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ISSN: 2455-488X DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/jcees

Received: 16 September, 2022

Research Article Accepted: 20 October, 2022
Published: 21 October, 2022

BIM methodology *Corresponding author: Gonçalo Ferreira Azevedo,

IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de
Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal,

implementation in structural E-mail:

Keywords: Building Information Modelling (BIM); Struc-

design: Adaptation of procedures tural design of reinforced concrete; Implementation;

Interoperability; Structural analysis; BIM dimension

and information management Copyright License: © 2022 Azevedo GF. This is an

open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
Gonçalo Ferreira Azevedo* unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, credited.


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a methodology that accompanies technological evolution and consists of a set of processes and tools that allows the creation
of a three-dimensional digital model. This model centralizes information, facilitating its access and exchange between the entities along the life cycle of a building.

This study focuses on the application of BIM methodology within the framework of a structural design, identifying the benefits and limitations that it provides
and indicating strategies that may be used to improve the quality of a project. A structural model was created through BIM-based platforms and then transferred to
the calculation software where the structural analysis and design were carried out. After this, through the conceived digital model, various applications that it allows
were explored, namely, the method of coordination and collaboration, detection of conflicts, production of drawings, the budget, and an immediate evaluation of the
environmental impact of the structure

This study demonstrates a significant improvement in the quality of the structural design. Therefore, even though some limitations still exist, the implementation of
this methodology is essential to improve the process in the AEC sector.

Introduction misinterpretations and inconsistencies. The BIM concept is

based on the generation of a federated three-dimensional (3D)
One of the main objectives of the architecture, engineering, model, containing the information relative to all the project
and construction (AEC) industry is the constant need to produce disciplines in a centralized and accessible way, and easily
more efficient workflows, contributing to increasing the quality shared among all entities (Figure 1). The adoption of BIM
of the final product and reducing cost. To achieve this, the use promotes collaboration and accurate detection of inconsistency
of new technologies, which have been introduced in the sector at the design stage, which naturally leads to less effort and
is inevitable, in order to facilitate communication and avoid lowers costs associated with the possible need for subsequent
repetitive and exhaustive tasks that cause inconsistencies and correction.
productivity loss.
Although this methodology is promising, there is still
BIM has been implemented in the sector, with recognized some resistance to its development, not only due to the high
benefits registered worldwide. It has contributed to the agility investment that offices have to make in equipment, software,
of project development, replacing the traditional way of using and training but also due to the limitations that still exist in
Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, which are based on digital the use of the available BIM-based systems, which present
drawings that require manual work and are susceptible to themselves to the engineer as an unsolved problem.

Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

- 5D BIM is related to project costs supported by the

quantity take-off;

- 6D BIM supports the performance of sustainability

studies, namely the estimation of energy consumption
and its monitoring during building occupation;

- 7D BIM is considered in the management and

maintenance of the building during its period of use;

- 8D BIM is related to safety risks during construction

supporting the establishment of preventive action

Implementation strategy

In order to establish the collaborative capacities in a

company, maturity stages were defined through the Bew-
Richards matrix, (Figure 2). Currently obtaining level 2 is a
Figure 1: Collaborative BIM methodology of sharing a federated 3D model [1]. considerable achievement, since the available BIM resources
have limitations that delay the implementation of level 3. This
paper demonstrates that it is possible to reach the stage of full
As this is the inevitable step to take in project design
collaboration (level 2).
companies, this paper aims to contribute to the investigation
of this methodology, promoting its dissemination in the sector. Every project requires a well-defined strategy for the
Thus, the main objective of the work is to analyze, through implementation of BIM, where all entities know exactly how
a practical case, the implementation of the BIM methodology to collaborate in every phase of the project. The BIM execution
in structural design: evaluating the efficiency of the use of plan (PEB) is the formal document written before the beginning
BIM tools in the different phases of structural design (design, of the project that has that information.
analysis and structural dimensioning); exploring the various
applications that the BIM model presents related to the
BIM in structural design
different dimensions that the methodology presents. Within the scope of this study, interviews were carried out
with structural design offices that have been implementing
BIM methodology
BIM in project development, and research was carried out on
Parametric modeling the advantages and limitations of BIM in structures, allowing
the identification of some difficulties and benefits in the
Parametric modeling is the process of generating an application of BIM:
object-oriented 3D model associated with parameters that can
• The transition to BIM does not result in an immediate
be manipulated by the designer, in terms of their geometry,
improvement in productivity as expected. Initially,
applied material, and other information [2].
there will always be a decrease. However, the higher the
The BIM model is represented by a set of parametric objects investment, the steeper the learning curve
that contain a variety of data, which can be used as input
for further tasks, such as extracting quantities of materials
to support budgeting or carrying out structural, energy, or
sustainability analyses.

