Music Q2-Module 2

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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
East Asian Music Instruments

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written for your benefit and convenience. It is
here to help you to be more proficient in Music. The scope of this module covers
many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged following the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explore ways of producing sounds on variety of sources that would simulate

instruments being studied; (MU8SE-Ilb-h-5) (Week 3) and

2. Improvise simple accompaniment to selected East Asian music.

(MU8SE-Ilc-h-6) (Week 4)

1 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. It is a big percussion instrument of Japanese that plays integral part of many

Japanese Matsuri (festival).
A. Odaiko C. Tsuridaiko
B. Taiko D. Tsuzumi

2. A string instrument which is made of Paulownia wood that is used in an

ensemble in gagaku or a solo instrument.
A. Biwa C. Shakuhachi
B. Koto D. Shamisen

3. A Japanese short-necked fretted lute, a chosen instrument on Benten that is

often used in narrative storytelling.
A. Biwa C. Shakuhachi
B. Koto D. Shamisen

4. The Japanese most famous flute that has four or five finger holes on the front
face and a thumbhole on the rear face made from bamboo.
A. Biwa C. Shakuhachi
B. Koto D. Shamisen

5. It is a Japanese transverse flute used in gagaki which is made of bamboo that

literally means ‘dragon flute’.
A. Hichiriki C. Ryuteki
B. Nokari D. Shinobue

6. It is called as the best-known traditional Korean zither-like string instrument

with 12 strings.
A. Geumungo C. Kayagum
B. Haegum D. Sog-ak

7. A six-stringed plucked traditional Korean musical instrument of the zither

family of instruments with both bridges and frets.
A. Geumungo C. Kayagum
B. Haegum D. Sog-ak

2 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
8. It is a 2-string vertical fiddle Korean musical instrument that has a rod-like
neck, a hollow wooden sound box, two silk strings and is held vertically on
the knee of the performer and played with a bow.
A. Geumungo C. Kayagum
B. Haegum D. Sog-ak

9. A musical instrument made of bamboo that is used in both folk and classical
music of Korea.
A. Changgo C. Haegum
B. Geumungo D. Piri

10. The most widely used drum in the traditional music in Korea that consists of
an hourglass-shaped body with two heads made from animal skin which
produce sounds of different pitch and timbre?
A. Changgo C. Haegum
B. Geumungo D. Piri

11. The following are percussion instruments of Japan except:

A. Odaiko C. Taiko
B. Pengling D. Tsuzumi

12. The following musical instruments are categorized as aerophone except:

A. Erhu C. Nokan
B. Hichiriki D. Sho

13. In what Asian country did Kayagum came from?

A. China C. Korea
B. Japan D. Philippines

14. Which of the following belongs to chordophone?

A. Changgo C. Pengling
B. Yueqin D. Dizi

15. Which musical instrument came from China?

A. Geumungo C. Sho
B. Shinobue D. Yunlou

3 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Musical Instruments of
1 East Asia
A musical instrument is any device that produces musical sound. This has
been used since earliest times for some purposes such as entertainment,
accompaniment of dances, rituals or religious ceremony, work and medicine.

What’s In

In previous module, you learned about the traditional music and its musical
elements of East Asian countries namely: Japan, China, and Korea.

Directions: From the pool of choices below, identify each word according to which
East Asian countries they belong. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Sakura Mo Li Hua Arirang

Yo-Sen In-sen Chong-ak
Minsogak Pansori Hogaku


4 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
What’s New

Directions: Choose either you take Activity A or Activity B.

Activity A: Watch the sample video of a Gagaku performance by using the following
link or listen to the music. Give your
impression about it by answering the questions below. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What instruments have you seen/heard in the video/music? What musical

instruments on the video/music are you familiar with?

2. What do you think each instrument is made of?


3. Among the instruments presented in the video/music, are there any

similarities to those instruments available in our country Philippines?

4. Do you think you can create similar music or simple music like this? Why or
why not?

Activity B: Look at the pictures below. Give your impression about it by answering
the questions below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What musical instruments on the picture are you familiar with?

2. What do you think each instrument is made of?


5 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
3. Among the instruments presented in the picture are there any similarities to
those instruments available in our country Philippines?

4. Do you think you can create similar instrument? Why or why not?

What is It

The origin and materials of any musical instrument has something to do with
the culture and practices of the people on a certain area made with the availability
of common materials around them in a certain period of time. Thus, people in Arctic
Regions use bones, skin and stone for their musical instruments, while residents in
the tropical areas have wood and bamboo and some societies utilize their available
malleable materials made of metals to construct their musical instruments.

