Hydrogen Embrittlement & Risk Based Inspection of H2 Tech

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Review Article

A review on hydrogen embrittlement and risk-

based inspection of hydrogen technologies

Alessandro Campari a,*, Federico Ustolin a, Antonio Alvaro b,

Nicola Paltrinieri a
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU,
Richard Birkelands vei 2b, Trondheim, 7034, Norway
SINTEF Industry, SINTEF, Richard Birkelands vei 2b, Trondheim, 7034, Norway


 The occurrence of hydrogen-induced material failures requires safety enhancements.

 Hydrogen embrittlement relies on a synergistic interplay of several factors.
 Tailored inspection activities could aid to monitor equipment exposed to hydrogen.
 RBI approaches are not used for planning inspections of hydrogen technologies.
 Material science and safety are often considered two separated research fields.

article info abstract

Article history: Hydrogen could gradually replace fossil fuels, mitigating the human impact on the envi-
Received 28 February 2023 ronment. However, equipment exposed to hydrogen is subjected to damaging effects due
Received in revised form to H2 absorption and permeation through metals. Hence, inspection activities are neces-
23 May 2023 sary to preserve the physical integrity of the containment systems, and the risk-based (RBI)
Accepted 27 May 2023 methodology is considered the most beneficial approach. This review aims to provide
Available online 14 June 2023 relevant information regarding hydrogen embrittlement, its effect on materials’ properties,
and the synergistic interplay of the factors influencing its occurrence. Moreover, an over-
Keywords: view of predictive maintenance strategies is presented, focusing on the RBI methodology. A
Hydrogen embrittlement systematic review was carried out to identify examples of the application of RBI to
Material damage equipment exposed to hydrogenated environments and to identify the most active
Loss of containment research groups. In conclusion, a significant lack of knowledge has been highlighted, along
Risk-based inspection with difficulties in applying the RBI methodology for equipment operating in a pure
Predictive maintenance hydrogen environment.
Process safety © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications
LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Campari).
0360-3199/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35317


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35317
Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35318
Hydrogen embrittlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35319
Hydrogen embrittlement theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35319
Effects on mechanical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35320
Tensile properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35320
Fracture resistance properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35321
Fatigue crack growth rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35322
Susceptibility factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35323
Effect of temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35323
Effect of pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35324
Effect of hydrogen purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35325
Effect of microstructure and chemical composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35325
Effect of strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35326
Effect of frequency and stress ratio on FCGR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35327
Methodologies for inspection and maintenance planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35327
Consolidated methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35328
Risk-based inspection methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35329
Probability of failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35330
Consequence of failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35331
Examples of application of RBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35332
Systematic review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35332
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35336
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35338
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35339
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35339
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35339

many other materials normally employed for industrial ap-

Introduction plications [7,8]. The hydrogen-induced degradation of me-
chanical properties of metallic materials was first-time
Hydrogen has been recently indicated by the European Com- observed by Johnson in 1874 [9] and validated by Reynolds one
mission and the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy year later [10]. Thereafter, the mechanisms responsible for
as a promising fuel to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [1,2]. hydrogen-related damages have been widely researched.
The growing interest in the widespread rollout of this energy Despite the variety of theories that have been proposed to
carrier rests on two factors: hydrogen can be used with very explain the complex interaction between metallic materials
limited direct pollutant emissions, and it can be produced and hydrogen, the underlying mechanisms are still being
from various low-carbon sources by steam reforming as well discussed [11e13]. Although the hydrogen-induced degrada-
as from water by electrolysis [3,4]. The importance of tion of metals has been extensively investigated over the
hydrogen in the global energy scenario is reflected by its rising years, hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is still responsible for
share in the total final energy consumption: hydrogen many industrial failures and associated catastrophic releases
accounted for less than 0.1% in 2020 [5], but it is expected to of hazardous substances in the environment [14e17]. Com-
reach 2% by 2030 and 10% in 2050 [6]. ponents for storing and transporting compressed gaseous
Despite the advantage of being potentially clean and hydrogen (CGH2) are exposed to hydrogenated working envi-
renewable, there are serious safety concerns associated with ronments at high-pressures and near-ambient temperatures.
hydrogen properties. Along with hydrogen flammability and They can be subjected to elevated stresses and exposed to
explosivity, the capability of permeating and embrittling cyclic loads, resulting from the pressure fluctuations during
metallic materials are critical safety issues associated with normal operations (e.g., in pipeline systems, cylinders, and
hydrogen handling and storage [7]. Hydrogen can be absorbed tanks). In addition, most of these equipment items have not
by most metals and alloys, and its accumulation in the prox- been specifically designed for hydrogen service and therefore,
imity of internal defects (e.g., vacancies, grain boundaries, the construction materials can be highly degraded by H2.
dislocations, precipitates, and inclusions) represents a serious Hence, inspection and maintenance activities must be per-
concern for iron, steels, nickel and titanium-based alloys, and formed to preserve the physical integrity and fitness-for-
35318 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

service of components exposed to hydrogen environments. and qualitative analysis of the state of the art, potentially
Over the last decades, maintenance strategy has undergone followed by a meta-analysis [45]. A systematic review has in-
radical changes, moving from corrective to predictive ap- clusion criteria explicit and reproducible and is quantitative,
proaches. In particular, the risk-based methodology is comprehensive, and structured. This paper follows the
considered the most beneficial strategy for inspection and guidelines provided by Xiao and Watson [46] and applies the
maintenance planning. This approach has been largely methodology of the PRISMA Statement [47] to transparently
adopted in the chemical and petrochemical industries, but its conduct a systematic review. The process for carrying out this
application to hydrogen technologies is still challenging. review can be divided into five phases.
This review aims to answer the following research
questions. 1. Identifying the research area and carrying out a narrative
 How does hydrogen embrittlement affect equipment for 2. Identifying specific queries
hydrogen handling and storage? 3. Identifying, screening, and selecting relevant studies
 How to plan inspection and maintenance towards 4. Mapping and presenting the data
hydrogen-induced material degradation of equipment for 5. Summarizing and reporting the findings
CGH2 transport and storage?
Fig. 1 shows how this hybrid methodology was applied to
The increasing interest of the scientific community in the present study.
these topics is confirmed by some ongoing research projects, The focus of the review is primarily placed on hydrogen
such as the European H2 CoopStorage [18], the Norwegian embrittlement and its implications in the inspection and
SH2IFT-2 [19], and the Euro-Japanese project SUSHy [20]. maintenance of equipment operating in pure hydrogen envi-
Several review papers regarding the hydrogen embrittlement ronments. A brief overview of various inspection planning
effects on various steels (e.g., pipeline steels [21e25], approaches is provided, focusing on the RBI methodology.
martensitic high-strength steels [26,27], austenitic stainless Although the major bibliographic sources were represented by
steels [28,29], medium and high-Mn steels [30,31]) were journal papers and conference proceedings, grey literature
recently published. Moreover, the techniques to prevent (e.g., reports, standards, recommended practices, and gov-
hydrogen embrittlement were investigated by several re- ernment documents) was also included, where relevant.
searchers [32e34], which focused on the influence of micro- Subsequently, the queries of the systematic review were
structural features [35e37], the utilization of gaseous defined based on the results of the narrative review.
inhibitors [38e40], or the adoption of surface coatings [41e43]. The SR was completed on November 20, 2022. The data
Nevertheless, a thorough review regarding the inspection and were collected from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS
maintenance of hydrogen technologies and the techniques to CC) database [48]. The first keyword of each query was related
detect hydrogen-induced damages is still missing. to hydrogen embrittlement or generically to hydrogen, while
This work adopts a hybrid approach: a systematic review the second was associated with risk-based inspection and
(SR) was conducted sequentially to a narrative review (NR). maintenance, or to inspection and maintenance in general. In
This innovative methodology is capable not only to answer addition, several filters were applied for rapid screening of the
the abovementioned research questions but also to highlight records. For the sake of clarity, all the queries and filters
the main trends and pinpoint the most active groups in this selected are collected in Table 1.
research field. The method adopted is extensively described in After identifying the records from the database, they were
the Methodology section. In addition, the most relevant in- screened based on title, keywords, and abstract. Then, a more
formation about the HE effects and the influencing factors for thorough assessment for eligibility was carried out by reading
materials’ susceptibility is presented in the Hydrogen the full-text papers. In addition, several other records were
embrittlement section. The Methodologies for inspection and selected through forward-backwards searches. Finally, key-
maintenance planning section comprehends both the tradi- words co-occurrence maps, co-authorship networks, and
tional approaches and the RBI methodology. The main find- countries networks were created through VOSviewer [49], a
ings of the SR are presented with the aid of graphs and tables software tool with text mining capability specifically designed
and extensively discussed in the Systematic review and Dis- to perform bibliometric analyses.
cussion sections, respectively. A summary of the main find- A hybrid methodology is a valuable tool to perform an
ings and suggestions for future research are provided in the objective, transparent, and reproducible analysis of the state of
Conclusion. the art and to enhance the quality of the literature review. This
approach allows for reducing the inevitable bias of narrative
literature reviews, even if it cannot be completely avoided
Methodology since the records gathered from WoS CC must be manually
screened and assessed for eligibility. In addition, rigorous
The methodology for this study is based on both a narrative statistical methods and automatic pattern recognition allow
and a systematic review. The former aims at identifying and for describing and evaluating the state of the art and predicting
summarizing results of previous research, avoiding dupli- the future trends of this research field. The qualitative and
cates, and looking for new study fields to be investigated [44]. quantitative analyses turn out to be essential to have a
In contrast, the ultimate objective of the latter is to formulate descriptive overview of the state of the art and to highlight the
a clearly defined research question and provide a quantitative most active institutions and groups and their connections.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35319

Fig. 1 e Schematic methodology of this study.

susceptibility factors and their synergistic interaction are

Hydrogen embrittlement discussed.

