06L61 01a - DL1050M2

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This manual should be considered a permanent part of the

motorcycle and should remain with the motorcycle when resold

or otherwise transferred to a new owner or operator. The
manual contains important safety information and instructions
which should be read carefully before operating the motorcycle.
FOREWORD All information, illustrations and specifica-
tions contained in this manual are based on
Motorcycling is one of the most exhilarating the latest product information available at
sports and to ensure your riding enjoyment, the time of publication. Due to improve-
you should become thoroughly familiar with ments or other changes, there may be some
the information presented in this Owner’s discrepancies between information in this
Manual before riding the motorcycle. manual and your motorcycle. Suzuki
reserves the right to make changes at any
The proper care and maintenance that your time.
motorcycle requires is outlined in this man-
ual. By following these instructions explicitly Please note that this manual applies to all
you will ensure a long trouble free operating specifications or all respective destinations
life for your motorcycle. Your authorized and explains all equipment. Therefore, your
Suzuki dealer has experienced technicians model may have different standard features
that are trained to provide your machine with than shown in this manual.
the best possible service with the right tools
and equipment.
IMPORTANT Please refer to the BREAK-IN (RUNNING-
IN) section for specific break-in recommen-
The first 1600 km (1000 miles) are the most
important in the life of your motorcycle.
Proper break-in operation during this time
will help ensure maximum life and perfor-
mance from your new motorcycle. Suzuki
parts are manufactured of high quality mate-
rials, and machined parts are finished to
close tolerances. Proper break-in operation
allows the machined surfaces to polish each
other and mate smoothly.

Motorcycle reliability and performance

depend on special care and restraint exer-
cised during the break-in period. It is espe-
cially important that you avoid operating the
engine in a manner which could expose the
engine parts to excessive heat.
WARNING/CAUTION/NOTICE/NOTE NOTE: Indicates special information to
Please read this manual and follow its make maintenance easier or instructions
instructions carefully. To emphasize special clearer.
information, the symbol  and the words
have special meanings. Pay particular atten-
tion to messages highlighted by these signal

Indicates a potential hazard that could
result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potential hazard that could
result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potential hazard that could
result in vehicle or equipment damage.

SAFETY GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
RIDING PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 1-13
ABOUT THE BRAKES ............................................................................................................................. 1-18
FUEL GUIDELINES .................................................................................................................................. 1-24
ACCESSORY USE AND MOTORCYCLE LOADING .............................................................................. 1-27
MODIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................ 1-31

SAFETY INFORMATION • To minimize injuries caused by falls or
crashes, wear protective equipment such
as helmets and gloves. For information on
SAFETY GUIDELINES appropriate equipment and clothing, see
MOST ACCIDENTS CAN BE AVOIDED • When riding, grip the handlebars with both
Please follow the basic precautions hands and place your feet on the footrests.
described in this chapter regarding daily Passengers should grip the rider’s body
use, and ensure that you ride carefully. firmly with both hands, or hold onto the
To prevent crashes, always pay the utmost seat strap or grab bar, as equipped, and
attention when riding. place their feet on the rear footrests.
• Motorcycle crashes sometimes occur • Read and follow all the labels on the
because other drivers do not notice you. motorcycle. Make sure you understand all
Please be careful of the following when of the labels. Do not remove any labels
riding. from the motorcycle.
- Be aware that crashes often occur • The accessories you use with your motor-
when a car traveling towards a motor- cycle and the manner in which you load
cycle turns left in front of the motorcy- your gear onto the bike might create haz-
cle. ards. Aerodynamics, handling, balance,
- Do not ride in other drivers’ blind and cornering clearance can suffer, and
spots. the suspension and tires can be over-
• Do not turn the handlebars swiftly or ride loaded. Read the “ACCESSORY USE
with one hand, as this may cause skid- AND MOTORCYCLE LOADING” section
ding or falls. on page 1-27.

Routine checks and periodic inspections
To prevent crashes or breakdowns, be sure
to carry out routine checks and periodic
inspections. If you remove even one hand or foot
If the motorcycle makes an unusual sound, from the motorcycle, you can reduce
smells, or leaks fluid, have it inspected by a your ability to control the motorcycle.
Suzuki dealer. For information on routine This could cause you to lose your bal-
checks and periodic inspections, see ance and fall off the motorcycle. This
“INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE” on could injure you or cause a crash.
page 3-2.
Always keep both hands on the handle-
bars and both feet on the footrests of
 WARNING your motorcycle during operation.
Riding at excessive speeds increases
your chances of losing control of the
motorcycle, which can result in a crash.

Always ride at a speed that is proper for

the terrain, visibility and operating con-
ditions, and your skills and experience.

• Be sure to wear a helmet and tighten the
Description strap firmly. Choose a helmet that fits
Both rider and passenger should be sure to your head snugly but does not exert
wear helmets, as well as clothing and pro- excessive pressure.
tective equipment that affords a high level of • Be sure to wear a helmet shield or gog-
protection. Refer to the following when gles. These items protect the field of
obtaining this equipment. view from the wind, and also protect the
eyes against airborne insects, dust, and
 WARNING small stones thrown up by vehicles driv-
ing ahead of you.

To reduce the risk of injury:

• Wear a helmet, eye
protection, and protective
• Read owner’s manual

Riding gear
 WARNING • Wear protective equipment and clothing
that affords a high level of protection.
If you don’t wear a helmet, you have an Wear bright, eye-catching long-sleeved
increased risk of death or severe injury uppers and full-length trousers that
in a crash. If you wear a helmet that expose a minimum of skin. This will
doesn’t fit properly or is not securely reduce the impact of unexpected events
strapped on, the helmet may not provide on the body. Loose, fancy clothing can
the protection for which it was designed. be uncomfortable and unsafe when rid-
ing your motorcycle. Choose good qual-
The rider and passenger should be sure ity motorcycle riding apparel when riding
to wear a helmet that fits properly and is your motorcycle.
securely strapped on. • Be sure to wear gloves. Gloves made of
friction-resistant leather are suitable.
• Wear footwear that is easy to operate
the motorcycle in, and which covers your
• When necessary, wear jackets and trou-
sers fitted with protectors.

Gear of a passenger
 WARNING A passenger needs the same protection that
you do, including a helmet and proper cloth-
If the person in the rear seat wears a ing. The passenger should not wear long
long jacket or coat, they may obscure shoe laces or loose pants that could get
the tail light or turn signal light. This is caught in the wheel or the chain.
dangerous as following vehicles may not
be aware of you.

People riding in the rear seat should

avoid wearing long jackets or coats if
possible. If wearing such garments,
place the tails of the garment under the
buttocks so that they do not obscure the
tail light or turn signal light.

SPECIAL CARE • When the road surface is wet, loose, or
rough, you should brake with care. Brak-
Windy day ing distances increase on a rainy day.
When riding in a strong crosswind, which Stay off the painted surface marks, man-
can occur at the entrance to a tunnel, on a hole covers, and greasy-appearing areas,
bridge, or when passing or being passed by as they can be especially slippery. Use
large trucks, the motorcycle may be blown extra caution at railway crossings and on
by the crosswind. metal gratings and bridges. When it starts
Control your speed, and grip the handlebars to rain, any oil or grease on the road rises
firmly when riding. to the surface of the water. Pull over and
wait a few minutes until this oil film is
 WARNING washed away before riding. Whenever in
doubt about road conditions, slow down!
Sudden side winds, which can occur
when being passed by larger vehicles, at
tunnel exits or in hilly areas, can cause
you to lose control of the motorcycle.

Reduce your speed and be alert to the

possibility of sudden side winds.

• Slow down before entering corners. In Flooded road
these situations, the traction available Do not ride your motorcycle on flooded
between your tires and the road surface roads.
is limited. When you’re leaned over in a If you do ride your motorcycle on a flooded
corner, avoid braking. Straighten up road, go slowly checking braking operation.
before braking. After riding on a flooded road, ask your
Suzuki dealer to check for the following:
NOTE: After the motorcycle has been • Braking efficiency
washed or when it has traveled through pud- • Wet connectors, wiring and water in the
dles, the brakes may grip poorly. If the battery box
brakes grip poorly, travel at low speed while • Drive belt slipping
paying sufficient attention to the front and • Poor lubrication for bearings etc.
rear of the motorcycle, operating the brakes • Level and appearance of gear oil (if oil is
lightly until they grip firmly. whitish, there is water into the oil and an
oil change is required)
Over braking when traction is limited will
cause your tires to skid, possibly result- Riding the motorcycle on a flooded road
ing in loss of directional control or caus- can cause the engine to stop running,
ing you and your motorcycle to fall over. and can cause failure of electric parts,
drive belt slipping and engine damage.
Brake carefully when traction is limited.
Do not ride your motorcycle on flooded

KNOW YOUR LIMITS Riding a motorcycle safely requires that your
Always ride within the boundaries of your mental and physical skills are fully part of
own skills. Knowing these limits and staying the experience. You should not attempt to
within them will help you avoid crashes. operate a motor vehicle, especially one with
two wheels, if you are tired or under the
A major cause of crashes involving only a influence of alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol,
motorcycle (and no other vehicles) is going illegal drugs, and even some prescription
too fast through a turn. Before entering a and over-the-counter drugs can cause
turn, select an appropriately low cornering drowsiness, loss of coordination, loss of bal-
speed and appropriate cornering angle. ance, and especially the loss of good judg-
ment. If you are tired or under the influence
Even on straight roads, ride at a speed that of alcohol or other drugs, PLEASE DO NOT
is appropriate for the traffic, visibility and RIDE your motorcycle.
road conditions, your motorcycle, and your

Your riding skill and your mechanical knowl- This motorcycle has a capacity of two peo-
edge form the foundation for safe riding ple. Do not attempt to ride while carrying
practices. We suggest that you practice rid- more than one passenger. Attempting to do
ing your motorcycle in a non-traffic situation so is very dangerous.
until you are thoroughly familiar with your
machine and its controls. How to carry a passenger
Carrying a passenger, when done correctly,
is a great way to share the joy of motorcy-
cling. You will have to alter your riding style
somewhat since the extra weight of a pas-
senger will affect handling and braking.

You may also need to adjust tire pressures

and suspension; please refer to the Tire
Pressure and Loading section and the Sus-
pension section for more details.
( 3-64)
( 2-116)
• LOADING LIMIT: ( 1-29)

Before you invite someone to be a passen- ABOUT CARBON MONOXIDE
ger on your motorcycle, you need to be thor- To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, start
oughly familiar with motorcycle operation. the engine in a well-ventilated location.
Contained in exhaust gas, carbon monoxide
Ensure that passengers understand the fol- is a colorless odorless gas, and thus is not
lowing before they ride with you. noticed easily.
• The passenger should always hold onto
your waist or hips, or onto the seat strap
or grab bar, as equipped.
• Ask your passenger not to make any Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide,
sudden movements. When you lean a dangerous gas that is difficult to detect
going around a corner, the passenger because it is colorless and odorless.
should lean with you. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause
• The passenger should always keep his death or severe injury.
or her feet on the footrests, even when
you are stopped at a light. To help pre- Never start the engine or let it run
vent burn injuries, warn your passenger indoors or where there is little or no ven-
not to contact the exhaust pipe or muffler tilation.
when mounting or dismounting your

Always heed speed limits, local laws, and To avoid crashes, caution and judgment
the basic rules of the road. Set a good appropriate to the environment is required.
example for others by demonstrating a cour- In addition to the state of the traffic, the road,
teous attitude and a responsible riding style. and the weather, the state of the motorcycle
also changes. Additionally, the movement of
other vehicles is difficult to predict, so
always be attentive.

Circumstances beyond your control could

lead to a crash. You need to prepare for the
unexpected by wearing a helmet and other
protective gear, and learning emergency
braking and swerving techniques to mini-
mize the damage to you and your machine.

BREAK-IN The table below shows the maximum engine
speed recommendation during the break-in
Description period.
The first 1600 km (1000 miles) is the most
800 km
important in the life of your motorcycle. Initial
(500 miles)
Below 4500 r/min
Proper operation during this break-in period
1600 km
will help assure maximum life and perfor- Up to
(1000 miles)
Below 6000 r/min
mance from your new motorcycle.
During the break-in period, avoid needless 1600 km
Over Below Red zone
(1000 miles)
idling, sudden acceleration or deceleration,
abrupt steering changes, or sudden braking.
The following guidelines explain proper Vary the engine speed
break-in procedures. Vary the engine speed during the break-in
period. This allows the parts to “load” (aiding
the mating process) and then “unload”
(allowing the parts to cool). Although it is
essential to place some stress on the engine
components during break-in, you must be
careful not to load the engine too much.

Breaking in the new tires Observe Your Initial and Most Critical
New tires need proper break-in to assure Service
maximum performance, just as the engine The initial service (break-in maintenance) is
does. Wear- in the tread surface by gradu- the most important service your motorcycle
ally increasing your cornering lean angles will receive. During break-in operation, all of
over the first 160 km (100 miles) before the engine components will have mated
attempting maximum performance. Avoid together and seated. Maintenance required
hard acceleration, hard cornering, and hard as part of the initial service includes correc-
braking for the first 160 km (100 miles). tion of all adjustments, tightening of all fas-
teners and replacement of dirty oil. Timely
 WARNING performance of this service will help make
sure you get the best service life and perfor-
Failure to perform break-in of the tires mance from the engine.
could cause tire slip and loss of control.
NOTE: The 1000 km (600 miles) service
Use extra care when riding on new tires. should be performed as outlined in the
Perform proper break-in of the tires as INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE section
described in this section and avoid hard of this Owner’s Manual. Pay particular atten-
acceleration, hard cornering, and hard tion to the CAUTION and WARNING mes-
braking for the first 160 km (100 miles). sages in that section.


Riding on a slope
• When climbing steep hills, the motorcy- If you use the brakes continuously on
cle may begin to slow down and show long downhill roads, the brakes may
lack of power. At this point you should overheat, reducing their effectiveness.
shift to a lower gear so that the engine
will again be operating in its normal Use engine braking on long downhill
power range. Shift rapidly to prevent the roads and avoid using the brakes contin-
motorcycle from losing momentum. uously.
• When descending a long, steep slope,
use the engine compression to assist the
brakes by shifting to a lower gear. Con- NOTICE
tinuous brake application can overheat
the brakes and reduce their effective-
Holding the motorcycle stopped with
throttle and clutch lever operation on
• Be careful not to allow the engine to
inclines can damage the motorcycle’s
overrev when descending a slope.

Use the brakes when stopping the

motorcycle on inclines.


How to park
To prevent theft, be sure to lock the handle- The catalytic converter installed in the
bars and remove the key when leaving the muffler heats up to a very high tempera-
motorcycle. See “IGNITION SWITCH” on ture, and may cause fires if placed in
page 2-82. close proximity to flammable material
• Park the motorcycle in a location where when the motorcycle is parked.
it will not interfere with traffic.
• Do not park illegally. When parking, check that there is no
• Do not touch the exhaust pipe, muffler or flammable material such as dry grass,
the engine when the engine is running, lumber, paper, or oil in the vicinity.
or for some time after it has stopped.
• Park the motorcycle in a flat location,
and turn the handlebars fully to the left.  CAUTION
Avoid parking the motorcycle with the
handlebars turned to the right.
Hot exhaust pipes and mufflers can
• Park the motorcycle in a location where
cause severe burns. The exhaust pipe or
other people will not touch the exhaust
muffler will be hot enough to cause
pipe, muffler or the engine.
burns for some time after stopping the
• When parking the motorcycle on an
unstable surface such as an incline, on
gravel, on an uneven surface, or on soft
Park the motorcycle where pedestrians
ground is unavoidable, be careful when
or children are not likely to touch the
leaning or moving it.
exhaust pipe or muffler.

• If the motorcycle is to be parked on the Turn OFF the ignition switch when pushing
side stand on a slight slope, the front the motorcycle.
end of the motorcycle should face “up”
the incline to avoid rolling forward off the
side stand. You may leave the motorcy-
cle in 1st gear to help prevent it from roll-
ing off the side stand. Shift to neutral
before starting the engine.
• If an optional anti-theft lock such as a U-
shape lock, brake disk lock or chain is
used to avoid theft, be sure to remove
the anti-theft lock before moving the

ABOUT THE BRAKES No special braking operation is required, as
the ABS operates continuously except at
WHAT IS ABS? low speeds below 8 km/h (5 mph) and when
ABS is a device that controls braking during the battery has run down. The brake lever
riding to prevent the wheels from locking up. and brake pedal vibrate gently when the
ABS activates to prevent wheel lock-up
The inertial measurement unit (IMU) pro- when the brakes are applied. This is not an
vides ABS control according to the gradient abnormality. Continue to apply the brakes.
of the road surface to control the rear tire
from lifting when the front brake is applied The braking distance with ABS may be lon-
strongly. (V-STROM 1050XT) ger than that of a motorcycle without ABS
depending on misjudgment, incorrect opera-
Braking is performed using the brake lever tion, and road surface and weather condi-
and brake pedal in the same manner as on tions. Do not become overly reliant on the
a motorcycle without ABS. ABS.
ABS controls the brake pressure electroni-
cally. This system monitors the rotational The ABS may not function properly if the
speed of the wheels and operates to prevent tires are replaced with non-specified tires.
wheel lock-up by reducing brake pressure To ensure that the ABS functions correctly,
when wheel lock-up is detected. use only the specified tires on the front and
rear. Refer to “TIRES” on page 3-61.

The ABS in this motorcycle offers two NOTE: In some situations, a motorcycle with
modes of intervention (mode 1 and mode 2) ABS may require a longer stopping distance
to provide appropriate operation. (V-STROM to stop on loose or uneven surfaces than an
1050XT) equivalent motorcycle without ABS. Further-
more, as with a motorcycle without ABS, the
NOTE: For details about switching the ABS slipperier the surface, the longer the braking
mode, see “ABS MODE (V-STROM distance.
1050XT)” on page 2-72.

Failure to use good judgment with ABS
can be hazardous. ABS cannot make up
for bad road conditions, bad judgement,
or improper operation of the brakes.

Remember that ABS will not compensate

for poor judgment, incorrect braking
techniques, or the need to slow down
over bad roads or in poor weather condi-
tions. Use good judgment and do not
ride faster than conditions will safely

(V-STROM 1050XT)
This model is equipped with a system called
the “Motion Track Brake System”. This sys- The motion track brake system controls
tem controls ABS braking according to the ABS braking according to bank angle
motorcycle bank angle while the motorcycle when the brakes are applied while cor-
is cornering. The system prevents wheel nering. However, it is not able to control
locking, within a certain range, if excessive horizontal sliding beyond physical lim-
or quick braking is applied. This supports its. Over reliance on ABS may cause
the rider’s ability to follow the intended line unforeseen crashes.
of travel.
Ride carefully, without relying too much
Even though ABS helps prevent wheel lock-up, on ABS.
you must still be careful when braking in
curves. Hard braking while turning could cause
wheel skidding and loss of control, whether or
not your motorcycle is equipped with ABS.
Having ABS does not mean you can take
unnecessary risks. ABS will not compensate
for poor judgment, incorrect braking tech-
niques, or not slowing down over bad roads
or in poor weather conditions.

You must still ride sensibly and alertly.

WHAT IS THE LOAD-DEPENDENT The system learns the brake force corre-
CONTROL SYSTEM? (V-STROM 1050XT) sponding to the motorcycle weight and con-
The load-dependent control system controls trols the brakes according to brake forces
the braking force of the front and rear brakes calculated from the learned data.
according to the number of riders and the
motorcycle loading condition. Fluctuations in weight due to the number of
Generally, stronger braking is required when riders and the motorcycle loading often
the motorcycle is heavy compared to when it occur when the ignition switch is turned off,
is light. The front and rear linked braking and the required braking force also
system uses the ABS unit to control the rear changes, so the learned data is reset each
brake force according to the front brake time the ignition switch is turned off.
input by the rider in order to reduce differ-
ences in braking force due to the difference
in motorcycle weight.

• The load-dependent control system 1. Twist the throttle grip away from yourself
starts when the ignition switch is turned to close the throttle completely.
on. 2. Apply the front and rear brakes evenly
• The more learning that occurs after the and at the same time.
ignition switch is turned on, the closer 3. Downshift through the gears as road
the load-dependent control system speed decreases.
makes the braking force approach the 4. Select neutral with the clutch lever
force suitable for the motorcycle weight. squeezed toward the grip (disengaged
• The load-dependent control system position) when the motorcycle is almost
does not operate if no learned data completely stopped.
exists, such as when the brakes are
applied for the first time after the ignition
switch is turned on. Since this control is
limited, do not overly rely on it when
• When an error occurs in the load-depen-
dent control system, the ABS indicator
and master warning indicator light come
on. In this situation, the ABS is not oper-
ating. Immediately contact your Suzuki
dealer if the indicators come on.

Inexperienced riders tend to underuse Sudden braking and sudden downshift-
the front brake. This can cause exces- ing can impair riding stability and cause
sive stopping distance and lead to a side-slips and tumbles.
crash. Using only the front or rear brake
can cause skidding and loss of control. Avoid unnecessary sudden braking and
sudden downshift. Extreme caution is
Apply both brakes evenly and at the required when riding on slippery or
same time. poorly maintained roads while tilting the
motorcycle to the side.

Hard braking on wet, loose, rough, or
other slippery surfaces can cause wheel Following another vehicle too closely
skid and loss of control. can lead to a collision. As vehicle
speeds increase, stopping distance
Brake lightly and with care on slippery or increases progressively.
irregular surfaces.
Always maintain a safe stopping dis-
tance between you and the vehicle in
front of you.

 WARNING Use premium unleaded gasoline with an
octane rating of 95 or higher (Research
Hard braking while turning may cause method). Using unleaded premium gasoline
wheel skid, loss of control and/or cap- extends the lifespan of spark plugs and
size. exhaust system parts.
Brake before you begin to turn. (Canada)
Your motorcycle requires premium unleaded
 WARNING gasoline with a minimum pump octane rat-
ing of 90 ((R+M)/2 method). In some areas,
Braking while turning the motorcycle the only fuels that are available are oxygen-
can be hazardous, whether or not your ated fuels.
motorcycle is equipped with ABS. ABS
can not control wheel side-slips that Fuel used: Unleaded premium gasoline
occur when you brake hard while turning Fuel tank capacity: 20.0 L (5.3/4.4 US/
and the side-slips could cause loss of Imp. gal)

Slow down sufficiently in a straight line

before you begin to turn and avoid other
than slight braking while turning.

