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Project ID: DSV 5000 WATTS Full Sizing

Username: thomas@gpeskw.com Calculation Mode: Power
Date: 2024-03-24, 08:52:01 Software Version: 1.0.1

Battery Range: SPA
Charging Voltage: Float
Max Number of Parallel Strings: 4

Discharge Time [min]: 60.0
Pre-set No of Cells Factors
Max no of cells: 120 Temperature [C]: 25.0
Min no of cells: 120 Temperature factor: 1.000
Final voltage (Vpc) [V]: 1.8 Aging factor: 1.0
Voltage range [V]: 216.00 - 272.40 Margin factor: 1.0
Total factor: 1.000
Apparent Power [kVA]: Power [kW]: 4.0
Cosphi: Battery Power [kW]: 4.211
Efficiency [%]: 95.0 Battery Power (with factors) [kW]: 4.211


Optimal Battery Sizing: Based on Capacity

Battery Range SPA Number of Cells 120 Vpc [V] 1.8

Battery Model SPA 12-9 Blocks per string 20 Voltage Range [V] 216.00 - 272.40
SAP Reference 0313157 Parallel Strings 4 T exploitation 77.59%
Total Blocks 80 E exploitation 84.92%

There are variations in the SAP codes based on different characteristics of the batteries. SAP codes are subject to updates by Sunlight Group.
Please contact Sunlight Group for the correct SAP codes before proceeding to order.

Thank you for choosing Sunlight

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