Hydrogen embrittlement is a degradation process resulting in Hydrogen embrittlement theory

the reduction of materials' mechanical properties due to the
interaction with hydrogen atoms from the component's Most of the equipment for H2 handling, transport, and storage
working environment. In equipment exposed to hydrogenated is exposed to high-pressure hydrogenated environments and
environments, hydrogen is dissociated and absorbed in the can be subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. In addition,
material. Absorbed atoms diffuse through the metal's bulk, hydrogen can be absorbed into the metal during the compo-
preferentially toward high triaxial stress regions, and locally nent's fabrication or through cathodic protection (in the case
affect the material resistance to internal stress or external of subsea pipelines) and corrosion processes. This section
load [13]. Despite being a long-known phenomenon, HE is still presents concisely the mechanism of hydrogen uptake into
responsible for unpredictable failures in many applications, metals in compressed gaseous atmospheres.
such as storage tanks, fasteners, process reactors, pipelines, The size of the H2 molecule is too large to diffuse through
fuel cell vehicles, and aircraft components [14,17]. This sec- metals. Thus, hydrogen is dissociated into atoms on the metal
tion focuses on the HE theory, its effects on tensile and frac- surface and enters the materials in two distinct steps, known
ture resistance properties, and the hydrogen-enhanced as adsorption and absorption. The former is based on the
fatigue crack growth rate (HEFCGR). In addition, the main hydrogen gas-metal interaction and comprehends the

Table 1 e Queries and filters selected in Web of Science Core Collection for the systematic review.
Type Option selected
Queries “hydrogen* embrittlement*” “inspection” OR “hydrogen* embrittlement*”
“maintenance” OR “hydrogen* damage*” “inspection” OR “hydrogen* damage*”
“maintenance” OR “hydrogen*” “risk-based inspection” OR “hydrogen*” “risk-based
Analysis Field Topic
Document type Articles, Review Articles, Conference Proceedings
Language English
Countries Global
Period examined Not applied
The quotation mark allows to search for an exact word or phrase, whereas the asterisk can be used to look also for similar words.
35320 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

mechanisms of physisorption and chemisorption, which can of these microstructural features. On the other hand, higher
be distinguished in terms of bonding energy (weak van der activation energy is necessary to release hydrogen atoms from
Waals forces for physisorption and covalent bonding for irreversible traps. Hence, H atoms can either diffuse from one
chemisorption). Hydrogen adsorption on the metal surface is interstitial site to another or be trapped within the material
based on the following reversible reaction [50]: [55e57].
The mechanisms through which hydrogen is adsorbed,
H2 þ 2M42MHads (1)
absorbed, transported, and trapped are generally well-
The Sievert's law states that hydrogen concentration in accepted. In contrast, the physical mechanism responsible
metals is proportional to the hydrogen partial pressure under for the hydrogen embrittlement effect is still debated in the
thermodynamic equilibrium conditions: scientific community. The most accepted opinion is that the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi degradation is caused by the interaction of several mecha-
CH ¼ K$ pH2 (2) nisms, such as Hydrogen-Enhanced Decohesion (HEDE) and
where CH indicates the concentration of dissolved hydrogen, K Hydrogen-Enhanced Localized Plasticity (HELP) [58]. The HEDE
is the equilibrium constant, and pH2 is the hydrogen partial theory suggests that embrittlement is caused by a local
reduction of cohesive strength in the metal lattice, thus pro-
pressure. The concentration of dissolved H depends on the
voking the separation of cleavage planes or grain boundaries
temperature, according to the Arrhenius law:
under lower stress levels. In other words, the atoms are
separated when the applied stress exceeds the local cohesive
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi RT strength in the crack tip; the interatomic bonds are weakened
CH ¼ C0 pH2 $e (3)
by the presence of hydrogen in the lattice, thus resulting in
where C0 represents the pre-exponential factor, DHs the atoms’ separation [59]. On the other hand, the HELP mecha-
dissociation enthalpy of the hydrogen molecule, R is the gas nism states that H atoms enhance dislocation mobility by
constant, and T the temperature [51]. causing a local reduction in shear stress. Hydrogen transport,
After the adsorption on the metal surface, hydrogen can accelerated by dislocation movement, causes an increase in H
either recombine in molecular form and release gaseous H2 in concentration near the crack tip. The accumulation of
the environment or recombine in a surface-subsurface ab- hydrogen around dislocations enhances the local strain,
sorption reaction and diffuse through the bulk material. These which disrupts the crystal structure. If the local hydrogen
competing mechanisms are described by the following re- concentration is sufficient, the deformation can lead to a
actions [50]: macroscopic brittle fracture [60,61].

MHads þ MHads /2MþH2 (4)

Effects on mechanical properties

MHads þ M4M þ MHabs (5)

Industrial equipment exposed to high-pressure hydrogen gas
Once absorbed into the metal, hydrogen atoms can may operate under various loading conditions. Concerning
occupy interstitial sites and jump from one site to another, the HE phenomenon, the effect on mechanical properties can
moving through the material. The atomic radius of be roughly divided into two categories: quasi-static and dy-
hydrogen (i.e., 5.3,1011 m) is similar to the size of the namic. The former indicates a constant or slowly varying load,
interstitial sites in the body-centered cubic (bcc) and face- which allows for a general hydrogen distribution equilibrium;
centered cubic (fcc) structures, and this allows for elevated it is often relevant for components exposed to high gas pres-
H atoms' mobility [52]. Temperature, chemical composition, sure. On the other hand, the latter is associated with dynamic
and microstructure strongly influence the diffusivity. components (e.g., compressors), vibrations in static equip-
Hydrogen solubility is lower in bcc materials (e.g., ferritic ment, or fluctuations in gas pressure [62]. Due to the time-
steels) than in fcc (e.g., austenitic steels). In fact, despite the related nature of the HE phenomenon, the materials’ sus-
higher number of interstitial sites in bcc structures, their ceptibility is often investigated through tests performed in
size is comparatively smaller. The hydrogen diffusion de- quasi-static conditions. Tensile properties, fracture resistance
pends on the concentration gradient and is described by properties, and fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) under cyclic
Fick's first law [53]: loading need to be quantified in a relevant hydrogenated
operating environment in order to assess the performance
JH ¼  DH $VCH (6) and integrity of components commonly used in the hydrogen
where JH represents the hydrogen flux and DH is the value chain [22].
In a theoretically perfect lattice, hydrogen should Tensile properties
distribute homogeneously in the crystal structure. Despite Slow strain rate tests (SSRTs) are normally used to test the
this, real materials have imperfections and microstructural materials’ tensile properties [63]. Hydrogen-induced degra-
features that act as trapping sites, i.e., potential gaps where dation often manifests itself as a ductility loss and can be
hydrogen atoms get trapped [54]. These sites can be divided expressed as the change in reduced areas after a tensile test
into reversible and irreversible traps, depending on their obtained in the hydrogenated environment and in a reference
binding energy. H atoms can escape from vacancies, disloca- environment [64e66]. This is usually quantified through the
tions, and grain boundaries thanks to the low binding energy Embrittlement Index [67]:
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35321

the material susceptibility to HE. As mentioned earlier, this

RAref  RAH2
EI ¼ $100 enhanced sensitivity is associated with the inherent presence
    of a region ahead of the notch with higher triaxial stress and a
Ai  Af Ai ref  Ai  Af Ai
¼   H2
$100 (7) high strain zone at the notch root, resulting in higher
Ai  Af Ai ref hydrogen accumulation in these areas and greater localized
where RAref and RAH2 are the reduced area at fracture in a embrittlement [50,51]. Notched specimens present significant
reference environment (air or inert gas) and hydrogen, losses in the reduced area and limited changes in yield and
respectively, and Ai and Af represent the initial and the final tensile strength. In this case, the RA in hydrogen gas ranges
fracture areas, respectively. High values of EI are associated from 5 to 9%, while the reduced area loss is up to 80%. Aside
with the high HE susceptibility of the tested material. from the quantitative measurement of the hydrogen effect on
While elongation and reduction of area at fracture are tensile properties, SSRT can also be used as a screening
strongly affected by the hydrogen-metal interaction, elastic method to select materials for hydrogen service [73,74]. To
properties, yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength rigorously assess the reliability of steels exposed to hydrogen
(UTS) are often barely modified [68e71]. Generally, metals gas, tests on cracked specimens, both under monotonic and
with higher strength feature stronger susceptibility to cyclic loading, are required [54]. Table 2 summarizes the HE
hydrogen degradation. San Marchi et al. [64] tested the tensile susceptibility of several steels, based on the EI measured at
properties of a wide range of carbon and low-alloy steels in 24  C and 69 MPa hydrogen gas.
gaseous hydrogen environments (at 6.9 and 69 MPa); the re-
sults show that the loss of RA for smooth specimens ranges Fracture resistance properties
from 20% to up to 50%, compared with values measured in air. Fracture resistance properties are quantified by fracture
Other studies confirmed similar findings for X52 and X65 toughness tests, performed on a pre-cracked specimen, which
pipeline steels [45,49]. Fig. 2 shows the fracture surfaces of X65 is subjected to monotonically increasing load, whilst the crack
specimens with and without hydrogen charging. mouth opening displacement (CMOD) is monitored. Fracture
The presence of geometrical imperfections or notches, toughness is typically expressed in terms of plane strain
which act as stress concentrators, can significantly increase fracture toughness KIC (MPa,m1/2) or elastic-plastic fracture

Fig. 2 e SEM magnified fracture surface of an X65 steel weld uncharged (a) macroscopic and (b) microscopic, and hydrogen-
charged (c) macroscopic and (d) microscopic [72].
35322 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

toughness JIC (kJ/m2) [76]. The elastic-plastic J-integral method

4Co-0.20C, 410, 440A, 440C, 17e4 PH,

is used to measure the fracture toughness of metals for en-

AerMet 100, D6AC, H11, Fee9Nie

gineering applications, according to BS 7448e4 [77], ASTM
E1820 [78], and ISO 12135 [79].
Martensitic steels

