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CH559 Datasheet 1 http://wch.


8-bit Enhanced USB MCU CH559

Version: 1.6

1. Overview
The CH559 is an enhanced E8051 MCU compatible with MCS51 instruction set. 79% of its instructions
are single-byte single-cycle instructions, and the average instruction speed is 8 to 15 times faster than that
of the standard MCS51.

CH559 supports up to 56MHz system clock, built-in 64KB Flash-ROM, 256B on-chip iRAM, 6KB
on-chip xRAM, and some of xRAM support DMA mode.

CH559 has a built-in ADC converter, 4 timers/PWM, 2 UARTs, 2SPIs, and dual port Root-HUB, which
support USB-Host and USB-Device modes.

Here is CH559 internal block diagram, for reference only.

Flash-ROM 64KB iRAM 256B T0 T2 Timer3 PWM1 UART0 UART1 SPI0 SPI1 LED
(Code or Data) xRAM 6KB T1 PWM PWM2 Modem M/S M Ctrl

Internal Address & Data & DMA Bus
Watch-dog E8051 Core
8-bit 8-bit 8-bit 8-bit 8-bit XT 8-bit USB 5-bit
Oscillator PLL
xBUS Port0 AD Port1 Port2 Port3 OSC Port4 H/D Port5
LDO VolReg 5V->3.3V

Pins: GND VIN5 VDD33 P00~P07 P10~P17 P20~P27 P30~P37 P40~P47 P50/1/4/5/7

2. Features
l Core: Enhanced E8051 core, compatible with MCS51 instruction set, 79% of its instructions are
single-byte single-cycle instructions, and the average instruction speed is 8 to 15 times faster than that
of the standard MCS51, with special XRAM data fast copy instruction, and dual DPTR pointer.
l ROM: Non-volatile 64KB Flash-ROM, which supports 100K writing cycles, it can be all used for
program memory. Or it can be divided into three pieces, 60KB for program memory, 1KB for
data-flash and 3KB for BootLoader or ISP code.
l RAM: 256-byte on-chip iRAM, for fast data cache or stack pointer; 6KB on-chip xRAM, for mass
data or DMA operation; support off-chip SRAM extending up to 32KB.
l USB: Built-in USB controller and dual USB transceiver, supports USB-Host and USB-Device modes,
supports USB 2.0 full speed (12Mbps) and low speed (1.5Mbps). In USB-Host mode, CH559 may
CH559 Datasheet 2

manage 2 USB devices at the same time. Maximum support 64-byte packet, built-in FIFO and support
DMA mode.
l Timer: 4 timers. T0, T1 and T2 are standard MCS51 timers, T2 is extended to support 2 captures.
TMR3 is built in 8-level FIFO, support DMA and signal capturing and 16-bit PWM output.
l PWM: 3 PWM outputs. PWM1 and PWM2 are 2 8-bit PWM outputs, TMR3 supports 16-bit PWM
l UART: 2 UARTs. UART0 is a standard MCS51 UART. UART1 is compatible with 16C550, built-in
8-level FIFO, supports Modem signals, supports RS485 half-duplex mode, and supports local address
presetting for auto-matching or multi-device communication.
l SPI: 2 SPIs, high speed rate up to Fsys/2, support simplex multiplexing of serial data input and output.
SPI0 has built-in FIFO, supports Master/Slave mode. SPI1 only supports Master mode.
l ADC: 8-channel 10-bit or 11-bit A/D converter, built-in 2-level FIFO, supports DMA, sampling rate
up to 1Mbps, and support 2 channels auto-switching detection.
l LED-CTRL: LED control card interface, built-in 4-level FIFO, supports DMA mode, and
1/2/4-channel data interface, high speed rate up to Fsys/2.
l XBUS: 8-bit parallel external bus, compatible with standard MCS51 bus, used to connect off-chip
SRAM memory or other peripherals, supports direct 15-bit address or ALE multiplexed low 8-bit
address, and supports 4 bus speeds.
l GPIO: Supports up to 45 GPIO pins (including XI/XO, RST and USB signal pins), 3.3V voltage
output, and all support 5V-tolerant input except P1.0-P1.7, XI, XO or RST.
l Interrupt: Supports 14 interrupt sources, including 6 interrupts compatible with the standard MCS51
(INT0, T0, INT1, T1, UART0, T2), and 8 extended interrupts (SPI0, TMR3, USB, ADC, UART1,
PWM1, GPIO, WDOG). GPIO interrupt can be selected from 7 pins.
l Watch-Dog: 8-bit configure presetting watchdog timer WDOG, support timer interrupt.
l Reset: Supports 4 reset sources, built-in power on reset, supports software reset and watchdog
overflow reset, configurable external input reset.
l Clock: Built-in 12MHz clock, support external crystal oscillator through alternate GPIO pins, built-in
PLL for USB clock and Fsys.
l Power: Built-in 5V to 3.3V LDO, 3.3V working voltage internal, support 3.3V and 5V voltage input.
Support low power sleep mode, support USB, UART0, UART1, SPI0 and some GPIOs wake-up.
l Unique ID for identification.

3. Package
CH559 Datasheet 3

1 P1.6/AIN6/MISO P0.4/AD4/UCTS 36
2 P1.7/AIN7/SCK P0.5/AD5/UDSR 35 1 P1.2/AIN2/PWM3/CAP3 VDD33 20
3 P5.7/RST P0.6/AD6/URI 34 2 P1.4/AIN4/SCS VIN5 19
4 P3.0/RXD P0.7/AD7/UDCD 33 3 P1.5/AIN5/MOSI GND/VSS 18
5 P4.5/PWM2_/A5 P5.0/DM 32 4 P1.6/AIN6/MISO P0.2/RXD_ 17
6 P4.4/LED3/TNOW_/TXD1_/A4 P5.1/DP 31 5 P1.7/AIN7/SCK P0.3/TXD_ 16
7 CH559L 30 6 CH559T 15
8 P3.1/TXD P5.4/HM/ALE/XB 29 7 P5.7/RST P5.0/DM 14
9 P3.2/LED0/INT0 P5.5/HP/!A15/XA 28 8 P3.2/LED0/INT0 P5.1/DP 13
10 P3.3/LED1/!A15/INT1 P2.7/TXD1/DA7/A15 27 9 P3.4/LEDC/T0 P2.7/TXD1 12
11 P3.4/LEDC/XCS0/T0 P2.6/RXD1/A14 26 10 P4.6/XI/SCS_ P2.6/RXD1 11
P3.5/DA6/T1 P2.5/TNOW/PWM2/A13/T2EX_/CAP2_ P4.7/XO/SCK_ P2.5/TNOW/PWM2/T2EX_/CAP2_

12 25

P3.6/WR P2.4/PWM1/A12



Package Body size Lead pitch Description Part No.

LQFP-48 7*7mm 0.5mm 19.7mil Standard LQFP 48-pin patch CH559L
Shrink small outline package
SSOP-20 5.30mm 209mil 0.65mm 25mil CH559T
20-pin patch

4. Pin definitions
Pin No.
Pin Alternate
SSOP20 LQFP48 Name (Left preferential)
5V external power input of internal 5V->3.3V LDO,
19 41 VIN5 V5
requires an external 0.1uF decoupling capacitor.
Internal voltage regulator output and internal 3.3V
working power input,
When supply voltage is less than 3.6V, connect VIN5
20 42 VDD33 VDD/VCC
to input the external power supply.
When supply voltage is greater than 3.6V, an external
3.3uF decoupling capacitor is required.
18 18 GND VSS Ground.
- 40 P0.0 AD0/UDTR P0 port: 8-bit open-drain bidirectional port by default,
- 39 P0.1 AD1/URTS can be configured to quasi-bidirectional port by
17 38 P0.2 AD2/RXD_ configuring the P0_PU register to enable the intermal
16 37 P0.3 AD3/TXD_ pull-up resistor.
- 36 P0.4 AD4/UCTS P0 will automatically switch to push-pull output
- 35 P0.5 AD5/UDSR modes temporarily when accessing xbus, as
- 34 P0.6 AD6/URI bidirectional data buses AD0-AD7; or output the
lower 8 bits of address as needed when accessing
- 33 P0.7 AD7/UDCD xbus in address multiplexing mode.
CH559 Datasheet 4

UDTR, URTS: UART1 modem signal outputs.

UCTS, UDSR, URI, UDCD: UART1 modem signal
RXD_, TXD_: RXD, TXD pin mapping.
- 43 P1.0 AIN0/T2/CAP1 AIN0 ~ AIN7: 8-channel ADC analog signal input.
- 44 P1.1 AIN1/T2EX/CAP2 T2: Timer/counter2 external count input/clock output.
1 45 P1.2 AIN2/PWM3/CAP3 T2EX: Timer/counter2 reload/capture input.
CAP1, CAP2: Timer/counter2 capture input 1, 2.
- 46 P1.3 AIN3
CAP3/PWM3: Timer/counter3 capture input/PWM
2 47 P1.4 AIN4/SCS
3 48 P1.5 AIN5/MOSI SCS, MOSI, MISO, SCK: SPI0 interfaces. SCS is
4 1 P1.6 AIN6/MISO chip select input. MOSI is master output/slave input.
5 2 P1.7 AIN7/SCK MISO is master input/slave output. SCK is serial clock.
- 21 P2.0 A8 P2 will automatically switch to push-pull output
modes temporarily when accessing xbus, and output
- 22 P2.1 MOSI1/A9 the higher 8 bits A8-A15 of address as needed.
- 23 P2.2 MISO1/A10 MOSI1, MISO1, SCK1: SPI1 interfaces. MOSI1 is
master output. MISO1 is master input. SCK1 is serial
- 24 P2.3 SCK1/A11 clock output.
- 25 P2.4 PWM1/A12 PWM1, PWM2: PWM1 output. PWM2 output.
TNOW: UART1 transmitting indicating.
11 26 P2.5 T2EX_/CAP2_: T2EX/CAP2 pin mapping.
RXD1, TXD1: UART1 serial data input, serial data
12 27 P2.6 RXD1/A14 output.
DA7: Address A7 output when accessing xbus in
13 28 P2.7 TXD1/DA7/A15
direct-address mode.
- 4 P3.0 RXD RXD, TXD: UART0 serial data input, serial data
- 7 P3.1 TXD INT0, INT1: External interrupt 0, external interrupt 1
7 8 P3.2 LED0/INT0
LED0, LED1, LEDC: LED data0, data1, clock output.
- 9 P3.3 LED1/!A15/INT1 !A15: External parallel bus address A15 inverted
output, for chip selection.
8 10 P3.4 LEDC/XCS0/T0 T0, T1: Timer0, timer1 external input.
XCS0: Chip selection output of external bus address
- 11 P3.5 DA6/T1
from 4000h to 7FFFh.
- 12 P3.6 WR DA6: Address A6 output when accessing xbus in
direct-address mode.
- 13 P3.7 RD WR, RD: External bus write signal, read signal.
- 20 P4.0 LED2/A0/RXD1_ A0~A5: Low 6-bit address output when accessing
- 19 P4.1 A1 xbus in direct-address mode.
- 15 P4.2 PWM3_/CAP3_/A2 LED2, LED3: LED data2, data3 output.
- 14 P4.3 PWM1_/A3 RXD1_, TNOW_/TXD1_: RXD1, TNOW/TXD1 pin
LED3/TNOW_/TXD1_/ mapping.
- 6 P4.4
A4 PWM3_/CAP3_: PWM3/CAP3 pin mapping.
CH559 Datasheet 5

- 5 P4.5 PWM2_/A5 PWM1_, PWM2_:PWM1, PWM2 pin mapping.

9 16 P4.6 XI/SCS_ XI, XO: External crystal oscillator input, inverted
10 17 P4.7 X0/SCK_
SCS_, SCK_: SPI0 SCS, SCK pin mapping.
15 32 P5.0 DM DM, DP: USB host HUB0 or USB device D-, D+
14 31 P5.1 DP signals.
XB, XA: iRS485 B/inverted and A/in-phase signals.
- 30 P5.4 ALE: Address latch signal output in address
multiplexing mode.
!A15: External bus address A15 inverted output, for
- 29 P5.5 chip selection.
HM, HP: USB host expanded HUB1 D-, D+ signals
6 3 P5.7 RST External reset input, built-in pull-down resistor.
Note: The USB transceiver is designed built-in based on USB2.0. The P5.0/P5.1/P5.4/P5.5 cannot be
connected to resistors in series when they are used for USB.

5. Special function register (SFR)

Abbreviations and descriptions in this datasheet.
Abbreviation Description
RO Software can only read these bits.
WO Software can only write to this bit. The read value is invalid.
RW Software can read and write to these bits.
h End with it to indicate a hexadecimal number
b End with it to indicate a binary number

5.1 SFR introduction and address distribution

CH559 controls, manages the device, and sets the working mode with special function registers (SFR and

SFRs use address from 80h to FFh of internal data memory, and can only be accessed by direct-address
instructions. Some addresses support bit addressing such as x0h and x8h, to avoid modifying the values of
other bits when accessing a specific bit. Other registers with the addresses that are not the multiple of 8 can
only be accessed by bytes.

Some SFRs can be written only in safe mode, and are read-only in unsafe mode, such as: GLOBAL_CFG,

Some SFRs have one or more names, such as: SPI0_CK_SE/SPI0_S_PRE, UDEV_CTRL/UHUB0_CTRL,

Some addresses may correspond to multiple seperate SFRs, such as: TL2/T2CAP1L, TH2/T2CAP1H,
CH559 Datasheet 6

xSFRs occupy address from 2440h to 298Fh of the external data memory xdata, or 40H-8Fh of pdata.
xSFRs can only be accessed by bytes by indirect addressing through the MOVX instruction, it is based on
the DPTR pointer by default, but you can also use faster R0 or R1 as the pdata type pointer to access xSFR
named pU* and pLED_* after bXIR_XSFR is set to 1.

Some xSFRs may have one or more names, such as: UEP2_3_MOD/UH_EP_MOD,

Some addresses correspond to multiple seperate xSFRs, such as: LED_DATA/LED_FIFO_CN.

CH559 contains all the standard registers of 8051, and adds some other device control registers. See the
table below for the specific SFRs.
Table 5.1 Table of special function registers
SFR 0, 8 1, 9 2, A 3, B 4, C 5, D 6, E 7, F



















Notes: (1) Those in red text can be accessed by bits;

(2) The following table shows the corresponding description of different color boxes.
Register address
SPI0 register
ADC register
USB register
CH559 Datasheet 7

Timer/counter2 register
Port setting register
SPI1 register
PWM1 and PWM2 register
UART1 register
Timer/counter 0 and 1 register
Flash-ROM register

5.2 SFR classification and reset value

Table 5.2 Description and reset value of SFR and xSFR
Function Name Address Description Reset value
B F0h General purpose register B 0000 0000b
ACC E0h Accumulator 0000 0000b
PSW D0h Program status register 0000 0000b
Global configuration register (Bootloader) 1110 0000b
Global configuration register (application) 1100 0000b
System setting
CHIP_ID A1h Chip ID (read-only) 0101 1001b
SAFE_MOD A1h Safe mode control register (write only) 0000 0000b
DPH 83h Data pointer high 0000 0000b
DPL 82h Data pointer low 0000 0000b
DPTR 82h 16-bit SFR consists of DPL and DPH 0000h
SP 81h Stack pointer 0000 0111b
WDOG_COUNT FFh Watchdog count register 0000 0000b
RESET_KEEP FEh Value keeper during reset (power on reset) 0000 0000b
Clock, sleep
WAKE_CTRL EBh Wake-up control register 0000 0000b
and power
SLEEP_CTRL EAh Sleep control register 0000 0000b
supply control
CLOCK_CFG B3h System clock configuration register 1001 1000b
PLL_CFG B2h PLL clock configuration register 1101 1000b
PCON 87h Power control register (power on reset) 0001 0000b
IP_EX E9h Extend interrupt priority register 0000 0000b
Interrupt IE_EX E8h Extend interrupt enable register 0000 0000b
control GPIO_IE CFh GPIO interrupt enable register 0000 0000b
registers IP B8h Interrupt priority register 0000 0000b
IE A8h Interrupt enable register 0000 0000b
ROM_DATA_H 8Fh Flash-ROM data register high xxxx xxxxb
ROM_DATA_L 8Eh Flash-ROM data register low xxxx xxxxb
16-bit SFR consists of ROM_DATA_L and
ROM_DATA 8Eh xxxxh
ROM_STATUS 86h Flash-ROM status register (read only) 1000 0000b
ROM_CTRL 86h Flash-ROM control register (write only) 0000 0000b
ROM_ADDR_H 85h Flash-ROM address register high xxxx xxxxb
ROM_ADDR_L 84h Flash-ROM address register low xxxx xxxxb
ROM_ADDR 84h 16-bit SFR consists of ROM_ADDR_L and xxxxh
CH559 Datasheet 8

XBUS_SPEED FDh XBUS speed configuration register 1111 1111b
XBUS_AUX A2h XBUS auxiliary configuration register 0000 0000b
PIN_FUNC CEh Pin function selection register 0000 0000b
P4_CFG C7h Port4 configuration register 0000 0000b
P5_IN C7h Port5 input register (read-only): 0000 0000b
PORT_CFG C6h Port configuration register 0000 1111b
Port0 pull-up enable register
0000 0000b
P0_PU C5h
Port0 pull-up enable register
1111 1111b
P0_DIR C4h Port0 direction control register 0000 0000b
P4_PU C3h Port4 pull-up enable register 1111 1111b
Port setting P4_DIR C2h Port4 direction control register 0000 0000b
registers P4_IN C1h Port4 input register (read-only): 1111 1111b
P4_OUT C0h Port4 output register 0000 0000b
P3_PU BFh Port3 pull-up enable register 1111 1111b
P3_DIR BEh Port3 direction control register 0000 0000
P2_PU BDh Port2 pull-up enable register 1111 1111b
P2_DIR BCh Port2 direction control register 0000 0000b
P1_PU BBh Port1 pull-up enable register 1111 1111b
P1_DIR BAh Port1 direction control register 0000 0000b
P1_IE B9h Port1 input enable register 1111 1111b
P3 B0h Port3 input & output register 1111 1111b
P2 A0h Port2 input & output register 1111 1111b
P1 90h Port1 input & output register 1111 1111b
P0 80h Port0 input & output register 1111 1111b
TH1 8Dh Timer1 count register high xxxx xxxxb
TH0 8Ch Timer0 count register high xxxx xxxxb
TL1 8Bh Timer1 count register low xxxx xxxxb
0 and 1
TL0 8Ah Timer0 count register low xxxx xxxxb
TMOD 89h Timer0/1 mode register 0000 0000b
TCON 88h Timer0/1 control register 0000 0000b
UART0 SBUF 99h UART0 data register xxxx xxxxb
registers SCON 98h UART0 control register 0000 0000b
TH2 CDh Timer2 count register high 0000 0000b
TL2 CCh Timer2 count register low 0000 0000b
T2COUNT CCh 16-bit SFR consists of TL2 and TH2 0000h
Timer/counter 2 T2CAP1H CDh Timer2 capture 1 data high byte (read only) xxxx xxxxb
registers T2CAP1L CCh Timer2 capture 1 data low byte (read only) xxxx xxxxb
16-bit SFR consists of T2CAP1L and
T2CAP1 CCh xxxxh
RCAP2H CBh Count reload/capature 2 data register high 0000 0000b
CH559 Datasheet 9

RCAP2L CAh Count reload/capature 2 data register low 0000 0000b

RCAP2 CAh 16-bit SFR consists of RCAP2L and RCAP2H 0000h
T2MOD C9h Timer2 mode register 0000 0000b
T2CON C8h Timer2 control register 0000 0000b
T3_FIFO_H AFh Timer3 FIFO register high xxxx xxxxb
T3_FIFO_L AEh Timer3 FIFO register low xxxx xxxxb
16-bit SFR consists of T3_FIFO_L and
T3_FIFO AEh xxxxh
T3_DMA_AH ADh DMA address register high 0000 xxxxb
T3_DMA_AL ACh DMA address register low xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of T3_DMA_AL and
T3_DMA ACh 0xxxh
T3_DMA_CN ABh DMA remainder word count register 0000 0000b
T3_CTRL AAh Timer3 control register 0000 0010b
T3_STAT A9h Timer3 status register 0000 0000b
Timer/counter 3 T3_END_H A7h Timer3 final count value high xxxx xxxxb
register T3_END_L A6h Timer3 final count value low xxxx xxxxb
16-bit SFR consists of T3_END_L and
T3_END A6h xxxxh
T3_COUNT_H A5h Timer3 current count high byte (read only) 0000 0000b
T3_COUNT_L A4h Timer3 current count low byte (read only) 0000 0000b
16-bit SFR consists of T3_COUNT_L and
T3_COUNT A4h 0000h
T3_CK_SE_H A5h Timer3 clock divisor setting high byte 0000 0000b
T3_CK_SE_L A4h Timer3 clock divisor setting low byte 0010 0000b
16-bit SFR consists of T3_CK_SE_L and
T3_CK_SE A4h 0020h
T3_SETUP A3h Timer3 setup register 0000 0100b
PWM_CYCLE 9Fh PWM cycle period register xxxx xxxxb
PWM1 and PWM_CK_SE 9Eh PWM clock divisor setting register 0000 0000b
PWM2 PWM_CTRL 9Dh PWM control register 0000 0010b
registers PWM_DATA 9Ch PWM1 data register xxxx xxxxb
PWM_DATA2 9Bh PWM2 data register xxxx xxxxb
SPI0_SETUP FCh SPI0 setup register 0000 0000b
SPI0_S_PRE FBh SPI0 slave preset value register 0010 0000b
SPI0 SPI0_CK_SE FBh SPI0 clock divisor setting register 0010 0000b
registers SPI0_CTRL FAh SPI0 control register 0000 0010b
SPI0_DATA F9h SPI0 data register xxxx xxxxb
SPI0_STAT F8h SPI0 status register 0000 1000b
SPI1_CK_SE B7h SPI1 clock divisor setting register 0010 0000b
SPI1 SPI1_CTRL B6h SPI1 control register 0000 0010b
registers SPI1_DATA B5h SPI1 data register xxxx xxxxb
SPI1_STAT B4h SPI1 status register 0000 1000b
CH559 Datasheet 10