Dimensions of BIM

BIM methodology has a wide range of applications that

satisfy different objectives based on the project information
contained in the BIM model. These tasks correspond to the
different BIM dimensions and are called nD BIM [3]:

- 3D BIM represents the set of 3D parametric objects

referring to all the specialties (geometry, spatial inter-
relation, physical properties of the materials, the
identity of each element,…);

- 4D BIM is concerned with the planning of the

construction process associating the model to the
critical path chain studied;
Figure 2: Level of maturity adapted from Bew- Richards’s matrix [4].

Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

• The use of BIM tools contributes to the optimization Thus, it was modeled as an element of the category slab, with
of structural modeling (conception), coordination the geometry of the stair, so it would be possible to insert
(inter-discipline), and documentation (production of reinforcement.
drawings) [5].
Analytical model
• Increased quality is achieved due to clash detection
tools, consistent drawings, and great accuracy in After modeling the structural elements, Revit enables the
quantity take-off. automatic generation of an analytical model (Figure 4), since
the physical structural objects have attributes associated with
• Insufficient knowledge of BIM by some professionals the finite element method (FEM) and physical properties.
limits the collaboration potential of the methodology Despite the analytical model being generated automatically,
the engineer needs to carefully check its consistency.
• Lack of confidence in the quality of the analytical
model generated and of the transferred data due to Analytical model adjustments
the ineffective level of interoperability between the
modeling and calculation software. Through the observation of the generated analytical model,
inconsistencies were identified. Therefore, several types of
Case study – structural model adjustments were made before transposing it to the calculation
In this paper, a reinforced concrete structure of a project
was developed concerning a four-story residential building • It is frequently verified that certain FEM elements are
(category A [6]) located in Lisbon. The generated model not placed on the orthogonal axis, which can cause
was based on a set of drawings of floor plans, section cuts, unwanted effects in the calculation. The analytical
and details of the structure. The structure is composed of beams were inclined towards the orthogonal axis since
orthogonal frames which support the floor slabs. Each floor is the analytical representation of the column was located
formed by a set of parallel beams that are oriented according to at its geometric center, which does not coincide with
the smallest direction. the intersection of the axis of the beams. Thus, the
column was positioned on the desired reference line by
The isolated footings are 0.60m thick and are connected
to each other by foundation lintels placed in both directions
Figure 3.

Physical model

The modeling software used was Revit from Autodesk.

There were significant changes verified during the conception
of the structure when compared to the traditional method:

• Revit enables the introduction of the coordinates in the

survey point and project base point allowing all objects
to have their real coordinates and elevation associated.

• Since this involves 3D modeling, when the solution is

created in a plan view, it will be reflected in all other Figure 3: Structural model created in Revit.
plans. An additional advantage is that the structure
can be observed in 3D, contributing to a clearer
comprehension of the conception.

• The project browser should be organized in order to

improve collaboration and avoid damaging others’

• Schedules (dynamic tables) are a way to examine the

project and also to manipulate it. It simplifies the
detection of inconsistencies regarding the type of
information each object is associated with.

Revit has a structural menu with a variety of objects to

model the solution. Each object must be modeled according
to the tool of the corresponding category to avoid subsequent
errors. This was only not applied in the case of the stairs,
because Revit only considers this as an architectural object.
Figure 4: Automatic generation of the analytical model without adjustments.

Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

modifying the Base and Top Alignment in the Analytical

alignment property of the analytical column.

• The ground floor was modeled as a slab element.

However, this element does not have the function of
resisting the stresses to which the structure is subjected,
and is not intended to appear in the calculation model.
Thus, in the element properties, the characteristic
“Structural” is removed (Figure 5).

Whenever it is not possible to adjust the analytical element

through its properties, Revit allows manual adjustment, where
a node of the analytical model is dragged independently of the
physical one (Figure 6).