NOTE: Oxygenated fuel recommendation
• The engine of this model is designed to (Canada, UK, EU)
use premium unleaded gasoline. Oxygenated fuels which meet the minimum
• If the engine develops some trouble like octane requirement and the requirements
lack of acceleration or insufficient power, described below may be used in your motor-
the cause may be the fuel. In such case, cycle without jeopardizing the New Vehicle
try changing to a different gas station. If Limited Warranty or the Emission Control
the situation is not improved by chang- System Warranty.
ing, consult your Suzuki dealer.
NOTE: Oxygenated fuels are fuels which
contain oxygen-carrying additives such as

Gasoline/Ethanol blends NOTE:
Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanol • To help minimize air pollution, Suzuki
(grain alcohol), also known as “GASOHOL”, recommends that you use oxygenated
are commercially available in some areas. fuels.
Blends of this type may be used in your • Be sure that any oxygenated fuel you
motorcycle if they are no more than 10% use has recommended octane ratings.
ethanol. Make sure this gasoline-ethanol • If you are not satisfied with the drivability
blend has octane ratings no lower than of your motorcycle when you are using
those recommended for gasoline. an oxygenated fuel, or if engine pinging
is experienced, substitute another brand
Use the recommended gasoline which con- as there are differences between brands.
forms to the following labels. (UK, EU)

RON 95+

Spilled gasoline containing alcohol can ACCESSORIES
damage the painted surfaces of your
motorcycle. How to choose
The addition of unsuitable accessories can
Be careful not to spill any fuel when fill- lead to unsafe operating conditions. It is not
ing the fuel tank. Wipe spilled gasoline possible for Suzuki to test each accessory
up immediately. on the market or combinations of all the
available accessories; however, your dealer
can assist you in selecting quality accesso-
NOTICE ries and installing them correctly. Use
Do not use leaded gasoline. extreme caution when selecting and install-
ing the accessories on your motorcycle and
Use of leaded gasoline causes the cata- consult your Suzuki dealer if you have any
lytic converter to malfunction. questions.
Additionally, when attaching accessories,
ensure that they are within the load capacity.
For information on the load capacity, see
“LOADING” on page 1-29.

Accessory installation guidelines
 WARNING • Install aerodynamic-affecting accesso-
ries, such as a fairing, windshield, back-
Improper installation of accessories or rests, saddlebags, and travel trunks, as
modification of the motorcycle may low as possible, and as close to the
cause changes in handling which could motorcycle and as near the center of
lead to a crash. gravity as is feasible. Check that the
mounting brackets and other attach-
Never use improper accessories, and ment hardware are rigidly mounted.
make sure that any accessories that are • Inspect for proper ground clearance and
used are properly installed. All parts and bank angle. Inspect that the accessory
accessories added to the motorcycle does not interfere with the operation of
should be genuine Suzuki parts the suspension, steering or other control
designed for use on this motorcycle. operations.
Install and use them according to their • Accessories fitted to the handlebars or
instructions. If you have any questions, the front fork area can create serious
contact your Suzuki dealer. stability problems. This extra weight will
cause the motorcycle to be less respon-
sive to your steering control. The weight
may also cause oscillations in the front
end and lead to instability problems.
Accessories added to the handlebars or
front fork of the machine should be as
light as possible and kept to a minimum.

• Do not pull a trailer or sidecar. This LOADING
motorcycle is not designed to pull a
trailer or sidecar. Loading limit
• Some accessories may make it difficult • Loading the motorcycle will make the
to achieve the correct riding position, or handling and safety characteristics of the
cause usability to deteriorate. Check that motorcycle different than when it is not
you can attain the correct riding position. loaded.
• Select only electrical accessories which • Never exceed the G.V.W.R. (Gross Vehi-
do not exceed the motorcycle’s electrical cle Weight Rating) of this motorcycle.
system capacity. Severe overloads may The G.V.W.R. is the maximum combined
damage the wiring harness or create weight of the machine, accessories, pay-
hazardous situations. Use genuine load, rider and passenger. When select-
Suzuki accessories. ing your accessories, keep in mind the
weight of the rider as well as the weight
of the accessories. The additional weight
of the accessories may not only create
an unsafe riding condition but may also
affect the riding stability.

G.V.W.R.: 440 kg (970 lbs)

at the tire pressure (cold)
Front: 250 kPa (2.50 kgf/cm2, 36 psi)
Rear: 290 kPa (2.90 kgf/cm2, 42 psi)

• Do not attach large or heavy items to the
handlebars, front forks or rear fender.
Do not attach luggage compartments,
Overloading or improper loading can load boxes, or other items that protrude
cause loss of motorcycle control and a from the tail end outside the body of the
crash. motorcycle.
• Check that both tires are properly
Follow loading limits and loading guide- inflated to the specified tire pressure for
lines in this manual. your loading conditions. Refer to “TIRE
Loading guidelines 64.
This motorcycle is primarily intended to • Improperly loading your motorcycle can
carry small items when you are not riding reduce your ability to balance and steer
with a passenger. Follow the loading guide- the motorcycle. Ride more slowly when
lines below: carrying luggage or with accessories
• When loading luggage onto the rear attached.
seat, fix it firmly in place with rubber
straps, etc. Do not overload with lug-
• Balance the load between the left and
right side of the motorcycle and fasten it
• Keep cargo weight low and as close to
the center of the motorcycle as possible.
• Adjust suspension setting as necessary.

 WARNING Do not make improper modifications.
Modifications related to the structure or
If luggage touches a hot muffler or functioning of this motorcycle may impair its
engine, it may cause the luggage or maneuverability, increase exhaust noise, or
motorcycle to catch fire. even reduce the life of the vehicle. In addi-
tion to offend against the law, such modifica-
When loading luggage on the motorcy- tions may be a nuisance to others.
cle, do not allow it to touch hot parts.
The frame of this motorcycle is made of an
 WARNING aluminum alloy. Therefore, never make any
modifications such as drilling or welding to
Placing objects in the space behind the the frame as it weakens the frame signifi-
fairing can interfere with steering and cantly. This could result in an unsafe vehicle
can cause loss of control. operating condition and subsequent crash.
Suzuki will not be responsible in any way for
Do not carry any objects in the space personal injury or damage to the motorcycle
behind the fairing. caused by frame modifications. Bolt-on-
accessories that do not modify the frame in
any way may be installed, provided that you
do not exceed the loading limit described in
this section.

Modifications to the motorcycle are not cov-
ered by warranty.
• This motorcycle complies with emission
regulations. It is equipped with a cata- Modification to an aluminum alloy frame,
lytic converter that cleans exhaust such as drilling or welding, weakens the
gases. Altering the muffler may make frame. This could result in an unsafe
this motorcycle non-compliant with emis- operating condition and may lead to a
sion regulations. Consult a Suzuki dealer crash.
when replacing the muffler.
• Mufflers are engraved with a “Suzuki” Never make any modifications to the
mark to indicate that they are genuine frame.
Suzuki parts.
• Do not self-tune the engine or remove
parts. Consult a Suzuki dealer regarding
engine tuning.
• We recommend that you use genuine
Suzuki parts and specified/recom-
mended oils and lubricants for your
motorcycle. Genuine parts are thor-
oughly inspected and are made to be
suitable for Suzuki motorcycles.
• Comply with loading limits when attach-
ing luggage or accessories to the motor-


NAMES OF PARTS AND LAYOUT DIAGRAM (PICTURE INDEX) .......................................................... 2-2 2

INSTRUMENT PANEL .............................................................................................................................. 2-24
RIDING ASSISTANCE SYSTEM SETTINGS ........................................................................................... 2-66
IGNITION SWITCH ................................................................................................................................... 2-82
HANDLEBAR SWITCHES ........................................................................................................................ 2-89
STARTING THE ENGINE ......................................................................................................................... 2-94
REFUELING ............................................................................................................................................ 2-100
SHIFTING GEARS .................................................................................................................................. 2-102
BRAKE LEVER ....................................................................................................................................... 2-106
REAR BRAKE PEDAL ........................................................................................................................... 2-107
CLUTCH LEVER ..................................................................................................................................... 2-108
SEAT ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-109
STANDS .................................................................................................................................................. 2-115
SUSPENSION ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................... 2-116
WINDSHIELD .......................................................................................................................................... 2-123
OUTPUT TERMINAL (V-STROM 1050XT) ............................................................................................. 2-125
USB SOCKET ......................................................................................................................................... 2-126
REAR CARRIER ..................................................................................................................................... 2-128

Around the Handle V-STROM 1050

Around the Handle V-STROM 1050

1 Clutch lever ( 2-108)

2 Left handlebar switches ( 2-14)
3 Clutch fluid reservoir ( 3-50)
4 USB socket ( 2-126)
5 Instrument panel ( 2-24)
6 Ignition switch ( 2-82)
7 Front brake fluid reservoir ( 3-53)
8 Right handlebar switches ( 2-14)
9 Throttle grip
0 Brake lever ( 2-106)
A Fuel tank cap ( 2-100)

Left Side View V-STROM 1050

Left Side View V-STROM 1050

B Air cleaner ( 3-24)

C Air cleaner drain plug ( 3-28)
D Battery ( 3-19)
E Fuse ( 3-86)
F Tools ( 3-12)
G Rear carrier ( 2-128)
H Gearshift lever ( 2-102) ( 3-60)
I Side stand ( 2-115)
J Footrests
K Passenger footrests
L Seat lock ( 2-110)

Right Side View V-STROM 1050

Right Side View V-STROM 1050

M Rear brake fluid reservoir ( 3-53)

N Engine coolant reservoir ( 3-39)
O Rear brake light switch ( 3-58)
P Rear brake pedal ( 3-57)
Q Engine oil filler cap ( 3-29)
R Engine oil inspection window ( 3-29)
S Engine oil drain plug ( 3-29)
T Engine oil filter ( 3-29)

Around the Handle V-STROM 1050XT

Around the Handle V-STROM 1050XT

1 Clutch lever ( 2-108)

2 Left handlebar switches ( 2-14)
3 Clutch fluid reservoir ( 3-50)
4 USB socket ( 2-126)
5 Instrument panel ( 2-24)
6 Ignition switch ( 2-82)
7 Front brake fluid reservoir ( 3-53)
8 Right handlebar switches ( 2-14)
9 Throttle grip
0 Brake lever ( 2-106)
A Fuel tank cap ( 2-100)

Left Side View V-STROM 1050XT

Left Side View V-STROM 1050XT

B Air cleaner ( 3-24)

C Air cleaner drain plug ( 3-28)
D Battery ( 3-19)
E Fuse ( 3-86)
F Tools ( 3-12)
G Output terminal ( 2-125)
H Rear carrier ( 2-128)
I Gearshift lever ( 2-102) ( 3-60)
J Side stand ( 2-115)
K Footrests
L Passenger footrests
M Seat lock ( 2-110)
N Center stand ( 2-116)

Right Side View V-STROM 1050XT

Right Side View V-STROM 1050XT

O Rear brake fluid reservoir ( 3-53)

P Engine coolant reservoir ( 3-39)
Q Rear brake light switch ( 3-58)
R Rear brake pedal ( 3-57)
S Engine oil filler cap ( 3-29)
T Engine oil inspection window ( 3-29)
U Engine oil drain plug ( 3-29)
V Engine oil filter ( 3-29)




1 Dimmer switch/Headlight flasher switch ( 2-89)

2 Select switch ( 2-20) ( 2-22)
3 Mode switch ( 2-91)
4 Turn signal light switch ( 2-91)
5 Horn switch ( 2-91)


6 Engine stop switch ( 2-92)

7 Electric starter switch ( 2-92))
8 Hazard warning switch ( 2-93)
9 Cruise control switch (V-STROM 1050XT)( 2-73)


1 ABS indicator light ( 2-33)
2 Turn signal indicator light ( 2-25)
3 Engine rpm indicator light ( 2-25)
4 Traction control indicator light ( 2-26)
5 Neutral indicator light ( 2-27)
6 Malfunction indicator light ( 2-28)
7 Cruise control indicator light (V-STROM 1050XT) ( 2-29)
8 Master warning indicator light ( 2-29)
9 High beam indicator light ( 2-30)
0 Freeze indicator light ( 2-30)
A Oil pressure / engine coolant temperature / battery voltage warning indicator light
( 2-30)
B LCD( 2-18)


1 Engine rpm indicator ( 2-52)
2 Service reminder indicator ( 2-41)
3 Tachometer ( 2-35)
4 Gear position indicator ( 2-37)
5 Red zone ( 2-35)
6 Engine coolant temperature indicator ( 2-36)
7 Fuel level indicator ( 2-38)
8 Speedometer ( 2-35)
9 Cruise control indicator (V-STROM 1050XT) (2-39)
0 Oil pressure / engine coolant temperature / battery voltage warning indicator symbol
( 2-30)
A Hill hold indicator (V-STROM 1050XT) ( 2-40)
B Suzuki drive mode selector indicator (SDMS) ( 2-66)
C Traction control system indicator ( 2-68)
D ABS mode indicator (V-STROM 1050XT) ( 2-72)
E Multifunction display ( 2-42)
F Clock ( 2-43)
G Thermometer ( 2-43)
H Diagnosis display ( 2-44)

Normal mode

: Select switch (Up)

: Select switch (Down)

Operate the select switch (Up or Down) to 1 Instantaneous fuel consumption meter
set each item in the multifunction display. ( 2-45)
2 Trip meter A /average fuel consumption
UP meter A ( 2-47)
3 Trip meter B /average fuel consumption
meter B ( 2-47)
4 Voltmeter/instrument panel light bright-
ness ( 2-49)
5 Odometer/driving range meter
( 2-46)


Setting mode

: Select switch (Up) for about 2 seconds

: Select switch (Up)
: Select switch (Down)

Operate the select switch (Up or Down) to 1 DATE&TIME
set each item in the multifunction display. Set the date and time. ( 2-50)
Set the engine rpm indicator light.
( 2-52)
Set the units. ( 2-58)
Set the service interval notification.
( 2-60)
Set the hill hold control.( 2-63)



When you turn the ignition switch to ON, the

meter will act as follows.
• All LCD 1 segments appear and then
show the normal display.
• The following indicator lights come on for
3 seconds.
- Malfunction indicator light 2
- Master warning indicator light 3
- Freeze indicator light 4
- Engine rpm indicator light 5
- Cruise control indicator light 6
(V-STROM 1050XT)
• The following indicator lights come on.
- Oil pressure / engine coolant tempera-
ture / battery voltage warning indicator
light 7
- ABS indicator light 8
- Traction control indicator light 9

NOTE: Refer to the explanation of each indi-

cator in this section for the turn-off condition.

Operate the right or left turn signal switch to When engine speed reaches the set value,
make the turn signal indicator blink. the engine RPM indicator light 1 comes on
or blinks to indicate when to upshift. Meth-
NOTE: If a turn signal light is not operating ods of lighting and engine speed settings
properly due to bulb filament (V-STROM can be changed in the engine RPM indicator
1050) or circuit failure, the indicator light light setting mode.
blinks more quickly to notify the rider of a For details on the engine RPM indicator, see
problem. “2. RPM SET” on page 2-52.

TRACTION CONTROL INDICATOR LIGHT If the traction control (TC) indicator comes
“TC” on other than when the ignition switch is
Traction control (TC) indicator operation dif- turned ON, park the motorcycle in a safe
fers depending on the motorcycle settings. place and turn the ignition switch off. Wait
For details, see “TRACTION CONTROL for a short time, start the engine, and then
SYSTEM” on page 2-68. check whether the traction control indicator
“TC” and malfunction indicator come on
The traction control indicator: when the motorcycle is traveling at 10 km/h
• Comes on when the ignition switch is (6mph) or faster.
turned ON, and turns off when the speed
reaches approximately 10 km/h (6mph) • The motorcycle is functioning correctly if
and the traction control system is opera- the traction control (TC) indicator turns
ble. off when the motorcycle is traveling at 10
• Blinks when the traction control system km/h (6mph) or faster.
is operating. • The motorcycle is not functioning cor-
• Blinks constantly when the traction con- rectly if the traction control (TC) indicator
trol system is set to OFF. does not turn off when the motorcycle is
traveling at 10 km/h (6mph) or faster. If
the light does not go off, consult your
Suzuki dealer.

 WARNING The green indicator light will come on when
the transmission is in neutral. The light will
When the traction control system mal- turn off when you shift into any gear other
functions, the traction control (TC) indi- than neutral.
cator and malfunction indicator come on
at the same time. The traction control
system does not operate in these cir-

When these indicators come on at the

same time, set the traction control sys-
tem to OFF, and consult your Suzuki

When the ignition switch is turned ON, the
malfunction Indicator light comes on for 3
seconds as a lamp check, and then turns Continuing to run the engine with mal-
off. function indicator light coming on or
• (UK, EU) blinking may affect the emission device
When there is a malfunction in an emis- or drivability.
sion control device or engine electrical
device or the misfire is detected, the mal- When the light blinks while the engine is
function indicator light comes on or running, stop the motorcycle in a safe
blinks. place immediately in order to avoid dam-
If the malfunction indicator light comes aging the catalytic converter.(UK, EU)
on or blinks, “FI” appears on the multi- If you ride the motorcycle under this sit-
function display at the same time. uation, ride at slow speed without open-
• (Except for UK, EU) ing the throttle largely and then have
When there is a malfunction in an emis- your motorcycle inspected immediately
sion control device or engine electrical by your Suzuki dealer.
device, the malfunction indicator light
comes on.
NOTE: If the malfunction indicator light is lit
If the malfunction indicator light comes
or blinking, consult your Suzuki dealer
on, “FI” appears on the multifunction dis-
play at the same time.

For details, see “DIAGNOSIS DISPLAY” on

page 2-44.

“ ” (V-STROM 1050XT) “ ”
When the ignition switch is turned ON, the When the ignition switch is turned ON, the
cruise control indicator light comes on for 3 master warning indicator light comes on for
seconds as a lamp check, and then turns 3 seconds as a lamp check, and then turns
off. off.
The cruise control indicator light indicates the
cruise control operation status, as follows. When an issue related to the following
occurs, the master warning indicator light
Indicator System status comes on:
• Engine - related failure
Not Lit OFF • ABS - related failure
• Handlebar switches failure
• Ambient temperature sensor failure
• Motorcycle falls over
Lit ON
For details, see “DIAGNOSIS DISPLAY” on
page 2-44.
• Target motorcycle
3-second speed is set NOTE: If the master warning indicator light
blinking • Resume function is lit or blinking, consult your Suzuki dealer
operated immediately.

For details, see “CRUISE CONTROL (V-

STROM 1050XT)” on page 2-73.

This blue indicator light will be lit when the TEMPERATURE / BATTERY VOLTAGE
headlight high beam is turned on. WARNING INDICATOR LIGHT
When the ignition switch is turned on, the oil
pressure / engine coolant temperature / bat-
FREEZE INDICATOR LIGHT “ ” tery voltage warning indicator light 1 comes
When the ignition switch is turned ON, the on, and normally, will turn off when the
freeze Indicator light comes on for 3 sec- engine starts.
onds as a lamp check, and then turns off.
The individual indicators come on when the
The freeze indicator light starts blinking following malfunctions occur.
when the ambient temperature falls below • Coolant temperature exceeds 120°C
3°C (38°F). The freeze indicator light keeps (248°F)
flashing for 30 seconds and then remains lit • Engine oil pressure drops
until the ambient temperature rises above • Battery performance is low
5°C (41°F).
The oil pressure warning indicator symbol
The multifunction display shows the tem- 2, engine coolant temperature warning indi-
perature reading and blinks for 30 seconds cator symbol 3 and battery charge malfunc-
when the ambient temperature falls below tion warning indicator symbol 4 appear in
3°C (38°F). the LCD display.

After starting the engine, opening the
throttle or running the motorcycle with
the oil pressure warning indicator light
turned on, may adversely affect the
Oil Pressure Warning Indicator Symbol
“” Make sure that the oil pressure warning
When the ignition switch is turned on, the oil indicator light has turned off before
pressure / engine coolant temperature / bat- operating the throttle or running the
tery voltage warning indicator light comes motorcycle.
on, and the oil pressure warning indicator
symbol appears simultaneously. Normally,
both the oil pressure / engine coolant tem-
perature / battery voltage warning indicator
light, and the oil pressure warning indicator
symbol turn off when the engine starts.

Engine Coolant Temperature Warning
NOTICE Indicator Symbol “”
For details, see “ENGINE COOLANT
Riding the motorcycle or running the TEMPERATURE INDICATOR” on page 2-
engine when the oil pressure warning 36.
indicator symbol is displayed may result
in damage to the engine. Battery Charge Malfunction Warning
Indicator Symbol “ ”
If the oil pressure warning indicator The battery charge malfunction warning
symbol comes on, indicating low oil indicator symbol comes on when a failure
pressure, stop the engine immediately. occurs in the charging system for the bat-
Check the oil level and add oil if neces- tery.
sary. If there is a proper amount of oil
and the light still does not turn off, have NOTE: Consult your Suzuki dealer if the bat-
your authorized Suzuki dealer or a quali- tery charge malfunction warning indicator
fied mechanic inspect your motorcycle. symbol comes on.

• This indicator normally comes on when
the ignition switch is turned “ON” and
turns off after the motorcycle speed Riding the motorcycle with the ABS indi-
exceeds 5 km/h (3 mph). cator light on can be hazardous.
• If there is a problem with the ABS (Anti-
lock Brake System), this indicator light If the ABS indicator light blinks or comes
comes on. The ABS does not operate on while riding, stop the motorcycle in a
when the ABS indicator light is on. safe place and turn off the ignition
switch. Wait a few minutes, turn the igni-
tion switch “ON”, and check whether the
indicator light comes on.
• If the indicator light turns off after
starting to ride, the ABS will be func-
• If it does not turn off after starting to
ride, the ABS is not functioning. You
should have the system checked by an
authorized Suzuki dealer as soon as

• When the motorcycle is placed on a cen-
 WARNING ter stand with the engine running after
riding the motorcycle and racing the
The ABS does not operate if the ABS engine, the ABS indicator light can come
indicator light is lit. Suddenly and overly on. In such a case, check whether the
applying the brakes when the ABS indi- ABS indicator light comes on by turning
cator light is lit may cause the wheels to the ignition switch off and on. After that,
lock, which may result in loss of control. check whether the ABS indicator light
turns off after the motorcycle speed
Have your motorcycle inspected by a exceeds 5 km/h (3 mph). If the ABS indi-
Suzuki dealer promptly. cator light does not turn off, you should
have the system checked by an autho-
NOTE: rized Suzuki dealer as soon as possible.
• If the ABS indicator light turns off after
you start the motorcycle but before you
begin riding, check the ABS indicator
light function by turning the ignition
switch off and on. If the ABS indicator
light does not come on when the ignition
switch is turned on, you should have the
system checked by an authorized Suzuki
dealer as soon as possible.
• The ABS indicator light can turn off if the
engine is revved at high speed before
you begin riding.

The speedometer indicates the road speed The tachometer indicates the engine speed
in miles per hour or kilometers per hour. in revolutions per minute (r/min).

NOTE: <Red zone>

• Switching between km/h and mph is The red zone 1 indicates an engine speed
done by selecting “UNIT” in the menu of range in excess of permissible engine
the multifunction display. ( 2-42) speed. Operating the engine in the red zone
• Select km/h or mph as appropriate, to will stop it from running smoothly and nega-
comply with traffic regulations. tively affect engine life.
• Check the speedometer display after
changing the units.

ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE If the coolant temperature exceeds 120°C
INDICATOR (248°F) the oil pressure / engine coolant
The coolant temperature is displayed by an temperature / battery voltage warning indi-
LCD segment temperature indicator 1, indi- cator light 4 comes on and the engine cool-
cator symbol 2, warning indicator symbol ant temperature indicator symbol 2 blinks.
3, and oil pressure / engine coolant tem- If the engine coolant temperature warning
perature / battery voltage warning indicator indicator symbol 3 appears, stop the
light 4. engine. When the engine has cooled, check
the level of coolant in the reservoir tank.

NOTE: The engine coolant temperature

warning indicator symbol may appear when
idling at high temperature for an extended

NOTICE The gear position indicator displays gear
position. This indicator displays “N” when
Riding the motorcycle when the engine the transmission is in neutral.
coolant temperature warning indicator
symbol is displayed may result in dam- NOTE: When the display indicates “CHEC”
age to the engine due to overheating. in the multifunction display area, the gear
position indicator does not indicate a num-
If the engine coolant temperature warn- ber but indicates “–”.
ing indicator symbol appears, stop the
engine and let it cool. Additionally, do
not start the engine until the engine
coolant temperature warning indicator
symbol disappears.