The types of instruments are classified by the method of how it produces

sound and the way it is played. The following are the major types of musical

Percussion Instruments are musical instruments that are sounded by

striking, scraping, rubbing or by beating with the use of beater such as bass drum,
snare drum, cymbal, and xylophone. Idiophones are considered part of the
percussion section in an orchestra. These instruments are those in which different
notes can be sounded by pressing parallel levers. Examples are triangles and bells.

Stringed Instruments (Chordophones) are instruments that produce sound

when strings are vibrating or when the player pluck, sound the string in some
manner. Examples are guitar, cello, and violin.

Wind Instruments (Aerophones) are instruments that have resonators in

which the flow of air is set into vibration by the player blowing into a mouthpiece set
at or near the end of resonator. Examples are flute, trumpet, and clarinet.

6 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Music of Japan

The traditional Japanese music is basically meditative and spiritual in

character. Its performance is done as part of a ceremony. It is usually about religious
festivals, work, dance, love, and regional songs.

Audiences are looking for this self-mastery in musicians. This is the reason
why music has become highly ritualized. Musicians must show this spiritual self-
mastery in their performance and composure. They work on an inner strength in
mastering his or her instrument, more than simply perfecting a technique of some
sort and providing entertainment.

Musical Instruments of Japan

Note: Kindly refer to the media sources provided while going through this lesson, so
you can hear the sound of each instrument while studying this module.

Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
Odaiko simply means • Japanese
“big fat drum”. The zelkova
Odaiko is the most Wood
dramatic of the Taiko • Taut skin -
family. Odaiko cowhide of
performance is 3-year old
Membranophone physically demanding, Japanese
requiring great strength cow
and endurance. It has
O’DAIKO an integral part of many
Japanese (matsuri) festivals.

Tsuzumi is a hand • Wood of

drum. It consists of a Cherry trees
wooden body shaped • Drumheads
like an hour glass, and are made of
it is taut, with two drum horsehide
heads with cords that and
Membranophone can be squeezed or attached to
released to increase or iron rings
TSUZUMI decrease the tension of
the heads respectively.

7 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
Tsuridaiko is also called • Paulownia
gaku-daiko. It is a large Wood
Japanese hanging • Printed Taut
drum. It is played with skin
two mallets on one side
only. It is used
Membranophone primarily in bugaku

Taiko is a broad range • Keyaki

percussion instrument. Wood
It comes in various sizes • Printed
and is used to play a Taut skin
variety of musical genre. of animal


Koto is a 13-string • Paulownia

zither, about two meters wood
long. It is plucked using
picks on the thumb and
first two fingers of the
right hand, while the
left hand can be used to
modify pitch and tone.
It is used in an
ensemble in gagaku* or
as a solo instrument.
* Gagaku is a type of
Japanese classical
KOTO music that has been
performed at the imperial court since 7th
watch?v=L24Nb4CJzV4&fea century Japan.

8 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
It is a plucked stringed • Japanese
instrument. Its Wood
construction follows covered with
model similar of a dog or cat
guitar or a banjo, skin and the
employing a neck, and strings are
Chordophone strings stretched across made up of
resonating body. The silk
SHAMISEN neck of the shamisen is
fretless, and is slimmer than that of a guitar or
watch?v=w5rs7pfZuPs banjo.

It is a Japanese short- • Japanese

necked fretted lute, wood
often used in narrative
story telling. The biwa is
the chosen instrument
Chordophone of Benten, the goddess
of music, eloquence,
poetry, and education
in Japanese Shinto.

The most famous flute, • Bamboo

in Japan. It has four or
five holes on the front
face and a thumb hole
on the rear face. It was
imported from China for

A parallel bamboo flute • Bamboo

which is the only
melodic instrument
used in noh*. The
melody of the flute has
no specific pitch
Aerophone relationship with the
NOKAN melody of the chanting.
*Noh is a major form of classical Japanese
watch?v=1nOATkFsBOQ&fe dance-drama, performed
ature=related since the 14th century

9 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
It is a double reed • Bamboo
Japanese flute used as
one of two main melodic
instruments in
Japanese gagaku
Aerophone music.


It is a Japanese free • Bamboo

reed musical
instrument that was
introduced from China
during the Nara* period.
*Nara period (ad 710-
784), in Japanese

It is also called takebue • Bamboo

in the context of
Japanese traditional
arts. It is a Japanese
transverse flute that
has a high pitch sound.


This instrument which • Bamboo

literally means “dragon
flute”, is a Japanese
transverse flute made of
bamboo. It is used in
Aerophone gagaku.

