NammaKPSC GP2018 GS 2

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General Studies-2
mdrq o{o$d-2
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 25O
id:o$ : 3 rlo8rld: dod epoirlCc : 25O

(i/ Candidates have to attempt all questions.

(ii/ Marks carried by each question are indicated at its end.

1. .Human Migratlon is contiauous'. Elucldate the statemertt rrith dlfierent causes

of migratlons. (Not more than 15O wordsl
-dsoddd doi odoEdaodcdr'. Br d(ef,o$&d do*o$ aac todt67isr.Jao6fi adoa.
(15o #dila?i aDeddog erDgon) [1o]

2. Llet and erplalo tbc dlfferelt t5pes of tides and theories of orlgia of tldcs. lNot
more than 15O wordsf
eruqdo9dd aCrldr E?Iln srueidaqdtlC erDddrd a6-oeodlldd)d dqd'toa E$df cdoa'
(15O dddell eDeddog erDgios) [10]

3. Explain the distribution and production of Bauxlte in India. (Not more then
15O words|

?JodsdQ s$t-rtf
cddt{ *s. eruEgddo$d)d ado3. l15O -ddad eDeddoC eNgo:r) [1o]

SmFL3ddo qlJo srsto$ so* adoa. (15o dddg,l eDeddog s')gonl l10I

5. Ltlt aad erplain the lndustrlal regions of Indla. (Not more than 25O rordr|
r.Ioddd droof, {:derdc dq drEa a')df adon. l25o dddert areddod
sDgon) Ilsl
42OlGeneral Studies-2 (1)
6. Dlscuse about the lmportaacc of traasportation aystem irr Karnataka. lllot
aore than 25O wordsf
ddoFtrddo 800il qd{o$ $dEdd$"I $0S ?3BFn. (25O ddilad aDeddod QrD:iOnl I1SI

7. Explain the mechanism of monsooas ln India. lNot more thaa 25O wordsl
padddQ dDd/oEo dDdSrlC iooSJoc6d (Mechanlsmf o$Sd $o* adon. (2SO Sdded
eDcddod erD3o,i) trsl
8. Explaln the conccpt of 'Public Interest Litlgation' and discuss how lt has helped
in achlewlng soclal justice wlth the help of decided cases. ll[ot more than l5O
':rodFciod b@ng -?6%ilS' *ode*do$$d Ado,i *dJ gciDFOd giddsoilt, i6?o$Ood o&
oJDd oe.A xosodd mdo$d${ d./odS$do i6?o$rooofoRd ooe.Dd$4 elatFs. llSO dddrrri
tueddod erudoAl tlo]
9. Examlne the llmltations in ameading any part of the coastltutlon. lNot more
thaa 15O words)
,oaFodd oJDddc Forldibd gqda droddgd eogrtgs4 docia. l15o dddeil ioeddod
eNgon) tlo]
1o. Explain the scope of freedom oftrade, commerce and intercourse uoder Article
3O1 ofthe Constltutlon of ladla. (Not more than 1SO wordsf
qDddd ioatrodd cr$q(d goldBo$g rgd@d, aar6q *S iodtFd Fod*o$6$d
adoa. (15O ddded iDcddog erudo:]|
11. Explain the concept of Rtght to prlvacy as a fundamentat right ia the light of
judgment of Supreme court rn K.s. puttaswaay ve. unroa oi India. (Not more
than 15O words)

3.o:ir.&tif,g$ vs. ojm$o$6f sC qoBolD Eidd$dg Aedcrod n{pera} uodoJrooo$d

ec&.d eJC319 r$qdod, (Right to privacyf dl$4 $JoeCJod d$r oo* ad-on.
(lso Adilad aDcddod vD3o3l
12. "Rlghts and dutlee are closely related and caanot be separated from one
another'. In the light of the above statetnent, dlscuss the importaace of
fuadamental dutles outllned in part rvA of the Indlar corstltution. (Not more
than 15O wordsf
"-doJrlt Eirq Edrqds oSrr ioDoCdS4 dooad *6 dddd zJrd.Bicro
*eOd dceio$ dqisdg LFdeeo$ ,oapdd qDil fVA o$Q ado,l&d *JoeCJad taiqrrr*
;$dgiSd 8?JF,i,. (tSO ddded ioeddod eruqoA) ttol

42O/General Studies-2 (2t

13. Yhat ie Preamble ia Indiaa Constitutiotr? Diacusa the golden gods that arc
outllned in the Preamble of the ladiaa Constltution. (Not more than 25O words)
?FdEeos ioDFdd SFodd aoddc$r ?Fd3eo$ ioaFdd Seddo$g ad0a6d sdtoF ltodg&d
?3l!F4. (25O sdrlgd iDeddoc eNgo,?,! I15l

14. What ls a ooney blll? Explatn the legislative procedure regardlng ordinary bill
and money btll. (Not more than 25O words)
CdaCco$d abiJod oodde&? tado$ adco$d 6?rt d CdaCto$drlg $od vor&eo$ SgoSo$e4
adoio. (25o dddefi aDeddo€ erugonl [1s]
15. .U.N. General Assembly is likc a world Parllament". Examine the powers and
functlons of the General Assembly of united Natlors orgalization. (Not more
than 15O words)
'a#o{ob xod:odo n$ ardgd'* &dde3o$g Eaded6 n4o$ eQad 6$* toosFll€Sd
doDeoa. (15O #drl9d ADeddod e goll [1O]

16. Explaia the role of India in achiewing the alms aad objectlves of SAARC. (IIot
more thalr 25O words)
FofF ,o#trdo$ &o *dl c/t)dcdrlc xoCdo$9 ?Iodgd aogi soS adoao. (25O Jddg?i
etugo,:r) [15]

1?. DiBcusE th€ core characterlstlcs and features of new publlc menagemcnt. lNot
more than 25O wordsl
&ogd xrEdFdsd odFdrdo$ E6ed ared elto $* arcdtode$d ardFa. l25o dddgtl
eocddog sNgoil [lsl
18. trIhat are the dlfferences between Admlnistretion and Management? lNot more
than 25O wordsl
qrdeE $dl adFddrlg eC, eed q$Fl€e&' (25O dddafl aDeddog (n)go'11 [15]

19. Mention the role of central ageocies ln maintenance of law aad order. lNot
aore tharr 25O wordsf
E&o& *q dB$o$&e tosddo dcoEi adErl+ egd&d 'eQA. (25O ddded ioeddod
erDgos) llsl
20. .Respoasive Admlnlstratlon ls a key to Good Goveroance'. Do you agree wlth
thist Elucldate. What are the chlef components of Responslve Admlnlstration?
lllot more than 25O wordsl
' z3&?,roo/ SEgo$Edud (,deSd soddeRd '. d3 dca3o$&{ otd
eruEis erdeSd
aroedoa. .ia"5Bo/SSgojDdei erd9dd Eead (,orrl€) o$add)? (25O *drl9'l eDcddog
er')qon) [1s]

42olGeneral Studies-2 (3)

42OlGeneral Studies-2 (41 UU21

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