Lakshminarasimhachar 2016

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P re o p e r a t i v e E v a l u a t i o n

Estimation of Pulmonary Risk

a, b
Anand Lakshminarasimhachar, MBBS, FRCA *, Gerald W. Smetana, MD

 Postoperative pulmonary complication (PPC)  Pulmonary function tests
 Risk indices  Preoperative evaluation  Risk factors

 Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) are the second most common postoper-
ative complication; their incidence ranges from 2.0% to 5.6% in the general surgical
 PPCs are associated with poor outcomes, longer hospital stays, increased likelihood of re-
hospitalization, and increased mortality. Surgical, anesthetic, and patient factors contribute
to the development of PPCs.
 Reliable predictors include American Society of Anesthesiologist class, functional class,
advanced age, surgical site, and prolonged operative time.
 The preoperative evaluation seeks to identify risks for PPCs, change modifiable factors,
discuss risks with patients, optimize health before surgery, and plan appropriate periop-
erative care.
 The overall risk can be predicted using scores that incorporate readily available clinical
data. Do not routinely perform pulmonary function tests before high-risk noncardiothoracic


Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) after major surgery are common and
are associated with significant morbidity and high cost of care. In a recent analysis of
the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP), of the 165,196 patients
who underwent major abdominal surgery, the incidence of PPCs was 5.8%.1 PPCs
have shown to be one of the most significant factors associated with poor patient
outcomes, leading to longer durations of hospital stay, increased likelihood of rehospi-
talization, and increased mortality.2 Some studies have shown that PPCs predict long-
term mortality more accurately than cardiac complications.3

Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Barnes Jewish Hospital, Washington University
School of Medicine in St. Louis, 660, South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, MO 63110, USA; b Division
of General Medicine and Primary Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical
School, Yamins 102C, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Anesthesiology Clin 34 (2016) 71–88
1932-2275/16/$ – see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
72 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

Understanding the potential risk of developing pulmonary complications allows

perioperative physicians to choose appropriate anesthetic and surgical care, thereby
decreasing the adverse respiratory outcomes. This has become even more relevant
with the recent introduction of the concept of the perioperative surgical home.4 The
goals of the perioperative surgical home are to:
 Reduce preoperative testing;
 Reduce day of surgery cancellations;
 Reduce postoperative complications;
 Reduce cost (through reduced testing and reduced perioperative complications);
 Improve clinical outcomes.
In this article, we review the definition of PPCs, perioperative changes in pulmonary
function, risk factors for developing PPCs, the role of preoperative pulmonary function
testing, and the role of pulmonary risk indices. The evaluation of patients for lung
resection differs substantially and is not discussed in this article.


The changes in pulmonary function that occur postoperatively are primarily restrictive,
with proportional decrease in all lung volumes and no change in airway resistance. The
decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC) is the yardstick by which the restrictive
defect is gauged. This reduction in lung volumes is generated by the abdominal con-
tents that impinge on and prevent normal movements of the diaphragm and by the
abnormal respiratory pattern devoid of sighs and characterized by shallow, rapid
respiration (Fig. 1).
The decrease in lung volume promotes atelectasis in the dependent areas of the
lung; this persists for more than 24 hours in 50% of patients. Arterial hypoxemia
occurs from ventilation perfusion (V/Q) mismatch and increased shunt fraction. The vi-
tal capacity is reduced by 50% to 60% and the FRC is reduced by about 30% in major
upper abdominal and thoracic surgery.5 Lower abdominal surgery is associated with
similar changes, but to a lesser degree. Reduction in lung volume does not occur with
surgery on extremities,6 but most other operative sites, including intracranial, periph-
eral vascular, and otolaryngeal, have approximately the same modest effect on FRC
with reduction of 15% to 20% from preoperative levels. Thus, the operative site is
one of the single most important determinants of the degree of pulmonary restriction
and risk of PPCs.
Both the residual effects of anesthetic agents and postoperative opioids depress
the respiratory drive resulting in diminished response to both hypoxia and hypercar-
bia. Inhibition of the cough reflex and the impaired mucociliary clearance of pulmonary
secretions contribute to risk for postoperative infection.7 The combination of neuro-
muscular blockers and anesthetic agents cause diaphragm and chest wall relaxation,
which results in the reduction of FRC and thereby thoracic volume.


