Barco White Paper LCD-RPC-LED 8mar2023
Barco White Paper LCD-RPC-LED 8mar2023
Barco White Paper LCD-RPC-LED 8mar2023
DATE 8/03/2023
Barco | Whitepaper
Table of contents
Introduction 3
2. Brightness 14
3. Viewing angles 16
4. Colors 20
5. Power consumption 21
6. Sharpness 23
7. Contrast 25
10. Reliability 34
11. Installability 36
12. Serviceability 38
13. Upgradeability 40
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The market for large video walls is steadily growing year -on-year with Futuresource indicating a CAGR
of 14% for the next 5 years. This rise is not only driven by an increasing volume in the existing markets
(such as control rooms and broadcast), but also the addition of new markets. Display technology is
constantly improving, and more products have entered the market, each with their unique features and
benefits. This, and the more attractive pricing, makes large video walls more accessible in an increasing
number of markets. Next to the traditional control rooms and broadcast markets, video walls pop up in
corporate lobbies, experience centers, auditoriums and meeting rooms. In this white paper we
objectively map the different technologies and draft a high-level positioning in the control rooms and
broadcast market.
Of course, end users want to have the best possible video wall for their application that displays their
content the way it is intended to be shown. However, there is no such thing as ‘the best video wall on
the market’. The best video wall solution highly depends on the type of application, the usage, the
environment it is in, etc. It is thus not just a matter of budget, but more an evaluation of selecting the
product that best answers your needs.
Today, three technologies dominate the video wall market: LCD, rear-projection cubes (RPCs) and
direct view LED. All of these have their traditional strengths and weaknesses. In recent years,
manufacturers have worked very hard to improve the quality and level out the traditional weak points of
the technology. Also, Barco has invested a lot to offer high quality video wall solutions and as a result
has been able to take a unique position in the video wall market. As one of the few suppliers of ALL
display technologies, we are capable of always proposing the technology best suited for the customer’s
In this paper, we will describe every technology and highlight advantages and challenges. This allows us
to map these products to several use cases, so we can propose the best possible solutions to our
customers. Note however that this paper is the result of a shootout test of 3 top Barco products. And
although they represent the different technologies, they also show some features which are not typical
for the technology. Our LCD video wall, for example, has a much smaller inter -screen gap than
competing models. Barco’s rear-projection cube uses RGB laser light sources, allowing it to offer a wider
color gamut and higher brightness than conventional RPCs . And the Barco direct view LED TruePix-
series are powered by Infinipix TM Gen2 processing technology. This state-of-the-art system optimizes
color performance and color accuracy (even under low brightness levels), enables perfect
synchronization between LED processors and also guarantees the best-in-class color reproduction,
identical to your designs.
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An LCD (Liquid Crystal Diode) display, is a flat panel display, typically used in computer monitors and in
a wide variety of applications. It is the dominant technology for television sets in the consumer market
and is also becoming increasingly popular for use in large video walls. In that case, several LCD displays
are then combined in a matrix structure to form one large visualization canvas. But before we start
describing LCD video walls in detail, let’s start off with a little bit of history.
The first flat-screen television technologies were introduced in the late 1990s: plasma and LCD. The first
performed really well when it came to image quality and large sizes but had problems with burn-in
effects. The price drop for LCD displays, especially for the larger sizes, and their increase in image
quality, pretty much signed the faith of plasma.
A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals to either block or
pass light coming from a lighting source (often LED). These liquid crystal layers are positioned in
between two polarizing filters. Charging the crystals inside the red, green and blue color packets that
make up every pixel, will make them switch orientation. The amount of light that passes through the
color packet depends on how much you charge these crystals. We will not go through the details of how
it works: that stuff is complex, and there are other sources that will explain this better than we can. But
the basic differences between the panel types are in how the crystals are oriented. The most important
types are VA (Vertical Alignment) and IPS (In-Plane Switching). These different LCD types all have their
pros and cons relative to each other, but we can apply the same basic statistics when comparing LCD to
other display technologies so we will not go into the details of comparing VA and IPS .
The award-winning Barco UniSee platform takes a completely new approach to truly seamless LCD
video walls. Redesigning and optimizing every component, Barco UniSee is not only a step forward in
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Sense X, the automatic and continuous color and brightness calibration system , ensures that the
complete wall gives a perfectly balanced image at all times. What’s more, Barco has also re-engineered
the design of the panels to counter all possible variations in brightness from the center to the edges.
Because a video wall is often part of a critical application, Barco took all possible measures to ensure
optimal uptime. The platform is built in such a way that it can easily be diagnosed and serviced. The
software platform (Video wall Manager) that manages the entire video wall automatically, offers a user-
friendly interface for easy set-up without the need for a remote control, assigns and calibrates the
panels and acts as the single point of connection for remote diagnostics and control.
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Projection is another popular visualization technology. It was the first technology used to display
moving images and has been around since the late 19 th century –although the technology has improved
quite a lot since then. The foundations of projection even date back to prehistoric times!
The early projectors used a strong lamp that lit photographic slides. By positioning these slides on a reel
and rapidly moving them in front of the lamp, it created a sense of movement. Modern day video
projectors, on the other hand, project the images received by a video signal .
DLP projection
There are several projection technologies on the market today, most commonly LCD, DLP and LCoS. For
rear projection DLP (Digital Light Processing) is the most commonly used technology and can also be
found in all Barco rear projection video walls.
The DLP technology was created by Texas Instruments in 1987 and uses a digital micromirror device.
This is a chip that consists of many microscopically small mirrors. Every pixel on the screen has its own
mirror, meaning that in order to create a Full HD image (1920 x 1080), you need 2,073,600 different
mirrors These mirrors are laid out in a matrix on a semiconductor chip , so that every mirror can move
individually. A light source is aimed at this chip, and the mirrors are positioned to either reflect or not
reflect the light. In this way, the image is created. Rapidly toggling the mirrors from these ON and OFF
states produces greyscales – depending on the amount of ON and OFF time.
