1 s2.0 S2305050014600099 Main
1 s2.0 S2305050014600099 Main
1 s2.0 S2305050014600099 Main
Article history: Objective: To analyze the correlation between embryo morphology and the chromosomal status
Received 21 February 2014
Received in revised form 25 February 2014
using the array comparative genomic hybridization [array comparative genomic hybridization
Accepted 25 February 2014 (a-CGH)] technique for screening 23 chromosome pairs in a single blastomere biopsy from Day
Available online 20 June 2014 3 embryos. Methods: One thousand five hundred and fifty seven embryos were included from
203 cycle ICSI patients undergoing preimplantation genetic screening. The 23 chromosome pairs
Keywords: were analyzed by blastomere biopsy from day 3 embryos using a-CGH array method. Embryo
Aneuploidy development rate, fragmentation rate and chromosome status of the analyzed blastomeres
Blastomere biopsy were recorded and correlated with the aCGH results. Results: The incidence of chromosomal
Cleavage rate abnormalities was significantly higher in slow-and fast cleaving embryos at day 3 after
Chromosomal abnormalities
insemination. The incidence of fragmentation and the type of fragmentation was associated with
Embryo fragmentation
Embryo morphology an increased incidence of chromosomal abnormalities. The symmetry of the blastomeres also
CGH correlated with the aneuploidy rates. Conclusions: Embryo development rate and morphological
parameter such as degree, type of fragmentation and the symmetry of the blastomeres to a large
extent reflect the cytogenetic status of the embryo and thus are important in the selection of
embryos with the highest implantation potential.
The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation number; degree of fragmentation (without fragmentation,
between embryo morphology and the chromosomal status less than 5%, 6% to 15 %; 16% to 30% and more than 30%
using the a-CGH technique for screening 23 chromosome fragmentation); localization of fragments (local or dispersed);
pairs in a single blastomere biopsy from Day 3 embryos. equally or unequally sized blastomeres).
Biopsy procedures were carried out on day 3 (66-68 hours
after insemination). One blastomere was gently aspirated
2. Materials and methods with the use of a biopsy pipette. After blastomere biopsy,
embryos were thoroughly rinsed and transferred to a new
2.1. Patient population, embryo culture and biopsy dish of Global media with 10% SSS and cultured to day 5 and
day 6. The biopsied blastomere was transferred to the tubes
203 patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and sent to a Genetics laboratory for chromosome evaluation
and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) with aCGH at by a-CGH. Embryos marked as euploid were chosen for
Red Rock Fertility Center were included in this study. The transfer or frozen.
study was conducted after obtaining the Institutional Review
Board’s approval. The average maternal age of patients was 2.3. Statistical analysis
34.7 years (range 29-41 years). Patients underwent one of the
following orarian stimulation protocols; luteal phase Lupron Data was analyzed by chi-square analysis and relative risk
suppression (Leuprolide acetate; TAP Pharmacceuticals, test (RR test).
L ake F orest, IL ) with or without oral contraceptive
pretreatment; gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
antagonist prevention of premature ovulation with cetrorelix 3. Results
( C etrotide; EMD D erono, R ockland, MA ) or ganirelix
(Organon USA, Roseland NJ). In the antagonist protocol, the 1 257 cleavage-stage embryos were biopsied and analyzed
GnRH antagonist was added when a lead follicles measured for aneuploid. A total of 783/1257 (62.3%) were aneuploidy
≥14 mm. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation was performed and 474 / 1257 ( 37 . 7 %) were euploid. A ll embryos were
with human menopausal gonadotropin (Menopur; Ferring observed until the end of day 6 for developmental progress.
Pharmaceuticals, Parsippany, NJ), recombinant luteinizing 572 blastocysts developed from biopsied embryos, of which
hormone (LH, Luveris, EMD Serono), and/or recombinant 257 (32.8%) were developed from aneuploidy embryos and
FSH ( F ollistim, O rganon USA ; G onal- F , EMD S erono ) . 315 (66.5%) were developed from euploidy embryos. The
Cycles were monitored with serum estradiol levels and competence to develop to blastocyst stage was decrease 2
transvaginal ultrasounds. When at least 2 follicles measured times in aneuploidy embryos compare to euploidy embryos
≥18 mm, 5 000-10 000 units of urinary hCG (Novarel; Ferring (32.8% vs. 66.5%); RR = 2; P<0.001 (Table 1).
7-9 cells (RR= 83.1/56.3= 1.476; P<0.001) and nearly 1.3 As shown in Table 3, aneuploidy rate was related to the
times higher than embryo which have more than 9 cells (RR= location of fragmentation. Aneuploidy rate was higher 1.9
83.1/65.7= 1.265; P<0.001). Embryos with fast development times in embryos with fragment located scattered compare
also have aneuploidy rate nearly 1.2 times higher than with embryo with fragment concentrated in the peripheral
embryos which have 7-9 embryos (RR= 65.7/56.3= 1.167; area (RR=77.6/40.1=1.94; P<0.001).
