The Critical Approaches

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Block 54-55, Southville 1 Niugan, Cabuyao City, Laguna
Day: 1
Date: March 12-13, 2024
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
 Discuss the different types of approaches;
 Critique a selection using the different approaches; and
 Show appreciation of the value of critiquing a literary piece.
A. Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serves as sources
of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups and nature; also how to use
evaluate reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns and
structures of modifications.
B. Performance Standards:
The learner skillfully delivers a speech for special occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-
verbal strategies and ICT resources.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC):
The learners will compose an independent critique of a chosen selection.
C. Enabling Competencies

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages: CLMD Budget of Work in English 10 page 33
b. Learner’s Material Pages:
c. Textbook Pages:
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources:
Department of Education. (2021). CLMD 4A Budget of Work Version 3.0. DepEd REGION IV-A
CALABARZON Curriculum and Learning Management Division page 33.


A. Introduction What I need to know?
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
 Discuss the different types of approaches;
 Critique a selection using the different approaches; and
 Show appreciation of the value of critiquing a literary piece.

What’s New?

Observed and analyze the pictures. Tell us what have you


“The pictures all about the

different classes of
“Gender discrimination”
“Gender inequality”

B. Development What I know?

1. It is a cultural theory that embodies a set of social,
economic, and political ideas that its followers believe will
enable them to interpret and change their world. The students will now
A. Essentialism B. Feminism C. Marxism answer he pre-test for 5
2. A feminist critic analyzes the following EXCEPT_____ minutes only.
A.Feminism can be used in short stories, novels or poems.
B. Gender-based differentiation means there is same
chance given for both male and female.
C. Feminism deals with women only and how they are
treated or written in the society.
3._______ sees literature as both a reflection and product of
the times and circumstances in which it is written.
A. Reader’s Response Approach B. Historical Approach
C. Moralist Approach
4. ______ suggests that the role of the reader is essential to
the meaning of a text, for only in the reading experience
does the literary work come alive.
A. Reader’s Response Approach B. Historical Approach
C. Moralist Approach
What is in?
From the images I shown earlier what do you think the
approaches we’re going to discuss today? “Feminist Approach”
“Society Approach”
“Historical Approach”
“Reader Response
“Marxist Approach”
What is it?
Now let’s talk about the other lenses of other approaches in
writing a critique.

Again, what are the different lenses in making a critique?


Okay! Very Good!

Now we are going to talk about the Feminist Approach!

What is Feminism?
Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining,
establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and
social rights and equal opportunities for women including
gender roles.

Gender role means the set of social and behavioral norms

that are considered to be socially correct for individuals of a
specific sex in the context of a specific culture, which differ
widely between cultures and over time.
Gender is important in Feminism.
Gender identity is the gender(s) based from person self-

Gender-based Differentiation is an issue in Feminism. It is

the situation when one job, attitude or skill is only known for
one gender. For example, it was normal idea to see jobs like
doctor, lawyer and engineer for male than female. This
concept of gender-based differentiation is represented by
the image below:

Feminism in literature
Feminism in literature is a school of theory views how our
culture are inherently patriarchal (male dominated) and aims
to expose misogyny (prejudice against women) in literature
explicitly and implicitly.
Although there are various views in feminist criticism, the
following shows what is common among these varying
concepts in feminism:
1. Women are oppressed by patriarchy (society governed or
led by males) economically, politically, socially, and
2. While biology determines our sex (male or female),
culture sets the standards of what is to be masculine and
3. Feminism has as its ultimate goal to change the world by
promoting gender equality.
4. Gender issues play a part in every aspect of human
production and experience, including the production and
experience of literature.
Source: Tyson, L. (2016). Critical Theory Today: A User-
Friendly Guide (2nd ed). Routledge.

Marxism is a cultural theory that embodies a set of

social, economic, and political ideas that its followers
believe will enable them to interpret and change their world.
Marxist critics are also interested in how the lower or
working classes are oppressed- in everyday life and in

Karl Marx, the proponent of this theory, lived in London at

the time of industrialization and travelled extensively
through Europe. He saw a highly developed continent where
the tensions ran high because of social inequality.
According to Marx, social inequality was a consequence of
the arrival of the division of labor and, moreover, was what
had led to the class society.
In doing a Marxist literary criticism, one must look for the
following details:
 social classes that constitute the setting of the story
(their importance and role to run the plot and in
injecting ideas);
 characteristics of such social classes (as to how
social classes interact each other and make
conflicts between or among social classes);
 author’s idea about the prevailing social issue like
 background of the author and his views on
economy, politics and society;
 the place where the literary piece was written (time
period, culture,traditions, practices, economy and
politics that might have influenced one literary piece
Historical Approach sees literature as both a reflection and
product of the times and circumstances in which it is written.
It is giving enough information to help readers understand a
text better using its history as background.
History and literature come hand in hand because together,
they interpret human experiences and allow us to know the
things that shape our present time.