In order to fix the real estate problem with traditional front projection
technology for control rooms, rear-projection cubes (RPCs) were
created. Multiple of these RPCs are used to create a video wall of any
size while only consuming the floor space related to the depth of a
single RPC. Such a cube features a projector that is positioned upwards.
A large deflection mirror then reflects the image and casts it onto the
projection screen. In this way, the required depth is cut dramatically.
For example, Barco’s OverView ODLF series only requires a depth of 62
cm/24.4”. This advanced video wall can also be serviced from the front, so there is no need for a rear
maintenance area.
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These cubes, typically having a screen diagonal of 50”, 70” or 80”, can be logically positioned in a
matrix structure. They are designed to be easily stacked on top of and next to each other. A typical perk
of rear-projection is that absolutely no bezel is needed. The projection canvas can be used in full . In this
way, the seams between the different cubes can be very small and are mostly needed to cope with
environmental conditions (because heat and humidity cause the screens to expand a bit).
Barco’s RGB Laser ODL-721 is a rear projection cube of the latest generation. Using laser sources of the
three primary colors (red, green and blue), the ODL-721 provides 2x more brightness than mainstream
LED-lit rear-projection video walls. In this way, all brightness issues of earlier video walls are gone.
Because the high luminance allows operating under daylight conditions, control rooms can finally light
up - which improves operator working conditions! Adding vibrant colors to this mix, that make all
nuances clearly distinguishable, you make sure nothing is wrongly interpreted and situational awareness
is enhanced.
An important factor for rear-projection cubes, is the screen type used. Some screens are optimized for
contrast, others boost brightness, and some were designed to ensure a minimal seam. To this end, we
offer several different screen types for the RGB Laser ODL-721. The differences can be quite important,
so it is advised to consider the different screen options when assessing the optimal product for your
application. You can download the ODL-721 screen selection guide and recommendation for various
use-cases from the myBarco portal for all information.
With a lifetime of at least 125,000 hours in normal/eco-mode, operators enjoy a staggering 11.5 years
of uninterrupted 24/7 operations. Redundancy of all critical components
(including power supply, inputs, and drivers) make sure nothing is left to
chance when it comes to uptime. Unlike technology used by competitors
and in non-24/7 meeting rooms, Barco's RGB laser display series doesn't
need a rotating color wheel to operate. Since each color can be uniquely
controlled and is not dependent on the segment of a color wheel, it
provides color control like never before and eliminates color breakup.
The engine of Barco’s RGB laser for 24/7 control rooms is fully motorized.
Installers and maintenance staff will never need to open the individual
modules to perfectly align the individual cubes of the video wall. Using a
web interface, the video wall can be remotely aligned by a single technician - including keystone
correction. This is far more efficient, more reliable, and less time consuming, saving up to 50% of
alignment and adjustments efforts. Combined with the Sense X automatic calibration system,
continuously measuring and adjusting brightness and color levels over the complete video wall, users
are sure the complete canvas is perfectly balanced at any time.
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Direct view LED (Light Emitting Diode) has been around for many years and is a very well-known
technology for advertising and entertainment purposes. Just think of the many screens on Times Square
in New York, or the magnificent live shows of super bands like U2. They are all LED, and Barco ha s been
a pioneering player in this market for many years.
The basic functioning of direct view LED is quite straightforward. A tile consists of multiple individual
colored pixels, and a pixel consists of a combination of a red, a green and a blue LED. This means that
every color can be controlled quite easily by the amount of power sent to the LEDs. Turning all LEDs off
creates deep black.
Throughout the years, designers succeeded in minimizing the size of the LEDs in order to increase the
viewing experience. This means that the pixel pitch (the distance between two individual pixels) has
decreased dramatically allowing viewers to also see content from a shorter distance . Furthermore, also
the price has dropped a bit, making direct view LED attractive for an increasing number of applications
(even though it remains the priciest technology of the 3).
Due to the seamless nature of LED video walls, the deployment is a very criti cal process. Every
imperfection is visible. Especially when the pixel pitches are small, and the screens are intended to be
viewed from up close, the tolerance is close to 0. With TruePix, the design team came up with some
smart innovative and patented engineering solutions that make the deployed perfectly every time, by
anyone, at any location.
By providing stunning image quality with precise colors, they create exceptional visual experiences that
stay constant over time. What’s more, they allow you to increase your displays’ uptime thanks to their
smart features and high reliability. With TruePix we introduce Barco SteadyView™, a unique technology
for advanced user comfort that effectively reduces eye fatigue. And guess what? All of this comes at a
minimal total cost of ownership.
Day or night, image quality needs to be excellent all the time. Thanks to Infinipix TMGen2 image quality
is perfect in both dimmed and high-brightness mode and it stays constant over time. What's more, the
TruePix 1.2 always guarantees accurate colors, and no image tearing, nor video hiccups occur as video
is smoothly synchronized.
You can remotely and proactively manage your TruePix 1.2 through the cloud-based software. To
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prevent failure and downtime, you’re notified of imminent issues you can immediately act upon. Its
redundant data path guarantees an uninterrupted image all the time, even when the data path is
interrupted. If the power supply fails, a redundant power supply will automatically take over to en sure a
consistent image. And when swapping modules, you don’t need to recalibrate your displays either.
The TruePix 1.2 can be mounted onto a wall, stacked on the floor or even curved with supporting
mechanics. The Barco proprietary mechanics ensure quick and stable installation and swapping of
modules. For easy servicing, this display can be accessed both from the front and back.
