Finding Grace - A Daddy Dom Roma - Ava Sinclair
Finding Grace - A Daddy Dom Roma - Ava Sinclair
Finding Grace - A Daddy Dom Roma - Ava Sinclair
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to
real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Title Page
About The Author
Hook Up With Ava
I knew I’d one day bury Pa. I just didn’t know it would be this
The white cross at the head of his grave stands in stark contrast
to the mound of dirt it marks. Two days ago, the earth covering
Pa’s pine box was hard-packed and settled. Today it’s upturned,
tossed, and exposed to the elements that will eventually wear it
smooth once more. Pa’s body is part of the cold, hard mountain
now. It seems kind of fitting.
“What now, Grace?” Charity Coombs asks as she puts a hand
on her bonnet to steady it against a gust of wind. There’s hope in
her voice, hope that I’ve changed my mind.
I turn to look at the few folks who showed up to bid Pa farewell
as they climb back into their wagons. With their Christian duty
now fulfilled, they hasten to leave lest they be seen with me for
too long. I look back down at Pa’s grave as I give my answer.
“Now I go home, tend the stock, build a fire, and plan for spring
planting.” I pause. “I do what Pa would have done today if he
weren’t dead.”
“There’s a difference.” Charity’s husband Zed speaks up.
“Your dad had folks willing to trade with. Folks willing to help.
They ain’t gonna help you, girl.”
“That’ll be just fine, because I don’t plan on asking for it.” I
turn away as another gust of wind sweeps across the hilltop. It
feels for all the world like an icy hand on my back pushing me
towards home, and I’m reminded of a day from my childhood
when I’d felt my father’s palm between my shoulder blades as
he guided me away from my ma’s grave. “Mourning won’t fix
nothing,” he’d said. “And there’s chores waiting.”
“Bye, Pa.” I whisper my final words to the man who raised
me rough in the valley, leaving him to the slow work of
nourishing the soil. Charity and Zed trail silently after me and I
don’t have to look back to know what expressions they’re
wearing. Charity’s thin mouth a grim line of disappointment.
Zed’s bushy eyebrows knitted beneath his furrowed brow. Both
share the same thought: How much longer can they risk
association with the Fallen Woman of Drake’s Pass? They had
an excuse when Pa was alive. He was practically kin. But now?
I’d been alone with Pa when he’d passed. I’d cleaned his
body. I’d even wrestled it into the casket I’d bought when he
became unable to swallow water. What few folks knew he’d
taken ill came around to check on him daily. Pa hadn’t even
gone stiff when Rev. Stillwater stopped by to visit.
“He was a good man,” the preacher had said. I’d not looked
up from where I was tying a piece of cloth across the top of pa’s
head to hold his mouth shut. I wanted him presentable for the
wake that started just after dark. We hadn’t had visitors since I
could remember but by evening the house was full of people
standing around talking to each other but not to me.
This morning I had the men load Pa’s coffin into his
buckboard – my buckboard now – and had driven it up the
wind-whipped hill myself to where the open grave waited. Zed
and a few others hauled the coffin to the top and we all stood
around as Reverend Stillwater hastened through his perfunctory
verses and promises of a hereafter with streets of gold. He’d
raised his voice above the wind to emphasize that this reward
was only available to good Christians or repentant ones. That
was the only time he’d laid eyes on me during the short service.
“Good boy, Charlie.” The horse has been waiting patiently
for me, his eyes trained on the gravesite. Folks say animals are
dumb, but I’m sure of two things – Charlie knows Pa is dead
and Charlie will miss him more than I will. For the past two
weeks the big bay gelding has looked past me to the barn door
at feeding time as if waiting to the person who fed him these
past seven years to show up. A couple of times he craned his
neck out of the stall and nickered loudly towards the house. If
anything was going to make me cry through all this, that would
have been it. But I held it together and will keep on holding it
Zed tips his hat to me as he helps Charity into their wagon.
We head off in different directions, them down deeper into the
valley and me towards a narrow road that doglegs to the farm
with its enviable flat meadow, sparkling creek and house that
always needs repair.
The barn is in better shape because pa always said livestock
comes first since we rely on them more than they rely on us. It’s
not that the sheep or cows would freeze to death in the snow;
they don’t mind the weather. But come nightfall predators stalk
down from the hills. Without the safety of a barn, come morning
you find blood and drag marks where your best market calf once
The afternoon is dark, and it’s not just because the sun is
setting early. The clouds are getting thick and the air smells like
snow. We had an unusual warm spell this past week, which
made it possible for the men to dig pa’s grave. If he’d hung on a
few more days his body would have had to sit in the barn like
Hank Reeves’ did that one winter when the ground stayed
frozen solid for three months straight.
I pull Charlie to a halt and steady the oil lantern hanging
from a pole on the side of the wagon seat. I don’t need light to
see by, but the gray feels like it’s pressing in and there’s
something about a lit lantern that settles me. I’m careful to strike
the match between gusts so as not to lose it the fire. The wick
catches right away. I shut the little glass door and watch the
lantern fill with a soft halo of light.
