Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Seio Maxilar

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Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF): A second-generation platelet concentrate.

Part V: Histologic evaluations of PRF effects on bone allograft

maturation in sinus lift
Joseph Choukroun, MD,a Antoine Diss, DDS, MS,b Alain Simonpieri, DDS,c Marie-Odile Girard, DDS,c
Christian Schoeffler, DDS,c Steve L. Dohan,d Anthony J. J. Dohan,e Jaafar Mouhyi, DDS, PhD,f and
David M. Dohan, DDS, MS,g Nice and Paris, France, Los Angeles, Calif, and Göteborg, Sweden

Objective. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) belongs to a new generation of platelet concentrates, with simplified processing and without
biochemical blood handling. The use of platelet gel to improve bone regeneration is a recent technique in implantology.
However, the biologic properties and real effects of such products remain controversial. In this article, we therefore attempt to
evaluate the potential of PRF in combination with freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA) (Phœnix; TBF, France) to enhance bone
regeneration in sinus floor elevation.
Study design. Nine sinus floor augmentations were performed. In 6 sites, PRF was added to FDBA particles (test group), and in
3 sites FDBA without PRF was used (control group). Four months later for the test group and 8 months later for the control group,
bone specimens were harvested from the augmented region during the implant insertion procedure. These specimens were
treated for histologic analysis.
Results. Histologic evaluations reveal the presence of residual bone surrounded by newly formed bone and connective tissue.
After 4 months of healing time, histologic maturation of the test group appears to be identical to that of the control group after a
period of 8 months. Moreover, the quantities of newly formed bone were equivalent between the 2 protocols.
Conclusions. Sinus floor augmentation with FDBA and PRF leads to a reduction of healing time prior to implant placement.
From a histologic point of view, this healing time could be reduced to 4 months, but large-scale studies are still necessary to
validate these first results.
(Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006;101:299-303)

Elevation of the sinus floor to increase the alveolar bone transplanted bone to be integrated and substituted by os-
needed to place implants is considered to be a highly teoconduction (creeping substitution). Alternatively,
predictable and effective treatment option.1-3 Many autogenous bone transplants can be replaced by bone
techniques have been described to achieve vertical substitutes, eg, freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA), to
augmentation of the maxillary sinus mucosa. When con- avoid donor site morbidity.6 Maturation of these materials
sidering a lateral approach to the sinus, the major differ- may take up to 8 months if used for sinus augmentation.
ences between the various surgeries consist of the type It would be beneficial for the patient to reduce this time
of grafting material used and the decision of immediate interval by accelerating the process of the transplanted
or delayed implant placement.4 In case of severe atrophy bone or the bone substitute. Use of platelet-rich plasma
of the maxillary alveolar process, sinus floor elevation was a promising option that remains controversial.7-25
and implant insertion are usually performed in 2 stages.5 Use of fibrin glue to improve bone regeneration is
When autogenous bone graft is used, it takes approxi- well documented.26-32 (Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is an
mately 6 months following augmentation for the autologous fibrin matrix used to enhance bone

This article is an English translation of: Choukroun J, Simonpieri A, Student, Saint-Antoine Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris VI.
Girard MO, Schoeffler C, Dohan S, Dohan D. Les concentrés pla- Private practice, Casablanca, Morocco; Assistant Professor, Advanced
quettaires. 4ème partie: Analyses histologiques. Implantodontie Periodontology, University of Southern California; Researcher, De-
2004;13:167-72. Published in the French journal Implantodontie, partment of Biomaterials/Handicap Research, Institute for Surgical
Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University.
a g
Private Practice, Pain Clinic Center, Nice, France. Assistant Professor, Biophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Dental Sur-
Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Surface and Interface in Odontol- gery, University of Paris V; Department of Oral Surgery, Odontology
ogy, Odontology Faculty, Nice University; Department of Periodon- Service, Hopital Albert Chenevier, Paris.
tology, Odontology Service, Hopital St Roch, Nice, France. Received for publication Dec 7, 2004; returned for revision Jun 15,
Private Practice, France. 2005; accepted for publication Jul 7, 2005.
Student, Biophysics Laboratory, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Univer- 1079-2104/$ - see front matter
sity of Paris V, Paris, France; Odontology Service, Hopital Albert Ó 2006 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chenevier, University, Créteil, France. doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2005.07.012