A comprehensive list of pulmonary complications includes cough, dyspnea, broncho-

spasm, hypoxemia, atelectasis, hypercapnia, adverse reaction to pulmonary medica-
tion, pleural effusion, pneumonia, pneumothorax, and ventilatory failure.8 However,
this broad definition includes complications that may have no clinical significance. A
more reasonable definition is a pulmonary abnormality that produces identifiable dis-
ease or dysfunction, is clinically significant, and adversely affects clinical course.9 This
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 73

Fig. 1. Factors producing respiratory muscle dysfunction after surgical trauma. From left to
right: (1) Surgical trauma stimulates central nervous system reflexes mediated by both visceral
and somatic nerves that promote reflex inhibition of the phrenic and other nerves innervating
respiratory muscles. (2) Mechanical disruption of the respiratory muscles impairs efficiency. (3)
Pain produces voluntary limitation of respiratory motion. These factors tend to reduce lung
volumes and can produce hypoventilation and atelectasis. n., nerve. (From Warner DO. Pre-
venting postoperative pulmonary complications: the role of the anesthesiologist. Anesthesi-
ology 2000;92(5):1469; with permission.)

list includes several major categories of clinically significant complications,10,11

including the following:
74 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

 Exacerbation of the underlying chronic lung condition;

 Infection, including bronchitis and pneumonia; and
 Prolonged mechanical ventilation and respiratory failure.
In 1992, Dindo and Clavien proposed a grading system for grading complications,
which was modified in 200412 (Box 1). This serves as a quality assessment tool in pa-
tients with postoperative complications from surgery.


A thorough history and physical examination are the most important elements of the
preoperative evaluation and risk stratification. A complete history involves assessment
of all the risk factors that contribute to the development of PPCs. This evaluation in-
cludes an assessment of the general and overall health status and a focused history
on pulmonary symptoms including cough, unexplained dyspnea, exercise tolerance,
and preexisting lung disease. The risk factors for pulmonary complications can be
divided into patient-related risk factors and procedure-related risk factors. Table 1
summarizes patient-related risk factors.


Both a meta-analysis in 2014 and a review of the American College of Surgeons (ACS)-
NSQIP database1 have confirmed that smoking is a significant predictor of PPCs. PCC
rates are higher for patients with at least a 20 pack-year smoking history than for those
with a lesser pack-year smoking. Smoking cessation for at least 4 weeks before sur-
gery reduces the risk of PPCs, and longer periods of smoking cessation may be even
more effective.13 A lesser duration of preoperative cessation confers less protection
against PPCs. In contrast with earlier reports, more recent analyses indicate that
briefer durations of cessation do not actually increase PPC risk.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an important patient-related risk
factor for PPCs. In a recent review of patients undergoing major abdominal surgery,

Box 1
Examples of grades for postoperative pulmonary complications (Clavien classification)

Grade 1: Atelectasis requiring physiotherapy.

Grade 2: Pneumonia treated with antibiotics.
Grade 3a: Bronchopleural fistula after thoracic surgery requiring surgical closure.
Grade 4a: Respiratory failure needing intubation (single organ dysfunction).
Grade 4b: Respiratory failure needing intubation in combination with renal failure (multiorgan
Grade 5: Death.
Other: 1d for hoarseness after thyroid surgery (the suffix “d” is added for disability for
respective grade of complication at discharge).

Adapted from Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien PA. Classification of surgical complications: a

new proposal with evaluation in a cohort of 6336 patients and results of a survey. Ann Surg
2004;240:205; with permission.
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 75

Table 1
Patient-related risk factors for PPCs

Pulmonary Nonpulmonary
Smoking Age
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease General health status
Asthma Obesity
Interstitial lung disease Obstructive sleep apnea
Upper respiratory infection Pulmonary hypertension
Heart failure
Nutritional status
Dependent functional status
Neurologic impairment