10 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Music of China

The teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius have greatly influenced

the Chinese Music as part of Chinese culture. He conceived music in the highest
sense as a means of calming the passion of dispelling of unrest and lust, rather than
as a form of amusement. Traditionally, the Chinese have believed that sound
influences the harmony of the universe. Significantly, one of the most important
duties of the first emperor of each new dynasty was to search out and establish that
dynasties through standard of pitch. A result of this philosophical orientation was
that the Chinese theoretically opposed music performed solely for entertainment.

Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
A moon-shaped lute • Nylon wrapped
with short neck and wood
four strings, played • The four
with a spectrum*, strings are
made up of
used for
steel or steel-
accompanying wrapped nylon
Chinese opera. Also
known as moon
guitar or moon lute
that comes in variety
of sizes and pitches.
It is an important
YUEQIN instrument in the
Peking opera orchestra.
Pipa is four-stringed • Made of
lute with varying wutong wood.
number of frets from • The strings are
12 – 26 and a pear- made up of silk
• Wood
shaped body. This
instrument has an
extremely wide
dynamic range and
expressive power.


11 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Name and Picture of Made of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
Erhu is a two- • Ebony or
stringed bowed sandalwood
musical instrument.
It is sometimes
known in the
Western world as the
Chinese violin or a
Chinese two-stringed
fiddle. It is used as a
solo instrument as
well as in small
Chordophone ensemble or large
orchestra, and by
various ethnic
groups of China. As a
very versatile
instrument, the erhu
is used in both
ERHU traditional and
contemporary music arrangements.

Yunluo is a set ten • Bronze gongs

small tuned gongs with wooden
mounted in a wooden frames
frame, with each
gong being about 9-
12 cm in diameter,
and the height of the
frame being about 52
cm. the yunluo’s
gongs are generally of
Idiophone equal diameter but
different thickness.
The thicker the gong
the higher pitch it


12 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Made of
Name and Picture of Description
Classification (Materials
the Instrument
The sheng is a • Bamboo pipes
Chinese mouth- • Brass reed
blown free reed
consisting of vertical
pipes. It looks like a
set of panpipes with
12 to 36 bamboo
pipes. Each pipe is of
different length with
a brass reed at the
bottom and a hole
that must be blocked
in order for the note
to sound. This makes
it possible to sound
several notes
SHENG simultaneously, so
chords and melody
can be performed at
the same time.

Dizi is a Chinese • Bamboo

can have a
membrane over an
extra hole to give the
sound a rattle effect.
The player plays the
Aerophone dizi by blowing from
the mouthpiece and
produce the different
DIZI notes by covering
holes depending on
watch?v=w9LRN5naG4s the notes to be

13 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Made of
Name and Picture of Description
Classification (Materials
the Instrument
Zheng is an ancient • Paulownia
Chinese instrument wood
that has an arched
surface and an
with 21, 25 and 26
strings stretched over
individual bridges.
Its playing range
Chordophone spans three to four
octaves. Zheng
players often wears
finger picks made
from materials such
as plastic, resin,
tortoise shell, or ivory
on one or both
watch?v=vjy3pA0U50s hands.

These are two small • high-tin bronze

bells made of high-
tin bronze, without
internal clappers,
and bottomless
gourd-like shape.
The instrument ha a
delicate, clarion and
Idiophone melodious tone.
When struck
together, the hand
bells, which have no
PENGLING defined pitch,
produce a clear and lovely reverberating
watch?v=WeNRwIFoZR0 sound.

14 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Musical Instruments of Korea

Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
The kayagum is a • Paulownia
traditional Korean wood
zither-like string • Strings are
instrument, with 12 made up of silk
strings, though some
more recent variants
Chordophone have 18 or 25
KAYAGUM strings. It is probably
(GAYAGEUM) the best-known
traditional Korean musical instrument.

Haegum is a • Paulownia
traditional Korean wood
instrument • Metal, silk for
resembling a fiddle. It the string
has a rod-like neck, a
hollow wooden sound
box, and two silk
strings,and is held
vertically on the knee
of the performer and
played with a bow.


This six-string • Paulownia

plucked zither is a wood and hard
traditional Korean chestnut wood
stringed musical
instrument of the
zither family with
bridges and frets.
Scholars believe that
the names refer to
goguryeo and
translates to
goguryeo zither
GEOMUNGO which refers to the
color that translates to “black crane

15 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Made of
Name and Picture of
Classification Description (Materials
the Instrument
Piri are used in both • Bamboo
folk and classical
(court) music of
Korea. It is made of
bamboo. Its large
Aerophone reed and cylindrical
bore give it a sound
mellower than that of
many other types of oboe.