SER1_DLL 9Ah UART1 baud rate divisor latch LSB xxxx xxxxb
SER1_FIFO 9Ah UART1 FIFO data register xxxx xxxxb
SER1_DIV 97h UART1 predivisor latch register 0xxx xxxxb
SER1_ADDR 97h UART1 bus address preset register 1111 1111b
SER1_MSR 96h UART1 MODEM status register (read-only) 1111 0000b
SER1_LSR 95h UART1 line status register (read-only) 0110 0000b
SER1_MCR 94h UART1 MODEM control register 0000 0000b
SER1_LCR 93h UART1 line control register 0000 0000b
UART1 interrupt identification register
SER1_IIR 92h 0000 0001b
SER1_FCR 92h FIFO control register (write-only) 0000 0000b
SER1_DLM 91h UART1 baud rate divisor latch MSB 1000 0000b
SER1_IER 91h UART1 interrupt enable register 0000 0000b
ADC_EX_SW F7h ADC extend switch control register 0000 0000b
ADC_SETUP F6h ADC setup register 0000 1000b
ADC_FIFO_H F5h ADC FIFO high byte (read-only) 0000 0xxxb
ADC_FIFO_L F4h ADC FIFO low byte (read-only) xxxx xxxxb
16-bit SFR consists of ADC_FIFO_L and
ADC_FIFO F4h 0xxxh
ADC_CHANN F3h ADC channel selection register 0000 0000b
ADC_CTRL F2h ADC control register 0000 0000b
ADC_STAT F1h ADC status register 0000 0100b
ADC_CK_SE EFh ADC clock divisor setting register 0001 0000b
ADC_DMA_CN EEh DMA remainder word count register 0000 0000b
ADC_DMA_AH EDh DMA address high byte 0000 xxxxb
ADC_DMA_AL ECh DMA address low byte xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of ADC_DMA_AL and
ADC_DMA ECh 0xxxh
USB_DMA_AH E7h Current DMA address high byte (read-only) 000x xxxxb
USB_DMA_AL E6h Current DMA address low byte (read-only) xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of USB_DMA_AL and
USB_DMA E6h xxxxh
UHUB1_CTRL E5h USB HUB1 control register 1100 x000b
UHUB0_CTRL E4h USB HUB0 control register 0100 x000b
UDEV_CTRL E4h USB device port control register 0100 x000b
USB_DEV_AD E3h USB device address register 0000 0000b
USB_CTRL E2h USB control register 0000 0110b
USB_INT_EN E1h USB interrupt enable register 0000 0000b
UEP4_T_LEN DFh Endpoint4 transmittal length register 0xxx xxxxb
UEP4_CTRL DEh Endpoint4 control register 0000 0000b
UEP0_T_LEN DDh Endpoint0 transmittal length register 0xxx xxxxb
UEP0_CTRL DCh Endpoint0 control register 0000 0000b
USB_HUB_ST DBh USB host HUB port status register (read only) 0000 0000b
CH559 Datasheet 11

USB_MIS_ST DAh USB miscellaneous status register (read only) xx10 1000b
USB_INT_ST D9h USB interrupt status register (read only) 00xx xxxxb
USB_INT_FG D8h USB interrupt flag register 0010 0000b
UEP3_T_LEN D7h Endpoint3 transmittal length register 0xxx xxxxb
UH_TX_LEN D7h USB host transmittal length register 0xxx xxxxb
UEP3_CTRL D6h Endpoint3 control register 0000 0000b
UH_TX_CTRL D6h USB host transmittal endpoint control register 0000 0000b
UEP2_T_LEN D5h Endpoint2 transmittal length register 0000 0000b
UH_EP_PID D5h USB host endpoint and token PID register 0000 0000b
UEP2_CTRL D4h Endpoint2 control register 0000 0000b
UH_RX_CTRL D4h USB host receiver endpoint control register 0000 0000b
UEP1_T_LEN D3h Endpoint1 transmittal length register 0xxx xxxxb
UEP1_CTRL D2h Endpoint1 control register 0000 0000b
UH_SETUP D2h USB host auxiliary setup register 0000 0000b
USB_RX_LEN D1h USB receiving length register (read only) 0xxx xxxxb
UEP4_1_MOD 2446h Endpoint1&4 mode control register 0000 0000b
UEP2_3_MOD 2447h Endpoint2&3 mode control register 0000 0000b
UH_EP_MOD 2447h USB host endpoint mode control register 0000 0000b
UEP0_DMA_H 2448h Endpoint0&4 buffer start address high byte 000x xxxxb
UEP0_DMA_L 2449h Endpoint0&4 buffer start address low byte xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of UEP0_DMA_L and
UEP0_DMA 2448h xxxxh
UEP1_DMA_H 244Ah Endpoint1 buffer start address high byte 000x xxxxb
UEP1_DMA_L 244Bh Endpoint1 buffer start address low byte xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of UEP1_DMA_L and
UEP1_DMA 244Ah xxxxh
UEP2_DMA_H 244Ch Endpoint 2 buffer start address high byte 000x xxxxb
UEP2_DMA_L 244Dh Endpoint 2 buffer start address low byte xxxx xxx0b
USB 16-bit SFR consists of UEP2_DMA_L and
UEP2_DMA 244Ch xxxxh
registers UEP2_DMA_H
on xSFR USB host rx endpoint buffer start address high
UH_RX_DMA_H 244Ch 000x xxxxb
USB host rx endpoint buffer start address low
UH_RX_DMA_L 244Dh xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of UH_RX_DMA_L and
UH_RX_DMA 244Ch xxxxh
UEP3_DMA_H 244Eh Endpoint3 buffer start address high byte 000x xxxxb
UEP3_DMA_L 244Fh Endpoint3 buffer start address low byte xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of UEP3_DMA_L and
UEP3_DMA 244Eh xxxxh
USB host tx endpoint buffer start address high
UH_TX_DMA_H 244Eh 000x xxxxb
USB host tx endpoint buffer start address low
UH_TX_DMA_L 244Fh xxxx xxx0b
CH559 Datasheet 12

16-bit SFR consists of UH_TX_DMA_L and

UH_TX_DMA 244Eh xxxxh
pdata type above while bXIR_XSFR is set to 1,
pU* 254*h
which is faster than xdata type
LED_STAT 2880h LED status register 010x 0000b
LED_CTRL 2881h LED control register 0000 0010b
LED_FIFO_CN 2882h FIFO counter status register (read-only) 0000 0000b
LED_DATA 2882h LED data register (write-only) xxxx xxxxb
LED_CK_SE 2883h LED clock divisor setting register 0001 0000b
LED_DMA_AH 2884h DMA address high byte 000x xxxxb
LED_DMA_AL 2885h DMA address low byte xxxx xxx0b
LED control
16-bit SFR consists of LED_DMA_AL and
card LED_DMA 2884h xxxxh
LED_DMA_CN 2886h LED DMA remainder word count register xxxx xxxxb
on xSFR
LED_DMA_XH 2888h Auxiliary DMA buffer address high byte 000x xxxxb
LED_DMA_XL 2889h Auxiliary DMA buffer address low byte xxxx xxx0b
16-bit SFR consists of LED_DMA_XL and
LED_DMA_X 2888h xxxxh
Used to address xSFR above in pdata type
pLED_* 298*h while bXIR_XSFR is set to 1, which is faster
than xdata type

5.3 General 8051 register

Table 5.3.1 List of general 8051 registers
Name Address Description Reset value
B F0h B register 00h
A, ACC E0h Accumulator 00h
PSW D0h Program status register 00h
Global configuration register (Bootloader) E0h
Global configuration register (application) C0h
CHIP_ID A1h Chip ID (read-only) 59h
SAFE_MOD A1h Safe mode control register (write only) 00h
PCON 87h Power control register (power on reset) 10h
DPH 83h Data pointer high 00h
DPL 82h Data pointer low 00h
DPTR 82h 16-bit SFR consists of DPL and DPH 0000h
SP 81h Stack pointer 07h

B register (B):
Bit Name Access Description
Arithmetic register, mainly used for multiplication and division
[7:0] B RW 00h
operations; it supports bit addressing
CH559 Datasheet 13

A accumulator (A, ACC):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] A/ACC RW Arithmetic accumulator, supports bit addressing 00h

Program status register (PSW):

Bit Name Access Description
Carry flag: used to record the carry or borrow of the highest bit. This bit is
7 CY RW set when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry (addition) or a 0
borrow (subtraction). It is cleared to 0 by all other arithmetic operations.
Auxiliary carry flag. This bit is set to 1 when the last arithmetic operation
6 AC RW resulted in a carry into(addition) or a borrow from(subtraction)the high 0
order nibble. It is cleared to 0 by all other arithmetic operations
Flag0: It supports bit addressing. User-defined. Can be reset or set by
5 F0 RW 0
4 RS1 RW Register bank select control bit 1 0
3 RS0 RW Register bank select control bit 0 0
Overflow flag: This bit is set to 1 when the operation result exceeds 8-bit
2 OV RW binary number in addition/subtraction operations, and the flag will 0
overflow. Otherwise it will be aleared to 0.
Flag1: It supports bit addressing. User-defined. Can be reset or set by
1 F1 RW 0
Parity flag: It records the parity of “1” in accumulator A after the
0 P RO instruction is executed. This bit is set to 1 if the number of “1” is odd. It is 0
cleared if the number of “1” is even.

The program status word (PSW) contains status that reflects the current state of the CPU and it supports bit
addressing. It contains the carry bit, the auxiliary carry (for BCD operation), parity bit, overflow bit and
the 2 register bank select bits RS0 and RS1. The space of register bank may be accessed by direct or
indirect way.

Table 5.3.2 List of register bank RS1 and RS0

RS1 RS0 Register bank
0 0 Bank0 (00h-07h)
0 1 Bank1 (08h-0Fh)
1 0 Bank2 (10h-17h)
1 1 Bank3 (18h-1Fh)

Table 5.3.3 Operations affecting flag bits (X means that flag bit is related to the operation result)
Operation CY OV AC Operation CY OV AC
CH559 Datasheet 14

MUL 0 X MOV C, bit X

DIV 0 X ANL C, bit X
DA A X ANL C,/bit X
RRC A X ORL C, bit X
RLC A X ORL C,/bit X

Data pointer register (DPTR):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] DPL RW Data pointer low byte 00h
[7:0] DPH RW Data pointer high byte 00h
The16-bit data pointer (DPTR) consists of DPL and DPH, which is used to access xSFR, xBUS, xRAM
data memory and program memory. Actually, DPTR has 2 physical 16-bit data pointers DPTR0 and
DPTR1, which are dynamically switched by DPS in XBUS_AUX.

Stack pointer (SP):

Bit Name Access Description
Stack pointer, mainly used for program and interrupt call, also for
[7:0] SP RW 07h
data push and pull.
Specific function of stack: protect breakpoint and protect site, and carry out management on the first-in
last-out principle. During instack, SP pointer automatically adds 1, saving the data and breakpoint
information. During outstack, SP pointer points to the data unit and automatically substracts 1. The initial
value of SP is 07h after reset, and the corresponding default stack storage starts from 08h.

5.4 Unique register

Global configuration register (ACC ), only can be written in safe mode:
Bit Name Access Description
[7:6] Reserved RO Always 11 11b
Boot loader status bit, for discriminating Bootloader or
Application. Set to 1 by power on reset. Cleared to 0 by
software reset.
5 bBOOT_LOAD RO For all chips with ISP boot loader: 1
1 = it has never been reset by software, usually in ISP boot
loader state.
0 = it has been reset by software, usually in application state.
Software reset. If it is set to 1, software reset occurs.
Automatically reset by hardware.
Flash-ROM write enable:
3 bCODE_WE RW 0 = Write protection. 0
1 = Flash-ROM can be written and erased.
2 bDATA_WE RW Flash-ROM DataFlash write enable: 0
CH559 Datasheet 15

0 = Write protection.
1 = DataFlash can be written and erased.
MOVX_@R0/R1 command field control:
1 bXIR_XSFR RW 0 = MOVX_@R0/R1 for standard xdata area xRAM/xBUS/xSFR. 0
1 = MOVX_@R0/R1 for xSFR only, not for xRAM/xBUS
Watchdog reset enable:
0 bWDOG_EN RW 0 = as timer only. 0
1 = enable reset if timer overflow.

Chip ID (CHIP_ID):
Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] CHIP_ID RO Always 59h, used for chip identification 59h

Safe mode control register (SAFE_MOD):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] SAFE_MOD WO To enter or get out of safe mode 00h

Some SFRs can only be written in safe mode, while they are always read-only in non-safe mode. Steps to
enter safe mode:
(1). Write 55h to register.
(2). Write AAh to register.
(3). 13-23 system frequency periods are in safe mode, one or more safe SFRs or general SFRs can be
changed during this time.
(4). After the period expires, safe mode ends automatically.
(5). Write anything to this register can get out of safe mode in advance.

6. Memory structure
6.1 Memory space
CH559 addressing memory is divided into program memory, internal code memory and external data
CH559 Datasheet 16

Figure 6.1 Diagram of memory structure

Internal Data Address Space

Upper 128 bytes internal RAM SFR
(indirect addressing by @R0/R1) (Direct addressing)
7FH Lower 128 bytes internal RAM
(direct or indirect addressing)

External Data Address Space Program Address Space

xCS1/xBUS1 @xdata, 32KB Configuration information FFFFH
(indirect addressing by MOVX) ROM_CFG_ADDR FFFEH
7FFFH Boot Loader Code Flash
xCS0/xBUS0 @xdata, 16KB
(indirect addressing by MOVX)
3FFFH Reserved area @xdata
Data Flash or Code Flash F3FFH
xSFR area @xdata F000H
(indirect addressing by MOVX) EFFFH
243FH Reserved area @xdata
1800H Application Code Flash
17FFH 6KB on-chip expanded xRAM @xdata
(indirect addressing by MOVX) 0000H

6.2 Program memory

Program memory is total 64KB, as shown in Figure 6.1, and all is used for flash-ROM, including
CodeFlash to save the command code, DataFlash to save the non-volatile data, and Configuration
Information space to configure the information.

DataFlash addressing from F000h to F3FFH, supports byte (8 bit) read, dual-byte(16 bit) write and block
(1K byte) erase, keeping the data after chip power-down, and also may be used for CodeFlash.

CodeFlash includes application code of low address and Bootloader code of high address, they can also be
combined with DataFlash for storing single application code.

Configuration information is total 16 bit, and may be configured by programmer, refer to Table 6.1.
CH559 Datasheet 17

Table 6.2 Description of flash-ROM Configuration Information

Address Name Description
Code and data protection mode of flash-ROM:
15 Code_Protect 0 = Reading behavior forbidden. 0/1
1 = Reading behavior permit.
BootLoader start mode enable:
14 No_Boot_Load 0 = Start from address 0000h. 1
1 = Start from address F400h.
Additional delay during power-up reset enable:
13 En_Long_Reset 0 = Standard short reset. 0
1 = Long reset, add 87mS.
Crystal oscillator output driving ability:
12 XT_OSC_Strong 0 = Standard. 0
1 = Enhanced.
P5.7 reset function enable:
11 En_P5.7_RESET 0 = Disable. 1
1 = Enable.
P0 pull-up resistor enable during system reset:
10 En_P0_Pullup 0 = Disable. 1
1 = Enable.
9 Must_1 (Auto set to 1 by the programmer) 1
8 Must_0 (Auto set to 0 by the programmer) 0
[7:0] All_1 (Auto set to FFh by the programmer) FFh

6.3 Data memory space

Internal data memory is total 256 bytes, as shown in figure 6.1, are all used for SFR and iRAM, iRAM is
used for stack and fast data cache ,including R0-R7, bit data, byte data, and idata.

External data memory is total 64KB, as shown in figure 6.1, 6KB of it are used for on-chip xRAM and
xSFR, except the reserved area, others (4000h to FFFFh) are all used for external parallel bus.

6.4 flash-ROM register

Table 6.4 List of flash-ROM registers
Name Address Description Reset value
ROM_DATA_H 8Fh Flash-ROM data register high byte xxh
ROM_DATA_L 8Eh Flash-ROM data register low byte xxh
16-bit SFR consists of ROM_DATA_L and
ROM_DATA 8Eh xxxxh
ROM_STATUS 86h flash-ROM status register (read only) 80h
ROM_CTRL 86h flash-ROM control register (write only) 00h
ROM_ADDR_H 85h flash-ROM address register high byte xxh
ROM_ADDR_L 84h flash-ROM address register low byte xxh
16-bit SFR consists of ROM_ADDR_L and
ROM_ADDR 84h xxxxh
CH559 Datasheet 18

Flash-ROM address register (ROM_ADDR):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] ROM_ADDR_H RW Flash-ROM address register high byte xxh
Flash-ROM address register low byte, supports even
[7:0] ROM_ADDR_L RW xxh
address only

Flash-ROM data register (ROM_DATA):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] ROM_DATA_H RW Flash-ROM data register high byte xxh
[7:0] ROM_DATA_L RW Flash-ROM data register low byte xxh

Flash-ROM control register (ROM_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] ROM_CTRL WO Flash-ROM control register 00h

Flash-ROM status register (ROM_STATUS):

Bit Name Access Description
7 Reserved RO Reserved 1
Flash-ROM address valid:
6 bROM_ADDR_OK RO 0 = Invalid. 0
1 = Valid.
[5:2] Reserved RO Reserved 0000b
Flash-ROM command error:
1 bROM_CMD_ERR RO 0 = Valid. 0
1 = Unknown command.
Flash-ROM operation result:
0 bROM_CMD_TOUT RO 0 = Success. 0
1 = Time out.

6.5 flash-ROM operation steps

1. Flash-ROM erase, changing all data bits in the target block to 1:
(1). Get into safe mode, SAFE_MOD = 55h; SAFE_MOD = 0AAh;
(2). Enable writing by setting GLOBAL_CFG, bCODE_WE corresponds to code, and bDATA_WE to
(3). Set ROM_ADDR, write in 16-bit destination address, high 6-bit valid only;
(4). Set ROM_CTRL to 0A6h, execute block erase, and the program will suspend during the operation;
(5). After the operation ,the program goes on, read ROM_STATUS to check the operation result. If
multiple blocks need to be erased, repeat steps from (3) to(5);
(6). Get into safe mode again, SAFE_MOD = 55h;SAFE_MOD = 0AAh;
CH559 Datasheet 19

(7). Disable writing by setting GLOBAL_CFG, bCODE_WE = 0, bDATA_WE = 0.

2. Flash-ROM write, changing some data bits in the target dual byte from 1 to 0:
(1). Get into safe mode, SAFE_MOD = 55h; SAFE_MOD = 0AAh;
(2). Enable writing by setting GLOBAL_CFG, bCODE_WE corresponds to code, and bDATA_WE to
(3). Set ROM_ADDR, write in 16-bit destination address, high 15-bit valid only;
(4). Set ROM_DATA, write in 16-bit data, step (3) and step (4) may be exchanged;
(5). Set ROM_CTRL to 09Ah, execute writing, and the program will suspend during the operation;
(6). After the operation ,the program goes on, read ROM_STATUS to check the operation result. If
multiple data need to be written , repeat steps from (3) to (6);
(7). Get into safe mode again, SAFE_MOD = 55h; SAFE_MOD = 0AAh;
(8). Set GLOBAL_CFG to disable writing, bCODE_WE = 0, bDATA_WE = 0.

3. Flash-ROM read:
Read data or code from the destination address through instruction MOVC or pointer of program area.

6.6 On-board program and ISP download

When Code_Protect = 1, code and data in CH559 flash-ROM may be read and written through
synchronous serial interface by the programmer. When Code_Protect = 0, all code and data in CH559
flash-ROM are protected, it can be erased but not read, Code_Protect will be removed after erase when

When CH559 presets Bootloader, CH559 supports downloading application code through USB or UART.
Without Bootloader, application code and Bootloader may only download through specialized programmer.
Reserve 5 wires between CH559 and programmer for on-board programming in the circuit.

Table 6.6.1 Wires between CH559 and programmer

Pin GPIO Description
RST P5.7 Reset control, get into programming state when high level
SCS P1.4 Chip selection, high level default, active low
SCK P1.7 Clock in
MOSI P1.5 Data in
MISO P1.6 Data out

6.7 Global unique ID

CH559 MCUs all have a global unique identification number (ID) when out of factory. ID and verification
total 8 bytes, located in the special read-only register form address 20h. User can get ID by reading
CodeFlash when E_DIS is 1 and global interrupt is disabled. For details, please refer to program routine
Table 6.7.1 Chip ID address table
Address ID description
20h, 21h ID number first word, little-endian
22h, 23h ID number second word, little-endian
24h, 25h ID number third word, little-endian
26h, 27h ID number word CUSUM verification
CH559 Datasheet 20

The ID number can be used with the downloading tools to encrypt the target program. For the general
application, only the first 32 bits of the ID number are used.

7. Power management, sleep and reset

7.1 External power in
CH559 works at voltage 3.3V inside, I/O input and output at 3.3V ,except pins: P1.0~P1.7, XI, XO, RST,
all pins may tolerate 5V input, built-in 5V to 3.3V LDO, support external 3.3V and 5V input, reference

External power voltage VIN5 voltage: 3.3V-5V VDD33 voltage: 3.3V

3.3V voltage input. A decoupling External 3.3V input is used for internal
capacitor not less than 0.1uF to operating voltage. A decoupling capacitor not
Including <3.6V
the ground necessarily. less than 0.1uF to the ground necessarily.
Internal voltage adapter 3.3V output and
5V voltage input. A decoupling
5V internal 3.3V operating power input.
capacitor not less than 0.1uF to
Including >3.6V A decoupling capacitor not less than 3.3uF to
the ground necessarily.
the ground necessary.

After power-on or system reset, CH559 is in running status by default. When some function modules are
unused, close their clocks to reduce power dissipation. When CH559 is no need to run, set PD in PCON to
get into sleep modes, and may be waked up by USB, UART0, UART1, SPI0 or some GPIOs.

7.2 Power and sleep control register

Table 7.2.1 Power and sleep control registers
Name Address Description
WDOG_COUNT FFh Watchdog count register 00h
RESET_KEEP FEh Reset keep register 00h
WAKE_CTRL EBh Wake-up control register 00h
SLEEP_CTRL EAh Sleep control register 00h
PCON 87h Power control register 10h

Watchdog count register (WDOG_COUNT):

Bit Name Access Description
Watchdog current count value, the interrupt flag
bWDOG_IF_TO will auto-set 1 when Watchdog count
[7:0] WDOG_COUNT RW 00h
register overflows. WDOG_COUNT overflows when
count to 0FFh and turn to 00h.

Reset keep register (RESET_KEEP):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] RESET_KEEP RW Reset keeping register, it may be modified by setting, except 00h
CH559 Datasheet 21

power-on reset may set it 0, no other resets may change it.

Wake-up control register (WAKE_CTRL), only can be written in safe mode:

Bit Name Access Description
USB event wake-up enable:
7 bWAK_BY_USB RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
UART1 pin RXD1 low-level input event wake-up
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable.
Select XA/XB differential input in iRS485 mode, otherwise,
select RXD1 or RXD1_ according to bIER_PIN_MOD1=1/0
P1.5 low-level wake-up enable
5 bWAK_P1_5_LO RW 0 = Disable. 0
1 = Enable.
P1.4 low-level wake-up enable
4 bWAK_P1_4_LO RW 0 = Disable. 0
1 = Enable.
P0.3 low-level wake-up enable
3 bWAK_P0_3_LO RW 0 = Disable. 0
1 = Enable.
Timer3 low-level input event wake-up in capture mode:
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable.
Select CAP3 or CAP3_ according to bTMR3_PIN_X=0/1.
P3.2 edge change and P3.3 low-level wake-up enable:
1 bWAK_P3_2E_3L RW 0 = Disable. 0
1 = Enable.
UART0 pin RXD0 low-level input wake-up enable:
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable.
Select RXD0 or RXD0_ according to bUART0_PIN_X=0/1

Sleep control register (SLEEP_CTRL), only can be written in safe mode:

Bit Name Access Description
USB clock off control
1 = clock off.
ADC clock off control
1 = clock off.
UAR1 clock off control
1 = clock off.
CH559 Datasheet 22

PWM1 and SPI1 clock off control

4 bSLP_OFF_P1S1 RO 0
1 = clock off.
SPI0 clock off control
1 = clock off.
Timer3 clock off control
1 = clock off.
LED-CTRL clock off control
1 = clock off.
xRAM clock off control
1 = clock off.

