2015 JPRS Variance Preserving Mosaicing

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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127

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Variance-preserving mosaicing of multiple satellite images for forest

parameter estimation: Radiometric normalization
Anna Eivazi a,⇑, Alexander Kolesnikov b, Virpi Junttila a, Tuomo Kauranne a
Department of Mathematics and Physics, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
Arbonaut Ltd., Joensuu, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems of the United Nations programme on Reducing
Received 19 March 2014 Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) aim to provide robust and reliable data
Received in revised form 14 March 2015 on carbon credits over large areas. Multitemporal satellite mosaics are often the only cost-effective
Accepted 16 March 2015
remote sensing data that allow such coverage. Although a number of methods for producing mosaics
has been proposed, most of them are dependent on the order in which tiles to normalized are presented
to the algorithm and suffer from loss of input scenes’ variance which can substantially reduce the carbon
credits. In this study we propose a variance-preserving mosaic (VPM) algorithm that considers all images
Relative normalization
Image mosaics
at the same time, minimizes overall error of the normalization and aims to preserve average variance of
Pseudo-invariant features input images. We have compared the presented method with a popular relative normalization algorithm
Multispectral imagery commonly used nowadays. The proposed algorithm allows to avoid iterative pair-wise normalization,
Landsat time series results in visually uniform mosaics while maintaining also the original image variance.
REDD + MRV Ó 2015 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier
B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to-wall’’ observations of the target area. Secondly, the price of

satellite images is considerably cheaper, and even more, some of
In model-based estimation of geographical quantities based on the satellite imageries, such as Landsat, can be acquired completely
satellite images, regression models are built on normalized band free of charge. And lastly, satellites offer reliable historical data. For
values of image pixels. There are many applications where not only instance Landsat delivers global images for the last four decades
the fit of estimates to ground truthing is important, but also the fit- (Gibbs et al., 2007).
ting of variance. One such application is the Measuring, Reporting Despite many benefits satellite imagery provides, there are
and Verification (MRV) of the United Nations programme on also challenges that should be addressed. One of them is radio-
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation metric differences between adjacent multitemporal scenes. Due
(REDD+). REDD+ aims to create a financial value (carbon credits) to variation in acquisition conditions (e.g. solar illumination,
for the carbon stored in forests, especially those of developing atmospheric scattering and atmospheric absorption) the same
countries, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ground object on two overlapping images can result in different
One of the important steps within REDD+ is to develop a cost- spectral values (Yuan and Elvidge, 1996). Because of this, radio-
effective and accurate methodology for carbon monitoring over metrically uniform mosaics using multitemporal scenes should
large areas. Such methodology requires an approach that combines be created before employing satellite imagery into carbon assess-
together ground measurements and remote sensing technologies ment. Another challenge is the variance suppression that likely
(Angelsen, 2008). Possible remote sensing technologies that can occurs during mosaicing of multiple images, whenever it is based
be employed are satellite imagery, LiDAR, aerial images and radar on averaging pixel values of overlapping parts of images.
data. REDD + MRV’s credits are based on measuring the change in car-
For REDD + MRV, satellite imagery has several advantages over bon captured in forests. If regression estimates for carbon capture
other remote sensing technologies. Firstly, satellites provide ‘‘wall- are built using satellite images, suppressing the true variance of
band values gets translated into suppression of change in carbon
captured, and hence into a reduction of the corresponding carbon
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: anna.eivazi@lut.fi (A. Eivazi).

