 /퐶𝑏 0.15
The lubricant film temperature distribution can be 𝑦-Direction amplitude 퐴 𝑦 /퐶𝑏 0.10
𝑥-Direction phase Φ𝑥
obtained by solving Equation (10). It is equivalent to acquiring π/6
𝑦-Direction phase Φ𝑦
the journal surface temperature distribution. The average tem-
perature of a point on journal surface in a whirl cycle can be
taken as the journal surface temperature at the point:
the maximum journal surface temperature difference increases
휔 2휋/휔 1 푁 nonlinearly. Its growth rate is higher under large whirl ampli-
푇 = ∫ 푇푑푡 = ∑ 푇 .
2휋 0 푁 푖=1 푖
(12) tude. As shown in Equation (10), the journal surface temper-
ature is noninear with lubricant film thickness. Therefore, the
journal surface temperature cannot be directly calculated by
3. Results and Discussion average lubricant film thickness.
3.1. Calculation and Analysis on Journal Surface Temperature 3.2. Experimental Study and Comparative Analysis. An
Difference. Taking a turbogenerator as an example, the journal experiment was carried out to investigate the journal
surface temperature distribution under journal synchronous temperature distribution in journal bearing in Ref. [22]. The
whirls in the front bearing of the generator is calculated. test rotor was supported by two tilting-pad journal bearings.
Table 1 lists the parameters for journal and lubricant for In the nondriving end (NDE) journal, four calibrated
calculation. temperature sensors were installed at 1.0 mm below the
Figure 2 depicts the average lubricant film thickness dis- journal surface and spaced 90° apart. The testing speed was
tribution and the journal surface temperature distribution 12500 rpm.
under different journal whirl conditions. Figure 2 indicates Figure 4 depicts the measurement results of journal sur-
that: (1) the journal surface temperature distribution is uniform face temperature distribution under balanced state, and an
under no journal whirl condition. While it is nonuniform unbalance weight applied on the shaft at a defined location at
under journal whirl conditions. Taking the whirl amplitude in 0° and 180°, respectively. Under the balanced state, the vibra-
Table 1 as an example, the maximum journal surface temper- tion amplitude was only around 2 μm peak-to-peak at the
ature difference reaches 5.02℃. (2) Repositioning the direction testing speed. The journal surface temperature distribution
of unbalanced force acting on the journal by 180° (can cause was basically uniform, as shown in Figure 4(a). When the
a change of initial phases for journal whirl of 180°) results in unbalance weight was applied at 0° or 180°, the journal whirled
a change of the direction of journal surface temperature differ- in the NDE bearing. The journal surface temperature differ-
ence of about the same angle. ences were 6.6℃ and 6.8℃, respectively. However, the direc-
Figure 3 depicts the maximum lubricant film thickness tion of temperature difference vector rotated over around 180°
difference and the maximum journal surface temperature dif- (see Figures 4(b) and 4(c)).
ference under different whirl amplitudes (퐴 𝑥 = 1.5퐴 𝑦). It can When the journal whirls with large amplitude in journal
be observed from Figure 3 that the maximum lubricant film bearing, the lubricant film thickness distribution is nonu-
thickness difference and the maximum journal surface tem- niform. Because of the different lubricant film thickness,
perature difference increase with growing whirl amplitude. the extrusion strength acting on lubricant film is different.
When the vibration reaches an excellent level (퐴 𝑥 < 40 휇m), It results in different heat generated by viscous shearing.
the maximum journal surface temperature difference is lower When the heat transfers into the journal, the journal surface
than 2.5℃. It is higher than 10.6℃ when the vibration exceeds circumferential temperature difference occurs.
the value for tripping (퐴 𝑥 > 125 휇m). The phenomena shown by calculation are in accordance
It can also be observed from Figure 3 that the maximum with experimental studies. The results show that the lubricant
lubricant film thickness difference increases linearly. However, film thickness distribution on journal surface is nonuniform
4 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
1.15 49
Figure 2: Calculation results. (a) Average lubricant film thickness distribution and (b) journal surface temperature distribution.
