FRE6083 Midterm Fall 22 M
FRE6083 Midterm Fall 22 M
FRE6083 Midterm Fall 22 M
2. For this examination, you may use a 2-page cheat sheet (A4 format) and a calculator. No other
notes, books or electronic devices may be used. Cell phones may not be used. Any violation of
this policy will result in a grade of zero for this exam. You must justify your answers clearly
and rigorously.
3. (6 points) Give also the delta hedging strategies ∆0 , ∆1 , and ∆2 at the respective times n = 0, 1
and n = 2.
4. (6 points) Consider an agent who is short 20 put options. How many shares of underlying stock
does the agent hold in the hedging portfolio during the first time period? What is the agent’s
cash position at time 0? Does the agent invest in or borrow from the money market account
to finance the hedging strategy during the first time period?
Problem 2 (26 points) Consider the Markov chain X with matrix probability matrix
0 1/2 1/2 0
1/2 1/4 0 1/4
P =1/2
0 0 1/2
0 0 3/4 1/4
4. (8 points) Is X ergodic? Justify your answer and compute the limit.
where Yi is defined as
1 with probability p
Yi = ,
−1 with probability q = 1 − p
with p ∈ (0, 1). We also assume that the random variables Yi are independent.
Next, we consider the process
Mn = (q/p)Xn .
Show that Mn is a martingale with respect to the process (Yi )i .
where the variables Xi are independent and identically distributed with common mean µ and variance
σ 2 , and are also independent of N (t), for all t. Furthermore, the insurance company receives premium
income at the rate of α > 0 per year and starts with the initial reserve x > 0, at time 0.
1. (5 points) Write an expression for the surplus function R(x, t), in terms of x, α, t and L(t).
4. (5 points) Use the total probability rule to write an expression for the probability of ruin at
time t, ie. P[R(x, t) < 0].
5. (13 points) We assume here that all the claim amounts Xi are equal to the same constant µ
(and we consequently have σ = 0). Compute the above probability in this case, i,.e, express
it as the Poisson cumulative distribution function at a specific point n0 that depends on x, α, t
and µ.