300 Choukroun et al. March 2006

Table I. Healing time according to the graft material — Some were placed in sterile cups and cut in few-
used millimeter fragments. Then they were mixed with
Graft material Healing time Number of cases FDBA particles. The mixture obtained constituted
FDBA 8 months 3 an easy-to-use homogeneous graft material.
FDBA 4 months Impossible sample — Others were packed tightly in 2 sterile compresses
FDBA+PRF 4 months 6 in order to obtain resistant fibrin membranes trans-
ferable to the schneiderian membrane (to prevent
FDBA, freeze-dried bone allograft; PRF, platelet-rich fibrin.
or treat perforation) and on the grafting material
generation.33,34 The aim of this histologic study is to before wound closure. They can also be placed un-
evaluate the potential of PRF in combination with der the incision line to improve mucosal healing.
FDBA to enhance bone regeneration in sinus floor
elevation. Harvesting of the bone specimen
Implant insertion was performed 4 months following
MATERIALS AND METHODS sinus floor augmentation for the test group and 8 months
Patient selection for the control group. During this procedure, a bone
This study is a case of 9 sinus elevations performed biopsy from the augmented site was harvested using a
between January 2001 and June 2003 with FDBA trephine bur of 3 mm diameter. To guarantee that the
(Phoenix; TBF, France) with or without PRF (Table I). augmented region of interest was examined, a drill
The study was conducted in accordance with the stan- was used before the trephine bur to eliminate the super-
dards of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1983. The pa- ficial and nonregenerated bone.
tients were informed about the aim and design of the The healing time and number of collected bone spec-
study and written consent was obtained. imens are summarized in Table I. In the control group,
Patients with immunologic diseases, unstable diabe- bone sampling after a healing time of 4 months was
tes mellitus, ongoing chemo- or radiotherapy, or a history not possible. That is why this is left without comment
of drug abuse were excluded. The inclusion criteria were in the present study.
a blood concentration of thrombocytes within the nor-
mal range and an absence of a history of maxillary sinus Histologic examination
inflammations. Clinical examination and preoperative Bone fragments were removed, fixed in formalde-
radiographs showed a severe atrophy of the maxilla. hyde solution, dehydrated in alcohol, and embedded in
methylmethacrylate resin. Undecalcified sections were
Surgical procedure made and stained according to 2 protocols: toluidine
Surgery was performed with local anesthesia. Access blue/PAS and Masson trichrome staining. The images
to the lateral maxillary wall was achieved via a mucosal were assessed at magnification 1003 to 6303 for qual-
crestal incision, and anterior and posterior releasing itative analysis and digitized for quantitative analysis.
vestibular incisions. A bony window of approximately From digital images of these sections, different histo-
15-20 mm2 was outlined by a round bur with constant logic structures were separated and measured (in pixels)
saline irrigation. It was then moved medially and left in using image analyzer software.
that position, still attached to the sinus membrane. After In staining by Masson trichrome, mineralized trabec-
careful elevation of the schneiderian membrane without ular bone is identified in green, osteoı̈d borders in red,
perforation, 1-2 g of Phoenix containing FDBA granules and medullary spaces in pink (Fig. 1, A and B). In stain-
of 200 to 800 lm diameter were instilled for augmenta- ing by toluidine blue/PAS, mineralized matrix appears
tion of the sinus floor. In 3 cases, the sinus was filled blue, osteoı̈d borders are red, and medullary spaces are
with FDBA only (control group). In the 6 other cases, orange-pink (Fig. 1, C and D). Measures of each histo-
PRF was added to the bone graft particles (test group). logic structure are expressed in total section area
percentage (Figs. 2 and 3).
PRF preparation It is difficult to differentiate new bone formation
The PRF was produced using the technique previ- and FDBA particles, because both collagenous matrixes
ously described.33 The patient’s blood samples were are very similar. Therefore, a meticulous histologic
taken during the surgery in the operating room, prior to observation of bone vitality is necessary to quantify
the sinus elevation. Immediately after the blood draw, the new bone areas: When osteocytic lacunas are filled
the dried monovettes (without anticoagulant) were with a well distinguished osteocyt, it is new vital bone.
centrifugated at 2,500 rpm (about 280g) for 10 minutes On the other hand, when the lacunae are empty, it is
in a laboratory centrifuge (Process, Nice, France). The inert graft bone. Thus, histomorphometric evaluation is
PRF clots were recovered and used in 2 ways: dependent on the operator. That is why in this study,
Volume 101, Number 3 Choukroun et al. 301

Fig. 1. Preliminary analyses highlight mineralized trabecular bone rich in osteocytes which appear green (A and B) or blue (C and
D) according to the staining. Osteoı̈d borders are stained in red (B and D) and are in contact with dense cellular osteoblast fronts.
The richness of osteoı̈d tissue is evidence of important turnover in both types of samples (test and control).