0.64 16
Maximum thickness difference Δhmax/Cb
0.32 8
0.24 6
0.16 4
0.08 2.5°C 2
0 0
0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.3
Maximum thickness difference
Maximum temperature difference
Figure 3: Maximum lubricant film thickness difference and maximum journal surface temperature difference under different whirl amplitudes.
when the journal synchronously whirls in journal bearing. It both ends of the rotor are antisymmetric (equal in amplitude
causes a journal surface circumferential temperature differ- but opposite in phase). A temperature difference of 5.02°C is
ence. The value of journal surface temperature difference is imposed on the journal surfaces at both ends, with a difference
related to the whirl orbit. The direction is associated with the of 180° in the direction. The rotor thermal deformation due
direction of unbalanced force acting on journal surface. to journal surface temperature differences is calculated. As
shown in Figure 6, the rotor thermal bending at both ends
3.3. Rotor Vibration Influenced by Temperature Difference. The reach 20.10 μm. The thermal bending shape is similar to the
journal surface circumferential temperature difference causes second-order mode shape. The working speed of the rotor is
rotor thermal bending. Figure 5 depicts the simplified model close to its second-order critical speed. Hence, the rotor is
of a generator rotor. Table 2 lists the sizes of generator rotor sensitive to unbalances. A small bending deformation has a
segments, and Table 3 lists the properties of rotor material. great impact on rotor vibration.
Both ends of the rotor are supported by journal bearings. The The rotor thermal bending can be converted to a thermal
first-order critical speed (900 rpm) of the generator rotor is unbalance 𝑈𝑡, which is determined by the vibration due to the
low, and the second-order critical speed (2600 rpm) is close to initial unbalance 𝑈. The thermal and initial unbalance can be
its working speed (3000 rpm). The vibration at working speed added vectorially to produce the resultant unbalance, which
is mainly second-order mode shape. Thus, the vibrations at can change the rotor vibration. Figure 7 depicts the
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 5
Rotor Rotor Hot spot
ΔT1 ΔTmax
TD TB 87.4°C α
90.4°C TD TB
ΔT2 92.7°C
89.6°C 88.1°C
TA ΔTmax = 6.8°C
α = 211°
TD 93.8°C ΔT2
Figure 4: Journal surface temperature distribution in NDE bearing. (a) Balanced state. (b) Unbalance weight applied at 0°. (c) Unbalance
weight applied at 180°.
Journal Journal
1 3
Bearing 5 7 Bearing
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Diameter (mm) 500 500 500 600 980 700 1100 1000
Length (mm) 1218 311 200 350 200 120 850 3275
Table 3: Properties of rotor material. 4.1. Vibration Phenomenon. On-site vibration test was carried
out firstly after the abnormal vibration fault had occurred.
Properties Value Figures 8 and 9 depict the trend analysis diagram and
Density (kg/m ) 7850 frequency spectrum of shaft vibrations at the front bearing
Young’s modulus (GPa) 210 (denoted as bearing A) and rear bearing (denoted as bearing
Poisson’s ratio 0.269 B) of the generator, respectively. Figure 10 depicts the changes
Isotropic thermal conductivity (W/(m•K)) 50.2 of vibration vectors.
Coefficient of thermal expansion (/°C) 11.59 × 10−6 The test results showed that the shaft vibrations fluctuated
periodically in constant speed operation. The synchronous com-
ponent (1X, equaled to rotation frequency of the rotor) was
extremely dominant in frequency spectrum. The fluctuation cycle
was about 24 minutes. The direct vibration amplitude (peak-to-
peak, 𝐴 𝑝𝑝) of 𝑥-direction shaft vibration at bearing A fluctuated
Thermal expansion between 63.3 μm and 95.5 μm, with a fluctuation range of 32.2 μm.
–103.54 –44.32 44.52 103.74 Unit: μm The 1X component accounted for 95.3%. Similarly, the periodic
Min Max fluctuations also occurred on 𝑦-direction shaft vibration at bear-
ing A, 𝑥- and 𝑦-direction shaft vibrations at bearing B. Meanwhile,
After bending 4.2. Analysis on Vibration Cause. The gaps between lubricant
baffles and journals exceeded the vibration amplitudes. Thus,
Figure 6: Calculation result for rotor thermal bending. the lubricant baffles would not rub against the journals.
