Cyberark Shortcuts For Common Commands

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Shortcuts for Common Commands

The utility allows easy use of PTA common commands. The format is: [<type>]

Following are the types for this utility:

Command Description

1 tail -f Output all errors in the last part of the main PTA log file, follow
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log the file and output any errors as the file grows
| grep "ERROR"

2 cat Output all errors in the main PTA log file

| grep "ERROR" | less

3 tail -f Output all listener metrics in the last part of the main PTA log
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log file, follow the file and output any listener metrics as the file
| grep "metrics-PTA-listener" grows

Use this:

■ To verify incoming traffic from the sensors (such as Vault, Network Sensor, SIE

■To verify the creation of audits per operation (such as Vault retrieve password,
logon, Windows logon, Unix logon, Kerberos traffic)

■To verify that the syslogs from the various SIEMs (such as ArcSight, QRadar, Sp
and so on) are successfully accepted in PTA

4 cat Output all listener metrics in the main PTA log file
Use this:
| grep "metrics-PTA-listener" |
less ■ To verify incoming traffic from the sensors (such as Vault, Network Sensor, SIE

■To verify the creation of audits per operation (such as Vault retrieve password,
logon, Windows logon, Unix logon, Kerberos traffic)

■To verify that the syslogs from the various SIEMs (such as ArcSight, QRadar, Sp
and so on) are successfully accepted in PTA

5 tail -f Output all sampler metrics in the last part of the main PTA log
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log file, follow the file and output any sampler metrics as the file
| grep "metrics-PTA-sampler" grows

Use this:

■ To verify incident creation and that the outbound mail or syslogs were sent

■To verify mitigation results, such as rotate password upon suspected credentia

6 cat Output all sampler metrics in the main PTA log file
Command Description

| grep "metrics-PTA-sampler" | Use this:

■ To verify incident creation and that the outbound mail or syslogs were sent

■To verify mitigation results, such as rotate password upon suspected credentia

7 tail -f Output all scheduled task metrics in the last part of the main
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log PTA log file, follow the file and output any scheduled task
| grep "metrics-PTA- metrics as the file grows
Use this to verify the results of scheduled tasks, such as
Active Directory, Vault accounts and users, and so on

8 cat Output all scheduled task metrics in the main PTA log file
Use this to verify the results of scheduled tasks, such as
| grep "metrics-PTA-
Active Directory, Vault accounts and users, and so on
Background" | less

9 tail -f Output all PTA internal services metrics in the last part of the
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log main PTA log file, follow the file and output any PTA internal
| grep "metrics-PTA-services" services metrics as the file grows

10 cat Output all PTA internal services metrics in the main PTA log
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log file
| grep "metrics-PTA-services" |

11 tail -f Output all metrics in the last part of the main PTA log file,
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log follow the file and output any metrics as the file grows
| grep "metrics-PTA"

12 cat Output all metrics in the main PTA log file

| grep "metrics-PTA" | less

13 tail -f Output all incoming syslogs in the last part of the main PTA
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log log file, follow the file and output any incoming syslogs as the
| grep "Incoming syslog" file grows

This command requires the Listener component to be on the

Debug log level

Use this:

■ To verify the incoming syslog is from Vault, SIEM, or Network Sensor

■ To see the syslog String received by PTA from the different inbound sources

14 cat Output all incoming syslogs in the main PTA log file
This command requires the Listener component to be on the
Command Description

| grep "Incoming syslog" | less Debug log level

Use this:

■ To verify the incoming syslog is from Vault, SIEM, or Network Sensor

■ To see the syslog String received by PTA from the different inbound sources

15 tail -f Output all containment calls used in password rotation,

/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log pending accounts, and PSM risky commands in the last part
| grep of the main PTA log file, follow the file and output any
"CyberArkAuthenticationServi containment calls as the file grows
ce.svc/logon" | less
Use this to troubleshoot issues with mitigation of various
containment capabilities such as Rotate Password, Pending
unmanaged accounts, and update Risky commands scores in
the PVWA

16 cat Output all containment calls used in password rotation,

/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log pending accounts, and PSM risky commands in the main PTA
| grep log file
Use this to troubleshoot issues with mitigation of various
ce.svc/logon" | less
containment capabilities such as Rotate Password, Pending
unmanaged accounts, and update Risky commands scores in
the PVWA

17 tail -f Output all dcaserver metrics in the last part of the main PTA
/opt/tomcat/logs/diamond.log log file, follow the file and output any dcaserver metrics as the
| grep "metrics-PTA- file grows.
Use this:

■ To troubleshoot configuration issues with the PTA Windows Agent

■To troubleshoot connection issues between the PTA Windows Agent and the P

18 cat Output all dcaserver metrics in the main PTA log file
Use this:
| grep "metrics-PTA-
dcaserver" | less ■ To troubleshoot configuration issues with the PTA Windows Agent

■To troubleshoot connection issues between the PTA Windows Agent and the P

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