Changgo is the most • Paulownia

widely used drum in wood
the traditional music • Cowhide skin
of Korea. It is
available in most
kinds, and consists
of an hourglass-
shaped body with
two heads made from
Membranophone animal skin. The two
heads produce
sounds of different
pitch and timbre,
which when played
CHANGGO together are believed
to represent the
harmony of a man
and a woman.

16 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Directions: Classify each instrument below. Write A if the instrument is a
Chordophone, B if it is Idiophone, C if it is Membranophone and D if it is Aerophone.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. 2.


3. 4.


5. 6.


7. 8.


9. 10.

17 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
What’s More

Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle

Direction: Identify the word which corresponds to hint given on each number. Match
the word or words to the boxes placed across or down the grid. If filled out correctly,
the words will fit neatly into the puzzle. Write your answer on a separate sheet of


1. Name the Chinese 2. Classification of

3. Literal meaning of 4. Classification of

5. Name the Chinese 8. Name the Korean

instrument instrument

6. From which country? 10. Classification of

7. Name the Japanese


9. From which country?

18 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Activity 2

Directions: Identify an instrument and fill in each column with what is being asked
in each column. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Given Counterpart / Equivalent

Similarities /
Instrument/ Instrument and Country
Country (Japan, China, Korea)
Sho of Japan
Sheng of China
Kayagum of Korea

Koto of Japan

Erhu of China

What I Have Learned

Activity 1

Direction: Complete the table below showing the musical instruments of East Asian
Countries (Japan, China, Korea). Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


Japan China Korea





19 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Activity 2: Sounds Similar!

Direction: Look around your house and search five (5) things having similar sound
with the instruments of East Asia. Complete the activity by filling in the chart below.
Write the name of the instrument and the country where it belongs.

Things in your Describe the Similar Musical From what East

house Sound Instrument Asian Country?

Activity 3: Familiar!

Directions: Identify musical instrument that are similar in East Asian countries and
in the Philippines. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Counterpart / Equivalent Similar

Given Instrument/
Instrument and Country Instrument in the
(Japan, China, Korea) Philippines
Sho of Japan

Sheng of China

Kayagum of Korea
Koto of Japan
Erhu of China

20 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
What I Can Do

Activity 1: Do It Yourself! (DIY)


Step 1: Look around you, what indigenous materials are common and abundant in
your place?

Step 2: Decide what type of instrument you are going to make base on the
instrument presented in the lesson.

Step 3: Select materials that are readily available.

Step 4: Prepare your materials and start making your DIY improvised musical

Please fill in the data below: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

A. List down the materials used in making your improvised Musical

___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ __________________________

B. Steps/Procedure:

C. What type/category of Musical Instruments did you improvised?


D. Your improvised musical instrument is similar to what specific instrument?

In what country does it belong?

21 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
Activity 2: Sounds Familiar!

Directions A: Please click this link and

listen to the folk song of Japan entitled “Sakura” Then, asks a family member to sing
it again with your improvised musical instrument as your accompaniment and
answer the following questions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Directions B: Looking at the notation below, asks a family member to sing it with
your improvised musical instrument as your accompaniment and answer the
following questions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


Japanese Folk Song

1. How do you describe the music you created with your improvised instrument?
Is it similar to the original one?

2. What have you realized in playing music using your improvised musical

3. What skills do you think that you enhance while improvising your own
localized musical instruments?

4. From your own insight, does your improvised musical instrument represent /
symbolize our local culture/tradition? Why or why not?

22 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is the counterpart/equivalent of ‘Sho’ of Japan musical

A. Dizi of China C. Piri
B. Haegum of Korea D. Sheng of China

2. Pengling consists of two small bells used as coloring instrument either in

ensembles or in theater music because they produce a ____________ effect.
A. perfect musical blend C. peaceful dream
B. perfect musical dream D. peaceful musical blend

3. Which of the following statements about the Korean instrument ‘Piri’ is

A. Korean double reed instrument used in folk music.
B. Korean double reed instrument used in classical music.
C. Korean double reed instrument used in in both folk and classical
D. Korean double reed instrument used in special holidays in Korea.

4. Why is the instrument ‘Biwa’ a chosen instrument of education in Japanese

A. It is often used in narrative and storytelling.
B. It is often used in Japanese musical teaching.
C. It is often used in Japanese traditional music teaching.
D. It is often used in Japanese local opera.

