SOA 4300590 101423255 07-Feb-2023 13 27 17
SOA 4300590 101423255 07-Feb-2023 13 27 17
SOA 4300590 101423255 07-Feb-2023 13 27 17
This is your official record of enrolment. Please check all details are correct.
Unit or Course withdrawals must be completed prior to CENSUS DATE in order to receive a refund of fees.
Amendments to enrolment processed after Census Date will be subject to financial liability. Amendments to
enrolment after the Academic Penalty Date will be subject to academic penalty and financial liability.
EFTSL - Equivalent Full Time Study Load is the measure of your load . An annual load of 0.75 or
more is considered Full Time. Anything below that is considered Part Time.
Academic Penalty Date - The date by which enrolment amendments must be finalised to avoid
academic penalty.
Swinburne University
Census Date - The date by which enrolment amendments must be finalised to avoid financial
of Technology
Student Administration