The fuel level indicator shows the amount of
fuel remaining in the fuel tank.
• The fuel level indicator displays all 6 seg- Using all of the gasoline in the fuel tank
ments when the fuel tank is full. (running out of gasoline) will damage the
• The mark 1 blinks when the fuel level catalytic converter.
drops below 5.4 L (5.7/4.8 US/Imp qt).
• The mark and segment blink when the Replenish gasoline before it runs out.
fuel drops below 2.2 L (2.3/1.9 US/Imp
qt). NOTE:
• The fuel level indicator will not indicate
correctly when the motorcycle is placed
on the side stand. Turn the ignition
switch to the “ON” position when the
motorcycle is held upright.
Approximately Approximately
Fuel tank
2.2 L 5.4 L
Full • If the fuel mark blinks, fill the fuel tank
immediately. Also, the last segment of
Segments the fuel level indicator blinks when the
fuel tank is almost empty.
Blink Blink
 mark

(V-STROM 1050XT) STROM 1050XT)” on page 2-73.
The cruise control indicator in the LCD dis-
play indicates the cruise control operation NOTE: The cruise control indicator blinks if
status, as follows. the conditions that allow setting the target
speed are not met.
Indicator System status

Not Lit OFF

Lit Standby mode

Target motorcycle
speed could not be set

Target motorcycle
speed is set

HILL HOLD INDICATOR For details about hill hold, see “HILL HOLD
(V-STROM 1050XT) (V-STROM 1050XT)” on page 2-79.
The hill hold indicator in the LCD display
indicates the hill hold operation status, as NOTE:
follows. • The hill hold indicator blinks to notify the
rider about 27 seconds after the brake
Indicator System status lever and brake pedal are released. The
system is deactivated about 3 seconds
after the indicator starts blinking.
Not Lit Standby
• If the battery voltage is low, the ABS
warning light and (H) OFF indicator light
temporarily when the engine is started.
There is no problem if both lights turn off
System controlling when the motorcycle speed exceeds 5
km/h (3 mph).

Advance notification of
brake control release

• System off
• System failure

 WARNING You can be reminded when the next service
is due by setting the date and distance.
Hill hold does not work when “HILL” is When the set date or distance has been
displayed on the warning display of the reached, the service reminder indicator
multifunction display and the master “ ” comes on.
warning indicator light is lit. When stop- For details, see “4. SERVICE” on page 2-60.
ping on an uphill slope, the motorcycle
may move backward and fall over or NOTE: Consult your Suzuki dealer for the
cause a crash. appropriate service reminder setting.

Immediately contact your Suzuki dealer

if “HILL” is displayed and the master
warning indicator light is lit.

The multifunction display always shows the
time and temperature.

You can set the upper side and lower side

items displayed on the screen to one of the
following items.

• Instantaneous fuel consumption meter
• Odometer/Driving range meter

Lower: Lower
• Odometer/Driving range meter
• Trip meter A/Average fuel consumption
meter A
• Trip meter B/Average fuel consumption Changing the display while riding can be
meter B hazardous. Removing a hand from the
• Voltmeter/Instrument panel light bright- handlebars can reduce your ability to
ness control the motorcycle.
NOTE: When the odometer/driving range Never change the display while riding.
meter is selected on the upper side of the Change or confirm settings when the
screen, the odometer/driving range meter motorcycle is stopped.
cannot be selected on the lower side.

The time is displayed using a 12-hour, AM/ The thermometer always shows the ambient
PM system. temperature.
The temperature display range is from -10°C
to 50°C (14°F to 122°F). The thermometer
displays “Lo” when the ambient air tempera-
ture is below -10°C (14°F). The thermome-
ter displays “HI” when the ambient air
It is adjusted by selecting “DATE & TIME” in temperature is above 50°C (122°F).
the menu of the multifunction display. (

The unit of temperature (°C/°F) can be

changed by selecting “UNIT” in the menu of
the multifunction display. ( 2-58)

NOTE: Use the temperature display as a

guide. This display may not appear when
the motorcycle is stopped or moving at low

DIAGNOSIS DISPLAY 4 Motorcycle fell over
The Diagnosis display shows the current
failure information. If any of the following is
displayed, immediately contact an autho-
rized Suzuki dealer to have the motorcycle

1 Communication between controllers failed 5 Hill hold function failed

2 Immobilizer not approved 6 Handlebar switch failed

3 Engine-related fault detected 7 Ambient temperature sensor failed

NOTE: The engine cannot be started when INSTANTANEOUS FUEL CONSUMPTION
“CHEC” is displayed. Inspect the below METER
items. If the CHEC display does not disap- The instantaneous fuel consumption meter
pear, have your motorcycle inspected by a shows the instantaneous fuel consumption
Suzuki dealer. while running.
• Are any fuses blown?
• Are the meter connectors connected?

Fuel consumption is not measured while the

motorcycle is parked.

The indication range for km/L is from 0 to 50,

the indication range for L/100km is from 0 to
25, and the indication range for MPG US,
IMP is from 0 to 99.

NOTE: The display shows estimated values,

which may not be the actual values.

The driving range meter displays estimated
driving range (distance) based on the
remaining fuel within the range from 1 to 999
km (mile). The driving range is recalculated
when you refuel, but the indication may not
Odometer 1 change when only a small amount of fuel is
The odometer registers the total distance added.
that the motorcycle has been ridden. The
odometer ranges from 0 to 999999. The driving range will not be recalculated
when the motorcycle is placed on the side
NOTE: The odometer display locks at stand. Check the estimated driving range
999999 when the total distance exceeds (distance) when the side stand is retracted.
999999. When the battery is disconnected, the driv-
ing range meter will be reset. When this
happens, the meter indicates “– – –” until the
motorcycle is ridden for a certain distance.

• Estimated driving range (distance) is an CONSUMPTION METER
estimated value. The display may differ
from the actual distance traveled, so we
recommend that you refuel early.
• The meter does not use the average fuel
consumption value to calculate driving
range (distance) and the calculation Trip Meter 1
result may not be the same as indicated • After resetting, the distance traveled is
by the average fuel consumption meter. displayed in km or miles.
• There are 2 modes, TRIP A, and TRIP B.
The display range is 0.0 - 9999.9. When
9999.9 is exceeded, the display returns
to 0.0.

• To reset a meter to zero, press and hold Average fuel consumption meter 2
the select switch (Down) for 2 seconds • This meter displays the fuel consumption
while the display indicates the trip meter for the distance traveled for both TRIP A
A or B, you want to reset. When you and TRIP B. Displays are in the following
reset the trip meter A or B, the fuel con- ranges.
sumption meter will also be reset. - MPG US and IMP display range: 0.1 -
- km/L display range: 0.1 - 99.9
- L/100 km display range: 2.0 - 99.9
• To reset average fuel consumption, reset
2 the trip meter. When the trip meter is dis-
playing 0.0, average fuel consumption is
displayed as – –.–.

• When the average fuel consumption NOTE: The display shows estimated values,
meter is reset, the average fuel con- which may not be the same as actual val-
sumption is displayed as – –.– until a set ues.
distance has been traveled.

NOTE: When the trip meter exceeds 9999.9,

the trip meter will return to 0.0 and start
counting again.

VOLTMETER/INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel light brightness 2
LIGHT BRIGHTNESS Set the meter to instrument panel light
brightness. Pushing the select switch (Up)
will change the instrument panel light bright-
ness in 6 steps. The brightness indicator
indicates brightness from “ ” (min) to
“ ” (max).
Voltmeter 1
The voltmeter displays the battery voltage NOTE: When the MODE switch is pressed
within the range of 10.0 to 16.0V. while adjusting instrument panel light bright-
ness, the screen moves to drive mode
NOTE: selection; therefore, the instrument panel
• The displayed value may differ from the light brightness can no longer be adjusted.
value of other instruments. In this case, press the MODE switch again
• If a voltage below 12.0 V is frequently to cancel the drive mode selection, and then
displayed, have the motorcycle the instrument panel light brightness can be
inspected by an authorized Suzuki adjusted.

MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY SETTING OF 1. From the “MENU” indication, select
EACH ITEM “DATE & TIME” and press the select
switch (Down) for about 2 seconds.
1. DATE&TIME “DATE & TIME” starts blinking and the
display changes to the setting screen.
<Date/time adjustment>
Set the date and time using the following

2. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to 4. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to
select the year, month, day, hour, or min- set the year, month, day, hour, and min-
ute indication. The selected item is high- ute indications.
<Indication setting>
The order of the year, month, and day
indications can be selected from the fol-
lowing 3 patterns.
• Y/M/D (Year, Month, Day)
• M/D/Y (Month, Day, Year)
• D/M/Y (Day, Month, Year)

5. Press the select switch (Down) for about

2 seconds. The arrow marks ( , )
3. Press the select switch (Down) for about above and below the indication disap-
2 seconds to make arrow marks ( , ) pear and the setting is confirmed before
appear above and below the indication. returning to the setting screen.

2 2

• When the select switch (Up) is pressed When the set engine speed is reached, the
for about 2 seconds while setting, the engine rpm indicator light and the engine
setting is terminated and the screen rpm indicator come on or blink. To set the
returns to the “MENU” indication. engine speed, use the following procedure.
• The setting is also terminated when the
ignition switch is turned OFF while set-
ting or the switch is not operated for 10
seconds. In this case, the setting at the
time of termination is adopted.
• The year can be set from 2019 to 2099.
• When the battery terminals are discon-
nected and reconnected, the date and
time are reset. In such case, set them

1. From “MENU” indication, select “RPM 2. By pressing the select switch (Up or
SET” and press the select switch (Down) Down), the arrow indicating the selection
for about 2 seconds. “RPM SET” starts moves and the selected item is high-
blinking and the display moves to the lighted.
setting screen.

NOTE: When “OFF” is selected in the

“MODE” setting, “MAIN” and “BRIGHT” can-
not be selected. In this case, select LIGHT
“ ” or BLINK “ ” in the “MODE” setting.
( 2-55)

The setting screen has the following items 1 NOTE:
to 3. • When the battery terminal is discon-
nected and reconnected, be sure to set
1.MODE the engine rpm indicator light setting
Set the lighting function (LIGHT, BLINK, again.
OFF) of the engine rpm indicator light • When the select switch (Up) is pressed
MAIN (white) LED. for about 2 seconds while setting, the
setting is terminated and returns to the
2.MAIN “MENU” indication. In this case, the set-
Set the engine rpm used to light the ting at the time of termination is adopted.
MAIN (white) LED. • The setting is also terminated when the
ignition switch is turned OFF or the
3.BRIGHT switch is not operated for 10 seconds. In
Set the brightness of the MAIN (white) this case, the setting at the time of termi-
LED. nation is adopted.

MODE (lighting mode) setting 2. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to
Set the lighting mode of the engine rpm indi- select the lighting mode (LIGHT, BLINK,
cator lights using the following procedure. OFF) of the engine rpm indicator lights.
The engine rpm indicator “” is inter-
1. While “MODE” is selected, press the linked with the selection of LIGHT or
select switch (Down) for about 2 sec- BLINK.
onds to move to the setting screen.

3. Press the select switch (Down) for about MAIN (engine rpm preset) setting
2 seconds to confirm the setting and Set the preset rpm for the engine rpm indi-
return to the setting screen. cator light using the following procedure.

Indication patterns of the engine rpm indica- 1. While “MAIN” is selected, press the
tor lights and engine rpm indicator “” are select switch (Down) for about 2 sec-
shown below. onds to move to the setting screen.


“ ” “ ”

MAIN LED   Blink –

Engine rpm
  –
indicator “”

2. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to BRIGHT (engine rpm indicator
set the preset rpm. The setting range is brightness)
from 3000 r/min to 9250 r/min in incre- Set the brightness of the engine rpm indica-
ments of 250 r/min. The tachometer indi- tor light.
cates the preset rpm.
1. While “BRIGHT” is selected, press the
select switch (Down) for about 2 sec-
onds to move to the setting screen.

3. Press the select switch (Down) for about
2 seconds to confirm the setting and
return to the setting screen.

2. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to 3. UNIT
set the brightness. The adjustment Set the units of speed, distance, fuel con-
range is in 6 steps from “ ” (Lowest) to sumption and ambient temperature using
“ ” (Highest). the following procedure.

3. Press the select switch (Down) for about

2 seconds to confirm the setting and
return to the setting screen.

1. From the “MENU” indication, select 2. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to
“UNIT” and press the select switch select the units to be used. The selected
(Down) for about 2 seconds. “UNIT” item is highlighted.
starts blinking and the display moves to
the setting screen.

3. Press the select switch (Down) for about

2 seconds. The check mark “ ”moves
to the selected units. At the same time,
the meter switches to the selected units.

• In the case of the km (km/h) specifi- “Service Reminder” is a function that tells
cation meter, only (km/h, km/L, °C), you when the next service is due by a date
(km/h, L/100km, °C) can be selected. and distance indication and an indicator
• When the select switch (Up) is pressed light.
for about 2 seconds while setting, the
setting is terminated and the display
returns to the “MENU” indication. In this  WARNING
case, the setting at the time of termina-
tion is adopted. Continuing to ride the motorcycle with-
out performing required maintenance
can adversely affect the motorcycle and
may lead to a crash.

Use the service reminder to remind you

when it is time to have maintenance per-
formed. Ask your Suzuki dealer to per-
form the service and to reset the service

NOTE: Consult your Suzuki dealer for the

appropriate service reminder setting.

To check the date and distance that is set, <Before the service reminder indicator
select “SERVICE” from the “MENU” indica- comes on>
tion and press the select switch (Down) for • The set date is indicated.
about 2 seconds. “SERVICE” starts blinking • The remaining distance to the set dis-
and moves to display the indication screen. tance is indicated.

<When the service reminder indicator <Opening advance notice screen>
comes on> When 1 month or 1000 km (600 mile)
• The “ ” and “ ” marks are indicated remains before the set date or distance,
when the set date or distance has been advance notice of the service interval
reached. (inspection date, remaining distance) is indi-
• Regardless of which is reached first, dis- cated for 3 seconds when the ignition switch
tance or date, the distance is indicated is turned ON.
with “-km” or “-mile” and the date is indi-
cated with the set date.
• When the ignition switch is turned ON,
you are notified that the service interval
has been reached for 3 seconds.

<Opening alarm screen> 5. HILL HOLD SET (V-STROM 1050XT)
If the service reminder indicator comes on, This sets the hill hold function. When hill
an alarm screen is indicated for 3 seconds hold is set ON, the function assists with pull-
when the ignition switch is turned ON. ing away again after stopping on an uphill

For details about hill hold, see “HILL HOLD

(V-STROM 1050XT)” on page 2-79.

1. From the “MENU” indication, select 2. Press the select switch (Up or Down) to
“HILL HOLD SET” and press the select select ON or OFF. The selected item is
switch (Down) for about 2 seconds. highlighted.
“HILL HOLD SET” starts blinking and the
display moves to the setting screen.

<ON> 3. After selecting ON or OFF, press the
The hill hold function is enabled. When select switch (Down) for about 2 sec-
the function is set to ON, the hill hold onds to confirm the setting. The check
indicator 1 comes on, turns off, or blinks mark “ ” moves to the confirmed item.
according to the system operation sta-

The hill hold function is disabled. When
the function is set to OFF, the following
hill hold indicator 2 comes on.

Engine power
SDMS is a device that allows engine output
characteristics to be chosen from A, B, or C C
drive modes to suit the rider’s preferences,
with a range of choices available for riding
modes including high-speed cruising and
congested roads. Throttle opening

A-mode provides sharp throttle response at
all throttle openings to obtain maximum
engine power.

B-mode provides softer throttle response
than A-mode up to middle throttle openings.

C-mode provides softer throttle response
than B-mode up to high throttle openings.

Mode setting select switch 2 (Down), the indication
When the ignition switch is turned ON, the changes in the order of A  B  C.
motorcycle will be in the drive mode that
was selected the last time the ignition switch
was turned OFF. Follow the procedure
below to operate the Suzuki drive mode

1. Press the MODE switch 1 to go into the UP

mode selection state.


2. Close the throttle grip completely. Press 3. The Suzuki drive mode selector indicator
the select switch 2 (Up or Down) to indicates the selected mode. When the
select a mode. By pressing the select MODE switch 1 is pressed, the mode
switch 2 (Up), the indication changes in selection state is canceled.
the order of C  B  A. By pressing the

 WARNING When the traction control system senses
rear wheel spin during acceleration, it auto-
Operating the SDMS while the motorcy- matically controls engine power output to
cle is traveling changes the engine restore the gripping power of the rear tire.
speed and output, and may adversely The traction control indicator light “TC”
affect riding stability. blinks when the traction control system is
controlling engine power output.
Operate the SDMS only while the motor-
cycle is stopped.
NOTE: Relying too much on the traction control
• Operating the Suzuki drive mode selec- system can be hazardous.
tor while riding with the throttle opened
will change the engine speed because of The traction control system cannot pro-
the change in engine power characteris- vide control to limit rear wheel spin
tics. under certain conditions. The system
• The Suzuki drive mode selector indicator cannot control rear wheel spin resulting
blinks when the drive mode change from high speed cornering, excessive
operation has failed. bank angle, braking operation or engine
• When the mode is to be changed, do it braking effect. Be sure to operate the
with the throttle closed. When the throttle motorcycle at an appropriate speed
is opened, mode change is unavailable. according to your riding skill, weather
• If the mode cannot be switched, the indi- and road conditions.
cator blinks when the select switch 2 is
 WARNING • When the traction control system is con-
trolling engine power output, the engine
When using tires of other than the speci- sound and exhaust sound will change.
fied size, the traction control system will • When the front or rear tires do not stay in
be unable to control engine power nor- full contact with the road surface, such
mally. as when riding on a bumpy road, the
traction control system will control
When replacing tires, be sure to use the engine power output.
specified tires. • When the traction control system is con-
trolling engine power output, the engine
speed will not increase even if the throt-
tle grip is operated to increase engine
power. If this happens, close the throttle
completely to restore the normal condi-

The traction control system can be turned Mode setting
OFF or can be set to one of 3 sensitivity set- 1. Press the MODE switch 1 to go into the
tings (Mode 1 to Mode 3). mode selection state.

The traction control system regulates the

engine output so as to reduce the rear
wheel’s free spinning. The sensitivity level is
the lowest in Mode 1 and is the highest in
Mode 3.

If “TC OFF” is selected, the engine output is

not regulated even when the rear wheel
spins freely. 2. Close the throttle grip completely. Press
the select switch 2 (Up or Down) to
NOTE: Before riding, check the setting
select a mode.
mode on the traction control system indica-
- By pressing the select switch 2 (Up),
tor in the instrument panel.
the indication changes from Mode 3 to
- By pressing the select switch 2
(Down), the indication changes from
OFF to Mode 3.
- If the MODE switch 1 is pressed while
selecting a mode, then the mode
selection state is canceled.

Concentrating on the meters and
switches while riding is dangerous.

If you must change the traction control

system mode while riding, be sure to pay
sufficient attention to the safety of the
• Be sure to keep the throttle fully closed
when changing the mode. If the change
of mode is not possible because the
throttle is not fully closed, the selected
mode on the traction control system indi-
DOWN cator blinks.
• If the mode cannot be changed, the indi-
cator blinks when select switch 2 is

ABS MODE (V-STROM 1050XT) 1. Press the MODE switch 1 to go into the
It is possible to change the ABS MODE mode selection state.
under the following condition A or B.
A. When the motorcycle is stopped
B. When the motorcycle is running with the
throttle closed completely and without
operating the brake

The ABS mode selector sets two types of

ABS control characteristics.
• Mode 1: 2. Close the throttle grip completely. Press
Control with little ABS intervention the select switch 2 (Up or Down) for
• Mode 2: about 2 seconds to select a mode.
Standard ABS control - By pressing the select switch 2 (Up)
for about 2 seconds, the indication
changes in the order of 2  1.
- By pressing the select switch 2
(Down) for about 2 seconds, the indi-
cation changes in the order of 1  2.
3. The ABS mode indicator indicates the
selected mode. When the MODE switch
1 is pressed, the mode selection state
is canceled.

NOTE: If the mode cannot be changed, the CRUISE CONTROL (V-STROM 1050XT)
indicator blinks when the select switch 2 is Cruise control is a function that allows you to
pressed. ride at a set speed on a road where little
acceleration or deceleration is required,
such as a highway, without operating the
UP throttle grip.
It offers a resume function that returns to the
previously set speed after the set speed was

• The cruise control indicator blinks if it is
DOWN not possible to set the target motorcycle
speed from the standby state because
the conditions allowing setting are not
• Cruise control may not be able to main-
tain the target motorcycle speed under
some road conditions such as an uphill
or downhill slope.
• Cruise control is turned off when the
main key is turned off.

Conditions allowing setting of the target
 WARNING motorcycle speed
The following conditions must exist in order
Using cruise control in certain situations to set the target motorcycle speed.
may impair safety. • Cruise control is in the standby state
• Motorcycle speed is about 50 km/h (31
Do not use cruise control in the follow- mph) or higher
ing situations: • Gear position is 4th or higher
• In poor weather
• On roads with heavy traffic
• On roads with sharp curves
• On unpaved roads
• On slippery roads
• On steep downhill slopes

Misuse of cruise control may cause
unintended acceleration that may lead to

When not using cruise control, turn it


Setting the cruise control to standby Setting the target motorcycle speed
Press the cruise control switch 1 on the 1. When the desired motorcycle speed is
right handlebar switch assembly and check reached while conditions allowing setting
that the standby indicator 2 comes on in the are met, press the select switch (SET/-)
cruise control display in the instrument 1 on the left handlebar switch to com-
panel. plete setting of the target motorcycle
The cruise control indicator light 3 comes speed. The motorcycle travels at the tar-
on at the same time. get motorcycle speed even if the throttle
grip is turned back.
The SET indicator 2 comes on in the
cruise control display when the target
motorcycle speed is set. The cruise con-
trol indicator light 3 comes on after
blinking for 3 seconds.

2. When riding at the target motorcycle NOTE: During constant speed riding at the
speed, press the select switch (RES/+) set speed, turn the throttle grip to accelerate
or select switch (SET/-) to adjust the tar- above the set speed. Release the throttle
get motorcycle speed. grip to return to the target motorcycle speed.
When riding at a speed above the target
Select switch (RES/+) 1 motorcycle speed, press the select switch
Short press: Speed increases by about (SET/-) “ ” to change the target motorcy-
1 km/h (0.6 mph) cle speed to the current speed.
Long press: Speed increases

Select switch (SET/-) 2

Short press: Speed decreases
by about 1 km/h (0.6 mph)
Long press: Speed decreases

Canceling constant speed riding NOTE:
Under the following conditions, constant • Constant speed riding is canceled when
speed riding is canceled and cruise control a system error occurs.
returns to the standby state. • Constant speed riding is canceled and
• Throttle grip is turned in the close direc- cruise control is turned off when the
tion from the fully closed position 1 MODE switch is pressed.