0924-2716/Ó 2015 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127 121

To overcome radiometric differences between multitemporal the locations of sample plots. As this was done for the so-called
scenes there are two approaches commonly in use: absolute and LAMP, or LiDAR-Assisted Multi-source Process for MRV, the plots
relative normalization (also called correction). The first one aims are clustered as in three-stage sampling. In the first stage, a set
to convert pixel intensity values to true surface reflectance using of LiDAR blocks of 5000 hectars is randomly allocated over the
in situ ground measurements of atmospheric properties. The main whole area. In the second stage, six plot clusters are assigned in
disadvantage of the method is that it is very difficult and often not a systematic fashion on those blocks. In the third stage, eight circu-
possible at all to obtain atmospheric measurements (Du et al., lar sample plots are systematically placed within plot clusters.
2002). The second one (relative normalization) uses an assumption Possible spatial correlation of ground truth data resulting from plot
of a linear relationship between overlapping regions of multitem- clustering is ignored.
poral images (Song et al., 2001). The linear relationship is con- Diameter at breast height (DBH), height and species were mea-
structed using pseudo-invariant features (PIFs) which represent sured for those trees in the plot that had DBH more than five
areas of temporally constant reflectance. Substantial research has meters. The following forest attributes for each plot were then
been done on this topic in past decades and researchers propose derived from the tree-level measurements: stem count (1/ha),
various methods for automatic PIF identification, as well as for mean diameter at breast height weighted by basal area (cm), basal
modeling linear relationships (Hall et al., 1991; Yuan and Elvidge, area (m2/ha), mean tree height weighted by basal area (m), stem
1996; Song et al., 2001; Du et al., 2002; Gibbs et al., 2007; Canty volume (m3/ha), and above-ground biomass (tons/ha). For more
and Nielsen, 2008; Zhang et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2012). detailed information about field measurements and equations in
All proposed relative radiometric normalization methods are use reader is referred to Gautam et al. (2013).
following a common routine to normalize two scenes: identify For applying the LAMP method, LiDAR data was collected from
PIFs, run regression analysis on the overlapping region and apply about five percent of the whole study area in blocks. Each block
the coefficients found to the whole scene. If the mosaic needs to was scanned with full coverage from a height of 2200 m above
be built for a large area that is covered by many satellite images, ground. Raw LiDAR data was classified into three categories:
the same routine is applied recursively pairwise, where a normal- ground returns, vegetation returns, and errors. Digital Terrain
ized scene becomes the reference for the next one (Du et al., 2001; Model was built from the ground returns and using it LiDAR data
Furby and Campbell, 2001; Olthof et al., 2005). was converted from absolute elevation into distance-to-ground.
Such an approach raises several concerns. Firstly, the resulting Set of 10000 circular-shaped one hectare size ‘‘surrogate plots’’
mosaic depends on the order of the normalization and may vary were calculated using original field and LiDAR data. Forest attri-
significantly (Furby and Campbell, 2001). Secondly, due to the butes were estimated for this set. Locations of the surrogate plots
recursive manner of the approach, error propagation brings a high were selected through weighted random sampling using the
level of uncertainty (Olthof et al., 2005). Additionally, as regression inverse of the block weights applied in LiDAR block sampling
analysis is commonly used for the normalization step, a change (Gautam et al., 2013).
(loss or gain) in variance of the normalized image values is
expected. The change of variance over mosaic scenes will in turn 2.3. Satellite imagery
cause error to the forest parameters estimated from them (e.g. bio-
mass, height, etc.). Medium and high resolution satellite images were used in this
To resolve these problems, we propose variance-preserving study, specifically Landsat 5 and RapidEye. The scenes were chosen
mosaic (VPM) algorithm that considers all images at the same so that they have as little as possible clouds and are acquired in the
time, minimizes overall error of the normalization and aims to pre- same growth season. All bands, but thermal infrared, were
serve average variance of input scenes. In order to validate the pro- employed in this study. Table 1 represents detailed information
posed method, we compute two independent mosaics – one using on the images, and Fig. 1 depicts the location of the scenes over
an existing radiometric algorithm and the other one with the pro- the study area. As a pre-processing step clouds and snow were
posed algorithm. We assess the mosaics by visual inspection, by identified within satellite scenes and masked out by setting their
computing the variance of each scene, and by leave-one-out pixel values to nodata.
cross-validation of the forest parameters estimated from them.
3. Method
2. Study area and data
3.1. VPM method
2.1. Study area
We are given a set of images In ; n ¼ 1; . . . ; N that should be
normalized in order to construct a uniform, variance-preserving
The study area is located over the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL),
mosaic. Each image Ii overlaps at least one neighbor Ij . We will
along the foothills of the Himalayas in the southernmost part of
Nepal, with altitude ranging from less than 100 m up to 2200 m. define Iij as the subset of Ii corresponding to the no-change pixels
Influenced both by tropical and subtropical climate about half of for the overlap with image Ij , and mij as the corresponding size of
the study area is covered by subtropical mainly deciduous forests. Iij . The pixels can be identified as no-change ones in all pairwise
The dominating forest types are sal (Shorea robusta) terai mixed overlaps simultaneously using well established technique (e.g.
hardwood, khair-sisau (Acacia catechu/Dalbergia sissoo) and chir- Canty and Nielsen, 2008). Obviously, mij is always equal to mji ,
pine (Pinus roxburghii). TAL is one of the priority landscapes in and mji is always zero when the images Ii and Ij do not overlap.
Nepal, both for the conservation of its biodiversity and the protec- We can describe how different two neighbor images Ii and Ij are
tion of the ecological services (e.g. greenhouse gas mitigation, pur- by analyzing pixel values of their overlapped regions. We define
ification of air and water) it provides. the squared difference dij as the measure of similarity between
two images over the same overlapped area:
2.2. Ground-truth data X
dij ¼ ðpm  qm Þ2 ; ð1Þ
The field data consists of 738 plots (12.6-m radius) collected in
the spring of 2011. Systematic cluster sampling was used to design where pm and qm are pixel values of areas Iij and Iji respectively.
122 A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127