In order to find out the abnormal vibration cause, shaft
relationship between thermal unbalance, initial unbalance and vibrations and journal surface temperature at bearing A were
resultant unbalance. Assuming that the initial unbalance is measured on site. Table 4 lists the 1X component amplitudes
𝑈0, the thermal unbalance caused by 𝑈0 at time 𝑡0 is 𝑈푡0, and (peak-to-peak, 𝐴 𝑝𝑝) of shaft vibrations at bearings A and B.
the resultant unbalance is 𝑈1. Figure 11 depicts the journal surface temperature distribution
When the rotor is running below the critical speed, the (before dynamic balance) at bearing A. The starting point 0°
lagging angle of the rotor vibration 𝛾 is less than 90°. As shown was the location of the cursor. Figure 12 depicts the journal
in Figure 7(a), the resultant unbalance 𝑈1 > 𝑈0. In the same orbit (before dynamic balance) at bearing A under synchro-
way, the thermal unbalance 𝑈푡1 at time 𝑡1 can be obtained, then nous vibration. The orbit center was the static equilibrium
the resultant unbalance 𝑈2 > 𝑈1. In this process, the resultant position of the journal.
unbalance, the rotor thermal bending and the vibration are The on-site test results showed that the journal surface
on the increase, which will lead to instability of the rotor even- temperature distribution was nonuniform at bearing A. It can
tually. When the rotor is running at the critical speed, the be confirmed that the journal surface temperature difference
phenomenon is similar to the above. was caused by journal whirl with large amplitude. In other
When the rotor is running above the critical speed, the words, the periodic fluctuations of shaft vibrations were closely
lagging angle 𝛾 exceeds 90°. As shown in Figure 7(b), the related to the journal whirl with large amplitude. The 1X com-
resultant unbalance 𝑈2 < 𝑈1 < 𝑈0. In this process, the resultant ponents were extremely dominant in vibration frequency
unbalance and the vibration become smaller. The rotor ther- spectrums (see Figure 9). The characteristics are consistent
mal bending is gradually restored. After an interval, the vibra- with those of unbalance faults. The root cause for the vibration
tion gradually increases again due to the initial unbalance, fault was a mass unbalance on the rotor.
which will result in that the rotor vibration fluctuates period-
4.3. Treatment for Vibration Fault. The reason for journal
ically at a constant speed.
whirls with large amplitude was a large mass unbalance on the
rotor. On-site dynamic balance technology was determined
4. Case Study to treat the abnormal vibration fault. Table 4 lists the on-
site dynamic balance data. Two on-site dynamic balance
A turbogenerator unit suffered from abnormal vibration fault experiments were carried out. The counterweights were added
of its generator. Its first- and second-order critical speed was in the balance grooves at both sides of the generator. Based on
1052 rpm and 2736 rpm, respectively. The working speed was the vibration characteristics, a couple was determined to be
3000 rpm. applied to the generator rotor. In order to obtain the influence
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 7
U0 U2
γ Ut1
x x
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Resultant, thermal, and initial unbalance. (a) Below critical rotational speed. (b) Above critical rotational speed.
100 60
95 55
Amplitude (μm)
Amplitude (μm)
75 40 8:30
70 35
100 60
65 55
90 30
60 50
80 45
15:32 25
55 70 40
500 600 700 800 500 600 700 800
50 20
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (min) Time (min)
Direct vibration Direct vibration
Synchronous vibration Synchronous vibration
(a) (b)
75 55
15:32 15:32
65 50
Amplitude (μm)
55 45
Amplitude (μm)
8:30 8:30
45 40
68 52
64 50
60 48
35 35
56 46
52 44
500 600 700 800 500 600 700 800
25 30
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (min) Time (min)
Direct vibration Direct vibration
Synchronous vibration Synchronous vibration
(c) (d)
Figure 8: Vibration trend analysis diagram. (a) х-direction at bearing A. (b) y-direction at bearing A. (c) х-direction at bearing B. (d) y-direction at bearing B.