17e7 PH, 18Ni-250 Maraging

Fracture resistance properties may be highly decreased
when a material is exposed to hydrogen gas, especially in
weldments, causing brittleness in otherwise ductile materials
[80e82]. If not carefully accounted for, this toughness
decrease can represent a serious concern in the design of steel
components, where small, undetected cracks may be always
present. Robinson and Stoltz tested an A516 Grade 70 steel
over a hydrogen pressure range of 3.45e34.5 MPa and proved
how the detrimental effect of hydrogen was significant and
Table 2 e Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of selected steels tested at 24  C under 69 MPa hydrogen gas (adapted from Ref. [75]).

proportional to its partial pressure [83]. Further studies

A533B, HY-80, HY-100, Iron,

A212-61T, X100, 430F, 1080

A106-Gr. B, A372, A515-Gr.

confirmed the pressure dependence of the fracture toughness

reduction [84,85], as shown in Fig. 3.
Ferritic steels

X42, X52, 1020, C1025

San Marchi and Somerday found that the fracture tough-

70, A516, A517-F,

1042, 4140, 4340

ness of pipeline steels in a hydrogen environment can be from

X60, X65, X70,

48% to 60% of that measured in air, but its value remains high
enough for most engineering applications (greater than
100 MPa$m1/2 for steel grades up to X70) [64]. Nonetheless, the
hydrogen-induced detriment of fracture toughness depends
also on the presence of micro-alloying elements and specific
microstructural features [86]. The dependence on the material
309S, 310, 347, 18-3-Mn
A286, 216, 316, 22-13-5

microstructure is even more pronounced for the crack growth

Austenitic steels

18-2-12, 18-18 Plus,

resistance (expressed as dJ=da). The values of dJ=da for

Tenelon, A302B,

hydrogen-charged carbon steels can be up to 90% lower than

21-6-9 þ 0.1 N,
305, 308L, 321,

21-6-9 þ 0.3 N

those measured in inert environments [64]. In other terms, the

304L, 304 N,

presence of hydrogen not only lowers the stress required to


propagate a crack but also decreases the resistance for further

crack propagation once this critical stress level has been




Fatigue crack growth rate


Hydrogen can negatively influence the metals’ resistance to

fatigue crack growth rate under cyclic loads resulting from
pressure fluctuations in equipment for hydrogen transport
and storage or from the movement of rotating components
with fracture and fatigue crack growth analysis
Useable in pressurized hydrogen environments

Not recommended for hydrogen applications

Not useable for hydrogen applications at any

Useable for limited hydrogen applications
Useable in hydrogen environments under

temperature and pressure

temperature and pressure

HE susceptibility



Fig. 3 e CMOD - Load curves for an X70 weld simulated HAZ

at different hydrogen gas pressures [85].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35323

[28,65]. The FCGR test method quantifies the rate of a crack in

terms of crack advance per load cycle and is performed on pre-
cracked specimens [87,88]. Minor imperfections, especially in
welded areas and heat-affected zones (HAZs), can act as crack
initiation sites in real components [66,67]. The per-cycle
variation of the crack length da=dN (mm/cycle) is reported
as a function of the stress intensity range DK (MPa,m1/2).
Most metallic materials display three different stages of crack
propagation in hydrogen environments. The first stage,
known as the threshold domain, reports the crack growth at
low DK, where the fatigue crack seems to be latent below the
threshold DKth . In this regime, the data obtained in hydrogen
often converge with those in the reference environment.
Nonetheless, the test parameters can have significant
spurious effects on the recorded DKth . The second stage, the
Paris domain, is an intermediate zone where it is possible to
apply a continuum approach. The crack growth is described Fig. 4 e FCGR curve for an X80 steel tested in hydrogen at
by the Paris equation [89]: 5.5 and 21 MPa and in the air (adapted from Ref. [92]).

da = dN ¼ AðDKÞm (8)

where A and m are both material constants. In this region,

tests in hydrogen show a sharp increase in FCGR compared to Susceptibility factors
tests conducted in the air. The magnitude of the acceleration
is strongly dependent on the material system and can reach The occurrence of environmental hydrogen embrittlement
up to three orders of magnitude for high-strength steels relies on the synergistic interaction of many factors. One of
[90,91]. Finally, the third stage, the unstable regime, manifests the most important is the type of hydrogenated environment,
an accelerated crack growth, which is reached when Kmax which comprehends pressure, temperature, hydrogen purity,
approaches the critical stress intensity KIC . The slope of the form, and source. The second factor is the metal considered,
FCGR in hydrogen is comparable to that measured in the air from the basic crystal structure to the microstructure, het-
since the effect of hydrogen has already reached its erogeneities, substructural conditions, phase stability,
maximum, and no further acceleration can be observed [90]. strength level, surface conditions, etc. The third crucial factor
Fig. 4 shows the increased FCGR of an X80 pipeline steel tested is the stress field, which accounts for the load type (monotonic
in hydrogen compared to that tested in the air. or cyclic), the state of applied stress, and the presence of re-
The available results in the literature indicate that, when sidual stress [108]. Although the effect of these factors, taken
tested without a pre-existing crack, the material's fatigue individually, has been extensively studied over the years
life seems to be slightly influenced by the presence of [64,86,109], their synergistic interplay is far from being un-
hydrogen as far as the stress ranges are around the material derstood [58]. Fig. 5 schematically represents the interdepen-
fatigue limit, i.e., in the high-cycle fatigue domain [93]. dence of the influencing factors for the HE susceptibility of
Nonetheless, variations due to the hydrogen-induced fa- industrial equipment.
tigue crack growth acceleration are recorded in the low-
cycle fatigue domain. Hydrogen can increase the FCGR by Effect of temperature
one or two orders of magnitude if the stress intensity range Temperature influences the hydrogen-metal interaction in
is higher than DKth [64,92,94e102]. The value of DKth de- many aspects, from the kinetic of surface reactions to
pends upon the material type, strength, and microstruc-
ture, but for most low-strength steels it ranges from 10 to
15 MPa,m1/2 [70e73,76,86,103,104]. An et al. [105] proved
that hydrogen-accelerated crack initiation plays a more
important role than fatigue crack growth with increasing
hydrogen pressure. Other studies observed how the
threshold value seems to be reduced by 10e25% in
hydrogen environments [25,106,107]. However, open ques-
tions remain regarding the role of hydrogen in the reduc-
tion of the stress intensity threshold. In fact, spurious
effects, such as the crack closure reduction related to oxide
layer formation, may be more prominent than the actual
effect of hydrogen [106]. Indeed, the hydrogen-induced
reduction of DKth depends on the environment, the
loading parameters, and the material, making difficult its
accurate prediction.
Fig. 5 e Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility factors.
35324 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

hydrogen solubility, diffusivity, and trapping. Diffusion and mechanical properties; on the other hand, at high tempera-
solubility properties are highly dependent on the material tures, hydrogen mobility increases and atoms’ de-trapping
system. For instance, already at room temperature, the ma- overcomes the trapping [75]. As a rule of thumb, for many
terial diffusivity and solubility can vary up to four orders of metals and alloys, the HE effects tend to be more severe be-
magnitude between austenite and ferrite [110]. Temperature tween 70 and 30  C [125].
has strong influence on both solubility and diffusivity of iron
based alloys for temperature higher than 20  C [111]. On the Effect of pressure
other hand, when lowering the temperature, which is relevant Hydrogen partial pressure is a relevant environmental
for liquid hydrogen transport and ancillary components, such parameter influencing the magnitude of HE degradation [119].
as turbo-compressors, quantum effects become relevant with According to Sievert's law, the solubility of hydrogen in
respect to the material hydrogen transport properties [112]. metals, intended as the total hydrogen concentration both at
Hence, temperature strongly influences the bulk hydrogen normal lattice and trapping sites, is proportional to the square
concentration, determining the magnitude of hydrogen- root of its partial pressure. In other words, increasing
induced degradation of mechanical properties [113]. Despite hydrogen partial pressure will increase the hydrogen con-
this, experimental campaigns tailored to investigate the effect centration in metals, which in turns eases the hydrogen-
of temperature on HE in metals have been recently reported induced losses in tensile and fracture properties. By way of
for high-pressure hydrogen environments [22]. Nelson and illustration, Fig. 6 shows the hydrogen gas pressure impact on
Williams [114] and Takakuwa et al. [115] tested the HEFCGR of the elongation of an X100 steel specimen.
low carbon steels (4130 and SM490B, respectively), demon- In the case of HEFCGR, a less pronounced pressure
strating independently that the most severe temperature dependence can be observed [126,127]:
range for HE lies around room temperature, i.e., between 20
and 25  C. On the other hand, Frandsen and Marcus [116] re- ¼ 1 þ N$p0:36 (9)
ported that hydrogen-induced FCGR acceleration for high- ðda=dNÞair H2

