Shark Time Pouch: Materials
Shark Time Pouch: Materials
Shark Time Pouch: Materials
US – G/6 hook, 4.25 mm 2 black buttons or toy/doll eyes
Copyright Tamara Kelly, 2012, all rights reserved. This written pattern is for personal use by the
purchaser only, and not to be copied or distributed. You are welcome to sell items made from
this pattern.
Row 1 (RS): Using the magic circle, work Row 11: Ch1. [Sc in the next 8 sts, sc 2 in
6sc into the ring. Join with a sl st and the next st] 2 times. Sc in the next 3 sts.
turn. (6 sc) Turn. (23 sc)
Row 2 (WS): Ch1. [Sc in the next st, sc 2 Row 12: Ch1, and sc evenly across. Turn.
in the next st] 3 times. Join with sl st and (23 sc)
turn. (9 sc)
Row 13: Ch1. [Sc in the next 9 sts, sc 2 in
Row 3: Ch1. [Sc in the next 2 sts, sc 2 in the next st] 2 times. Sc in the next 3 sts.
the next st] 3 times. Join with sl st and Turn. (25 sc)
turn. (12 sc)
Row 14: Ch1, and sc evenly across. Turn.
Row 4: Ch1. [Sc in the next 3 sts, sc 2 in (25 sc)
the next st] 3 times. Join with sl st and
turn. (15 sc) Row 15: Ch1. [Sc in the next 10 sts, sc 2
in the next st] 2 times. Sc in the next 3
Row 5: Ch1. [Sc in the next 4 sts, sc 2 in sts. Turn. (27 sc)
the next st] 3 times. Join with sl st and
turn. (18 sc) Row 16: Ch1, and sc evenly across. Ch 9
and join with sl st to first st of row. Turn.
Row 6: Ch1. [Sc in the next 5 sts, sc 2 in (36 sts)
the next st] 2 times. Sc in the next 3 sts.
Leave remaining sts unworked. Turn. (17 Row 17: Ch1. [Sc in the next 11 sts, sc 2 in
sc) the next st] 3 times. Join with sl st and
turn. (39 sc)
Row 7: Ch1. [Sc in the next 6 sts, sc 2 in
the next st] 2 times. Sc in the next 3 sts. Row 18 – 33: Ch1, and sc evenly across.
Turn. (19 sc) Join with sl st and turn. (39 sc)
Copyright Tamara Kelly, 2012, all rights reserved. This written pattern is for personal use by the
purchaser only, and not to be copied or distributed. You are welcome to sell items made from
this pattern.
Row 34: Ch1. [Sc in the next 11 sts, Row 50 – 51: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join
sc2tog] 3 times. Join with sl st and turn. with sl st and turn. (16 sc)
(36 sc)
Row 52: Ch1. [Sc in the next 2 sts,
Row 35 – 36: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join sc2tog] 4 times. Join with sl st and turn.
with sl st and turn. (36 sc) (12 sc)
Row 37: Ch1. [Sc in the next 7 sts, Row 53: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join with
sc2tog] 4 times. Join with sl st and turn. sl st and turn. (12 sc)
(32 sc)
Row 54: Ch 1. Pinch sides together
Row 38 – 39: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join vertically and sc the seam closed,
with sl st and turn. (32 sc) working through both sides in each
stitch. (6 sc) “Base sts” made. Do not
Row 40: Ch1. [Sc in the next 6 sts, break yarn. Move to Tail instructions
sc2tog] 4 times. Join with sl st and turn. below.
(28 sc)
Row 41 – 42: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join
with sl st and turn. (28 sc) Row 1: Ch 8. Sl st in the 2nd ch from the
hook. Work hdc in the next 2 sts, dc in
Row 43: Ch1. [Sc in the next 5 sts, the next 2 sts,trc in the next 2 sts. Then
sc2tog] 4 times. Join with sl st and turn. in the base sts, work dc in next st, hdc
(24 sc) in next st, sc in next st, sl st loosely in
next 3 sts.
Row 44 – 45: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join
with sl st and turn. (24 sc) Row 2: Now at the opposite side of the
base, ch 8. Sl st in the 2nd ch from the
Row 46: Ch1. [Sc in the next 4 sts, hook. Work hdc in the next 2 sts, dc in
sc2tog] 4 times. Join with sl st and turn. the next 2 sts, trc in the next 2 sts. Then
(20 sc) in the base sts, work dc in next st, hdc
in next st. Break yarn and use seamless
Row 47 – 48: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Join join to finish off.
with sl st and turn. (20 sc)
Row 3: Join yarn at base of tail with a sl
Row 49: Ch1. [Sc in the next 3 sts, st. Sc around entire tail, working 2 sc
sc2tog] 4 times. Join with sl st and turn. into each of the points of the fins. Break
(16 sc) yarn and finish off. Weave in ends.
Copyright Tamara Kelly, 2012, all rights reserved. This written pattern is for personal use by the
purchaser only, and not to be copied or distributed. You are welcome to sell items made from
this pattern.
Jaw: Teeth:
Cut top half of felt strip in zig zag “teeth”
Row 1: Join the yarn with a sl st to the pattern, leaving bottom half uncut.
unworked side of the chains from Row Using white thread, sew the uncut side
16 of the Body. Ch1 and sc evenly of the felt to the bottom half of the
across. Turn. (9 sc) zipper fabric, with the felt teeth slightly
covering the zipper teeth.
Row 2: Ch1. Sc in next 3 sts, sc2tog, sc
in last 4 sts. Turn. (8 sc)
Row 11: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Break Row 2: Ch1. Sc2tog, sc even in
yarn and weave in ends. (3 sc) remaining sts. Turn. (4 sc)
Row 12: Join yarn at right jaw corner and Row 3: Ch1. Sc in the first 2 sts, then
sc evenly around bottom jaw. Break sc2tog. Turn. (3 sc)
yarn and weave in ends.
Copyright Tamara Kelly, 2012, all rights reserved. This written pattern is for personal use by the
purchaser only, and not to be copied or distributed. You are welcome to sell items made from
this pattern.
Row 4: Ch1. Sc2tog, sc in last st. Turn. (2 Row 2: Ch1. Work 2 sc into st. Turn. (2
sc) sc)
Row 5: Ch1. Sc2tog. Turn. (1 sc) Row 3: Ch1. Sc in next st, sc 2 in last st.
Turn. (3 sc)
Row 6: Ch1. Sc in top st, then turning
work clockwise, sc around all 3 sides of Row 4: Ch1. Sc in next st, sc 2 in next st,
the triangle, working 2 sc in each point. sc in last st. Turn. (4 sc)
Break yarn and use seamless join to
finish off in the first st of the round. Sew Row 5 – 9: Ch1. Sc evenly across. Turn.
to top of shark and weave in ends. (4 sc)
Side (Pectoral) Fins (make 2): Row 10: Ch1. Sc evenly across, then
working 2 sc in the last st, turn work
clockwise and continue to sc around
sides. Work 2 sc in each point. Break
yarn, leaving a 6″ tail, and sew to each
side of Body.
Copyright Tamara Kelly, 2012, all rights reserved. This written pattern is for personal use by the
purchaser only, and not to be copied or distributed. You are welcome to sell items made from
this pattern.