Trainer Skills Matrix WORD - 2021

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Trainer Skills Matrix

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Year/Date of Delivery Choose an item.

Faculty/School Choose an item.

Course/ Unit Code, Title and Release Number:

 Enter code and name of qualification / accredited course / unit here

TSM Overview
The Trainer Skills Matrix (TSM) provides evidence of trainer/assessor qualifications and must demonstrate relevant industry and Vocational currency. This is a
minimum requirement for all trainers/assessors facilitating any part of a program’s delivery and assessment. Each unit delivered and assessed within a program must
be mapped to the facilitating trainer/assessor to meet the Standards of the National Regulator, ASQA; and the University’s funding contract requirements for the Higher
Education Skills group (HESG).

A Trainer Skills Matrix should be updated whenever a trainer is initially allocated to deliver and assess a unit/s on behalf of the University, including those that come
under auspice and third party arrangements and VETiS that will deliver training or assessment on the University’s behalf. Existing trainers’ allocated to a program should
update their matrices annually to record any additional industry experience, trainer qualifications changes/upgrades and relevant professional development.

The Trainer Skills Matrix Includes:

 Reference Guide for TSM Mapping
 PART A – Trainer & Assessor / Vocational Qualifications
 PART B – Current Vocational Competency to the Unit
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Applicable Regulatory Requirements

Standards RTOs 2015 (SNR 1.13 - 1.16)
In addition to the requirements specified in Clause 1.14 and Clause 1.15, Federation University training and assessment is delivered only by persons who have:
a) Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed;
b) Current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided; and
c) Current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment.

The University ensures that all trainer/assessors undertake professional development in the fields of the knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning, and
assessment including competency based training and assessment.

HESG – Dual Sector VET Funding Contract 2021 (Skills First Program)
The University must ensure that all training and assessment for Skills First programs /courses are delivered only by individuals who at all times meet the requirements of
being a Skills First teacher.
Skills First Teacher means an individual who is a trainer and assessor and:
a) Is employed:
i) Directly by Federation University Australia
ii) Engaged by Federation University Australia as a sole trader; or
iii) Engaged by Federation University Australia through a subcontracting arrangement which meets the conditions of Clause 6 of the VET Funding Contract;
b) Is listed on Federation University Australia’s Register of Trainers and Assessors;
c) And has a qualification that meets the requirements referred to in Clause 4.2

Clause 4.3 HESG Funding Contract 2021:

a) The Department may, from time to time, require Skills First Teachers to undergo certain professional development courses or training, within a timeframe
determined by the Department, and consistent with the Regulatory Standards, and Federation University Australia must ensure that each Skills First Teacher
complies with all such requirements.

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 2 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Refer: The VET Teacher Qualifications and Competency Policy

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 3 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Reference Guide for TSM Mapping

Definition of Assessor Qualifications & Current Competencies
Trainer/Assessors must be able to demonstrate they have the training and assessment competencies specified in Standards RTOs 2015 Clauses 1.13 – 1.16
 Trainer/Assessors are required to hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment from the TAE Training Package. This includes the LLN unit and will also
include the unit TAEASS502 – Design and Develop Assessment tools unit.
Trainer/Assessors must be able to demonstrate they have the relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed.
 This does not mean the Trainer/Assessor is required to hold that exact qualification or any specific unit of competency (unless this is specified in the training
package), but may hold either, the current industry qualification, the past or equivalent industry qualification and can demonstrate current relevant vocational
competencies demonstrated by past and current employment experience as specified in the assessment conditions in the unit of competence they are listed to
deliver and assess.
Trainer/Assessors must be able to demonstrate current industry skills directly relevant to training/assessment being undertaken.
 Trainer/Assessors must demonstrate current industry skills that can be mapped directly to each relevant individual unit(s) they are responsible for training and
assessing in. Trainers must be able to demonstrate current work practice within the past two years.
Trainer/Assessors must be able to demonstrate current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment.
Trainers/Assessors can demonstrate current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning through their participation in:
 FedUni compulsory PD – e.g. developing assessment tools, Validation, engaging learner.
 External Professional Development
 FedUni/Program memberships
 Annual Conferences/Memberships to and participation in relevant Networks
Trainer /Assessors must have a current Working with Children Check or have current Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) Registration.
 Trainer/Assessors must include expiry dates and registration numbers where applicable.

