MVLR 07 Ttdam Factor Analysis
MVLR 07 Ttdam Factor Analysis
MVLR 07 Ttdam Factor Analysis
Factor Analysis
M.V.L.R. Anjaneyulu
[email protected]
1) Overview
2) Basic Concept
• Factors are not observable and therefore disqualifies regression for analysis
• If we have a conceptual basis for understanding the relationships between variables, then
the dimensions may actually have meaning for what they collectively represent.
• Method for investigating whether a number of variables of interest Y1, Y2, : : :, Yl, are
linearly related to a smaller number of unobservable factors F1, F2, : : :, Fk
1. 100-m run
2. Long jump
a) General athletic ability
3. Shot put
4. High jump b) Strength
5. 400-m run
6. 100m hurdles c) Running endurance
7. Discus
8. Pole vault d) Leg strength
9. Javelin
10. 1500-m run
• In most applications, both principal component analysis and common factor analysis arrive at
essentially identical results if the number of variables exceeds 30 or the communalities exceed 0.60
for most variables.
• When the first factor solution does not reveal the hypothesized structure of the loadings, it
is customary to apply rotation in an effort to find another set of loadings that fit the
observations equally well but can be more easily interpreted
• It seeks the rotated loadings that maximize the variance of the squared loadings for each
• The goal is to make some of these loadings as large as possible and the rest as small as
possible in absolute value
• The Varimax method encourages the detection of factors each of which is related to few
• Quartimax criterion, on the other hand, seeks to maximize the variance of the squared
loadings for each variable, and tends to produce factors with high loadings for all variables
• Jolliffe (1972) feels that Kaiser’s criterion is too large. He suggests using a cutoff on the eigenvalues
of 0.7 when correlation matrices are analyzed