Power control register (PCON):

Bit Name Access Description
Baud rate selection for UART0 mode 1/2/3 when timer1 is
used to generate UART0 baud rate:
0 = Slow mode.
1 = Fast mode.
6 Reserved RO Reserved 0
5 bRST_FLAG1 RO Recent reset flag high bit 0
4 bRST_FLAG0 RO Recent reset flag low bit 1
General purpose flag bit 1
3 GF1 RW 0
User-defined. Can be reset or set by software
General purpose flag bit 0
2 GF0 RW 0
User-defined. Can be reset or set by software
Power-down enable bit
1 PD RW 0
Sleep after set to 1. Auto cleared by wake-up hardware.
0 Reserved RO Reserved 0

Table 7.2.2 Description of recent reset flag

bRST_FLAG1 bRST_FLAG0 Description of reset flag
Software reset, source: bSW_RESET=1 and (bBOOT_LOAD=0 or
0 0
Power on reset, source: voltage on VDD33 is lower than checking
0 1
Watchdog reset, source: bWDOG_EN=1 and watchdog timeout
1 0
External input manual reset by RST pin, source: En_P5.7_RESET=1 and
1 1
P5.7 high-level input

7.3 Reset control

CH559 has 4 reset sources: power-on reset, external input reset, software reset and watchdog reset. The
latter three are hot reset.
CH559 Datasheet 23

7.3.1 Power on reset

Power-on reset (POR) generates from internal voltage detecting circuit. It keeps detecting voltage on
VDD33. POR is generated when the detecting voltage is lower than Vpot, and auto delay Tpor to keep
reset status. CH559 runs at the end of delay.

Only power on reset can enable CH559 to reload the configuration information and reset RESET_KEEP,
other hot resets do not affect.

7.3.2 External input reset

External input reset is generated by the high-level on RST. When En_P5.7_RESET = 1, and high-level on
RST keeping time is longer than the Trsrt, the reset occurs. After high-level ends, auto delay Trdl to keep
reset status, CH559 runs from address 0 after delay.

7.3.3 Software reset

CH559 supports internal software reset to reset the CPU and restart without external intervention. Set
bSW_RESET in GLOBAL_CFG to 1 to execute software reset, and auto delay Trdl to keep reset status.
CH559 runs from address 0 after delay, and the bSW_RESET bit is reset automatically by hardware.

When bSW_RESET is set to 1, if bBOOT_LOAD=0 or bWDOG_EN=1, then bRST_FLAG1/0 will

indicate the software reset after reset. When bSW_RESET is set to 1, if bBOOT_LOAD=1 and
bWDOG_EN=0, then bRST_FLAG1/0 will keep the reset flag of last time and no new flag.

Bootloader runs first after power-on reset if ISP Bootloader is downloaded, it switches to the application
code through software reset based on requirement. This software reset will clear bBOOT_LOAD, but not
affect bRST_FLAG1/0 (as bBOOT_LOAD=1 before reset), so bRST_FLAG1/0 still indicates power on
reset status after switching to application state.

7.3.4 Watchdog reset

Watchdog reset occurs when the watchdog timer overflows. Watchdog timer is an 8-bit counter, whose
clock frequency is Fsys/262144, and the overflow signal is generated when count to 0FFh and turn to 00h.

Watchdog timer overflow signal will trigger bWDOG_IF_TO to 1, which is automatically reset when
WDOG_COUNT is reloaded or when it goes into corresponding interrupt service.

Write different initial values to WDOG_COUNT to realize different timing period Twdc. When the system
clock is 12MHz, Twdc is about 5.9s when 00h is written, and about 2.8s when 80h is written.

When watchdog timer overflows and bWDOG_EN=1, watchdog reset occurs. Auto delay Trdl to keep
reset status. CH559 runs from address 0 after delay.

Clear WDOG_COUNT timely to avoid watchdog reset when bWDOG_EN = 1.

8. System clock
8.1 Diagram of clock
CH559 Datasheet 24

Figure 8.1.1 Clock system and structure diagram

bOSC_EN_INT Fpll USB clock divider

On-chip clock PLL multiplier Divide
12MHz 1 Multiply MASK_USB_4X_DIV
0 Fosc System clock divider
XI 24MHz~350MHz
External Divide
crystal Fsys MASK_SYS_CK_DIV
XO oscillator










Divide 262144

Fsys FlashROM/iRAM/SFR

Select one of internal clock or external clock as source clock, then generate high frequency Fpll after
frequency multiplier PLL. Generate system clock Fsys and USB module clock Fusb4x after 2 frequency
dividers. The system clock Fsys is provided to different modules of CH559 directly or after clock gate, to
CH559 Datasheet 25

reduce power dissipation, set sleep control register to close unused modules clocks.

8.2 Register description

Table 8.2.1 List of clock control registers
Name Address Description Reset value
CLOCK_CFG B3h System clock configuration register 98h
PLL_CFG B2h PLL clock configuration register D8h

System clock configuration register (CLOCK_CFG), only can be written in safe mode:
Bit Name Access Description
On-chip crystal oscillator enable
1 = Enable.
0 = On-chip crystal oscillator disabled and external
crystal oscillator enabled
External crystal oscillator enable
1 = Enable, a crystal or ceramic oscillator to XI (P4.6)
6 bOSC_EN_XT RW and XO (P4.7). An external quartz crystal or ceramic 0
oscillator needs to be connected between XI and XO.
0 = Disable external oscillator.
Watchdog interrupt flag:
1 = Interrupt from timer overflow.
5 bWDOG_IF_TO RO 0 = No interrupt. This bit will be automatically reset 0
after WDOG_COUNT reloads or gets into
corresponding interrupt service.
System clock frequency division factor
[4:0] MASK_SYS_CK_DIV RW 11000b
00000b means 100000b.

PLL clock configuration register (PLL_CFG), only can be written in safe mode:
Bit Name Access Description
[7:5] MASK_USB_4X_DIV RW USB clock divisor factor, 000b means 1000b. 110b
[4:0] MASK_PLL_MULT RW PLL reference clock multiplier factor 11000b

8.3 Clock Configuration

CH559 uses on-chip 12 MHz clock after power-on by default. And select on-chip clock or external clock
by CLOCK_CFG. Pins XI and XO may be used as GPIOs when external crystal oscillator is disabled.
Connect an oscillator between pins XI and XO when external crystal oscillator is enabled. In addition,
connect a oscillating capacitor between XI and GND, XO and GND. When external clock is input directly,
connect it to XI and keep XO suspended.

Source clock frequency: Fosc = bOSC_EN_INT ? 12MHz : Fxt

PLL frequency: Fpll = Fosc * (PLL_CFG & MASK_PLL_MULT)
USB clock divisor factor: Kusb = (PLL_CFG & MASK_USB_4X_DIV) >> 5
USB clock: Fusb4x = Fpll / (Kusb? Kusb: 8)
CH559 Datasheet 26

System clock divisor factor: Ksys = CLOCK_CFG & MASK_SYS_CK_DIV

System frequency: Fsys = Fpll / (Ksys? Ksys: 32)
Default status after reset, Fosc=12MHz, Fpll=288MHz, Fub4x=48MHz, Fsys=12MHz.

Steps to switch to external crystal oscillator:

(1). Get into safe mode, SAFE_MOD = 55h, SAFE_MOD = AAh;
(2). Set bOSC_EN_XT in CLOCK_CFG to 1 with "OR" operation, other bits remain unchanged, to enable
crystal oscillator;
(3). Delay several milliseconds, usually 5mS ~ 10mS, to wait oscillator work steadily;
(4). Get into safe mode again, SAFE_MOD = 55h, SAFE_MOD = AAh;
(5). Clear bOSC_EN_INT in CLOCK_CFG with "AND" operation, other bits remain unchanged, to switch
to external crystal oscillator;
(6). Get out of safe mode. Write any value into SAFE_MOD to get out of safe mode.

Steps to modify system frequency:

(1). Calculate PLL_CFG and CLOCK_CFG in advance to avoid beyond term of safe mode;
(2). Get into safe mode, SAFE_MOD = 55h, SAFE_MOD = AAh;
(3). Write new value to PLL_CFG;
(4). Write new value to CLOCK_CFG;
(5). Get out of safe mode. Write any value into SAFE_MOD to get out of safe mode.

(1). PLL frequency is recommended not to beyond 24MHz~350MHz;
(2). Priority-use-of lower Fsys to reduce dynamic power dissipation and get wider Working temperature;;
(3). Set Fusb4x 48MHz when USB module enabled;
(4). Changing external crystal and modifying system frequency are two separate operations, suggestion in
two conditions:
(A). If external crystal oscillator frequency is less than 13MHz, switch to external crystal first and then
modify system frequency.
(B). If external crystal oscillator frequency is more than 13MHz, reduce PLL reference clock multiplier
factor to avoid Fpll overflow first, then switch to external crystal, and modify system frequency at
last, or modify system frequency when modify PLL_CFG.

9. Interrupt
CH559 supports maximum 14 interrupt sources, including 6 sources compatible with standard MCS51
interrupt: INT0, T0, INT1, T1, UART0, T2, and 8 extend interrupt sources: SPI0, TMR3, USB, ADC,
UART1, PWM1, WDOG, and GPIO which can be selected from 7 I/O pins.

9.1 Register description

Table 9.1.1 List of interrupt vector
Entry Interrupt Default
Interrupt Description
address No. priority
External interrupt0 (bLED_OUT_EN=0) or High
INT_NO_INT0 0x0003 0
LED control card interrupt (bLED_OUT_EN=1) priority
CH559 Datasheet 27

INT_NO_TMR0 0x000B 1 Timer0 interrupt ↓

INT_NO_INT1 0x0013 2 External interrupt1 ↓
INT_NO_TMR1 0x001B 3 Timer1 interrupt ↓
INT_NO_UART0 0x0023 4 UART0 interrupt ↓
INT_NO_TMR2 0x002B 5 Timer2 interrupt ↓
INT_NO_SPI0 0x0033 6 SPI0 interrupt ↓

INT_NO_TMR3 0x003B 7 Timer3 interrupt

INT_NO_USB 0x0043 8 USB interrupt

INT_NO_ADC 0x004B 9 ADC interrupt

INT_NO_UART1 0x0053 10 UART1 interrupt

INT_NO_PWM1 0x005B 11 PWM1 interrupt

INT_NO_GPIO 0x0063 12 GPIO interrupt Low
INT_NO_WDOG 0x006B 13 Watchdog timer interrupt priority

Table 9.1.2 List of interrupt registers

Name Address Description Reset value
IP_EX E9h Extend interrupt priority register 00h
IE_EX E8h Extend interrupt enable register 00h
GPIO_IE CFh GPIO interrupt enable register 00h
IP B8h Interrupt priority register 00h
IE A8h Interrupt enable register 00h

Interrupt enable register (IE):

Bit Name Access Description
Global interrupt enable
7 EA RW 1= Interrupt is enabled when E_DIS is 0. 0
0 = All interrupt requests are disabled.
Global interrupt disable
1 = All interrupt requests are disabled.
6 E_DIS RW 0 = Interrupt is enabled when EA is 1. 0
This bit is usually used to disable interrupt temporarily during
flash-ROM operation.
Timer2 interrupt enable
5 ET2 RW 1 = T2 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = T2 interrupt is disabled.
UART0 interrupt enable
4 ES RW 1 = UART0 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = UART0 interrupt is disabled.
Timer1 interrupt enable
3 ET1 RW 1 = T1 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = T1 interrupt is disabled.
2 EX1 RW External interrupt1 enable 0
CH559 Datasheet 28

1 = INT1 interrupt is enabled.

0 = INT1 interrupt is disabled.
Timer0 interrupt enable
1 ET0 RW 1 = T0 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = T0 interrupt is disabled.
External interrupt0 and LED control card interrupt enable
1 = INT0/LED interrupt (selected by bLED_OUT_EN) is
0 EX0 RW 0
0 = INT0/LED interrupt is disabled.

Extend interrupt enable register (IE_EX):

Bit Name Access Description
Watchdog timer interrupt enable
7 IE_WDOG RW 1 = WDOG interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = WDOG interrupt is disabled.
GPIO interrupt enable
6 IE_GPIO RW 1 = GPIO interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = GPIO interrupt is disabled.
PWM1 interrupt enable
5 IE_PWM1 RW 1 = PWM1 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = PWM1 interrupt is disabled.
UART1 interrupt enable
4 IE_UART1 RW 1 = UART1 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = UART1 interrupt is disabled.
ADC interrupt enable
3 IE_ADC RW 1 = ADC interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = ADC interrupt is disabled.
USB interrupt enable
2 IE_USB RW 1 = USB interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = USB interrupt is disabled.
Timer3 interrupt enable
1 IE_TMR3 RW 1 = Timer3 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = Timer3 interrupt is disabled.
SPI0 interrupt enable
0 IE_SPI0 RW 1 = SPI0 interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = SPI0 interrupt is disabled.

GPIO interrupt enable register (GPIO_IE):

Bit Name Access Description
GPIO edge interrupt mode enable:
7 bIE_IO_EDGE RW 0 = Level interrupt mode. bIO_INT_AC = 1 and interrupt 0
will be requested constantly if there is a valid GPIO input
CH559 Datasheet 29

level; otherwise, bIO_INT_AC = 0 and no interrupt

request occurs with invalid GPIO input level.
1 = Edge interrupt mode. There are interrupt flag
bIO_INT_ACT and interrupt request with valid GPIO
input edge, bIO_INT_ACT cannot be cleared by software,
but it is automatically cleared when reset or interrupt
program is running in level interrupt mode.
1 = UART1 RX PIN interrupt is enabled (valid while low
level in level mode or falling edge in edge mode).
0 = UART1 RX PIN interrupt is disabled.
6 bIE_RXD1_LO RW 0
In IRS485 mode, XA/XB differential input is selected;
In non-IRS485 mode, select RXD1 (bIER_PIN_MOD1 = 1)
or RXD1_ (bIER_PIN_MOD1 = 0).
1 = P5.5 interrupt is enabled (valid with high level in level
5 bIE_P5_5_HI RW mode or rising edge in edge mode). 0
0 = P5.5 interrupt is disabled.
1 = P1.4 interrupt is enabled (valid with low level in level
4 bIE_P1_4_LO RW mode or falling edge in edge mode). 0
0 = P1.4 interrupt is disabled.
1 = P0.3 interrupt is enabled (valid with low level in level
3 bIE_P0_3_LO RW mode or falling edge in edge mode). 0
0 = P0.3 interrupt is disabled.
1 = P5.7 interrupt is enabled (valid with high level in level
2 bIE_P5_7_HI RW mode or rising edge in edge mode). 0
0 = P5.7interrupt is disabled.
1 = P4.1 interrupt is enabled (valid with low level in level
1 bIE_P4_1_LO RW mode or falling edge in edge mode). 0
0 = P4.1 interrupt is disabled.
1 = UART0 RX interrupt is enabled (valid with low level
in level mode or falling edge in edge mode).
0 bIE_RXD0_LO RW 0 = UART0 RX interrupt is disabled. 0
Select RXD0 (bUART0_PIN_X = 0) or RXD0_
( bUART0_PIN_ X = 1).

Interrupt priority register (IP):

Bit Name Access Description
7 PH_FLAG RO High priority interrupt running flag 0
6 PL_FLAG RO Low priority interrupt running flag 0
5 PT2 RW Timer2 interrupt priority control bit 0
4 PS RW UART0 interrupt priority control bit 0
3 PT1 RW Timer1 interrupt priority control bit 0
2 PX1 RW External interrupt1 priority control bit 0
1 PT0 RW Timer0 interrupt priority control bit 0
CH559 Datasheet 30

External interrupt0 and LED control card interrupt priority

0 PX0 RW 0
control bit

Extend interrupt priority register (IP_EX):

Bit Name Access Description
Current interrupt nesting level flag
7 bIP_LEVEL RO 0 = No interrupt or dual interrupt nesting. 0
1 = Single interrupt nesting.
6 bIP_GPIO RW GPIO interrupt priority control 0
5 bIP_PWM1 RW PWM1 interrupt priority control 0
4 bIP_UART1 RW UART1 interrupt priority control 0
3 bIP_ADC RW ADC interrupt priority control 0
2 bIP_USB RW USB interrupt priority control 0
1 bIP_TMR3 RW Timer3 interrupt priority control 0
0 bIP_SPI0 RW SPI0 interrupt priority control 0

IP and IP_EX registers are used for interrupt priority setting. The corresponding interrupt source will be
high (low) priority if this bit is 1 (0). There is default priority order (refer to Table 9.1.1) for interrupt
sources in the same level, the current interrupt priority is shown by PH_FALG combined with PL_FLAG.

Table 9.1.3 Current interrupt priority description

PH_FLAG PL_FLAG Interrupt priority state at present
0 0 No interrupt at present
0 1 Low priority interrupt is running at present
1 0 High priority interrupt is running at present
1 1 Unexpected event, unknown error

10. I/O port

10.1 GPIO introduction
CH559 provides maximum 45 I/O pins. Some of them have alternate functions. P0~P3 input&output and
P4 output can be addressing by bit.

The pins are general I/O port state if not set reused. All I/O ports have real “read-change-write” function
and support SETB or CLR command to change the direction and level of pins while they are used as
general digital I/O pins.

10.2 GPIO register

All registers and bits in this section are generally expressed: “n” (n = 0, 1, 2, 3) to express the serial
number of ports, “x” (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to express the serial number of bits.
CH559 Datasheet 31

Table 10.2.1 List of GPIO registers

Name Address Description
P0 80h P0 input/output register FFh
P0_DIR C4h P0 direction control register 00h
P0_PU C5h P0 pull-up enable register 00h/FFh
P1 90h P1 input/output register FFh
P1_IE B9h P1 input enable register FFh
P1_DIR BAh P1 direction control register 00h
P1_PU BBh P1 pull-up enable register FFh
P2 A0h P2 input/output register FFh
P2_DIR BCh P2 direction control register 00h
P2_PU BDh P2 pull-up enable register FFh
P3 B0h P3 input/output register FFh
P3_DIR BEh P3 direction control register 00h
P3_PU BFh P3 pull-up enable register FFh
P4_OUT C0h P4 output register 00h
P4_IN C1h P4 input register (read-only): FFh
P4_DIR C2h P4 direction control register 00h
P4_PU C3h P4 pull-up enable register FFh
P4_CFG C7h P4 configuration register 00h
P5_IN C7h P5 input register (read-only): 00h
PIN_FUNC CEh Pin function selection register 00h
PORT_CFG C6h Port configuration register 0Fh
XBUS_SPEED FDh Bus speed configuration register FFh
XBUS_AUX A2h Bus auxiliary configuration register 00h

Port configuration register (PORT_CFG):

Bit Name Access Description
Port Pn output driver ability select:
0 = Driver current is 5mA level.
[7:4] bPn_DRV RW 0000b
1 = Driver current is 20mA level for P0/P2/P3, 10mA for
Port Pn open-drain output enable:
[3:0] bPn_OC RW 0 = Push-pull output. 1111b
1 = Open-drain output

Port Pn input/output register (Pn):

Bit Name Access Description
Pn.x pin state input and data output bits, supports
[7:0] Pn.0~Pn.7 RW FFh
addressing by bit.
CH559 Datasheet 32

Port Pn direction control register (Pn_DIR):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] Pn_DIR RW Pn.x pin direction setting 00h

P0 pull-up enable register (P0_PU) and Pn pull-up enable register (Pn_PU), n=1/2/3:
Bit Name Access Description
P0.x pin pull-up resistor enable (when En_P0_Pullup=0) 00h
[7:0] P0_PU RW
P0.x pin pull-up resistor enable (when En_P0_Pullup=1) FFh
[7:0] Pn_PU RW Pn.x pin pull-up resistor enable: FFh
0 = Pull-up resistor disabled.
1 = Pull-up resistor enabled.

Port Pn configuration is realized by bPn_OC (in PORT_CFG), Pn_DIR and Pn_PU, details as follows.

Table 10.2.2 Port configuration register combination

bPn_OC Pn_DIR Pn_PU Description of working mode
0 0 0 High impedance input mode, pins without pull-up resistor
0 0 1 Pull-up input mode, pins with pull-up resistor
Push-pull output mode with symmetry driving ability, a port can output or
0 1 X
absorb large current in this mode
High-impedance input weak standard bi-directional mode with open drain
1 0 0
output, pins without pull-up resistor
High-impedance input standard bi-directional mode, open-drain output, pins
without pull-up resistor, it will automatically generate 2 clock period of high
1 1 0
level to accelerate conversion when output transfer from low level to high
Weak standard bi-direction mode (as 8051) with pull-up resistor of pin, open
1 0 1
drain output, input function is also supported
Standard bi-direction mode (standard 8051) with pull-up resistor of pin,
open drain output, input function is also supported. it will automatically
1 1 1
generate 2 clock period of high level to accelerate conversion when output
transfer from low level to high level

Ports P0-P3 support pure input, push-pull output and standard bi-direction modes, P4 supports pure input
and push-pull output modes. There are controllable internal pull-up resistors attached to VDD33 and
protection diodes attached to GND for all pins.

Figure 10.2.1 shows pins p1.x of P1, also suitable for ports P0, P2 and P3 without P1_IE, AIN or
CH559 Datasheet 33

Figure 10.2.1 Equivalent schematic diagram of I/O pins

P1 input enable register (P1_IE):

Bit Name Access Description
Pin P1.x input enable
[7:0] P1_IE RW 0 = Enable ADC analog input, and disable digital input. FFh
1 = Enable digital input.

10.3 P4 port
P4 output register (P4_OUT):
Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] P4_OUT.0~P4_OUT.7 RW Pin P4.x data output bit, support addressing by bit 00h

P4 input register (P4_IN):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] P4_IN RO Pin P4.x state input bit FFh

P4 pull-up enable register (P4_PU):

Bit Name Access Description
Pin P4.x pull-up resistor enable
[7:0] P4_PU RW 0 = Pull-up resistor disabled. FFh
1 = Pull-up resistor enabled.
CH559 Datasheet 34

P4 direction control register (P4_DIR):

Bit Name Access Description
Pin P4.x direction setting:
[7:0] P4_DIR RW 0 = Input. 00h
1 = Output.