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 4 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Qualifications Code(s) & Title(s) CHC42015 – Certificate IV in Community Services

PART A – Trainer & Assessor / Vocational Qualifications
(TA = Trainer and Assessor VC = Vocational Qualification VET = VET Skills and Knowledge)
List all Working with VIT
List any professional development and relevance to
List all relevant qualifications held by each Trainer/Assessor
Vocational currency or VET environment currency

Trainer/Assessor Qualification Date Education List any Professional Development Expiry Expiry
Qualification Title Held Held

or VET
Name Code Awarded Provider For VETiS, auspice and sessional staff only Date Date


This section only needs to be completed by VETiS,  Sept
1 SAMPLE: JO BLOGGS TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 2011 The Gordon auspice or sessional staff that are not on the Date  2018
Internal VET / TAFE PD Tracker

TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development 2013 VU Preparing for ASQA Audits - On Track VET VET
Bachelor of Community and Human Services 1985 Latrobe How to create effective marking guides - On Track Feb
University VET 2017

University Jul- Oct

2 SAMPLE: JIM SMITH TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Education 2011 EOP Training VET 
of Ballarat 2017 2020

University Jan-
CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services 2015 Assessment tool development TA
of Ballarat 2016

Attended monthly meetings in employment Dec-

agencies 2017

Validation of CGEA units VET

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 5 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Staff Mapping
The Training package may have mandatory competency requirements for teachers/ assessors at unit level that teachers/ assessors must satisfy.
For each unit of competence, insert any additional ‘Assessment Conditions’ required of the teacher/assessor as documented in the Unit of Competency ‘Assessment Requirements’.
Ensure the below staff mapping section details how the teacher/assessor meets the requirements as per the Assessment Conditions within the Unit of Competency Assessment
Requirements (if applicable) for each Unit of Competency can be accessed on

Unit: CHCCSL002: Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills:
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
✘ There are additional requirements as specified below:
In addition, assessors must have 2 years’ experience working in a counselling role and hold a qualification in counselling or related field that involves counselling, at Diploma level or higher
(or equivalent qualification).
Identify staff listed in List any current
Map each unit and/or equivalence to
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years) licenses / registrations
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor held by Trainer /
deliver nominated Unit/s.
within the qualification Assessor
Qualification Code List Employer Name


Code and title of Unit Years

and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -

Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)
Joe Bloggs Interpersonal and Bachelor of Youth Counsellor providing counselling 2012 - City of Ballarat
counselling skills for Community and for youth at risk of leaving secondary 2016
welfare practice Human Services education.
Counselling Skills for
Welfare Practice
Jim Smith CHCCSL002 – Apply Diploma of Support worker at WRISC providing 2002 - WRISC
specialist Community Services counselling support to women in Current
interpersonal and domestic violence situations and
counselling interview running the Children’s Counselling
skills Program.
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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 6 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Qualifications Code(s) & Title(s) Insert Qualification

PART A – Trainer & Assessor / Vocational Qualifications
(TA = Trainer and Assessor VC = Vocational Qualification VET = VET Skills and Knowledge)
List all Working with VIT
List any professional development and relevance to
Trainers/Assessors List all relevant qualifications held by each Trainer/Assessor Children Registration
Vocational currency or VET environment currency
for above qualification Check


or VET
Trainer/Assessor Qualification Date Education Expiry Expiry

List any Professional Development

No Qualification Title Held Held
Name Code Awarded Provider (VETiS, auspice and sessional staff only) Date Date

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 7 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Staff Mapping
The Training package may have mandatory competency requirements for teachers/ assessors at unit level that teachers/ assessors must satisfy.
For each unit of competence, insert any additional ‘Assessment Conditions’ required of the teacher/assessor as documented in the Unit of Competency ‘Assessment Requirements’.
Ensure the below staff mapping section details how the teacher/assessor meets the requirements as per the Assessment Conditions within the Unit of Competency Assessment
Requirements (if applicable) for each Unit of Competency can be accessed on

Unit: Insert Unit

Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 8 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 9 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 10 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 11 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 12 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 13 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 14 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)

Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 15 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Part B: Trainer & Assessor / Mapping of Current Vocational Competency per Unit
Unit: Insert Unit
Additional assessment conditions for the teacher/ assessor as specified in unit assessment requirements:
There are no additional requirements:
There are additional requirements as specified below:

Identify staff listed in

Map each unit and/or equivalence to List any current licenses /
the current TAS List any vocational experience, including relevant current (within the past two years)
demonstrate Trainer / Assessor competency to registrations held by
delivering the units specific job role details held by Trainer / Assessor
deliver nominated Unit/s. Trainer / Assessor
within the qualification
Qualification Code List Employer Name
Code and title of Unit Years



e Title
and Title held by Role (Detail specific current experience And/or conference including

Trainer/Assessor Name held by (From -
Trainer/Assessor relevant to the unit of competency) location of current skills
Trainer/Assessor To)


Warning – Uncontrolled when printed! The current version of this document is kept on the UB website.
Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 16 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)

SAMPLE ONLY of a Clustered TSM for specific Qualifications that are delivered in Federation College
(Alternative Part B) - Sample Qualification 22236VIC
This template may be used in Federation College when there are clear clusters of units that are delivered as a cluster, and teacher current competencies requirements
are similar when mapped across the clusters of units. SAMPLE ONLY – this does not need to be completed. If you use this template, Part B may not be needed.
Completion of TAE40116 (or its successor) and the TAELLN411 (or its successor) and the TAEASS502 (or its successor), Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Education, Diploma of
Community Services Management, Master of Education (continuing)
Professional Development
Fed Uni Assessment and development of tools, attend and participate in staff meetings with job seeker agencies, FedUni Validation (CGEA, TAE), LLN Conference Adelaide 2015
(3 days)


Elective - Participate in
job seeking activities
Core-Numeracy cluster Core – Core VU20009, investigate
Core – Reading cluster Core – Writing cluster
Trainers VU21333, VU21334, VU21323 Develop and VU21324 Plan and driving and owning a car
VU21325, VU21326, VU21329, VU21330,
Names VU21335, VU21336, document a learning undertake a simple VU21351, Operate a
VU21327, VU21328 VU21331, VU21332
VU21337 plan and portfolio project personal computer
BSBITU101A, Identify
Jo Bloggs Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience for VU20009,
Jo has extensive Jo has extensive Jo has extensive As program coordinator As program coordinator BSBITU101A
experience in teaching experience in teaching experience in teaching and as teacher with over and as teacher with over Demonstrated through
FSK/ CGEA units and FSK/CGEA units and FSK/CGEA units and 20 years’ experience, Jo 20 years’ experience, Jo ongoing development of
developing assessment developing assessment developing assessment has sound knowledge of has sound knowledge of training and assessment
tools in all areas of XYZ tools in all areas of XYZ tools in all areas of XYZ the strategies to plan and the strategies to plan and competencies listed on
College. Teaching College. Teaching College. Teaching respond to workplace respond to workplace National Qualification
experience in secondary, experience in secondary, experience in secondary, problems. As such she problems. As such she Details sheet e.g.
TAFE and disability TAFE and disability with TAFE and disability with has the experience and has the experience and attendance to JSA
programs. Jo has literacy. Jo is undertaking literacy. Jo is currently skills to teach learners to skills to teach learners meetings, participation in
delivered business units Master’s level study and undertaking Master’s level use strategies for work- simple project skills department meetings,
requiring a lot of numeracy so had the required study and so had the related learning and goal including problem solving, completing daily work
skills. Jo’s previous reading skills to deliver required written setting task setting etc duties e.g. email,
teaching experience in these units communication skills to developing assessment
CGEA (II)and FSK units deliver these units tools, providing student
requires her to deliver feedback etc.
numeracy units

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 17 Review Date: 17/12/2021
Trainer Skills Matrix
Vocational Education and Training (VET)


Enter qualifications here
Professional Development
Enter PD here

Core-Numeracy cluster Core – Reading cluster Core – Writing cluster Core – Core - Elective -

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Authorised by: Dean, Learning and Teaching Original Issue:
Maintained by: Quality Services Current Version:
CRICOS Provider Number – 00103D TOID 4909 18 Review Date: 17/12/2021

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