I think back to a time when I was innocent, remembering my
mother’s slim white hands lighting this same lantern before
opening the book she’d bought with her from the old country. I
remember her reading to me in a language I had just started to
learn in secret. I remember my father coming in to demand she
speak English before striking her across the face. I remember
how she didn’t cry, didn’t acknowledge the blow, how she
waited until he left the room before continuing in the tongue
that was not her own.
“Come on, Charlie.” I flick the reins and the buckboard
lurches forward, the lantern swaying as we head towards home.
I knew I smelled snow. I didn’t know I was smelling a
blizzard until I woke up in the middle of the night with the
storm screaming as it pushed icy fingers through the cracks in
my walls. The first downy flakes had begun to fall as I cut what
I figured would be enough wood to make it until morning. By
midnight I wasn’t sure I’d cut enough. There was more maple
than oak in my firewood stash and it burned a lot quicker. I piled
blankets and pillows directly in front of the stove since that was
the only warm place in the house. Rufus, my big farm dog,
settled on my feet, thumping his tail against the wood floor.
I woke to cold gray light spilling through a window framed
with a thick layer of ice crystals. In the fireplace, coals
smoldered in a bed of surrounding ash. I added the last, large
piece of oak and teased the embers to a blaze before wrapping
myself in blankets and shuffling to the kitchen. I felt stiff and
end-of-day tired even though it was daybreak. The little bucket
of water I’d drawn for morning use was slushy with ice. I
dipped some into a kettle. Rufus was up and stretching as I
made my way back to the stove. He whined when I leaned down
to ruffle the fur on his head. He sat patiently watching as I
unwrapped some salt pork and biscuits from the day before.
Both were rock hard, but Rufus didn’t mind. I nibbled my
breakfast as I watched my dog eat what would have been Pa’s
breakfast if he was still here.
Charity told me when news got out about Pa’s illness, folks
started laying bets on how long I’d last up here. But one man
didn’t have the decency to wait before trying to cash in on my
misfortune. Silas McCreed showed up at my door just two days
after I found Pa slumped in his chair with one boot on, the left
side of his face limp and drooping like it was trying to slide off
his head, his left arm and leg hanging heavy and useless.
There was no mystery as to how McCreed found out so fast.
Homer Perkins had stopped by the day before to deliver some
corn he owed Pa. When I told him what happened, he left the
corn on the porch and headed to town to fetch back the doctor.
By morning, every soul in Drake’s Pass knew that Clem Alton
had struck down with apoplexy.
Silas McCreed didn’t mince words. He addressed me in a
tone so cool butter wouldn’t have melted in his mouth. I was a
smart woman, he said, if not a moral one. He told me what I
already knew - that he’d offered to buy the farm from Pa several
times. With Pa gone, I was free to sell out. What did I need with
a farm anyway? he asked. If I sold to him, he’d do right by me.
He’d give me enough money to leave Drake’s Pass for the city
which – from what he heard – was better suited for a woman
like me. Now wouldn’t it be nice for me to start over where
nobody knew me? Somewhere I could be accepted?
There was triumph in his eyes as he glanced through the
doorway into the bedroom where my father lay tucked under a
quilt, drool running from his crooked mouth. At the sound of
Silas’ voice, he’d gurgled and groaned, and I knew then that he
wasn’t completely gone. Not yet.
I told Silas that if I was going to sell the farm it wouldn’t be
to some vulture come to circle my dying father. The slick smile
instantly faded.
“I didn’t figure a daughter who shamed her father the way
you shamed Clem would care so much,” he’d said coldly. “If
you think hanging onto your pa’s farm will redeem you, you’re
mistaken. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the shame of
what you did caused this, Grace? What if your pa’s suffering is
God’s punishment for your whoring ways?”
My pa had groaned again with what could have been outrage
or agreement.
The sound had made Silas smile. “I could tell you stories
about what the folks in town say about you, and how your Pa
never took up for you even once.”
“You don’t have to.” I’d stood up. “And don’t think you can
rile me up enough to sell the farm just to spite Pa. The way I see
it, revenge is wasted on the dead, and he’s as good as gone.”
Pa groaned again but I ignored it, keeping my eyes on
“I have no interest in moving,” I continued. “I have no interest
in being accepted, either, whether it’s by the people of Drake’s
Pass or anywhere else. We all get what we deserve, Mr.
McCreed. I know Pa didn’t care about me. He didn’t care about
my mama, either. Maybe God is showing him what it finally
feels like to be helpless. You have always gotten whatever you
wanted. Maybe God is showing you it doesn’t always work that
way. Maybe I deserve to be alone and what better place than my
own house?” I’d walked to the door then and opened it. “Get
He’d risen from his chair, brushing off his expensive suit
like my very presence had left it dirty. I didn’t flinch, didn’t
speak. I just held the door. At the threshold he’d stopped.