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For this white paper, we have conducted a detailed evaluation to determine the behavior of the three
different technologies for key parameters such as image quality, installability, serviceability, ... The
Barco products which have been tested are a Barco UniSee LCD video wall, RGB Laser ODL-721
rear-projection cubes, and TruePix 1.2 direct view LED tiles. Note that these are all and the premium
products in their respective range. The results can therefore not be expanded to entry -level products
offered by competing manufacturers. So please use this document only to compare Barco technology.
Test set-up:
The table below describes the general specs of the different products used. Many of these specifications
will be elaborated further down in this document, when we examine the details of the video walls’
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Evaluation summary:
In this test, we use test results to evaluate the performance of the different products. To make it easier
for you to compare, we also use a number coding of 1-2-3, with 1 being the best result, and 3 being a
good result. This visual representation of the scoring order will give you the test results in a glance.
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The A2A gap, the inter-tile gap, the seam, or the bezel width, are important parameters for video walls.
The very first video walls consisted of various Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) screens stacked together in a
matrix structure. However, the big cladding around each screen, prevented to show one image over
multiple screens without disturbance. Minimizing these interruptions in the large canvas has therefore
become a major effort in video wall display design.
Why is it important?
Besides the obvious aesthetic reasons, minimizing the screen gaps is also important for ergonomic
reasons. When spreading content over multiple tiles, the interruptions create a disturbing effect. Text
and numbers, for example, become very difficult to read when the screen gaps are too big. Also, critical
details of the content might get lost behind the disturbing bezels. That is why minimizing the screen gap
is of utmost important.
LCD displays need additional materials around the active area of the optical c ell:
The key objective for LCD video walls has therefore been to reduce the space requirement of those
materials. The total pixel-to-pixel gap between two adjacent LCD panels is equal to the total bezels of
both displays, plus the ‘mechanical gap’. The bezel size is known, but the gap depends on the installer
and the environmental conditions. That is why this last parameter is only rarely considered in
specifications. Contemporary LCD video walls (including the Barco OverView range) have a total bezel
width of 3.5 mm or 1.8 mm. For Barco UniSee, on the other hand, things are quite different.
After extensive research, Barco, as first LCD manufacturer, was able to reduce the space consumption
of all three materials (as mentioned above) around the active area. Being the first mechanical bezel-less
LCD video wall, Barco UniSee has no dark cladding around each display. There is still a very small foil
covering the panel’s edges, but no mechanical bezel at all. Furthermore, the panels are not solidly fixed
to the wall, but the unique UniSee Mount allows the panels to move freely a bit. In this way, the
individual panels can easily align using the power of gravity. This eliminates the need for a larger
mechanical gap, causing the inter-tile gap to minimize even further.
Rear-projection cubes feature a projection screen that can be used in its full outline dimension . There
is however still a mechanical gap to compensate for expansions due to environmental conditions like
temperature and humidity, accounting about 1 mm (depending on conditions). So, for rear-projection
cubes there are always black lines visible in between the units.
Direct view LED video walls traditionally score best when it comes to the screen gap, because there is
no such gap. Because the diodes can be spread over the entire tile, up to the edges, the adjacent tiles
can perfectly line up without interrupting the diode pattern.
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The table below shows the measured inter-tile gaps for the different products.
Video wall technology has been perfected over the years and this is clearly visible for the screen gap
specification. Where in the past thick black stripes covered the canvas, this is now reduced to tiny lines.
Direct view LED video walls score the best in our evaluation. When properly installed, there are no
seams at all.
Although the screen gap has traditionally been a main drawback for LCD video walls , the introduction of
Barco UniSee has reduced the gap to the similar level of rear-projection cubes. This is a major
achievement, allowing LCD to be considered in many more applications than earlier.
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2. Brightness
In the recent years, RPC and LCD have seen dramatic improvement in brightness. For RPC, the
introduction of RGB laser as a lighting source meant a steep climb. But also, LCD’s brightness improved,
with the 700 nits of Barco UniSee.
Why is it important?
Increasing the brightness of video walls expands the possible use of the product i n various applications
like for example corporate lobbies or experience centers – the places that are typically highly bright
In control rooms, added brightness in the displays allows better lighting of the working environment –
resulting in improved ergonomics. Note however that more brightness is not always better. There is a
limit to what the human eye can handle. A good brightness setting for control rooms is about 400 nit.
Then why do we offer more (and are proud about it)? That’s becaus e brightness has the tendency to
decrease over time. A light source of 5 years old will not reach the same values as a brand new one.
Having a 700-nit light source for example will then allow you to keep a constant brightness setting over
a longer lifetime.
All Barco products provide similar brightness levels which are matched to the requirements of control
rooms and professional work environments.
Both Barco UniSee and RGB Laser ODL-721offer the highest brightness settings in their fields and have
no problems to reach the desired brightness levels in any application. Direct view LED has always been
a very bright technology. There are outdoor LED video walls on the market with much higher brightness
levels, but for control rooms (and other indoor use) this is not necessary and would even hinder day -to-
day use.
For RPCs, brightness is not only defined by the light output of the projector (which is defined in lumens
by the way), but also depends on the selected screen option. That is why our rear-projection cubes
come with several screen options. Some of them are optimized for brightness, others for contrast or for
viewing angle. Customers can thus always pick the screens that best match the requirements for their
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LED technology in general can deliver higher brightness levels and is also perceived as brighter when
looked at from up-close. The brightness levels of both LCD and RPC have improved extensively over the
past few years, and they follow LED very closely.
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3. Viewing angles
The behavior of an on-screen image changes when viewed under different angles – both horizontally
and vertically. This influences the brightness, the color accuracy, and the gamma curve of the image.
The brightness change is in most cases used as the benchmark to measure the viewing angle – the
parameter being the half gain viewing angle. This is the viewing angle u nder which the measured
brightness is half of the frontal brightness. Although important, this is not always the best way to depict
reality – as will become clear in the further evaluation.
At first, we examine the quality of the on-screen images when seen under 0°, 45° and 60° angles, in
both horizontal and vertical directions.