P4 configuration register (P4_CFG) and P5 input register (P5_IN):

Bit Name Access Description
7 P5.7 R0 Pin P5.7 state input bit 0
GPIO interrupt request activation state:
When bIE_IO_EDGE=0:
1 = There is valid GPIO input level and interrupt occurs.
0 = Invalid input level.
6 bIO_INT_ACT R0 0
When bIE_IO_EDGE=1, it is used as edge interrupt flag:
1 = A valid edge is detected, it cannot be reset by
software and only can be reset automatically when reset
or interrupt program is running in level interrupt mode.
Pin P5.5 state input bit, controllable pull-down resistor
5 P5.5 R0 0
Pin P5.4 state input bit, controllable pull-down resistor
4 P5.4 R0 0
SPI0 SCS/SCK mapping enable
3 bSPI0_PIN_X RW 0 = Enable P1.4/P1.7. 0
1 = Enable P4.6/P4.7.
P4 output ability select:
2 bP4_DRV RW 0 = Driving current is 5mA level. 0
1= Driving current is 20mA level.
Pin P5.1 state input bit, controllable pull-down resistor
1 P5.1 R0 0
Pin P5.0 state input bit, controllable pull-down resistor
0 P5.0 R0 0

10.4 GPIO alternate functions and mapping

Some of I/O pins of CH559 have alternate functions and are general I/O pins when powered, they are set
corresponding pins if used as different function modules.

Pin function selection register (PIN_FUNC):

Bit Name Access Description
Pin PWM1/PWM2 mapping enable bit:
7 bPWM1_PIN_X RW 0 = PWM1/2 enable P2.4/P2.5. 0
1 = PWM1/2 enable P4.3/P4.5.
CH559 Datasheet 35

Pin PWM3/CAP3 mapping enable bit:

6 bTMR3_PIN_X RW 0 = PWM3/CAP3 enable P1.2. 0
1 = PWM3/CAP3 enable p4.2.
Pin T2EX/CAP2 mapping enable bit:
5 bT2EX_PIN_X RW 0 = T2EX/CAP2 enable P1.1. 0
1 = T2EX/CAP2 enable P2.5.
Pin UART0 mapping enable bit:
4 bUART0_PIN_X RW 0 = RXD0/TXD0 enable P3.0/P3.1. 0
1 = RXD0/TXD0 enable P0.2/P0.3.
XBUS function enable bit:
0 = Disable xbus.
1 = P0 used as 8-bit data bus and P3.6/P3.7 used as
read/write select during bus access.
XBUS chip selection output enable bit:
0 = Disable chip selection output, and it can be decoded
by external circuit.
1 = P3.4 used as output of CS0 (XSC0 is 0, active low),
bus address A15 is inverted and exported to P3.3 when
ALE is disabled (CS is 1, active low).
XBUS address high 8 bits output enable bit:
0 = Output is disabled.
1 = P2 outputs bus address high 8 bits during
MOVX_@DPTR command access to external bus.
XBUS address low 8 bits output enable bit:
0 = Reusable address mode, it outputs address low 8 bits
or data according to demand when access to external
bus, latched by external circuit controlled by ALE.
1 = Direct address mode, it outputs address low 8 bits
A0-A7 by P4.0-P4.5, P3.5 and P2.7.

Table 10.4.1 List of GPIO pins alternate functions

GPIO Other functions: left-to-right priority
P0[0] AD0, UDTR/bUDTR, P0.0
P0[1] AD1, URTS/bURTS, P0.1
P0[2] AD2, RXD_/bRXD_, P0.2
P0[3] AD3, TXD_/bTXD_, P0.3
P0[4] AD4, UCTS/bUCTS, P0.4
P0[5] AD5, UDSR/bUDSR, P0.5
P0[6] AD6, URI/bURI, P0.6
P0[7] AD7, UDCD/bUDCD, P0.7
P1[0] AIN0, T2/bT2, CAP1/bCAP1, P1.0
P1[1] AIN1, T2EX/bT2EX, CAP2/bCAP2, P1.1
P1[2] AIN2, PWM3/bPWM3, CAP3/bCAP3, P1.2
P1[3] AIN3, P1.3
CH559 Datasheet 36

P1[4] AIN4, SCS/bSCS, P1.4

P1[5] AIN5, MOSI/bMOSI, P1.5
P1[6] AIN6, MISO/bMISO, P1.6
P1[7] AIN7, SCK/bSCK, P1.7
P2[0] A8, P2.0
P2[1] MOSI1/bMOSI1, A9, P2.1
P2[2] MISO1/bMISO1, A10, P2.2
P2[3] SCK1/bSCK1, A11, P2.3
P2[4] PWM1/bPWM1, A12, P2.4
P2[5] TNOW/bTNOW, PWM2/bPWM2, A13, T2EX_/bT2EX_, CAP2_/bCAP2_, P2.5
P2[6] RXD1/bRXD1, A14, P2.6
P2[7] TXD1/bTXD1, DA7/bDA7, A15, P2.7
P3[0] RXD/bRXD, P3.0
P3[1] TXD/bTXD, P3.1
P3[2] LED0/bLED0, INT0/bINT0, P3.2
P3[3] LED1/bLED1, !A15, INT1/bINT1, P3.3
P3[4] LEDC/bLEDC, XCS0/bXCS0, T0/bT0, P3.4
P3[5] DA6/bDA6, T1/bT1, P3.5
P3[6] WR/bWR, P3.6
P3[7] RD/bRD, P3.7
P4[0] LED2/bLED2, A0, RXD1_/bRXD1_, P4.0
P4[1] A1, P4.1
P4[2] PWM3_/bPWM3_, CAP3_/bCAP3_, A2, P4.2
P4[3] PWM1_/bPWM1_, A3, P4.3
P4[4] LED3/bLED3, TNOW_/bTNOW_, TXD1_/bTXD1_, A4, P4.4
P4[5] PWM2_/bPWM2_, A5, P4.5
P4[6] XI, SCS_/bSCS_, P4.6
P4[7] XO, SCK_/bSCK_, P4.7
P5[0] DM/bDM, P5.0
P5[1] DP/bDP, P5.1
P5[4] HM/bHM, ALE, XB, P5.4
P5[5] HP/bHP, !A15, XA, P5.5
P5[7] RST/bRST, P5.7

The left-to-right priority shown in table above is the priority of some modules competing for using GPIO.
For example, P2 has been set output bus address high 8 bits but only A8-A10 addresses are used actually,
then P2.4/P2.5 can be used as PWM1/PWM2 in higher priority, P2.6 can be used as RXD1, P2.7can be
used as TXD1 or DA7 in higher priority, so the waste of P2.4 and P2.7 can be avoided when A12-A15
addresses are unused.

11. External Bus (xBUS)

11.1 External bus register
External bus auxiliary configuration register (XBUS_AUX):
CH559 Datasheet 37

Bit Name Access Description
UART0 Tx state instruction:
7 bUART0_TX R0 0
1 = it is transmitting.
UART0 Rx state instruction:
6 bUART0_RX R0 0
1 = it is receiving.
Safe mode state instruction:
1 = it is in safe mode.
Pin ALE clock output enable:
1 = ALE outputs system frequency divided by 12
without XBUS operation, that is Fsys/12.
0 = Clock signal is disabled, it only outputs address
low 8 bits latch signal while access to external bus to
reduce EMI.
General flag bit2:
3 GF2 RW 0
User-defined. Can be reset or set by software.
Enable DPTR add by 1 automatically after
MOVX_@DPTR command
1 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Dual DPTR data pointer select bit:
0 DPS RW 0 = DPTR0. 0
1 = DPTR1.

External bus speed configuration register (XBUS_SPEED):

Bit Name Access Description
XBUS1 setup time selection:
7 bXBUS1_SETUP RW 0 = 2 clock period. 1
1 = 3 clock period
XBUS1 hold time selection:
6 bXBUS1_HOLD RW 0 = 1 clock period. 1
1 = 2 clock period.
5 bXBUS1_WIDTH1 RW XBUS1 bus pulse width high bit 1
4 bXBUS1_WIDTH0 RW XBUS1 bus pulse width low bit 1
XBUS0 setup time selection:
3 bXBUS0_SETUP RW 0 = 2 clock period. 1
1 = 3 clock period.
XBUS0 hold time selection:
2 bXBUS0_HOLD RW 0 = 1 clock period. 1
1 = 2 clock period.
1 bXBUS0_WIDTH1 RW XBUS0 bus pulse width high bit 1
0 bXBUS0_WIDTH0 RW XBUS0 bus pulse width low bit 1

bXBUSn_WIDTH1 and bXBUSn_WIDTH0 (n=0, 1), used to select valid pulse width of bus CS n writing
and reading:
CH559 Datasheet 38

00 = 2 clock period.
01 = 4 clock period.
10 = 8 clock period.
11 = 16 clock period.

11.2 External bus pins

Table 11.2.1 List of external bus pins
Direct Alternate
GPIO address address Function description
mode pin mode pin
External bus read signal output pin, active low, sampling input
P3.7 RD RD
while rising edge
P3.6 WR WR External bus write signal output pin, active low
D0~D7 D0~D7 8-bit bidirectional data bus
P0.0~P0.7 Reused as address low 8 bits A[0:7] output, latched by external
circuit controlled by ALE.
Bus direct address A[0:5] output pin, P4_DIR must be set
P4.0~P4.5 A0~A5 unused
P3.5 A6 unused Bus direct address A6 output pin
A7 Bus direct address A7 output pin
A15 Bus address A15 output pin
P2.0~P2.6 A8~A14 A8~A14 Bus address A[8:14] output pin
CS0 output pin, address ranges from 4000h to 7FFFh, active
P3.4 XCS0 XCS0
Bus address A15 invert output pin, equivalent to CS1 output,
P3.3 !A15 !A15 address ranges from 8000h to FFFFh, active low, only in ALE
disable mode
Bus address A15 invert output pin, equivalent to CS1 output,
P5.5 !A15 !A15 address ranges from 8000h to FFFFh, active low, only in ALE
enable mode
ALE Address low 8 bits latch control reuse output pin, active high
ALE System frequency divided by 12 output pin, duty cycle is 1/12

Some of the pins above that are not used in external bus mode can be used for other modules according to
GPIO alternate priority, and pins not used from P4.0 to P4.5 can also be set P4_DIR hold input mode.

When bXBUS_CS_OE=1, bus address A15 invert signal will select output pin according to ALE output
mode. !A15 will select P5.5 to output when ALE output is enabled, and select P3.3 to output when ALE
output is disabled. ALE output state is decided by bUH1_DISABLE, bXBUS_EN, bXBUS_AL_OE
combined with bALE_CLK_EN. Please refer to Table 11.2.2.

Table 11.2.2 P5.4 pin reuse ALE output state table

Disable ALE output, used as HM in
0 X X X
first order(P5.5 used as HP)
1 0 X 0 Disable ALE output ,used as XB
CH559 Datasheet 39

acquiescently (P5.5 used as XA)

ALE only output system clock
1 0 X 1
signal divided by 12
Disable ALE output ,used as XB
1 1 1 0
acquiescently (P5.5 used as XA)
ALE only output system clock
1 1 1 1
signal divided by 12
ALE only output address latch
1 1 0 0
signal low 8 bits
ALE outputs address latch signal
1 1 0 1 low 8 bits, outputs system clock
signal divided by 12 during idle time

12. Timer
12.1 Timer0/1
Timer0 and Timer1 are 2 16-bit timers and counters, which are configured by registers TCON and TMOD.
TCON is used for start-up control, overflow interrupt and external interrupt control of T0 and T1. Each
timer is 16-bit consist of two 8-bit units, high byte of timer0 is THO, and low byte is TL0. High byte of
timer1 is TH1, and low byte is TL1. Timer1 may also be used for UART0 baud rate generator.

Table 12.1.1 List of Timer0/1 registers

Name Address Description Reset value
TH1 8Dh High byte of Timer1 count xxh
TH0 8Ch High byte of Timer0 count xxh
TL1 8Bh Low byte of Timer1 count xxh
TL0 8Ah Low byte of Timer0 count xxh
TMOD 89h Timer0/1 mode register 00h
TCON 88h Timer0/1 control register 00h

Timer/counter 0/1 control register (TCON):

Bit Name Access Description
Timer1 overflow interrupt flag bit. Automatically cleared after
7 TF1 RW 0
entry of Timer1 interrupt service.
6 TR1 RW Timer1 start/stop bit. Set 1 to start. Set and reset by software. 0
Timer0 overflow interrupt flag bit. Automatically cleared after
5 TF0 RW 0
entry of Timer0 interrupt service.
4 TR0 RW Timer0 start/stop bit. Set 1 to start. Set and reset by software. 0
INT1 interrupt flag. Automatically cleared when MCU enters
3 IE1 RW 0
interrupt routine.
INT1 interrupt type:
2 IT1 RW 0 = Low level action. 0
1 = Falling edge action.
1 IE0 RW INT0 interrupt flag. Automatically cleared when MCU enters 0
CH559 Datasheet 40

interrupt routine.
INT0 interrupt type:
0 IT0 RW 0 = Low level action. 0
1 = Falling edge action.

Timer/counter 0/1 mode register (TMOD):

Bit Name Access Description
Gate control timer1:
7 bT1_GATE RW 0 = Whether Timer1 is started is independent of INT1. 0
1 = Timer1 run enable while P3.3 (INT1) pin is high and TR1 is 1.
Counter or timer mode selection for timer1:
6 bT1_CT RW 0 = Timer, use internal clock. 0
1 = Counter, use P3.5 (T1) pin falling edge as clock
5 bT1_M1 RW Timer1 mode high bit 0
4 bT1_M0 RW Timer1 mode low bit 0
Gate control timer0:
0 = Whether Timer 0 is started is independent of INT0.
3 bT0_GATE RW 0
1 = Timer0 run enable while P3.2 (INT0) pin is high and TR0
is 1.
Counter or timer mode selection for timer0:
2 bT0_CT RW 0 = Timer, use internal clock, 0
1 = Counter, use P3.4 (T0) pin falling edge as clock
1 bT0_M1 RW Timer0 mode high bit 0
0 bT0_M0 RW Timer0 mode low bit 0

Table 12.1.2 List of Timern working mode (n=0, 1)

bTn_M1 bTn_M0 Timern working mode (n=0, 1)
Mode0: 13-bit timer or counter n by cascaded THn and lower 5 bits of TLn, the upper
0 0 3 bits of TLn are ignored. When the counts of all 13 bits change from 1 to 0, set the
overflow flag TFn and reset the initial value.
Mode1: 16-bit timer or counter n by cascaded THn and TLn. When the counts of all
0 1
16 bits change from 1 to 0, set the overflow flag TFn and reset the initial value.
Mode2: 8-bit overload timer/counter n, TLn is used for count unit, and THn is used as
1 0 the overload count unit. When the counts of all 8 bits change from 1 to 0, set the
overflow flag TFn and automatically load the initial value from THn.
Mode3: For timer0, it is divided into TL0 and TH0. TL0 is used as an 8-bit
timer/counter, occupying all control bits of Timer0. TH0 is also used as an 8-bit timer,
1 1 occupying TR1, TF1 and interrupt resources of Timer1. In this case, Timer1 is still
available, but the startup control bit TR1 and overflow flag bit TF1 cannot be used.
For timer 1, it stops after it enters mode3.
CH559 Datasheet 41

Timern count low byte (TLn) (n=0, 1):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] TLn RW Timern count low byte xxh

Timern count high byte (THn) (n=0, 1):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] THn RW Timern count high byte xxh

12.2 Timer2
Timer2 is a 16-bit auto-reload timer and counter, configured by registers T2CON and T2MOD, high byte
of Timer2 is TH2, and low is TL2. Timer2 may be used for baud rate generator for UART0, and provide 2
level capture which capture value stored in registers RCAP2 and T2CAP1.

Table 12.2.1 List of Timer2 registers

Name Address Description Reset value
TH2 CDh Timer2 count high byte 00h
TL2 CCh Timer2 count low byte 00h
T2COUNT CCh 16-bit SFR consists of TL2 and TH2 0000h
T2CAP1H CDh Timer2 capture 1 data high byte (read only) xxh
T2CAP1L CCh Timer2 capture 1 data low byte (read only) xxh
T2CAP1 CCh 16-bit SFR consists of T2CAP1L and T2CAP1H xxxxh
RCAP2H CBh High byte of reload & capature value 00h
RCAP2L CAh Low byte of reload & capature value 00h
RCAP2 CAh 16-bit SFR consists of RCAP2L and RCAP2H 0000h
T2MOD C9h Timer2 mode register 00h
T2CON C8h Timer2 control register 00h

Timer/counter2 control register (T2CON):

Bit Name Access Description
Timer2 overflow interrupt flag when bT2_CAP1_EN=0.
Set it to 1 when the counts of all 16 bits of Timer2 change
7 TF2 RW 0
from 1 to 0. Reset by software. This bit will not be set when
either RCLK=1 or TCLK=1.
Timer2 capture 1 interrupt flag when bT2_CAP1_EN=1, set
7 CAP1F RW 0
by T2 edge trigger, reset by software.
Timer2 external trigger flag, set by T2EX edge trigger if
6 EXF2 RW 0
EXEN2=1, reset by software.
Select UART0 receiving clock:
5 RCLK RW 0 = Timer1 overflow pulse. 0
1 = Timer2 overflow pulse.
4 TCLK RW Select UART0 transmittal clock: 0
CH559 Datasheet 42

0 = Timer1 overflow pulse.

1 = Timer2 overflow pulse.
Enable T2EX trigger function:
3 EXEN2 RW 0 = Ignore T2EX. 0
1 = Enable trigger reload or capture by T2EX edge.
2 TR2 RW Timer2 run enable, 1 = run. Set and reset by software. 0
Timer2 clock source selection:
1 C_T2 RW 0 = Timer base internal clock. 0
1 = External edge counter base T2 falling edge.
Timer2 function selection (force 0 if RCLK = 1 or TCLK = 1):
0 CP_RL2 RW 0 = Timer and auto reload if count overflow or T2EX edge. 0
1 = Capture by T2EX edge.

Timer/counter2 mode register (T2MOD):

Bit Name Access Description
Fastest internal clock mode for T0/T1/T2 under faster clock
7 bTMR_CLK RW 0 = Use divided clock. 0
1 = Use original Fsys as clock without dividing.
This bit has no effect on selecting standard clock timer
Timer2 internal clock frequency selection:
0 = Standard clock, Fsys/12 for timer mode, Fsys/4 for
UART0 clock mode.
6 bT2_CLK RW 1 = Faster clock, Fsys/4 @bTMR_CLK = 0 or 0
Fsys @bTMR_CLK = 1 for timer mode,
Fsys/2 @bTMR_CLK = 0 or Fsys @bTMR_CLK = 1 for
UART0 clock mode
Timer1 internal clock frequency selection:
0 = Standard clock, Fsys/12.
5 bT1_CLK RW 0
1 = Faster clock, Fsys/4 if bTMR_CLK = 0, or Fsys if
bTMR_CLK = 1.
Timer0 internal clock frequency selection:
0 = Standard clock, Fsys/12.
4 bT0_CLK RW 0
1 = Faster clock, Fsys/4 if bTMR_CLK = 0, or Fsys if
bTMR_CLK = 1.
Timer2 capture Timer2 capture point selection:
3 bT2_CAP_M1 RW 0
mode high bit X0: from falling edge to falling edge.
01: from any edge to any edge (level
Timer2 capture
2 bT2_CAP_M0 RW change). 0
mode low bit
11: from rising edge to rising edge.
Timer2 clock output enable:
1 T2OE RW 0 = Disable output. 0
1 = Enable clock output at T2 pin, frequency = TF2/2.
CH559 Datasheet 43

Enable T2 trigger function for capture 1 of timer2 if

RCLK=0, TCLK=0, CP_RL2=1, C_T2=0, T2OE=0:
0 bT2_CAP1_EN RW 0
1 = Enable capture 1 function to capture T2 valid edge.
0 = Disable capture 1.

Count reload/capature 2 data register (RCAP2):

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of reload value in timer/counter mode.
[7:0] RCAP2H RW 00h
High byte of timer captured by CAP2 in capture mode.
Low byte of reload value in timer/counter mode.
[7:0] RCAP2L RW 00h
Low byte of timer captured by CAP2 in capture mode

Timer2 counter (T2COUNT), only valid when bT2_CAP1_EN=0:

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] TH2 RW High byte of timer2 00h
[7:0] TL2 RW Low byte of timer2 00h

Timer2 capture 1 data (T2CAP1), only valid when bT2_CAP1_EN=1:

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] T2CAP1H RO High byte of timer captured by CAP1 xxh
[7:0] T2CAP1L RO Low byte of timer captured by CAP1 xxh

12.3 Timer3
Table 12.3.1 List of Timer3 registers
Name Address Description
T3_FIFO_H AFh Timer3 FIFO high byte xxh
T3_FIFO_L AEh Timer3 FIFO low byte xxh
T3_FIFO AEh 16-bit SFR consists of T3_FIFO_L and T3_FIFO_H xxxxh
T3_DMA_AH ADh DMA address high byte 0xh
T3_DMA_AL ACh DMA address low byte xxh
T3_DMA ACh 16-bit SFR consists of T3_DMA_AL and T3_DMA_AH 0xxxh
T3_DMA_CN ABh DMA remainder word count register 00h
T3_CTRL AAh Timer3 control register 02h
T3_STAT A9h Timer3 status register 00h
T3_END_H A7h Timer3 count end value high byte xxh
T3_END_L A6h Timer3 count end value low byte xxh
T3_END A6h 16-bit SFR consists of T3_END_L and T3_END_H xxxxh
T3_COUNT_H A5h Timer3 current count high byte (read only) 00h
T3_COUNT_L A4h Timer3 current count low byte (read only) 00h
CH559 Datasheet 44

T3_COUNT A4h 16-bit SFR consists of T3_COUNT_L and T3_COUNT_H 0000h

T3_CK_SE_H A5h Timer3 clock divisor setting high byte 00h
T3_CK_SE_L A4h Timer3 clock divisor setting low byte 20h
T3_CK_SE A4h 16-bit SFR consists of T3_CK_SE_L and T3_CK_SE_H 0020h
T3_SETUP A3h Timer3 setup register 04h

Timer3 setup register (T3_SETUP):

Bit Name Access Description
1 = Enable interrupt for capture mode count timeout
7 bT3_IE_END RW (exceed end value) or PWM mode cycle end. 0
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable interrupt for FIFO overflow.
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable interrupt for capture mode FIFO > = 4 or
5 bT3_IE_FIFO_REQ RW PWM mode FIFO < = 3. 0
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable interrupt for capture mode input action or
4 bT3_IE_ACT RW PWM mode trigger. 0
0 = Disable.
3 Reserved RO Reserved 0
2 bT3_CAP_IN RO Current capture input level after noise filtrating 1
1 = Force no minimum pulse width limit for capture
1 bT3_CAP_CLK RW input. Only valid when T3_CK_SE = 1. Used for 0
high-speed signal capture.
1 = Enable to accessing divisor setting register.
0 bT3_EN_CK_SE RW 0
0 = Enable to accessing current count register.