8 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
100 60
1X 50
80 1X
Amplitude (μm)
Amplitude (μm)
50 30
20 2X 2X
0.5X 3X 10 0.5X 3X 4X
10 4X
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
70 50
1X 40
Amplitude (μm)
Amplitude (μm)
40 30
30 20
0.5X 2X 10 2X 3X
10 3X 4X 0.5X 4X
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(c) (d)
Figure 9: Vibration frequency spectrum. (a) х -direction at bearing A. (b) y-direction at bearing A. (c) х-direction at bearing B. (d) y-direction at bearing B.
coefficients for measuring points, the trial counterweights counterweight of 270 g ∠ 70° at bearing A side, and a counter-
were added. The trial counterweight scheme was as follows: weight of 270 g ∠ 250° at bearing B side.
adding a counterweight of 420 g∠60° at bearing A side, and a The unit vibrations had reached a good level after on-site
counterweight of 420 g∠240° at bearing B side. The method dynamic balance. The unit vibrations were stable with little
used to calculate the influence coefficients can be expressed as: fluctuation.
[𝐴1 ] − [𝐴0 ]
It can be observed from Figure 11 and Table 4 that the
[𝛼] = (13) rotor vibration amplitudes decreased after adding trial coun-
𝑃 terweights and dynamic balance, indicating that the rotor
where 𝑃 is the counterweight added to the rotor. [𝐴0 ] and [𝐴1 ] unbalance reduced. Based on the regularity in Figure 3, the
are the shaft vibrations before and after adding counterweights, journal surface temperature difference would decrease.
respectively. Table 5 lists the influence coefficients for meas- Meanwhile, the rotor vibration phases changed, indicating
uring points. Then the trial counterweights were removed. A that the position of rotor unbalance changed. According to
system of overdetermined equations is given by the influence the calculation and experimental results shown in Sections
coefficients as follows: 3.1 and 3.2, the direction of journal surface temperature dif-
[𝐴0 ] + [𝛼]𝑄 = 0.
ference would change. The maximum journal surface tem-
perature difference reached 4.6°C before dynamic balance.
By solving the system of Equations (14) with least-square While it was only 1.6°C after on-site dynamic balance. The
method, the balancing counterweight 𝑄 can be obtained: whirl amplitude was larger under large vibration amplitude,
𝑄 = −([𝛼]푇 [𝛼]) [𝛼]푇 [𝐴0 ].
−1 and the journal surface temperature difference was also
(15) higher. Results show that reducing the initial (mechanical)
Meanwhile, considering the vector optimization method, the unbalances not only reduces the shaft vibrations, but also
balancing counterweight scheme was obtained as follows: decreases the journal surface circumferential temperature
removing the trial counterweights firstly, then adding a difference.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 9
90 90
100 μm 60 μm
120 60 120 60
80 μm
40 μm
60 μm
150 30 150 30
40 μm
20 μm
20 μm
180 0 180 0
90 90
80 μm 50 μm
120 60 120 60
40 μm
60 μm
30 μm
150 40 μm 30 150 30
20 μm
20 μm 10 μm
180 0 180 0
Table 4: 1X component amplitudes of shaft vibrations at bearings A and B, maximum journal surface temperature difference at bearing A.
Bearing A Bearing B
Measuring points
𝑥-Direction 𝑦-Direction 𝑥-Direction 𝑦-Direction
Influence coefficients (μm∠°/g∠°) 0.324∠246 0.177∠79 0.253∠70 0.156∠288
46 40
Journal surface temperature (°C)
44.5 20
44 10
y (μm)
42 –20
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 –40
Angle (°) –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Before dynamic balance x (μm)
After adding trial counterweights Before dynamic balance
After adding trial counterweights
After dynamic balance
After dynamic balance
Figure 11: Measured journal surface temperature curves at bearing A. Figure 12: Journal orbits at bearing A under synchronous vibrations.
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ID 091202, 2019.