12 Marina Boulevard #10-01, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Important Messages
Removal of Physical Token Authentication
Effective from 24 April 2021, all 2-Factor authentication on DBS Vickers trading platform and mTrading will be done via
SMS OTP only. Customers must have a valid mobile number prior to 24 April 2021 to avoid any disruptions to trading
EU shareholders rights Directive II Notice
As communicated in Aug 2020, to facilitate with the compliance of the requirements under EU Shareholders Rights
Directive II (SRD II), we have engaged a third party vendor to facilitate the exercise of shareholder rights. As such,
if any of your holdings are in scope for such event, you will receive an email notification from “[email protected]”
for your prompt action. For more information, please refer to the following weblink:
Trans Settle Trans Ref Buy or Stock Stock Name Quantity Price Description Amount GST
Date Date No Sell Code
25 Mar 29 Mar 1583410 Buy ZOM ZOMEDICA CORP 300 USD 1.69000000 Gross Amount USD -507.00
Commission USD -25.00 SR
Net Amount before GST USD -532.00
GST 7% USD -1.75 SR
Net Amount after GST USD -533.75
FX Rate -
To Settle In USD -533.75
For GST Purpose SGD Equivalent
Amount Payable Excluding GST 33.93
GST Amount 2.38
Amount Payable Including GST 36.31
FX Rate: USD/SGD 1.3572
MCA Cash settlement selected. (DBS MCA 120-515212-0)
Please note: This Daily Statement and its contents are subject to the terms and conditions governing your relationship with DBS Vickers Securities.
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DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd
12 Marina Boulevard #10-01, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
2. This daily statement also act as your contract note(s) pursuant to SGX-ST Rules 12.6 and Regulation 42 of Securities and
Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations (as may be amended from time to time).
Glossary of Abbreviations
- End of statement -
Please note: This Daily Statement and its contents are subject to the terms and conditions governing your relationship with DBS Vickers Securities.
Visit for help, terms & conditions.