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Citizen and Citizenship Rights
The subject of “citizenship rights” is the most important issue of
contemporary rights and is a new emerged concept and subject that specially
considers to priority of justice and has found a special place in social
and political theories. More than everything, citizenship rights argue about
rights that everyone as a citizen of state acquires them, including residence,
education, hygiene, and extends to just trial rights.
Citizenship rights realize when all the people of society acquire all civil and
political rights, and citizen as a member of society have responsibilities
along with better governance of society and establishing social order and
recognition of these interactive rights has an effective role in promoting the
citizenship rights and establishing a society based on social order and
For citizenship rights different definitions have been presented. One of them
defines citizenship rights as: “A set of freedoms that people of a society enjoy
them that is called individual rights and freedoms, public rights, rights of
citizens, human rights and citizenship rights idiomatically.”
Urban is not only a society of residents of a given area but also presents a
concept of independent political unit and due this reason, citizen is not called
only the resident of a city but also it is accompanied with a meaning beyond such
Though a citizen is a resident of a city, also he/ she participates in organizing the
city and preparing and constituting the rules of social life in the city and providing
rule of law in the city and in country.
Citizen is a composition of city and zen. City means a human
society and zen relates to dependent member to this society. Citizen is a person
who knows his/ her private and social rights and defends them, he/ she knows law
and applies it and participates in affairs of the city.
Citizenship rights more than all, refer to rights that each person as a citizen of
state enjoys them, including: proper residence, reasonable education and
training and the right of participating in political and managerial structure and
just trial.
In fact, this is the law that specifies the rights limitations of all people and law
could not and should not be against natural rights of individual . Hence, the
glory of law is that guarantees personal rights and freedoms and social
Divisions of Individual Rights in Citizenship
A: Political Rights:
Political right is an authority that a person has for participating in public powers
(legislation power ,executive power or state) and governmental organizations the
same as right of vote and right of being elected in citizenship (nationality).
B: Public Rights
Public rights are related to personality of
human being and include relation of state
and people the same as right of life,
freedom of express that title of third
chapter of Iran’s constitution about
“rights of nation” includes these
categories of rights.
C: Private Rights
Private rights are authorities that each person has vis-à-vis others the same
as right of ownership, paternal right, right of witness and right of benefiting.
First two groups of above mentioned rights are rights that relate to respect
and personality of human being and has been sub group of values that are
abound and some of them has been globalized