Timer3 current count register (T3_COUNT), only valid when bT3_EN_CK_SE=0:

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] T3_COUNT_H RO Timer3 current count high byte 00h
[7:0] T3_COUNT_L RO Timer3 current count low byte 00h

Timer3 clock divisor setting register (T3_CK_SE), valid only when bT3_EN_CK_SE=1:
Bit Name Access Description
Timer3 clock divisor setting high byte, lower 4 bits valid
[7:0] T3_CK_SE_H RW 00h
only, higher 4 bits are fixed to 0.
[7:0] T3_CK_SE_L RW Timer3 clock divisor low byte 20h
CH559 Datasheet 45

Timer3 count end value register (T3_END):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] T3_END_H RW Timer3 count end value high byte xxh
[7:0] T3_END_L RW Timer3 count end value low byte xxh

Timer3 status register (T3_STAT):

Bit Name Access Description
Interrupt flag for DMA completion:
1 = There is an interrupt.
0 = No interrupt.
Write 1 to clear or write T3_DMA_CN to clear.
1 = FIFO overflow interrupt.
6 bT3_IF_FIFO_OV RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Write 1 to clear.
1 = Interrupt flag for request FIFO data (capture mode
FIFO > = 4 or PWM mode FIFO < = 3)
0 = No interrupt.
Write 1 to clear.
When bT3_IE_ACT=1:
1 = Interrupt flag for capture mode input action or PWM
4 bT3_IF_ACT RW mode trigger. 0
0 = No interrupt.
Write 1 to clear or access FIFO to clear.
When bT3_IE_ACT=0:
1 = Interrupt flag for capture mode count timeout (exceed
4 bT3_IF_END RW end value) or PWM mode cycle end. 0
0 = No interrupt.
Write 1 to clear.
[3:0] MASK_T3_FIFO_CNT R0 Timer3 FIFO current count 0000b

Timer3 control register (T3_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
Timer3 capture mode high bit;
7 bT3_CAP_M1 RW 0
PWM data repeat mode high bit
Timer3 capture mode low bit;
6 bT3_CAP_M0 RW 0
PWM data repeat mode high bit
Timer3 PWM output polarity:
5 bT3_PWM_POLAR RW 0 = Default low and active high. 0
1 = Default high and active low.
Minimum pulse width for timer3 capture:
0 = 4 divided clocks.
CH559 Datasheet 46

1 = 1 divided clock.
DMA enable and DMA interrupt enable for timer3:
4 bT3_DMA_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
Timer3 output enable:
3 bT3_OUT_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
Timer3 count enable:
2 bT3_CNT_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
1 = Force clear FIFO and count of timer3.
1 bT3_CLR_ALL RW 1
Reset by software.
Timer3 mode:
0 bT3_MOD_CAP RW 0 = Timer or PWM. 0
1 = Capture.
Note: Timer3 capture point selection in capture mode: bT3_CAP_M1 & bT3_CAP_M0:
00 = Disable capture;
01 = Trigger by any edge, capture from any edge to any edge (level change);
10 = Trigger by falling edge, capture from falling edge to falling edge;
11 = Trigger by rising edge, capture from rising edge to rising edge.
Data repeater times in PWM mode: bT3_CAP_M1 & bT3_CAP_M0:
00 = 1 times;
01 = 4 times;
10 = 8 times;
11 = 16 times.

DMA remainder word count register (T3_DMA_CN):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA remainder word count, support preset initial value,
[7:0] T3_DMA_CN RW 00h
automatic decreasing after DMA.

DMA address register (T3_DMA):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA address high byte, automatic increasing after
[7:0] T3_DMA_AH RW DMA, low 4 bits valid only, high 4 bits are fixed to 0, 0xh
support first 4k of xRAM only
DMA address low byte, automatic increasing after
[7:0] T3_DMA_AL RW DMA, high 7 bits valid only, low bit is fixed to 0, xxh
support even address only
CH559 Datasheet 47

FIFO register (T3_FIFO):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] T3_FIFO_H RW Timer3 FIFO high byte xxh
[7:0] T3_FIFO_L RW Timer3 FIFO low byte xxh

12.4 PWM
CH559 Timer3 supports 16-bit PWM and two 8-bit PWM. Support default output setting low-level or
high-level, modify duty cycle dynamically, and get the wanted after a simple RC circuit just like a low
speed DAC.

PWM3 duty cycle = T3_FIFO / T3_END, from 0% to 100%. If T3_FIFO >T3_END, PWM3 duty cycle =

PWM1 duty cycle = PWM_DATA / PWM_CYCLE, from 0% to 100%. If PWM_DATA >PWM_CYCLE,

PWM1 duty cycle = 100%.

PWM2 duty cycle = PWM_DATA2 / PWM_CYCLE, from 0% to 100%. If PWM_DATA2 >PWM_CYCLE,

PWM2 duty cycle = 100%.

Suggestion: enable PWM output and set push-pull in application.

12.4.1 PWM1 and PWM2

Table 12.4.1 PWM1 and PWM2 registers

Name Address Description Reset value
PWM_CYCLE 9Fh PWM cycle register xxh
PWM_CK_SE 9Eh PWM clock divisor setting register 00h
PWM_CTRL 9Dh PWM control register 02h
PWM_DATA1 9Ch PWM1 data register xxh
PWM_DATA2 9Bh PWM2 data register xxh

PWM2 data register (PWM_DATA2):

Bit Name Access Description
PWM data for PWM2
[7:0] PWM_DATA2 RW xxh
PWM2 duty cycle = PWM_DATA2 / PWM_CYCLE

PWM1 data register (PWM_DATA1):

Bit Name Access Description
PWM data for PWM1
[7:0] PWM_DATA1 RW xxh
PWM1 duty cycle = PWM_DATA / PWM_CYCLE
CH559 Datasheet 48

PWM control register (PWM_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
1 = enable interrupt for PWM mode cycle end or MFM
empty buffer
PWM2 output polarity if bPWM_MOD_MFM = 0:
6 bPWM2_POLAR RW 0 = Default low and active high. 0
1 = Default high and active low.

6 bMFM_BUF_EMPTY RO MFM empty buffer status if bPWM_MOD_MFM = 1 0

PWM1 output polarity:

5 bPWM_POLAR RW 0 = Default low and active high. 0
1 = Default high and active low.
Interrupt flag for cycle end
1 = There is an interrupt for cycle end.
Write 1 to clear, or write PWM_CYCLE, or load new
data to clear.
PWM1 output enable:
3 bPWM_OUT_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
PWM2 output enable if bPWM_MOD_MFM=0:
2 bPWM2_OUT_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
MFM code bit count status if bPWM_MOD_MFM=1:
2 bMFM_BIT_CNT2 RO 0 = Lower 4 bits. 0
1 = Upper 4 bits.
1 = Force clear FIFO and count of PWM1/2.
Reset by software.
MFM encode mode for PWM:
0 bPWM_MOD_MFM RW 0 = PWM. 0
1 = MFM encode.

PWM clock divisor setting register (PWM_CK_SE):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] PWM_CK_SE RW PWM clock divisor 00h

PWM cycle register (PWM_CYCLE):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] PWM_CYCLE RW Set PWM cycle, 00 means 100h. xxh

12.5 Timer
12.5.1 Timer0/1
(1). Set timer internal clock frequency by T2MOD. Timer0/1 frequency is Fsys/12 when bTn_CLK (n=0/1)
CH559 Datasheet 49

= 0 , Fsys/4 when bTMR_CLK = 0 and Fsys when bTMR_CLK = 1 if bTn_CLK = 1.

(2). Set Timer working mode by TMOD.

Mode0: 13-bit timer/counter

Figure Timer0/1 mode0

Mode1: 16-bit timer/counter

Figure Timer0/1 mode1

Mode2: auto reload 8-bit timer/counter

Figure Timer0/1 mode2

Mode3: Timer0 is divided into 2 separate 8-bit timer/counter, and borrowed TR1 of Timer1. Timer1
substitutes the borrowed TR1 control bit by whether starting mode3. Timer1 stops when it gets into mode3.
CH559 Datasheet 50

Figure Timer0 mode3

(3). Set timer/counter initial value TLn and THn (n = 0/1).

(4). Set TRn (n = 0/1) in TCON to enable or disable timer/counter, and query status through TFn (n = 0/1).

12.5.2 Timer2
Timer2 16-bit reload timer/counter mode:
(1). Clear RCLK and TCLK in T2CON, select non-baud rate generator mode.
(2). Clear C_T2 in T2CON to use internal clock, jump to step(3); or set it to 1 to use pin T2 falling-edge as
count clock, skip step (3).
(3). Set T2MOD to select Timer internal clock. Timer2 frequency is Fsys/12 when bT2_CLK = 0, Fsys/4
when bTMR_CLK = 0 and Fsys when bTMR_CLK = 1 if bT2_CLK = 1.
(4). Clear CP_RL2 in T2CON, to select Timer2 16-bit reload timer /counter function.
(5). Set RCAP2L and RCAP2H as reload value when timer overflow, and TL2 and TH2 initial value
(generally the same as RCAP2L and RCAP2H), set TR2 to 1 to enable Timer2.
(6). Query TF2 or Timer2 interrupt to get current timer/counter status.
÷4 0
Fsys 1 1 C_T2
÷12 0 (8bit) (8bit) TF2
TR2 Timer2
RCAP2L RCAP2H Interrupt
(8bit) (8bit)
Transition Detector
T2EX=P1.1 EXF2

Figure Timer2 16-bit reload timer/counter

Timer2 clock output mode:

Refer to 16-bit reload timer/counter mode, set T2OE in T2MOD to 1 to enable pin T2 output clock of half
TF2 frequency.

Timer2 UART0 baud rate generator mode:

(1). Clear C_T2 in T2CON to enable internal clock, or set it to 1 to set T2 falling-edge as clock, select
baud rate mode according to RCLK and TCLK in T2CON.
(2). Set T2MOD to select Timer internal clock. Timer2 frequency is Fsys/12 when bT2_CLK = 0, Fsys/4
CH559 Datasheet 51

when bTMR_CLK = 0 and Fsys when bTMR_CLK = 1 if bT2_CLK = 1.

(3). Set RCAP2L and RCAP2H as reload value when timer overflow, set TR2 to 1 to enable Timer2.

Figure Timer2 UART0 baud rate generator

Timer2 dual-channel capture mode:

(1). Clear RCLK and TCLK in T2CON, to select non-baud rate generator mode.
(2). Clear C_T2 in T2CON to enable internal clock, and jump to step (3); or set it to 1 to set T2
falling-edge as counter clock, and skip step (3).
(3). Set T2MOD to select Timer internal clock. Timer2 frequency is Fsys/12 when bT2_CLK = 0, Fsys/4
when bTMR_CLK = 0 and Fsys when bTMR_CLK = 1 if bT2_CLK = 1.
(4). Set bT2_CAP_M1 and bT2_CAP_M0 in T2MOD to select edge capture mode.
bT2_CAP_M1 & bT2_CAP_M0: timer2 capture point selection:
x0 = from falling edge to falling edge;
01 = from any edge to any edge (level changing);
11 = from rising edge to rising edge.
(5). Set CP_RL2 in T2CON to select pin T2EX capture function of Timer2.
(6). Set TL2 and TH2 timer initial value, set TR2 to 1 to enable Timer2.
(7). RCAP2L and RCAP2H keep TL2 and TH2 value, set EXF2 to 1 and trigger interrupt after capture.
The signal width of 2 valid edges is the difference between last time capturing of RCAP2L / RCAP2H
and next.
(8). If C_T2 = 0 in T2CON and bT2_CAP1_EN = 1 in T2MOD, that will enable Pin T2 capture function,
T2CAP1L and T2CAP1H keep TL2 and TH2 value, set CAP1F to 1 to trigger interrupt after capture.
CH559 Datasheet 52

Figure Timer2 capture mode

12.5.3 Timer3
(1). Set bT3_EN_CK_SE in T3_SETUP to 1, enable T3_CK_SE, set frequency divisor, timer3 clock is
Fsys/T3_CK_SE, clear bT3_EN_CK_SE after setting.
(2). Set T3_END value or PWM cycles.
(3). Enable T3_SETUP as required.
(4). Set control bit of T3_CTRL, select working mode, clear bT3_CLR_ALL, and set bT3_CNT_EN 1 to
enable Timer3.
(5). Configure T3_DMA_AL, T3_DMA_AH, T3_DMA_CN as required, and set bT3_DMA_EN to enable

1 R Q 1
GPIO 0 Comparator 0
16bit Buffer

GPIO 0 reading & bT3_IE_FIFO_REQ
bTMR3_PIN_X writing
(8bit) (8bit)

bT3_CNT_EN Timer3
÷T3_CK_SE (8bit) (8bit) (8bit) (8bit)

Fsys & bT3_DMA_EN
bT3_CAP_CLK Comparator
Value: 0000 bT3_IF_END
bT3_IE_END 0
Transition Detector 0
bT3_IF_ACT 1
CAP3=P1.2 1
bT3_CAP_M1 | bT3_CAP_M0=1

Figure Timer3 16-bit timer/PWM/capture

CH559 Datasheet 53

Timer3 capture data format:

Timer3 may capture the width of two valid edges, and the width is shown with the counter of frequency
divided and read through DMA or FIFO after or during capturing. it consists of 16 bits, high-bit is a flag
and low 15-bit is width counter. After capture enable, data is generated when a valid edge is detected or
timer overflows. The first will be dropped since it is not the width between two valid edges.

(1). bT3_CAP_M1 and bT3_CAP_M0=11

Rising edge valid, capture the width from rising-edge to rising-edge. And the width overflow if the highest
bit is 1, that mean not found next rising edge after T3_END, and should be added to next width data which
highest bit is 0; if the highest bit is 0, that mean the width of last rising edge. In this mode, recommend to
set T3_END to detect special super wide and end signal. And the normal signal does not overflow.

For example, set T3_END to 4000h, the original capture data is below:
1234h, 2345h, 0456h, C000h, C000h, 1035h, 3579h, C000h, 2468h, 0987h
After combination: 1234h, 2345h, 0456h, 9035h, 3579h, 6468h, 0987h

(2). BT3_CAP_M1 and bT3_CAP_M0=10

Same with (1), but falling valid, capture the width from falling-edge to falling-edge.

(3). bT3_CAP_M1 and bT3_CAP_M0=01

Any edge valid, capture the width from any edge to edge. If the high bit is 1, that means the width of
high-level, and 0 means the width of low–level. Low 15-bit is width counter. In this mode, set T3_END
max value to avoid overflow, but not beyond 15-bit valid data.

13. Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART)

13.1 UART introduction
The CH559 provides 2 full- duplex UARTs: UART0 and UART1.

UART0 is a standard MCS51 UART, which receives and transmits data with SBUF. Reading for receiving,
writing for transmitting.

UART1 is an enhanced UART with following features:

(1). Compatible with 16C550 and enhanced;
(2). Supports 5/6/7/8 data bits and 1/2 stop bits;
(3). Supports odd, even, no parity, space, and mark parity modes;
(4). Programmable baud rate, supports 115200bps and up to 3Mbps;
(5). Built-in receive and transmit buffers and 8-byte FIFO, supports 4 trigger levels;
(6). Supports MODEM: CTS, DSR, RI, DCD, DTR and RTS, can be converted to RS232 level;
(7). Supports hardware flow control signals CTS and RTS auto hand shark and speed control, compatible
with TL16C550C;
(8). Supports UART frame error and break detection;
(9). Built-in SIR coding and encoding, supports 2400bps to 115200bps IrDA communication;
(10). Supports full-duplex and half-duplex communication, provides transmitting and receiving indicator
for RS485;
(11). Built-in half-duplex transceiver, supports multi-device communication like RS485;
(12). Supports preset local address in slave mode, to match data packet over bus in multi-device
CH559 Datasheet 54


13.2 UART register

Table 13.2.1 List of UART registers
Name Address Description Reset value
SBUF 99h UART0 data buffer register xxh
SCON 98h UART0 control register 00h
SER1_DLL 9Ah UART1 baud rate divisor latch LSB xxh
SER1_RBR 9Ah UART1 receiver buffer register (read-only) xxh
SER1_THR 9Ah UART1 transmitter hold register (write-only) xxh
SER1_FIFO 9Ah UART1 FIFO register xxh
SER1_DIV 97h UART1 predivisor latch register xxh
SER1_ADDR 97h UART1 bus address preset register FFh
SER1_MSR 96h UART1 modem status register (read-only) F0h
SER1_LSR 95h UART1 line status register (read-only) 60h
SER1_MCR 94h UART1 modem control register 00h
SER1_LCR 93h UART1 line control register 00h
SER1_IIR 92h UART1 interrupt identification register (read-only) 01h
SER1_FCR 92h UART1 FIFO control register (write-only) 00h
SER1_DLM 91h UART1 baud rate divisor latch MSB 80h
SER1_IER 91h UART1 interrupt enable register 00h

13.2.1 UART0 register description

UART0 control register (SCON):
Bit Name Access Description
UART0 mode bit0, data bit selection:
7 SM0 RW 0 = 8-bit data. 0
1 = 9-bit data.
UART0 mode bit1, baud rate selection:
6 SM1 RW 0 = Fixed. 0
1 = Variable, generated by T1 or T2.
UART0 multi-device communication enable:
When receiving data in mode2 and mode3:
1 = RI is not set to 1 and the reception is invalid if RB8
is 0; RI is set to 1 and the reception is valid if RB8 is 1.
5 SM2 RW 0 = RI is set when receiving and the reception is valid 0
no matter RB8 is 0 or 1.
In mode1:
1 = Reception is only valid when receiving valid stop bit.
In mode0, SM2 must be set to 0.
UART0 receive enable:
4 REN RW 0 = Disable. 0
1 = Enable.
CH559 Datasheet 55

The 9th transmitted data bit in mode2/3, can be a parity bit.

In multi-device communication, it indicates whether the
3 TB8 RW 0
host sends an address byte or a data byte, data byte when
TB8=0, and address byte when TB8=1.
The 9th bit received data bit in mode2/3. In mode 1, RB8 is
2 RB8 RW used to store the received stop bit if SM2=0. In mode 0, 0
RB8 is not used.
Transmit interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion
1 TI RW 0
of a serial transmittal. Cleared by software.
Receive interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of
0 RI RW 0
a serial receiving. Cleared by software.

Table UART0 working mode

SM0 SM1 Description
0 0 Mode0, shift register, baud rate fixed to: Fsys/12.
0 1 Mode1, 8-bit UART, baud rate = variable by timer1 or timer2 overflow rate.
1 0 Mode2, 9-bit UART, baud rate fixed to: Fsys/128@SMOD=0, Fsys/32@SMOD=1.
1 1 Mode3, 9-bit UART, baud rate = variable by timer1 or timer2 overflow rate.

In mode1 and mode3, UART0 baud rate is generated by T1 when RCLK=0 and TCLK=0. Set T1 in mode2
auto reload 8-bit timer, clear bT1_CT and bT1_GATE, as follow:

Table Calculation formula of UART0 baud rate

bTMR_CLK bT1_CLK SMOD Description
1 1 0 TH1 = 256 - Fsys / 32 / baud rate
1 1 1 TH1 = 256 - Fsys / 16 / baud rate
0 1 0 TH1 = 256 - Fsys / 4 / 32 / baud rate
0 1 1 TH1 = 256 - Fsys / 4 / 16 / baud rate
X 0 0 TH1 = 256 - Fsys / 12 / 32 / baud rate
X 0 1 TH1 = 256 - Fsys / 12 / 16 / baud rate

In mode1 and3, UART0 baud rate is generated by T2 when RCLK=1 and TCLK=1. Set T2 in mode2 auto
reload 16-bit timer, clear C_T2 and CP_RL2, as follow:

Table Calculation formula of UART0 baud rate

bTMR_CLK bT2_CLK Description
1 1 RCAP2 = 65536 - Fsys / 16 / baud rate
0 1 RCAP2 = 65536 - Fsys / 2 / 16 / baud rate
X 0 RCAP2 = 65536 - Fsys / 4 / 16 / baud rate

UART0 data buffer register (SBUF):

Bit Name Access Description
UART0 data buffer: reading for receiving, writing for
[7:0] SBUF RW xxh
CH559 Datasheet 56

13.2.2 UART1 register description

SER1_FIFO consists of 2 physical-separated registers: receive buffer SER1_RBR and transmit buffer

UART1 receiver buffer register (SER1_RBR), valid when bLCR_DLAB=0:

Bit Name Access Description
UART1 receiver buffer register. Read data from the
register when bLSR_DATA_RDY = 1. If bFCR_FIFO_EN
[7:0] SER1_RBR RO xxh
= 1, data in shift register will be stored in receiver first and
may be read from this register.

Data transmitter hold register (SER1_THR), valid when bLCR_DLAB=0:

Bit Name Access Description
Transmit hold register, include FIFO.
[7:0] SER1_THR WO Data written will be stored in FIFO first and send through xxh
SER1_THR one by one if bFCR_FIFO_EN = 1.

UART1 interrupt enable register (SER1_IER), valid when bLCR_DLAB=0:

Bit Name Access Description

7 bIER_RESET RW UART1 software reset control, high action, auto cleared. 0

Enable UART1 modem output signal, DTR connect

P0.0, RTS connect P0.1
5 bIER_PIN_MOD1 RW UART1 pin mode high bit 0
4 bIER_PIN_MOD0 RW UART1 pin mode low bit 0
UART1 interrupt enable for modem status change:
3 bIER_MODEM_CHG RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
UART1 interrupt enable for receiver line status:
2 bIER_LINE_STAT RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
UART1 interrupt enable for THR empty:
1 bIER_THR_EMPTY RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
UART1 interrupt enable for receiver data ready:
0 bIER_RECV_RDY RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.

UART1 PIN mode is set by the combination of bIER_PIN_MOD1, bIER_PIN_MOD0, bUH1_DISABLE,

bXBUS_CS_OE, bXBUS_AL_OE and bALE_CLK_EN. The last four may combine RS485EN:
CH559 Datasheet 57

RS485EN bIER_PIN_MOD1 bIER_PIN_MOD0 Mode description

x 0 0 RXD1 connect P4.0, disable TXD1
0 1 0 RXD1/TXD1 connect P2.6/P2.7
0 0 1 RXD1/TXD1 connect P4.0/P4.4
0 1 1 RXD1/TXD1/TNOWconnect P2.6/P2.7/P2.5
1 1 0 RXD1/TXD1 connect iRS485 pins XA/XB
RXD1/TXD1 connect iRS485 pins XA/XB, TNOW
1 0 1
connect P4.4
RXD1/TXD1 connect iRS485 pins XA/XB, TNOW
1 1 1
connect P2.5

The last 3 configurations in the above table are iRS485 half-duplex communication modes. In this case,
RS485EN=1, RXD1/TXD1 connect iRS485 pins XA/XB, and directly support simple long-distance
multi-device communication like RS485 bus through built-in half-duplex differential transceiver. In
iRS485 half-duplex mode, set as follow:
(1). Set bMCR_HALF in SER1_MCR to 1 to enable half-duplex mode;
(2). Set bUH1_DISABLE in UHUB1_CTRL to 1 to disable HP/HM.

UART1 interrupt identification register (SER1_IIR):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:6] MASK_U1_IIR_ID R0 Bit mask of UART1 IIR, FIFO enable flag 00b
[5:4] Reserved RO Reserved 00b
[3:0] MASK_U1_IIR_INT R0 Bit mask of UART1 interrupt flag 0001b
1 = No UART1 interrupt.
0 = Interrupt.