P<0.001). Table 4 shows that embryos with uneven blastomeres have
1.8 times higher aneuploidy rate compared to embryos with
even blastomeres (RR=81.6/44.1=1.85; P<0.001).
Aneuploidy rates and cellular stage,
66-68 hours after insemination
Table 3
4-5 cells 87.20%
6 cells
Aneuploidy rate and the location of fragment.
7 cells 66.10%
tested for
Location Aneuploid Euploid RR
8 cells 53.90% aneuploid
9 cells 60.30% % fragmentation 28 8(28.6%) 20(71.4%) -
10 cells 64.60%
C oncentrated in 191(40.1%) 285(59.9%)
476 1
>10 cells 68.10%
the peripheral
Scattered 584(77.6%) 169(22.4%) 1.94
Figure 1. Chromosome abnormalities and cellular stage. Total 1257 783 474 -
higher than embryos with little fragmentation 1 % - 5 % Uneven blastomeres 609 497(81.6%)
112(18.4%) 1.85
(RR=75.1/55.4=1.35; P<0.001) and 2.6 times higher than Total 1257 783 474 -
embryos without fragmentation ( RR= 75 . 1 / 28 . 6 = 2 . 63 ; a vs. b P<0.001
P<0.001). The aneuploidy rate in embryos with moderate
fragmentation was nearly 1 . 2 times higher than in
embryos with little fragmentation ( RR= 65 . 7 / 55 . 4 = 1 . 18 ; 4. Discussion
P<0.005) and 2.3 times higher than in embryos without
The effectiveness of chromosomal screening methods
fragmentation ( RR= 65 . 7 / 28 . 6 = 2 . 29 ; P< 0 . 001 ) . T he
depends on the ability to accurately distinguish euploid
aneuploidy rate in embryo with little fragmentation was
embryos from those affected by aneuploidy. Almost all
higher 1.9 times compared to embryo without fragmentation
previous pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) studies
(RR=55.4/28.6=1.94; P<0.001) (Table 2).
have been based upon the use of fluorescence in situ
hybridization (FISH). Although FISH has allowed accurate
Table 2
screening of restricted numbers of chromosomes, the method
Chromosomal abnormalities and percentage of
fragmentation. is limited in that less than one-half of the chromosomes
#tested for can be enumerated in each biopsied cell. T he use of
Fragmentation Aneuploid Euploid RR
aneuploid a-CGH allows all of the chromosomes to be evaluated,
8(28.6%) 20(71.4%)
0% 28 1 thus revealing nearly 100% of aneuploid embryos[14,15].
1%-5% 306(55.4%) 246(44.6%) 1.94
Additionally, the a-CGH method provides the advantage of
6%-15% 276(65.7%) 144(34.3%) 2.29
avoiding the technically challenging process of cell fixation
16%-30% 193(75.1%) 64(24.9%) 2.63
Total 1257 783 474 - on a microscope slide. The data from this study indicated
a vs. b P< 0.001; b vs. c P<0.005; c vs. d P < 0.05 that selected morphology features and embryo development
rate were related to the chromosomal status of the embryo.
88 Vy Phan et al./ Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction (2014)85-89
It has been suggested that good embryos should cleave demonstrates that the embryo development rate and
at an optimal cleavage rate[7,18-20]. Embryos which cleave morphological parameters such as degree, type of
either too fast or too slow usually indicate a compromised fragmentation, asymmetry of the blastomeres to a large
developmental potential. In this study, embryos with a slow extent reflect the cytogenetic status of the embryo and thus
cleavage rate resulting in <7 cells and embryos with fast are important in the selection of embryos with the highest
cleavage rate (>9 cells) at 68 h after fertilization showed an implantation potential. There is still an urgent need to
increased chromosomal abnormality rate from 1.5-1.2 times. clarify how normal an embryo needs to be in order to be able
In this study, we found that 62.3% of cleavage embryos to implant and give rise to a healthy baby. We do not know
were aneuploid. 66.5% of euploid embryos on day 3 were to what extent chromosomal abnormalities compromise the
capable to develop to the blastocyst stage whereas only developmental potential of the embryo and what, if any
32.8% of aneuploid day 3 embryo progressed to blastocyst. corrective mechanisms exist within the embryo that may
It is accordance with previous suggestion that culturing compensate for various degrees of chromosomal errors.
human embryos to the blastocyst stage instead of cleavage
stage will enable the selection and identification of healthy,
chromosomally normal embryos endowed with high potential Conflict of interest statement
for implantation[21,22]. This study helps to further clarify this
well-known observation. We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
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