strength martensitic steels peaked at around 0  C. This was where N is a coefficient which depends on the material. The
attributable to the temperature impact on the kinetics of ab- occupation of traps follows this dependence over a certain
sorption and dissociation of molecular hydrogen. Similarly, pressure range and shows a plateau for higher values [68,114].
Gangloff and Wei [117] found that the crack propagation in This is due to the traps' saturation which occurs when the
hydrogen was increased at 10  C and 20  C for 200-grade and maximum amount of hydrogen has occupied all the traps that
250-grade maraging steels, respectively. Xing et al. [118] con- are present in the metal lattice. This saturation concentration
ducted tests on X90 pipeline steel and observed that HE is depends on the material's microstructure, composition, and
maximized at temperatures around 40  C. strength [128,129]. The reduction of fracture toughness of
San Marchi and Somerday [119] demonstrated that A516, API 5L Grade B, and X42 steels approaches the saturation
austenitic stainless steels, commonly used for liquid for hydrogen pressure greater than 13.8 MPa, while the
hydrogen storage, show the maximum HE susceptibility in the plateau is reached at 6.9 MPa for A-106 Grade B steel [86]. In
temperature range between 70 and 20  C. This was moti- general, low-strength steels have a more severe reduction in
vated by the strain-induced martensite transformation (SIMT) fracture toughness for increasing hydrogen pressure
promoted at low temperatures [28]. Yang et al. [120] observed compared to high-strength steels [114]. The fatigue perfor-
that the resistance to HE of 304 austenitic stainless steel is mances are also reduced for increasing hydrogen pressure,
reduced with decreasing temperature from 25 to 50  C and depending on the materials' microstructure and the stress
increased again when the temperature falls below 50  C. HE intensity range [90,95,98,105,130]. At high DK values, the FCGR
disappears at temperatures lower than 150  C due to slug- is not very sensitive to pressure variations, while at low DK the
gish hydrogen diffusion. Michler and Naumann [121] proved
that the temperature dependence of HE in austenitic stainless
steels can be drastically reduced by increasing the Ni content
above 12.5% and controlling the local metallurgy to obtain a
very homogeneous microstructure. Ogata [122] tested also
austenitic stainless steels and proved that HE does not man-
ifest its effect until a certain amount of deformation, regard-
less of the operating temperature. Matsuoka et al. [123]
observed that HEFCGR has a prominent temperature depen-
dence at low gas pressures, while it is negligible at high
pressures. Moreover, Tan et al. [124] observed that
30CrMnSieNi2A high-strength steel is not affected by HE at
temperatures higher than 200  C.
Overall, the effect of temperature can be explained by the
hydrogen trapping model, in which the hydrogen atoms are
assumed to diffuse through the metal lattice and be trapped at
microstructural defects. At cryogenic temperatures, hydrogen
diffuses too slowly to accumulate at trapping sites in sufficient Fig. 6 e Stress-strain curves for an X100 steel tested in
quantities to determine severe detrimental effects on hydrogen at different gas pressures and in air [68].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35325

fatigue crack growth can increase by ten folds varying the H2 Effect of microstructure and chemical composition
pressure from 0.02 to 100 MPa [131]. Nevertheless, the stress The mobility of hydrogen atoms through the metal lattice is
intensity ranges considered are often not applicable to normal influenced by the presence of microstructural defects, dislo-
operations of equipment for hydrogen handling and storage. cations, grain boundaries, non-metallic inclusions, and pre-
Hence, further tests are required to confirm if these trends cipitates [122,123]. These reversible traps are considered the
remain valid at lower DK [132e134]. main responsible for HE [144e148]. Different microstructures
Operating a component at higher hydrogen pressures in- are known to manifest dissimilar behavior in the presence of
creases the level of applied stress. Since hydrogen-induced hydrogen. The martensite shows a severe hydrogen-induced
degradations are triggered by the applied stress, the H2 par- degradation of mechanical properties, because of the
tial pressure has a twofold negative influence on HE suscep- elevated residual stress and the number of dislocations [22].
tibility. Despite this, hydrogen is being stored and transported Acicular ferrite exhibits higher hydrogen diffusivity than
at increasingly high pressures to overcome the issue repre- bainite, which in turn has a higher hydrogen solubility than
sented by its low volumetric energy density (3.2 times lower pearlite [149]. In general, a higher amount of cold work is
than that of methane [135]). associated with an increased dislocation density, implying a
more pronounced reversible hydrogen trapping, and conse-
Effect of hydrogen purity quently a greater HE susceptibility [150].
Hydrogen purity influences the hydrogen uptake into the Over the years, materials evolved in terms of microstruc-
metal. In particular, the addition of small amounts of specific tures and cleanliness. Hence, microstructure, composition,
gas species may reduce [86], enhance [136], or keep the HE and mechanical properties vary between steels with the same
sensitivity unchanged. Hence, gas impurities can act as in- grade that have been produced in different years and with
hibitors for hydrogen embrittlement by hindering the surface various manufacturing techniques [22,121]. Grain refinement
reactions of absorption. Oxygen is considered a promising has also a strong influence on hydrogen embrittlement. If, on
inhibitor because it creates a passivation oxide layer which the one hand, it introduces more grain boundaries which act
impedes hydrogen uptake [38]. Komoda et al. [40] performed as barriers for hydrogen transport, on the other, it introduces
fracture toughness tests on A333 Gr. 6 carbon steel in more hydrogen trapping sites. Several studies demonstrated
hydrogen gas with oxygen impurities, and observed how the an increased HE resistance in fine-grained steels compared to
results in hydrogen and 100 ppm oxygen were comparable coarse-grained ones. Yazdipour et al. [151] showed how
with that in the air. The inhibiting effect of 10 ppm oxygen was hydrogen diffusion coefficients are maximized for a specific
present only at the initial stage of the crack propagation. grain size, because of the two contrasting effects of grain
Similarly, Kussmaul et al. [137] tested the fracture toughness refinement. In general, the correlation between HE suscepti-
of 15 MnNi 6 3 steel and obtained a complete HE inhibition bility and grain size is still debated [66,69,152,153]. Grain
with 150 ppm oxygen. Somerday et al. [138] tested the FCGR of boundary character and crystallographic texture have also a
X52 steel in hydrogen blended with oxygen impurities and role in the material's cracking behavior [154]. High-angle grain
observed how the results in 1000 ppm O2 were comparable to boundaries (HAB) provide a preferential path for crack prop-
those in the air. At lower O2 concentrations, HE was inhibited agation compared to low-angle boundaries (LAB) and coinci-
at medium-low DK, while an enhancement occurred above a dent lattice sites (CSL) [134,135].
critical DK level. Cialone and Holbrook [139] tested an X42 Welds and heat-affected zones (HAZs) are typically the
pipeline steel in hydrogen with gaseous additives (O2, CO, and areas with the greatest defect density, thus making them
SO2) and obtained a nearly complete inhibition of HEFCGR [82]. prone to hydrogen-induced cracking. The presence of residual
Nelson et al. [131] investigated the HEFCGR of 1020 steel in stresses, uncontrolled microstructures, weld flaws, and geo-
different gas mixtures (hydrogen with CO2, CH4, and H2O). metric imperfections foster crack initiation and propagation
While water reduced the fatigue crack growth, additions of in the presence of pressurized hydrogen gas [143]. Martensite
carbon dioxide and methane had negligible inhibiting effects or acicular ferrite can be locally observed in the HAZs,
or even increased the FCGR compared to that measured in depending on the welding procedure [155]. Many weld types
pure hydrogen. Thereafter, Bai et al. [140] observed how small with various residual stresses, microstructures, and hardness
additions of steam and CO2 increased the hydrogen-induced are used in industrial practice. The standard ASME B31.12
ductility loss in a 3Cr steel. Moreover, the low HE inhibition [156] indicates general acceptance criteria for welds and HAZs
of CH4 was confirmed by Stayov et al. [38]. In general, both the in hydrogen pipelines. Several contradictory results can be
concentration and partial pressure of gaseous impurities are found in the literature regarding the HE susceptibility of welds
considered relevant for the degree of inhibition [141]. In [64]. Lower effects on fracture toughness of X70 steels have
addition, the amount of inhibitor required to eliminate the HE been observed in welded areas compared to the base metal
effects depends on the yield strength, microstructure, chem- [157]. This observation has been explained by the synergistic
ical composition of the steel [86], and the hydrogen partial effect of microstructural features and the presence of in-
pressure [142]. Even if the addition of specific gas impurities clusions: the ferritic and mixed bainitic-pearlitic-ferritic mi-
has been proven to limit, or even eliminate, the detrimental crostructures with elongated grains of the HAZ act as barriers
effects of hydrogen in the short term, the benefits of inhibitors to the hydrogen diffusion [158]. Lower ductility loss was also
in the long term remain to be assessed [119,143]. Fig. 7 shows observed for X52 HAZs compared with the base metal,
the ratio between the FCGR in hydrogen with additives and in because of the less pronounced banded microstructure
pure hydrogen for a 2.25Cre1Mo steel. observed in the heat-affected zone [157]. Nevertheless, also
35326 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

Fig. 7 e Ratio between the FCGR in hydrogen with and without gas impurities (adapted from Ref. [119]).