Why is it important?
For control rooms, the viewing angles are typically most important for the operators sitting on the first
rows. They are the ones who will look at the screen from the steepest angle and can have sometimes
difficulties to properly see all details. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the viewing angles
before installing the complete room, to avoid unpleasant surprises afterwards.
In broadcast environments, viewing angles are critical for alternative camera angles. Typically, there is
one camera positioned in front of the video wall, and other(s) that shoot from an angle. Therefore,
knowing the viewing angle restrictions is important to determine the position of the additional
The table below shows the on-screen images as seen under the respective horizontal angles.
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1) The viewing experience stays great with LCDs, with only a slight drop in brightness even under a
60° angle.
2) Rear-projection cubes traditionally suffer most with viewing angles. This is the inherent nature of
the technology itself. You can see that brightness drops fastest with RPCs in this test.
3) LED stays bright, but the image turns slightly bluish as we move towards an angle.
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Also, the above graph depicts the color shift of each technology when looking under an angle vs the
straight view situation.
The table below shows the on-screen images as seen under the respective vertical angles.
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The results of the horizontal viewing angle manifests further in the vertical viewing angle evaluation –
and even become clearer. The RPC image becomes dark quite fast. LED keeps its brightness, but there
are clear color variations in the image. And again, LCD scores the best with a pristine-looking image,
which has become slightly darker.
Both for horizontal and vertical viewing angles, we see a clear advantage for LCD when it comes to
overall image quality. Although brightness slightly drops under sh arp angles, the image and color
quality remain quite good. LED keeps brightness perfectly but shows color shift under sharp angles,
especially in the vertical direction. Rear-projection cubes are typically used for frontal viewing. For
control rooms, this is not an issue, as most operators are typically positioned directly in front of the
video wall. Only for large walls it might become a bit tricky, but there we advise to use a curve, for full
wall readability from any position. For television studios, if there is a camera straight at the center of
the wall, it’s not an issue but it might become more challenging when the camera is moving across the
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4. Colors
Colors define for a big part the visual appearance of the video wall. The most used way to represent
color accuracy is by comparing the color gamut triangle of a device with the ITU -R Recommendation
BT.709 (commonly referred to as Rec. 709). The graph will show both the triangles within the
chromaticity diagram and makes it easy to compare.
Why is it important?
Barco UniSee operates at a color gamut that is comparable to Rec. 709. This is very good for LCD
display, which traditionally score less on the color accuracy test.
The color gamut of the RBG Laser ODL-721 and the TruePix 1.2 are quite spectacular, and they come
best out of this test. Although Barco UniSee scores really well for an LCD display compared to
competition, the color gamut is still significantly lower than the other technologies.
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5. Power consumption
Electricity costs account for quite a lot of a company’s monthly expenses and should therefore be
minimized as much as possible. Furthermore , as (non-sustainable) power generation produces quite
some CO 2, it is also better for the environment to restrict power consumption. For this evaluation, we
have calculated the power consumption when displaying different types of relevant content on the wall,
because this can make a difference. The brightness level has been set to 400 nit for all products,
which is a medium value commonly used in control rooms and broadcast environments .
Why is it important?
Power consumption is an important parameter when calculating a product’s TCO (Total Cost of
Ownership). Where the list price indicates the initial investment, the TCO re presents the continued cost
of operation and should be considered at any time. It is also an important specification when it comes to
sustainability objectives.
The below bar graph represents the typical power consumption per display area (W/m²):
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We observe that RPC and LCD power consumption remains steady, independent of the content that is
shown. This is not a surprise: the light source shines consistently at any time. It is the typical
technology itself (the DLP chip or the liquid crystals) that determine s whether the light reaches the
screen or not.
For LED, on the other hand, things are different. Because the image is created by sending an amount of
power to the individual LEDs, the content displayed does make a difference. A full white image requires
full power of the LED display. A SCADA image, on the other hand, which is d ominantly dark, takes less
power to operate.
RPC scores the best in our evaluation. The RGB laser sources of the rear-projection cubes, provide a
high level of illumination for a minimal amount of power.
LCD, on the other hand requires more power (about 40% more), independent of the content shown.
Direct view LED is dependent of the image displayed to determine its power consumption. When a full
white image is applied, it means that all diodes are powered to their maximum, and power consumption
is higher.
RGB Laser
Barco UniSee TruePix 1.2
1 1 3
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6. Sharpness
The way an image is shown, and its readability differs significantly per technology. This is because every
technology has its own specification when it comes to sharpness and contrast, and this is noticeable by
the viewer on the screen. Everybody will immediately recognize the difference between an LCD, RPC
and LED screen, because the sharpness is inherently different for the three technologies . Especially
when looking from close by, you will see major differences, for example when evaluating small letters.
Why is it important?
Sharpness matters most when static screen content is being shown, especially if there are letters and
numbers on it. Sharper images make sure these stand out a lot more. For video s, sharpness is of less
importance due to the nature of the content.
The table below shows the result of the sharpness test of the various technologies. The image displayed
is the most dramatic case when it comes to sharpness: white letters on a dark background. The top row
shows the actual shape of the pixels (in other words, how the on-screen image really looks like). The
bottom row is the same image, captured by the eye, when watching it from a 2-meter distance. In
other words, this is how the on-screen image appears to the observer).
The resolved image shows similar results, although the LED image is already a lot smoother, and the
differences between LCD and RPC are minimal. This means that when watched from only 2 meters,
which is normal viewing distance, pixels of a 55” LCD panel are almost not visible by the human eye.
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Looking at the images from up close, you can see what’s happening. Each pixel of the LED display (in
our case the 1.2mm pixel pitch) consists of 3 tiny light emitting diodes and they are all 1.2 mm
separated from each other with a black area in between. The LCD technology, on the other hand, works
with a matrix consisting of red, green, and blue sub pixels each of them taking 1/3rd of the space of
each pixel. When viewed up closely, you can still notice the sub pixels of the different colors separately.
