A Leafy Surprise
A Leafy Surprise
A Leafy Surprise
Case report
Keywords: Introduction and importance: Phyllodes tumor is a biphasic fibroepithelial tumor which accounts for less than 1%
Male of all breast neoplasms. We aim to raise awareness among clinicians that a male breast lump may be indicative of
Breast underlying sinister pathology and therefore, should be investigated thoroughly.
Malignant Phyllodes
Case presentation: A 62 year old male presented in clinic with right beast lump for the last 6 weeks. A preoperative
Case report
diagnosis of spindle cell tumor was made on core needle biopsy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was administered in
order to downsize the tumor as it was inseparable from underlying muscle. A post-operative diagnosis of ma
lignant phyllodes was made following mastectomy. As the tumor was 1 mm from the deep margin, adjuvant
radiotherapy was administered.
Clinical discussion: Differential diagnoses of malignant phyllodes include metaplastic carcinomas metastatic/
primary sarcomas and fibroadenomas. Metaplastic carcinomas are morphologically heterogeneous and include
adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and spindle cell carcinoma. In some malignant phyllodes,
extensive stromal proliferation can make detection of epithelial component very difficult. This highlights the
limitation of core biopsy in establishing an accurate preoperative diagnosis.
The standard treatment for phyllodes treatment is surgical resection with margins of 1 cm or more. Adjuvant
radiotherapy is used in cases with threatened margins.
Conclusion: Malignant phyllodes tumor of breast can exist in men, and its accurate pre-operative diagnosis is
difficult given the limitations of core biopsy. This case report draws attention to the challenges associated with
the diagnosis of this rare condition and highlights the role of different treatment modalities in its management.
1. Introduction report a very rare case of male breast malignant phyllodes involving the
underlying pectoralis major muscle. The patient was managed by uti
The word phyllodes is derived from Greek word ‘Phyllon’, meaning lizing a variety of treatment modalities such as neoadjuvant chemo
‘leaf’. Phyllodes tumor is an uncommon biphasic fibroepithelial tumor. therapy, surgical resection and adjuvant radiotherapy. The case has
On account of its varying clinical and pathological characteristics, it is been reported in accordance with SCARE 2020 criteria [4].
considered a spectrum of fibroepithelial neoplasms instead of a single
disease [1]. Phyllodes tumors are classified into benign, borderline and 2. Case report
malignant on the basis of their histological features. The latter type
metastasizes hematogenously and can involve lungs, skeleton, heart and A 62 year old male school teacher presented at our institution with a
liver [2]. While Phyllodes tumors account for less than 1% of all breast complaint of painless right breast lump for the last 6 weeks. The patient
neoplasms [1], occurrence of malignant Phyllodes in men is very rare had no comorbidities or family history of breast cancer. On examination,
and only a handful of such cases are reported in literature. Standard a 2.5 × 2.5 cm lump was palpable at 1 o'clock position in the right
treatment for malignant Phyllodes is wide local excision with margins of breast. It was not attached to overlying skin and axillary lymph nodes
1 cm or more. A mastectomy may be necessary in large tumors. Recur were not palpable. A heterogeneous lobulated lesion (Fig. 1), measuring
rence is reported in less than 20% of cases with an earlier recurrence in 32 mm was detected in the upper inner quadrant of the right breast on
malignant Phyllodes as compared to its benign counterpart [3]. We ultrasound. On mammogram (Fig. 2), a partly circumscribed high
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (I.B. Khalid), [email protected] (A. Sarwar), [email protected] (O.S. Shaikh).
Received 22 September 2021; Received in revised form 16 October 2021; Accepted 19 October 2021
Available online 23 October 2021
2210-2612/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IJS Publishing Group Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
I.B. Khalid et al. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 88 (2021) 106536
I.B. Khalid et al. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 88 (2021) 106536
Fig. 5. Microscopic examination: Increased stromal cellularity composed of sheets and bundles of spindle cells and areas of necrosis.
3. Discussion hematogenously and rarely involves axillary lymph nodes. The role of
adjuvant therapy is debatable in case of malignant phyllodes. No sur
Phyllodes tumor is composed of connective tissue stroma and vival benefit has been proven with the use of adjuvant chemotherapy.
epithelial component. Based on histological features such as stromal Adjuvant radiotherapy is general reserved for cases with threatened
atypia, stromal cellularity, stromal overgrowth, mitotic count and tumor margins [10,11].
border it is classified into benign, borderline and malignant. Differential
diagnoses of malignant phyllodes include metaplastic carcinomas met 4. Conclusion
astatic/primary sarcomas and fibroadenomas. Metaplastic carcinomas
are morphologically heterogeneous and include low-grade adenosqu In summary, a male beast lump can be indicative of underlying
amous carcinoma, fibromatosis like metaplastic carcinoma, squamous sinister pathology and therefore should be investigated thoroughly.
cell carcinoma and spindle cell carcinoma [5]. In some malignant However, accurate pre-operative diagnosis of phyllodes tumor is diffi
phyllodes, extensive stromal proliferation can make detection of the cult on account of the limitations of core biopsy. Through this case
epithelial component very difficult [5]. report, we aim to draw attention to the challenges associated with the
In case of our patient, a preoperative diagnosis of spindle cell car diagnosis of this rare condition and to highlight the role of different
cinoma was made based on the findings of core needle biopsy. Limita treatment modalities in its management.
tions of core biopsy in establishing an accurate pre-operative diagnosis
of phyllodes tumor are well documented [6]. The multidisciplinary team Provenance and peer review
opted for neoadjuvant chemotherapy with the intent of downsizing the
tumor so that free margins could be achieved during surgical resection. Not commissioned, externally peer-reviewed.
On account of rarity of spindle cell carcinomas, treatment is often
extrapolated from sarcomas of different locations. It is also noteworthy Sources of funding
that primary breast sarcomas and malignant phyllodes tumors have a
similar 5 years disease free and overall survival; therefore, it can be None.
treated with similar strategies [7]. In our patient, re-evaluation after
neoadjuvant therapy showed a stable disease with minimal response to Ethical approval
the treatment.
Radiologically, phyllodes tumor can be difficult to differentiate from Not applicable.
fibroadenomas. Certain findings are more common with phyllodes
tumor than a fibroadenoma, such as presence of a high-density mass as
compared to surrounding fibroglandular breast tissue and a round or
lobulated mass with posterior acoustic enhancement and intramural
Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publi
cystic areas on mammogram and ultrasound, respectively [8].
cation of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the
The standard treatment for phyllodes treatment is surgical resection
written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this
with margins of 1 cm or more [9]. This can be achieved either with
journal on request.
breast conservation surgery or mastectomy depending upon the size of
the tumor relative to breast. Decision was made in favor of the mas
CRediT authorship contribution statement
tectomy on account of small size of male breast. Axillary lymph node
dissection is not routinely done as malignant phyllodes tumor spreads
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