severe COPD was a significant predictor of PPCs.1 In patients with severe COPD, the
risk of pneumonia carried an odds ratio (OR) of 2.0 (95% CI, 1.8–2.2), unplanned intu-
bation an OR 1.6 (95% CI, 1.4–1.7), and prolonged ventilator dependence (>48 hours)
an OR 1.6 (95% CI, 1.4–1.7). In this study, pulmonary history, such as COPD, dyspnea,
and smoking, seemed to confer only a moderate risk for developing PPCs. Previous
analysis of the NSQIP database14 showed similar results.
Patients with COPD have an increased risk for PPCs, although there seems to be no
prohibitive level of the pulmonary function below which surgery is absolutely contra-
indicated. Patients with COPD who are particularly high risk based on effort tolerance
or spirometric values warrant aggressive preoperative treatment to reduce risk. We
describe the specific interventions elsewhere in this article. One must weigh the
benefit of surgery against the known risks and even very high-risk patients may pro-
ceed to surgery, if the indication is sufficiently compelling.
The onset of an acute pulmonary process or a recent exacerbation of a preexisting
lung condition is considered important risk factors for developing PPCs, and their
presence is adequate reason to postpone elective surgery. In the NSQIP study, the
presence of preexisting pneumonia had an OR of 1.7 for developing postoperative res-
piratory failure.
It is unclear whether a history of asthma is associated with increased rate of clinically
significant pulmonary complications. Patient with poorly controlled asthma can have
an increased risk of bronchospasm, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, inadequate cough, atel-
ectasis, and pulmonary infection after surgery.15 Despite early reports indicating that
patients with asthma had higher than expected rates of PPCs, more recent studies
have found no such complications in patients with well-controlled asthma. In the
2006 guidelines from the American College of Physicians (ACP), the authors sug-
gested that there was good evidence to suggest that asthma is not a risk factor for
Interstitial Lung Disease
Patients with pulmonary fibrosis experience a higher rate of morbidity and mortality
following resection for lung cancer.16 There are fewer data about PPCs in patients
with interstitial lung disease (ILD) undergoing other types of surgery. In a study
involving 336 patients with ILD who underwent major surgery in a tertiary hospital
setting, PPCs occurred in 37 patients (11%). Thirteen patients developed pneumonia,
the most common PPC, and 11 had acute exacerbation of ILD.17 Risk factors
included lower body mass index (<23 kg/m2), emergency surgery, and longer duration
76 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

of anesthesia. The incidence of PPCs after all types of surgery in patients with ILD is
not as high as that after lung surgery, but is higher than in the general population.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Few data exist regarding the risk of PPCs in patients with an upper respiratory tract
infection. Clinical prudence supports the recommendation of postponing elective sur-
gery during an upper respiratory tract infection, but the evidence supporting this
approach is relatively weak. In adults, the risk of bronchospasm, laryngospasm, and
desaturation are associated with an upper respiratory tract infection only if symptoms
are present or occur within the last 2 weeks before surgery, but this does not increase
the morbidity or long-term sequelae.18

Advanced age is an independent risk factor for PPCs, even after adjusting for comor-
bidities. In a systematic review prepared for the ACP, advanced age was one of the
most important patient-related risk factors.19 In a more recent review of the ACS-
NSQIP database, patients who experienced a PPC were significantly older. When
compared with patients less than 60 years old, patients aged 61 to 79 years and
80 years or older had an OR of 1.5 (95% CI, 1.4–1.5) and 2.4 (95% CI, 2.2–2.6), respec-
tively, for developing pulmonary complications. On multivariate analysis age 80 years
or older was one of the most important predictors of PPC rates.1 Therefore, even
healthy older patients carry a substantial risk of pulmonary complications after surgery.
General Health Status
The American Society of Anesthesiologist’s (ASA) functional status classification
(Table 2) is a good instrument to evaluate overall physical condition and burden of
comorbidities. Higher ASA scores confer higher PPC rates. Advanced ASA score
was a significant predictor of PPCs in a recent review that used data from the ACS-
NSQIP database. ASA score of greater than 2 was predictive of PPCs. Advanced
ASA score increased rates of pneumonia (OR, 4.7; 95% CI, 3.2–6.8), unplanned intu-
bation (OR, 4.4; 95% CI, 3.0–6.7), and prolonged ventilator support for 48 hours or
longer (OR, 6.6; 95% CI, 4.3–10.0).1

Table 2
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification

PPCs Adjusted
ASA Class Class Definition Odds Ratio (95% CI)
1 A normally healthy patient Referent
2 A patient with mild systemic disease 1.4 (0.9–2.1)
3 A patient with systemic disease that is not incapacitating 3.3 (2.2–4.9)
4 A patient with an incapacitating systemic disease that is a 6.6 (4.3–10.0)
constant threat to life
5 A moribund patient who is not expected to survive for 24 h NA
with or without an operation

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; PPCs, postoperative pulmonary complications.

