How To Choose Firewood Trees

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How to Choose Firewood Trees orest

Cornell University Cooperative Extension and

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
FC onnect
Fact Sheet Series

Many people who want to obtain firewood but, for example, some trees might be good
from their own woodlots are concerned about choices to cut for firewood, to leave for use by
the practicality and sustainability of this practice. wildlife, or to keep for aesthetic reasons. When
Common questions are: you inspect your woodlot for firewood, you
• Which trees should I cut? might look for trees with evidence of disease, like
• When is a good time to cut the trees? cankers, bleeding lesions, and dieback in the
• Should I dry, then split or split it first? crown. Crooked or densely arranged hardwoods
• Will I ruin my woods by cutting out often require judicious thinning and make good
firewood? firewood. The trees selected to remain standing,
called crop trees, should be clearly marked as
This information sheet provides the basics
“keepers” to help you monitor your progress as
of choosing and cutting trees out of a woodlot
a woodlot manager.
for fuel use. Since it is possible to ruin the value
of a woodlot and reduce the efficiency of your Plan your firewood removal process to
wood stove by cutting the wrong trees for maximize chainsaw safety by planning out which
firewood, these guidelines will help you improve trees to cut first, to give room to fell other trees
the condition of your forest and get the most afterward. If you are working with a partner,
fuel heat from your labor. keep each other in clear communication and
visual contact to prevent accidents. Trees with
Is firewood the best fuel for you? crown dieback may drop major limbs during the
Firewood derived from one’s own woodlot cutting process. Perform this work in seasons
might pass the test of economics, but make sure where you can easily see the dead branches.
you are considering all the associated costs -
$100+ for safety equipment, $200+ for a chainsaw,
plus more for a storage shed, chimney cleaning
services and equipment, and the cost of a stove
itself. It is one of the least convenient sources of
heat in New York, requiring time and
considerable effort to fell and split trees, move
wood into dry outdoor storage for at least a year,
transport wood indoors, maintain an effective
woodstove fire, and keep the system cleaned for
safety and efficiency. Nonetheless, it is
inexpensive compared to other sources of heat.
Once the tools and facilities are paid off, your
time becomes the biggest cost. Reduce your risk of injury by wearing proper protective gear
and planning which trees to cut first.
Selecting trees appropriate for firewood
cutting Species to cut for wood stove firewood
Before you begin the firewood process, think Indoor wood stoves should be operated only
about all you want from your woods. Firewood with fully seasoned hardwoods like sugar and
cutting is compatible with most owner interests red maples, hickory, oak, ash, beech, hornbeam,
hophornbeam, locust, and apple. Softer trees like
birch, aspen, willow, silver maple, pines, and
larch should be burned only sparingly, if at all.
Thus, your firewood tree scouting efforts should
focus only on those species that burn hot and
long, to make best use of your labor.
Support provided by USDA Renewable Resources Extension Act and USDA Forest Service - NA State and Private Forestry.
Species to cut for campfire or outdoor wood Removal of inferior trees will
boiler use result in increased production for
Outdoor wood boilers have much more timber and wildlife
flexibility because they have thermostats to
regulate water flow and air supply. There are no Crowded
restrictions on which species of trees can be Crooked
burned in these or as campfire wood. Using fully
seasoned wood will reduce the particulate matter
and smoke generated by outdoor wood boilers.
Avoid fresh wood of any kind, as it will have too
much water embedded in the wood to burn

Minimum size of firewood parcel Before firewood thinning - select inferior trees
A few acres of trees are not enough to manage
sustainably as your sole source for firewood.
Estimates of how many acres of trees needed to
heat your houses vary due to the quality of the
fuelwood available, the size of the trees, site
productivity, and the history of the woodlot.
Woodlots in New York typically yield a half-cord
of fuelwood per year, or 1-2 16" face cords. A full After firewood thinning - most productive trees remain
cord is 128 ft3 or a 4’ x 8’ x 4’ stack. Thus, 12 - 15 the removal of inferior trees that are competing
acres, properly managed, can provide the 4-5 full for light and soil nutrients. Uninformed forest
cords most houses need for heating each year. owners often cut straight trees because they are
Large or less energy efficient houses and poorly easier to split by hand, but this practice
operated stoves need more acres of available encourages the crooked, limby trees to
fuelwood annually. People owning fewer acres proliferate. Firewood management is an excellent
for firewood production will need to access opportunity to thin a stand for long-term
additional acreage or plan on a supplemental woodlot value, even for wildlife. For example,
source of heat. trees with low potential wildlife value can be
removed to favor those with prime wildlife value.
Avoid cutting trees that are protecting
streams, wet areas, and dry channels, or trees left
in place as bumpers during timber harvesting.
Inspect trees for wildlife dens and nests to avoid
inadvertent damage. You should be certain of

Keep firewood dry, off the ground, and stacked so air can
circulate throughout the ranks. The roof on this firewood
rack is being constructed.

