Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
Forms of business(ownership)
1. Sole proprietorship
2. Partnership
3. Corporation
4. Franchising
B. Partnership
-partnership is a union or association of two or more persons to manage a business to
earn profit.
- each partners willingly agrees to provide some amount of work, capital and sharing of
Kinds of partnership
1. General partnership - a kind of partnership where general partners are liable for the
contracts and obligations of the partnership prop-rata with their individual private or
personal property after exhaustion of partnership assets..
- every partners assets can use to repay the liabilities of the partnership. This
also means that each partner is responsible for every other partner’s actions.
2. Limited partnership - a kind of partnership that is composed of one or more general
partners and one or more limited partners.
- the limited partnership is only liable to the extent of the capital contributed by
him for the contracts and obligations of the partnership.
- its partnership name must contain the word “limited” or “Ltd.”
- as a limited partnership, thay are not involved in management decisions and do
not have any control over the company.
3. Partnership at will
- a partnership whose term of existence is indefinite. It may dissolved at will by
any partner at any times he/she pleases and at a moment notice.
4. General Professional Partnership
- a general professional partnership is a partnership formed for the exercise of a
C. Corporation
- A corporation is a legal entity that is separated and distinct from its owner. The
ownership of corporation is divided into shares of stock. A corporation issues the stock
to individual or other businesses, who then become the owner or stockholder or the
- Franchising is another form of business that exist in the tourism and hospitality
industry sector. Franchising enables a business grow quickly into several
geographic market at once with a proven and tested strategy.
Franchisor ( entrepreneur/developer) - the owner of the business that provides
the product or service.
Franchisee (business person) - the one who receives the right to use the
franchisor’s business name.
Business Plan - is a written documents that gives the details of the proposed business
- it describes a clear picture of what the venture is, where it is projected to do and
introduces the strategy and operations of the proposed venture.
- it covers marketing, research and development, manufacturing, management
critical risks financing and time-table.
- is a written narrative that summarizes an entrepreneur’s proposal for new
business venture with operational procedures and financial data that gives the details of
the business ventures.
The elements of a business plan may be standard but the products or services
must be unique and appealing to the market.
A. The general approach to operation - how your business will run and how your
product and services will be produced.
B. Business location - illustrate how the business runs from the front stage (seen by the
customer) to the backstage (unseen by the customer)
C. Facilities and equipment
The entrepreneurial plan must pass the three test with the potential investors and
1. Reality test - the reality test’s external components revolve around proving that the
market for the product and service exists. The entrepreneur must prove that there is a
strong demand for their business venture’s product and services.
External components includes:
A. Attractive industry
B. Market niche
C. Potential customers
D. Market size
- internal component of the reality test focuses on the features of the product or
service itself.
2. Competitive test - the external components assesses the business relative position to
its key competitor.
- the internal component focus on the management ability to
create a company that will gain an edge over the competitor.
3. Value test - the entrepreneurs must convince the investors and lenders that they can
pay off the loans and give an attractive return on investments. The business plan must
explain that the business is a good investment and that it will give appealing profitability
to them.
Business Plan - it is the planning tool for transforming an idea into reality. It is a
written document that describes in details how a business will achieve its goal from
start-up to financial components. It is a document that thoroughly explains a business
idea and how it will carried out.
MARKETING PLAN - is a document that outlines and records the marketing activities
based on the corporate objective of a firm. It serves as a basis to define the budget
required to implement the marketing objectives and enable a process to monitor the
expected output as compared to the actual.