Data from Owens WD, Felts JA, Spitznagel EL Jr. ASA physical status classification: a study of
consistency of ratings. Anesthesiology 1978;49:239; and Chun KY, Annabelle T, David YL, et al. Pulmo-
nary complications after major abdominal surgery: National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
analysis. J Surg Res 2015;198(2):441–9.
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 77

Obesity was not a significant risk factor for PPC in the 2006 ACP guideline.19 In a recent
review of the ACS-NSQIP database, obesity (body mass index >35 kg/m2) was not
associated with an increase in PPCs. In fact, obesity conferred a slight protective factor
against postoperative pneumonia.1 This confirms previous findings that obesity does
not increase the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia.20 However, body mass index
does not take into account individual body types or chest cavity size, for example,
that may stratify risk. Obesity is not a significant predictor of PPCs and should not
affect patient selection for otherwise high-risk procedures.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an important risk factor for multiple perioperative
complications. OSA may be accompanied by multiple comorbidities and these pa-
tients are at increased risk of hypoxemia and hypercapnia in the postoperative period.
In a meta-analysis in 2012, OSA was associated with increased acute respiratory
failure (OR, 2.4) and postoperative oxygen desaturation (OR, 2.3).21 In a database
study of more than 6 million operative procedures, OSA was associated with a wide
range of increased pulmonary complications. OSA was associated with higher rates
of intubation/mechanical ventilation, aspiration pneumonia, and acute respiratory
distress syndrome.
OSA is a risk factor for PPCs. In a 2014 practice advisory from the ASA, the authors
recommended screening all patients for OSA before surgery.22 They recommended
use of the STOP-BANG tool. Patients with known OSA and patients that are at high
risk for OSA should be adequately treated preoperatively with continuous positive
airway pressure therapy, which can be continued in the perioperative period.

Pulmonary Hypertension
In a study looking at the impact of pulmonary hypertension on outcomes after noncar-
diac surgery, patients with pulmonary hypertension experienced a higher morbidity
and mortality rate than other high risk historical comparator groups with a higher
New York Heart Association class, with other markers of severe pulmonary hyperten-
sion being independent risk factors in this cohort.23 Patients with pulmonary hyperten-
sion have an increased risk of congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias,
hemodynamic instability, sepsis, and respiratory failure. They had longer duration of
intensive care unit and hospital stay and increased readmission rates compared
with patients without pulmonary hypertension undergoing noncardiac surgery.
The increased risk of complications in patients with pulmonary hypertension, which
may not be modifiable, warrants a careful consideration of the indication for surgery
and consideration of canceling surgery or performing a lower risk procedure instead.
If the decision is to proceed to surgery, preoperative optimization by personnel skilled
in taking care of these patients perioperatively is essential to reduce the potential for
adverse outcomes.

Heart Failure
The risk of PPCs may be higher in patients with congestive heart failure than those with
COPD. In a systemic review published by the ACCP in 2006, there was good quality
evidence that identified congestive heart failure as a significant risk factor for PPCs
(OR, 2.93; 95% CI, 1.02–8.43).19 Congestive heart failure is present in 10% of the in-
dividuals over 65 years of age and is a leading cause of postoperative morbidity and
mortality for operative procedures.24
78 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

Chronic Kidney Disease

A serum blood urea nitrogen level of 21 mg/dL or greater was a significant predictor of
PPCs in 2 studies by Arozullah and colleagues.25,26 Increasing levels of blood urea ni-
trogen increased the risk. In another study by Johnson and colleagues, a preoperative
creatinine of 1.5 mg/dL or greater was associated with an increased risk of postoper-
ative respiratory failure (OR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.49–1.82).

Nutritional Status
Serum albumin concentration is a proxy for nutritional status. In 1 study, a low serum
albumin level was the most important predictor of 30-day perioperative morbidity.14 A
serum albumin level of 3.5 g/dL or less was also associated with a higher rate of res-
piratory failure (OR, 1.485; 95% CI, 1.34–1.64). The 2006 ACP guidelines confirmed
the importance of a low albumin level as a predictor of PPCs.19 A weight loss of greater
than 10% in the past 6 months is also an independent risk factor for PPCs.27

Dependent Functional Status

In a recent review of the ACS-NSQIP data, dependent functional status (the need for
help with daily activities of living) was one of the most important risk factors for PPCs.
The OR for pneumonia was 2.6 (95% CI, 2.2–3.1), unplanned intubation OR was 2.3
(95% CI, 1.9–2.9), and prolonged ventilator support (48 hours) OR was 2.9 (95%
CI, 2.5–3.5).1 In another study of patients undergoing high-risk surgery, patients
who were unable to climb 2 flights of stairs regardless of etiology, had increased car-
diopulmonary complications.28