Table 1 X X 2
Satellite images employed in the study. Dða; bÞ ¼ ððai þ bi pm Þ  ðaj þ bj qm ÞÞ : ð4Þ
i;j21;...;N m¼1
Satellite Path/row Date (dd.mm.yy) Resolution (m) j>i

Landsat 5 143/40 20.10.2009 30 We aim to find such a set of coefficients a ¼ ða1 ; . . . ; aN Þ and
Landsat 5 143/41 26.10.2011 30
b ¼ ðb1 ; . . . ; bN Þ that minimizes total difference D(a, b) of the nor-
Landsat 5 144/40 11.10.2009 30
Landsat 5 144/41 01.10.2011 30 malized mosaic. Using above formula we can express our task as
RapidEye 4452115 26.03.2010 5 an optimization problem:
RapidEye 4452116 14.04.2010 5
RapidEye 4452215 26.03.2010 5 minimize Dða; bÞ: ð5Þ
RapidEye 4452216 26.03.2010 5 a;b
RapidEye 4452311 12.04.2010 5
RapidEye 4452312 12.04.2010 5 Problem (5) has a trivial solution when ai ¼ 0 and bi ¼ 0 for all i.
RapidEye 4452313 18.03.2010 5 To avoid the trivial solution we introduce an additional constraint
RapidEye 4452411 18.03.2010 5 Dr ðbÞ and define it as the squared difference between the
RapidEye 4452412 12.04.2010 5
standard deviation of the original image (r) and the transformed
RapidEye 4452413 18.03.2010 5
one ð r
e Þ:


The smaller dij is, the more similar the corresponding neighbor
Dr ðbÞ ¼ ri Þ2 ¼ ðri  ri bi Þ2 ¼ r2i ð1  bi Þ2 :
ðri  f ð6Þ
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
images Ii and Ij are. The total difference D over the whole mosaic is
then defined as a sum of overlapped regions squared differences: As we are aiming to preserve the average variance of the images
X after normalization, we introduce a tolerance  2 ½0; 1 that
D¼ dij : ð2Þ describes how much we allow the average variance to be changed:
Dr ðbÞ 6  r2i :
Relative radiometric normalization is based on the assumption
that the difference between two satellite images from different
dates but from the same area can be explained by a linear relation- Thus, our task can be written as the following constrained
ship (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2008). Thus, for each pixel p of the optimization problem:
image Ii there should be found a linear operator T i with coefficients
ai and bi : minimize Dða; bÞ
T i ðpÞ ¼ ai þ bi p; i ¼ 1; . . . ; N: ð3Þ X
N ð7Þ
subject to r2i ð1  bi Þ2 6  r2i :
The total difference for the mosaic after normalization can be i¼1 i¼1
written as:

Fig. 1. Satellite scenes employed in the study.