UART1 interrupt status consists of 4 bits: bIIR_INT_FLAG3, bIIR_INT_FLAG2, bIIR_INT_FLAG1, and

bIIR_INT_FLAG0, details as follows:

Name Value Type Source Clear interrupt

Receive a data of UART address Read SER1_IIR or
interrupt by
U1_INT_SLV_ADDR 0Eh which match pre-address or disable multi-device
slave address
broadcast address communication
interrupt by bLSR_PAR_ERR,
receiver line bLSR_FRAME_ERR,
interrupt by Receive number reach FIFO
receiver data trigger level
UART1 Receive data already and not
interrupt by receive next data over 4-byte
CH559 Datasheet 58

receiver FIFO time

UART1 interrupt by THR empty,
bIER_THR_EMPTY changing Read SER1_IIR or
U1_INT_THR_EMPTY 02h interrupt by
from 0 to 1 may re-enable this write SER1_THR
THR empty
interrupt by
modem status
U1_INT_NO_INTER 01h No interrupt

FIFO control register (SER1_FCR):

Bit Name Access Description
7 bFCR_FIFO_TRIG1 W0 UART1 receiver FIFO trigger level high bit 0
6 bFCR_FIFO_TRIG0 W0 UART1 receiver FIFO trigger level low bit 0
[5:3] Reserved RO Reserved 000b
1 = clear UART1 transmitter FIFO, high action, auto

1 bFCR_R_FIFO_CLR W0 1 = clear UART1 receiver FIFO, high action, auto cleared 0

1 = UART1 FIFO enable.

0 = disable

MASK_U1_FIFO_TRIG consists of bFCR_FIFO_TRIG1 and bFCR_FIFO_TRIG0, which is used to set

receive FIFO interrupt and hardware flow control trigger level:
00 = 1 byte,
01 = 2 bytes,
10 = 4 bytes,
11 = 7 bytes.

Line control register (SER1_LCR):

Bit Name Access Description
UART1 divisor latch access bit enable.
UART1 break control enable:
6 bLCR_BREAK_EN RW 0 = No BREAK output. 0
1 = For make BREAK output.
5 bLCR_PAR_MOD1 RW UART1 parity mode high bit 0
4 bLCR_PAR_MOD0 RW UART1 parity mode low bit 0
CH559 Datasheet 59

UART1 parity bit enable:

3 bLCR_PAR_EN RW 0 = Disable. 0
1 = Enable.
UART1 stop bit length:
2 bLCR_STOP_BIT RW 0 = 1 bit. 0
1 = 2 bits.
1 bLCR_WORD_SZ1 RW UART1 word size high bit 0
0 bLCR_WORD_SZ0 RW UART1 word size low bit 0
The combination of bLCR_PAR_MOD1 and bLCR_PAR_MOD0 is used to set parity mode when
bLCR_PAR_EN = 1:
00 = odd parity;
01 = even parity;
10 = mark bit parity;
11 = space parity.

The combination of bLCR_WORD_SZ1 and bLCR_WORD_SZ0 is used to set data length:

00 = 5 bits;
01 = 6 bits;
10 = 7 bits;
11 = 8 bits.

UART1 modem control register (SER1_MCR):

Bit Name Access Description
1 = Enable UART1 half-duplex mode
0 = Disable
UART1 RTS Pin mode selection:
6 bMCR_TNOW RW 0 = Standard RTS output. 0
1 = Enable TNOW output on RTS pin.
UART1 enable auto flow control by CTS & RTS pin:
5 bMCR_AUTO_FLOW RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
UART1 enable local loop back for testing:
4 bMCR_LOOP RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
1 = Enable interrupt request output,
3 bMCR_OUT2 RW 0
0 = Disable.

2 bMCR_OUT1 RW UART1 control OUT1, not real pin 0

UART1 RTS output control:

1 bMCR_RTS RW 0 = Invalid (high -level). 0
1 = Valid (low-level).
UART1 DTR output control bit:
0 bMCR_DTR RW 0 = Invalid (high -level). 0
1 = Valid (low-level).
CH559 Datasheet 60

UART1 line status register (SER1_LSR):

Bit Name Access Description
7 bLSR_ERR_R_FIFO R0 Error in UART1 receiver FIFO, read to clear 0
6 bLSR_T_ALL_EMP R0 UART1 transmitter all empty status 1
5 bLSR_T_FIFO_EMP R0 UART1 transmitter FIFO empty status 1
4 bLSR_BREAK_ERR R0 UART1 receiver break error, read to clear 0
3 bLSR_FRAME_ERR R0 UART1 receiver frame error, read to clear 0
2 bLSR_PAR_ERR R0 UART1 receiver parity error, read to clear 0
1 bLSR_OVER_ERR R0 UART1 receiver overflow error, read to clear 0
0 bLSR_DATA_RDY R0 UART1 receiver FIFO data ready status, auto cleared 0

UART1 modem status register (SER1_MSR):

Bit Name Access Description
7 bMSR_DCD R0 UART1 DCD action status:1 = Valid (low-level) 1
6 bMSR_RI R0 UART1 RI action status:1 = Valid (low-level) 1
5 bMSR_DSR R0 UART1 DSR action status:1 = Valid (low-level) 1
4 bMSR_CTS R0 UART1 CTS action status: 1 = Valid (low-level) 1
3 bMSR_DCD_CHG R0 UART1 DCD changed status, high action, read to clear 0
2 bMSR_RI_CHG R0 UART1 RI changed status, high action, read to clear 0
1 bMSR_DSR_CHG R0 UART1 DSR changed status, high action, read to clear 0
0 bMSR_CTS_CHG R0 UART1 CTS changed status, high action, read to clear 0

UART1 slave address preset register (SER1_ADDR), valid when bLCR_DLAB=0:

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] SER1_ADDR RW UART1 bus address preset register FFh

SER_ADDR preset local address for multi-device communication in slave mode, interrupt when address
match or receive broadcast address and allow receiving the following data. Not allow to receive any data
before it receives matching address, and stop receiving when start to send or rewrite SER1_ADDR until
address match or receive broadcast address.

Bus address auto-compare function is disabled when SER1_ADDR = 0FFH, or bLCR_PAR_EN = 0.

Bus address auto-compare function is enabled when SER1_ADDR != 0FFH and bLCR_PAR_EN = 1, and
configure as follow: set bLCR_WORD_SZ1, bLCR_WORD_SZ0 and bLCR_PAR_MOD1 to 1, set
bLCR_PAR_MOD0 to 1 when address bit is 0, and clear bLCR_PAR_MOD0 when address bit is 1.
CH559 Datasheet 61

UART1 baud rate divisor latch LSB (SER1_DLM, SER1_DLL), valid when bLCR_DLAB=1:
Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] SER1_DLL RW Baud rate divisor consists of SER1_DLL (low byte) and xxh
DLM (high byte), and valid when bLCR_DLAB = 1.
[7:0] SER1_DLM RW Baud rate divisor = Fsys * 2 / SER1_DIV / 16 / baud rate 80h

UART1 predivisor latch register (SER1_DIV), valid when bLCR_DLAB=1:

Bit Name Access Description
Generate internal base clock for baud rate generator after
[7:0] SER1_DIV RW Fsys multiplier and divisor. xxh
Valid when bLCR_DLAB = 1

13.3 UART application

UART0 application:
(1). Select UART0 baud rate generator from T1 or T2 and set counter.
(2). Enable timer.
(3). Set SM0, SM1, SM2 in SCON to select UART0 work mode. Set REN 1 and enable UART0 receiver,
(4). Set UART interrupt or query RI and TI interrupt status.
(5). Write SBUF to send and read SBUF to receive data, and the allowed receive baud rate error should be
less than 2%.

UART1 application:
(1). Set bLCR_DLAB in SER1_LCR to 1, set SER1_DIV, count the baud rate divisor and write into
(2). Set SER_LCR to select data length and parity bit.
(3). Set SER_IER to select interrupt (optional).
(4). Set bMCR_OUT2 in SER1_MCR to enable interrupt output when interrupt enabled, otherwise query
the interrupt status
(5). Read or write SER_FIFO to receive or transmit data, and the allowed receive baud rate error should be
less than 2%.

14. Synchronous serial interface SPI

14.1 SPI introduction
The CH559 provides 2 SPI interfaces which are used for high-speed synchronous data transmission
between peripheral devices.

SPI0 features:
(1). Supports master mode and slave mode;
(2). Supports mode0 and mode3 clock mode;
(3). 3-line full duplex mode or 2-line half-duplex mode is optional;
(4). MSB or LSB is optional to send first;
(5). Clock frequency is variable and can be maximum half of system frequency;
(6). 3-byte receiver FIFO and 1-byte transmitter FIFO inside;
CH559 Datasheet 62

(7). Supports different kinds of interrupts.

SPI1 features:
(1). Supports master mode only, MSB send in first;
(2). Supports clock mode0 and mode3;
(3). 3-line full duplex mode or 2-line half-duplex modes is optional;
(4). Clock frequency is variable and can be maximum half of system frequency.

14.2 SPI register

Table 14.2.1 List of SPI registers
Name Address Description Reset value
SPI0_SETUP FCh SPI0 setup register 00h
SPI0_S_PRE FBh SPI0 slave mode preset data register 20h
SPI0_CK_SE FBh SPI0 clock divisor setting register 20h
SPI0_CTRL FAh SPI0 control register 02h
SPI0_DATA F9h SPI0 data register xxh
SPI0_STAT F8h SPI0 status register 08h
SPI1_CK_SE B7h SPI1 clock divisor setting register 20h
SPI1_CTRL B6h SPI1 control register 02h
SPI1_DATA B5h SPI1 data register xxh
SPI1_STAT B4h SPI1 status register 08h

14.2.1 SPI0 register description

SPI0 setup register (SPI0_SETUP):
Bit Name Access Description
SPI0 master/slave mode select:
7 bS0_MODE_SLV RW 0 = Master mode. 0
1 = Slave mode/device mode
FIFO overflow interrupt enable in slave mode:
6 bS0_IE_FIFO_OV RW 1 = FIFO overflow interrupt is enabled. 0
0 = FIFO overflow will not result in interrupt
The first receive byte interrupt in slave mode
5 bS0_IE_FIRST RW 1 = The first receive byte will trigger interrupt in 0
slave mode.
0 = The first receive byte will not trigger interrupt
Data byte transfer completion interrupt enable:
1 = Byte transfer completion interrupt is enabled.
4 bS0_IE_BYTE RW 0
0 = Byte transfer completion interrupt will not
result in interrupt
Data byte bit order control:
3 bS0_BIT_ORDER RW 0 = MSB in first. 0
1 = LSB in first.
2 Reserved RO Reserved 0
CH559 Datasheet 63

CS activation status in slave mode:

1 bS0_SLV_SELT R0 0 = Not selected at present. 0
1 = Selected at present.
Preload data state in slave mode
0 bS0_SLV_PRELOAD R0 1 = It is in preload state before data transmission 0
while CS is valid

SPI0 clock divisor setting register (SPI0_CK_SE):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] SPI0_CK_SE RW SPI0 clock divisor setting in master mode 20h

SPI0 slave mode preset data register (SPI0_S_PRE)

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] SPI0_S_PRE RW Pre-load the first transfer data in slave mode 20h

SPI0 control register (SPI0_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
SPI0 MISO output enable:
7 bS0_MISO_OE RW 1 = Enable output. 0
0 = Disable output.
SPI0 MOSI output enable:
6 bS0_MOSI_OE RW 1 = Enable output. 0
0 = Disable output.
SPI0 SCK output enable:
5 bS0_SCK_OE RW 1 = Enable output. 0
0 = Disable output.
SPI0 data direction:
0 = Output data, only regard FIFO writing as valid
4 bS0_DATA_DIR RW operation, start a SPI transmission 0
1 = Input data, reading or writing FIFO are all valid,
start a SPI transmission
SPI0 master clock mode:
3 bS0_MST_CLK RW 0 = Mode0, default low level when SCK is free. 0
1 = Mode3, SCK default high level
SPI0 2 line half duplex mode enable:
0 = 3 line full duplex mode, including SCK, MOSI,
2 bS0_2_WIRE RW 0
and MISO.
1 = 2 line half duplex mode, including SCK, MISO
1 = Clear SPI0 interrupt flag and FIFO.
1 bS0_CLR_ALL RW 1
Reset by software.
0 bS0_AUTO_IF RW Clear byte receiving completion interrupt flag 0
CH559 Datasheet 64

automatically by FIFO valid operation enable bit:

1 = It will clear byte receiving completion interrupt
flag S0_IF_BYTE automatically when there is valid
FIFO read/write operation.

SPI0 data register (SPI0_DATA):

Bit Name Access Description
Consist of physically separated receive FIFO and transmit
FIFO. The receive FIFO is used for read operation. The
[7:0] SPI0_DATA RW xxh
transmit FIFO is used for write operation. SPI transmission
can be started by valid read and write operation

SPI0 status register (SPI0_STAT):

Bit Name Access Description
7 S0_FST_ACT R0 1 = First byte has been received in slave mode 0
FIFO overflow flag in slave mode:
1 = FIFO overflow interrupt.
0 = No interrupt
6 S0_IF_OV RW Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding 0
bit in the register to reset. Transmit FIFO empty
triggers interrupt when bS0_DATA_DIR = 0. Receive
FIFO full triggers interrupt when bS0_DATA_DIR = 1.
The first byte received completion interrupt flag in
slave mode:
5 S0_IF_FIRST RW 1 = The first byte has been received. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding
bit in the register to reset.
Data byte transfer completion interrupt flag
1 = one byte has been transferred.
4 S0_IF_BYTE RW Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding 0
bit in the register to reset. Valid FIFO operation while
bS0_AUTO_IF = 1 can also reset it.
SPI0 empty flag:
3 S0_FREE R0 1 = No SPI shifting at present, usually in idle period 1
between data bytes
2 S0_T_FIFO R0 SPI0 transmit FIFO count, the valid value is 0 or 1 0
1 S0_R_FIFO1 R0 SPI receive FIFO count bit 1 Valid value is 0, 1, 0
0 S0_R_FIFO0 R0 SPI receive FIFO count bit 0 2 or 3 0

14.2.2 SPI1 register description

SPI1 status register (SPI1_STAT)
CH559 Datasheet 65

Bit Name Access Description
[7:5] Reserved RO Reserved 000b
Data byte transfer completion interrupt flag:
1 = One byte has been transferred,.
4 bS1_IF_BYTE RW Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding 0
bit in the register to reset. Valid FIFO operation while
bS0_AUTO_IF = 1 can also reset it.
SPI1 empty flag:
3 bS1_FREE R0 1 = No SPI shifting at present, usually in idle period 1
between data bytes
[2:0] Reserved RO Reserved 000b

SPI1 data register (SPI1_DATA):

Bit Name Access Description
SPI1 data shift register in actual, reading is data receiving,
[7:0] SPI1_DATA RW writing is data sending, SPI transmission can be started xxh
once by valid read and write operation

SPI1 control register (SPI1_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
SPI1 MISO output enable:
7 bS1_MISO_OE RW 1 = Enable output. 0
0 = Disable output.
6 Reserved RO Reserved 0
SPI1 SCK output enable:
1 = Enable SCK1 output, MOSI1 output can also be
5 bS1_SCK_OE RW 0
enabled in the meantime if bS1_2_WIRE = 0.
0 = Disable output
SPI1 data direction control:
0 = Otput data, only regard writing SPI1_DATA as
4 bS1_DATA_DIR RW valid operation, start SPI transmission once. 0
1 = Iput data, writing or reading SPI1_DATA are all
valid operation and can trigger SPI1 transmission once
SPI1 clock mode control:
3 bS1_MST_CLK RW 0 = Mde0, default low level when SCK1 is free. 0
1 = Mde3,default high level when SCK1 is free
SPI1 2 line half duplex mode enable bit:
0 = 3 line full duplex mode, including SCK1, MOSI1,
2 bS1_2_WIRE RW 0
and MISO1.
1 = 2 line half duplex mode, including SCK1, MISO1.
1 bS1_CLR_ALL RW 1 = Cear SPI1 interrupt flag and FIFO. 1
CH559 Datasheet 66

Reset by software.
Clear byte receiving completion interrupt flag
automatically by SPI1_DATA valid operation enable
0 bS1_AUTO_IF RW 0
1 = I will clear byte receiving completion interrupt flag
bS1_AUTO_IF automatically when there is valid
SPI1_DATA read/write operation

SPI1 clock divisor setting register (SPI1_CK_SE):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] SPI1_CK_SE RW SPI1 clock divisor setting 20h

14.3 SPI transfer format

SPI host mode support 2 transfer formats, including mode0 and mode3 ,which can be selected by setting
bSn_MST_CLK in SPIn_CTRL. CH559 always samples MISO data during CLK rising edge. The data
transfer formats are shown below:

Mode0: bSn_MST_CLK = 0

Figure 14.3.1 SPI mode0 timing diagram

Mode3: bSn_MST_CLK = 1

Figure 14.3.2 SPI mode3 timing diagram

14.4 SPI configuration

14.4.1 SPI host mode configuration
SCK pin outputs serial clock, CS output pin can be assigned as any I/O pin in SPI host mode.

SPI0 configuration steps:

(1). Configure SPI clock frequency by setting SPI clock divisor setting register SPI0_CK_SE.
(2). Configure SPI host mode by setting bS0_MODE_SLV in SPI setup register SPI0_SETUP0.
(3). Set bS0_MST_CLK in SPI control register SPI0_CTRL, configuration as mode0 or mode3 according
CH559 Datasheet 67

to the demand
(4). Set bS0_SCK_OE and bS0_MOSI_OE in SPI control register SPI0_CTRL as 1 , bS0_MISO_OE as 0,
set P1 direction bSCK and bMOSI as output, bMISO as input ,and CS pin as output.

Data transmission:
(1). Write SPI0_DATA register, write data ready for sending to FIFO and start SPI transmission once
(2). Wait for S0_FREE until it is 1, indicating that data transmission is over, and can continue to send next

Data reception:
(1). Write SPI0_DATA register, start SPI transmission once by writing any data such as 0FFh to FIFO.
(2). Wait for S0_FREE until it is 1, indicating that data reception is over, and can get data by reading
(3). The operation above can also start SPI transmission once while bS0_DATA_DIR has been 1, otherwise
no SPI transmission starts.

14.4.2 SPI slave mode configuration

Only SPI0 supports slave mode. In the slave configuration, the serial clock is received on the SCK pin
from the master device.
(1). Set the bS0_MODE_SLV bit in the SPI0_SETUP register for slave mode.
(2). Clear the bS0_SCK_OE bit and bS0_MOSI_OE bit (both in the SPI0_CTRL register), and set
bS0_MISO_OE bit, and configure bSCK pin, bMOSI pin, bMISO pin and CS pin direction for input.
It will enable MISO pin output automatically if CS pin is effective (low level). In addition, it is
recommended to set MISO pin high-impedance input mode (bP1_OC=0, P1_DIR[6]=0, P1_PU[6]=0),
so that the MISO does not output when CS pin is not effective (high level), which is conducive to
sharing the SPI bus.
(3). Optionally, configure SPI0_S_PRE register for the first data output after the CS pin is effective. After
the 8 serial clocks, that is the first data byte exchanged, the CH559 slave device gets the first byte
from SPI host, and the external SPI host gets the data byte in the SPI0_S_PRE register. The bit 7 in
the SPI0_S_PRE register will be sent to the MISO pin during SCK is low after the CS pin is effective.
In SPI mode 0, if set the bit 7 in the SPI0_S_PRE register, the external SPI host will get the state of
bit 7 in the SPI0_S_PRE register by reading MISO pin when the CS pin is effective but not
transmitted data.

Data transmission:
(1) Wait for S0_IF_BYTE bit setting or interrupt for a byte data exchanged event.
(2) Write the SPI0_DATA register for sending data to the FIFO.
(3) Or wait the S0_FREE bit changed from 0 to 1, continue to send next byte.

Data reception:
(1) Wait for S0_IF_BYTE bit setting or interrupt for a byte data exchanged event.
(2) Read the SPI0_DATA register for receiving data from the FIFO.
(3) Query MASK_S0_RFIFO_CNT register (that consists of S0_R_FIFO1 bit and S0_R_FIFO0 bit) to
obtain the number of bytes remaining in FIFO.
CH559 Datasheet 68

15. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

15.1 ADC introduction
The optional 10-bit or 11-bit ADC of the CH559 MCU is a successive approximation analog-to-digital
converter. It has up to 8 multiplexed for time-sharing sampling.

ADC main features:

(1). Optional 10-bit or 11-bit resolution.
(2). ADC input range: 0≤VIN≤VDD33.
(3). Sampling rate up to 1MSPS.
(4). Scan mode for automatic conversion of two channels.
(5). Built-in 2-level FIFO, support automatic sampling and DMA.

15.2 ADC register

Table 15.2.1 List of ADC registers
Name Address Description
ADC_EX_SW F7h ADC extend switch control register 00h
ADC_SETUP F6h ADC setup register 08h
ADC_FIFO_H F5h ADC FIFO high byte (read-only) 0xh
ADC_FIFO_L F4h ADC FIFO low byte (read-only) xxh
ADC_FIFO F4h ADC FIFO word (Read-only), little-endian 0xxxh
ADC_CHANN F3h ADC channel selection register 00h
ADC_CTRL F2h ADC control register 00h
ADC_STAT F1h ADC status register 04h
ADC_CK_SE EFh ADC clock divisor setting register 10h
ADC_DMA_CN EEh DMA remainder word count register 00h
ADC_DMA_AH EDh DMA address high byte 0xh
ADC_DMA_AL ECh DMA address low byte xxh
ADC_DMA ECh DMA address word, must even address, little-endian 0xxxh

DMA address word (ADC_DMA):

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of DMA 16-bit address.
This byte is the initial value of the high byte of the DMA
16-bit address and then the DMA address is increased
[7:0] ADC_DMA_AH RW 0xh
Only the low 4 bits are valid, and high 4 bits is always 0.
Only supports the previous 4K of xRAM
Low byte of DMA address.
This byte is the initial value of the low byte of the DMA
[7:0] ADC_DMA_AL RW 16-bit address and then the DMA address is increased xxh
Only the high 7 bits are valid, and the low bit is always 0.
CH559 Datasheet 69

Only supports the even address

DMA remainder word count register (ADC_DMA_CN):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA remainder word count.
This byte is the initial value of the DMA remainder count
[7:0] ADC_DMA_CN RW 00h
and then the DMA remainder count is decreased

ADC clock divisor setting register (ADC_CK_SE):

Bit Name Access Description
AIN7 level check delay clock frequency selection bit:
7 bADC_CHK_CLK_SEL RW 0 = Sow (1xfsys) 0
1 = Fst (4xfsys)
[6:0] MASK_ADC_CK_SE RW ADC clock divisor for ADC working clock 10h

ADC status register (ADC_STAT):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA complete flag.
This bit is set to 1 via hardware while DMA
7 bADC_IF_DMA_END RW complete. This bit must be cleared via software. 0
Write 1 to clear or write ADC_DMA_CN to
FIFO overflow flag.
6 bADC_IF_FIFO_OV RW This bit is set when FIFO overflows. Software 0
can write 1 to clear.
AIN7 low level flag.
5 bADC_IF_AIN7_LOW RW This bit is set when checking AIN7 low level. 0
Write 1 to clear by software.
ADC finished flag.
4 bADC_IF_ACT RW This bit is set when an ADC conversion 0
complete. Software can write 1 to clear.
3 bADC_AIN7_INT R0 1 = Crrent AIN7 low level delay status 0
Current channel ID in channel automatic switch
0 = AIN0 or AIN6.
1 = AIN1 or AIN4 or AIN7.
ADC end and data ready flag in channel manual
selection mode:
0 = Dta not ready.
1 = Dta ready.
CH559 Datasheet 70

[1:0] MASK_ADC_FIFO_CNT R0 Current ADC FIFO count. 00b

The size of MASK_ADC_FIFO_CNT is 2 bits, indicating the current count of ADC FIFO.