For projection, the different colors are all concentrated into the same spot and cannot be seen
individually. As a result, an array of white pixels without sub pixels becomes visual. The figure below
shows how a pattern looks like when viewed closely.
Considering the way an image is built, the results can be easily explained. When viewing up close, RPC
looks best as no pixel sub-structure can be seen. However, when taking a few steps back (around 1m)
the balance is more in favor of the sharpness of LCD. From even further away (around 3m), when the
individual pixels are not noticeable anymore, LED will look really sharp. The edges of figures in both LCD
and LED are more pronounced. RPC will have some wash-out effects depending on the choice of the
When it comes to the sharpness of a displayed image, direct view LED scores the best in our evaluation,
followed by LCD and RPC as clearly depicted in the above pictures. Rear-projection produces a slightly
softer image which in some cases (mainly when displaying video, or to prevent eyes strain) is preferred
over the very hard edges of LED/LCD.
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7. Contrast
Contrast is the ratio between the highest and the lowest luminance . This means you need to divide the
luminance of a screen showing a complete white image by the luminance of a screen showing a
completely black image.
Why is it important?
Contrast is a very important aspect of a display’s image quality as it drives the dynamics of the content
and fuels the ‘wow’ factor of a video wall.
The measured contrast for the different test products can be found in the table below.
LCD and RPC both use continuously operating light sources. So, in order to create black levels, the light
from this source is either blocked (LCD) or diverted (RPC) into a light dump.
Our RGB Laser ODL-721 offers big improvements when it comes to contrast compared to our previous
generation rear-projection cubes. Today, high brightness, combined with effective light blocking,
delivers far better contrast values than a few years ago.
For LED, things are simpler. To create black, the diodes are simply switched off. A completely black
pixel is the result. However, giving an exact value for the contrast of LED tiles is not easy , because this
depends a lot on the room’s lighting conditions. Ambient light reflection is therefore a parameter that
needs to be considered. As you will read in section 8: Ambient light reflection, this is especially
important for LED tiles. In lab conditions, where there is no ambient light at all, contrast for LED is
theoretically infinite (because the black level is 0). However, because LED tiles diffuse light, in a real-life
environment the ambient light should be considered quite intensely. In fact, for LED you can have any
contrast you want, if only you adapt the lighting conditions. So, if you see a contrast specification,
always check the measurement conditions!
LED is the best performing technology when it comes to contrast. Especially in dimly lit rooms, LED has
an extremely high contrast which cannot be reached by LCD/RPC technology in general.
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In the past, control rooms were typically very dark environments. Because the brightness levels of the
video walls were quite low and therefore the walls were dark, lights in a control room were dimmed and
daylight was avoided at all costs. The result was a quite gloomy and unpleasant working environment
with poor ergonomic conditions.
With the improvement of the on-screen brightness of the video wall, light was increasingly welcomed
into the room.
However, by having more light in a room, a new requirement arose to offer an optimal viewing
experience: ambient light reflections should be kept as low as possible. So, when selecting a video wall,
it has become important to understand the reflection behavior of a display as it impacts the optical
experience. In this evaluation, we investigate the behavior of the different technologies against various
sources of ambient light.
Why is it important?
In order to create a good visual and ergonomic experience for the operators, ambient light reflection
needs to be considered in the early stages of control room design. The way the operators, the lights and
the windows are positioned will define the video wall’s readability. Also, the power of the lights plays a
significant role. In some cases, the ambient light reflection is such an important parameter that it
defines the choice of the technology.
In broadcast studios, the same applies to the way the cameras and the studio lights are positioned.
The table below shows the effect of a lamp in the room (positioned on the side of the screen) on the
image quality.
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The images clearly show the high impact of the light on the LCD displays, which reflect the most. For
LCD and RPC, the reflected light is sharply confined to a small circle in the corner. For direct view LED,
on the other hand, the reflected light is less bright, but spread over a larger area.
Light reflection is a contrast killer because the reflected light will superimpose with the light coming out
of the display as shown in the visual below.
from walls
Direct light from display
Reflected back from the
This mainly impacts the luminance of the black state which is critical to the contrast. The plot below
shows the example of two displays, both being operated at the same luminance of 500nit while display
1 has an intrinsic contrast that is double as high as the contrast of display 2. If there is reflected
luminance of only 1 nit (which can easily happen in well illuminated rooms) , the effective contrast for
the observer falls to levels as low as 450:1 for display 1 and 400:1 for display 2, respective ly. In other
words, the high intrinsic contrast of display 1 has become almost meaningless under these lighting
conditions. At a reflected luminance of 2 nit, there is almost no contrast difference between display 1
and display 2 anymore.
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Out of experience we know the light reflection properties of the different display types show big
differences against each other and therefore we created the following graph to quantify this.
The overall reflectivity considers the fraction of light that falls onto the display’s surface and which is
reflected into any direction. By surprise our measurements show that there are only smaller differences
between the display types. Typically, between 4% and 7% of all incoming light is reflected away from
the display.
The figure shows that LED reflects most ambient light. This is because RPC and LCD have dark layers
underneath the first layer, which avoids ambient light reflection from other than the display surface
whereas in LEDs further reflection from the inside material is added. However, the differences are not
that dramatic.
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The above evaluation describes the ideal case, in which environmental light comes evenly from all
directions. Evidently, this is not the case in real life.
Light comes directional from lamps (which are concentrated sources of light), windows, or reflected by
the walls. In these cases, we need to look at the way the different video walls scatter off light that falls
onto the display under distinct angles.
There are two extreme examples of light reflection: a specular mirror and a Lambertian scatterer. The
first one reflects all the light into one direction (like a perfect mirror would), while the second scatters
the light evenly in all directions. A piece of white paper, for example, can approximately be considered
as a Lambertian scatterer. The graph below shows both cases.