A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127 123

We solve our constrained optimization problem (7) using a pen- age of the area, builds corresponding models and as an output pro-
alty function method. Hence, we get the following unconstrained duces estimates for various forest parameters over the satellite
optimization problem: image’s coverage.
For our analysis we estimated six forest parameters: the num-
minimize Dða; bÞ þ ak Dr ðbÞ ð8Þ ber of stems (N), mean diameter (D), mean height (H), basal area
(G), volume (V) and above ground biomass (AGB). We validate
To find the solution to the problem (8) we used the Limited- model results using leave-one-out cross-validation and assess
memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm. them in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), relative RMSE,
L-BFGS is an iterative method for solving unconstrained nonlinear bias and relative bias:
optimization problems. As it belongs to the family of quasi-Newton
methods, the Hessian matrix does not need to be computed, since sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pn 2
successive estimates to it are updated repeatedly by analyzing suc- ^
i¼1 ðyi  yi Þ RMSE
RMSE ¼ ; RMSErel ¼ Pn   100; ð9aÞ
cessive gradient vectors instead. We have employed libLBFGS n i¼1 yi n
which is a C implementation of the L-BFGS1 method. Xn
yi  yi Bias
The ak are the Lagrange multipliers that correspond to the con- Bias ¼ ; Biasrel ¼ Pn   100; ð9bÞ
n i¼1 yi n
straint (7) on maximum allowable variance reduction  that the i¼1

user can define. The parameter  should reside in the half-open

interval 0 <  6 1. Restricting variance reduction strongly, i.e. where n is a number of sample plots, i observation index, y^i pre-
choosing   1, results in a rough mosaic with speckle-like noise. dicted value for sample plot i; yi observed value for sample
Allowing stronger variance reduction by choosing   0 will turn plot i.
the mosaic into a standard least squares interpolation on the over- When we applied LAMP, all input data but mosaics themselves
lapping areas. There are methods for biomass estimation, such as were the same for both methods. Thus, if any difference in
Lidar-assisted Multi-source Program (LAMP) that require an expli- RMSE and bias is found, it is due to a difference between the two
cit variance to be imputed to the mosaic that require such explicit mosaics.
control (Gautam et al., 2013).
The pseudo-code of the proposed method is presented below.
For each band do: 4. Results