Fig. 2. Mean histomorphometric analysis of bone samples Fig. 3. Mean histomorphometric analysis of bone samples
from 3 sinus floor augmentations after a healing period of 8 from 6 sinus floor augmentation after a healing period of
months (control group: FDBA alone). 4 months (test group: FDBA1PRF).

histomorphometric evaluations were performed by 3 Nevertheless, trabecular bone areas are less massive,
different laboratories. more spaced and surrounded by adipose tissue. These
observations especially concern apical parts of the sam-
RESULTS ples. This phenomenon is explainable by the difficulty
Preliminary analyses highlight mineralized trabecu- of correctly packing the bone graft particles in the entire
lar bone rich in osteocytes with important oteoı̈d borders sinus cavity during surgery. Even if such areas are less
in contact with dense cellular osteoblast fronts (Fig. 1). dense, they represent strong matrix turnover activity.
302 Choukroun et al. March 2006

Table II. Statistical results of histomorphometric From a fundamental point of view, it is still difficult
quantification within bone allograft samples, with or to know if the addition of a fibrin clot really permits
without PRF enhancement of new bone deposit. Nevertheless these
Clinical histologic results concur with other studies focusing on
Bone graft reports Bone type Range Average the rule of fibrin network on tissue regeneration.35-37
FDBA only 3 Non vital 9.28% - 12.206% 10.934% This fibrin matrix will guide the healing processes.
After 8 months bone. PRF contains platelet growth factors as well, but these
Vital bone. 18.02% - 23.694% 20.306% cytokines seem to have a secondary rule in the bioactiv-
FDBA and PRF 6 Non vital 9.03% - 12.7% 9.41%
After 4 months bone. ity of PRF. This hypothesis can be reinforced by the
Vital bone. 18.65% - 30.3% 20.95% histologic evaluation of the osteocyt number in both
control and test group samples, which is identical.
FDBA, freeze-dried bone allograft; PRF, platelet-rich fibrin.
Therefore, PRF does not appear to enhance cellular pro-
In one case, a perforation of the sinus membrane liferation in the long term, but may play an important
was treated using the PRF membrane. After this fibrin role in the revascularization of the graft by supporting
membrane placement, the sinus filling was able to be angiogenesis.
completed. Four months later, histologic evaluation
showed normal bone density. CONCLUSIONS
The rate of vital bone/inert bone in the bone trabecu- In this study, the histologic similarities observed
lar areas makes it possible to evaluate the importance of between these 2 groups (FDBA alone and FDBA1PRF)
turnover. One can observe one-third inert bone graft and make it possible to consider sinus floor augmentation
two-thirds new vital bone (Figs. 2-3, Table II) for both surgery with a shorter healing period before implant
groups (FDBA and FDBA1PRF). The importance of placement (4 months instead of 8 months). Furthermore,
osteoı̈d tissue in both types of sample gives evidence the quantity of bone material used to fill the sinus cavity
of substantial turnover. Finally, the histomorphometric can be safely reduced without injuring the final bone
results of control group (FDBA without PRF) after 8 density. Finally, the PRF membranes appear to be able
months appear equivalent to those of the test group to treat sinus membrane perforation and permit the sur-
(FDBA with PRF) after 4 months. This fact constitutes gery to be completed. The use of PRF, in addition to a
the essential strength of these histologic observations. bone graft material, to perform sinus floor augmentation
It is the first evaluation of the quality of new bone forma- is attractive from a histologic point of view. Neverthe-
tion within the bone graft when PRF is added to FDBA less, other major prospective clinical studies must be
in case of sinus lift augmentation after 4 months healing conducted to validate the healing period of 4 months be-
time. tween sinus floor procedures and implant placement.

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