If we look at the reflective properties of different screens, we see a result that is in between the
extremes of the Lambertian reflector and the specular mirror. Commonly LCD screens show the
strongest specular reflections, while LED displays are more Lambertian. RPC is in between these two
values, as is shown in the graph below.
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This insight adds a whole new dimension to control room design. It means that for LCD, you always
need to ensure operators are not positioned into the specular reflections of the light sources . For LED,
this is a lot less of an issue.
In order to demonstrate the above graphic, let’s have a look at the effect of indirect light on the
different technologies when showing a black screen. The images below are taken in a room with dim
ambient lighting.
The images show a slight mirror-like reflection of the light for LCD, and an obvious Lambertian reflection
for LED. The RPC’s dark screen remains dark.
• Strong specular peak in LCD will significantly reduce the local contrast
• In the darkest portion of the video wall, LED still has quite a high reflected luminance rate
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If you use LCD, then make sure the operators are not located within specular range of the lights. Also, a
light diffuser is a good idea. In some cases, the lights are either positioned above the video wall, or
directed away from it. Clever control room design can solve many of the issues and guarantee a good
contrast ratio while upholding a pleasant working environment.
LED on the other hand, works similarly in about all circumstances. Little attention needs to be give n to
the room design and positioning of operators, as light reflection is more dependent of the total amount
of ambient light than on the position of the lighting sources.
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Burn-in effects occur when the same content is displayed for a very long time. Because the same spots
on the display are triggered for years, the content has the tendency to ‘burn into’ the display. The result
is that when different content is suddenly shown, the previous image will still be visible.
Burn-in effects were most common with old CRT screens. This is because the phosphor screen was
continuously triggered at the same spots, permanently damaging the display.
Today, we commonly talk about image retention. This can be permanent (burn -in), or temporary
(image persistence). The latter phenomenon is more common for LCD technology. This is because the
pixels may lose their ability to return to their relaxed state after being triggered for a long time. This
typically causes a temporary image burn-in. In some extreme cases, however, the damage can still be
In quite some control room applications, the content shown on the video wall is static. In the Utilities &
Process Control market for example, the same content is often shown for years, with merely a
parameter changing from green to red – and back again – from time to time. But even in traffic
management, when a certain road camera is always monitored from the same video wall position, there
is risk of image retention.
Why is it important?
If your video wall is determined to show the same static content for a long time , image retention is
something that definitely needs to be considered.
LCD video walls are in general more prone to image r etention. This is because of the nature of the
technology. As said in the LCD video walls technology description, an image is created by triggering the
liquid crystal pixels. If the same crystals are triggered for years, then some strain will occur, and they
will be fixed in that same position. If then suddenly the triggering is sto pped, the crystals will have
some difficulty to assume their resting position. Just think about how your own muscles would react if
you were in the same position for such a long time! Most often, this effect is temporary, but in some
cases, it might result in permanent screen damage.
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The intrinsic nature of RPC technology makes it less prone to burn-in effects. However, there might be
some scenarios of image retention when the same content is shown for years, but this is usually a
short-term impact. Some of the RPC screens (like WV-FEL) are however prone to Ghosting effect.
Ghosting is a phenomenon when there is appearance of double/triple images on the screen. This is
often only noticeable at the screen edges/corners and under larger viewing angles. The images below
clearly show ghosting effects of the bright squares and circles on the dark background.
In the context of direct view LED, burn-in effects are not relevant. However, if a video wall shows a
SCADA application for many years (being mostly black, with some LEDs lighting up), then most LEDs
will not wear, while some will. If after some years you apply a different image to the wall, you will see
that the diodes that have always been ‘on’, will shine less bright that the others . This can typically be
compensated by recalibrating the LEDs in the video wall.
RPC score the best in our evaluation followed by direct view LED and LCD. Even though LCD video walls
are prone to burn-in effect, Barco UniSee is designed using a careful selection of high-quality materials
that are less sensitive for image retention.
In general, burn-in effect is a common problem but can easily be avoided. Just ensure to switch content
every few days and you are safe.
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10. Reliability
The lifetime of a video wall depends on many parameters. The lifetime of the light source is very
important, and so are the redundancy options and the overall quality of the components used. As
always, the chain is only as strong as the weakest link, so only a careful opti mization of every
component can bring the products to the highest level of reliability.
At Barco, we are aware of the importance of our products, and have taken all measures to ensure
uptime. Every decision in the design process is driven by our obsession with reliability and quality, and
this is reflected in our 24/7 control room products.
Why is it important?
Control rooms are critical environments where appropriate actions are taken to prevent serious
calamities from ever happening. The reliability of all equipment is therefore of utmost importance, and
as the central visualization hub the video wall has a key role in the operations.
Also, for television studios, the video wall is critical. A failing image generally mean long – and very
expensive – production delays or can ruin the impact of live broadcast shows. This needs to be avoided
at all costs.
Reliability: Evaluation
Historically, rear-projection cubes have always scored best in longevity aspects. That is because these
products are designed for use in 24/7 critical environments, whereas LCD and direct view LED are
mainly used in less critical markets. However, over the years, the LCD and direct view LED
manufacturers have focused on reliability as well. With Barco UniSee, we have created an LCD video
wall that was conceived for 24/7 reliability from the very beginning. The TruePix-series have also seen
much development effort in terms of reliability improvement, and this is clearly visible in the evaluation.
The impressive mean light source lifetime of 125,000 hours (continuous 24/7 use) is the result of using
the highest quality materials and some clever design decisions. However, this is not the only parameter
that defines the product’s reliability. The redundancy of critical components is just as important for a
product’s reliability. That is why Barco also provides redundancy of the lighting source (only for RPC),
the input modules and the power supply. For LCD , RPC & LED the redundant remote power supply is hot
swappable (refer to the image on the right), which means that a spare power supply will not only take
over the function of a failing supply but can also be swapped while the wall remains functioning. The
users will thus never notice a power supply failure!