1. Collect statistics for each image Ii ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; N. In this section we evaluate the mosaic produced using the
2. Collect statistics for each overlap area Iij ; i; j 2 1; . . . ; N j > i. VPM algorithm and compare it with the corresponding IR-MAD
3. Construct a1 ; . . . ; aK as an arithmetic sequence started with mosaic. We run three independent test cases with different set-
zero. ups: Landsat satellite with four tiles, RapidEye satellite with four
4. For each ak from constructed sequence find ðak ; bk Þ by solving tiles, and RapidEye satellite with six tiles. We choose such set-
optimization problem (8) using L-BFGS. ups that satellite scenes overlap in a circular rather than linear
5. Among solutions ðak ; bk Þ find the one that causes the smallest manner, as this is often the most challenging case.
average variance change, in accordance with: We assess the mosaics in three ways: (1) visual comparison (2)
standard deviation analysis and (3) validation of forest biomass
N estimates computed using the mosaics.
r2i ð1  bi Þ2 6  r2i ;
i¼1 i¼1
4.1. Visual comparison
where  2 ½0; 1 is defined by the user.
6. Apply transformation T i with found coefficients ðai ; bi Þ on each Based on our experience it is important that the mosaic looks as
image Ii . uniform as possible over the area of interest. When the mosaic is
used for producing various forest feature maps by regression mod-
3.2. Mosaic validation els (e.g. biomass maps and forest carbon maps), discontinuous bor-
ders on the mosaic are transferred on the corresponding feature
In order to validate VPM method we need to compare it with maps, and this in turn raises a lot of questions and doubts about
existing radiometric normalization methods. According to recent the results.
reviews (Xu et al., 2012; Schroeder et al., 2006) the iteratively re- IR-MAD is a pair-wise algorithm and thus, requires the user to
weighted Multivariate Alteration Detection (IR-MAD) algorithm choose a processing chain: (1) a starting tile and (2) pair-wise
(Canty and Nielsen, 2008) is a very good mosaicing method. path of processing. Fig. 2 shows how IR-MAD mosaics are affected
Thus, we built two mosaics using IR-MAD and the proposed by the choice of starting tile and the direction of processing.
method and assess them in three ways: (1) visual comparison (2) These examples reveal that one can get a much more uniform
standard deviation analysis and (3) validation of forest parameter mosaic if an optimal starting tile and path of normalization is
estimates (height, volume, biomass, etc.) computed using the chosen.
corresponding normalized mosaics. In order to decide which processing chain to use, we run all of
To estimate forest parameters over the area of interest we the possible combinations and compare output mosaics. Fig. 3
employed LiDAR Assistant Multisource Program (LAMP) (Gautam shows the original mosaic and comparison of IR-MAD and the
et al., 2013) that was developed specifically for tropical forest con- proposed algorithm for Landsat data with four tiles. Mosaics are
ditions. The LAMP takes as an input collected ground field and presented in false color using the near infrared, red and green
LiDAR data, produces ‘‘surrogate plots’’ that provides better cover- spectral bands. We present here the best IR-MAD mosaic, which
is achieved when tile 143=41 is chosen as the starting tile and
the normalization process is done in clockwise direction. We then
compared the mosaics produced by both algorithms using two
http://www.chokkan.org/software/liblbfgs/. more setups of RapidEye images with four and six tiles. A similar
124 A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127

Fig. 2. IR-MAD mosaics with various processing paths (roman numerals define the processing path): (a) the same direction but different starting tile and (b) the same starting
tile but different direction (clockwise/counterclockwise).

Fig. 3. Landsat mosaic: (a) original; (b) IR-MAD; and (c) VPM.

results to Landsat data is achieved when testing with RapidEye 4.2. Standard deviation analysis
(see Fig. 4 as an example of results).
Compared to original tiles both methods significantly improve To ensure an accurate estimation of carbon credits any mosaic-
the visual appearance of the mosaics for all three cases, however ing method need to preserve the true variance of band values. We
discontinuous borders still remain. analyzed the standard deviation of satellite scenes before and after
A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127 125

(a) original (b) original

(c) IR-MAD (d) IR-MAD

(e) VPM (f) VPM

Fig. 4. RapidEye mosaics.

radiometric normalization for both Landsat and RapidEye images. processing path for the IR-MAD algorithm requires substantial
Fig. 5 illustrates that the proposed method results in more stable additional computation, the amount of which grows with the num-
variance after normalization. Similar results were observed on ber of scenes included in the mosaic. On the contrary, the VPM
RapidEye mosaics. method is straightforward to run, saving time and additional
4.3. Estimation of forest parameters at the plot level
5. Discussion and conclusions
For each test case mosaic we run the LAMP method to estimate
forest parameters. Table 2 shows the statistics of leave-one-out In this study we presented a novel relative normalization proce-
cross-validation for six forest parameters for the test case with dure for creating uniform mosaics using multitemporal satellite
Landsat images. The VPM algorithm improves relative RMSE of for- images over large areas. The method is designed specifically for
est parameters by less then one percent compare to IR-MAD algo- applications where change of mosaic variance could adversely
rithm. No bias was observed in the results with either of the affect results. One of such application is MRV systems of the UN
mosaics, which is a property of the LAMP method. Test cases with REDD+ where loss of variance will be translated into suppression
RapidEye images produced similar outputs with one-two percent of estimated forest carbon change and thus into underestimating
difference of relative RMSE. corresponding carbon credits. The VPM method is independent of
IR-MAD mosaic greatly depends on choosing optimal process- the order of the normalization procedure, minimizes overall nor-
ing chain. In the best case IR-MAD and the proposed algorithm per- malization error, and preserves average variance of input scenes.
form similarly in terms of visual comparison and RMSE of We validated the VPM approach against a commonly used rela-
estimated forest parameters. Finding the right starting tile and tive normalization procedure, namely IR-MAD. In this study we
126 A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127

