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Spare Parts

Blood detection 6Tr FT left

Document Nr.: 14096490-2-GB WWW.MOBA.NL 26-02-2014

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right to translate this documentation is reserved by MOBA BV, also in case of patent applications. The contents and any part of this
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Furthermore, MOBA BV is not responsible for errors in this documentation and reserves the right to make technical changes.

MOBA BV is not liable for any errors in this documentation. Any liability is excluded for direct or indirect damages that may be related
to the delivery or the use of this documentation, in so far as this is legally permitted.

Table of Contents

Spare Parts Catalog Spare Parts Catalog 4

Assy BD20 6tr Left FT 23530090......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Assy BD20 box Left FT 21588640................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Assy mounting plate BD20 FT left 21588780 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
PCB BLD15 Led Control 21930010.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Assy BD20 FT tube left 6tr 21588630 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Sam Afstel eieren voor bloed 21537620 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Afstel ei bloed 21537610 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Index........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

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Spare Parts Catalog (Spare Parts Catalog)

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Spare Parts Catalog (Spare Parts Catalog)

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Spare Parts Catalog (Spare Parts Catalog)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

23530090 Assy BD20 6tr Left FT 23530090 0 pc

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Assy BD20 6tr Left FT (23530090)

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Assy BD20 6tr Left FT (23530090)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

14096490 EV Blood detection 6Tr FT left 14096490 1.0 pc
21537620 Sam Afstel eieren voor bloed 21537620 1.0 pc
21588630 Assy BD20 FT tube left 6tr 21588630 1.0 pc
21588640 Assy BD20 box Left FT 21588640 1.0 pc

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Assy BD20 box Left FT (21588640)

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Assy BD20 box Left FT (21588640)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

01815080 Afdichtingsprofiel zonder lip 01815080 1.0 m
03005126 Conn.moer kunst.M50 03005126 4.0 pc
03005236 Blindst. kunst. M50 03005236 2.0 pc
03103010 Connector-90degr. 03103010 2.0 pc
21588600 Weld assy box 21588600 1.0 pc
21588780 Assy mounting plate BD20 FT left 21588780 1.0 pc
21588860 Spec shaft L 132 D 60 PLMR 21588860 1.0 pc

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Assy mounting plate BD20 FT left (21588780)

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Assy mounting plate BD20 FT left (21588780)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

01583050 Verbindingsmoer M6 RVS 01583050 3.0 pc
03000840 Cable Clamp Shield SK8 03000840 4.0 pc
03001106 Term.Rail Screw UK5-N 03001106 4.0 pc
03007381 Term. Rail ST4-QUAT PE 03007381 1.0 pc
03007461 Term. Rail Plug ST2,5-TWIN/1P 03007461 1.0 pc
03007465 Term. Rail Plug ST2,5-TW/1P BU 03007465 1.0 pc
03007468 Term. Rail Plug ST2,5-TW/1P PE 03007468 1.0 pc
03030005 Afst.steun 100mm-M6x10 03030005 3.0 pc
03030068 Afst.bus M3 in/uitw. l=10mm M 03030068 6.0 pc
03034020 Mounting Rail NS 35/7.5 03034020 2.0 m
03050024 Filter 6A SIFI C 03050024 1.0 pc
03053318 Cable SSTP CAT6 BU 0,5m FB9600 03053318 1.0 pc
03053328 Cable SSTP CAT6 YE 0,5m FB9800 03053328 1.0 pc
03213129 PS 24V/10A DRP-240-24 03213129 1.0 pc
21539410 Cover 21539410 1.0 pc
21588770 Mounting plate blooddetection for left 21588770 1.0 pc
21930010 PCB BLD15 Led Control 21930010 1.0 pc
21930060 Camera Box BD20 PC104 NITOC 21930060 1.0 pc

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PCB BLD15 Led Control (21930010)

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PCB BLD15 Led Control (21930010)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

21930210 Prog BLD15 Led Control 21930210 1.0 pc

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Assy BD20 FT tube left 6tr (21588630)

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Assy BD20 FT tube left 6tr (21588630)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

01751210 Adjusting scrw M 4x 12 StSt-A2 NEN2343 01751210 6.0 pc
01792020 rnd hd scrw 4,0 x 16 mm StSt 01792020 18.0 pc
01792038 rnd hd scrw 5,0 x 25 mm StSt 01792038 14.0 pc
01858342 O-ring-62x3mm NBR 70sh 01858342 7.0 pc
01858343 O-ring-91x2mm NBR 70sh 01858343 7.0 pc
01887080 V-ring V80S 01887080 2.0 pc
03005126 Conn.moer kunst.M50 03005126 2.0 pc
03005236 Blindst. kunst. M50 03005236 1.0 pc
03103009 Tubing protection 03103009 1.0 m
03103010 Connector-90degr. 03103010 1.0 pc
21530980 Sub assy housing BLD receiver LED 21530980 7.0 pc
21538430 Light aim block 21538430 6.0 pc
21538730 Bracket tube 21538730 7.0 pc
21538760 Endplate left 21538760 1.0 pc
21538770 Endplate right 21538770 1.0 pc
21538860 Shaft L 41 D Hx 22 STST Revet (m8) 21538860 1.0 pc
21538960 Spec shaft L 101 D 60 PLMR 21538960 1.0 pc
21538970 Bracket 6tr 21538970 1.0 pc
21539100 Assy housing BLD receiver 21539100 6.0 pc
21921820 PCB BLD14 Led Light 21921820 6.0 pc
21930080 Fiber assy 6track 21930080 1.0 pc
21930110 Flatcable 1e track 1160mm 21930110 1.0 pc
21930120 Flatcable 2e track 1290mm 21930120 1.0 pc
21930130 Flatcable 3e track 1420mm 21930130 1.0 pc
21930140 Flatcable 4e track 1540mm 21930140 1.0 pc
21930150 Flatcable 5e track 1670mm 21930150 1.0 pc
21930160 Flatcable 6e track 1800mm 21930160 1.0 pc
23535050 Weld assy tube 6tr 23535050 1.0 pc

