Air Quality Monitoring System
Air Quality Monitoring System
Air Quality Monitoring System
Shalini P Trisha V
Department Of Electronics and Department Of Electronics and
2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS) | 979-8-3503-9458-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCEBS58601.2023.10448553
Abstract—Air pollution is on the rise in the current 1. Cost-Effective Solution: Leveraging readily available
circumstances, posing a significant threat to public and affordable Arduino hardware, this system offers a cost-
health. According to the United Nations World Health effective approach to air quality monitoring, enabling its
Organization, 99% of urban residents worldwide are deployment in resource-constrained settings.
exposed to polluted air, leading to various health issues.
The proposed system aims to enhance the quality of 2. High Data Resolution: High-resolution data from the
indoor air using Arduino UNO integrated with sensors. network of Arduino sensors makes it easier to identify
It employs Optical dust sensor and MQ-135 sensor to regional sources of pollution and spatial variations in air
monitor dust, pollen, and smoke levels in the atmosphere. quality.
The collected data is utilized to analyze and calculate the
Air Quality Index (AQI), which is then displayed on the 3. Data Analysis and Visualization: Advanced data
LCD screen. If the AQI value surpasses safe limits analysis and visualization techniques are employed to
(>400ppm), an alert is triggered, accompanied by process and interpret the collected data, yielding insights
blinking LEDs to signal the presence of harmful levels of into air quality trends and fluctuations.
air in the vicnity.
4. Local Empowerment: The strategy encourages
Keywords - Air Quality Index (AQI), Arduino UNO, grassroots environmental stewardship by empowering local
Real - time monitoring. communities and organisations to actively participate in
monitoring and resolving air quality issues.
5. Scalability and Replicability: By documenting the
In an age defined by urbanization and industrialization, the design, sensor configurations and data processing
quality of air we breathe has become of utmost importance methodologies in detail, other researches and communities
for the health and welfare of urban people around the world. can replicate this system in diverse urban environments.
The deleterious effects of poor air quality on the Scalability encourages the development of a wider network
environment and human health highlight the urgent need for of air quality monitoring programmes, resulting in a deeper
efficient air quality monitoring methods. This project uses comprehension of the global difficulties posed by poor air
Arduino-based technology along with cutting-edge sensors quality.
to monitor air quality in urban settings. Urban areas
represent epicenters of diverse pollutant sources, including 6. Policy Support: The information produced by our
vehicular emissions, industrial operations and construction system can be a useful source of information for the
activities, making them focal point for air quality issues. development of evidence-based policy, allowing
Traditional air quality monitoring systems, while reliable, government agencies to implement specialised actions and
often fall short in terms of affordability, scalability and rules to enhance air quality.
accessibility, rendering them inadequate for comprehensive
urban air quality assessment. By utilizing the potential of
Arduino microcontrollers in conjunction with precise
[1]The vital issue of indoor air quality through IoT-based
sensors for the continuous monitoring of crucial air quality
technology, created a system utilizing ESP32 as a controller
parameters, such as particulate matter (PM2.5), carbon
and multiple sensors to periodically monitor temperature,
dioxide (CO2) , smoke, Ammonia (NH3) and Sulphur (S).
humidity, dust particles, and various polluting gases (H2S,
This project strategically uses a network of Arduino-based
NH3, CO, NO2, and SO2). In [2], a low-power device that
sensors throughout urban areas to capture real-time data on
monitors air qualityincluding CO2, temperature, and
air quality. The primary goals of the project include:
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979-8-3503-9458-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
humidity, and sends data to the cloud for continuous
monitoring and storage. [3] An air purification system for
vehicles that not only filters contaminants but also monitors
air quality,safety, with test results indicating its superior
performance compared to existing vehicle air purifiers. [4]
An Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System (IAQMS)
capable of real-time measurement of various air parameters,
empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions for
better indoor air quality. [5] Acost-effective and reliable air
quality monitoring system coupled with IoT capabilities to
address global air quality issues, particularly in regions
lacking reference monitoring stations. [6] A Distributed Air
Quality Monitoring System (DAQMS) utilizing IoT for
improved data collection coverage, cost-effectively
interfacing ESP32 microcontroller with sensors and cloud
integration, aimed at enhancing data accuracy and public
awareness of air pollution.[7]A portable IoT Indoor Air Fig 1.1 Circuit Diagram
Quality (IAQ) monitoring system with extended battery life,
capable of measuring various parameters, calculating air
quality indices, and offering user-friendly recommendations
for air quality improvement, suitable for large-scale Smart IV. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS
City networks.[8] Smart air quality monitoring and
purification system for schools, allowing users to select 1. ARDUIO UNO:
between air purifiers and natural ventilation based on The ATmega328P serves as the foundation for the Arduino
outdoor and indoor air quality, with noise-reducing fan UNO microcontroller board. It contains 6 analogue inputs, a
control, and achieving a 15% error reduction compared to 16 MHz ceramic resonator, 14 digital input/output pins (six
reference instruments in performance evaluation. [9]A of which can be used as PWM outputs), a USB port, a
wireless sensor network-based indoor air quality monitoring power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. A low-cost,
system utilizing Arduino, XBee modules, and micro sensors adaptable, and simple-to-use programmable microcontroller
for real-time data accessibility via web and mobile, board called Arduino UNO is available for use in a range of
effectively assessing and mitigating indoor pollutant electronic applications.