Std 143_41 Std 144_41





1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 7

Band Band

Std 144_40 Std 143_40






1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 7

Band Band

Original tile MAD algorithm Proposed algorithm

Fig. 5. Comparison of standard deviations.

Table 2
Leave-one-out cross-validation using Landsat mosaic. choosing a processing chain. In order to decide which processing
Target Bias Bias_rel (%) RMSE RMSE_rel (%) chain to use for IR-MAD algorithm, one would need to run all of
them and compare output mosaics, which results in a great num-
IR-MAD algorithm
N 0.02 0.01 148.74 21.9 ber of additional calculations. In a simple linear tiles set-up, where
DGW 0.01 0.01 8.55 25.1 each tile overlaps maximally with two neighboring tiles, the deci-
HGW 0.01 0.01 3.48 21.8 sion how to choose processing chain might be straightforward.
G 0.01 0.01 4.96 25.6 However, when tiles are arranged in a circular set-up there are
V 0.1 0.06 59.32 37.5
multiple possible paths, especially when there are more than four
AGB 0.13 0.06 73.37 36.8
tiles used.
The proposed algorithm
Furthermore, in IR-MAD algorithm it is often difficult to say
N 0.02 0.01 148.74 21.3
DGW 0.01 0.01 8.55 24.3 which one of the resulting mosaics is better, as they might appear
HGW 0.01 0.01 3.48 21.4 both quite uniform but in a different manner. On contrary, the vari-
G 0.01 0.01 4.95 25.6 ance-preserving mosaic method takes into account all possible
V 0.1 0.06 59.31 37.3
overlapping areas at the same time, and thus, does not require
AGB 0.13 0.06 73.37 36.6
any decision making step on the processing path. Therefore, the
mosaic produced by VPM method will always assure that esti-
tested the proposed method with medium and high resolution mated forest parameters will not have abrupt changes and will
satellite images that overlap in a circular manner, specifically four appear as a uniform map. This is an important issue as users of
Landsat 5, and four and six RapidEye scenes. such maps consider it as a proof that the results are reliable.
According to previous research, scene-to-scene approaches For this study our aim was to develop a robust relative normal-
such as IR-MAD algorithm vary greatly only if a large number of ization method for producing satellite imagery mosaics. However,
input images is in use, otherwise the difference is not significant the long-term goal is to develop a reliable procedure for forest
(Furby and Campbell, 2001). However, our results show that the parameter estimations in terms of both RMSE and estimated vari-
resulting mosaic depends on the order of normalization even with ance, which in turn, will provide reliable estimates of carbon cred-
a four tile set-up. We demonstrated that IR-MAD algorithm pre- its for MRV REDD+. For this reasons, we will address the following
forms as well as VPM only if an optimal processing chain is used issues in the future.
by trying all possible processing combination. Otherwise, the pro- First, the visual comparison of results for both methods shows
posed method performs better than IR-MAD in terms of visual that there are still some noticeable discontinues. These scenes
comparison and RMSE of estimated forest parameters, while pre- are originally very different, which makes it almost impossible to
serving also the original variance well. remove borders completely using a radiometric normalization pro-
The proposed method allows users to build a uniform and cedure only. In such cases adding an additional post-normalization
visually seamless mosaic (Fig. 3) without being involved in step that employs elaborate blending of overlapped images, such
A. Eivazi et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 105 (2015) 120–127 127

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