5. The following belongs to chordophone instruments except:

A. Haegum C. Ryuteki
B. Koto D. Zheng

6. A Chinese mouth organ instrument that looks like a set of panpipes with 12
to 36 bamboo pipes.
A. Nokan C. Sho
B. Shen D. Zhen

23 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
7. Which of following statements describe chordophone?
A. A musical instrument that generates sound by way of plucking,
bowing or striking stretched strings.
B. A musical instrument that generates sound by air as primary
vibrating medium.
C. A musical instrument which produces sound by way of vibrating
stretched membrane.
D. A musical instrument that that produces sound by itself when struck.

8. What materials did these ancient musical instruments of Japan, China, and
Korea were made from?
A. Crafted from stone
B. From abundant and available materials of the said countries
C. Imported from other countries
D. From artifacts

9. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Dizi C. Nokan
B. Hichiriki D. Shakuhachi

10. How did the musical instruments of Japan, China, and Korea get classified
into different groups?
A. According on the materials it made from
B. According to the way it is played
C. According on method of how it produces sound
D. According on method of how it produces sound and the way it is

11. Which musical instrument of China is extremely wide dynamic in range and
has remarkable expressive power?
A. Erhu C. Yueqin
B. Pipa D. Zheng

12. A group of instruments that will sound through the vibration of strings.
A. Aerophone C. Idiophone
B. Chordophone D. Membranophone

13. Which of the following East Asian countries below believes that music can
help achieve spiritual mastery?
A. China C. Korea
B. Japan D. Philippines

14. A group of musical instruments that sounded by pressing parallel levers.

A. Aerophone C. Idiophone
B. Chordophone D. Membranophone

24 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
15. Which of the country below believes that music can calm the passion and
dispel unrest and lust?
A. China C. Korea
B. Japan D. Philippines

Additional Activities

Enrichment 1: Exploring beyond Sound

This activity will give you the chance to express your musicality with the help
of the improvised and/or the things which you discovered that sound a-like with any
of the musical instruments in East Asia. Play the sample music clip enclosed for
enrichment to see how the notation below will be played with the instrument. After
you have studied the music you may proceed to the final activity of this module to
completely finish it.

Jiuchi commonly referred as “ji” is the base beat of underlying rhythm in

traditional Japanese music. In folk tradition, it consists of a simple, even rhythm,
sung as “do ko do ko”. A common variation is to swing the ji, called the “dongo”
pattern sung as “don go don go” in western drum notation: “1 & 2 &.”

Notation notes:
- CAPITAL letters indicate “LOUD”.
- Mixed Capital and Lower-case letters indicate “medium”
- Lowercase letters indicate “soft”
- Parenthesis () indicate “more soft”
- Brackets [ ] indicate a “rest” in the count.

Sample music: Odaiko Basic lessons clip.

Straight Ji = Do Ko Do Ko Do Ko Do Ko Do Ko in Western count 4 / 4 time:

eight notes straight hits. This sample is a one measure straight ji.

Try This!

Direction: Using your improvised instrument, perform this two-measure basic

straight Ji with different dynamics.

DO ko DO ko DO ko do ko Do Ko [ ] [ ] Do Ko Do Ko

25 CO_Q2_Music8_Module2
CO_Q2_Music8_Module2 26
1. A Japan: 1. Membranophone Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle
2. B • Sakura 2. Chordophone 1. Sheng
3. A • Yo-sen 3. Aerophone 2. Chordophone
4. C • In-sen 4. Aerophone 3. Cloud gongs
5. C • Hogaku 5. Idiophone 4. Idiophone
6. C • Gagaku 6. Idiophone 5. Zheng
7. A 7. Aerophone 6. Japan
8. B Korea: 8. Chordophone 7. Shakuhachi
9. D • Arirang 9. Membranophone 8. Kayagum
10. A • Chong-ak 10. Chordophone 9. Korea
11. A 10. Membranophone
• Minsogak
12. A
• Pansori
13. C
15. D
• Mo Li Hua
1. D
2. C
4. A
Activity 1 5. C
6. C
Japan China Korea 7. A
Odaiko 8. B
Tsuzumi 9. B
Membranophone Changgo 10. D
Taiko 11. D
12. B
Yunluo 13. B
Pengling 14. C
15. A
Koto Kayagum
Chordophone Shamisen Haegum
Biwa Geomungo
Hichiriki Sheng
Aerophone Piri
Sho Dizi
Activity 2 (Possible Answers)
1. It’s nice and good/similar
2. That I can create music out of local materials
3. Creativity, resourcefulness, patience, good craftsmanship
4. Yes, the abundance of the indigenous materials used in
improvisation represents our own local culture and traditions
Answer Key

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