NammaKPSC GP2018 GS 2
NammaKPSC GP2018 GS 2
NammaKPSC GP2018 GS 2
General Studies-2
mdrq o{o$d-2
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 25O
id:o$ : 3 rlo8rld: dod epoirlCc : 25O
2. Llet and erplalo tbc dlfferelt t5pes of tides and theories of orlgia of tldcs. lNot
more than 15O wordsf
eruqdo9dd aCrldr E?Iln srueidaqdtlC erDddrd a6-oeodlldd)d dqd'toa E$df cdoa'
(15O dddell eDeddog erDgios) [10]
3. Explain the distribution and production of Bauxlte in India. (Not more then
15O words|
?JodsdQ s$t-rtf
cddt{ *s. eruEgddo$d)d ado3. l15O -ddad eDeddoC eNgo:r) [1o]
SmFL3ddo qlJo srsto$ so* adoa. (15o dddg,l eDeddog s')gonl l10I
5. Ltlt aad erplain the lndustrlal regions of Indla. (Not more than 25O rordr|
r.Ioddd droof, {:derdc dq drEa a')df adon. l25o dddert areddod
sDgon) Ilsl
42OlGeneral Studies-2 (1)
6. Dlscuse about the lmportaacc of traasportation aystem irr Karnataka. lllot
aore than 25O wordsf
ddoFtrddo 800il qd{o$ $dEdd$"I $0S ?3BFn. (25O ddilad aDeddod QrD:iOnl I1SI
7. Explain the mechanism of monsooas ln India. lNot more thaa 25O wordsl
padddQ dDd/oEo dDdSrlC iooSJoc6d (Mechanlsmf o$Sd $o* adon. (2SO Sdded
eDcddod erD3o,i) trsl
8. Explaln the conccpt of 'Public Interest Litlgation' and discuss how lt has helped
in achlewlng soclal justice wlth the help of decided cases. ll[ot more than l5O
':rodFciod b@ng -?6%ilS' *ode*do$$d Ado,i *dJ gciDFOd giddsoilt, i6?o$Ood o&
oJDd oe.A xosodd mdo$d${ d./odS$do i6?o$rooofoRd ooe.Dd$4 elatFs. llSO dddrrri
tueddod erudoAl tlo]
9. Examlne the llmltations in ameading any part of the coastltutlon. lNot more
thaa 15O words)
,oaFodd oJDddc Forldibd gqda droddgd eogrtgs4 docia. l15o dddeil ioeddod
eNgon) tlo]
1o. Explain the scope of freedom oftrade, commerce and intercourse uoder Article
3O1 ofthe Constltutlon of ladla. (Not more than 1SO wordsf
qDddd ioatrodd cr$q(d goldBo$g rgd@d, aar6q *S iodtFd Fod*o$6$d
adoa. (15O ddded iDcddog erudo:]|
11. Explain the concept of Rtght to prlvacy as a fundamentat right ia the light of
judgment of Supreme court rn K.s. puttaswaay ve. unroa oi India. (Not more
than 15O words)
14. What ls a ooney blll? Explatn the legislative procedure regardlng ordinary bill
and money btll. (Not more than 25O words)
CdaCco$d abiJod oodde&? tado$ adco$d 6?rt d CdaCto$drlg $od vor&eo$ SgoSo$e4
adoio. (25o dddefi aDeddo€ erugonl [1s]
15. .U.N. General Assembly is likc a world Parllament". Examine the powers and
functlons of the General Assembly of united Natlors orgalization. (Not more
than 15O words)
'a#o{ob xod:odo n$ ardgd'* &dde3o$g Eaded6 n4o$ eQad 6$* toosFll€Sd
doDeoa. (15O #drl9d ADeddod e goll [1O]
16. Explaia the role of India in achiewing the alms aad objectlves of SAARC. (IIot
more thalr 25O words)
FofF ,o#trdo$ &o *dl c/t)dcdrlc xoCdo$9 ?Iodgd aogi soS adoao. (25O Jddg?i
etugo,:r) [15]
1?. DiBcusE th€ core characterlstlcs and features of new publlc menagemcnt. lNot
more than 25O wordsl
&ogd xrEdFdsd odFdrdo$ E6ed ared elto $* arcdtode$d ardFa. l25o dddgtl
eocddog sNgoil [lsl
18. trIhat are the dlfferences between Admlnistretion and Management? lNot more
than 25O wordsl
qrdeE $dl adFddrlg eC, eed q$Fl€e&' (25O dddafl aDeddog (n)go'11 [15]
19. Mention the role of central ageocies ln maintenance of law aad order. lNot
aore tharr 25O wordsf
E&o& *q dB$o$&e tosddo dcoEi adErl+ egd&d 'eQA. (25O ddded ioeddod
erDgos) llsl
20. .Respoasive Admlnlstratlon ls a key to Good Goveroance'. Do you agree wlth
thist Elucldate. What are the chlef components of Responslve Admlnlstration?
lllot more than 25O wordsl
' z3&?,roo/ SEgo$Edud (,deSd soddeRd '. d3 dca3o$&{ otd
eruEis erdeSd
aroedoa. .ia"5Bo/SSgojDdei erd9dd Eead (,orrl€) o$add)? (25O *drl9'l eDcddog
er')qon) [1s]