00b Epty FIFO, return current ADC result if reading FIFO
01b 1 result in FIFO
10b 2 results in FIFO, and FIFO full
11b Unknown error

ADC control register (ADC_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
In manual sample mode, this bit is for sampling
pulse control. High level pulse action.
In automatic sample mode, this bit is sample
pulse state.
In automatic sample mode, sample pulse width:
6 bADC_SAMP_WIDTH RW 0 = 1 ADC clock. 0
1 = 2 ADC clocks.
5 bADC_CHANN_MOD1 RW ADC channel control mode high bit. 0
4 bADC_CHANN_MOD0 RW ADC channel control mode low bit. 0
ADC automatic sample cycle:
[3:0] MASK_ADC_CYCLE RW 0 = Mnual sample. 0000b
Others = set cycle number for automatic sample

MASK_ADC_CHANN consists of bADC_CHANN_MOD1 and bit bADC_CHANN_MOD0, indicating

the current channel control mode.

MASK_ADC_CHANN Description
00b Cannel manual selection mode by SFR ADC_CHANN
01b Atomatic switch mode between AIN0 and AIN1
10b Atomatic switch mode between AIN6 and AIN4
11b Atomatic switch mode between AIN6 and AIN7

ADC channel selection register (ADC_CHANN):

Bit Name Access Description
ADC channel selection:
Set ADC current sample channel, bit0 to bit7 correspond
[7:0] ADC_CHANN RW 00h
to channels AIN0 to AIN7. Cannot select multiple bits
CH559 Datasheet 71

ADC FIFO register (ADC_FIFO):

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of 16-bit ADC FIFO. Only the low 4 bits are
[7:0] ADC_FIFO_H RO 0xh
valid, and high 4 bits are always 0.
[7:0] ADC_FIFO_L RO Low byte of 16-bit ADC FIFO. xxh

ADC setup register (ADC_SETUP):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA and DMA interrupt enable for ADC:
7 bADC_DMA_EN RW 0 = Disable DMA and DMA interrupt. 0
1 = Enable DMA and DMA interrupt.
0 = Disable FIFO overflow interrupt.
1 = Enable FIFO overflow interrupt.
0 = Disable interrupt for AIN7 low level
5 bADC_IE_AIN7_LOW RW checking. 0
1 = Enable interrupt for AIN7 low level checking.
0 = Disable interrupt for a ADC finished.
1 = Enable interrupt for a ADC finished.
3 bADC_CLOCK RO Current level of internal ADC clock 0
ADC power control:
2 bADC_POWER_EN RW 0 = Shut down ADC power. 0
1 = Enable power for ADC
Extend switch module power control:
1 bADC_EXT_SW_EN RW 0 = Shut down. 0
1 = Enable power for extend switch.
AIN7 level check module power control:
0 bADC_AIN7_CHK_EN RW 0 = Shut down. 0
1 = Enable power for AIN7 level check.

ADC extend switch control register (ADC_EX_SW):

Bit Name Access Description
Internal AIN7 extend switch control:
7 bADC_SW_AIN7_H RW 0 = Float AIN7. 0
1 = Tie AIN7 to high level VDD33.
Internal AIN6 extend switch control:
6 bADC_SW_AIN6_L RW 0 = Float AIN6. 0
1 = Tie AIN6 to low level GND.
Internal AIN5 extend switch control:
5 bADC_SW_AIN5_H RW 0 = Float AIN5 0
1 = Tie AIN5 to high level VDD33.
CH559 Datasheet 72

Internal AIN4 extend switch control:

4 bADC_SW_AIN4_L RW 0 = Float AIN4. 0
1 = Tie AIN4 to low level GND.
Extend switch resistor selection:
3 bADC_EXT_SW_SEL RW 0 = High resistor, about 800Ω. 0
1 = Low resistor, about 300Ω.
ADC resolution:
2 bADC_RESOLUTION RW 0 = 10 bits. 0
1 = 11 bits.
1 bADC_AIN7_DLY1 RW AIN7 level check delay control bit 1 0
0 bADC_AIN7_DLY0 RW AIN7 level check delay control bit 0 0
MASK_ADC_AIN7_DLY consists of bADC_AIN7_DLY1 and bADC_AIN7_DLY0, for setting the delay
time after detection AIN7 level change:
00 = No delay time
01 = Maximum delay time
10 = Long delay time
11 = Short delay time.

15.3 ADC functional description

ADC configuration steps:
(1) Setting the bADC_POWER_EN bit in the ADC_SETUP register, enable ADC module.
(2) Setting ADC_CK_SE register for ADC clock frequency (fADC≤12 MHz), recommend no less than
(3) Clear FIFO by reading ADC_FIFO register. If interrupt or DMA function needed, enable them
according to the above register description.
(4) Sampling:
In automatic conversion mode:
Configure the MASK_ADC_CYCLE in ADC_CTRL register for sampling cycles in automatic
conversion mode. Select input channel by settingADC_CHANN register.
In manual conversion mode:
Configure the MASK_ADC_CYCLE in ADC_CTRL register for manual conversion mode. Select
input channel by setting ADC_CHANN register. To start a sampling pulse which is a high level pulse.
Set the bADC_SAMPLE bit in the ADC_CTRL register and then continue for at least 1 ADC clock
cycles and then clear to 0. Each ADC conversion needs a manual sampling pulse.
(5) Waiting for bADC_IF_ACT bit in the ADC_STAT register equal to 1 which means that the end of ADC
conversion, read the ADC_FIFO register for the conversion data.
(6) Another way, read ADC_FIFO several times according to the value of MASK_ADC_FIFO_CNT in the
ADC_STAT register. It is advisable to discard the first conversion data in FIFO.
(7) If use DMA, set buffer start address by writing ADC_DMA first. Second, set DMA remainder word
count by writing ADC_DMA_CN, and finally set bADC_DMA_EN bit in the ADC_SETUP register
for enabling DAM.
(8) There are 12 valid bits in the ADC FIFO. bit0~bit10 are conversion value and bit11 is flag which is
always 0 in manual channel selection mode and is a marker equivalent to bADC_CHANN_ID bit in
auto channel selection mode.
CH559 Datasheet 73

16. Universal serial bus interface (USB)

16.1 USB introduction
The CH559 is built-in USB controller and dual USB transceiver. USB main features:
(1). USB host and USB device
(2). Compatible with USB specification version 2.0 full-speed (12Mbps) or low-speed (1.5Mbps)
(3). Support control transfers, Bulk transfers, Interrupt, Isochronous transfers
(4). Dual port Root-HUB for USB host
(5). Support up to 64 bytes of USB data packets, built-in FIFO, and interrupt and DMA

There are 3 parts for USB registers, and some registers are multiplexed in host and device mode.
(1). USB global registers.
(2). USB device control registers.
(3). USB host control registers.

16.2 Global registers

Table 16.2.1 List of USB global registers
Name Address Description Reset value
USB_RX_LEN D1h USB receiving data length (Read-only) 0xxx xxxxb
USB_INT_FG D8h USB interrupt flag 0010 0000b
USB_INT_ST D9h USB interrupt status (read only) 00xx xxxxb
USB_MIS_ST DAh USB miscellaneous status (read only) xx10 1000b
USB_INT_EN E1h USB interrupt enable 0000 0000b
USB_CTRL E2h USB base control 0000 0110b
USB_DEV_AD E3h USB device address 0000 0000b
USB_DMA_AH E7h Low byte of 16-bit DMA address (read-only) 000x xxxxb
USB_DMA_AL E6h High byte of 16-bit DMA address (read-only) xxxx xxx0b
16-bit DMA address (consists of USB_DMA_AL
USB_DMA E6h xxxxh

USB receiving data length (USB_RX_LEN):

Bit Name Access Description
The number of bytes received by the current USB
[7:0] bUSB_RX_LEN RO xxh

USB interrupt flag (USB_INT_FG):

Bit Name Access Description
In USB device mode, (Read-only):
7 U_IS_NAK RO 1 = Current the host receives the USB response is NAK. 0
0 = Current the host receives the USB response is not NAK.
Current USB transmit data toggle flag status:
1 = Current USB DATA0/1 toggle is OK.
CH559 Datasheet 74

0 = Current USB DATA0/1 toggle is not OK.

USB SIE free status:
5 U_SIE_FREE RO 1 = SIE is free. 1
0 = SIE is busy, USB transfer
FIFO overflow interrupt flag:
1 = FIFO is overflow.
4 UIF_FIFO_OV RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding bit in
the register to reset.
In USB host mode, SOF timer interrupt flag:
1 = SOF packet transfer completes.
3 UIF_HST_SOF RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding bit in
the register to reset.
USB suspend or resume event interrupt flag:
1 = Suspend or resume event.
2 UIF_SUSPEND RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding bit in
the register to reset.
USB transfer complete interrupt flag:
1 = USB transfer complete.
1 UIF_TRANSFER RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding bit in
the register to reset.
In USB host mode, checking device connect or disconnect:
1 = Device connection or disconnection event.
0 UIF_DETECT RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding bit in
the register to reset.
In USB device mode, USB bus reset flag:
1 = USB bus reset event.
0 UIF_BUS_RST RW 0 = No interrupt. 0
Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the corresponding bit in
the register to reset.

USB interrupt status (USB_INT_ST):

Bit Name Access Description
In USB device mode:
7 bUIS_IS_NAK RO 1 = Current received the USB response is NAK, (be 0
equal to U_IS_NAK).
USB transfer toggle state, (be equal to U_TOG_OK):
6 bUIS_TOG_OK RO 1 = Current USB DATA0/1 toggle is OK. 0
0 = Current USB DATA0/1 toggle is not OK.
CH559 Datasheet 75

5 bUIS_TOKEN1 RO In USB device mode, current token PID code bit 1. x

4 bUIS_TOKEN0 R0 In USB device mode, current token PID code bit 0. x
In USB device mode, current endpoint number of a
[3:0] MASK_UIS_ENDP RO 0000 = Endpoint 0. xxxxb
1111 = Endpoint 15.
In USB host mode, current token PID code.
[3:0] MASK_UIS_H_RES RO 0000 = No response or timeout. xxxxb
Others = Respond PID.
MASK_UIS_TOKEN consists of bUIS_TOKEN1 bit and bUIS_TOKEN0 bit which is used to indicate the
current host transmission PID to USB device:
00 = OUT Packet
01 = SOF Packet
10 = IN Packet
11 = SETUP Packet.

USB miscellaneous status (USB_MIS_ST):

Bit Name Access Description
SOF timer presage status in host mode:
7 bUMS_SOF_PRES RO 1 = SOF packet will be sent. x
0 = No SOF packet will be sent.
SOF timer action status in host mode:
6 bUMS_SOF_ACT RO 1 = Sending SOF packet. x
0 = Free.
USB SIE free status, (be equal to U_SIE_FREE):
5 bUMS_SIE_FREE RO 1 = SIE is free. 1
0 = SIE is busy, USB transfer
USB receiving FIFO ready status :
4 bUMS_R_FIFO_RDY RO 1 = Receiving FIFO is not empty. 0
0 = Receiving FIFO is empty.
USB bus reset status:
3 bUMS_BUS_RESET RO 1 = Bus reset. 1
0 = Bus not reset.
USB suspend status :
2 bUMS_SUSPEND RO 1 = Bus suspend. 0
0 = Bus not suspend.
In host mode, device attached status on USB hub1
1 = There is USB device being connected to Hub1.
0 = No device connecting.
In host mode, device attached status USB hub0
CH559 Datasheet 76

1 = There is USB device being connected to Hub0.

0 = No device connecting.

USB interrupt enable (USB_INT_EN):

Bit Name Access Description
1 = Enable interrupt for SOF received for USB device mode.
0 = Disable interrupt.
1 = Enable interrupt for NAK responded for USB device mode.
0 = Disable interrupt.
5 Reserved RO Reserved 0
1 = Enable interrupt for FIFO overflow.
0 = Disable interrupt.
1 = Enable interrupt for host SOF timer action for USB host
3 bUIE_HST_SOF RW mode. 0
0 = Disable interrupt.
1 = Enable interrupt for USB suspend or resume event.
0 = Disable interrupt.
1 = Enable interrupt for USB transfer completion.
0 = Disable interrupt.
1 = Enable interrupt for USB device detected event for USB
0 bUIE_DETECT RW host mode;
0 = Disable interrupt.
1 = Enable interrupt for USB bus reset event for USB device
0 bUIE_BUS_RST RW mode; 0
0 = Disable interrupt.

USB base control (USB_CTRL)

Bit Name Access Description
USB mode selection:
7 bUC_HOST_MODE RO 1 = Host mode. 0
0 = Device mode.
USB bus speed selection:
6 bUC_LOW_SPEED RW 1 = Low speed (1.5Mbps). 0
0 = Full speed (12Mbps).
In USB device mode:
1 = Enable USB device function and enable internal pull-up
0 = Disable USB device function.
5 bUC_SYS_CTRL1 RW USB system control high bit 0
4 bUC_SYS_CTRL0 RW USB system control low bit 0
1 = Automatic responding busy (NAK) for device mode or
automatic pause for host mode during interrupt flag
CH559 Datasheet 77

0 = No pause.
1 = Force reset USB SIE.
Reset by software.
Force clear FIFO and count of USB.
Reset by software.
1 = DMA enable and DMA interrupt enable for USB
0 = Disable DMA.

USB system control consists of bUC_HOST_MODE, bUC_SYS_CTRL1 and bUC_SYS_CTRL0.

bUC_HOST_MODE bUC_SYS_CTRL1 bUC_SYS_CTRL0 USB system control description

Disable USB device function and disable
0 0 0
internal pull-up resistor
Enable USB device and disable internal
0 0 1 pull-up resistor, need external pull-up
Enable USB device and enable internal
0 1 0
pull-up resistor
Enable USB device and enable internal
0 1 1
weak pull-up resistor
1 0 0 Enable USB host and normal status
Enable USB host and force DP/DM output
1 0 1
SE0 state
Enable USB host and force DP/DM output
1 1 0
J state
Enable USB host and force DP/DM output
1 1 1
resume or K state

USB device address (USB_DEV_AD):

Bit Name Access Description
General purpose bit. User-defined. Can be set and reset
by software.
In host mode, this address is the operated device address.
[6:0] MASK_USB_ADDR RW 00h
In device mode, it is the address of device.

16-bit DMA address (USB_DMA):

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of 16-bit DMA address. the low 5 bits are
[7:0] USB_DMA_AH RO xxh
effective and the high 3 bits are always 0.
[7:0] USB_DMA_AL R0 Low byte of 16-bit DMA address. xxh

16.3 USB device control registers

CH559 Datasheet 78

CH559 can configure number of bidirectional endpoints from 0 to 4 and the maximum data packet size for
all endpoints is 64 bytes.

Endpoint0 is for default control pipe as a message pipe and control transfers are carried only through
message pipe. There is a group of 64 bytes buffer shared by endpoint0 sending and receiving.

Endpoint1 and endpoint2 and endpoint3 each have a sending pipe (IN) and a receiving pipe (OUT), and the
transmitter and receiver each have a single 64-byte buffer or a double 64-byte buffer for USB transfers.

Endpoint4 has a sending pipe (IN) and a receiving pipe (OUT), and the transmitter and receiver each have
a single 64-byte buffer for USB transfers.

Each endpoint has a control register (UEPn_CTRL) and a transmittal length register (UEPn_T_LEN) (n =
0/1/2/3/4) to configure the data toggle flag, handshake response, transmittal length, etc.

The pull-up resistor of the USB device port is enabled or disabled by the software settings. If you set the
bUC_DEV_PU_EN bit in the USB_CTRL register, the USB device function start. At this time, the CH559
internal DP or DM pin connected to the pull-up resistor according to the bUD_LOW_SPEED bit. When
the event of bus reset, suspend or resume is detected or USB transfer completion, the USB SIE will
generate the corresponding interrupt flag and interrupt request. The use program can directly query USB
interrupt flag register (USB_INT_FG) or query in the interrupt service routine (ISR). If UIF_TRANSFER
bit is valid, you should also do the corresponding processing according to the value of interrupt status
register (USB_INT_ST) and MASK_UIS_ENDP and MASK_UIS_TOKEN. If you configure the
bUEP_R_TOG bit for each endpoint OUT transaction, you can query the U_TOG_OK bit or
bUIS_TOG_OK bit to determine whether the current received data toggle match with the expected, and if
the toggle is OK, the data is valid otherwise the data should be discarded. After processing the send or
receive data, you need to correct the toggle of the endpoint for the next data packet to send or receive data
packet match-detect. Setting the bUEP_AUTO_TOG bit may enable toggle turn automatically after
transfer completion.

The prepared data to send by each endpoint are placed in the buffer of each endpoint, and the length of data
should be written to the transmittal length register of each endpoint (UEPn_T_LEN). The receive data by
each endpoint are placed in the buffer of each endpoint, and the length of receive data of each endpoint is
all placed in the USB receiving data length register (USB_RX_LEN).

Table 16.3.1 List of USB device registers

Name Address Description Reset value
UEP1_CTRL D2h Endpoint1 control 0000 0000b
UEP1_T_LEN D3h Endpoint1 transmittal length 0xxx xxxxb
UEP2_CTRL D4h Endpoint2 control 0000 0000b
UEP2_T_LEN D5h Endpoint2 transmittal length 0000 0000b
UEP3_CTRL D6h Endpoint3 control 0000 0000b
UEP3_T_LEN D7h Endpoint3 transmittal length 0xxx xxxxb
UEP0_CTRL DCh Endpoint0 control 0000 0000b
UEP0_T_LEN DDh Endpoint0 transmittal length 0xxx xxxxb
UEP4_CTRL DEh Endpoint4 control 0000 0000b
UEP4_T_LEN DFh Endpoint4 transmittal length 0xxx xxxxb
UDEV_CTRL E4h USB device physical port control 0100 x000b
CH559 Datasheet 79

UEP4_1_MOD 2446h Endpoint4/1 mode control 0000 0000b

UEP2_3_MOD 2447h Endpoint2/3 mode control 0000 0000b
UEP0_DMA_H 2448h High byte of 16-bit endpoint 0/4 buffer start address 0000 xxxxb
UEP0_DMA_L 2449h Low byte of 16-bit endpoint 0/4 buffer start address xxxx xxx0b
16-bit endpoint 0/4 buffer start address, (consists of xxxxh
UEP0_DMA 2448h
UEP1_DMA_H 244Ah High byte of 16-bit endpoint1 buffer start address 000x xxxxb
UEP1_DMA_L 244Bh Low byte of 16-bit endpoint1 buffer start address xxxx xxx0b
16-bit endpoint1 buffer start address, (consists of xxxxh
UEP1_DMA 244Ah
UEP2_DMA_H 244Ch High byte of 16-bit endpoint2 buffer start address 000x xxxxb
UEP2_DMA_L 244Dh Low byte of 16-bit endpoint2 buffer start address xxxx xxx0b
16-bit endpoint2 buffer start address, (consists of xxxxh
UEP2_DMA 244Ch
UEP3_DMA_H 244Eh High byte of 16-bit endpoint3 buffer start address 000x xxxxb
UEP3_DMA_L 244Fh Low byte of 16-bit endpoint3 buffer start address xxxx xxx0b
16-bit endpoint 3 buffer start address, (consists of xxxxh
UEP3_DMA 244Eh
After setting bXIR_XSFR, the pdata will be addressed
pUEP* 254*h
in xSFR, which is faster than xdata adderssing.

Endpoint n control (UEPn_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
Expected data toggle flag of USB endpoint n receiving
1 = Expected DATA1.
0 = Expected DATA0.
Prepared data toggle flag of USB endpoint n transmittal (IN):
6 bUEP_T_TOG RW 1 = Send DATA1. 0
0 = Send DATA0.
5 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion
on endpoint 1/2/3:
1 = Automatic toggle.
0 = Manual toggle.
High bit of handshake response type for USB endpoint n
3 bUEP_R_RES1 RW 0
receiving (SETUP/OUT).
Low bit of handshake response type for USB endpoint n
2 bUEP_R_RES0 RW 0
receiving (SETUP/OUT).
High bit of handshake response type for USB endpoint n
1 bUEP_T_RES1 RW 0
transmittal (IN).
Low bit of handshake response type for USB endpoint n
0 bUEP_T_RES0 RW 0
transmittal (IN).
CH559 Datasheet 80

MASK_UEP_R_RES consists of bUEP_R_RES1 bit and bUEP_R_RES0 bit, used to indicate handshake
response type for USB endpoint n receiving (SETUP/OUT):
00 = ACK
01 = timeout/ no response (for isochronous transfers)
10 = NAK
11 = STALL

MASK_UEP_T_RES consist of bUEP_T_RES1 bit and bUEP_T_RES0 bit, used to indicate handshake
response type for USB endpoint n transmittal (IN):
00 = DATA0/DATA1 and expected host ACK
01 = DATA0/DATA1 and expected host no response (for Isochronous transfers)
10 = NAK
11 = STALL

Endpoint n transmittal length (UEPn_T_LEN):

Bit Name Access Description
bUEPn_T_LEN Endpoint n transmittal length, (n = 0/1/3/4). xxh
[7:0] RW
bUEP2_T_LEN Endpoint2 transmittal length. 00h

USB device physical port control (UDEV_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
7 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Disable USB physical port receiver:
6 bUD_RECV_DIS RW 1 = Disable receiver. 1
0 = Enable receiver.
Disable USB DP pull-down resistor:
5 bUD_DP_PD_DIS RW 1 = Disable. 0
0 = Enable pull-down.
Disable USB DM pull-down resistor:
4 bUD_DM_PD_DIS RW 1 = Disable. 0
0 = Enable pull-down.
3 bUD_DIFF_IN R0 Current DP/DM difference input status. x
Enable USB physical port low speed:
2 bUD_LOW_SPEED RW 1 = Low speed (1.5Mbps). 0
0 = Full speed (12Mbps).
General purpose bit. User-defined. Can be set and reset by
Enable USB physical port I/O:
0 bUD_PORT_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
CH559 Datasheet 81

Endpoint 4/1 mode control (UEP4_1_MOD):

Bit Name Access Description
Enable USB endpoint1 receiving (OUT):
7 bUEP1_RX_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
Enable USB endpoint1 transmittal (IN):
6 bUEP1_TX_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
5 Reserved RO Reserved 0
4 bUEP1_BUF_MOD RW Buffer mode control of USB endpoint1 0
Enable USB endpoint4 receiving (OUT):
3 bUEP4_RX_EN R0 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
Enable USB endpoint4 transmittal (IN):
2 bUEP4_TX_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
[1:0] Reserved RO Reserved 00b

Configuration of buffer mode of endpoint 0 and 4 by bUEP4_RX_EN bit and bUEP4_TX_EN bit. Refer to
the following table.