2:Canceled position
• Clutch lever is squeezed
• Brake lever or brake pedal is operated
• Motorcycle speed is less than about 50
km/h (31 mph)
• Gear position is 3rd or lower
• Set speed cannot be reached in a long
time, such as on a slope
• Tires spin
• Cruise control is turned off, see “Cruise
control released (turned off)” on page 2-
Resume function
If setting data remains in the system when
constant speed riding is canceled, press the
select switch (RES/+) “ ” to return to the If the resume function is used when the
target motorcycle speed at the time constant speed is slower than the target motorcy-
speed riding was canceled. cle speed at the time constant speed rid-
On resume, the cruise control indicator light ing was previously canceled, the
comes on after blinking for 3 seconds. motorcycle will accelerate. Motorcycle
acceleration could cause a crash if the
resume function is used when the road
conditions are not suitable.
Consider the target motorcycle speed
and road conditions before using the
resume function.
The resume function cannot be used in the
following circumstances because the setting
data is deleted.
• Motorcycle speed is less than about 50
km/h (31 mph)
• Ignition switch was turned off
• Cruise control is turned off

Cruise control released (turned off) HILL HOLD (V-STROM 1050XT)
Under the following conditions, cruise con- Hill hold is a function that prevents the
trol operation is turned off. At this time, the motorcycle from moving backwards when
cruise control indicator and the cruise con- starting after stopping on an uphill slope and
trol indicator light are turned off. assists with pulling away smoothly.
• Cruise control switch is pressed When the system operates, it controls the
• MODE switch is pressed rear brake for about 30 seconds to prevent
the motorcycle from moving backward with-
NOTE: Cruise control turns off when a sys- out any operation of the brake lever or the
tem error occurs. brake pedal.
About 3 seconds before the system is deac-
tivated, the hill hold indicator starts blinking
and the brake pressure is gradually reduced
accordingly until the system is fully deacti-

System operation conditions System operation method
• Motorcycle stopped on an uphill slope When the system operation conditions are
• Front brake, rear brake or both brakes met, the hill hold indicator 1 comes on in
applied the instrument panel. When the indicator is
• Hill hold is not turned off lit, the system controls the rear brake to pre-
• Not in the neutral gear position vent the motorcycle from moving backward
• Side stand is not down without any operation of the brake lever or
the brake pedal.
• Hill hold does not function until the wheel
rotation is fully stopped.
• For details about setting hill hold off, see
1050XT)” on page 2-63.

If the brake is released while the hill hold
function is not operating, the motorcycle
may move backward and fall over or
cause a crash.

When you intend to use the hill hold

function, do not release the brakes until
the hill hold indicator comes on.

System deactivation method
The system is deactivated in the following
• Motorcycle pulls away The system is deactivated about 3 sec-
• 30 seconds elapses after the brake lever onds after the hill hold control system
and brake pedal are released indicator starts blinking. If the system is
• Brake lever is pulled 2 times rapidly deactivated in this situation, the motor-
• Side stand is put down cycle may move backward and fall over
• Transmission is put in neutral or cause a crash.

NOTE: About 27 seconds after the brake When the hill hold control system indica-
lever and brake pedal are released, the hill tor starts blinking, operate the front and
hold indicator blinks for about 3 seconds to rear brakes to keep the motorcycle from
notify that the system will soon be deacti- moving backward.
vated. If the front brake or rear brake is
operated during this interval, the time until
the system is deactivated is extended by 30

The hill hold control system has a lim- There are 4 positions for the ignition switch;
ited ability to hold the motorcycle on a ON 1, OFF 2, LOCK 3 and P 4.
hill. The motorcycle may move backward
when starting up on an extremely steep
slope or slippery road, or if the motorcy-
cle is overloaded.

Always check the surroundings and

operate the brake lever and brake pedal
as necessary to ensure safe riding.

If the hill hold control system is acti-
vated when climbing an extremely steep
hill or slippery road, the tires may lock
and cause loss of control.

Be very careful when stopping on an

extremely steep hill or slippery road with
the hill hold control system activated.
(Immobilizer equipped model)
A lid 5 is provided for the key cylinder 6 to Align the lid hole position with the keyhole
prevent tampering. Turning the lid position position when inserting the key.
covers the keyhole 7, to prevent any foreign
substance from entering the keyhole. To turn
the lid, insert the tip of the key slightly into
the lid and turn it.





Operating the key while the motorcycle Operating the ignition switch while the
is moving may result in a crash or may motorcycle is running will stop the
cause damage to the engine and the cat- engine operating smoothly and may neg-
alytic converter. atively affect the engine and the catalytic
Operate the key only after stopping the
motorcycle. Do not operate the ignition switch while
the motorcycle is running.

Falls caused by impact or slipping may
result in malfunctioning of the motorcy-
cle. Motorcycle malfunctions may result
in fires, or could result in injury from
moving parts such as the rear wheel.

If the motorcycle falls, turn the ignition

switch off immediately and stop all
devices. As falling may damage parts
that are not visible, have your motorcy-
cle inspected by a Suzuki dealer.

OFF (“OFF” position) <Locking>
• The engine stops. 1. Turn the handlebars all the way to the
• The lights turn off. left.
• The key can be removed. 2. While pushing the key in, turn it from
ON (“ON” position) 3. Pull the key out.
• The engine can start and the motorcycle
is able to be ridden. NOTE:
• The following lights turn on. • Move the handlebars to the left and right,
- Headlight and check that they are locked firmly.
- Taillight • If the handlebars are difficult to lock, turn
- Position light the key while moving them slightly to the
- License plate light right.
• The key cannot be removed.

LOCK (“LOCK” position)

• The handlebars lock.
• The lights do not come on.
• The key can be removed.
To prevent theft, lock the handlebars when
leaving the motorcycle. We recommend also
using a chain lock.

Insert the key and while pushing it in, turn it
from LOCK to OFF.
Turning the ignition switch to the “P”
NOTE: (PARKING) or “LOCK” position while the
• Before riding, move the handlebars to motorcycle is moving can be hazardous.
the right and left, and check that they Moving the motorcycle while the steer-
turn the same amount in both directions. ing is locked can be hazardous. You
• The ignition switch key hole features a lid could lose your balance and fall, or you
that covers it. could drop the motorcycle.
• If the lid hole is misaligned, align the lid
hole to the key hole. Stop the motorcycle and place it on the
side stand before locking the steering.
“P” (PARKING) position Never attempt to move the motorcycle
When parking the motorcycle, lock the when the steering is locked.
steering and turn the key to the “P” position.
The key can now be removed and the posi-
tion light, license plate light and taillight will
remain lit and the steering will be locked.
This position is for night time roadside park-
ing to increase visibility.

 WARNING Compares whether the ID of the key
inserted is one that has been registered in
If the motorcycle falls down due to a slip the motorcycle ECM, and determines
or collision, damage to the motorcycle whether or not to start the engine.
could cause the engine to keep running, When the ignition switch 1 is turned ON,
which could result in a fire, or could the ECM 2 directs the controller contained
result in injury from moving parts such in the key 3 to transmit its ID 4. (At this
as the rear wheel. time, the number of times the indicator
blinks indicates the number of keys regis-
If the motorcycle falls down, turn the tered to the motorcycle 6) In response, the
ignition switch off immediately. Ask your key sends its ID 5, and if the ECM deems
authorized Suzuki dealer to inspect the the ID to be correct, the engine can be
motorcycle for unseen damage. started, and the indicator lights for 2 sec-
onds 7.

• If the indicator continues to blink without
stopping, then the key is wrong or there
is a transmission error. Turn the ignition
switch OFF, and redo the operation.
• Initially 2 keys are registered to the
motorcycle. 2 additional keys can be reg-
istered. The number of times the indica-
tor blinks indicates the number of keys
registered to the motorcycle.
• If both keys are lost, 2 blank keys and
[A] [B] the ECM must be replaced. Be sure to
store the spare key in a safe place.
• When inserting the key, bringing the
spare key for this motorcycle or an
immobilizer-compatible key from another
[A]: Ignition switch is turned ON motorcycle close to the immobilizer
[B]: Engine can be started antenna may cause the immobilizer sys-
8: Immobilizer indicator tem to stop functioning normally. Do not
attach 2 or more immobilizer-compatible
keys to a key holder.

• Metal items, magnetic items, and items HANDLEBAR SWITCHES
that transmit radio signals have a detri-
mental effect on immobilizer transmis- DIMMER SWITCH/HEADLIGHT FLASHER
sion. Accordingly, do not attach the SWITCH
immobilizer to a key holder or put it near Dimmer switch
keys. Changes the headlight between high-beam
and low-beam.

1: High-beam
2: Flasher

High-beam “”
Push the switch away from you to change to
If tape is applied to the headlight, the
Low-beam “” location where the tape has been applied
Pull the switch toward you to change to low- may melt due to heat from the light.
Do not apply tape to the headlight.
Headlight flasher switch “ ”
Turns the headlights to high-beam while the
NOTE: Set the headlight to low-beam if
switch is pulled toward you. Releasing the
there are oncoming vehicles or vehicles
switch returns the headlights to low-beam.
traveling ahead of you.

The heat of the headlight may melt the
lens or damage objects.

Do not leave objects in front of the head-

light or taillight, or cover the headlight or
taillight with a cloth, etc.

The MODE switch operates the following Use as a signal when turning right or left, or
functions: when changing lanes.
• Suzuki drive mode selector (SDMS)
( 2-66) Right turn 
• Traction control system operation Set the switch to the  side to make the
( 2-68) right turn signal light blink. Push the switch
• ABS mode ( 2-72) in to cancel turn signal operation.

HORN SWITCH “” Left turn 

While the switch is pressed, the horn Set the switch to the  side to make the left
sounds. turn signal light blink. Push the switch in to
cancel turn signal operation.

Leaving the turn signal on may cause
others to misunderstand your intended
direction of travel, and cause crashes.

The turn signal switch does not turn off

automatically. After use, be sure to push
the switch in to cancel turn signal opera-

Engine Stop Switch Changing the engine stop switch from 
Stop the engine immediately in emergency to  or from  to  to  while rid-
situations such as a fall. Placing the engine ing may damage to the engine or the cat-
stop switch in the “” (STOP) position alytic converter (if equipped).
stops the engine. Normally, leave it in the
“” position. Do not use the engine stop switch
except in an emergency.
“” position
Electric circuits related to the engine are NOTE: When the engine stop switch has
connected. been used to stop the engine, be sure to
• The engine can be started and can run. turn the ignition switch OFF. Leaving the
ignition switch ON may cause the battery to
“” position run down.
Electric circuits related to the engine are not
• The engine stops.
• The engine cannot be started.

Electric Starter Switch “” HAZARD WARNING SWITCH “”
Pushing the electric starter switch causes The hazard warning switch is used in emer-
the starter motor to turn over and starts the gency situations, such as when a malfunc-
engine. tion has occurred. Pushing the switch
For details, see “STARTING THE ENGINE” causes all turn signals to blink.
on page 2-94
NOTE: Do not use the hazard warning
NOTE: switch except for in emergencies. Using it
• The engine cannot start when the when the engine is stopped may cause the
engine stop switch is in the “” posi- battery to run down.
• The motorcycle is equipped with
when you press the electric starter
switch the starter motor will keep turning
over for a few seconds even if you let the
starter switch go. After a few seconds
the engine starts, and the starter motor

STARTING THE ENGINE NOTE: This motorcycle has a starter inter-
lock system for the ignition and starter cir-
STARTING PROCEDURE cuit. The engine can only be started if:
Use the following procedure to start the • The transmission is in neutral,
engine. or
1. Make sure that the transmission is in • The transmission is in gear, the side
neutral. stand is fully up, and the clutch is pulled
2. Check that the engine stop switch is set in.
to “”.
3. Set the ignition switch to ON. NOTE: This motorcycle features the Suzuki
4. Check that the malfunction indicator light Easy Start System, allowing you to start the
has gone out. engine with a single push of the electric
5. With the throttle grip closed, press the starter switch. For details, see “SUZUKI
electric starter switch “”. See “SUZUKI EASY START SYSTEM” on page 2-97.
EASY START SYSTEM” on page 2-97.
6. Before riding, make sure that the side When the Engine is Hard to Start:
stand is fully up. See “SIDE STAND/ Open the throttle approximately 1/8 turn and
IGNITION INTERLOCK SYSTEM” on press the electric starter switch “”.
page 2-99.

Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, After starting the engine, opening the
a dangerous gas that is difficult to detect throttle or riding the motorcycle with the
because it is colorless and odorless. oil pressure warning indicator light
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause turned on, may adversely affect the
death or severe injury. engine.

Never start the engine or let it run Make sure that the oil pressure warning
indoors or where there is little or no ven- indicator light has turned off before
tilation. opening the throttle or riding the motor-

Continuously turning the starter motor
for 5 seconds or more consumes a large
amount of power and may cause the bat-
tery to run down.

Do not push and hold the electric starter

switch for 5 seconds or more or use the
Suzuki Easy Start System to turn the
starter motor over continuously.

NOTE: When the motorcycle falls over, a
NOTICE system stops the engine. The master warn-
ing indicator light also comes on. To restart
If you start the engine with the gear posi- the engine, after righting the motorcycle,
tion indicator and neutral indicator pro- temporarily turn the ignition switch OFF,
viding incorrect indications, engine then turn it on again. When the malfunction
damage can occur. indicator light goes off the engine can be
started again.
Before starting the engine, check
whether the gear position indicator and
neutral indicator are providing the indi- NOTICE
cations described below. If they are not If you hold the electric starter switch
providing the indications described down while the malfunction indicator is
below, have your motorcycle inspected lit, the battery may run down.
promptly by a Suzuki dealer.
• When the gear position indicator Do not hold the electric starter switch
shows N, the neutral indicator is lit. down while the malfunction indicator is
• When the gear position indicator lit.
shows one of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), the neu-
tral indicator turns off.

NOTE: When starting the engine, you must

pull in the clutch if the gear is in any position
other than neutral.

SUZUKI EASY START SYSTEM NOTE: Depending on the condition of the
You can start the engine with a single push battery, the engine might not start easily by
of the electric starter switch. The starter SUZUKI EASY START SYSTEM. If the
motor continues to turn over after you take engine is difficult to start, squeeze the clutch
your hand off the switch, and stops after a lever with the transmission in neutral and
few seconds or after the engine starts. continue pressing the electric starter switch
• If the gear position is neutral you can to start the engine. If the engine fails to start,
start the engine without pulling in the the battery will most likely lose power. In this
clutch. case, charge or change the battery.
• If the gear position is anything except
neutral you must pull in the clutch to start
the engine.

In some cases the engine may not start due

to the position of the side stand and the
gear. For details see “SIDE STAND/IGNI-

Proper Warm up
In the following circumstances, run the
engine for a period of several tens of sec-
onds to several minutes to warm it up before Leaving the engine running for an
riding. extended period without riding, in order
• When you have not used the motorcycle to charge the battery, etc., may cause the
for an extended period engine to overheat. Overheating may
• In extremely low temperatures (as a damage engine parts and cause the
guide, -10°C (14°F) or less) in cold exhaust pipe to change color.
In any other circumstances, out of consider- Stop the engine if you do not intend to
ation for the environment, begin riding begin riding promptly.
promptly after starting the engine.

Immediately after starting the engine,
revving the engine, sudden acceleration,
or abrupt braking may cause the engine
to malfunction.

Run the engine for a period of several

tens of seconds to several minutes to
warm it up before beginning travel.

The motorcycle has a system to prevent rid-
ers from forgetting to stow the side stand If you move the side stand down while
and then traveling with it down. riding the motorcycle, the engine will
The system operates as follows. stop, which may cause a crash.

<When the side stand is down> Never move the side stand down while
• The engine cannot be started when the riding the motorcycle.
motorcycle is in gear. (The engine can
be started if the motorcycle is in neutral)
• Placing the motorcycle in gear while the NOTE:
engine is running stops the engine. • If side stand is not completely up the
engine stops when you shift gears from
<When the side stand is fully up> neutral to any other gear.
Moving the side stand down while the • Lubricate the side stand if it does not
engine is running and the motorcycle is in operate smoothly.
gear stops the engine.

REFUELING 3. Open the cap.

Use the following procedure to refill with
1. Open the fuel tank cap key cover.
2. Insert the key and turn it to the right to

4. Refill with gasoline.

Since gasoline may leak from the cap,
do not fill any higher than the lower edge
1 of the inlet.

Specified fuel: Unleaded premium

Fuel tank capacity: 20L (5.3/4.4 US/
Imp. gal)

Gasoline is very flammable and may
cause fires if handled incorrectly.

• When refilling with gasoline, stop the

engine and do not bring flame into
• Be sure to refill outdoors.
• Before opening the fuel tank cap,
2Fuel touch a metal section of the motorcy-
5. Push down the cap, then turn the key to cle body or gasoline pump to eliminate
the left and remove it. static electricity from your body. If you
The key cannot be removed if the cap is are statically charged the static may
not locked. discharge with a spark, causing the
gasoline to catch fire.
• Refill with gasoline yourself, away
from other people.
• After refilling, close the fuel tank cap
firmly until it makes a clicking sound.
• Wipe away any spilled gasoline with a

If the engine develops some trouble like This motorcycle has a 6-speed transmis-
lack of acceleration or insufficient sion, with neutral located between 1st and
power, the cause may be due to the fuel 2nd gear.
the motorcycle uses.

In such case, try changing to a different

gas station. If the situation is not
improved by changing, consult your
Suzuki dealer.
Spilled gasoline containing alcohol can
damage the painted surfaces of your
motorcycle. NOTE: When the transmission is in neutral,
the green indicator light on the instrument
Be careful not to spill any fuel when fill- panel will be lit. However, even though the
ing the fuel tank. Wipe spilled gasoline light is illuminated, cautiously and slowly
up immediately. release the clutch lever to make sure that
the transmission is positively in neutral.

The table below shows the approximate The transmission is designed to allow the
speed range for each gear. engine to operate smoothly in its normal
operating speed range. When riding, shift
Shifting up schedule gears to match the conditions. Do not slip
Gear position km/h mph the clutch to adjust motorcycle speed as
doing so causes wear on the clutch. When
1st  2nd 29 18
reducing speed, shift gears down to match
2nd  3rd 54 34 the engine speed.
3rd  4th 70 43 1. Before starting off, stow the side stand.
4th  5th 86 53
2. Squeeze the clutch lever and operate
the gearshift lever to change gears into
5th  6th 97 60 1st gear and move off smoothly.
3. Change gears according to motorcycle
Shifting down schedule
Gear position km/h mph Return the throttle grip temporarily and
6th  5th 86 53
squeeze in the clutch lever completely
before changing gears.
5th  4th 70 43 Operate the gearshift lever lightly with
4th  3rd 54 34 the toes, moving it firmly until you feel
3th  2rd 29 18 the lever click.
2th  1st 21 13

Disengage the clutch when the motorcycle

speed drops below 15 km/h (9 mph).
Downshifting when engine speed is too Holding the motorcycle stopped with
high can: throttle and clutch lever operation on
• cause the rear wheel to skid and lose inclines can damage the motorcycle’s
traction due to increased engine brak- clutch.
ing, resulting in a crash; or
• force the engine to overrev in the Use the brakes when stopping the
lower gear, resulting in engine dam- motorcycle on inclines.

Reduce speed before downshifting. NOTICE

When the engine becomes abnormally
 WARNING hot, the clutch may not engage well.

Downshifting while the motorcycle is If the engine becomes very hot and the
leaned over in a corner may cause rear clutch is not engaging well, stop the
wheel skid and loss of control. motorcycle in a safe place and let the
engine cool.
Reduce your speed and downshift
before entering a corner.

NOTICE • When changing gears, move the lever
firmly until you feel the lever click.
Incorrect gearshift operation or riding • Do not increase engine speed exces-
with your foot on the gearshift lever may sively. Doing so will negatively affect
cause damage to the engine. engine life.
• Do not ride at an excessive speed.
• Do not perform the gear change opera- • If something appears strange while rid-
tion with the clutch lever not firmly ing, have the motorcycle checked imme-
squeezed. diately by a Suzuki dealer.
• Do not apply excessive force when • Take care when riding to ensure that
using the gearshift lever. engine speed does not enter the red
• Do not ride with your foot on the gear- zone.
shift lever. • It is easy to enter the red zone when rev-
ving the engine or accelerating suddenly
in 1st or 2nd gear, so particular care is
required in such situations.
• If engine speed enters the red zone,
close the throttle promptly to reduce
engine speed.
• When the gear position changes to neu-
tral while riding, the engine speed limiter
functions to protect the engine and
power systems, limiting engine speed.

1. Push the brake lever forward and rotate
DESCRIPTION the adjuster 1 to the desired position.
The front and rear brakes are simultane- 2. Align the numbers on the adjuster with
ously applied by squeezing the brake lever the “Alignment mark” 2.
gently toward the throttle grip. This motorcy-
cle is equipped with a disk brake system and
excessive pressure is not required to slow
the machine down properly. The brake light
will be lit when the lever is squeezed inward.
The space between the brake lever and grip
can be adjusted to 5 settings.

• Adjust by aligning the protuberances on
the lever with the indentations on the DESCRIPTION
adjuster. Stepping on the rear brake pedal 1 applies
• The adjuster is set to the 3rd position at the rear brake. The brake light comes on at
the factory. the same time.

Adjusting the brake lever position while
riding may result in a crash.

Adjust the brake lever position only

while stopped.

The distance between the grip and the Adjusting the clutch lever position while
clutch lever is adjustable to 4 positions. riding can be hazardous. Removing a
This motorcycle is delivered from the factory hand from the handlebars can reduce
with its adjuster set on position 2. your ability to control the motorcycle.

Never adjust the clutch lever position

CLUTCH LEVER ADJUSTMENT while riding. Keep both hands on the
1. Push the clutch lever forward and rotate handlebars.
the adjuster 1 to the desired position.
2. Align the numbers on the adjuster with
the “Alignment mark” 2.

SEAT Installation
Slide the seat hooks into the seat hook
FRONT SEAT retainers and tighten the bolts securely.
1. Remove the rear seat. ( 2-110)
2. Remove the bolts 1.

Failure to install the seat properly could
3. Raise the rear end of the seat and slide allow the seat to move and cause loss of
it backward. rider control.

Fasten the seat securely in its proper


Removal 1. Slide the seat hooks into the seat hook
1. To remove the rear seat, insert the igni- retainers.
tion key into the seat lock and turn it 2. Push down firmly until the seat snaps
clockwise. into the locked position.
2. Raise the front end of the seat and slide
it forward.

• Lift up the seat gently and check that it is (V-STROM 1050XT)
locked. An adapter that increases the height of the
• Care is required, because if the seat is front seat by approx. 20 mm (0.8 in) is
locked with the key placed underneath it, installed on the underside of the rear seat.
you will be unable to retrieve the key.
1. Remove the rear seat, see “REAR SEAT
 WARNING AND SEAT LOCK” on page 2-110.
2. Remove the bolt 1 on the underside of
If the seat is not attached correctly it the rear seat and slide plate 2 toward
may move, interfering with riding. the rear of the motorcycle to remove it.

Lock the seat firmly in the correct posi-


3. Remove the following parts from the rear 5. Remove the bolts 6 from the underside
seat. of the front seat, and remove seat
frames 7 and 8.

3 Front adapter
4 Rear adapter
5 Adapter mounting bolts

4. Remove the front seat, see “FRONT

SEAT” on page 2-109.

6. Position the front adapter 3 and rear 7. Use adapter mounting bolts 5 to install
adapter 4 so that they are aligned with the seat frames 7 and 8. When install-
the mounting holes in the seat frames. ing the seat frame 8, pull it fully back
toward the rear of the motorcycle and
tighten the adapter mounting bolts 5.