higher HE sensitivities were observed in HAZs for both tensile of such phenomena and their interaction. From a more gen-
and fracture resistance properties [159]. The study of the eral point of view, it is commonly accepted that high-strength
HEFCGR gave contradictory results as well, depending on the steels show a more pronounced HE sensitivity than low-
welding process and the different microstructures present in strength ones [64,164]. This is reflected by the current accep-
the weld and HAZ [160,161]. tance criteria for steels for hydrogen piping, which specifies
The susceptibility of steels to HE depends on their chemical the maximum allowable strength [156]. The strength depen-
composition. Higher contents of carbon, manganese, chro- dence is even more pronounced at low hydrogen pressure
mium, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, and copper tend to [114]. Three 4340 steels were tested in 0.11 MPa hydrogen gas,
influence hardness to different magnitudes. Several correla- and the critical stress intensity factor for H2-assisted crack
tions, known as carbon equivalent formulae, correlate the HE extension was found to decrease four to eight times
susceptibility of the material to its content of alloying ele- increasing the yield strength from 1145 to 1875 MPa [165]. The
ments. The correlation of Dearden-O'Neill is suitable to importance of yield strength for HE susceptibility was also
compare a large range of plain carbon and carbon-manganese confirmed for HY-80, A517 (F), and HY-130 steels [128]. Low-
ferritic steels, while other equations can be used for high- strength (sy < 700 MPa) austenitic steels are proven to mani-
strength low-alloy steels [162]: fest an elevated resistance to crack growth extension under
static loads [64].
%Mn %Cr þ %Mo þ %V %Ni þ %Cu
CE ¼ %C þ þ þ (10) However, this strength dependence does not apply in the
6 5 15
case of cyclic loads [25]. Clark [166] measured the HEFCGR in
The HE sensitivity increases for increasing values of CE. HY-80 (sy ¼ 650 MPa) and HY-130 (sy ¼ 965 MPa) specimens,
San Marchi and Somerday [119] suggested that a carbon and observed that the HY-80 steel had an FCGR two to 40 times
equivalent content lower than 0.35 allows for avoiding the higher than the HY-130, despite the lower yield strength. Tau
formation of untempered martensite during welding. In et al. [158] demonstrated how three AISI 4130 steels with
addition, the steel composition limits for hydrogen applica- different strengths but similar microstructures had a similar
tions include sulfur and phosphorous contents lower than fatigue performance in hydrogen gas. On the other hand, the
0.01 and 0.015, respectively. Nevertheless, this correlation is FCGR was proven to be strength-dependent for three
not valid for austenitic stainless steels, as proven by Michler martensitic steels. Several studies confirmed that the HEFCGR
and Naumann [121]. was not strength-correlated for X42 [25], X52 [98], X70 [25], and
X100 pipeline steels [132]. Other studies demonstrated that
Effect of strength chemical composition and microstructure are the most rele-
The relation between hydrogen embrittlement and material vant parameters affecting fatigue performance [167,168].
strength is too complex to be determined precisely. Such ef- Hence, materials normally considered not susceptible to
fect is strongly linked to the material microstructure which hydrogen embrittlement may manifest severe HEFCGR, while
determines the hydrogen transport properties (i.e., diffusivity, some high-strength steels can exhibit a comparatively low
solubility, and number of trapping sites), as well as the susceptibility [25,92]. The possibility to use higher strength
deformation processes and dominant degradation mecha- steels for hydrogen applications is very interesting from the
nisms. This is confirmed by the recent theory for which technical point of view since it allows to overcome unneces-
hydrogen-induced degradation is the results of multiple sarily conservative guidelines for the fitness-for-service of
mechanisms working together [163]. The reviews from Martin equipment exposed to high-pressure hydrogen gas (i.e.,
et al. [51] and Djukic et al. [58] give a comprehensive summary pipelines, cylinders, vessels, etc.) [62].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35327

Effect of frequency and stress ratio on FCGR steel was slightly modified varying the stress ratio from 0.15 to
Since HE is a time and stress-driven process, when focusing 0.37. Suresh and Ritchie [106] proved that an increased R tends
on FCGR performance, parameters such as frequency and to shift the onset of accelerated FCGR to lower DK. The same
stress ratio will impact its occurrence and extent. In a effect can be observed for the critical stress intensity range
hydrogen environment, the FCGR is normally increased as the DKth . The FCGR in hydrogen was approximately increased by
frequency decreases [64]. In fact, the exposure time is much two orders of magnitude and DKth was decreased by 50%. On
higher at lower frequencies, hence more hydrogen atoms can the other hand, both these values are comparable with those
absorb and diffuse to the crack tip within each cycle. Despite in the air at stress ratios higher than 0.75. San Marchi et al. [92]
this hydrogen-enhanced FCGR at low frequencies, a limited and Somerday et al. [138] obtained similar results for X52, X60
number of test results are available for frequencies below HIC, X70, and X80 pipeline steels.
0.1 Hz. Holbrook et al. [126] tested the FCGR for X42 steel at In contrast, Cialone and Holbrook [139] tested an X42 steel
6.9 MPa and did not observe significant changes varying the in hydrogen gas and observed that the FCGR remained
frequency between 0.1 and 10 Hz. Similar results were ob- approximately constant up to R ¼ 0:4, and increased linearly
tained for 2.25Cre1Mo steel tested between 0.05 and 5 Hz for further stress ratio increases. This effect at higher R values
[169]. Nevertheless, Walter and Chandler [170] measured a could be attributed to the increase in Kmax (at constant DK),
fivefold increased HEFCGR for SA-105 steel, decreasing the which approaches the fracture toughness in hydrogen gas.
frequency from 1 Hz to 0.001 Hz. Moreover, Matsuo et al. [171] Similar results were also obtained for an X70 steel. Roy et al.
tested tempered CreMo steel in 0.7 MPa hydrogen gas gradu- [178] tested high-strength low-alloy steel at stress ratios
ally decreasing the frequency to 0.1 Hz. They found out that ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 and observed a significant increase in
the acceleration peak was followed by a decrease in the FCGR FCGR for increasing R. This effect was attributed to the higher
measured in hydrogen with respect to that in the air. The DK mean stress, which enhances both the hydrogen damage and
at which the HEFCGR became equal to that in the air, the plastic damage and tends to suppress crack closure
increased for decreasing frequencies. Subsequently, Yamabe effects.
et al. [172] tested a low-carbon steel (JIS-SM490B) in hydrogen Minor cycles at high R-values followed by an underload are
gas at 0.1e90 MPa and 0.001e10 Hz. Increasing the pressure, more representative of the normal working conditions of
the acceleration peak shifted to lower frequencies. At pres- hydrogen storage equipment, which operates at a near-steady
sures higher than 10 MPa, the FCGR gradually increased for pressure with periodic pressure drops when it is emptied
decreasing frequency with no evidence of an acceleration [179]. Pressurized hydrogen environments would therefore
peak. Slifka et al. [90] tested both modern and vintage X52 entail an FCGR acceleration due to these high R cycles. In the
steels and two X70 steels over the pressure range 0.01e1 Hz at case of an inert environment, a peak load (overload) normally
5.5 MPa and 34 MPa. They observed a moderate frequency causes a reduction in fatigue crack growth rate. This trend was
dependence at high pressure. The vintage X52 steel was less confirmed for a hydrogen-charged AISI 4130 steel [180].
sensitive to frequency variations, while the FCGR increase at Nevertheless, more studies are necessary to verify the effect
low frequency was more prominent for the modern X52 and of hydrogen on overload.
the X70A. The environmental, material, and loading factors affecting
Cheng and Chen [173] suggested the existence of a critical the HE susceptibility of steels are summarized in Table 3,
frequency below which the FCGR is not further affected by specifying the most severe conditions under which hydrogen
frequency variations. The critical frequency was proven to technologies may chance to operate.
depend upon several factors, such as pressure, temperature,
material strength, and microstructure [174]. Alvaro et al. [175]
tested Fee3%Si alloy and X70 steels at 0.1, 1, and 10 Hz. The Methodologies for inspection and maintenance
experiments showed how HEFCGR was clearly frequency planning
dependent. The da=dN curves shifted to higher stress in-
tensity ranges with decreasing frequency. In addition, the Preventive maintenance (PM) lays down that the components
acceleration factor of Fee3%Si in hydrogen was up to 1000 are checked and serviced in a planned manner to prevent
times greater than the FCGR measured in the air. Murakami breakdowns, and maintain the physical integrity of assets
et al. [176] studied the fatigue crack growth in austenitic [181], thus solving potential problems, and preventing unex-
stainless steels and proved that, at very low frequencies, both pected system failures [182]. Ideally, a valuable PM method-
diffusible and non-diffusible hydrogen is responsible for the ology should be capable of reducing the frequency and
HEFCGR. Matsunaga et al. [177] observed the same frequency complexity of maintenance, while ensuring maximum utili-
dependence of HEFCGR also for 304 austenitic steel and ductile zation of facilities under safe conditions [183,184]. Inspection
cast iron (DCI) both in hydrogen gas and with hydrogen- activities are a vital part of PM strategies. It is important to
charged specimens. clarify that the inspection itself does not reduce risk but is a
In industrial practice, a sequence of load cycles with fundamental activity to determine if the degradation reached
random amplitude is normally applied to the components. a critical point or predict when a failure may occur. It allows to
The stress ratio R (i.e., Kmin =Kmax ) influences the transition put plans and implement mitigation strategies before the
between the three regimes of fatigue crack growth rate. Con- predicted failure date [185]. It is proven that the likelihood of
tradictory data exist in the literature about the effect of stress catastrophic accidents could be dramatically reduced by
ratio on HEFCGR. Nelson [131] observed that the FCGR in 1020 applying proper inspection activities [186,187]. The
35328 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

determination of inspection frequency has evolved over the

The material type and its manufacturing processes can be selected

hydrogen transport, handling, and storage (e.g., pipelines, vessels,

Hydrogen storage equipment is cyclically filled and emptied with

years. The state of the art of the main inspection and main-

compressed hydrogen and operates with minor cycles at high R-

to minimize HE susceptibility. Equipment for hydrogen service
tenance strategies is provided in this section to highlight the

These are the normal operating conditions for equipment for

shift from a time-based approach to a risk-based one.

Consolidated methodologies

Time-based maintenance (TBM) is a traditional maintenance

strategy in which maintenance activities are carried out with

should not present those characteristics

predetermined schedules [182], and mainly at regular time

intervals [188,189]. This model assumes that the possibility of

values followed by an underload

failure depends entirely on the age of the component. The
failure trends show how a component experiences decreasing
failure rates in the first period of its life cycle, followed by a
roughly constant failure rate during the normal operating life.
Then, at the end of the component's life cycle, the failure rate
tends to increase again [190]. This implies that two pieces of
and cylinders)

equipment of the same type and age have the same failure
rate, regardless of the events that have occurred during their
service life [191]. The TBM starts by gathering failure time data
for each component. Then, the dataset is analyzed through
statistical models (e.g., the Weibull distribution [192]) to esti-
mate the failure trend of the specific component. The
decision-making process is the third step, which is composed
of an operational cost assessment, aimed at calculating both
the failure cost and the preventive maintenance cost, and an
equipment mechanism assessment, aimed at classifying the
High strength (debated for FCGR)
temperature for austenitic steels

High carbon equivalent content

Greatest HE susceptibility

component as repairable or non-repairable. Finally, the

Near-room temperature for

appropriate policy can be selected and implemented [190].

Untempered martensite
High hydrogen pressure

Without post-weld heat

Fig. 8 shows a block diagram with the four main steps of the
ferritic steels and lower

Coarse grains (debated)

High hydrogen purity

time-based inspection approach.

