5 Hydraulic Reservoirs
5 Hydraulic Reservoirs
5 Hydraulic Reservoirs
Hydraulic Reservoirs
Any hydraulic system requires a sufficient amount of high-quality fluid at all times for its efficient operation. The
fluid is drawn and pushed by the pump, circulated continuously through various intermediate components to
system actuators, and then carried back to the reservoir. The circulating fluid is liable to accumulate contaminants
and absorb heat from the system. Therefore, the fluid must be serviced before it is pumped again into the system.
A well-designed reservoir:
allows a reasonable dwell time for the fluid,
allows most of the contaminants to drop out,
assists in dissipating the heat,
allows air bubbles to come to the surface and dissipate,
Constructional Features
Baffle plate
Suction line
Return line
Breather with air filters
Suction strainer/filter
Fluid-level sight-windows/indicators
Pressure gauges
Removable cover
Drain plug
Magnetic tank cleaners,
A typical reservoir is provided with many Thermometers
components, such as:
In order to get a better fluid cooling and eliminate corrosion, reservoirs are made of materials, such as mild steel or
stainless steel or anodized aluminium. Reservoir manufacturers also make them from durable polyethylene material
with no seams to leak, and no rust and no welding slag to breed contamination.
Baffle Plate
A baffle plate is fitted lengthwise through the middle of the reservoir. Its purpose is to separate the suction chamber
from the return chamber. It is usually sized to a height of about 70% of the maximum height of the fluid level in the
reservoir. The bottom corners are cut diagonally to provide openings for the fluid to equalize the fluid levels on
both sides. This ensures that the return fluid takes a circuitous path through the reservoir, avoiding the same part of
the fluid circulating continuously. This also provides more time for the contaminants to settle within the reservoir
and assists the reservoir in dissipating heat as quickly as possible. It also assists in de-aerating the fluid.
Suction Line
The suction line is used to carry the fluid to the inlet of the pump. Its bottom end should be located a distance
above the bottom floor, so as to prevent the settled contaminants from entering the pump again. A suction line is
usually fitted with a strainer and/or suction filter.
Return Line
The return line is used to carry the return fluid from the system back to the reservoir. Suction line and return line
may be located at the same side of the reservoir, but, on either side of the baffle plate. The return line must
terminate below the fluid level and up to a height two to four times the pipe diameter above the base plate to reduce
the turbulence and foaming.
The opening provides a path for filling the reservoir during the fluid replacement time. It also allows a passage for
the air to breathe in and out of the reservoir during the operating time to equalize the interior & exterior pressures.
An air filter of five microns (or better) prevents the ingress of airborne contaminants into the reservoir. The
breather may include a quantity of desiccant material (silica gel) for the dehumidification of the inflowing air.
Pressure Gauge
The use of the pressure gauge is a safety measure as it monitors over-pressures and assists in troubleshooting.
Removable Covers
A reservoir must be designed for easy access to clean out all the residues and rust that may have accumulated in the
reservoir, and for flaking paint. The periodic servicing and cleaning activities can be carried out quickly if an
opening with a large removable cover is fitted as part of the reservoir.
Drain Plug
The bottom part of the reservoir is usually provided with a downward gradient and a drain plug at its lowest point
so that the system fluid can be drained completely without any difficulty.
It is used in combination with return-line filter to slow down the return fluid. The reduced velocity prevents
foaming and re-suspension of deposited dirt. It reduces turbulence/noise. A screen can also be installed at an angle
to collect bubbles that can go to the surface and get dissipated.
Sizing of Reservoirs
The size of the reservoir must ensure that the fluid in circulation has a reasonable dwell time, dissipate heat quickly,
suppress turbulence in the fluid, and release any entrained air. An undersized reservoir is liable to produce higher
fluid temperatures. For a hydraulic system, where mineral fluids are used, and medium-to-high frequency demands
are expected, a reservoir with a capacity of three to five times the volume flow rate of the system fluid is adequate.
With this general rule, the fluid returned to the reservoir has three to five minutes of dwell time in the reservoir
before it circulates again.
Heat Exchangers
Heat is usually generated in a system due to its inefficiency or poor design. If the cooling effect from the reservoir is
insufficient, a heat exchanger (or cooler) must be fitted to increase the heat dissipation rate. Heat exchangers are
expensive, and maintenance of them can run high. Types: (1) air-cooled heat exchangers and (2) water-cooled heat
Reference: JOJI PARAMBATH, Industrial Hydraulic Systems – Theory and Practice, Universal Publishers, Boca
Raton, USA, 2016. Please visit: http://www.universal-
Note: A comprehensive account of the topic is given in the textbook on ‘Industrial Hydraulic Systems-Theory and
Practice’ by Joji Parambath.