Building Franchise

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Build a Franchise

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I. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3
II. Establishing Identity............................................................................................................................4
III. Mission and Vision.............................................................................................................................5
IV. Establishing Vision and Mission.........................................................................................................6
V. Business Strategy.................................................................................................................................7
VI. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................8
VII. References.........................................................................................................................................9
I. Introduction
A. The idea of starting a sports franchise excites and motivates me as a sports fan and
aspiring business owner. This project entails developing a brand that captures the
competitive, society as a whole and sports-loving spirit.

B. For the citizens of Lethbridge, the establishment of a sports franchise is very important.
Lethbridge is an excellent place to build a devoted fan base and add to the sporting legacy of
the city because of its fascinating history and dynamic culture. This endeavor promotes
business development and community involvement in addition to offering entertainment.
II. Establishing Identity
A. Selection of City and Team Name
The choice to locate our sports team in Lethbridge was motivated by the city's rich history
and sense of community. Lethbridge's vibrant sports culture and strong feeling of
community make it the perfect place for our team to launch (Sanogo, 2022). Following much
deliberation, the moniker "Lethbridge Titans" was selected to honor the tenacity and might
of the city. The name honors the strong legendary characters while also representing the
resolve and pride of the area.

B. Designing Logo and Choosing Colors

A visual depiction of our squad's identity and beliefs is provided by the Lethbridge Titans
logo. With a powerful and intimidating silhouette that symbolizes power and strength, the
logo was inspired by the ancient Titans. To communicate strength, competence, and a
feeling of oneness, the organization picked silver and navy blue as its colors. We hope to
establish a distinctive and memorable brand that connects with customers and embodies
Lethbridge through the careful planning of our logo and color scheme.

Figure 1: Franchise Logo

(Source: Author, 2024)

III. Mission and Vision
A. Practicalities and Community Relations
1. Venue Selection and Timing
All the business to succeed and to keep good community relations, selecting the ideal
location and schedule for our sporting activities is essential. After careful consideration, we
will choose a location that will least disturb the neighborhood while still being easily
accessible, secure, and meeting our purposes (Qian et al., 2021). It will also assist to reduce
noise concerns and guarantee that both inhabitants and fans enjoy our events if games are
scheduled at the right hours.

2. Managing Noise and Impact on Community

We'll use sound-absorbing barriers, move game schedules to quieter hours, and effectively
notify neighbors about impending events as part of our sound management methods to
lessen the negative effects of noise on residents. Furthermore, we will collaborate closely
with local law enforcement and local politicians to resolve any issues and guarantee that our
events are handled responsibly and thoughtfully.

B. Building Support and Engagement

1. Grassroots Sports Initiatives
We understand the value of funding community-based sports programs in order to support
the development of talent and establish a devoted following from the ground up. Our
franchise will collaborate with neighborhood youth leagues, sports clubs, and universities to
offer coaching clinics, young leagues, and other chances for aspiring players to improve their
abilities and get involved in the sport (Anderson-Butcher, and Bates, 2021). To build a
devoted and enthusiastic base of fans for the Lethbridge Titans, we strive to develop young
talent and encourage sports participation.

2. Connecting with Fans and Growing Support

Establishing a personal connection with fans is crucial to developing a loyal and enthusiastic
following. In order to interact with fans, hear their opinions, and create unique experiences
that inspire devotion to the club, we will make use of a variety of platforms, including social
networks, fan events, and outreach efforts to the community. To encourage fan involvement
and deepen their bond with the Lethbridge Titans, we will also provide special benefits,
prizes, and products. We hope to build a strong and engaged fan base with these initiatives,
one that will stick by the club through its successes and setbacks.
IV. Establishing Vision and Mission
A. Defining Vision and Mission of the Franchise
The Lethbridge Titans' mission is to encourage a sense of society as a whole pride, and
success by using the power of athletics to inspire and bring people together. In addition to
giving athletes the chance to succeed, we want to foster a sense of community among fans
and cooperation, self-control, and sportsmanship both on and off the field. We want the
Lethbridge Titans to become known for success, tenacity, and dedication both inside and
outside of town by upholding these ideals.