NOTE: Stow the seat frame mounting bolts DOCUMENT HOLDER
6 removed at step 5 to the adapter mount- A document holder is available when the
ing bolt 5 fixing positions on the underside rear seat is removed.
of the rear seat. Place the owner’s manual 1 in a plastic bag
and store it here.
8. Reinstall the front seat, see “FRONT
SEAT” on page 2-109.
9. Reinstall the rear seat, see “REAR SEAT
AND SEAT LOCK” on page 2-110.

The stands are used when parking the  WARNING
motorcycle. This motorcycle is equipped
with a side stand and center stand (V- Riding with the side stand incompletely
STROM 1050XT). retracted can result in a crash when you
turn left.
To place the motorcycle on the side stand, Check operation of the side stand/ igni-
place your right foot on the end of the side tion interlock system before riding.
stand and push down firmly until the stand Always retract the side stand completely
pivots fully through its arc and comes to rest before starting off.
against its stop.
For details on the side stand/ignition inter- NOTE: When parking the motorcycle,
lock system, see page 2-99. choose a surface that is as hard and flat as
possible. If you cannot avoid parking on a
slope, stop the motorcycle with the front fac-
ing up the slope, and place it in 1st gear to
lock the tires in place.

To place the motorcycle on the center stand,
place your foot on the stand extension and DESCRIPTION
then rock the motorcycle to the rear and The standard settings for both the front and
upward with your right hand on the rear car- rear suspensions are selected to meet vari-
rier, while steadying the handlebars with ous riding conditions such as low to high
your left hand. motorcycle speed and light to heavy load on
the motorcycle. The suspension settings
can be adjusted and fine-tuned according to
your preference.

Turning adjusters by force can damage
the suspensions.

Do not turn adjusters beyond their natu-

ral limits.

FRONT SUSPENSION Spring Pre-load Adjustment
To adjust the spring pre-load, turn the
 WARNING adjuster 1 clockwise or counterclockwise.
• Turning the adjuster clockwise will
Unequal suspension adjustment can increase the spring pre-load.
cause poor handling and instability. • Turning the adjuster counterclockwise
will decrease the spring pre-load.
Adjust the right and left front forks to the
same setting. NOTE: Adjust both the right and left adjust-
ers to the same position.

When a dirty front fork is adjusted as it
is, oil leakage might occur due to a stick-
ing adjuster or seal damage.

Before adjustment, wash the dirt com-

pletely off from the front fork.

There are 5 grooved lines on the side of the Damping Force Adjustment
adjuster for reference. Position 5 provides The rebound and compression damping
the minimum spring pre-load and position 0 force can be individually adjusted by turning
provides the maximum pre-load. This motor- the respective adjusters.
cycle is delivered from the factory with its The rebound damping force adjusters 2 are
adjuster set on position 4. located at the top of the front suspension.
The compression damping force adjusters
3 are located at the bottom of the front sus-

To adjust the damping force, set the adjuster

to the standard setting first and then adjust
the adjuster to the desired position.

• Do not loosen the adjuster base 4, or
front fork oil will ooze through the
adjuster base.
• Adjust both the right and left to the same

APosition 0
BPosition 4
CPosition 5

<Rebound damping force standard
To set the rebound damping force adjuster
to the standard position, turn the adjuster
clockwise until it stops and then turn it coun-
terclockwise 8 clicks.
• Turn the adjuster clockwise from the
standard position to stiffen the damping
• Turn the adjuster counterclockwise from
the standard position to soften the
damping force.

The damping force should be adjusted grad-

ually, 1 click at a time, to fine-tune the sus-

<Compression damping force standard REAR SUSPENSION
To set the compression damping force
adjuster to the standard position, turn the  WARNING
adjuster clockwise until it stops and then
turn it counterclockwise 8 clicks.
• Turn the adjuster clockwise from the
standard position to stiffen the damping
• Turn the adjuster counterclockwise from This unit contains high-pressure nitro-
the standard position to soften the gen gas.
damping force. Mishandling can cause explosion.
The damping force should be adjusted grad-
ually, 1 click at a time, to fine-tune the sus-
• Keep away from fire and heat.
• Read owner’s manual for more infor-

NOTE: Ask your Suzuki dealer to dispose of

the rear suspension unit.

Spring Pre-load Adjustment
NOTICE To adjust the rear suspension spring pre-
load, turn the adjuster 1.
Forcing the adjuster to turn may damage
the suspension. As you turn the adjuster, you will notice the
clicks. Count the number of clicks from the
Do not rotate the adjuster beyond the softest position. Turning the adjuster clock-
limit. wise will stiffen the spring pre-load and turn-
ing it counterclockwise will soften the spring
The spring pre-load is set at the factory on
Adjusting the rear shock absorber while 11 clicks from the softest position.
it is dirty may cause sand to enter the
adjuster, or make the oil leak by damag-
ing the oil seal.

Wash the adjuster before adjusting it to S

remove sand and other dirt sufficiently. H

Damping Force Adjustment To set the rebound damping force adjuster
The rebound damping force adjuster 2 is to the standard position, turn the adjuster
located at the bottom of the rear suspension clockwise until it stops and then turn it coun-
damper unit. To adjust the damping force, terclockwise 1-1/4 turn.
set the adjuster to the standard setting first • Turn the adjuster clockwise from the
and then adjust it to the desired position. standard position to stiffen the damping
• Turn the adjuster counterclockwise from
the standard position to soften the
damping force.

The damping force should be adjusted grad-

ually, 1/8 turn at a time, to fine-tune the sus-

WINDSHIELD 2. Move the windshield nuts 3 up or down
to the desired windshield position.
The windshield height can be adjusted to 3
positions. To change the windshield height,
follow the procedure below.

1. Remove the bolts 1 and then remove

the windshield 2.

3. Reinstall the windshield in the reverse

order of the removal.

HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 3. Tilt the windshield lock lever 1 down-
(V-STROM 1050XT) ward to lock the windshield.
The windshield height can be adjusted to
the desired windshield position. To change
the windshield height, follow the procedure

1. Tilt the windshield lock lever 1 upward.

2. Move the windshield up and down to the
desired windshield position.

• If a squeaking noise is heard when the
lock lever is operated, apply silicone oil
to the lever hinge. Consult your Suzuki
dealer for the silicone oil.
• If the windshield movement is heavy,
clean any dust and dirt from the sliding

V-STROM 1050XT has an output terminal
1 for attaching 12V electrical accessories. Using the output terminal while the
Total electrical accessory wattage that is engine is idling or stopped may drain the
available during riding is 36W. Electrical battery.
accessory wattage should not exceed 12W
during idling. Check electrical accessory Be aware of battery drain when using the
voltage and wattage before attaching acces- output terminal.
sories to the output terminal.

Using an output of more than 12W
during idling may drain the battery.

Use 12W or less during idling.

A USB socket 1 is provided at the left side
Using improper electrical accessories of the Instrument panel. It can provide up to
can damage your motorcycle. Exceeding 5.0 V output voltage and 2 A maximum cur-
36W or using other than a 12V accessory rent.
can seriously damage the electrical sys-
tem and accessory.

Check voltage and wattage before con-

necting electrical accessories.

When water enters the output terminal, it
may cause a short circuit.

Do not use the output terminal when

washing the motorcycle, or when there
is rain. In such cases, remove the attach-
ment plug and close the cap.


NOTICE • Rated values are temporary capacities.
Avoid long-term use to prevent battery
Using the USB socket while the engine is drain.
idling or stopped may drain the battery. • When not using the USB socket, attach
the cap to prevent foreign matter from
Be aware of battery drain when using the entering it.
USB socket. • When attaching the cap 1, remove it
from the hook 2.

Failure to observe the following items
when handling the USB socket may
result in damage to the motorcycle or
connected devices.

• Do not connect any electronic device

other than a mobile phone.
• Do not use when washing the motor-
cycle or when it is raining. Pull out the
USB cable and attach the cap.

The rear carrier 1 load capacity is 10 kg (20

Operating the motorcycle overloaded
will decrease riding stability and can
lead to loss of control.

Do not load the motorcycle more than

load capacity.


DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................ 3-2

INSPECTION BEFORE RIDING ............................................................................................................... 3-10
TOOLS ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-12 3
FUEL TANK .............................................................................................................................................. 3-12
LUBRICATION .......................................................................................................................................... 3-17
BATTERY .................................................................................................................................................. 3-19
SPARK PLUG ........................................................................................................................................... 3-24
AIR CLEANER .......................................................................................................................................... 3-24
ENGINE OIL .............................................................................................................................................. 3-29
ENGINE COOLANT .................................................................................................................................. 3-39
ENGINE IDLE SPEED .............................................................................................................................. 3-44
FUEL HOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 3-44
DRIVE CHAIN ........................................................................................................................................... 3-45
CLUTCH .................................................................................................................................................... 3-50
BRAKES ................................................................................................................................................... 3-52
GEARSHIFT LEVER ................................................................................................................................. 3-60
TIRES ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-61
SPOKE WHEELS (V-STROM 1050XT) .................................................................................................... 3-67
SIDE STAND/IGNITION INTERLOCK SYSTEM ...................................................................................... 3-68
FRONT WHEEL ........................................................................................................................................ 3-69
REAR WHEEL .......................................................................................................................................... 3-74
LIGHT BULB ............................................................................................................................................. 3-78
HEADLIGHT BEAM .................................................................................................................................. 3-85
FUSES ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-86
DIAGNOSTIC CONNECTOR .................................................................................................................... 3-92

Improper maintenance or failure to per-
form recommended maintenance can
DESCRIPTION lead to a crash.
Regular inspection and maintenance are
essential to riding your motorcycle safely, Keep your motorcycle in good condition.
and to ensuring that it lasts a long time. The Ask your Suzuki dealer or a qualified
following simple inspections and mainte- mechanic to perform the maintenance
nance tasks that are normally carried out items marked with an asterisk (*). You
frequently. may perform the unmarked mainte-
Carry out periodic inspections even when nance items by referring to the instruc-
you do not use the motorcycle for an tions in this section, if you have
extended period. Inspect your motorcycle mechanical experience. If you are not
carefully when you begin using it again after sure how to do any of the jobs, ask your
an extended period of non-use. Suzuki dealer to do the maintenance.
Follow the guidelines in the chart. The inter-
vals between periodic services in kilome-
ters, miles and months are shown. At the
end of each interval, be sure to perform the
maintenance listed.

Inspection with the engine running is For inspections while riding, maintain
dangerous, as your hands or clothing sufficient awareness of the traffic situa-
may become caught in moving engine tion in the vicinity.
parts, resulting in serious injury.
Reduce speed to less than normal, and
Turn the engine off when inspecting any- perform the inspection in an area where
thing other than the lights, engine stop there is little traffic.
switch, and throttle.

 WARNING Performing maintenance beyond your
Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, competence without specialist knowl-
a dangerous gas that is difficult to detect edge may cause crashes or breakdowns.
because it is colorless and odorless.
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause For safety, only perform maintenance
death or severe injury. that is within your knowledge and area
of competence. Consult a Suzuki dealer
Never start the engine or let it run regarding anything difficult.
indoors or where there is little or no ven-

Because of the presence of gasoline and Performing maintenance with your
flammable oils, there is a risk of fire if motorcycle in an unstable location may
there are any ignition sources in close result in the motorcycle falling over
proximity when performing inspection during the process.
and maintenance.
Perform maintenance in a location with a
Do not smoke or bring a flame close to flat solid surface.
the motorcycle when performing mainte-
 CAUTION Servicing electrical parts with the igni-
tion switch in the “ON” position can
The exhaust pipe, muffler and the engine damage the electrical parts when the
become hot when the engine is running. electrical circuit is shorted.
Touching them before they cool down
may cause burns. Turn off the ignition switch before servic-
ing electrical parts to avoid short-circuit
When performing maintenance on parts damage.
close to the exhaust pipe, muffler or
engine, wait until they have cooled down
sufficiently to touch before starting
the minimum requirements for mainte-
Poorly-made replacement parts can nance. If you use your motorcycle under
cause your motorcycle to wear more severe conditions, perform maintenance
quickly and may shorten its useful life. more often than shown in the chart. If
you have any questions regarding main-
When replacing parts on your vehicle, tenance intervals, consult your Suzuki
use only genuine Suzuki replacement dealer or a qualified mechanic.
parts or their equivalent. • Recycle or properly dispose of used oil.

Interval: This interval should be judged by number of months or odometer reading, whichever
comes first.
Interval months 2 12 24 36 48
km 1000 6000 12000 18000 24000
Item miles 600 3750 7500 11250 15000
Air cleaner element ( 3-24) – I I R I
* Exhaust pipe bolts and muffler bolts T – T – T
* Valve clearance – – – – I
* Spark plugs – I I I R
– I I I I
Fuel hose ( 3-44)
*Replace every 4 years
* Evaporative emission control system (if equipped) – – I – I
Engine oil ( 3-29) R R R R R
Engine oil filter ( 3-29) R – – R –
* PAIR (air supply) system – – I – I
Replace every 4 years or 48000 km (30000 miles)
* Engine coolant
( 3-39) “SUZUKI LONG LIFE COOLANT” (Green) or
an engine coolant other than “SUZUKI SUPER – – R – R
Radiator hose ( 3-43) – I I I I
– I I I I
Clutch hose ( 3-51)
*Replace every 4 years

Interval months 2 12 24 36 48
km 1000 6000 12000 18000 24000
Item miles 600 3750 7500 11250 15000
– I I I I
Clutch fluid ( 3-50)
*Replace every 2 years
Drive chain ( 3-45)
Clean and lubricate every 1000 km (600 miles)
* Brakes ( 3-52) I I I I I
– I I I I
Brake hose ( 3-52)
*Replace every 4 years
– I I I I
Brake fluid ( 3-53)
*Replace every 2 years
Tires ( 3-61) – I I I I
* Steering I – I – I
* Front forks – – I – I
* Rear suspension – – I – I
* Chassis bolts and nuts T T T T T
Lubrication ( 3-17) Lubricate every 1000 km (600 miles)
Tighten spokes at the initial 1000 km (600 miles)
* Spoke wheel (V-STROM 1050XT)
and every 6000 km (3750 miles) thereafter.

NOTE: I= Inspect and clean, adjust, replace or lubricate as necessary;

R= Replace; T= Tighten

(For Europe and Oceania countries)
Interval months 2 12 24 36 48
km 1000 12000 24000 36000 48000
Item miles 600 7500 15000 22500 30000
Air cleaner element ( 3-24) – I I R I
* Exhaust pipe bolts and muffler bolts T T T T T
* Valve clearance Inspect every 24000 km (15000 miles)
* Spark plugs – I R I R
– I I I I
Fuel hose ( 3-44)
*Replace every 4 years
* Evaporative emission control system (if equipped) – – I – I
Engine oil ( 3-29) R R R R R
Engine oil filter ( 3-29) R – R – R
* PAIR (air supply) system – – I – I
– – – – R
* Engine coolant
( 3-39) “SUZUKI LONG LIFE COOLANT” (Green) or
an engine coolant other than “SUZUKI SUPER – – R – R
Radiator hose ( 3-43) – I I I I
– I I I I
Clutch hose ( 3-51)
*Replace every 4 years

Interval months 2 12 24 36 48
km 1000 12000 24000 36000 48000
Item miles 600 7500 15000 22500 30000
– I I I I
Clutch fluid ( 3-50)
*Replace every 2 years
Drive chain ( 3-45)
Clean and lubricate every 1000 km (600 miles)
* Brakes ( 3-52) I I I I I
– I I I I
Brake hose ( 3-52)
*Replace every 4 years
Inspect every year or 6000 km (4000 miles)
Brake fluid ( 3-53)
*Replace every 2 years
Tires ( 3-61) – I I I I
* Steering I I I I I
* Front forks – I I I I
* Rear suspension – I I I I
* Chassis bolts and nuts T T T T T
Lubrication ( 3-17) Lubricate every 1000 km (600 miles)
Tighten spokes at the initial 1000 km (600 miles)
* Spoke wheel (V-STROM 1050XT)
and every 6000 km (3750 miles) thereafter.

NOTE: I and Inspect= Inspect and clean, adjust, replace or lubricate as necessary;
R= Replace; T= Tighten

Check the condition of the motorcycle to  WARNING
help make sure that you do not have
mechanical problems or get stranded some- Failure to inspect your motorcycle
where when you ride. Be sure your motorcy- before riding and to properly maintain
cle is in good condition for the personal your motorcycle increases the chances
safety of the rider, passenger, and protec- of a crash or equipment damage.
tion of the motorcycle.
Always inspect your motorcycle each
time you use it to make sure it is in safe
 WARNING operating condition. Refer to the
If you operate this motorcycle with tion in this owner’s manual.
improper tires or improper or uneven tire
pressure, you may lose control of the
motorcycle. This will increase your risk
of a crash.
Checking maintenance items when the
Always use tires of the size and type engine is running can be hazardous. You
specified in this owner’s manual. Always could be severely injured if your hands or
maintain proper tire pressure as clothing get caught in moving engine parts.
described in the INSPECTION AND
MAINTENANCE section. Shut the engine off when performing
maintenance checks, except when
checking the lights, engine stop switch,
and throttle.
WHAT TO Tires • Correct pressure
CHECK ( 3-61) • Adequate tread depth
• No cracks or cuts
Steering • Smoothness
• No restriction of movement Engine oil Correct level
• No play or looseness ( 3-29)
Throttle Smooth operation and positive Cooling system • Proper coolant level
return of the throttle grip to the ( 3-39) • No coolant leakage
closed position
Lighting Operation of all lights and
Clutch • Correct lever play ( 2-24, 2-89) indicators
(2-108, 3- • No fluid leakage
50) • No “sponginess” Correct function
( 2-91)
• Smooth and progressive action
Engine stop Correct function
Brakes • Proper pedal and lever operation
(2-106, 2- • Fluid level in the reservoir to be
( 2-92)
107, 3-52) above “LOWER” line
• Correct pedal and lever play Side stand/Ignition Proper operation
• No “sponginess” interlock system
• No fluid leakage ( 2-99)
• Brake pads not worn down to the
Windshield Good visibility
limit line
( 2-123)
Suspension Smooth movement
Spoke wheels • Spoke tension
( 2-116)
(V-STROM • Check for damage
Fuel Enough fuel for the planned 1050XT)
( 2-38) distance of operation ( 3-67, 3-67)
Drive chain • Correct tension or slack
( 3-45) • Adequate lubrication
• No excessive wear or damage

A tool kit 1 is supplied and located under Lift up the fuel tank using the following pro-
the seat. cedure.
1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand.
2. Remove the front and rear seat by refer-
ring to the SEAT section. ( 2-109)
3. Remove the fasteners. Remove the cen-
ter lower cowling 1.

4. Remove the bolts. Remove the fuel tank 5. Remove the bolts and fasteners. Unhook
center cover 2. the hooks and remove the right and left
side covers 3.

6. Remove the fasteners. Remove the right 7. Remove the bolts. Unhook the hooks
and left side inner upper cover 4. and remove the right and left frame front
cover 5.

8. Remove the bolt. 10. Support the fuel tank 8 with the prop 6.

9. Remove the prop 6 and cushion 7.

If you lift up the fuel tank when it is full,
fuel can seep out from the fuel tank cap,
creating a fire hazard.

Reduce the fuel level to less than 1/4 full

before lifting up the fuel tank.

REMOVING 5. Remove the bolt and nut.
1. Lift the fuel tank by referring to the FUEL
TANK LIFTING section. ( 3-12)
2. Disconnect the hoses 1 and coupler 2.
3. Pull the retainer 3.
4. Disconnect the fuel feed hose joint 4
from the fuel pipe.

6. Remove the fuel tank.

LUBRICATION Major lubrication points are indicated below.

Proper lubrication is important for smooth
operation and long life of each working part
of your motorcycle and also for safe riding. It
is good practice to lubricate the motorcycle
after a long rough ride and after getting it
wet it in the rain or after washing it.

Lubricating electrical switches can dam-
age the switches.

Do not apply grease or oil to electrical


 ..... Grease
D ..... Drive chain lubricant

1..... Clutch lever pivot

2..... Side stand pivot and spring hook
3..... Gearshift lever pivot and footrest pivot
4..... Drive chain
5..... Brake lever pivot
6..... Brake pedal pivot and footrest pivot
7..... Center stand pivot and spring hook
(V-STROM 1050XT)

BATTERY By ensuring the used battery is disposed of
or recycled correctly, you will help prevent
DESCRIPTION potential negative consequences for the
The battery is a sealed-type battery and environment and human health, which could
requires no maintenance. Have your dealer otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste
check the battery’s state of charge periodi- handling of the battery. The recycling of
cally. materials will help to conserve natural
resources. For more detailed information
The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol A about disposing or recycling of the used bat-
located on the battery label indicates that a tery, consult your Suzuki dealer.
used battery should be collected separately
from ordinary household waste. NOTE:
The chemical symbol of “Pb” B indicates • For charging a sealed-type battery, use a
the battery contains more than 0.004% lead. battery charger applicable to a sealed-
type battery.
• If you cannot charge the battery, consult
your authorized Suzuki dealer.
• Select the same type MF battery when
replacing the battery.
• Recharge the battery once a month if the
motorcycle is not used for a long time.

The battery contains dilute sulfuric acid, Battery posts, terminals, and related
which may cause blindness or severe accessories contain lead and lead com-
burns. pounds. Lead is harmful to your health if
it gets into your blood stream.
Do not tip the battery when removing it.
When working close to the battery, wear Wash hands after handling any parts
gloves and appropriate protective equip- containing lead.
ment to protect the eyes. If sulfuric acid
enters your eyes, wash them immedi-
ately in copious amounts of water for at  WARNING
least 15 minutes and then consult a doc-
tor. If you ingest sulfuric acid, drink copi- Batteries produce flammable hydrogen
ous amounts of water immediately and gas which can explode if exposed to
then consult a doctor. If sulfuric acid flames or sparks.
comes into contact with your skin or
clothes, remove your clothes and wash Keep flames and sparks away from the
them immediately in copious amounts of battery. Never smoke when working near
water. Store in a location out of the reach the battery.
of children.

 WARNING To remove the battery, follow the procedure
Wiping the battery with a dry cloth can 1. Support the motorcycle on the side
cause a static electricity spark, which stand.
can start a fire. 2. Set the ignition switch to OFF.
3. Remove the front seat. See “FRONT
Wipe the battery with a damp cloth to SEAT” on page 2-109.
avoid static electricity build up.

Exceeding the maximum charging rate
for the battery can shorten its life.

Never exceed the maximum charging

rate for the battery. Consult a Suzuki
dealer if anything is unclear.

4. Disconnect the negative (-) terminal 1. 8. Remove the battery holder 6.
5. Disconnect the positive (+) terminal 2. 9. Remove the battery 7.
6. Remove the screw 3.
7. Release the lock 4 and remove the fuse
box 5 from the battery holder 6.

10. Wipe any white powder adhering to the

terminal section away with warm water. If
there is severe corrosion, buff it off with

• When removing battery cables, be sure To install the battery:
to set the ignition switch to OFF and 1. After cleaning, apply a thin layer of
remove the negative (-) side first. When grease to the terminal section, install the
attaching battery cables, attach the posi- battery in the reverse order of removal.
tive (+) side first. 2. Connect the battery terminals securely
• Tighten so that there is no slackness in and reinstall the cap.
the terminal section, and attach the posi-
tive (+) terminal cover firmly. NOTE: Be sure to reset the engine rpm indi-
• When replacing the battery, consult a cator in the instrument panel when the bat-
Suzuki dealer. tery terminals are reconnected.

