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BMS 2.


Choose the best option

1. The secretions released from most GI tract segments are increased by the following except D
A. ENS stimulation
B. Parasympathetic stimulation
C. Presence of food
D. Absence of food
E. Hormonal stimulation
2. The function of oral activity is B
A. Digestion of proteins
B. Digestion of lipids & carbohydrates
C. Stimulation of ENS by stretching of receptors
D. Sensory analysis of material after swallowing
E. Mixing of mucus with other juice components to prevent lubrication
3. Concerning composition of saliva , choose the odd E
A. Dextrinase initiates digestion of starch
B. Isomaltase initiates digestion of starch
C. HCO3- is not secreted
D. Lingual lipase acts on long chain fatty acids
E. Food is lubricated by mucus
4. Concerning electrolytes C
A. Na+ & Cl- concentrations are more in saliva than in plasma at low flow rate
B. K+ & HCO3-are in plasma than saliva.
C. At high flow rates, saliva has high concentration of Na+ & Cl-
D. Saliva is hypertonic to plasma
E. Saliva is isotonic to plasma
5. Concerning control of saliva secretion, E
A. Stimulation of sympathetic NS leads to release of Ach
B. Stimulation of parasympathetic NS leads to release of noradrenalin
C. Stress is related to IP3 & DAG stimulation
D. Satiety is related to cAMP stimulation
E. Satiety stimulates parasympathetic NS neurotransmitter that leads to release of DAG & IP3
as second messengers that lead to desired intracellular activity of increased salivary
6. The control of saliva secretion is performed by B
A. Sensory nerves
D. Parasympathetic NS
E. Sympathetic NS
7. Concerning secretions in the stomach, choose most correct C
A. Mucus secreting cells are present in distal part alone
B. Mucus secreting cells are present in proximal part alone
C. Mucus secreting cells are present in entire surface of the stomach
D. Chief cells secrete HCl
E. Pyloric glands secrete HCl
8. Concerning gastric mucosa, choose the most correct E
A. Is the same as mucous membrane
B. Is composed of lamina propria, muscularis mucosae &epithelial memb
C. Is one of the four layers of alimentary tube
D. The epithelium in the esophagus is stratified squamous while in the stomach & small
intestine, is simple columnar epithelium
E. B,C & D above
9. Factors that stimulate gastric secretion include E
A. Histamine stimulates muscarinic receptors to release HCl
B. Histamine stimulates H2 receptors to release HCl
C. Ach, gastrin& histamine play a role
D. HCl secretion is indirectly related to the amount of histamine secreted by ECL cells
E. B & C above
10. Concerning HCl regulation, choose the correct A
A. Increased acidity blocks G cells
B. Decreased acidity blocks G cells
C. Decreased acid secretion causes an inhibitory reflex that inhibits gastric secretion
D. Increased acid secretion causes stimulatory reflex on G cells
E. Secretin is rarely involved
11. During gastric phase of gastric juice flow, choose the correct D
A. Fatty food distends the mucosa
B. Vagal nerve endings are stimulated to release noradrenalin
C. Distention of I cells occurs
D. Milk intake distends the mucosa
E. About 10% of the juice is secreted
12. Concerning somatostatin, choose the correct A
A. Secreted by D cells to inhibit gastric secretion
B. Secreted by D cells to stimulate gastric secretion
C. Secreted by M cells to inhibit gastric secretion
D. Secreted by M cells to stimulate gastric secretion
E. Acts by releasing HCO3- from pancreatic ductal cells
13. Pepsin release is stimulated by A
A. Ach, gastrin, secretin &CCK
B. G cell & M cell stimulation
C. D cell & M cell stimulation
D. Stimulation of vagus nerve & M cells
E. High PH
14. Concerning pancreatic secretion, Choose the correct, E
A. HCO3- crosses the baso luminal membrane into the duct
B. H+ crosses basolateral membrane to the capillary bed
C. Exocrine secretions include glucagon
D. Exocrine secretions include somatostatin
E. A & B above
15. Concerning exocrine pancreas, choose the correct E