Neurologic Impairment
Preoperative neurologic impairment and residual deficits from a previous stroke have
been associated with an increased risk of PPCs in more than 1 study.29 This could prob-
ably be because of an increased risk of occurrence of aspiration of gastric or pharyngeal
secretions. Altered sensorium is an independent predictor of respiratory failure. Postop-
erative delirium and confusion increase the risk of pneumonia and respiratory failure.30


Surgical Site
The surgical site is the single most significant factor in predicting the risk of the PPCs.1
The incidence of the PPCs is inversely related to the distance of the surgical incision
from the diaphragm. Major abdominal surgery, particularly upper abdominal proce-
dures results in the diaphragmatic dysfunction, a well-known documented cause of
PPCs.31,32 This is likely to be related to the promotion of low lung volumes and atelec-
tasis. Among the general surgical procedures, the greatest risk factor for PPCs was
esophagectomy. The pulmonary complication rate is significantly higher for thoracic
and upper abdominal surgery than for lower abdominal and other procedures.11,33
Major vascular surgery, including abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, head and neck
surgery, and neurosurgery, are also associated with a higher risk for PPCs.27,33

Duration of Surgery
In the 2015 NSQIP review, the average operating time and the anesthesia times were
significantly longer in PPCs present group compared with the PPCs absent group. In
the multivariate analyses, prolonged operative time was one of the strongest predictor
of pulmonary complications.1
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 79

In a previous study, patients undergoing procedures longer than 3 to 4 hours had a

greater incidence of pulmonary complications (40%) compared with those undergoing
surgeries shorter than 2 hours (8%).34 It is not clear, however, if the duration of the pro-
cedure has an effect on PPCs independent of the type and complexity of the proce-
dure itself. Patients in the PPCs present group in the 2015 NSQIP review also
experienced more bleeding, cardiac, renal, neurologic, thromboembolic, and infec-
tious complications. Therefore, the duration of the procedure along with its complexity
may play a role in the development of PPCs.

Type of Anesthesia and Analgesia

Whether spinal or epidural anesthesia causes fewer PPCs when compared with gen-
eral anesthesia has been controversial. A study by Rodgers and colleagues35 reported
no difference in patients anesthetized with spinal or general anesthesia for abdominal
surgery. This was confirmed in another report of patients undergoing transurethral
prostate surgery.33
A review of high-risk patients found that the rate of respiratory failure was signifi-
cantly higher with general anesthesia than with epidural analgesia and light anes-
thesia.36 Many other studies have found high rates of respiratory failure in patients
undergoing general anesthesia compared with spinal or epidural anesthesia. In
another large systematic review of literature looking at 141 trials,35 there was a reduc-
tion in risk of pulmonary complications among patients receiving neuraxial blockade
(either spinal or epidural anesthesia) with or without general anesthesia, when
compared with those receiving general anesthesia alone. Patients who received
epidural analgesia after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair had fewer complications
than those receiving parenteral opioids.37
Therefore, based on all the studies reviewed, it seems that general anesthesia leads
to a higher risk of clinically important pulmonary complications than does epidural or
spinal anesthesia, although further research is needed to confirm this. Spinal or
epidural anesthesia is safer and should be considered in high-risk patients, when suit-
able. Regional nerve block is associated with lower risk and can also be considered in
high-risk patients.

Neuromuscular Blockade
Residual neuromuscular blockade remains a common and often undetected occur-
rence in the early postoperative period.38 Residual neuromuscular blockade results
in reduction in forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow in the immediate postop-
erative period, indicating impaired respiratory muscle function. It leads to impaired
diaphragmatic function, impaired mucociliary clearance owing to poor cough, and ul-
timately leads to PPCs.
In a study by Berg and colleagues,39 the use of an intermediate acting neuromus-
cular blocking agent (atracurium and vecuronium) in comparison with longer acting
agents (pancuronium) led to a significantly reduced incidence of residual neuromus-
cular blockade (5.3% vs 26%; P<.001). The patients in the pancuronium group devel-
oped more PPCs when compared with the patients in the atracurium/vecuronium
group. Thus, it is important to use a neuromuscular blocking agent judiciously with
monitoring to minimize the incidence of residual neuromuscular block in the postop-
erative period.