The TBM methodology is a relatively straightforward pro-
Low frequency

cedure, but in real practice, it presents several significant


drawbacks. Firstly, the collection of failure time data is a


challenging and time-consuming task. In addition, several

studies indicate that the share of age-related equipment fail-
ures accounts only for 15e20% of the total, while the rest is
Table 3 e Influencing factors for materials’ susceptibility to HE.

caused by random events happening during the service life of

the assets [191]. Another drawback of the TBM strategy is that
all operating conditions are assumed to remain constant,
which is rarely correct in practice [193]. All these limitations
resulted in the progressive adoption of different methodolo-
gies based on equipment operating conditions and associated
material degradations.
Carbon equivalent

It is proven that 99% of all machine breakdowns are pre-

Hydrogen partial

Welds and HAZs

Hydrogen purity


ceded by premonitory signs that allow to forecast the failure


Stress ratio

occurrence [194]. In this light, condition-based maintenance

Grain size


(CBM) planning is based on a combination of data-driven

reliability models and sensor data [195]. The CBM strategy
aims at performing a real-time assessment of equipment
conditions in order to plan inspections and reduce the cost of
unnecessary maintenance activities. The condition moni-
toring process is capable of collecting data from the plants’
items (online or offline) to understand their deterioration
patterns [190]. It can be performed continuously, periodically,
or non-periodically [195]. While continuous monitoring allows

to know in real-time the equipment conditions, it is associ-


ated with high costs and potentially inaccurate information



[196]. The main drawback of periodic and non-periodic

monitoring is the risk of losing relevant information
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35329

Fig. 8 e Block diagram of the TBM methodology.

between two inspection intervals [190]. Various techniques On many occasions, the CBM policy has been compared
are commonly used to control equipment conditions (e.g., with traditional time-based approaches, proving that it is
vibration and sound monitoring, oil and wear particle anal- preferable to TBM when the inspection cost is minor, and the
ysis, temperature, electrical, and physical condition moni- repair cost is higher [182], and when the inspections are
toring) [190,193]. There are several standards for monitoring scheduled during the component's useful life or later [201].
the conditions of industrial equipment. For instance, API 653 Kang et al. [202] adopted the CBM methodology for offshore
[197], API 510 [198], and API 570 [199] provide minimum re- wind turbines and proved that it is capable to lower the costs
quirements for maintaining the integrity of storage tanks, by 32.5% compared with traditional periodic maintenance.
pressure vessels, and piping systems, respectively. Ganesh et al. [203] discussed a systems architecture for the
After the condition monitoring process, the fault diagnosis CBM data flow, implemented it in the continuous manufac-
and prognosis are normally carried out. While the former lies ture of oral solid drug products, and proved its superiority over
in providing early warning signs that a certain component is the traditional TBM in proactively monitoring and managing
operating under deteriorated conditions, the latter consists in future system failures. Liang et al. [204] applied a CBM model
predicting when the failure might occur [190]. Recent systems based on a continuous-time semi-Markov chain (CTSMC) to
have relied on artificial intelligence techniques, such as expert concrete bridges, showing its potential to lower overall
systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and model-based sys- maintenance costs. In addition, Zeng and Zio [205] combined
tems, to strengthen the robustness of the diagnostic systems statistical and condition-monitoring data, proving an
[193]. Then, the maintenance decision is taken through two increased effectiveness thanks to additional information on
approaches: the current condition evaluation-based (CCEB), system-specific characteristics.
which estimates the equipment condition at present, and the
future condition prediction-based (FCPB), which predicts the Risk-based inspection methodology
conditions under which the equipment will be in the future
[190]. Fig. 9 shows the block diagram of the condition-based Nearly all major industrial accidents resulted from a failure in
approach for maintenance planning. understanding or managing risk. Hence, the risk-based

Fig. 9 e Block diagram of the CBI methodology (adapted from Ref. [200]).
35330 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

Fig. 10 e Flow diagram of the RBI methodology.

inspection (RBI) methodology, developed by the American methodology, as described in API 580 [185], is illustrated in
Petroleum Institute, is focused on minimizing the risk of loss Fig. 10.
of containment and providing mitigation measures to avoid Several standards and recommended practices provide
major consequences in the case of hazardous releases [206]. It guidelines for the implementation of the RBI methodology.
assumes that, in most plants, a significant percentage of the The recommended practice API 581 [211] provides tables, al-
total risk is associated with a relatively small number of gorithms, equations, and models to carry out quantitative RBI
equipment items. Then, the risk management efforts are planning. API 580 and ASME PCC-3 document the essential
focused on these high-risk components, prioritizing their in- elements of a qualitative RBI for the chemical and petro-
spection and maintenance to guarantee the greatest benefit in chemical industries [185,212], while EN 16991 is also appli-
reducing the total risk [164]. The calculation of the risk is cable to other industrial sectors [213]. In addition, DNVGL-RP-
determined by combining the probability of failure Pf ðtÞ with G101 describes a specific RBI methodology for the upstream
its consequences Cf : offshore topside equipment [214].
To sum up, the main advantages and disadvantages of
Rf ðt; IE Þ ¼ Pf ðt; IE Þ$Cf (11)
time-based, condition-based, and risk-based approaches for
where t represents the time and IE is the inspection inspection and maintenance planning are summarized in
effectiveness. Table 4.
The RBI procedure can be qualitative, quantitative, or semi-
quantitative. Several software tools can help the analyst in Probability of failure
managing the amount of information required for performing The probability of failure of a component is calculated through
a quantitative RBI. For instance, DNVGL developed the com- the product of the Generic Failure Frequency, gff, the Damage
mercial software Synergi Plant e RBI for optimizing a risk-based Factor, Df , and a Management System Factor, FSM :
inspection strategy [207], while Antea Group created the in-
Pf ðt; IE Þ ¼ gff total $Df ðt; IE Þ$FSM (12)
tegrated management system Inspection Manager to catalogue
the items starting from the P&ID [208,209]. The RBI procedure The gff represents the failure frequency of a certain type of
starts with the step of data collection and validation. Sec- equipment item operating in a relatively benign service. API
ondly, the risk analyst must identify the damage mechanisms 581 provides the release frequencies for several pieces of
likely to occur for each piece of equipment and calculate the equipment and four breakage sizes, from small leaks to rup-
probability of failure for each damage. Then, the analyst must tures. The gff total for the component is the sum of the gff
determine the risk for each component. All the equipment calculated for each hole size [211]. These data have been
items should be ranked according to their risk level to develop mostly obtained from the chemical and petrochemical in-
the inspection plan, and eventually, to implement mitigation dustries. The vast operational experience with pipes and
activities (e.g., maintenance or replacement of damaged pipelines, valves, tanks, vessels, heat exchangers, compres-
components) [210]. A simplified flow diagram of the RBI sors, and safety equipment allowed the accurate calculation
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35331

Table 4 e Advantages and disadvantages of TBI, CBI, and RBI.

Advantages  Requires minimal training for technicians
 Easy to implement
 Predictable schedule
 Effective for continuously running assets
Disadvantages  Ignores the real operating conditions of the equipment
 Too frequent maintenance introduces risk
 Ineffective for assets running occasionally
 Increases costs from excessive maintenance

Advantages  Increases the asset availability
 Effective for both continuously and occasionally running assets
 Lower possibility of asset failure
 Lower direct inspection and maintenance cost
Disadvantages  Unpredictable maintenance indicators
 Requires sensors and monitoring equipment
 Requires high training for technicians

Advantages  Increases the asset availability
 Effective for both continuously and occasionally running assets
 Minimal possibility of asset failure
 Minimal direct inspection and maintenance cost
 Enables risk-informed decisions
 Enhances efficiency in maintenance management
 Reduces the risk
Disadvantages  Time-consuming when implemented for the first time
 Requires historical data from the plant or similar facilities
 Lacks objective criteria to assess the risk and is based on experts' judgements

of the failure frequency of these components. Even if these management system that affects the plant's risk. This factor is
equipment items are used in the hydrogen industry, their gff applied equally to all the components of a unit, and conse-
can be easily determined. This is not the case with other H2- quently, it does not modify the order of the equipment items
specific components, such as fuel cells and electrolyzers. ranked on a risk basis [185]. Fig. 11 shows the effect of in-
Their limited market penetration results in a dearth of spection and maintenance activities in terms of reduced
equipment reliability data, thus making the determination of probability of failure and consequent risk mitigation.
their gff inherently challenging. The damage factor adjusts
the gff considering the real operating conditions of the Consequence of failure
component, its susceptibility to a damage mechanism, and The consequences of an undesired release are determined
the escalation rate of the damage. The Df depends on the using well-established consequence analysis techniques, and
service time and inspection effectiveness and accounts for they are expressed in financial terms or as an affected area.
historical inspection data together with future scheduled in- The impact area derives from the calculation of the thermal
spections. Damage factors are provided for the following radiation and overpressure [216e219]. On the other hand, the
categories of damage mechanisms [215]: effects of toxic releases are quantified as the overexposure of
personnel to hazardous substances. Cloud dispersion simu-
 Thinning damage; lations are used to calculate the amount of flammable sub-
 Stress corrosion cracking; stances released and the extent and duration of personnel
 External damage; exposure to toxic releases. Financial consequences include
 High-temperature hydrogen attack; losses due to business interruption and costs associated with
 Mechanical fatigue; environmental harm.
 Brittle fracture. API 581 provides methodologies for two levels of conse-
quence analysis. The Level 1 assessment is a simplified
Among the brittle fractures, HE is not even mentioned and method for the estimation of the impact areas. It only requires
the factors determining the material's susceptibility are not basic fluid properties, operating conditions, and release rates
accounted for. In addition, the pressure fluctuations in pipe- as input data. The Level 1 assessment should be considered as
line systems or the filling-emptying cycles in pressurized a preliminary analysis, but its results are not reliable as an
tanks can result in mechanical fatigue, which is highly estimation of the actual consequences of hazardous releases.
enhanced in hydrogenated environments. The hydrogen ef- Level 2 analysis is more rigorous, since it provides fluid
fect on FCGR and crack initiation is not considered in the physical properties, performs flash calculations to determine
existing RBI codes and guidelines. Finally, the Management the release phase, accounts for two-phase releases, and as-
System Factor is based on the evaluation of a facility sesses the quantity of flammable material released or the
35332 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