B. Articulating Code of Conduct, Ideology, and Ethics

A code of conduct emphasizing honesty, decency, and responsibility is the cornerstone of
the Lethbridge Titans franchise (Smit, 2024). When it comes to dealing with players,
employees, supporters, and the general public, among other areas of our business, we are
dedicated to acting honorably and fairly. In order to make sure that everyone feels respected
and welcomed in our business, our ideology is centered upon diversity, inclusion, and equal
chances for everyone. Our decisions are based on the long-term financial success and well-
being of the brand and its partners, and we uphold the highest ethical standards and make
an effort to be a good steward of the funds entrusted to us.
V. Business Strategy
A. Stadium Location and Infrastructure
For the Lethbridge Titans franchise to be successful, choosing the best site for our stadium is
essential. When assessing possible locations, we will give top priority to facilities,
accessibility, and room for future growth. To improve fan experience and meet the demands
of players, staff, and spectators alike, we will also be investing in cutting-edge infrastructure
(Raman,and Singh, 2023). The construction of a cutting-edge, premier facility that acts as the
center of Lethbridge's sports and entertainment scene is our aim.

B. Sponsorship and Capital Acquisition

To finance the Lethbridge Titans franchise's operations and expansion, capital investments
and sponsorship agreements must be signed. To get funding and partnership opportunities,
we will aggressively seek collaborations with regional enterprises, global corporations, and
national brands. To finance stadium development, player salaries, marketing campaigns, and
other operational costs, we will also look at potential public-private partnerships and
funding from business angels, equity firms, and other sources.

C. Marketing Strategies for Cultural Groups

We will create tailored marketing tactics that speak to the distinct interests, values, and
preferences of the many cultural communities in Lethbridge and beyond. This could entail
working with cultural institutions, organizing themed gatherings, and including a varied
range of representation in marketing materials (Cudny et al., 2020). We intend to utilize
digital marketing channels, social networking platforms, and conventional advertising
techniques to effectively interact with multicultural customers and establish significant
connections that surpass linguistic and cultural divides.

D. Engaging Male and Female Support

Our goal is to promote inclusivity and gender equality in the Lethbridge Titans organization,
both on and off the field. To guarantee that women are represented and given opportunities
in our company, we will aggressively seek out female athletes, coaches, and employees.
Furthermore, we want to execute strategies aimed at drawing in and keeping female
supporters, including the provision of women's sports clinics, the development of female-
centric fan experiences, and equitable access to products and promotional events. Our goal
is to build a fan base that is inclusive and positive, reflecting the diverse nature of our
community, by encouraging inclusion and embracing diversity.
VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of Key Points
It has taken a lot of strategic preparation, community involvement, and dedication to our
mission and principles in order to establish the Lethbridge Titans franchise. We have
established the groundwork for a prosperous sports enterprise that personifies tenacity,
morality, and diversity.

B. Reflections on the Franchise Building Process

As we go back on the franchise development process, we see the opportunities and
difficulties that have presented themselves. Every stage of the process, from managing
neighborhood connections to encouraging fan interaction and obtaining funding, has called
for commitment, ingenuity, and cooperation.

C. Appreciation and Learning Experience

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the mentors, course instructors, and other
students for their efforts, advice, and encouragement during this educational process. We
now have the required resources and trust to follow our passion for sports and business
leadership thanks to the knowledge and abilities we've gained in this course.
VII. References
Anderson-Butcher, D. and Bates, S., 2021. Social work and youth sport. Child and Adolescent
Social Work Journal, 38(4), pp.359-365.
Cudny, W., Comunian, R. and Wolaniuk, A., 2020. Arts and creativity: A business and
branding strategy for Lodz as a neoliberal city. Cities, 100, p.102659.
Qian, Y., Ma, Y., Chen, J., Wu, D., Tian, D. and Hwang, K., 2021. Optimal location privacy
preserving and service quality guaranteed task allocation in vehicle-based crowdsensing
networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(7), pp.4367-4375.
Raman, R. and Singh, A., 2023, November. 5G and IoT for Smart Stadium Operations for
Enhancing Fan Experience and Safety. In 2023 International Conference on Advances in
Computation, Communication and Information Technology (ICAICCIT) (pp. 1128-1132). IEEE.
Sanogo, I.B., 2022. Literature Review and Community Consultation Report: Barriers to
accessing sports and recreation in.
Smit, K., 2024. Designing a Funding Platform for Startup and Investor Evolving Needs in the
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The Orange Mill-A Case Study (Master's thesis, University of

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