Open Versus Laparoscopic Surgery

The choice of surgical approach may significantly affect the PPCs. A meta-analysis
examining laparoscopic versus open resection of colorectal cancer demonstrated
80 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

faster postoperative recovery defined by spirometry (3 studies), and 21% shorter hos-
pital duration of stay (9 studies); however, the difference in risk and complications be-
tween the 2 surgical methods were not different.40 Although supported by
improvements in duration of stay, postoperative pain, surgical risk, and spirometric
data, it is unclear whether clinically important PPCs are minimized with use of laparo-
scopic procedures.
In another review looking at PPCs after laparoscopic and open procedures, 2
studies reported a reduction in atelectasis after laparoscopic surgery compared
with open cholecystectomy (2% vs 4%; P<.001), and less frequent PPCs after laparo-
scopic versus open sigmoid resection (2.5% vs 6%; P<.001).41,42
Laparoscopic procedures may use small incisions, lead to less postoperative pain,
and the reduced manipulation of visceral organs may minimize the adverse effects on
respiratory muscle. However, the impact of minimally invasive procedure in predicting
significant PPCs is less well-established.
Emergency Surgery
In the ACP report,19 among the studies reporting multivariate analyses, 6 reported
emergency surgery as a significant predictor of PPCs, the OR was 2.21 (95% CI,


A detailed physical examination is an important part of the preoperative evaluation. It

may allow detection of unrecognized preexisting lung disease. Clinicians should seek
signs suggestive of asthma, COPD, OSA, right heart failure (suggestive of cor pulmo-
nale), pulmonary hypertension, neurologic impairment, neuromuscular weakness, and
spinal deformities that might modify PPC risk. Most patients undergoing nonthoracic
procedures, regardless of the type, may not benefit from preoperative pulmonary
function tests and may proceed to surgery without further evaluation.


Preoperative tests would be valuable if they provide information that cannot be ob-
tained from history and physical examination and if it helps to determine the probabil-
ity of a complication in patients who are known to have risk factors. The commonly
available preoperative tests as a part of pulmonary risk assessment include the
1. Pulmonary function tests;
2. Arterial blood gas;
3. Chest radiograph (CXR); and
4. Exercise testing.

Pulmonary Function Test

Available pulmonary function tests include spirometry, flow volume loops, diffusion
capacity for carbon monoxide, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), and ventila-
tion–perfusion scan. Spirometry is the most commonly performed test in clinical
It is uncertain in what setting pulmonary function tests should be ordered for risk
stratification.43 In the absence of controlled trails that demonstrate that pulmonary
function testing is associated with improved outcome, it is difficult to recommend pul-
monary function tests as a prerequisite for any patient or operative procedure. There is
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 81

also a concern that there is an overuse of preoperative pulmonary function tests. A

recent study, however, showed that after the publication of the ACP guidelines
regarding assessment for PPCs in 2006, the trends of preoperative pulmonary func-
tion tests before elective noncardiothoracic surgery decreased significantly.44
Bedside spirometry is readily available and measures of forced expiratory volume in
1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity have been proposed as tests to predict
PPCs. In a study by McAlister and colleagues,45 pulmonary function testing data
were significantly associated with the incidence of PPCs, but none of the pulmonary
function test variables were found to be independent predictors of PPCs by multivar-
iate analyses. In another study, preoperative pulmonary function tests did not predict
the risk of PPCs in patients with severe COPD (FEV1 <50% predicted), whereas dura-
tion of surgery, ASA class, and type of procedure were significant predictors.34
More recent and rigorous studies either failed to demonstrate a correlation between
pulmonary function tests and the incidence of PPCs or could not confirm by multivar-
iate analyses that pulmonary function tests data are independent predictors of PPCs.
In most studies of preoperative pulmonary function tests, the incremental value
beyond clinical evaluation has not been reported.
Regarding pulmonary function tests as a preoperative test:
1. The 2006 ACP guidelines recommend that clinicians not use preoperative spirom-
etry routinely for predicting the risk of PPCs before general surgical procedures or
other high-risk surgeries.
2. Pulmonary function test results should not be used as a primary factor to deny
3. Consider pulmonary function tests for patients with dyspnea or exercise intoler-
ance that remains unexplained by clinical examination.
4. Pulmonary function tests may be helpful for patients with COPD or asthma if clinical
evaluation cannot determine whether the patient is at their best baseline and that
airflow obstruction is optimally reduced.