Fig. 11 e Effect of inspection and maintenance activities on the risk level.

toxic concentration. Nevertheless, this analysis is much more thereafter developed a quantitative RBI for a nuclear power
complex and requires a vast amount of input data [211]. plant in Oskarshamn (Sweden).
In the manufacturing industry, Stefana et al. [239] applied a
Examples of application of RBI risk-based framework capable of integrating occupational
Examples of the conventional fields of application of the RBI safety and health (OHS) and process safety, using as a case
methodology are provided in this subsection. The American study three real events that occurred in the steel industry.
Petroleum Institute developed the RBI methodology for the Moreover, Marmo et al. [240] used recursive operability anal-
chemical and petrochemical industries. Hence, this approach ysis (ROA) and fault tree analysis (FTA) to support RBM policies
has been applied in the oil and gas sector from the upstream in an ultra-pure silicon wafers production plant. The RBI
(for separator vessels [187] and offshore platforms [220]) to the approach was also adopted to optimize inspection and
downstream (for desulphurization reactors [208], sour water maintenance activities in the water distribution system, often
stripper units [209], sour crude-oil processing plants [221], in combination with other techniques, such as analytic hier-
crude-oil desalters [222], petrochemical reforming reaction archy process (AHP) [241], fuzzy inference system (FIS) [242],
systems [223], and refineries in general [224]). In addition, and multi-attribute value theory (MAVT) together with port-
several examples related to the transportation of hydrocar- folio decision analysis (PDA) [243].
bons [181] and the distribution to the end-users [186,225] are The main fields of application of the RBI policy, the case
available in the literature. Various works compared the studies, and the techniques adopted in combination with RBI
traditional inspection and maintenance policies with the RBI are summarized in Table 5.
for single pieces of equipment [226,227] or for entire process-
ing plants [228]. They all proved the benefits of RBI in terms of
both cost and risk reduction, still respecting the availability Systematic review
requirements. This approach was applied to plan the in-
spections of a direct coal liquefaction facility [229] and to The results of the systematic review regarding the applica-
manage the shutdowns of an LNG production plant [230], tions of the RBI methodology to hydrogen technologies are
where a variety of damage mechanisms are likely to occur. presented in this section. A quantitative analysis of the state
RBI can be adopted for offshore static equipment according of the art is provided through co-authorship patterns, collab-
to the recommended practice DNVGL-RP-G101 [214]. Arzaghi oration network maps between different countries and
et al. [231] applied a dynamic RBI methodology to subsea research groups, citation networks, and recurring keywords.
pipelines subjected to mechanical fatigue; Davatgar et al. [232] After the selection of the queries and the application of the
planned the inspections of the FPSO platform Goliat, while filters (reported in Table 1), a total of 106 papers were found.
Yeter et al. [233] used the RBI methodology for offshore wind All these records were preliminarily screened by title, key-
turbine farms. This scheduling framework was also used in words, and abstract. After the screening procedure, 70 papers
the naval sector to reduce maintenance costs and increase the were included and assessed for eligibility through full-text
availability of a large-scale ship [234]. In the energy sector, the reading. A total of 47 articles were selected as eligible for the
RBI methodology was successfully applied to entire power systematic review, and other 19 relevant papers were identi-
generation plants [235,236], as well as to single components fied through forward-backward searches. The systematic re-
(e.g., steam turbines) [235]. Moreover, in 2000, the European view process is summarized in Table 6, specifying the number
Commission produced a report to develop a methodology to of records excluded and the reason for exclusion.
identify safety-significant categories for nuclear plants and to As mentioned in the Methodology section, no limitations
optimize the targeting of inspections [237]. Nilsson [238] on the publication year were introduced. Fig. 12 shows the
Table 5 e Relevant examples of application of the RBI methodology.
Field of application Case study Authors Year Type of analysis Techniques Reference

Onshore chemical and Refinery Bertolini et al. 2009 Semi-quantitative RBI [224]
petrochemical industries Petrochemical reforming reaction system Hu et al. 2009 Semi-quantitative RBI þ PARa [223]
Propane pre-cooled mixed refrigerant plant for LNG production Keshavarz et al. 2012 Quantitative RBI [230]
Large-scale crude oil tanks Shuai et al. 2012 Quantitative RBI [226]
Vessel in a crude oil distillation unit Shishesaz et al. 2013 Qualitative RBI [227]
Liquefaction unit in an LNG processing plant Hameed and Khan 2014 Quantitative RBI [228]
Oil and gas separator vessel das Chagas Moura et al. 2015 Quantitative RBI þ MOGA [187]
Crude oil desalter and atmospheric tower Lagad et al. 2015 Qualitative RBI þ IOWc [222]
Sour water stripper unit in a refinery Vianello et al. 2016 Quantitative RBI [209]
Coal-to-liquid manufacturing Dou et al. 2017 Qualitative RBI [229]
Malaysian petrochemical and chemical industries Mohamed et al. 2017 Qualitative RBI [244]
Pipeline carrying mixture containing sulfuric acid Bhatia et al. 2019 Quantitative DRBId [181]
Desulphurization reactor of an isomerization plant Vianello et al. 2019 Quantitative RBI [208]
e f g
Sour crude oil processing plant Marhavilas et al. 2019 Qualitative e-HAZOP (HAZOP þ DMRA þ AHP ) [221]
Oil and gas production and processing unit Rachman and Ratnayake 2019 Quantitative RBI þ MLh [183]
Natural gas regulating and metering station Leoni et al. 2019 Quantitative RBI þ BNi [225]
Natural gas regulating and measuring station Leoni et al. 2021 Quantitative and semi-quantitative RBI þ HBNj þ FMECAk [186]
Offshore Subsea pipelines Arzaghi et al. 2017 Semi-quantitative DRBI þ BN [231]
Offshore facility platform Yazdi et al. 2019 Semi-quantitative DRBI þ IFAHPl [220]
Offshore wind turbine farm Yeter et al. 2020 Semi-quantitative RBI [233]
FPSO platform Goliat Davatgar et al. 2021 Semi-quantitative RBI þ BTAm þ TEC2On þ REWIo [232]
Maritime Naval vessels and ships Cullum et al. 2018 Quantitative RBI þ ML þ DT [234]
Energy industry BWR nuclear power plant in Oskarshamn Nilsson 2003 Quantitative RBI [238]
Steam turbine plant Fujiyama et al. 2004 Quantitative RBI þ RA [245]
Thermal power generation plant Krishnasamy et al. 2005 Quantitative RBI [235]
Piping system of a 1000 MW ultra-supercritical power plant Song et al. 2021 Quantitative RBI [236]
Manufacturing Production plant of ultra-pure silicon wafers Marmo et al. 2009 Quantitative RBI þ ROAr þ FTAs [240]
Steel and iron industries Stefana et al. 2022 Quantitative IMPROSafetyt [239]
Water pipelines Isolation valves in the water supply network Marlow et al. 2012 Semi-quantitative RBI þ AHP [241]
u v
Underground sewerage network Mancuso et al. 2016 Semi-quantitative RBI þ MAVT þ PDA [243]
Water distribution network Phan et al. 2019 Semi-quantitative RBI þ FIS [242]

PAR: Proportional Age Reduction model.
MOGA: Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm.
IOW: Integrity Operating Windows methodology.
DRBI: Dynamic Risk-Based Inspection.
HAZOP: Hazard and Operability Analysis.
DMRA: Decision-Matrix Risk Assessment.
AHP: Analytical Hierarchy Process.
ML: Machine Learning.
BN: Bayesian Network.
HBN: Hierarchical Bayesian Network.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

FMECA: Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis.
IFAHP: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process.
BTA: Bow-Tie Analysis.
TEC2O: Technical, Operational and Organizational Factors.
REWI: Resilience-based Early Warning Indicators.
DT: Decision Theory.
RA: Reliability Analysis.
ROA: Recursive Operability Analysis.
FTA: Fault Tree Analysis.
IMPROSafety: Integrated risk Management for Process and Occupational Safety.

MAVT: Multi Attribute Value Theory.
PDA: Portfolio Decision Analysis.
FIS: Fuzzy Inference System.
35334 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

Table 6 e Studies included in the systematic review.