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Sam Afstel eieren voor bloed (21537620)

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Sam Afstel eieren voor bloed (21537620)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

21537610 Afstel ei bloed 21537610 8.0 pc
80210610 Doos tbv afstelei dirt 80210610 1.0 pc

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Afstel ei bloed (21537610)

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Afstel ei bloed (21537610)

Item no. Description Article no. Quantity Selling Unit

21537590 Ei-helft creme wit (punt zijde) 21537590 1.0 pc
21537600 Ei-helft creme wit (bolle zijde) 21537600 1.0 pc

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Index Flatcable 5e track 1670mm 21930150 15
Adjusting scrw M 4x 12 StSt-A2 NEN2343 01751210 15 Flatcable 6e track 1800mm 21930160 15
Afdichtingsprofiel zonder lip 01815080 9 Light aim block 21538430 15 Afterword
Afst.bus M3 in/uitw. l=10mm M 03030068 11 Mounting Rail NS 35/7.5 03034020 11
Despite our efforts to make this manual as complete and
Afst.steun 100mm-M6x10 03030005 11 Mounting plate blooddetection for left 21588770 11 as perfect as possible, you may discover that the
Afstel ei bloed 21537610 17 O-ring-62x3mm NBR 70sh 01858342 15 machine available to you differs from the descriptions in
Assy BD20 6tr Left FT 23530090 5 O-ring-91x2mm NBR 70sh 01858343 15
the manual. If so, please contact us.
Assy BD20 FT tube left 6tr 21588630 7 PCB BLD14 Led Light 21921820 15 MOBA b.v.
Assy BD20 box Left FT 21588640 7 PCB BLD15 Led Control 21930010 11 Stationsweg 117,
P.O. Box 117,
Assy housing BLD receiver 21539100 15 PS 24V/10A DRP-240-24 03213129 11 3770 AA BARNEVELD.
Assy mounting plate BD20 FT left 21588780 9 Prog BLD15 Led Control 21930210 13 The Netherlands
Blindst. kunst. M50 03005236 9 Sam Afstel eieren voor bloed 21537620 7
+31 (0) 342 - 455 655
Bracket 6tr 21538970 15 Shaft L 41 D Hx 22 STST Revet (m8) 21538860 15 +31 (0) 342 - 455 755
Bracket tube 21538730 15 Spec shaft L 101 D 60 PLMR 21538960 15 http://www.moba.nl
Cable Clamp Shield SK8 03000840 11 Spec shaft L 132 D 60 PLMR 21588860 9
Cable SSTP CAT6 BU 0,5m FB9600 03053318 11 Sub assy housing BLD receiver LED 21530980 15
Cable SSTP CAT6 YE 0,5m FB9800 03053328 11 Term. Rail Plug ST2,5-TW/1P BU 03007465 11
Camera Box BD20 PC104 NITOC 21930060 11 Term. Rail Plug ST2,5-TW/1P PE 03007468 11
Conn.moer kunst.M50 03005126 9 Term. Rail Plug ST2,5-TWIN/1P 03007461 11
Connector-90degr. 03103010 9 Term. Rail ST4-QUAT PE 03007381 11
Cover 21539410 11 Term.Rail Screw UK5-N 03001106 11
Doos tbv afstelei dirt 80210610 17 Tubing protection 03103009 15
EV Blood detection 6Tr FT left 14096490 7 V-ring V80S 01887080 15
Ei-helft creme wit (bolle zijde) 21537600 19 Verbindingsmoer M6 RVS 01583050 11
Ei-helft creme wit (punt zijde) 21537590 19 Weld assy box 21588600 9
Endplate left 21538760 15 Weld assy tube 6tr 23535050 15
Endplate right 21538770 15 rnd hd scrw 4,0 x 16 mm StSt 01792020 15
Fiber assy 6track 21930080 15 rnd hd scrw 5,0 x 25 mm StSt 01792038 15
Filter 6A SIFI C 03050024 11
Flatcable 1e track 1160mm 21930110 15
Flatcable 2e track 1290mm 21930120 15
Flatcable 3e track 1420mm 21930130 15
Flatcable 4e track 1540mm 21930140 15

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