Chest Radiograph
As a part of a routine preoperative evaluation, many clinicians frequently obtain a CXR
in older patients, in patients with known pulmonary diseases, and in patients who
smoke. However, clinicians may predict most abnormal preoperative CXRs by history
and physical examination alone; the CXR may rarely provide unexpected information
that influences preoperative management. Hence, CXRs add little to the clinical eval-
uation in identifying healthy patients at risk for PPCs.
In a meta-analysis looking at the value of routine CXR, Archer and colleagues46
found that routine preoperative CXRs were low yield for abnormalities that actually
change preoperative management. The prevalence of abnormal CXRs increases
with age but it is difficult to determine by any evidence-based approach as to which
patients will benefit from a preoperative CXR. According to the ACP review, it is
reasonable to obtain a CXR in patients with known cardiopulmonary disease and
those older than 50 years of age who are undergoing a high-risk surgical procedure
like upper abdominal, esophageal, thoracic, or aortic surgery.

Arterial Blood Gas

Arterial blood gas analysis has been used in the past for the preoperative evaluation of
non-thoracic surgery patients despite the lack of strong evidence suggesting their
value. Patients with hypercapnia (partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
[PaCO2] >45 mm Hg) have been considered high risk from PPCs and mortality.47
82 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

However, no data suggest that hypercapnia identifies high-risk patients who would not
have otherwise been identified based on established clinical risk factors. Hypercapnia
is not an absolute contraindication to major noncardiac surgery.
Arterial hypoxemia has been considered as a risk factor for PPCs and a contraindi-
cation for surgery. One study reported an association between preoperative hypox-
emia and PPCs in patients undergoing surgery for gastric or esophageal cancer.48
Neither hypoxemia nor hypercapnia have been identified as significant independent
predictors of the risk for PPCs.

Exercise Testing
CPET has been used as a screening test in patients undergoing cardiothoracic and
nonthoracic surgery and found to predict mortality. Smith and colleagues49 looked
at the predictive value of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and anaerobic
threshold obtained during CPET in calculating the morbidity and mortality. They eval-
uated 9 studies and concluded that VO2 max and to a lesser extent the anaerobic
threshold are valid predictors of perioperative morbidity and mortality. The quality of
data in this review had multiple limitations, so further studies should be conducted
before CPET can be recommended as an independent predictor of PPCs before non-
thoracic surgery and to define the impact of CPET on the perioperative management.
Simple measurements of exercise capacity like stair climbing capacity and the 6-min-
ute walk test are easy to perform and do not need specialized equipment. They have
also shown good accuracy and concordance when compared with VO2 max.50

There is no evidence currently to support the routine use of echocardiography to
detect pulmonary hypertension in the preoperative evaluation of nonthoracic surgery,
even in patients with advanced pulmonary disease. However, it may be reasonable to
obtain an echocardiogram in those patients with severe lung disease who have signs
and symptoms compatible to right heart dysfunction or who have significantly reduced
exercise tolerance, to rule out cardiac issues.


Risk scores can be useful if they can provide a clear estimate of the probability of a
perioperative complication. This information can then be used to stratify the risk
and guide the therapeutic options. It can also be used to advise patients regarding
perioperative risks and expectations, optimize patients that are at high risk, and
plan the postoperative management appropriately.
Four risk indices provide a numerical estimate of the risk rather than a qualitative
category of risk. Most of them are derived from patients in the NSQIP database.
They are:
1. ARISCAT (Canet) Risk Index51 – 2010;
2. Gupta Calculator For Postoperative Respiratory Failure52 – 2011;
3. Gupta Calculator For Postoperative Pneumonia53 – 2013; and
4. Arozullah Respiratory Failure Index25 – 2000.
The Arozullah respiratory failure index (Tables 3 and 4) identified 6 factors that pre-
dict PPCs after adjustment for confounders into consideration. Point scores are
assigned based on the strength of association in the multivariate analysis, and patients
are stratified into 5 classes with respiratory failure ranging from 0.5% to 26.6%.29
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 83

Table 3
Arozullah respiratory failure index

Preoperative Predictor Point Value

Type of surgery
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 27
Thoracic 21
Neurosurgery, upper abdominal, peripheral vascular 14
Neck 11
Emergency surgery 11
Albumin <3.0 g/dL 9
BUN >30 mg/dL 8
Partially or fully dependent functional status 7
History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6
Age (y)
>70 6
60–69 4

Abbreviation: BUN, blood urea nitrogen.

From Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, et al. Multifactorial risk index for predicting post-
operative respiratory failure in men after major noncardiac surgery. Ann Surg 2000;232(2):250;
with permission.

Table 4
Performance of the Arozullah respiratory failure index

Class Point Total Percent Respiratory Failure

1 10 0.5
2 11–19 1.8
3 20–27 4.2
4 28–40 10.1
5 >40 26.6

Adapted from Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, et al. Multifactorial risk index for predicting
postoperative respiratory failure in men after major noncardiac surgery. Ann Surg
2000;232(2):250; with permission.

The ARISCAT risk index51 (Table 5) includes 7 independent risk factors of any
severity that predict PPC rates. Each factor is assigned a weighted score and patients
are stratified as low, intermediate, and high risk for developing pulmonary
The Gupta calculator for postoperative respiratory failure uses multiple preoperative
factors to predict risk of failure to wean from mechanical ventilation within 48 hours of
surgery or unplanned intubation/reintubation postoperatively.52 The Gupta calculator
for postoperative pneumonia is derived in a similar manner to the respiratory failure
calculator. Use of Gupta calculators requires use of downloadable interactive
84 Lakshminarasimhachar & Smetana

Table 5
ARISCAT risk index

Factor Adjusted Odds Ratio (95% CI) Risk Score

Age (y)
50 1 —
51–80 1.4 (0.6–3.3) 3
>80 5.1 (1.9–13.3) 16
Preoperative oxygen saturation (%)
96 1 —
91–95 2.2 (1.2–4.2) 8
90 10.7 (4.1–28.1) 24
Respiratory infection in the last month 5.5 (2.6–11.5) 17
Preoperative anemia (hemoglobin 10 g/dL) 3.0 (1.4–6.5) 11
Surgical incision
Upper abdominal 4.4 (2.3–8.5) 15
Intrathoracic 11.4 (1.9–26.0) 24
Duration of surgery (h)
2 1
2–3 4.9 (2.4–10.1) 16
>3 9.7 (2.4–19.9) 23
Emergency surgery 2.2 (1.0–4.5) 8

Risk Class Number of Points in Risk Score PPC Rate (Validation Sample), %
Low <26 1.6
Intermediate 26–44 13.3
High 45 42.1

Adapted from Canet J, Gallart L, Gomar C, et al. Prediction of postoperative pulmonary complica-
tions in a population-based surgical cohort. Anesthesiology 2010;113:1338; with permission.



After identifying patients at high risk for PPC, one should use strategies to minimize
risks and prevent complications. Some risk factors are not modifiable before surgery,
whereas others may provide a target for risk reduction. Interventions that have proven
to reduce PPC rates in high risk patients include the following:
1. Smoking cessation (8 weeks is optimal);
2. Optimizing airflow limitation in patients with COPD and asthma;
3. Treat lower respiratory tract infections when present; and
4. Lung expansion techniques – incentive spirometry and chest physical therapy.
1. Consider intraoperative analgesia with spinal, epidural, or regional technique
when indicated;
2. Avoid use of long-acting neuromuscular blockers;
3. Intraoperative recruitment maneuvers to prevent atelectasis;
4. Laparoscopic versus open surgery – consider less invasive surgery; and
5. Fluid management – fluid optimization with goal-directed therapy.54
Estimation of Pulmonary Risk 85

1. Selective nasogastric tube decompression after abdominal surgery;
2. Nutritional support;
3. Lung expansion maneuvers; and
4. Epidural analgesia.
With a comprehensive knowledge of the perioperative pulmonary assessment of
patients undergoing surgery, it is possible to prevent perioperative pulmonary compli-
cations and improve outcomes.

1. Almost 25% of postoperative deaths that occur during the first postoperative week
are associated with PPCs.
2. The most significant predictors of the PPCs are ASA physical status, advanced
age, dependent functional status, surgical site, and duration of surgery.
3. COPD, dyspnea, and smoking seem to confer only a moderate risk when
compared with other patient-related factors and surgical site.
4. The overall risk of PPCs can be predicted using scores that incorporate readily
available clinical data.
5. Do not routinely perform pulmonary function tests before high-risk noncardiothora-
cic surgery.


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