Phase Description Records Records Reasons for inclusion or exclusion
included excluded
Identification Records for WoS CC database search 107
Records after filters applied 106 1 Language other than English
Screening Records screened by title, keywords, and abstract 70 36 Unrelated to hydrogen
Unrelated to inspection and maintenance
Eligibility Full-text articles assessed for eligibility 47 23 Unrelated to hydrogen embrittlement
Present post-mortem analysis only
Inclusion Additional records identified 19 Related to NDT to detect HE
Related to RBI for hydrogen technologies
Total number of studies included 66

time distribution of publications related to this research topic. maintenance, and risk assessment. The distribution by topical
The plotted trend fairly reflects how much attention this sci- area is shown in Fig. 14 and includes only the categories
entific field is receiving [246]. The time distribution shows how defined by WoS CC.
the research interest in this topic has globally been increasing Table 7 shows the first ten authors with the highest num-
over the last 12 years, even with some fluctuations. ber of publications in the field, specifying their number of
Fig. 13 summarizes the main journals and conference publications and citations, as well as their country and insti-
proceedings where these records have been published. As tution. Raouf Ibrahim, from the Wayne State University (USA),
shown, most of the top-ranked journals, i.e., Engineering Failure is the author with the highest number of publications (i.e., six
Analysis, Corrosion, and Material Performance, cover the material papers), followed by the other nine authors with two papers
science domain, while some others (e.g., Journal of Ship Pro- each.
duction and Design and Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology) are Even if Raouf Ibrahim has a relatively high number of pa-
related to engineering design of mechanical components. In pers, he has a comparatively small number of citations, thus
addition, the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries is proving the lack of connections with other researchers in the
related to risk assessment and safety. same scientific field. This observation is confirmed by the co-
The journals’ ranking in Fig. 13 is reflected by the distri- authorship and co-citations network maps, in Figs. 15 and 16,
bution of the records by topical area, which shows how most respectively. The co-authorship network map provides infor-
of the papers are related to material science and metallurgy, mation about the various research groups and their connec-
while only a few records address the topic of safety, tions and it can be useful for new researchers as long as

Fig. 12 e Publication year of the papers selected from the database WoS CC.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35335

Fig. 13 e Source journals (J) and conference proceedings (CP) of the records from WoS CC.

external stakeholders [247]. Different clusters are marked Finally, a co-occurrence network map was created for the
with different colors, while the node size represents the keywords with a minimum of 10 occurrences in the selected
number of publications per author. The large number of papers. The map is depicted in Fig. 18 and shows that the most
autonomous clusters makes it immediately clear the lack of co-occurrent keywords present in the records gathered from
connections between different research groups. WoS CC are related to material damages: “hydrogen embrit-
This poor co-authorship network is reflected by the con- tlement”, “embrittlement”, “failure”, “cracking”, “fracture”,
nections per institution in Fig. 17. The University of Belgrade and “corrosion”. In addition, several keywords, such as
and the University of Defence turn out to be the best- “resistance”, “fracture toughness”, “mechanical properties”,
connected institutions, thanks to the number of active re- “strain rate”, and “elastic-plastic fracture mechanics”, are
searchers in the field. related to the materials’ properties which are eventually

Fig. 14 e Records from WoS CC sorted by topical area.

35336 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

Table 7 e Top ten authors by number of published papers and number of citations.
Author Country Institution No. Of documents No. Of citations
Ibrahim R. A. USA Wayne State University 6 13
Djukic M. B. Serbia University of Belgrade 2 104
Pluvinage G. France FM.C 2 22
Dodic M. Serbia University of Defence 2 21
Krstic B. Serbia University of Defence 2 21
Rebhi L. Serbia University of Defence 2 21
Trifkovic D. Serbia University of Defence 2 21
Matsunaga H. Japan Kyushu University 2 19
Gibbons M. R. USA Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories 2 12
Richards W. J. USA McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center 2 12

decreased by HE. Moreover, some other keywords are associ- failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) to plan the inspec-
ated with reliability and risk-based inspection: “reliability tion of a continuous catalytic methane reforming plant. This
index”, “probability of failure”, “life prediction”, and approach allowed for determining a risk-informed mainte-
“inspection”. nance strategy. Nevertheless, no details regarding the damage
mechanisms affecting each component (e.g., hydrogen com-
pressors) are provided. Recently, Defteraios et al. [249] adop-
Discussion ted a risk-based approach to planning the inspections of a
methane steam reforming plant for hydrogen production.
The RBI methodology directly correlates the type of material Considering the operating conditions, the metallurgy and
degradation that leads to equipment failure to the inspection other variables, equipment exposed to hydrogen was classi-
that can potentially reduce the associated risk. Wang et al. fied as susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement and high-
[248] used the RBI methodology and a semi-quantitative temperature hydrogen attack. The determination of the

Fig. 15 e Co-authorship network map weighted on the number of publications.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6 35337

Fig. 16 e Largest set of co-citations weighted on the number of publications.

Fig. 17 e Largest set of co-authorship connections (per institution) weighted on the number of publications.

Fig. 18 e Co-occurrence map for the keywords.

probability of failure was based on condition monitoring overestimating the risk associated with equipment for
performed through non-destructive techniques (NDT). hydrogen handling and storage. On the other hand, if the
A limited number of hydrogen damages are considered in damaging effects of HE are neglected or improperly associated
the current version of the RBI standards and recommended with other degradation modes, the resulting risk might be
practices. Moreover, a procedure to calculate the damage underestimated. Ustolin et al. [251] recently reviewed the
factor for HE is missing, and other damage mechanisms, standard EN 16991 and suggested several modifications for the
although they require the presence of hydrogen as a by- future application of the RBI methodology to technologies
product of acidic substances, do not apply to H2 environ- exposed to pure compressed gaseous hydrogen. In addition,
ments [250]. On the one hand, the inaccurate evaluation of the Campari et al. [250] proposed a review of the existing RBI
probability of failure increases the uncertainty, thus standards and highlighted how the RBI approach can be
35338 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 3 5 3 1 6 e3 5 3 4 6

adopted to optimize the inspection planning of hydrogen research field. In such a context, the studies on this topic are
technologies only with an additional level of uncertainty. mostly conducted by groups that are actively investigating HE
Non-destructive tests can be used to evaluate the material or hydrogen safety, but rarely both topics. This is proven by
integrity and the presence of internal defects or surface cracks the a lack of collaboration, not only between researchers from
without changing the original characteristics of the compo- different countries but also between different institutions
nent. NDT is the most used method for inspecting a compo- within the same country.
nent for hydrogen service without damaging the material or
jeopardizing its fitness-for-service [252]. Given its complexity,
the detection of hydrogen embrittlement often requires using Conclusion
a variety of non-destructive tests. Visual inspections (VI) and
remote visual inspections (RVI) allow the detection of In this study, an overview of hydrogen embrittlement, its ef-
macroscopic surface flaws only; hence, they are not reliable in fect on material properties, and the factors determining the
identifying hydrogen-induced cracks [253]. Ultrasonic testing materials' susceptibility is provided. Moreover, the most
(UT) is based on the transmission of high-frequency sound effective inspection and maintenance planning approaches
waves through the material to detect any internal modifica- are explained, focusing on the RBI methodology. A systematic
tion. Radiographic tests (RT) use X or gamma radiation to review regarding the adoption of this approach for inspecting
detect internal defects and fractures, but they are often not and maintaining industrial equipment exposed to the
sufficiently sensitive to detect HE microcracks [215]. Magnetic degrading effect of HE is presented, highlighting a dearth of
particle testing (MT) or wet fluorescent magnetic particle studies on this topic. This field is inherently multidisciplinary
testing (WFMT) can detect surface or sub-surface defects in since it represents the link between materials science and
ferromagnetic materials by looking for perturbations of mag- RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety)
netic fields within it [252]. Phased array ultrasonic testing engineering: two scientific domains which have been histor-
(PAUT) and short wave ultrasonic testing (SWUT) allow the ically considered separated. It was highlighted that hydrogen
finding and sizing of hydrogen-induced cracks with very good embrittlement is a complex degrading mechanism that re-
precision [215]. Acoustic emissions (AE) can detect any change sults in detrimental effects on tensile properties, fracture
in the component's mechanical behavior when exposed to toughness, and fatigue performance of a variety of metallic
hydrogen, but the results are often difficult to interpret [254] materials, and potentially in a loss of containment of
and they require expensive equipment [253]. hydrogen technologies. In this regard, inspection and main-
The systematic review resulted in a limited batch of pa- tenance activities must be carried out to preserve the physical
pers, considering the specificity of the topic. The records integrity of components exposed to pure H2 environments and
gathered from the Web of Science database belong to different maximize the system's safety and reliability, while mini-
research fields mostly related to materials science and met- mizing operational costs. The RBI methodology, already well-
allurgy. Only a few papers have a clear and explicit connection established for the chemical and petrochemical sectors, is
with safety, inspection and maintenance, or risk assessment. proven to be the most beneficial guideline for inspection
Another interesting trend resulting from the SR is the number planning in a variety of industrial sectors.
of publications over the years. From the analysis, it turns out Despite this, the systematic review has highlighted how the
that the scientific activity on this topic increased over the last RBI has been rarely adopted for components operating in hy-
12 years. Nevertheless, this generally rising trend presents drogenated environments, thus neglecting the detrimental ef-
some fluctuations and is less pronounced than might be ex- fect of hydrogen embrittlement on the equipment's structural
pected, given the growing interest of both governments and integrity. Inspections can be performed through non-
private stakeholders in hydrogen technologies and particu- destructive testing to effectively identify, monitor, and mea-
larly in hydrogen safety. The ranking of authors by number of sure hydrogen-induced material degradation. Nevertheless, the
publications and number of citations shows how the USA, major bottleneck for applying the RBI methodology to hydrogen
Serbia, France, and Japan have the most active research technologies has a regulatory nature: at present, RBI standards
groups. Raouf Ibrahim from Wayne State University is the and recommended practices do not consider HE a damage
author with the most publications in the field, while Milos likely to occur. Hence, the utilization of the existing regulatory
Djukic from the University of Belgrade is the most cited framework can lead to an inaccurate calculation of the proba-
author. In addition, the co-authorship and co-citations bility of failure of hydrogen technologies, thus increasing the
network maps show a significant number of independent uncertainty to an unacceptable level when planning
and unconnected clusters. This fact might be because mate- inspections.
rial science and safety have been mostly considered two well- The statistical analysis has shown an evident dearth of
distinguished research fields. The scientific community collaboration between the research groups from various
working on hydrogen embrittlement is relatively small but countries and organizations with different expertise (i.e., ma-
well-connected. On the other hand, the researchers address- terial science and safety analysis). Considering this, it is
ing the topic of H2 safety mainly concentrated on modeling advisable not only to strengthen the network between
and simulating undesired hydrogen releases in the environ- different nations and institutions but also to address the issue
ment. The connection of hydrogen-induced material degra- through a multidisciplinary approach. Future research projects
dations and their impact on predictive maintenance, on the operational safety of hydrogen technologies will benefit
inspection planning, and estimation of the remaining useful from the combined expertise in material science and risk
life of hydrogen technologies is a virtually unexplored analysis. Moreover, future versions of the RBI standards should
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