Final Exam Web Design and Development
Final Exam Web Design and Development
Final Exam Web Design and Development
General Instructions
Write your Name, ID, Department and Section both on the cover page and the answer sheet.
Please make sure the exam has 4 parts and 6 pages including the cover page and answer sheet
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Please Do Not Turn This Page Until You Are Told To Do So!!
Part I. True/False Items (5 Points)
Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false. (1 points each).
_________3. A text anchor is one or more words the browser underlines to indicate the fact that it
represents a link.
_________4. An HTML document that contains a FRAMESET definition has no BODY section in its
HTML code.
_________5. Frames will automatically have scrollbars if the content you've specified for them is too
________2. In a PHP script, how can I retrieve the value of a form element named "zipcode" if the
A. $a = $POST['zipcode'];
B. $a = $_POST['zipcode'];
C. $a = $FORM['zipcode', 'POST'];
D. $a = decode('zipcode', 'POST');
________3. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading
________7. How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers?
A. the list tag B. the ul tag C. the ol tag D. the dl tag
________8. to add notes or comments, insert a comment tag using the syntax ______
A. <---comment> B. <!--comment--> C. </--comment> D. <!--comment!-->
________9. A style sheet file has the file extension _____, which distinguishes it from an
HTML file.
A. html B. css C. docx D. htm
________10. An Attribute that is supported by paragraph element?
A. Align B. HREF C. SRC D. Background
________11. The correct syntax to add graphical anchor is________________?
A. <A HREF="URL" IMG SRC="Image File Name" ></A>
B. <A HREF="URL"><IMG SRC="Image File Name"></A>
C. <A SRC="URL"><IMG HREF="Image File Name"></A>
D. <A SRC="URL" IMG HREF="Image File Name" ></A>
________12. One of the following is different among the following
A. p{ color: #F00 } B. p { color: #FF0000 }
C. p { color: rgb(255,0,0) } D. p { color: rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) } E. None
________13. Setting row and column in Frameset can be in ________________?
A. Pixels B. Percentage C. By setting asterisk (*) D. All
________14. one of reserved implicit names in frames that enables to load the content
directed to this name into the calling frame.
A. _blank B. _self C. _top D. _parent
________15. if you want to nest additional tables with in a table which element is proper?
A. <TD></TD> B. <caption> C. <TR></TR> D. <Table>
________16. When you using the address element, the address text is displayed in _____ by
________18. Item 2 in the figure above represents the _______ of the style sheet.
________20. The style sheet rules in a(n) ________ style sheet take precedence over any
rules set in the browser’s internal style sheet or in a user-defined style sheet.
________21. Adonay has decided to display the text of all h1 headings found within the page
________23. a tag defines a field in which the end user can type multiple lines of text.
________24. An attribute tells the form how to send its information back to the script.
A. Action B. Method C. Name D. Value
________25. Specifies the maximum number of characters to be allowed for a text or
password field.
A. Size B. Maxlength C. Value D. Type
Instruction: write your answer clearly for the following questions and write your answer on the
space provided (2.5 points each).
<HEAD> <TITLE>Row and Column Spanning</TITLE> </HEAD>
<TR> <TH COLSPAN=3>DC nationals</TH> </TR>
<TR> <TH>Offense</TH> <TH>Defense</TH> <TH>Goalie</TH> </TR>
<TR> <TD>Husmann</TD> <TD>O'Donnell</TD> <TD ROWSPAN=4>Weinberg</TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD COLSPAN=2>Popplewell</TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD>McGilly</TD> <TD>Longo</TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD>Donahue</TD> <TD>Seymour</TD> </TR>
Part I: True False Part III: Multiple Choice Questions (1 points each)
Questions (1 points Part II: Matching
each) Items (1 points each)
1. ________ 1. ________ 1. ________ 11. ________ 21. _________