Reversing the battery lead wires can
damage the charging system and the

Always attach the red lead to the (+) pos-

itive terminal and the black (or black with
white tracer) lead to the (–) negative ter-

For the spark plug check or replacement The air cleaner element must be kept clean
procedure, consult with your Suzuki dealer to provide good engine power and gas mile-
or a qualified mechanic. age. If you use your motorcycle under nor-
mal low-stress conditions, you should
service the air cleaner at the intervals speci-
fied. If you ride in dusty, wet or muddy condi-
tions, you will need to inspect the air cleaner
element much more frequently.

Use the following procedure to remove the

element and inspect it.

Operating the engine without the air Failure to inspect the air cleaner element
cleaner element in place can be hazard- frequently if the vehicle is used in dusty,
ous. A flame can spit back from the wet, or muddy conditions can damage
engine to the air intake box without the your motorcycle. The air cleaner element
air cleaner element to stop it. Severe can become clogged under these condi-
engine damage can also occur if dirt tions, and engine damage may result.
enters the engine due to running the
engine without the air cleaner element. Always inspect the air cleaner element
after riding in severe conditions.
Never run the engine without the air Replace the element as necessary. If
cleaner element in place. water gets in the air cleaner case, imme-
diately clean the element and the inside
of the case.

AIR CLEANER ELEMENT 3. Remove the air cleaner element 2.

1. Remove the fuel tank. See “FUEL
TANK” on page 3-12.
2. Remove the screws and pull up the air
cleaner cap 1.

4. Inspect the air cleaner element condi- Installation
tion. Replace the air cleaner element 1. Reinstall the air cleaner element in
periodically. reverse order of removal.

A torn air cleaner element will allow dirt
to enter the engine and can damage the

Replace the air cleaner element with a

new one if it is torn. Carefully examine
the air cleaner element for tears during
Compressed air can damage the air NOTICE
cleaner element. Failure to position the air cleaner ele-
ment properly can allow dirt to bypass
Do not blow the air cleaner element with the air cleaner element. This will cause
compressed air. engine damage.

Be sure to properly install the air cleaner


2. Reinstall the fuel tank. AIR CLEANER DRAIN PLUG CLEANING

NOTE: Check that the fuel tank drain hose Removing

and breather hose are not bent before rein- Every year, check to see if water or oil has
stalling the fuel tank. accumulated in the air cleaner drain tube
attached to the bottom of the air cleaner
box. If dirt or water has accumulated,
remove the air cleaner drain tube 1 and
then remove any accumulated dirt and

Attach the air cleaner drain tube firmly.

Suzuki recommends the use of SUZUKI
DESCRIPTION Genuine Oil or Equivalent Engine Oil.
Engine life depends on oil amount and qual- < SUZUKI Genuine Oil >
ity. Daily oil level checks and periodic
changes are two of the most important Standard
maintenance items to be performed. Oil

NOTE: Before adding, draining, or replacing ECSTAR

10W-40 MA
engine oil, read cautions on the engine oil
container and instructions in this section. ECSTAR
10W-40 MA
10W-40 MA

< Equivalent Engine Oil >

Equivalent Engine Oil means engine oil that
meets the following standards.
SM or SN (MA1, MA2)

API: American Petroleum Institute

JASO: Japanese Automobile Standards
SAE engine oil viscosity Energy conserving
If SAE 10W-40 engine oil is not available, Suzuki does not recommend the use of
select an alternative according to the follow- “ENERGY CONSERVING” or “RESOURCE
ing chart. CONSERVING” oils. Some engine oils
which have an API classification of SJ, SL,
cation in the API classification donut mark.
ENGINE OIL These oils can negatively affect engine life
and clutch performance.



Mixing oils of different makes and API SJ, SL or SM API SN
grades may alter the quality of the oil
and cause a breakdown. PI IS



10W-40 10W-40


Do not mix oils or use low-quality oil.




Not recommended
The JASO T903 standard is an index to Check the engine oil level as follows:
select engine oils for 4-stroke motorcycle 1. Place the motorcycle on level ground on
and ATV engines. Motorcycle and ATV the side stand.
engines lubricate clutch and transmission 2. Start the engine and allow it to idle for
gears with engine oil. JASO T903 specifies three minutes.
performance requirements for motorcycle 3. Stop the engine and wait three minutes.
and ATV clutches and transmissions. 4. Stand the motorcycle upright, and check
whether the surface of the engine oil in
There are two classes, MA(MA1, MA2) and the sight glass on the right side of the
MB. For example, the oil container shows engine is between F (upper level) 1 and
the MA classification as follows. L (lower level) 2.

If the oil is above the F (upper level) 1 or

below the L (lower level) 2, adjust the oil
level to be between F and L.
- If the oil is below the L (lower level) 2,
add additional oil.
- If the oil is above the F (upper level)
1, drain oil to adjust the level. Consult
1 Code number of oil sales company a Suzuki dealer for information on how
2 Oil classification to drain oil.

F Operating the motorcycle with too little
or too much oil can damage the engine.
Place the motorcycle on level ground.
Check the oil level in the engine oil
inspection window before each use of
the vehicle. Be sure the engine oil level
 CAUTION is always above the “L” (low) line and not
higher than the “F” (full) line.
The exhaust pipe, muffler and the engine
become hot when the engine is running
and after it has stopped. Touching them
before they cool may cause burns.

When performing maintenance on

nearby parts, wait until the exhaust pipe,
muffler and engine have cooled down
sufficiently to touch before starting

Follow the following procedure to add addi-
tional engine oil.
1. Idle the engine for three minutes in a flat Children and pets may be harmed by
area, and then stop the engine. swallowing new or used oil.
2. Wait three minutes, then remove the oil
filler cap 3. Keep new and used oil and used oil fil-
ters away from children and pets.

Repeated, prolonged contact with used
engine oil has caused skin cancer in ani-
mal tests. Brief contact with oil may irri-
tate skin.

To minimize your exposure to used oil,

wear a long-sleeve shirt and moisture-
3. Hold the motorcycle upright, and add oil proof gloves (such as dishwashing
so that the surface of the engine oil is gloves) when changing oil. If oil contacts
between F (upper level) 1 and L (lower your skin, wash thoroughly with soap
level) 2. and water. Launder any clothing or rags
4. Attach the cap 3 firmly. if wet with oil. Recycle or properly dis-
pose of used oil and filters.

Change the engine oil and oil filter at the
If any dirt enters from the oil filler open- scheduled times. The engine should always
ing, it may damage the engine. be warm when the oil is changed so the oil
will drain easily. The procedure is as follows:
Check that there is no dust, mud, or for- 1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand.
eign matter adhering to the oil container, 2. Remove the oil filler cap 3.
and ensure that foreign material does 3. Remove the drain plug 4 and gasket 5
not enter via the oil filler opening. from the bottom of the engine and drain
the engine oil into a drain pan.
NOTE: Wipe up any spilled oil completely.

4. Remove the left side fairing by referring

Hot engine oil and exhaust pipes can

burn you.

Wait until the oil drain plug and exhaust

pipes are cool enough to touch with bare
hands before draining oil.

Turning the engine while draining the
engine oil will cause a reduced coating Available from Suzuki dealer
of parts and adversely affect the engine. Oil filter wrench (Part No. 09915-40620)

Do not use the electric starter switch

during engine oil replacement.

• Recycle or properly dispose of used oil.
• Before starting the work, check that
there is not any dust, mud, or foreign
object inside the oil container or on the
oil filter mounting surface.
5. Turn the oil filter 6 counterclockwise and 6. Wipe off the mounting surface 7 on the
remove it with a Suzuki “cap type” oil fil- engine where the new filter will be
ter wrench or a “strap type” filter wrench seated with a clean rag.
of the proper size.

7. Smear a little engine oil around the rub-

ber gasket 8 of the new oil filter.

8. Screw the new filter on by hand until the
filter gasket contacts the mounting sur- Mark top dead center
face (small resistance will be felt).
Oil filter wrench
Failure to use an oil filter with the correct
design and thread specifications can
damage your motorcycle’s engine.

Be sure to use a genuine Suzuki oil filter In the position at which

or an equivalent one designed for your the filter gasket first
motorcycle. contacts the mounting
NOTE: To tighten the oil filter properly, it is
important to accurately identify the position
at which the filter gasket first contacts the
mounting surface.

9. Mark the top dead center position on the

“cap type” filter wrench or on the oil filter.
Use an oil filter wrench to tighten the fil-
Tighten the filter 2 turns or to specified
ter 2 turns or to specified torque.
Oil filter tightening torque:
20 N·m (2.0 kgf-m, 14.5 lbf-ft)
10. Replace the drain plug gasket 5 with a 11. Start the engine (while the motorcycle is
new one. Reinstall the drain plug 4 and outside on level ground) and allow it to
gasket 5. Tighten the plug securely with idle for three minutes.
a torque wrench. Pour 3000 ml (3.2/2.6 12. Turn the engine off and wait approxi-
US/Imp. qt) of new engine oil through the mately three minutes. Recheck the oil
filler hole and install the filler cap. Be level in the engine oil inspection window
sure to always use the specified engine while holding the motorcycle upright. If it
oil described in the “SELECTING THE is lower than the “L” line, add oil until the
ENGINE OIL” section on page 3-29. oil level is between the “L” line and the
“F” line. Inspect the area around the
Drain plug tightening torque: drain plug and oil filter for leaks.
23 N·m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lbf-ft)
NOTE: If you do not have a proper oil filter
NOTE: About 2700 ml (2.9/2.4 US/Imp. qt) wrench, have your Suzuki dealer perform
of oil will be required when changing oil only. this service.

Engine damage may occur if you use oil
that does not meet Suzuki’s specifica-

Be sure to use the oil specified in the


ENGINE COOLANT Solution capacity (total): 2130 ml
(2.3/1.9 US/Imp. qt)
1065 ml
Coolant must be changed regularly. Replace Water
(1.1/0.9 US/Imp. qt)
it at appropriate intervals according to the 50%
1065 ml
maintenance schedule. Consult a Suzuki Coolant
(1.1/0.9 US/Imp. qt)
dealer regarding coolant replacement.

ABOUT THE ENGINE COOLANT Suzuki super long life coolant (Blue)
Engine coolant performs as a rust inhibitor “SUZUKI SUPER LONG LIFE COOLANT” is
and water pump lubricant as well as an anti- pre-mixed to the proper ratio. Add only
freeze solution. Therefore engine coolant “SUZUKI SUPER LONG LIFE COOLANT” if
should always be used even though the the coolant level drops. It is not necessary to
atmospheric temperature in your area does dilute “SUZUKI SUPER LONG LIFE COOL-
not go down to the freezing point. ANT” when replacing coolant.
Making a mistake when handling coolant
may negatively affect both your body
not available, use a glycol-based antifreeze
and the motorcycle.
compatible with an aluminum radiator mixed
with distilled water only at the ratio of 50:50.
Before beginning, read the cautions writ-
ten on the container carefully. Consult a
Suzuki dealer if anything is unclear.

• Before working with coolant, read cau- When the engine is cold, carry out an
tions on the coolant container and inspection according to the following proce-
instructions in this section. dure.
• A 50% mixture will protect the cooling 1. Park on a level surface using the side
system from freezing at temperatures stand.
above –31°C (–24°F). If the motorcycle 2. Remove the bolts. Unhook the hooks
is to be exposed to temperature below – and remove the right and left frame front
31°C (–24°F), this mixing ratio should be cover 1.
increased up to 55% (–40°C/–40°F) or
60% (–55°C/–67°F) coolant. The mixing
ratio should not exceed 60% coolant.

3. Hold the motorcycle upright, and check TO ADD SPECIFIED ENGINE COOLANT
that the coolant level is between F To add specified engine coolant:
(upper level) 2 and L (lower level) 3. 1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand.
2. Lift the fuel tank by referring to the FUEL
TANK LIFT section. (3-12)
3. Remove the filler cap 1.
4. Add specified engine coolant through the
filler hole until it reaches the “F” line 2
with the motorcycle held upright. Refer
to the ENGINE COOLANT section. (

• A marked decrease in coolant may indi-
cate leaks in the radiator body or hoses.
Have your motorcycle inspected by a
Suzuki dealer.
• If the engine coolant reservoir is empty,
check the radiator coolant level.
• Replenish with coolant. Do not use well
water or natural water.
• Consult a Suzuki dealer regarding cool-
ant replacement.

NOTE: Adding only water will dilute the
engine coolant and reduce its effectiveness.
Add specified engine coolant.
Removing the radiator cap when the
 WARNING engine is hot may cause the coolant to
spray out, causing burns.
Engine coolant is harmful or fatal if swal-
lowed or inhaled. The solution can be Replenish coolant by removing the res-
poisonous to animals. ervoir tank cap. Do not remove the radia-
tor cap.
Do not drink antifreeze or coolant solu-
tion. If swallowed, do not induce vomit-
ing. Immediately contact a poison  CAUTION
control center or a physician. Avoid
inhaling mist or hot vapors; if inhaled, If the engine coolant exceeds the “F”
go to fresh air. If coolant gets in the line when adding engine coolant, it may
eyes, flush eyes with water and seek overflow from the reservoir tank when
medical attention. Wash thoroughly after the engine becomes hot.
handling. Keep out of the reach of chil-
dren and animals. When adding engine coolant, make sure
that the engine coolant level is not
higher than the “F” line.

NOTICE Inspect the radiator hoses for cracks, dam-
age or engine coolant leakage. If any issues
Spilled engine coolant can damage the are found, ask your Suzuki dealer to replace
painted surfaces of your motorcycle. the radiator hose with a new one.

Be careful not to spill any fluid when fill-

ing the radiator. Wipe spilled engine
coolant up immediately.

Inspect the engine idle speed. The engine Inspect the fuel hose 1 for damage and fuel
idle speed should be 1200 – 1400 r/min leakage. If any issues are found, the fuel
when the engine is warm. hose must be replaced.

NOTE: If the engine idle speed is not within

the specified range, ask your Suzuki dealer
or a qualified mechanic to inspect and repair
the motorcycle.

This motorcycle has an endless drive chain Riding with the chain in poor condition
constructed from special materials. It does or improperly adjusted can lead to a
not use a master link. We recommend that crash.
you take your motorcycle to an authorized
Suzuki dealer if the drive chain needs to be Inspect, adjust, and maintain the chain
replaced. properly before each ride, according to
The condition and adjustment of the drive the instructions in this section.
chain should be checked each day before
you ride. Always follow the guidelines for
inspecting and servicing the chain.

INSPECTING THE DRIVE CHAIN Damage to the drive chain means that the
When inspecting the chain, look for the fol- sprockets may also be damaged. Inspect
lowing: the sprockets for the following:
• Loose pins • Excessively worn teeth
• Damaged rollers • Broken or damaged teeth
• Dry or rusted links • Loose sprocket mounting nuts
• Kinked or binding links
• Excessive wear If you find any of these issues with your
• Improper chain adjustment sprocket, consult your Suzuki dealer.

If you find anything wrong with the drive

chain condition or adjustment, correct the
problem if you know how. Improperly installing a replacement
chain, or using a joint-clip type chain,
If necessary, consult your authorized Suzuki can be hazardous. An incompletely riv-
dealer. eted master link, or a joint-clip type mas-
ter link, may come apart and cause a
crash or severe engine damage.

Do not use a joint-clip type chain. Chain

replacement requires a special riveting
tool and a high-quality, non-joint-clip
type chain. Ask an authorized Suzuki
dealer or a qualified mechanic to per-
form this work.

DRIVE CHAIN CLEANING AND OILING 3. Wipe off water and neutral detergent.
Clean and oil the drive chain using the fol- 4. Lubricate with a motorcycle sealed drive
lowing procedure. chain lubricant or high viscosity oil (#80
1. Remove dirt and dust from the drive – 90).
chain. Be careful not to damage the seal
2. For cleaning, use a dedicated sealed
chain cleaner or water or neutral deter- Some drive chain lubricant contains sol-
gent and a soft brush. Even a soft brush vents and additives which could damage
may harm the seals, so be careful not to the seal rings in the drive chain.
damage the seal rings.
Use sealed drive chain lubricant, which
NOTICE is specifically intended for use with
sealed drive chains.
Cleaning the drive chain improperly can
damage seal rings and ruin the drive 5. Lubricate both front and back plates of
chain. the drive chain.
6. Wipe off excess lubricant after lubricat-
• Do not use a volatile solvent such as ing all around the drive chain.
paint thinner, kerosene, or gasoline.
• Do not use a high pressure cleaner to
clean the drive chain.
• Do not use a wire brush to clean the
drive chain.

Inspect the drive chain slack before each
use of the motorcycle. Place the motorcycle
on the side stand. The drive chain should be Too much chain slack can cause the
adjusted for 20 – 30 mm (0.8 – 1.2 in) of chain to come off the sprockets, result-
slack, as shown. ing in a crash or serious damage to the

Inspect and adjust the drive chain slack

before each use.

20 – 30 mm  CAUTION
(0.8 – 1.2 in)
A hot exhaust pipe or muffler can burn
you. The exhaust pipe or muffler will be
hot enough to burn you for some time
after stopping the engine.

Wait until the exhaust pipe or muffler

cools before adjusting the drive chain.

To adjust the drive chain, follow the proce- 5. At the same time that the chain is being
dure below: adjusted, the rear sprocket must be kept
1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand. in perfect alignment with the front
2. Loosen the axle nut 1. sprocket. To assist you in performing this
procedure, there are reference marks 4
on the swingarm and each chain
adjuster which are to be aligned with
each other and to be used as a refer-
ence from one side to the other.
6. Tighten the axle nut 1 securely.
7. Recheck the chain slack after tightening
and readjust if necessary.
8. Tighten the right and left lock nuts 2.

Rear axle nut tightening torque:

3. Loosen the right and left lock nuts 2. 100 N·m (10.0 kgf-m, 72.5 lbf-ft)
4. Turn the right and left adjuster bolts 3
until the chain has 20 – 30 mm (0.8 – 1.2 NOTE: Do not adjust the drive chain beyond
in) of slack halfway between the engine the adjustable range 4. Replace the drive
sprocket and rear sprocket. chain before the drive chain exceeds the

The clutch release mechanism of this motor-
cycle is operated by hydraulic pressure.
There is no adjustment needed on the clutch
release system because the system is self
adjusting. However, inspect the following
each time before riding to make sure that
the system is in good condition and function-
ing properly.
• Fluid level in the reservoir is above the
“LOWER” line 1.
• No fluid leakage.  WARNING
• Smooth and sure action of the clutch The use of any fluid except DOT4 fluid
lever. from a sealed container can damage the
clutch system and lead to a crash.

Clean filler cap before removing. Use

only DOT4 fluid from a sealed container.
Never use or mix with different types of

 WARNING Inspect the clutch hoses and hose joints for
cracks or clutch fluid leakage. If any issues
Clutch fluid is harmful or fatal if swal- are found, ask your Suzuki dealer to replace
lowed, and harmful if it comes in contact the clutch hose with a new one.
with skin or eyes. Solution can be poi-
sonous to animals.

If clutch fluid is swallowed, do not

induce vomiting. Immediately contact a
poison control center or a physician. If
fluid gets in the eyes, flush them with
water and seek medical attention. Wash
thoroughly after handling. Keep out of
the reach of children and animals.

Spilled clutch fluid can damage painted
surfaces and plastic parts.

Be careful not to spill any fluid when fill-

ing the fluid reservoir. Wipe spilled fluid
up immediately.

Inspect the brake hoses and hose joints for
DESCRIPTION cracks, damage, or brake fluid leakage. If
This motorcycle has front and rear disk any issues are found, ask your Suzuki
brakes. dealer to replace the brake hose with a new
Failure to properly inspect and maintain
your motorcycle’s brake systems can
increase your chance of a crash.

Be sure to inspect the brakes before

each use according to the INSPECTION
BEFORE RIDING section. Always main-
tain your brakes according to the MAIN-

NOTE: Operating in mud, water, sand, or

other extreme conditions can cause acceler-
ated brake wear. If you operate your motorcy-
cle under these conditions, the brakes must
be inspected more often than recommended

Check the brake fluid level in both the front
and rear brake fluid reservoirs. If the level in
either reservoir is below the lower mark 1, Brake fluid will gradually absorb moisture
inspect for brake pad wear and leaks. through the brake hoses. Brake fluid with
high water content lowers the boiling
point and can cause brake system
(including ABS) malfunction due to corro-
sion of brake components. Boiling brake
fluid or brake system (including ABS)
malfunction could result in a crash.

Replace the brake fluid every two years

to maintain braking performance.

A marked decrease in brake fluid may
indicate leaks in the brake system. If
there is insufficient brake fluid the
brakes may not function fully, which may
result in a crash.

Have your motorcycle inspected by a

REAR Suzuki dealer.
The use of any fluid except DOT4 brake Brake fluid is harmful or fatal if swal-
fluid from a sealed container can dam- lowed, and harmful if it comes in contact
age the brake system and lead to a with skin or eyes. The solution can be
crash. poisonous to animals.

Clean filler cap before removing. Use If brake fluid is swallowed, do not induce
only DOT4 brake fluid from a sealed con- vomiting. Immediately contact a poison
tainer. Never use or mix with different control center or a physician. If brake
types of brake fluid. fluid gets in the eyes, flush them with
water and seek medical attention. Wash
thoroughly after handling. Keep out of
 WARNING the reach of children and animals.
If dirt enters the reservoir tank it may
cause the brake system to malfunction. NOTICE
When adding brake fluid, clean around Spilled brake fluid can damage painted
the filler cap before you open it. surfaces and plastic parts.

Be careful not to spill any fluid when fill-

ing the brake fluid reservoir. Wipe spilled
fluid up immediately.

Inspect the front and rear brake pads to see
if they are worn down to the grooved wear
limit line 1. If a front or rear pad is worn to
the grooved wear limit line, both front or both
rear pads must be replaced with new ones.

After replacing either the front or rear brake

pads, the brake lever or pedal must be
pumped several times. This will extend the
pads to their proper position. FRONT
New brake pads work with different strength
when applied, so ride carefully.

NOTE: Do not squeeze/depress the brake

lever/pedal when the pads are not in their
positions. It is difficult to push the pistons
back and brake fluid leakage may result.


Failure to inspect and maintain the brake
pads and replace them when recom-
mended can increase your chance of
having a crash.

If you need to replace brake pads, have

your Suzuki dealer do this work. Inspect
and maintain the brake pads as recom-

Replacing only one of the two brake
pads can result in uneven braking action
and can increase your chance of having
a crash.

Always replace both pads together.

 WARNING The rear brake pedal position must be prop-
erly adjusted at all times or the disk brake
If you ride this motorcycle after brake pads will rub against the disk causing dam-
system repair or brake pad replacement age to the pads and to the disk surface.
without pumping the brake lever/pedal,
you may get poor braking performance, Adjust the brake pedal position in the follow-
which could result in a crash. ing manner:
1. Loosen the lock nut 1, and turn the
After brake system repair or brake pad push rod 2 to locate the pedal 20 – 30
replacement, pump the brake lever/pedal mm (0.8 – 1.2 in) below the top face of
several times until brake pads are the footrest.
pressed against the brake disks and
proper lever/pedal stroke and firm feel
are restored.

20 – 30 mm
(0.8 – 1.2 in)

2. Retighten the lock nut 1 to secure the REAR BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH
push rod 2 in the proper position. Check that the brake light lights when the
rear brake pedal is depressed approximately
NOTICE 10 mm (0.4 in). Adjust the rear brake light
switch if the light lights too early or late.
An incorrectly adjusted brake pedal may
force brake pads to continuously rub
against the disk, causing damage to the
pads and disk.