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For direct view LED, there are different rules because here every pixel is in fact a lighting source. This
means that all tiny LEDs need to remain functional, which is a much more difficult endeavor than the
limited lighting sources of LCD and RPC. The most critical moments for LED walls are by the way the
installation, which should be conducted carefully.
RPC scores the best in our evaluation, due to its long light source lifetime, screen robustness and the
redundancy it provides followed by direct view LED and LCDs.
The reliability of LED diodes is a challenge but has improved drastically over the years . The most critical
part is the installation. When installed properly, the TruePix -series can work for many years on end
without failing. Barco has many direct view LED installations in the field that have been operational for
10+ years without any problem.
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11. Installability
Installing a video wall is an art by itself. It is a very critical moment, as it defines the way the video wall
will look like for many years. The works need to be properly prepared and even then, it takes a lot of
skill to get the video wall into place as it should be.
Why is it important?
Many problems can occur when a video wall is not properly installed. There are the clearly visible
aspects, such as too large inter-screen gaps, or differences in the Z-axis of the tiles. But also hidden
faults, like strain on certain components that lead to failure, can be prevented when the wall is installed
as it should be.
Traditionally, LCD video walls were quite tricky to install. The most difficult
part was the alignment to make sure that the inter-screen gap was minimal.
Walls should be positioned straight, and with very few tolerances. For small
video walls the issues were not that big, but the accumulation of tolerances in
large video walls could result into a wall that looks bad and unbalanced. In
order to overcome these challenges, Barco created the UniSee Mount. This
revolutionary smart mounting structure uses the power of gravity to
automatically align the displays and guarantee a perfectly aligned wall at all
For RPC, the challenges are more concentrated on the sheer weight of the cubes. Lifting these big,
bulky modules on top of each other, in columns of sometimes 6 or 7 high, can be quite tricky. Luckily,
the installation itself is easier, because the cubes were designed to fit nicely into e ach other. Sometimes
there are minor challenges with the geometry distortions in each cube. The installers need to ensure the
image is aligned properly, and the geometry alignment is preserved over the whole wall. In the past
this was a matter of manual adjustments, but Barco has introduced the motorized alignment for
installers’ convenience. Be aware that disturbances, like an earthquake or people bumping into the wall,
can mess up the alignment a bit!
Direct view LED tiles need to be installed right next to each other. That is the main challenge for this
technology. The tolerances of the tiles and the frames are so tight, that they often exceed the
tolerances of the machines that make the tiles. In other words, even a perfect installer can have
problems! If the tiles are too tight to each other, pixel damages on the outer LEDs can occur. This is
quite a common problem and special attention is needed. So, in order to have a uniform seamless wall,
a lot of effort and expertise is needed!
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Thanks to the unique UniSee Mount, Barco UniSee now climbs to the top level which is generally not the
case for traditional LCD video walls in the market. RPCs are in fact easy to install, but their heavy and
bulky nature make them quite unhandy to handle. The very low tolerances on direct view LED walls
make it trickier to install such a wall.
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12. Serviceability
Barco’s products were designed for many years of worry-free operations. However, service is still
needed from time to time. And although this does not happen often, nobody wants to disassemble the
complete wall to service the inner screens.
Why is it important?
In critical environments, downtime needs to be prevented at all costs. So, in order to keep the video
wall in optimal shape, service is needed. But this service cannot result in hours of downtime either! That
is why good serviceability is the best guarantee for optimal uptime.
Serviceability: Evaluation
LCD video walls on the other hand, are created to have a minimal depth. This means that all
components are miniaturized and organized in a way that minimizes space – but this hinders
maintenance. It has been common practice to just replace failing panels. However, by minimizing the
bezel size, maintenance has become more challenging. The common ‘push-and-click’ method, in which
you push a panel to release it from the mounting structure, has become dangerous and has increased
the risk of damaging the panels that do not have a bezel anymore to protect itself. Furthermore, the
philosophy of simply replacing the complete panel without an effort to repair it, is very wasteful ,
introduces unnecessary costs and has a negative impact on the TCO.
These problems were tackled by Barco when creating the Barco UniSee
platform. This has a modular setup, in which the input boards, power
supplies and display panel are separated. In other words, these modules
can be maintained or replaced individually. This is a patented technology,
which is only available for Barco products. Furthermore, the innovative way
of moving the other panels out of the way to reach an inner panel, is an
incredible help when maintaining the video wall.
Rear-projection cubes are bulky devices, but because of their size they are quite easy to maintain. Most
commonly, there is a rear maintenance area foreseen, so the cubes can be opened and accessed from
the back. Alternatively, when creating a rear maintenance area is not possible, there is also the optional
front accessibility. In this way, service can be done from the front pretty much in the same comfortable
way. Also, important to note is that serviceability offerings can be provided until 10 years, which means
that Barco guarantees to service these devices for that long – having all needed spare parts in stock.
Direct view LED walls need more maintenance. The most common failures for this technology occur in
LED drivers and LEDs themselves. The Assisted Module Extraction and the full-frontal accessibility make
sure that the tiles can be easily removed for maintenance or replacement, with a reduced risk of pixel
damage. However, the tiles need to be repaired off-site, after which the repaired LED modules can be
used again.
The biggest challenge today is the batch compliant (binning) LED modules. Every production batch has
its own specification, which can differ quite heavily. Therefore, the batch compatible spare parts need to
be stored to ensure the LED modules can be replaced with components of the same batch. The LED
modules produced in different batch cannot be used in an old batch due to color/viewing
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Rear-projection cubes are easy to reach, and therefore the easiest to maintain. However, with Barco
UniSee there is now an LCD video wall platform available that matches the serviceability of RPCs. Direct
view LEDs are quite light-weighted and easy to remove and replace from their position, but the batch
compliancy challenges can be an issue.