Trees to avoid cutting -

When seeking firewood trees in your
Most woodlots will have trees with various types of cankers
woodlot, use paint or flagging to designate the and defects. These defects reduce the growth potential of
trees that you are NOT going to cut for firewood. the tree and structurally weaken the tree. Weakened trees
These may be trees with straight, clean trunks of are more likely to fall during storms. Careful removal of
potential timber value, or those with wildlife or these trees for firewood releases their growing space to
other trees and reduces the proportion of defective trees in
aesthetic value. These crop trees will benefit from the forest.
where your property ends and your neighbor’s Reducing firewood problems
begins to avoid cutting trees you do not own. Firewood that is fully dried yields the most
heat, and is the safest to burn. Firewood should
If you are unfamiliar with the techniques of
be seasoned to complete dryness under a shelter
selecting trees for firewood, consult with an
for at least one full year. The trees cut for
experienced forester from the Department of
firewood this summer will be ready to burn this
Environmental Conservation, or a private sector
winter only if fully dried. Dry wood burns
forester. These forestry professionals can help
efficiently, has fewer insect problems, and will
you inventory the potential for firewood
minimize creosote accumulation in your
harvesting, mark firewood trees, and provide a
long-range written plan to help you meet other
goals for your forest. Master Forest Owners Ants, termites, other insects and mice can be
(MFO) are community volunteers, trained by a problem if firewood is stored too close to the
Cornell University, to help in making decisions house, or if infested wood is brought inside. To
about tree selection, including helping you keep ants, termites, other insects and mice away,
identify which tree is which. Contact your local firewood should be stored outdoors away from
MFO by calling Cornell Cooperative Extension. the house and under a shelter or tarp. Keep
firewood dry, off the ground, and stacked so air
Splitting logs into firewood can circulate through the ranks. Avoid storing
Once a tree is felled and bucked into pieces firewood in the forest where wood-eating insects
sized to fit the wood stove or fireplace, it should can infest the logs.
be split as soon as possible. Green wood splits
more easily than dried wood and the smaller
pieces will dry out faster than intact round logs.
Some forest owners split the wood immediately
to vary their woodland tasks and maintain
stamina. Cut out notches and burls that will be
difficult to split.
For household use, an 8-lb. splitting maul or
borrowed/rented log splitter are usually more
economical than purchasing a log splitter. It will
take practice to learn to read the grain, cracks,
and knots that make firewood splitting easier.
Use a splitting block to stabilize logs you are
striking with a maul and wear eye protection,
steel-toe boots, and a back brace to prevent strain
and injury. Stacking firewood on the ground can increase the risk of
insect and fungal infestation.

Only bring in enough firewood for a day or

two. Before bringing wood inside, remove the
loose bark flaps and inspect the wood for insects
or signs of insects (eg. holes that have been
bored), and check hollow logs for mouse nests.
Wood infested with insects should be split into
thin segments to remove the insects, and then
used for kindling. Any insects accidentally
brought indoors should be swept up or removed
with a vacuum, and insecticides should never be
used to kill insects on your firewood.
Cutting firewood on your own or a friends
property is exciting and fun, but carries a special
Stack firewood to allow easy access and movement. Stack obligation to ensure you do not create a problem
firewood securely to reduce risk of piles falling. elsewhere through the transport of invasive
insect and disease pests. For example, the
Safety summary

What can go wrong Preventing the problem

Damage to hearing, eye injury, concussion from Wear a logging helmet with a face shield and ear
flying debris during chainsaw use protection. Learn chainsaw safety from a certified
Back strain from repeated bending, lifting, and Wear a back support device.
twisting with heavy logs
Severe wounds from chainsaw Wear wrap-around logging chaps, bibs, or
chainsaw pants and chainsaw boots. Attend
chainsaw safety classes.
Creosote-laden chimney becomes fire hazard Burn fully seasoned, dry wood at the right
temperature for the stove. Minimize cool fires.
Severe burns Wear wood stove gloves when adding wood to
an operating stove. Only burn wood in a wood
stove (not garbage, wrapping paper, or chemicals).

transport of firewood between home and camp and disease to exit the wood for more suitable
has been a primary cause to accelerate the spread habitats. If your firewood cutting leaves the
of the Emerald Ash Borer within Michigan. As a healthiest stems behind and you are careful not
first step, contact your NYS DEC forester to see to damage the trees that remain, there is little
if the region where you are cutting has any chance that you will re-infect your woods.
invasive insect or disease pests of concern. If
there are numerous dead trees, invite the forester Additional References
for a visit to assess the cause of the problem. If Van Ryn, Debbie M. and James P. Lassoie. 1987.
there is any chance of potential spread, you Managing Small Woodlands for Firewood.
should season any freshly cut firewood (even DNR CCE Publications (607) 254-6556. 32
though some may be dead stems) for 12 months pp.
before you move it more than 25 miles. You can
split and stack the wood on-site to enhance the
seasoning process. Seasoning will allow insects

Some trees are designated as “bumper” trees, or trees

along skid trails and haul paths that protect other trees.
These trees should be retained, otherwise the trees they
Correct felling techniques, such as those taught through protect may become damaged during subsequent forest
Game of Logging increase productivity and safety while activities. Try to locate corners on skid trails to take
reducing damage to other trees. advantage of low value trees as future bumper trees.

Prepared by Jim Ochterski with support of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schuyler County. Edited and compiled
by Kristi L. Sullivan, Peter J. Smallidge and Gary R. Goff, Department of Natural Resources, Ithaca, NY. 2006.
Printed on Finch Paper, made in New York State and certified as meeting the standards of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Program.
With support from the New York Forest Owners Association.

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