In Revit, the analytical representation of the footings

corresponds to nodes, which after exporting to Robot are
converted into a clamped support. However, if boundary Figure 6: Manual adjustment of the analytical model.
conditions are applied in Revit, Robot assumes that information.
In this case, a pinned support was applied at the base of the

Once the adjustments have been completed, Revit has tools

that automatically check its consistency Figure 7.

Structural analysis and design

Revit is able to communicate directly with Robot structural

analysis professionals, allowing them to send/update the whole
model or pre-selected parts.

After a consistency check of the model, it was verified

that all data was transferred correctly, except the value of the
spring stiffness of the elastic support which was incorrect. The
insertion of the actions and their combinations should be made
in Robot in order to avoid possible errors in the transfer and
to increase efficiency since it can automatically generate the
Figure 7: Analytical model after the consistency check.
combinations effectively.

Reinforcement design
• Calculation of the required reinforcement (At), which
The robot allows an automatic determination of the refers to the theoretical reinforcement area required;
reinforcement according to the Portuguese regulations of
Eurocodes 2 and 8 [7,8]. There are two main steps in this • Definition of provided reinforcement (Ar) which
process: determines the area of the reinforcement that is actually
placed, which must be greater than at.

In the determination of the provided reinforcement, several

parameters are manipulated in order to design a solution
according to the idea of the user. When the reinforcement is
calculated, the Robot displays the solution in plans, 3D views,
and drawings (Figure 8). A report is also generated with the
calculations performed to verify the safety of the element.

The programs should not take responsibility away from

the engineer, but optimize time, in finding a better solution
instead of repetitive tasks.

Software interoperability

After the design has been prepared, it is possible to update

Figure 5: Adjustment of the beam of the analytical model. the Revit model so that it has made the reinforcement detail:

Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

- For slabs, it is possible to build an effective

reinforcement solution. However, it only allows sending
the diagrams of forces and required reinforcement to
Revit. The core walls do not support the calculations of
the reinforcement according to Portuguese standards.

- In the case of the beams, the most efficient calculation

process and the one that leads to better interoperability
is when this is modeled as a single multi-span beam.

Regarding columns and foundations (Figure 9) either the

interoperability or the automatic calculation are both fine
despite some required manual adjustments.

Reinforcement modeling in Revit

Rebar modeling in Revit is intuitive and versatile, allowing

advantages such as obtaining reinforcement details with
Figure 9: Interoperability between Revit and Robot.
automatic identification and accurate immediate quantity
take-off. However, it can be an exhaustive task to model the
whole reinforcement of the structure Figure 10.

The most recent version Revit 2023 has an option called

Propagate Rebar which allows the user to copy a detailed
reinforcement from one object to another similar one, avoiding
repetition in modeling, and increasing efficiency Figure 11.

Management of the BIM model

A BIM model consists of parametric objects that contain

multiple pieces of information besides the geometric one.
This enables several applications related to the various BIM
dimensions initially mentioned below:

Coordination and collaboration

Figure 10: Reinforcement modeled in Revit.
Revit saves the information about the results of the diagrams
of forces, displacements, and the required reinforcement area
of each element from the calculation performed in Robot. The
ability to centralize information is quite helpful when, in a
reinforcement modeling or design review process, you want to
consult data from the structural analysis Figure 12.

One of the most used applications is the capacity to detect

conflicts between specialties in an automatic way. This
adaptation is extremely relevant since it is not possible to
spot inconsistencies in the project so quickly, that would be Figure 11: Propagate rebar feature.
otherwise only identified and resolved on-site.

Figure 8: Automatic reinforcement design in Robot. Figure 12: Deformation of the structure exhibited in Revit.

Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

Drawing preparation

The drawings are sets of views and details of the structure

containing all the graphic information that facilitates the
execution of the structure on site. The great advantage of BIM
programs compared to CAD tools is that all sections, plans,
and details can be generated automatically and there are no
inconsistencies between drawings. However, the development
of a drawing, from the application of a section to the required
technical drawing, needs some work and mastery of the
systems’ support functionalities. Formatting drawings is a
task that causes a decrease in productivity, as it still requires
repetitive work Figure 13.