Table 16.3.2 Buffer mode of endpoint 0 and 4

bUEP4_RX_EN bUEP4_TX_EN Description: buffer start address is UEP0_DMA
Single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT &
0 0
IN endpoint).
Single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT &
1 0 IN endpoint) and for endpoint 4 receiving (OUT endpoint), total = 128
Single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT &
0 1 IN endpoint) and for endpoint 4 transmittal (IN endpoint), total = 128
Single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT &
IN endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 receiving (OUT endpoint)
+ 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 transmittal (IN endpoint), total is
1 1 192bytes.
Start address UEP0_DMA+0: endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal.
Start address UEP0_DMA+64: endpoint 4 receiving.
Start address UEP0_DMA+128: endpoint 4 transmittal.

Endpoint 2/3 mode control (UEP2_3_MOD):

Bit Name Access Description
Enable USB endpoint3 receiving (OUT):
7 bUEP3_RX_EN RW 0
1 = Enable.
CH559 Datasheet 82

0 = Disable.
Enable USB endpoint3 transmittal (IN):
6 bUEP3_TX_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
5 Reserved RO Reserved 0
4 bUEP3_BUF_MOD RW Buffer mode control of USB endpoint3. 0
Enable USB endpoint2 receiving (OUT):
3 bUEP2_RX_EN R0 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
Enable USB endpoint2 transmittal (IN):
2 bUEP2_TX_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
1 Reserved RO Reserved 0
0 bUEP2_BUF_MOD RW Buffer mode control of USB endpoint 2. 0

Configuration buffer mode of endpoint 1 or 2 or 3 by bUEPn_RX_EN bit and bUEPn_TX_EN bit and
bUEPn_BUF_MOD bit, (n = 1/2/3). Refer to the following table.

Table 16.3.3 Buffer mode of endpoint n (n=1/2/3)

bUEPn_RX_EN bUEPn_TX_EN bUEPn_BUF_MOD Description: buffer start address is UEPn_DMA
0 0 x Disable endpoint and disable buffer.
1 0 0 Single 64 bytes buffer for receiving (OUT)
Dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUEP_R_TOG
1 0 1
selection for receiving (OUT), total = 128bytes.
0 1 0 Single 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (IN).
Dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUEP_T_TOG
0 1 1
selection for transmittal (IN), total = 128bytes.
Single 64 bytes buffer for receiving (OUT) +
1 1 0 Single 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (IN), total =
Dual 64 bytes buffer by bUEP_R_TOG selection
for receiving (OUT) + dual 64 bytes buffer by
bUEP_T_TOG selection for transmittal (IN), total
= 256bytes.
Start address UEPn_DMA+0: endpoint receiving
when bUEP_R_TOG bit is 0.
1 1 1
Start address UEPn_DMA+64: endpoint receiving
when bUEP_R_TOG bit is 1.
Start address UEPn_DMA+128: endpoint
transmittal when bUEP_T_TOG bit is 0.
Start address UEPn_DMA+192: endpoint
transmittal when bUEP_T_TOG bit is 1.
CH559 Datasheet 83

16-bit endpoint n buffer start address (UEPn_DMA)(n=0/1/2/3):

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of 16-bit endpoint n buffer start address. Among
[7:0] UEPn_DMA_H RW them, the low 5 bits are effective, and the high 3 bits are xxh
always 0.
Low byte of 16-bit endpoint n buffer start address. Among
[7:0] UEPn_DMA_L RW them, the high 7 bits are effective, and the low 1 bit is xxh
always 0, and only even address.
Note: receiving data length > = min( maximum packet length possible+2 bytes, 64 bytes )

16.4 USB host control registers

CH559 provides a set of bidirectional host endpoints in host mode, including a transmittal endpoint (OUT)
and a receiver endpoint (IN). The maximum data packet size for all endpoints is 64 bytes for control /
interrupt / bulk / isochronous transactions.

After processing the USB things initiated by the host, CH559 will automatically set the interrupt flag
UIF_TRANSFER bit. The user program can read the interrupt flag register (USB_INT_FG) by the way of
query or interrupt, and deal with according to the interrupt flags. If the UIF_TRANSFER bit is valid, it
also needs to analyze the interrupt status register (USB_INT_ST) and deal with based on the current
handshake response PID (MASK_UIS_H_RES) for USB host transmittal.

If you configure the bUEP_R_TOG bit for host receiver endpoint (IN), you can query the U_TOG_OK bit
or bUIS_TOG_OK bit to determine whether the current received data toggle match the expected, and if the
toggle is OK, the data is valid otherwise the data should be discarded. After processing the send or receive
data, you need to correct the toggle of the endpoint for the next data packet to send or receive data packet
to match-detect. Setting the bUEP_AUTO_TOG bit can be achieved toggle turn automatically after
transfer completion.

The UH_EP_PID register for host mode is alternate-function of the UEP2_T_LEN register for device
mode, which is used to configure the endpoint number of the target device and the PID of USB packet. The
data buffer start address for USB data packet following SETUP/OUT packet is filled in UH_TX_DMA
register and the length of data should be written to the transmit length register of host endpoint
(UH_TX_LEN). The receiving data packet start address by host endpoint is placed in the UH_RX_DMA
register, and the length of receive data of host endpoint is placed in the USB receiving data length register

Table 16.4.1 List of USB host registers

Name Address Description Reset value
UH_SETUP D2h Host auxiliary setup 0000 0000b
UH_RX_CTRL D4h Host receiver endpoint control 0000 0000b
UH_EP_PID D5h Host endpoint and token PID 0000 0000b
UH_TX_CTRL D6h Host transmittal endpoint control 0000 0000b
UH_TX_LEN D7h Host endpoint transmittal length 0xxx xxxxb
USB_HUB_ST DBh USB host hub status (Read-only) 0000 0000b
UHUB0_CTRL E4h USB hub0 control 0100 x000b
UHUB1_CTRL E5h USB hub1 control 1100 x000b
CH559 Datasheet 84

UH_EP_MOD 2447h Host endpoint mode control 0000 0000b

High byte of host receiving endpoint buffer start 000x xxxxb
Low byte of host receiving endpoint buffer start xxxx xxx0b
16-bit host receiving endpoint buffer start address xxxxh
(consists of UH_RX_DMA_L and UH_RX_DMA_H)
High byte of host transmittal endpoint buffer start 000x xxxxb
Low byte of host transmittal endpoint buffer start xxxx xxx0b
16-bit host transmittal endpoint buffer start address xxxxh
(consists of UH_TX_DMA_L and UH_TX_DMA_H).
After setting bit bXIR_XSFR, the pdata will be addressed
pUH_* 254*h
in xSFR, which is faster than xdata addressing.

Host auxiliary setup (UH_SETUP):

Bit Name Access Description
USB host PRE PID enable for low speed device via hub:
7 bUH_PRE_PID_EN RW 1 = Enable PRE. 0
0 = Disable. Cannot operate low device via hub.
USB host automatic SOF enable:
6 bUH_SOF_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable. Send SOF manually.
[5:0] Reserved RO Reserved 00h

Host receiver endpoint control (UH_RX_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
Expected data toggle flag of host receiving (IN):
7 bUH_R_TOG RW 1 = DATA1. 0
0 = DATA0.
[6:5] Reserved RO Reserved 00b
Enable automatic toggle after successful transfer
1 = Automatic toggle.
0 = Manual toggle.
3 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Prepared handshake response type for host receiving (IN):
1 = No response, time out to device, for isochronous
2 bUH_R_RES RW 0
transactions (not for endpoint 0).
0 = ACK (ready).
[1:0] Reserved RO Reserved 00b
CH559 Datasheet 85

Host endpoint and token PID (UH_EP_PID):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:4] MASK_UH_TOKEN RW Token PID for USB host transfer 0000b
[3:0] MASK_UH_ENDP RW Endpoint number for USB host transfer. 0000b

Host transmittal endpoint control (UH_TX_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
7 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Prepared data toggle flag of host transmittal
6 bUH_T_TOG RW 0
1 = DATA1.
0 = DATA0.
5 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Enable automatic toggle after successful transfer
1 = Automatic toggle.
0 = Manual toggle.
[3:1] Reserved RO Reserved 000b
Expected handshake response type for host transmittal
0 bUH_T_RES RW 1 = No response, time out from device, for isochronous 0
transactions (not for endpoint 0).
0 = ACK (ready).

Host endpoint transmittal length (UH_TX_LEN):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] UH_TX_LEN RW Host endpoint transmittal length. xxh

USB host hub status (USB_HUB_ST):

Bit Name Access Description
Device attached status on USB hub1 HP/HM, (equal
1 = Connect.
0 = Disconnect.
HM level saved at device attached to USB hub1:
6 bUHS_HM_LEVEL RO 1 = High level. 0
0 = Low level.
5 bUHS_HP_PIN RO Current HP pin level: 0
CH559 Datasheet 86

1 = High level.
0 = Low level.
Current HM pin level:
4 bUHS_HM_PIN RO 1 = High level. 0
0 = Low level.
Device attached status on USB hub0 DP/DM, (equal
1 = Connect.
0 = Disconnect.
DM level saved at device attached to USB hub0:
2 bUHS_DM_LEVEL RO 1 = High level. 0
0 = Low level.
Current DP pin level:
1 bUHS_DP_PIN RO 1 = High level. 0
0 = Low level.
Current DM pin level:
0 bUHS_DM_PIN RO 1 = High level. 0
0 = Low level.

USB hub n control (UHUBn_CTRL) (n = 0.1)

Bit Name Access Description
7 Reserved RO Reserved for SFR UHUB0_CTRL 0
Disable USB hub1 pin:
7 bUH1_DISABLE RW 1 = Disable hub1 and releasing HP/HM pin. 1
0 = Enable hub1 and using HP/HM pin.
Disable USB HUBn receiver:
6 bUH_RECV_DIS RW 1 = Disable hub receiver. 1
0 = Enable hub receiver.
Disable USB DP or HP pull-down resistor:
5 bUH_DP_PD_DIS RW 1 = Disable. 0
0 = Enable pull-down.
Disable USB DM or HM pull-down resistor:
4 bUH_DM_PD_DIS RW 1 = Disable. 0
0 = Enable pull-down.
3 bUH_DIFF_IN R0 Current DP/DM or HP/HM difference input status x
Enable USB hub low speed:
2 bUH_LOW_SPEED RW 1 = Low speed (1.5Mbps). 0
0 = Full speed (12Mbps).
Control USB hub bus reset:
1 bUH_BUS_RESET RW 1 = Force bus reset. 0
0 = Normal.
CH559 Datasheet 87

Enable USB hub port:

1 = Enable port, automatic disabled if USB device
0 = Disable.

Host endpoint mode control (UH_EP_MOD):

Bit Name Access Description
7 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Enable USB host endpoint transmittal:
6 bUH_EP_TX_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
5 Reserved RO Reserved 0
Buffer mode control of USB host transmittal
Enable USB host endpoint receiving:
3 bUH_EP_RX_EN RO 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
[2:1] Reserved RO Reserved 00b
0 bUH_EP_RBUF_MOD RW Buffer mode of USB host receiving endpoint 0

Configuration buffer mode of USB host transmittal endpoint by bUH_EP_TX_EN bit and
bUH_EP_TBUF_MOD bit. Refer to the following table.

Table 16.4.2 List of USB host transmittal endpoint buffer

bUH_EP_TX_EN bUH_EP_TBUF_MOD Description : buffer start address is UH_TX_DMA
0 x Disable endpoint and disable buffer.
1 0 Single 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (OUT endpoint).
Dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUH_T_TOG selection for
transmittal (OUT endpoint), total = 128bytes.
1 1
Select the first 64 bytes of buffer if bUH_T_TOG bit is 0.
Select the last 64 bytes of buffer if bUH_T_TOG bit is 1.

Configuration buffer mode of USB host receiving endpoint by bUH_EP_TX_EN bit and
bUH_EP_TBUF_MOD bit. Refer to the following table.

Table 16.4.3 USB host receiving endpoint buffer list

bUH_EP_RX_EN bUH_EP_RBUF_MOD Description : buffer start address is UH_ RX _DMA
0 x Disable endpoint and disable buffer.
1 0 Single 64 bytes buffer for receiving (IN endpoint).
Dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUH_R_TOG selection
1 1 for receiving (IN endpoint), total = 128bytes.
Select the first 64 bytes of buffer if bUH_R_TOG bit is 0.
CH559 Datasheet 88

Select the last 64 bytes of buffer if bUH_R_TOG bit is 1.

16-bit host receiving endpoint buffer start address (UH_RX_DMA)

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of host receiving endpoint buffer start address.
[7:0] UH_RX_DMA_H RW Among them, the low 5 bits are effective and the high 3 xxh
bits are fixed to 0.
Low byte of host receiving endpoint buffer start address.
[7:0] UH_RX_DMA_L RW Among them, the high 7 bits are effective and the low 1 xxh
bit are fixed to 0, and only even address.

16-bit host transmittal endpoint buffer start address (UH_TX_DMA):

Bit Name Access Description
High byte of host transmittal endpoint buffer start
[7:0] UH_TX_DMA_H RW address. Among them, the low 5 bits are effective and the xxh
high 3 bits are fixed to 0.
Low byte of host transmittal endpoint buffer start address.
[7:0] UH_TX_DMA_L RW Among them, the high 7 bits are effective and the low 1 xxh
bit is fixed to 0, and only even address.

17. LED display control interface

17.1 LED control card
CH559 provides LED display control interface, built-in 4-level FIFO, It supports DMA and interrupt,
which saves the processing time for CPU. It also supports 1/2/4 data line.

Table 17.1.1 List of LED display interface registers

Name Address Description Reset value
LED_STAT 2880h LED status 010x 0000b
LED_CTRL 2881h LED control 0000 0010b
LED_FIFO_CN 2882h LED FIFO count (read-only) 0000 0000b
LED_DATA 2882h LED data (write-only) xxxx xxxxb
LED_CK_SE 2883h LED clock divisor setting 0001 0000b
LED_DMA_AH 2884h High byte of 16-bit DMA address 000x xxxxb
LED_DMA_AL 2885h Low byte of 16-bit DMA address xxxx xxx0b
16-bit DMA address (consists of LED_DMA_AL and
LED_DMA 2884h xxxxh
LED_DMA_CN 2886h DMA remainder word count xxxx xxxxb
LED_DMA_XH 2888h High byte of 16-bit auxiliary buffer DMA address 000x xxxxb
LED_DMA_XL 2889h Low byte of 16-bit auxiliary buffer DMA address xxxx xxx0b
LED_DMA_X 2888h 16-bit auxiliary buffer DMA address (consists of xxxxh
CH559 Datasheet 89


After setting bXIR_XSFR, the pdata will be addressed
pLED_* 298*h
in xSFR, which is faster than xdata addressing.

LED status register (LED_STAT):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA complete interrupt flag.
1 = DMA completion.
0 = No interrupt.
Write 1 to clear or write LED_DMA_CN to clear.
FIFO empty flag:
6 bLED_FIFO_EMPTY RO 1 = FIFO is empty. 0
0 = FIFO is not empty.
Request FIFO data flag( FIFO < = 2):
1 = FIFO is not full.
0 = FIFO is full.
Write 1 to clear.
4 bLED_CLOCK R0 Current LED clock level. x
3 Reserved RO Reserved 0
[2:0] MASK_LED_FIFO_CNT R0 Current LED FIFO count. 000b

LED control register (LED_CTRL):

Bit Name Access Description
7 bLED_CHAN_MOD1 RW LED channel mode high bit 0
6 bLED_CHAN_MOD0 RW LED channel mode low bit 0
Enable interrupt for FIFO < = 2:
5 bLED_IE_FIFO_REQ RW 1 = Enable interrupt for FIFO < = 2. 0
0 = Disable.
DMA enable and DMA interrupt enable for LED:
4 bLED_DMA_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
LED output enable:
3 bLED_OUT_EN RW 1 = Enable. 0
0 = Disable.
LED output polarity:
2 bLED_OUT_POLAR RW 1 = Invert. 0
0 = Passthrough.
1 bLED_CLR_ALL RW Force clear FIFO and count of LED, need software clear. 1
LED bit data order:
0 bLED_BIT_ORDER RW 1 = MSB first. 0
0 = LSB first.
CH559 Datasheet 90

Table 16.1.2 LED channel mode

0 0 Single channel output, LED0
0 1 Dual channels output, LED0/1
4 channels output, LED0 to 3.
1 0 The data from LED_DMA buffer take turns to LED0 to
4 channels output and LED2/3 from auxiliary buffer,
1 1
LED0 and LED1 data are from LED_DMA buffer.
LED2 and LED3 data are from LED_DMA_X buffer.


Bit Name Access Description
Current FIFO count. Only the low 3 bits are effective and
[7:0] LED_FIFO_CN RO 00h
the high 5 bits are fix to 0.

LED data (LED_DATA):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] LED_DATA WO LED data port for FIFO. xxh

LED clock divisor setting (LED_CK_SE):

Bit Name Access Description
[7:0] LED_CK_SE RW Set LED output clock divisor 10h

16-bit DMA address (LED_DMA):

Bit Name Access Description
SFR high byte of 16-bit DAM address.
This byte is the initial value of the high byte of the 16-bit
[7:0] LED_DMA_AH RW DMA address and then the DMA address is increased xxh
Only the low 5 bits are valid, and high 3 bits are fixed to 0.
SFR low byte of 16-bit DAM address.
This byte is the initial value of the high byte of the 16-bit
DMA address and then the DMA address is increased
[7:0] LED_DMA_AL RW xxh
The high 7 bits are valid, and the low bit is fixed to 0. Only
for even address.
CH559 Datasheet 91

16-bit auxiliary buffer DMA address (LED_DMA_X):

Bit Name Access Description
SFR high byte of 16-bit DAM address.
This byte is the initial value of the high byte of the 16-bit
[7:0] LED_DMA_XH RW auxiliary buffer DMA address and then the DMA address is xxh
increased automatically.
Only the low 5 bits are valid, and high 3 bits are fixed to 0.
SFR low byte of 16-bit DAM address.
This byte is the initial value of the high byte of the 16-bit
auxiliary buffer DMA address and then the DMA address is
[7:0] LED_DMA_XL RW xxh
increased automatically.
The high 7 bits are valid, and the low bit is fixed to 0. Only
for even address.

DMA remainder word counter (LED_DMA_CN):

Bit Name Access Description
DMA remainder word count, just main buffer and exclude
[7:0] LED_DMA_CN RW 00h
auxiliary buffer, automatic decreasing after DMA

17.2 LED display control application

(1) Configure the LEDC and LED0~LED3 pins for the output mode and set the I/O port drive capability.
(2) Configure the LED_CK_SE register, selecting LED output clock divisor.
(3) Write the LED_DMA register as DMA data buffer start address which is main buffer.
(4) If the channel mode of LED is 3, you need write LED_DMA_X register, which auxiliary buffer.
(5) Configure the LED_CTRL register, select channel mode, output polarity, bit data order, interrupt and
DMA, etc...For example, LED_CTRL = bLED_CHAN_MOD0 | bLED_DMA_EN | bLED_OUT_EN.
(6) Configure DMA remainder word count, and enable DMA. Or you can send data by FIFO.
(7) You can use the query or interrupt mode to deal with the corresponding flag status.

18. Parameters
18.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Stresses at or above the absolute maximum ratings listed in the table below may cause permanent damage
to the device.
Symbol Parameter description Min. Max. Unit
TA Operating temperature -40 85 ℃
TS Storage temperature -55 125 ℃
Internal operating supply voltage (VCC33 is connected to
VDD33 -0.4 3.6 V
power, GND is connected to ground)
External input supply voltage (VIN5 is connected to power,
VIN5 -0.4 5.6 V
GND is connected to ground)
VIO5 Voltage on the input or output pins support 5V -0.4 5.5 V
CH559 Datasheet 92

VIO3 Voltage on the input or output pins not support 5V -0.4 VDD33+0.4 V

18.2 Electrical characteristics

Test conditions: TA=25℃, VIN5=5V or 3.3V, VDD33=3.3V, Fsys=12MHz.
Symbol Parameter description Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VDD33 Internal power voltage 2.85 3.3 3.6 V
External capacitor
3.6 5 5.5 V
External input connected to VDD33 pin
supply voltage VDD33 pin shorted to
2.85 3.3 3.6 V
VIN5 pin
ICC Total operating current 4 8 50 mA
ISLP Total sleep current 0.1 0.2 mA
VIL Input low voltage -0.4 0.8 V
VIH Input high voltage 2.0 VDD33+0.4 V
VOL Output low voltage (IIL = 4mA) 0.4 V
VOH Output highvoltage (IOH = 4mA) VDD33-0.4 V
IIN The input current without pull-up resistor -5 0 5 uA
IUP The input current with pull-up resistor 20 40 80 uA
IDN The input current with pull-down resistor -20 -40 -80 uA
The input current with pull-up resistor from low
IUPX 200 300 500 uA
to high
Vpot Power on reset threshold 2.4 2.55 2.7 V
Note: All the current of pull-up are pulled up to VDD33, not VIN5.

18.3 AC electrical characteristics

Test conditions: TA=25℃, VIN5=5V or 3.3V, VDD33=3.3V, Fsys=12MHz.
Symbol Parameter description Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Fxt External clock input frequency 4 12 20 MHz
Fosc Internal clock frequency 11.82 12 12.18 MHz
Fpll Frequency after PLL 24 288 350 MHz
USB sampling clock frequency for the USB
47.98 48 48.02 MHz
USB sampling clock frequency for the USB
47.04 48 48.96 MHz
System frequency (VDD33>=3V) 1 12 56 MHz
System frequency (VDD33<3V) 1 12 50 MHz
Tpor Power on reset delay 15 17 20 mS
Trst External input valid reset signal width 70 100 200 nS
Trdl Thermal reset delay 35 60 100 uS
Twdc Watchdog overflow/ Timer calculation formula 262144 * ( 0x100 - WDOG_COUNT ) / Fsys
Automatically hang up time in USB host mode 2 3 4 mS
Tusp Automatically hang up time in USB device
4 5 6 mS
Twak Time to wake up from sleep mode 1 40 100 uS
CH559 Datasheet 93

19. Revision history

Version Date Description
V1.0 September 26, 2014 Initial release
V1.1 August 14, 2015 Update: Section 12.5.2, Section 14.4
V1.2 September 25, 2015 Update: Chapter 1, Chapter 4, Section 16.3, Chapter 17, Section 18.3
V1.3 July 22, 2016 Update: Section 12.5
V1.4 February 10, 2017 Update: Chapter 2, Section 6.7, Section 14.4.2
V1.5 November 22, 2017 Update: RCAP2H in Table 5.1, Table 6.7.1
Typo corrected: P3 direction control register.
Note that USB pins are not connected to external resistors in series.
V1.6 January 05, 2022
Expression optimized: Directly write 0 to reset, or write 1 to the
corresponding bit in the register to reset.

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