exposure risks.[10] A real-time IoT air quality monitoring
system utilizing LoRa sensor nodes, Arduino control boards, 2. MQ135 SENSOR:
and cloud integration for comprehensive environmental data The MQ-135 Gas Sensor can identify dangerous gases and
collection, accessible to users via a single gateway device, smoke, including ammonia (NH3), sulphur (S), benzene
mobile appand cloud website, covering various parameters (C6H6), and CO2. The MQ135 sensor operates on the
for large-scale areas. principle of chemoresistance. It contains a sensing element
with a sensitive layer that reacts with the target gases.This
III. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM sensor, like the others in the MQ series of gas sensors, has a
pin for both digital and analog output. The digital pin turns
The Arduino Uno is powered by a microcontroller chip, high when the amount of these gases in the air exceeds a
which is the brain of the board. It uses the ATmega328P predetermined threshold.
microcontroller chip from Atmel. This microcontroller runs
at 16 MHz and has 32 KB of flash memory for storing the 3. OPTICAL DUST SENSOR:
program code, 2 KB of SRAM for data storage and 1 KB of The GP2Y1010AU0F from Sharp is an optical air quality
EEPROM for non-volatile data storage. The MQ 135 and sensor built to detect dust particles. To enable this device to
Optical dust sensors are linked to the Arduino Uno. The detect the reflected light of dust in the air, an infrared
input signal from the sensors is delivered to the Arduino and emitting diode and a phototransistor are diagonally placed.
the LED, buzzer, LCD display receive the output from the It is frequently employed in air purifier systems and is
arduino. The received output alerts the users through LED, particularly good at detecting extremely small particles,
buzzer and the AQI value will be displayed on the LCD such as cigarette smoke.
Piezo buzzers can be used effectively in air quality
monitoring systems to provide audible alerts or warnings
based on specific air quality parameters. They can produce
high audible outputs from small (milliwatt) input.
Incorporating buzzers into this systemenhances user
awareness and safety by providing real-time audible
notifications when air quality levels exceed predefined
thresholds or when potentially harmful pollutants are
detected.Buzzers serve as valuable components in air quality
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monitoring systems by enhancing situational awareness,
promoting safety, and encouraging prompt actions in
response to air quality issues. They are an integral part of
creating effective and user-friendly air quality monitoring
5. LED:
In air quality monitoring systems, LEDs (Light-Emitting
Diodes) are employed as visual indications. Users can
receive clear and simple-to-understand information
regarding the state of the air quality from them. Different
LEDs are dedicated to specific air quality parameters or
pollutants, when a particular pollutant's concentration rises,
the corresponding LED change color and blinks. Clear
labeling and user-friendly interfaces are key to ensuring that
users can interpret the information effectively. Additionally,
combining LEDs withother forms of feedback, such as
sound alerts and LCD display in this project enhances the
overall user experience.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of flat panel display
which uses liquid crystals in its primary form of operation.A
display is made up of millions of pixels. The quality of a Fig 1.2 Flowchart
display commonly refers to the number of pixels. LCDs are
made with either a passive matrix or an active matrix
display grid. This air quality monitoring system uses a 16x2 VII. HARDWARE RESULTS
display, it is an effective way to provide real-time data
visualization and user-friendly feedback. LCD displays can In order to test the working of the proposed air quality
convey air quality information, pollutant concentrations, the monitoring system and analyse the data thus collected, the
air quality index value other relevant data in a clear and system was experimented in a kitchen (an indoor
easily understandable format. environment) and was observed at different hours such as
while the kitchen was in use and while the kitchen was not
V. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS in use, for a course of 5 consecutive days. The average
values of the survey is represented graphically. The figures
1. ARDUINO IDE: given below,Fig. 1.3 and Fig. 1.4, are graphical
The software tool Arduino IDE (Integrated Development representation of the output from the sensors at two different
Environment) is used to programme Arduino boards. It instances (while the kitchen in use and not in use).
offers a simple and user-friendly writing interface,
assembling and sending code to the Arduino
microcontroller.Arduino IDE Operating systems include
Linux, macOS, and Windows.The IDE's Board Manager
enables to maintain the essential board definitions for
various Microcontrollers compatible with the Arduino, like
Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, and a lot more.
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efforts to create a cleaner and healthier environment for
everyone as we continue to tackle air quality concerns.
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