Follow the steps in this section to adjust

the brake pedal properly.

10 mm (0.4 in)

Fix the rear brake light switch body 1 with
your finger so that it does not rotate, and
then rotate the nut 2 to adjust it. Rotating
the nut as shown in A makes the brake light Rotating the rear brake light switch body
lights earlier. Rotating as shown in B makes when making adjustments may cause
the light lights later. the wiring to disconnect.

Rotate the nut so that the rear brake light

switch body does not rotate.

GEARSHIFT LEVER 2. Rotate the rod forward ( ) to lower the
pedal position, and in the opposite direc-
DESCRIPTION tion ( ) to raise it.
If it is difficult to change gears when riding, 3. Locate the gearshift lever 20 – 30mm
the gearshift lever height may not be right for (0.8 – 1.2 in) below the top face of the
your body. We recommend adjusting the footrest.
height to suit your body.


The height of the gearshift lever can be
adjusted using the following procedure.
1. Rotate lock nut A and B forward ( ) to
loosen them, and rotate the rod 1.

20 – 30 mm (0.8 – 1.2 in)

4. After adjusting, rotate lock nut A and B in

the opposite direction of step1 ( ) to
tighten them.

NOTE: After adjusting, tighten the lock nuts


TIRES Also, check that there is no unusual wear on
the contact surface of the tires. Consult a
DESCRIPTION Suzuki dealer regarding any unusual wear.
Check that there are no cracks or damage in
the contact surface or sides of the tires.
Additionally, check that there are no nails,
stones, or other foreign bodies piercing or
embedded in the tires.

When changing tires, be sure to use the
designated tires below.  WARNING
FRONT REAR An improperly repaired, installed, or bal-
SIZE 110/80R19M/C 59V 150/70R17M/C 69V anced tire can cause loss of control and
BRIDGESTONE BRIDGESTONE a crash, or can wear out sooner.
A41F F A41R F
• Ask your Suzuki dealer or a qualified
mechanic to perform tire repair,
 WARNING replacement, and balancing because
proper tools and experience are
Using non-designated tires may nega- required.
tively affect the safe operation of your • Install tires according to the rotation
direction shown by arrows on the side-
wall of each tire.
Be sure to use the designated tires.

The tires on your motorcycle form the Failure to perform break-in of the tires
crucial link between your motorcycle could cause tire slip and loss of control,
and the road. Failure to take the precau- which could result in a crash.
tions below may result in a crash due to
tire failure. Use extra care when riding on new tires.
Perform proper break-in of the tires
• Check tire condition and pressure referring to the BREAK-IN section of this
before each ride, and adjust pressure manual and avoid hard acceleration,
if necessary. hard cornering, and hard braking for the
• Avoid overloading your motorcycle. first 100 miles (160 km).
• Replace a tire when worn to the speci-
fied limit, or if you find damage such
as cuts or cracks. NOTE: As new tires slip easily, do not lean
• Always use the size and type of tires the motorcycle too far. Keep the angle of
specified in this owner’s manual. lean gentle while breaking in the tires.
• Balance the wheel after tire installa-
• Read this section of the owner’s man-
ual carefully.

TIRE PRESSURE AND LOADING Check tire pressure each day before you ride,
For safe riding, read the owner’s manual for and be sure the pressure is correct for the
information on tire pressures and selecting vehicle load according to the chart below.
tires to use.
Cold tire inflation pressure
Tires heat up when the motorcycle is travel-
ing, increasing the air pressure. Accordingly, SOLO RIDING DUAL RIDING
use the tire gauge when the tires are cool, TIRE
before riding, and check to see if the tires
250 kPa 250 kPa
are at the specified pressure. Adjust to the FRONT 2.50 kgf/cm2 2.50 kgf/cm2
appropriate pressure if the value is outside 36 psi 36 psi
the specified range. Overloading your tires 290 kPa 290 kPa
can lead to tire failure and loss of vehicle REAR 2.90 kgf/cm2 2.90 kgf/cm2
control. 42 psi 42 psi

Under-inflated tires make smooth cornering

difficult, and can result in rapid tire wear.
Over-inflated tires cause a smaller amount of
tire to be in contact with the road, which can
contribute to skidding and loss of control.

NOTE: When you detect drops in tire pres-

sure, check the tire for nails or other punc-
tures, or a damaged wheel rim. Tubeless
tires sometimes lose pressure gradually
when punctured.
Tire condition and tire type affect motorcycle
performance. Cuts or cracks in the tires can
lead to tire failure and loss of motorcycle
control. Worn tires are susceptible to punc-
ture failures and subsequent loss of motor-
cycle control. Tire wear also affects the tire
profile, changing motorcycle handling char-

Check the condition of your tires each day

before you ride. Replace tires if tires show FRONT
visual evidence of damage, such as cracks
or cuts, or if tread depth is less than 1.6 mm
(0.06 in) front, 2.0 mm (0.08 in) rear. The
“ ” mark indicates the place where the
wear bars are molded into the tire. When the
wear bars contact the road, it indicates that
the tire wear limit has been reached.

 WARNING • Do not use an external repair plug to
repair a puncture since the plug may
Failure to follow the instructions below work loose as a result of the cornering
for tubeless tires may result in a crash forces experienced by a motorcycle
due to tire failure. Tubeless tires require tire.
different service procedures than tube • After repairing a tire, do not exceed 80
tires. km/h (50 mph) for the first 24 hours,
and do not exceed 130 km/h (80 mph)
• Tubeless tires require an air-tight seal thereafter. This is to avoid excessive
between the tire bead and wheel rim. heat build-up which could result in a
Special tire irons and rim protectors or tire repair failure and tire deflation.
a specialized tire mounting machine • Replace the tire if it is punctured in the
must be used for removing and install- sidewall area, or if a puncture in the
ing tires to prevent tire or rim damage tread area is larger than 6 mm (3/16 in).
which could result in an air leak. These punctures cannot be repaired
• Repair punctures in tubeless tires by adequately.
removing the tire and applying an
internal patch.


WHEEL RIM INSPECTION Check the tension of spokes to verify the

Check to see if there is any damage like a tightness of the spoke nipples. The tension
crack, distortion or bend in the wheel rim. can be checked by hitting the spokes with a
small metal bar. If the spoke nipple is loose,
its sound will be dull.

Damaged rims can allow air to leak, To tighten the spoke nipples properly,
resulting in reduced running stability, tighten them equally to the specified torque.
which can lead to a crash. Loosened and overtightened spoke nipples
may cause unequal tension of spokes and
If any damage is found, replace the rim. may result in distortion of the wheel rim.
Do not reuse the damaged rim by repair- Contact your Suzuki dealer to perform this
ing or correcting it. service.

SIDE STAND/IGNITION INTERLOCK If the engine stops running when the side
SYSTEM stand is moved to the down position, then
the side stand/ignition interlock system is
INSPECTION working properly. If the engine continues to
Check the side stand/ignition interlock sys- run with the side stand down and the trans-
tem for proper operation as follows: mission in gear, then the side stand/ignition
1. Sit on the motorcycle in the normal riding interlock system is not working properly.
position, with the side stand up. Have your motorcycle inspected by an
2. Shift into first gear, hold the clutch in, authorized Suzuki dealer or a qualified ser-
and start the engine. vice mechanic.
3. While continuing to hold the clutch in,
move the side stand to the down posi-  WARNING
If the side stand/ignition interlock sys-
tem is not working properly, it is possi-
ble to ride the motorcycle with the side
stand in the down position. This may
interfere with rider control during a left
turn and could cause a crash.

Check the side stand/ignition interlock

system for proper operation before rid-
ing. Check that the side stand is
returned to its full up position before
1: Side stand/ignition interlock switch starting off.

FRONT WHEEL 3. Remove both brake calipers from the
front forks by removing the mounting
REMOVING bolts 2 on each of the calipers.
1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand.
(V-STROM 1050)
Place the motorcycle on the center
stand. (V-STROM 1050XT)
2. Remove the front wheel speed sensor by
removing the mounting bolt 1.

NOTE: Never squeeze the brake lever with

the caliper removed. It is very difficult to
force the pads back into the caliper assem-
bly and brake fluid leakage may result.

4. Remove the axle nut 3. 7. Place an accessory service stand or
5. Loosen the axle holder bolts 4. equivalent under the swingarm to help
stabilize the rear end. (V-STROM 1050)
8. Carefully position a jack under the
exhaust pipe and raise it until the front
wheel is slightly off the ground.

Improper jacking may cause damage to
the fairing or oil filter.

Do not place the jack under the lower

6. Loosen the axle holder bolts 5. part of the fairing or the oil filter when
jacking up the motorcycle.

9. Draw out the axle shaft 6. 13. Hold the shaft and tighten the axle nut 3
to the specified torque.
14. Tighten the axle holder bolts 4 to the
specified torque.

10. Slide the front wheel forward 7.

15. Move the steering up and down several

times to seat the axle shaft.

11. Put the new wheel in place and insert

the axle shaft.
12. Remove the jack and service stand.
16. Tighten the axle holder bolts 5 to the Front axle nut tightening torque:
specified torque. 100 N·m (10.0 kgf-m, 72.5 lbf-ft)

Front axle holder bolt

tightening torque:
23 N·m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lbf-ft)

Front brake caliper mounting bolt

tightening torque:
39 N·m (3.9 kgf-m, 28.0 lbf-ft)

Front wheel speed sensor mounting bolt

tightening torque:
10 N·m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lbf-ft)
17. Reinstall the brake calipers and speed
18. After installing the wheel, apply the
brake several times to restore the proper
lever stroke.

Failure to extend brake pads after install- Installing the front wheel in the reverse
ing the wheel can cause poor braking direction can be hazardous. The tire for
performance and may result in a crash. this motorcycle is directional. Therefore,
the motorcycle may have unusual han-
Before riding, “pump” the brake lever dling if the wheel is installed incorrectly.
repeatedly until brake pads are pressed
against the brake disks and proper lever Install the front wheel so that the tire
stroke and firm feel are restored. Also rotates in the specified direction, as indi-
check that the wheel rotates freely. cated by the arrow on the sidewall of the

If the bolts and nuts are not properly
tightened, the wheel can come off, caus-
ing a crash.

Be sure to tighten the bolts and nuts to

the specified torque. If you do not have a
torque wrench or do not know how to
use one, ask your authorized Suzuki
dealer to check the bolts and nuts.

REAR WHEEL 1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand.
(V-STROM 1050)
REMOVING Place the motorcycle on the center
stand. (V-STROM 1050XT)
 CAUTION 2. Remove the rear wheel speed sensor by
removing the mounting bolt 1.
A hot exhaust pipe or muffler can burn

Wait until the exhaust pipe or muffler

cools before removing the axle nut.

Removing the rear wheel without use of
an accessory stand can result in your
motorcycle falling over and being dam-

Do not attempt roadside removal of the

rear wheel. Only remove the rear wheel
at a properly equipped servicing facility
using an accessory service stand.

3. Remove the axle nut 2. 6. Draw out the axle shaft 5.
4. Place an accessory service stand or an
equivalent stand under the swingarm to
lift the rear wheel slightly off the ground.
(V-STROM 1050)
5. Loosen the right and left lock nuts 3.
Turn the right and left chain adjuster
bolts 4 clockwise.

7. With the wheel moved forward, remove

the chain 6 from the sprocket 7.

8. Remove the rear brake caliper assembly NOTE: Never depress the rear brake pedal
8. with the rear wheel removed. It is very diffi-
cult to force the pads back into the caliper

10. To replace the wheel, reverse the com-

plete sequence listed.
11. Adjust the drive chain slack.
12. After installing the wheel, apply the
brake several times and then check that
the wheel rotates freely.

Rear axle nut tightening torque:

9. Pull the rear wheel assembly 9 rear- 100 N·m (10.0 kgf-m, 72.5 lbf-ft)
Chain adjuster lock nut tightening torque:
22 N·m (2.2 kgf-m, 16.0 lbf-ft)

Rear wheel speed sensor mounting bolt

tightening torque:
10 N·m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lbf-ft)

Failure to adjust the drive chain and fail- Failure to extend brake pads after install-
ure to torque bolts and nuts properly ing the wheel can cause poor braking
could lead to a crash. performance and may result in a crash.

• After installing the rear wheel, adjust Before riding, “pump” the brake pedal
the drive chain as described in the repeatedly until brake pads are pressed
DRIVE CHAIN ADJUSTMENT section against the brake disks and proper pedal
( 3-48). stroke and firm feel are restored. Also
• Torque bolts and nuts to the proper check that the wheel rotates freely.
specifications. If you are not sure of
the proper procedure, have your
authorized Suzuki dealer or a qualified
mechanic do this.

LIGHT BULB NOTE: This motorcycle is equipped with
LED lighting. Because LED lights have been
REPLACEMENT integrated into light assemblies, replace-
The wattage rating of each bulb is shown in ment of only the LED lights is not available.
the following chart. When replacing a If any of the LED lights cannot be turned on,
burned-out bulb, always use the same watt- consult with your Suzuki dealer.
age rating according to the following chart.
Headlight LED
Position light LED Failure to use a light bulb with the cor-
rect wattage rating can overload the
12V 21W × 2 electrical system of your motorcycle or
Front turn signal 1050
light V-STROM
cause the bulb to burn out sooner.
Use only the light bulbs shown in the
12V 21W × 2 chart as replacement bulbs.
Rear turn signal
light V-STROM
Brake light/Taillight LED
License plate light 12V 5W

Front and rear turn signal light 2. Push in on the bulb 2, twisting it to the
(V-STROM 1050) left, and pull it out.
To replace the front and rear turn signal light
bulb, follow these directions.
1. Remove the screw and take off the lens

3. To fit the replacement bulb, push it in and

twist it to the right while pushing.
4. Reinstall the lens.

Overtightening the screws when rein-
stalling the lens may cause the lens to

Tighten the screws only until they are


License plate light 5. Remove the bolts. Remove the carrier
To replace the license plate light bulb, follow 2.
these steps:
1. Place the motorcycle on the side stand.
2. Remove the front and rear seat by refer-
ring to the SEAT section. ( 2-109)
3. Remove the bolts.
4. Unhook the hooks and remove the right
and left frame front covers 1.

6. Remove the bolts. Remove the right and 7. Remove the bolts. Unhook the hook and
left side case upper brackets 3. remove the left frame cover 4.

(V-STROM 1050)

(V-STROM 1050XT)

8. Remove the bolt and fastener. Unhook 9. Remove the fastener. Remove the frame
the hooks and remove the right frame center cover 6.
cover 5.

10. Remove the screws. Remove the rear 11. Remove the license plate light by remov-
fender 7 and disconnect the lead wire ing the mounting nuts 9.
couplers 8.

12. Remove the screws 0 and take off the 13. Push in on the bulb, twisting it to the left,
cover with the lens A. and pull it out.

14. To fit the replacement bulb, push it in and

twist it to the right while pushing.
15. Reassemble the removed parts by
reversing the above steps.

Loosen the headlight beam adjuster bolt 1.
DESCRIPTION To adjust the beam, move the headlight 2
The headlight beam can be adjusted up and upward or downward. After adjustment,
down if necessary. tighten the headlight beam adjustment bolt.

If something electrical on your motorcycle Installing electrical items such as lights,
stops working, the first thing you should gauges, etc., that are not suitable for the
check for is a blown fuse. The electrical cir- motorcycle may cause fuses to blow or
cuits on the motorcycle are protected from may run down the battery.
overload by fuses in the circuits.
Use genuine Suzuki parts when attach-
 WARNING ing electrical items.

Replacing a fuse with a fuse that has an

incorrect amperage rating or substitute, NOTICE
e.g. aluminum foil or wire, may cause
serious damage to the electrical system Spraying water or wiping forcefully
and possibly fire. Always replace a around fuses when washing the motor-
blown fuse with a fuse of the same cycle may cause water to enter the wir-
amperage rating. ing, causing corrosion or short
If the new fuse blows in a short time, the
electrical problem may not be fixed. Do not spray water or wipe forcefully in
Have your motorcycle inspected immedi- the area around fuses.
ately by your Suzuki dealer.

The main fuse is located under the rear

Inspect the main fuses using the following

1. Set the ignition switch to OFF.
2. Remove the rear seat. See “REAR
SEAT AND SEAT LOCK” on page 2-110.
3. Remove the starter relay box cover, pull
out the fuse 1, and inspect it.
4. If a fuse is blown, check the reason, and
when you have remedied it, replace with
a spare fuse 2 of the specified amper-
age. If you are unable to ascertain the
reason, have your motorcycle inspected
by a Suzuki dealer.

The fuses are located under the rear seat.

Inspect fuses using the following procedure.

1. Set the ignition switch to OFF.
2. Remove the rear seat. See “REAR
SEAT AND SEAT LOCK” on page 2-110.
3. Open the fuse box cover, pull out the
fuses, and inspect them.
4. If a fuse is blown, check the reason, and
when you have remedied it, replace with
a spare fuse 3 of the specified amper-
age. If you are unable to ascertain the
reason that the fuse has blown, have
your motorcycle inspected by a Suzuki

The following chart shows the main equipment that each fuse protects.

1 2

18 17 10 9

16 15 14 13 12 11 8 7 6 5 4 3

1: starter relay box

2: fuse box

Position Label Capacity Protection parts
1 MAIN 30A All electric circuits
2 SPARE 30A -
3 P-SOURCE 3A Power source
• Position light
• Brake light/Taillight
• License plate light
4 SIGNAL 15A • Turn signal light
• Speedometer
• Horn
• USB socket
• Ignition coil
• Starter relay
• Cooling fan relay
• Fuel pump relay
• Solenoid
• Inertial sensor
• Oxygen sensor
• Immobilizer (if equipped)
• Position light
• Taillight
• License plate light
• Turn signal light

• Head light (high-beam)
7 HEAD-HI 10A • High-beam relay
• Speedometer
8 HEAD-LO 10A Head light (low-beam)
9 SPARE 10A -
10 SPARE 3A -
11 FAN 15A Cooling fan motor
• Speedometer
• Fuel injector
12 FUEL 10A
• Fuel pump
13 - - -
10A ABS(V-STROM 1050)
16 - - -
17 SPARE 25A -
18 SPARE 15A -

The diagnostic connector 1 is located
under the seat.

NOTE: The diagnostic connector is used by

a Suzuki dealer or a qualified service


DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................ 4-2

ENGINE DOES NOT START ...................................................................................................................... 4-2
/ BATTERY VOLTAGE WARNING INDICATOR LIGHT COME ON) ........................................................ 4-3 4
/ BATTERY VOLTAGE WARNING INDICATOR LIGHT COME ON) ....................................................... 4-5
INDICATOR DISPLAYS .............................................................................................................................. 4-6
MOTORCYCLE CONDITION ...................................................................................................................... 4-7

Perform the following checks.

DESCRIPTION • Make sure you are using the correct

This troubleshooting guide is provided to starting procedure.
help you find the cause of some common See “STARTING PROCEDURE” on
complaints. page 2-94.
• Make sure the fuel tank has fuel.
Consult your Suzuki dealer if your motorcy- See “REFUELING PROCEDURE” on
cle is experiencing any issues or you notice page 2-100.
something seems wrong. • Check if the malfunction indicator light
comes on.
LIGHT” on page 2-28.

Making unsuitable repairs or adjust- • Check if the immobilizer indicator light

ments may damage your motorcycle. In comes on.
some cases damage may not be covered See “IMMOBILIZER” on page 2-87.
by the warranty. • Check for loose battery terminals.
See “BATTERY” on page 3-19.
Consult a Suzuki dealer if anything is • Are any fuses blown?
unclear. See “FUSES” on page 3-86.

Consult your Suzuki dealer if you notice any


IN CASE OF OVERHEATING (OIL If the oil pressure / engine coolant tempera-
PRESSURE / ENGINE COOLANT ture / battery voltage warning indicator light
come on, stop the motorcycle in a safe
TEMPERATURE / BATTERY VOLTAGE place, perform the following checks, and
WARNING INDICATOR LIGHT COME ON) take any necessary action.
NOTE: Overheating is a state in which all of 1. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF”
the following conditions are satisfied. position to stop the engine.
• Oil pressure / engine coolant tempera- 2. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” posi-
ture / battery voltage warning indicator tion to start the radiator fan and cool the
light 1: Lit engine.
• Engine coolant temperature warning If the radiator fan does not operate, do
indicator symbol 2: On not start the engine. Consult your Suzuki
• Engine coolant temperature indicator dealer.
symbol 3: Blinking

3. Once the engine has sufficiently cooled,
check the coolant level and check hoses
and such for leaks.
a. If you find any leaks, do not start the Riding while the motorcycle is overheat-
engine. Consult your Suzuki dealer. ing can cause serious damage to the
b. Replenish the coolant if the coolant engine.
level is low and there are no leaks. If
you have to use water instead of cool- Do not ride the motorcycle if the oil pres-
ant, consult your Suzuki dealer as sure / engine coolant temperature / bat-
soon as possible to have the coolant tery voltage warning indicator light come
checked and replaced. on.
4. If no issues are found, the motorcycle
can be ridden once the oil pressure /
engine coolant temperature / battery
voltage warning indicator light go off.
Consult your Suzuki dealer for inspec-
tion as soon as possible.

INDICATOR SYMBOL IS DISPLAYED a. You can ride the motorcycle once the
oil pressure / engine coolant tempera-
WHILE RIDING (OIL PRESSURE / ENGINE ture / battery voltage warning indicator
VOLTAGE WARNING INDICATOR LIGHT b. If the oil pressure / engine coolant
COME ON) temperature / battery voltage warning
If the oil pressure / engine coolant tempera- indicator light do not go off, stop the
ture / battery voltage warning indicator light engine and consult your Suzuki dealer.
come on, stop the motorcycle in a safe 4. The engine may be damaged if the oil
place, perform the following checks, and level has decreased. Consult your
take any necessary action. Suzuki dealer for inspection.

1. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF”

position to stop the engine.
2. Check the engine oil level. See “CHECK- Riding with low engine oil pressure may
ING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL” on cause serious damage to the engine.
page 3-31.
Replenish engine oil if the level is insuffi- Do not ride the motorcycle if the oil pres-
cient. sure / engine coolant temperature / bat-
tery voltage warning indicator light come

INDICATOR DISPLAYS • The engine coolant temperature indica-
Consult a Suzuki dealer if the state of the tor symbol or warning indicator symbol is
indicator displays is as follows. flashing or lit and does not turn off when
the engine is cold (on page 2-36)
• The malfunction indicator light (on page • The oil pressure warning indicator sym-
2-28) comes on or blinks bol comes on when the amount of
• The FI warning displays appear (on engine oil is appropriate
page 2-44)
• The check displays (on page 2-44) do
not go out
• The ABS indicator light (on page 2-33)
does not reset or come on again after
resetting to its default state
• The neutral indicator light does not come
on when the gear position indicator is in
the N position (on page 2-27)
• The neutral indicator light comes on
while the gear position indicator is dis-
playing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
• The TC indicator (on page 2-26) comes
• The service reminder indicator (on page
2-39) comes on

Consult a Suzuki dealer if the state of the
motorcycle is as follows.