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13. Upgradeability
Even though Barco technology has an extremely long lifetime, there will always come a day that it will
need replacement – either because of natural wear and tear, or because new technology with important
advantages has become available. You have 2 options then: install a completely new wall or upgrade
the existing installation.
Of course, not every product can be upgraded by nature. There needs to be a lot of upfront
consideration and design choices made to achieve an upgradeable video wall.
Why is it important?
Upgrading has some great benefits: it is less pricy, needs less downtime (because you only need to
change a part of the installation), and is beneficial for the environment because less waste will be
LCD video walls are traditionally not known for their upgradeability. If an upgrade was needed, the
complete wall was replaced. Even the mounting structure needed replacement in most cases, because
the decreasing bezel sizes altered the dimensions. For Barco UniSee on the other hand, many design
choices were made to make the product easily upgradeable. First of all, the modular setup means that
the input modules, the power supply and the LCD display are separate. So, when an interesting new
input connectivity technology pops up, you can simply replace the input boards in the field.
For LED, the technology is moving rapidly. The options to upgrade the current installed technology after
a few years is not a viable option at the moment. Compared to 5 years ago, everything (including the
LED technology itself, the pixel pitch, the structure and the drivers) have changed drastically. Maybe
these things will stabilize now, and (for example) the same structure will be used for future generations
as well, but this is highly unclear at the moment.
RPCs are at the moment the only products that are actively upgraded, and therefore the best choice in
the context of upgradeability aspects. But the modularity of Barco UniSee shows very promising. The
upgradability of direct view LED is not yet proven today.
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Although the height and the width of the video wall is selected (within the ranges of the tile sizes, of
course) by the customer, the depth is fixed by the product. Looking at the different technologies, there
are a lot of differences between them.
Why is it important?
Real estate space is expensive, and in some cases a minimal footprint is an important requirement for
customers. If the floor space is fixed and quite limited, then the video wall technology will need to be
chosen according to the given dimensions. Broadcast studios are a typical example. Rear or front access
also play a role in required real estate
Barco UniSee has a depth of 167 mm (including the mounting structure), while TruePix 1.2 lands on
100 mm. This difference is quite small and positions both technologies on the same level. A rear
maintenance area is unnecessary for both technologies. The TruePix 1.2 LED tiles can be easily clicked
from the wall mount for replacement. Barco UniSee on the other hand uses a revolutionary mounting
structure that allows the panels to be serviced and able to replace swiftly by sliding the columns and the
docking and undocking them.
Rear-projection cubes look bulky. That’s because they are. Although the ODL-721 is quite a slim model
amidst rear-projection cubes, it is still 622 mm deep. The specially designed ODLF-721 features front
accessibility that eliminates the rear maintenance area. However, if real estate space is a real issue,
then either LCD or LED is advised.
LCD and LED walls tie as the slimmest video wall products. This historical benefit of both direct view
LED and LCD against rear-projection is still valid today. All technologies’ depth has decreased over the
years, but the sheer nature of rear projection prevents it to bec ome shallow. RPC is therefore only
recommended if you’ve got enough real estate space to meet the requirements. RPC is also floor -
standing while for LED and LCD wall mount is possible
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Based on the above shoot-out results a strength/weakness listing has been made adding some
additional points specific to the technology. The individual strengths and weaknesses have also been
ranked with the most important one at the top. This table should be used duri ng the initial discussion
with the customer in understanding the use case, the environment, content to be show, service needs.
The shoot-outs results can be used to zoom into details and assess the impact of certain technology
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Below you find a high-level video wall technology positioning based on the results presented in this
white paper completed with market info which is valid whatever the application is. Depending on the
application a more specific positioning can be derived which also has been listed below for control rooms
and broadcast backdrop
Rear-projection video walls: the reliable, long term serviceable and upgradable solution
mainly for control rooms
LCD video walls: made video walls affordable and increased the number of applications
Direct view LED video walls: the only option for a true seamless, single canvas shallow video
wall with superior brightness
Control rooms
RPC in control rooms
The technology is perfect for mid-sized to large sized walls, given there are few real estate limits.
Showing no burn-in effects, the technology is ideal for SCADA-like static content, with dominantly
dark backgrounds. The images displayed on an RPC video wall are typically very stable and unif o r m ,
giving a great visual performance over the full wall. Guaranteeing over 10 years of serviceability,
RPC technology is suited for the long haul.
Direct view LED is suited for mid-sized to large video walls in control rooms with midrange viewing
distances. Because LED video walls are very shallow it is the ideal solution to create a large wall
with limited real estate space. The high brightness of LED also makes this technology perfect for
use in high ambient light conditions. The seamless single canvas allows unrestricted content
layout flexibility for instance for dashboarding.
Broadcast backdrops
LCD in broadcast
LCD video walls how a very low real estate footprint and can be used in mobile and fixed setups. T he
wide viewing angle performance makes these walls suitable for use with variable camera p o s i ti o n s ,
which is a great plus in television studios. LCD is also great for use as an interactive wall. A s s tud io s
are redesigned very often the low capex investment of LCD can be considered as a plus
LED in broadcast
Flexible in nature, direct view LED video walls can be used in both mobile and fixed setups. The
good horizontal viewing angles are interesting when working with moving camera positions. Also, in
television studios the possibility to create non-rectangular and different curved shapes is a big
plus. Color reproduction and adjustments to the camera settings can be done. Zooming and
panning needs to be carefully tested where LED performs bes t from the mid to long viewing distance
with average zooming.
We strongly believe this reference white paper will help you to discuss with the customer, review the
different options and finally results in the best video wall technology suiting the custome r needs and the
end fulfilling the expectations.
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