4D and 8D dimensions

Associating a time variable to each object of the model, it

is possible to simulate the phasing of the construction, thus
facilitating its planning. The simulated representation of the
construction assists the risk assessment that the worker may
experience, identifying the phases and areas of the construction
site that require special attention in terms of precautions. Figure 13: Detailing of a continuous footing.

After exploring the timeline tool of the software Navisworks

Manage, it is concluded that correct object modeling
and classification are essential for the proper tracking of
information, allowing an efficient generation of a visual
simulation of task planning on-site Figure 14.

5D dimension

The task of estimating the costs of a structural project can

be carried out on the BIM model by associating a unit cost to
each material or object. The extraction of quantity from the
model is an automatic task, through the creation of dynamic
tables (schedules) since every object has information about its
volume. At any stage of the project, the engineer can consult Figure 14: Phasing of the construction using Navisworks.
the schedules created to monitor the economic impact of the
structure being created. This functionality is crucial in the
technical-economic study of different solutions.

To include formwork in this paper, a plug-in from alphabim

was used, which generates the formwork needed for each
element based on a set of rules defined by the user Figure 15.

The data generated in schedules can be manipulated and

exported to Excel in order to create the quantity take-off sheets
of the amount of each material used in the structural solution.

6D dimension

A sixth dimension can be included in the model, by Figure 15: Formwork generation of a column and table (schedule) of cost estimation
attributing the information on the amount of CO2 incorporated of formwork.
in each element. Through the visualization of schedules, it is
possible to estimate the number of carbon emissions of each
methodology. It also shows the advantages and applications
material used in the structure, supporting the decision-making
provided by a model that has a high quantity of centralized
of the solution Figure 16.
• BIM tools, due to their 3D geometric feature, enable the
This paper demonstrates the several benefits and conception of a better solution, not only because it is
limitations that should be considered when adopting the BIM easier to observe the structure that is being developed,


Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

• The automatic design does not yet allow a solution to be

developed with the intended accuracy.

• Interoperability is still limited and may not provide

engineers with the confidence necessary.

Despite some limitations, there is, however, some

optimism in the adoption of BIM in structural design, either
due to competition needs in a global world, or because the
new generation of engineers is culturally more technological.
Technological innovation is growing exponentially and it is
necessary that the industry is aware and open-minded in the
search for solutions in order to achieve more efficient and
better-quality construction.

Figure 16: Quantity of CO2 emissions associated to concrete elements of the General, seismic actions and building rules, 2009.
but also due to the facility in observing the constraints 1. Musayelyan H. Architectural design decision support system. 2009.
of the solutions modeled by other disciplines.
2. Teicholz P, Eastman CM, Sacks R, Liston K. BIM Handbook A guide to Building
• The BIM model, due to the fact that it contains parametric Infomation modeling, 2011.

objects with several attributes, allows the manipulation

3. Sampaio Z. Maturity of BIM Implementation in Construction Industry. 2021.
and organization of information in order to compose
drawings and extract quantities. In addition, whenever 4. Langdon D. Getting the most out of bim: guides for clients. Aecom. 2011.
there is a change in the project, all the information is
5. Shinler D, Nelson PE. BIM and the structural Engineering Community.
updated, with no need to modify it manually. https://www.structuremag.org/wp- content/uploads/2014/08/C-Tech-BIM-
• The analytical model can be associated with the BIM
model, allowing an integrated structural analysis and 6. CEN. Portuguese Standard EN1990 - Eurocode 0 - Basis for the design of
design. In this way, the centralized model is coherent structures. 2009; 47.

with the calculations made. 7. CEN. Portuguese Standard EN 1992-1-1-Eurocode 2–Design of concrete
structures - Part 1-1: General rules and regulations for buildings. 2010.
• Nevertheless, there are certain bottlenecks that delay
the further implementation of BIM: 8. CEN. Portuguese Standard EN 1998-1-1-Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for
earthquake resistance; Part 1: Rules.
• The investment is considerable and there is always a
decrease in productivity during the adaptation phase.

• The analytical model is not yet completely independent

from the physical one, which prevents the engineer
from making the simplifications required.


Citation: Azevedo GF (2022) BIM methodology implementation in structural design: Adaptation of procedures and information management. J Civil Eng Environ Sci
8(2): 093-099. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17352/2455-488X.000058

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