Reader-response suggests that the role of the reader is

essential to the meaning of a text, for only in the reading
experience does the literary work come alive. Its purpose is
to examine, explain, and defend your personal reaction to
a text. There is no right or wrong answer to a reading
response. Nonetheless, it is important that you demonstrate
an understanding of the reading and clearly explain and
support your reaction
C. Engagement What’s more?
Group Activity
The students are now
Direction: Analyze the text that assigned to your group and
preparing for their group
identify what kind of approach the critic used in the text. activity.
Explain your answer in the class.

Group 1 After the students go to

The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This their respective group they
books takes place in the American South in the 19nth are now analyzing the text
century and follows a white boy, Huck, as he helps a black that is assigned to them.
slave, Jim, escape his situation. Here we’ve got quite a bit
more detail. Instead of just two large classes society is
divided into several smaller ones. (MARXIST APPROACH)

Group 2
Little Women was published in 1868. The novel argues that
women’s lives are worthy of examination. Women’s stories
deserved to be heard. Even when beloved female
characters make disappointing choices, writing, and sharing
their stories is a _______ act. (FEMINIST APPROACH)

Group 3
Set in France during the reign of Louis XI, The Hunchback
of Notre Dame is a historical novel of epic proportions that
appeal to a broad readership. Victor Hugo vividly re-creates
the teeming Paris of the late Middle Ages, with its sharp
roofs and narrow, muddy streets, as we all the people,
customs, and pageantry of 15nth century France. He also
represents conflicts and themes that resonate with adults
both young and old because they are at the core of the
human condition. (HISTORICAL APPROACH)

Group 4
The famous novel "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-
Exupery is a story about the value of friendship and love.
The author wrote this narrative for people of all ages. The
prince journeyed to the earth in Chapter 21(twenty-one) of
the narrative because he wanted to learn new things that his
planet lacked, and he left his rose there. (MORALIST

Group 5
In the “The Story of an Hour” I think Mrs. Mallard is not
genuinely happy in their marriage life. Why? Because when
she heard the news that his husband died, she did not really
feel the pain of losing special someone in your life, instead,
she feel happy and at peace. In my opinion, the marriage of
Mr. & Mrs. Mallard is just for the show. (READER-
What I can do?
The opponent groups must prepare a question to the group
that is presenting. The group that being questioned must
defend their answers, if not, the points will be given to the
group who asked the question, but, if the group that is being
asked answer the question clearly the points will be given to
What other enrichment activities can I engage in?
(Additional Activities)

D. Assimilation What I have learned?

The students will share ideas and reflection about their “I have learned that in
previous group activity. writing a critique it is very
important to us to use
appropriate approach to a
certain literature that we
are going to evaluate”
What I can do? (Assessment)
Post Test
1. Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at
defining, establishing, and defending equal political,
economic, and social rights and _____ opportunities
for women including gender roles.
A. Inequality
B. Equal
C. Balance
D. Moderate
2. ________ sees literature as both a reflection and
product of the times and circumstances in which it is
A. Moralist Approach
B. Marxist Approach
C. Historical Approach
D. Reader Response Approach
3. According to _____, social inequality was a
consequence of the arrival of the division of labor
and, moreover, was what had led to the class
A. Mark
B. Marsha
C. Marx
D. Marxi
4. There is no right or wrong answer to a reading
A. Moralist
B. Argumentative
C. Opinion
D. Reader’s Response Approach
5. _______and_______ come hand in hand because
together, they interpret human experiences and
allow us to know the things that shape our present
A. Literature and Approach
B. History and Response
C. History and Literature
D. Reader and Response
V. REFLECTION Reflect on what you learned in this lesson about listening by completing the statements
(Reflection on the below.
type of Formative 1. I realize that ___________________________________________________.
Assessment used 2. I need to learn more about ________________________________________.
for this Particular 3. I still need the help of my teacher in _________________________________.
REFLECTION A. I understand that…

B. I realized that…

C. No. Of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment.

____ out of _____ earned 80% on the formative assessment.
10- Conde:
10- Amorsolo:
10- Fransisco:
D. No. of Learners who required additional activities for remediation.
____ out of ___ require additional activities for remediation.
E. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
____ out of ____ have caught up with the lesson.
F. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
____ out of ____ continue to require remediation.

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Reviewed and checked by:

Critic Teacher

Noted by:

Head Teacher I

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