A. Comprises 98%
B. Comprises 2%
C. Comprises ductules & ducts
D. Comprises acinar cells
E. A,C & D above
16. Pancreatic enzymes that cleave bonds of aromatic amino acids are C
A. Pepsin, carboxypeptidase A , carboxypeptidase B & Trypsin
B. carboxypeptidase A & Chymotrypsin
C. carboxypeptidase A & carboxypeptidase B
D. carboxypeptidase B, carboxypeptidase A trypsin & Chymotrypsin
E. carboxypeptidase B, carboxypeptidase A & Trypsin
17. which of the following electrolytes are higher in pancreatic juice D
A. Cl- & Na+
B. K+ & HCO3-
C. K+ & Cl-
D. Na+ & HCO3-
E. HCO3- & Cl-
18. Which of the following are reduced in pancreatic secretions C
A. Cl- & Na+
B. K+ & HCO3-
C. K+ & Cl-
D. Na+ & HCO3-
E. HCO3- & Cl-
19. Concerning pancreatic electrolytes, choose most correct E
A. Na+ concentration in plasma & pancreatic juice is similar but higher
B. Na+ concentration in plasma & pancreatic juice is similar but lower
C. K+ concentration in plasma & pancreatic juice is similar but higher
D. K+ concentration in plasma & pancreatic juice is similar but lower
E. A & D above
20. Chymotrypsin hydrolyses the peptide bonds of C
A. Aliphatic a.a
B. Aromatic a.a
C. A & B above
D. Basic a.a
E. A & D above
21. Concerning CCK, choose the correct D
A. Rreleased by I cells located in duodenum
B. Rreleased by I cells located in jejunum
C. Rreleased by I cells located in ileum
D. A & B above
E. D cells
22. Concerning secretin, choose the correct C
A. Rreleased by S cells located in duodenum
B. Rreleased by S cells located in jejunum
C. A & B above
D. Is an enzyme that regulates pancreatic secretions
E. Is activated by enteropeptidase
23. Concerning peristalsis, which neurotransmitter causes relaxation, E
A. Ach
B. Substance P
E. C & D above
24. Concerning peristalsis, which neurotransmitter causes relaxation D
B. Ach
C. Substance P
D. B & C above
25. Which of the following increases luminal pressure B
A. Mastication
B. Segementation
C. Peristalsis
D. Receptive relaxation
E. B & C above
26. Concerning interdigestive phase of motility, A
A. Is the period between end of one digestive phase of motility & the beginning of another
B. Is the period between end of one interdigestive phase of motility & the beginning of another
C. Is the period between end of one interdigestive phase of motility & the beginning of
D. Alimentary activity is high
E. Food is present in GI tract
27. Concerning gastric acid mechanism, choose the odd, C
A. H+ is pumped out of the cell into the lumen
B. HCO3- is pumped across the basolaterol membrane to capillary bed
C. HCO3- is pumped out of the chief cells across basolaterol membrane.
D. HCO3- is exchanged with Cl-
E. H+ is eexchanged with Na+
28. At the parietal cell, gastric acid secretion is controlled by D
A. Ach & NO
B. Ach & VIP
C. Ach, histamine & adrenaline
D. Ach, histamine & gastrin
E. Ach, noradrenaline & gastrin
29. Gastric mucosal barrier is composed of A
A. Mucus & HCO3-
B. Mucus & H+
C. HCO3- & H+
D. H2O & CO2
E. Carbonic anhydrase & mucus
30. Within the liver, bile is secreted into C
A. RT hepatic duct
B. Ampulla of Vater
C. Canalliculi
D. Common bile duct
E. Common hepatic duct
Short answer questions

1. (a). Define sinusoids (1mk)

(b). Describe the role of liver in lymph formation (4mks)

2. (a).Name the composition of pancreatic juice (3mks)

(b)The activation of pancreatic zymogens occurs in----------------------------------------------
------ by --------------------------------------------- secreted from small intestine mucosa (2mks)

Long essay questions

1. (a). Define carbohydrates (2mks)
(b). Liver is one of the accessory organs in the GI tract that performs different
metabolic activities. Describe metabolic activities performed by liver on
carbohydrate metabolism (8mks)

2. (a). Name two juices secreted from GI tract(2mks)

(b). Describe Choriletic function of bile (2mks)
(c). Describe the role of bile on lipid digestion & absorption (2mks)
(d). Name four liver functions (4mks)

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