• The engine does not start

• You fall
• The motorcycle makes an unusual
noise, or leaks fluid
• Engine performance drops off or is poor
• There is a marked decrease in brake
fluid, or you need to replace the brake
fluid or pads
• Brake performance is poor
• There is a marked decrease in coolant,
or you need to replace the coolant
• You cannot ascertain why a fuse has
• The tires are extremely worn or you
need to replace them


STORAGE PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................... 5-2

PROCEDURE FOR RETURNING TO SERVICE ........................................................................................ 5-5
CORROSION PREVENTION ...................................................................................................................... 5-5
MOTORCYCLE CLEANING ....................................................................................................................... 5-7
INSPECTION AFTER CLEANING ............................................................................................................ 5-12

Place the motorcycle on the side stand on a
MOTORCYCLE CLEANING firm, flat surface where it will not fall over.
For motorcycles equipped with a center
stand, use the center stand for parking.
STORAGE PROCEDURE Wash the motorcycle before storing, dry it,
and then cover it with a body cover.
When you do not intend to ride the motorcy-
cle for a long time, it is important to perform
maintenance before storage. Perform the
maintenance shown below.

NOTE: Suzuki recommends that you trust

this maintenance work to your Suzuki

NOTE: Apply the body cover after the

engine and muffler have cooled.

1. Fill the fuel tank to the top with fuel 1. Remove the battery from the motorcycle
mixed with the amount of gasoline stabi- by referring to the BATTERY section.
lizer recommended by the stabilizer 2. Clean the outside of the battery with a
manufacturer. mild soap and remove corrosion from the
2. Run the engine for a few minutes until terminals and wiring harness.
the stabilized gasoline fills the fuel injec- 3. Store the battery in a room above freez-
tion system. ing.

ENGINE NOTE: Batteries lose electricity and self-dis-

1. Drain the engine oil completely and refill charge slowly, so remove the battery from
the crankcase with fresh engine oil all the motorcycle, charge fully, and then store
the way up to the filler hole. in a dark place in a room with good ventila-
2. Cover the air cleaner intake and the muf- tion. When storing with the battery mounted
fler outlet with oily rags to prevent humid- on the motorcycle, disconnect the (-) termi-
ity from entering. nal.

NOTE: For the inside engine protection

method, consult with your Suzuki dealer.

Adjust tire pressure to the recommended Once a month, recharge the battery. Refer
pressure, and raise so that the front and rear to the BATTERY section for instructions. If
wheels are off the ground. you cannot charge the battery, consult your
authorized Suzuki dealer.
NOTE: Consult a Suzuki dealer for informa-
tion on how to raise the front and rear
wheels off the ground.

• Spray all vinyl and rubber parts with rub-
ber protectant.
• Spray unpainted surfaces with rust pre-
• Coat painted surfaces with car wax.

1. Clean the entire motorcycle. Perform maintenance to prevent the motor-
2. Remove the oily rags from the air cycle from rusting and extend its life.
cleaner intake and muffler outlet.
3. Drain all the engine oil. Install a new oil The following can cause corrosion.
filter and fill the engine with fresh oil as • Sea air, unpaved roads, road salt, mois-
outlined in this manual. ture and accumulation of chemical sub-
4. Reinstall the battery by referring to the stances.
BATTERY section. • Damage to metal parts or painted sur-
5. Make sure that the motorcycle is prop- faces caused by minor crashes, or by
erly lubricated. being struck by sand or stones, or other
6. Perform the INSPECTION BEFORE debris.
RIDING as listed in this manual.
7. Start the motorcycle as outlined in this

HOW TO HELP PREVENT CORROSION • Store your motorcycle in a dry, well-ven-
• Wash your motorcycle frequently, at tilated area. If you often wash your
least once a month. Keep your motorcy- motorcycle in the garage or if you fre-
cle as clean and dry as possible. quently park it inside when wet, your
• Remove foreign material deposits. For- garage may be damp. The high humidity
eign material such as road salt, chemi- may cause or accelerate corrosion. A
cals, road oil or tar, tree sap, bird wet motorcycle may corrode even in a
droppings and industrial fall-out may heated garage if the ventilation is poor.
damage your motorcycle’s finish. • Cover your motorcycle. Exposure to mid-
Remove these types of deposits as day sun can cause the colors in paint,
quickly as possible. If these deposits are plastic parts, and instrument faces to
difficult to wash off, an additional cleaner fade. Covering your motorcycle with a
may be required. Follow the manufac- high-quality, “breathable” motorcycle
turer’s directions when using these spe- cover can help protect the finish from the
cial cleaners. harmful UV rays in sunlight, and can
• Repair finish damage as soon as possi- reduce the amount of dust and air pollu-
ble. Carefully examine your motorcycle tion reaching the surface. Your Suzuki
for damage to the painted surfaces. dealer can help you select the right
Should you find any chips or scratches in cover for your motorcycle.
the paint, touch them up immediately to
prevent corrosion from starting. If the
chips or scratches have gone through to
the bare metal, have a Suzuki dealer
make the repair.

• Wax all areas of the motorcycle before
storage. This prevents rusting. WASHING THE MOTORCYCLE
• Clean the motorcycle with cool water Washing the motorcycle helps to extend its
immediately after riding on road salt or life and keeps it in pristine condition. Waxing
riding along the coast. Be sure to use will also provide you with the opportunity to
cool water because warm water can find any abnormalities and to prevent mal-
accelerate corrosion. functions. Wash the motorcycle when it is
1. Remove dirt and mud from the motorcy-
cle with cool running water. You may use
a soft sponge or brush. Do not use hard
materials which can scratch the paint.
2. Wash the entire motorcycle with a mild
detergent or car wash soap using a
sponge or soft cloth. The sponge or cloth
should be frequently soaked in the soap
3. Once the dirt has been completely
removed, rinse off the detergent with
running water.
4. After rinsing, wipe off the motorcycle
with a wet chamois or cloth and allow it
to dry in the shade.

5. Check carefully for damage to painted NOTE: The headlight lens can be fogged
surfaces. If there is any damage, obtain after washing the motorcycle or riding in the
“touch-up” paint and “touch-up” the dam- rain. Headlight fogging will be cleared grad-
age following the procedure below: ually when the headlight is turned on. When
a. Clean all damaged spots and allow clearing the headlight lens fogging, run the
them to dry. engine to avoid battery discharge.
b. Stir the paint and “touch-up” the dam-
aged spots lightly with a small brush. NOTE: Avoid spraying or allowing water to
c. Allow the paint to dry completely. flow over the following places:
• Ignition switch

• Spark plugs
• Fuel tank cap
Misplacing an object between the fairing • Fuel injection system
and the handlebars could adversely • Brake master cylinders
affect operation of the handlebars. • Clutch master cylinder

When cleaning the motorcycle, do not NOTICE

place anything between the fairing and
If water gets into the exhaust pipe, muf-
the handlebars.
flers, air cleaner, or electrical parts
during cleaning, it may cause failure to
start or rust.

Be careful not to get water into the

above parts during cleaning.

Applying high pressure water to the radi- Cleaning your motorcycle with any alka-
ator can damage the cooling fins. line or strong acid cleaner, gasoline,
brake fluid, or any other solvent will
Be careful when washing around the damage the motorcycle parts.
Clean only with a soft cloth and warm
water with mild detergent.
High pressure washers such as those WHEELS
found at coin-operated car washes have Aluminum wheels do not hold up well to dirt
enough pressure to damage the parts of from salt. To preserve aluminum wheels in
your motorcycle. It may cause rust, cor- pristine condition, clean them regularly
rosion, and increased wear. Parts (approximately once per week).
cleaner can also damage motorcycle
parts. 1. Soak a sponge in neutral detergent and
wash off any dirt.
Do not use high pressure washers to 2. Wash with sufficient water, then wipe off
clean your motorcycle. Do not use parts the water with a dry cloth.
cleaner on the throttle body and fuel
injection sensors. NOTE: Aluminum wheels scratch easily, so
do not rub or brush with polishing powder,
hard brushes, or metal brushes.
Plastic parts such as the headlight lens,
speedometer display, windshield, and fair-
ings, are easy to damage. When such parts Foreign substances can scratch or dam-
are cleaned, wash them using water, after age plastic parts such as the headlight
cleaning them using neutral detergent or lens, speedometer display, and wind-
soapy water, and wipe them with a soft shield.
Do not allow the following substances to
 WARNING get on the plastic parts mentioned
Placing objects in the space behind the • Wax compound
fairings can interfere with steering and • Chemical supplies such as oil film
can cause loss of control. removing agents or repellents
• Acidic or alkaline detergent
Do not carry any objects in the space • Brake fluid, gasoline, alcohol, or
behind the fairings. organic solvent, etc.

Stainless steel exhaust pipes may be sub- After washing the motorcycle, waxing and
ject to burn marks caused by oil and other polishing are recommended to further pro-
dirt. tect and beautify the paint.
• Using kitchen cleaner for stainless steel, • Only use good quality waxes and pol-
wipe dirt off with a cloth or sponge, rinse ishes.
with sufficient water, and then wipe dry • When using waxes and polishes,
with a dry cloth. observe the precautions specified by the
• When burn marks occur, scrub with a manufacturers.
fine compound and then wipe off the dirt.
NOTE: Although exhaust heat may cause PAINT
the exhaust pipe to change color, this will Do not use polishing compounds or waxes
not cause functional problems. that contain polishing compounds on sur-
faces which have a matte finish. Doing so
NOTICE will change the appearance of the matte fin-
The exhaust pipe, muffler and the engine
become hot when the engine is running Solid-type waxes may be difficult to remove
and stay hot after it has stopped. Touch- from surfaces with a matte finish.
ing them at this time may cause burns.
Friction while riding and excessive rubbing
Do not touch the exhaust pipe, muffler or or polishing of a surface with a matte finish,
engine until they have cooled. will change its appearance.

After drying the motorcycle, apply grease. Operating the motorcycle with wet
To help extend your motorcycle’s life, lubri- brakes can be hazardous. Wet brakes
cate it according to the “LUBRICATION may not provide as much stopping
POINTS” section. power as dry brakes. This could lead to a
Follow the procedures in the “INSPECTION crash.
BEFORE RIDING” section to check your
motorcycle for any issues that may have Test your brakes after washing the
arisen during your last ride. motorcycle, while riding at slow speed,
and in a safe location. If necessary,
apply the brakes several times to let fric-
tion dry out the linings.


CATALYTIC CONVERTER ......................................................................................................................... 6-2

ON-BOARD MOTORCYCLE COMPUTER DATA INFORMATION ........................................................... 6-3
SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION ................................................................................................................... 6-5

Improper motorcycle operation can
DESCRIPTION cause catalyst or other motorcycle dam-
The muffler on this motorcycle contains a
catalytic converter. This catalytic converter To avoid damage to the catalyst or other
works to reduce the volume of toxic sub- related components, you should take the
stances output in exhaust gases. following precautions:
• While the motorcycle is in motion, do
Inappropriate adjustment or erroneous han- not operate the ignition switch or
dling may cause incomplete combustion engine stop switch, or turn off the
(misfiring), resulting in the temperature of engine, except in an emergency.
the catalytic converter rising to extreme lev- • Do not try to start the engine by push-
els. Take care, as this may damage the cata- ing the motorcycle or by coasting
lytic converter or other related parts. down a hill.
Although the catalytic converter does not • Do not start the engine with the spark
require any special inspections or mainte- plug wire removed during diagnostic
nance, please perform specified engine testing.
inspections and maintenance. • Do not idle the engine unnecessarily
or for long periods.
• Do not use all of the gasoline in the
fuel tank.

• If engine performance deteriorates
or is poor, have your motorcycle DATA INFORMATION
inspected at a Suzuki dealer.
Your motorcycle is equipped with on-board
computer systems, which monitor and con-
trol several aspects of motorcycle perfor-
mance, including the following:

• Engine condition, such as engine speed.
• Transmission condition, such as gear Suzuki Motor Corporation and third parties
position. contracted by Suzuki Motor Corporation
• Operating status, such as accelerator, may acquire and use data recorded by on-
brakes (including ABS), gear position. board computers to diagnose vehicle faults,
• Information related to computer system conduct research, and development, and
failures of all kinds. improve quality.

NOTE: Suzuki Motor Corporation and third parties

• Data recorded differs depending on vehi- contracted by Suzuki Motor Corporation will
cle type. not disclose or provide the information
• Voice data is not recorded. acquired to a third party other than in the fol-
• Depending on the conditions of use, lowing cases.
data may not be recorded in some • When the user of the vehicle has con-
cases. sented.
• When required or allowed to do so
based on laws and ordinances, a court
injunction, or other legal force.
• When providing data that has been pro-
cessed so that users and vehicles can-
not be identified, for use by research
institutes, etc., in statistical processing,

Record the frame and engine serial num-
bers in the next page for use in procedures
such as creating vehicle registration docu-
ments. You also need these numbers to help
your dealer when you order parts.


The frame number 1 is stamped on the This motorcycle comes with two keys and an
steering head as shown in the illustration. alphanumeric key number printed on a
Write down the frame number here for your
future reference. NOTE:
• In addition to standard key functions, the
Frame No.: keys of this motorcycle also have immo-
bilizer functions.
• Damaging or losing these keys will
ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER cause you to incur significant expense,
so please handle them with care.
The engine serial number 2 is stamped on • Please store the spare key carefully.
the crankcase assembly.

Write down the serial number here for your

future reference.

Engine No.:

Overall length ....................................................................... 2265 mm (89.2 in)
Overall width......................................................................... 870 mm (34.3 in) ... V-STROM 1050
940 mm (37.0 in) ... V-STROM 1050XT
Overall height ....................................................................... 1470 - 1515 mm (57.9 - 59.6 in) ... V-STROM 1050
1465 - 1510 mm (57.7 - 59.7 in) ... V-STROM 1050XT
Wheelbase ........................................................................... 1555 mm (61.2 in)
Ground clearance................................................................. 165 mm (6.5 in) ... V-STROM 1050
160 mm (6.3 in) ... V-STROM 1050XT
Curb mass ............................................................................ 236 kg (520 lbs) ... V-STROM 1050
247 kg (545 lbs) ... V-STROM 1050XT

Type...................................................................................... Four-stroke, liquid-cooled
Number of cylinders ............................................................. 2
Bore...................................................................................... 100.0 mm (3.937 in)
Stroke ................................................................................... 66.0 mm (2.598 in)
Displacement........................................................................ 1037 cm3 (63.3 cu. in)
Compression ratio ................................................................ 11.5 : 1
Fuel system .......................................................................... Fuel injection
Air cleaner ............................................................................ Paper element
Starter system ...................................................................... Electric
Lubrication system ............................................................... Wet sump
Clutch ................................................................................... Wet multi-plate type
Transmission ........................................................................ 6-speed
Gearshift pattern .................................................................. 1-down, 5-up
Primary reduction ratio ......................................................... 1.838 (57/31)
Gear ratios, Low ................................................................. 3.000 (36/12)
2nd.................................................................. 1.933(29/15)
3rd .................................................................. 1.500 (27/18)
4th................................................................... 1.227 (27/22)
5th................................................................... 1.086 (25/23)
Top.................................................................. 1.000 (24/24)
Final reduction ratio.............................................................. 2.411 (41/17)
Drive chain ........................................................................... RK525SMOZ8, 116 links

Front suspension .................................................................. Telescopic, coil spring, oil damped
Rear suspension .................................................................. Swingarm, coil spring, oil damped
Front fork stroke ................................................................... 160 mm (6.3 in)
Rear wheel travel.................................................................. 160 mm (6.3 in)
Steering angle ...................................................................... 36° (right and left)
Caster................................................................................... 25° 40’ ... V-STROM 1050
25° 30’ ... V-STROM 1050XT
Trail....................................................................................... 110 mm (4.33 in) ... V-STROM 1050
109 mm (4.29 in) ... V-STROM 1050XT
Turning radius....................................................................... 3.0 m (9.8 ft)
Front brake ........................................................................... Double disk
Rear brake............................................................................ Single disk
Front tire size........................................................................ 110/80R19M/C 59V
Rear tire size ........................................................................ 150/70R17M/C 69V
Ignition type .......................................................................... Electronic ignition (Transistorized)
Spark plug ............................................................................ NGK LMAR8BI-9
Battery .................................................................................. 12V 40.3 kC(11.2 Ah)/10 HR
Generator ............................................................................. Three-phase A.C. generator
Main fuse.............................................................................. 30A
Fuse ..................................................................................... 3/10/10/10/10/10/15/15A
ABS fuse .............................................................................. 15/25A
Headlight .............................................................................. LED
Position light ......................................................................... LED
Front turn signal light ............................................................ 12V 21W × 2 ... V-STROM 1050
LED ................. V-STROM 1050XT
Rear turn signal light ............................................................ 12V 21W × 2 ... V-STROM 1050
LED ................. V-STROM 1050XT
License plate light................................................................. 12V 5W
Brake light/Taillight................................................................ LED
Instrument panel light ........................................................... LED
Neutral indicator light............................................................ LED
High beam indicator light...................................................... LED
Turn signal indicator light...................................................... LED
Oil pressure / engine coolant temperature
/ battery voltage warning indicator light ................................ LED
Malfunction indicator light..................................................... LED
Traction control indicator light ............................................... LED
Freeze indicator light ............................................................ LED
Engine rpm indicator light..................................................... LED
ABS indicator light ................................................................ LED
Immobilizer indicator light (if equipped)................................ LED
Master warning indicator light .............................................. LED
Fuel tank............................................................................... 20.0 L (5.3/4.4 US/Imp. gal)
Engine oil, oil change......................................................... 2700 ml (2.9/2.4 US/Imp. qt)
With filter change ............................................. 3000 ml (3.2/2.6 US/Imp. qt)
Overhaul .......................................................... 3500 ml (3.7/3.1 US/Imp. qt)
Coolant ................................................................................. 2130 ml (2.3/1.9 US/Imp. qt)
ABS...........................................................1-18 CATALYTIC CONVERTER ........................ 6-2
ABS INDICATOR LIGHT ..........................2-33 CENTER STAND.................................... 2-116
ABS MODE...............................................2-72 CLOCK ..................................................... 2-43
AIR CLEANER..........................................3-24 CLUTCH ................................................... 3-50
AIR CLEANER ELEMENT........................3-26 CLUTCH LEVER .................................... 2-108
AVERAGE FUEL CONSUMPTION CRUISE CONTROL ................................. 2-73
METER .....................................................2-48 CRUISE CONTROL INDICATOR............. 2-39
B LIGHT ....................................................... 2-29
BATTERY .......................................... 3-19,5-3 CRUISE CONTROL SWITCH .................. 2-75
BRAKE FLUID ..........................................3-53 DATE&TIME ............................................. 2-50
BRAKE LEVER.......................................2-106 DIAGNOSIS DISPLAY ............................. 2-44
BRAKE PADS...........................................3-55 DIAGNOSTIC CONNECTOR ................... 3-92
BRAKES ...................................................3-52 DIMMER SWITCH.................................... 2-89
DOCUMENT HOLDER........................... 2-114
DRIVE CHAIN .......................................... 3-45
DRIVING RANGE METER ....................... 2-46
ELECTRIC STARTER SWITCH ...............2-93 FRAME NUMBER ...................................... 6-6
ENGINE ......................................................5-3 FREEZE INDICATOR LIGHT ................... 2-30
ENGINE COOLANT..................................3-39 FRONT SEAT......................................... 2-109
INDICATOR ..............................................2-36 FRONT WHEEL ....................................... 3-69
ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE FUEL ................................................. 1-24,5-3
WARNING INDICATOR SYMBOL............2-32 FUEL HOSE ............................................. 3-44
ENGINE IDLE SPEED..............................3-44 FUEL LEVEL INDICATOR ....................... 2-38
ENGINE OIL .............................................3-29 FUEL TANK.............................................. 3-12
ENGINE OIL DRAIN PLUG ......................3-34 FUEL TANK CAP ................................... 2-100
ENGINE OIL FILTER................................3-34 FUSES...................................................... 3-86
ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER........................6-6 G
ENGINE STOP SWITCH ..........................2-92 GEAR POSITION INDICATOR ................ 2-37
EXHAUST PIPES .....................................5-11 GEARSHIFT LEVER ................................ 3-60
HANDLEBAR SWITCHES........................2-14 KEY NUMBER............................................ 6-6
HAZARD WARNING SWITCH .................2-93
HEADLIGHT BEAM ..................................3-85 L
HEADLIGHT FLASHER SWITCH ............2-89 LCD .......................................................... 2-18
HIGH BEAM INDICATOR LIGHT .............2-30 LIGHT BULB............................................. 3-78
HILL HOLD ...............................................2-79 LOAD-DEPENDENT CONTROL
HILL HOLD INDICATOR ..........................2-40 SYSTEM................................................... 1-21
HORN SWITCH ........................................2-91 LOCATION OF PARTS .............................. 2-2
LUBRICATION ......................................... 3-17
IGNITION SWITCH...................................2-82 M
IMMOBILIZER ..........................................2-87 MAINTENANCE CHART ............................ 3-6
INSTRUMENT PANEL .............................2-24 LIGHT ....................................................... 2-29
INSTRUMENT PANEL LIGHT MODE SWITCH........................................ 2-91
BRIGHTNESS ..........................................2-49 MOTION TRACK BRAKE SYSTEM ......... 1-20
MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY ........... 2-20,2-42
NEUTRAL INDICATOR LIGHT.................2-27 PLASTIC PARTS...................................... 5-10

ODOMETER .............................................2-46 RADIATOR HOSE.................................... 3-43
INDICATOR SYMBOL ..............................2-31 REAR BRAKE PEDAL............................ 2-107
OIL PRESSURE / ENGINE COOLANT REAR SEAT ........................................... 2-110
TEMPERATURE / BATTERY VOLTAGE REAR SUSPENSION ............................. 2-120
WARNING INDICATOR LIGHT ................2-30 REAR WHEEL.......................................... 3-74
ON-BOARD MOTORCYCLE RED ZONE ............................................... 2-35
COMPUTER DATA INFORMATION ..........6-3 REFUELING ........................................... 2-100
OUTPUT TERMINAL..............................2-125 RPM SET.................................................. 2-52
SEAT LOCK............................................2-110 TACHOMETER ........................................ 2-35
SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION ...................6-5 THERMOMETER ..................................... 2-43
SERVICE ..................................................2-60 TIRES ................................................ 3-61,5-4
SERVICE REMINDER INDICATOR .........2-41 TOOLS ..................................................... 3-12
SHIFTING GEARS .................................2-102 TRACTION CONTROL INDICATOR
SIDE STAND ..........................................2-115 LIGHT ....................................................... 2-26
SYSTEM ...................................................3-68 TRIP METER............................................ 2-47
SPARK PLUG...........................................3-24 TURN SIGNAL INDICATOR LIGHT ......... 2-25
SPEEDOMETER ......................................2-35 TURN SIGNAL LIGHT SWITCH............... 2-91
SPOKE WHEELS .....................................3-67
STANDS .................................................2-115 U
SUSPENSION ADJUSTMENT ...............2-116 UNIT ......................................................... 2-58
SUZUKI DRIVE MODE SELECTOR USB SOCKET ........................................ 2-126
(SDMS) .....................................................2-66
SUZUKI EASY START SYSTEM .............2-97

WINDSHIELD .........................................2-123

Total page: 308


Модель SZ137U

Производитель ASAHI DENSO CO.,LTD.

6-2-1 Somejidai, Hamakita-ku,
Shizuoka 434-0046, Япония
Телефон (+81)53-586-7383
Факс (+81)53-584-1589
Дата производства указана на этикетке продукта.


Телефон +7 (495) 780-9071
Факс +7 (495) 780-9072
129323, Россия, Москва,
ул. Снежная, 26

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