“Little whore,” he said, putting on his hat. “We’ll have this
conversation again soon enough, only next time you’ll be
coming to me. And when you do, you’ll be begging me to take
your farm.” He looked me up and down. “You may beg me to
take more than that.”
“I’ll never be that desperate,” I’d said, and maybe it was my
tone or the general tension, but Rufus up and growled at
McCreed, who decided it was time to finally leave.
Once McCreed was gone, I’d knelt and hugged Rufus.
Animals are better than people and always will be. My
neighbors may have abandoned me, but Rufus is my sidekick.
He knew what I needed that day, and he knows what I need this
morning as we trudge through the snow on the way to the barn.
It’s slow going; the thick powder is up to my thighs. Rufus leaps
ahead of me, pounding a path for me to walk.
Getting into the barn is a chore. My fingers are numb by the
time I’m able to push away the snow blocking the door and
swing it open. I’m met by a waft of warm air scented with the
smell of hay, manure, and lanolin. I breathe it in, these natural
earthy smells that I never really appreciated until enduring the
stench of the city with its smoke and sewers and stale sweat
generated by too many people too close together.
Looking at the hay stores makes me feel a little less
impoverished. If there’s one single blessing from this past year
of pain, it’s the hay harvest. There’s more than enough thanks to
the flat meadow with its rich soil. My acres of land yield enough
to graze the sheep and produce what the animals will need for
the winter.
The sheep are bleating at me from the side of the barn where
they are housed in pens facing inward towards a narrow alley
where I toss hay. Thirty ewes push their necks between the
board fencing as they begin eating. One ewe in a separate pen
isn’t interested in the food. She’s pawing and pacing and Rufus
notices her the same time I do. He runs over, his head and tail
low and drops down on the ground, eyeing her hard.
“Already, girl?” I ask, climbing into the pen. The ewe’s
flight instinct kicks in and she throws herself against the railing.
I shush her as I kneel, my hands finding her warm, swollen
udder. I look under her tail. Her swollen vulva is slick with
mucus. I press against her side. Through the thick wool I feel
the force of her contraction. Her lambs are on the way.
I have time to feed the cows before playing midwife. I give
Greta her grain and hay before feeding Blue, the young bullock
Pa bought last year to breed Greta next fall. Rufus barks just as I
get the cows settled and I rush back over to where he’s standing
sentinel by the laboring ewe. The first lamb’s head is emerging,
the pale pink tips of its soft hooves framing the slick white face.
The ewe moves around, arching her back until she finds the
position for her next push. The head slides the rest of the way
out. She bleats in protest of her condition but beyond that
doesn’t object.
It was my mother who taught me how to deliver lambs, how
to recognize the signs that the ewe needed intervention and what
to do if she did. This first birth proceeds beautifully. Two pushes
and the lamb, slick as an eel, slides from the ewe to flop
unceremoniously onto the floor, the impact shocking its first
breath from its lungs. I step in and rub it down with straw until
it breathes again and lets out a little cough. Its mom turns,
speaking to it in the language of sheep as she licks its face.
The next lamb is larger. I’m overcome by a sense of dread
when I see just the large muzzle and no feet. The ewe’s
contractions are fast and hard. Her body is struggling to evict
the baby, but it won’t move forward.
“Steady…” I corner her and reach in, my hand moving
along the lamb’s neck to its left front foreleg that’s folded back
at an angle. The ewe screams as I grasp the lamb’s knee and
bring the leg forward. I do the same on the other side and kneel,
keeping traction on the feet so the lamb doesn’t slip back inside.
This time with each push, I gently pull downward, and the big
ram lamb eventually slips out to join his sister on the straw. I
rub this one down, too, and when there’s no response I stand and
lift the lamb by his back legs, slapping him hard on his sides
until he takes his first breath.
With two healthy lambs safe on the ground, I let my head
fall back and close my eyes. I gave up praying after Ma died,
but I still send thanks when it’s due and offer them up just in
case someone is listening. I look around the barn. Thirty more
ewes. Thirty more births. Not all will be easy. My arms are
caked with blood and birthing fluid that will congeal in the cold.
I need a bath, but that will mean first chopping wood, feeding
the fire, hauling in the tub and melting bucket after bucket of
snow into warm water for bathing.
I think of the city, of the small rooms warmed by heat drawn
through pipes and hot water that filled tubs in minutes. You
could have that again, an inner voice whispers. But I know the
price that comes with the promise of a life of ease and comfort.
I’ll work myself into the very ground of this farm before I’ll rely
on another person.
It’s all I can do to keep from running from the barn. Once
inside the house, I lean my back against the shut door and try to
slow my breathing. I’m shaking with anger. For a moment,
Sawyer Blaine made me think I’d made a terrible mistake in
bringing him here. I know it was meant to be a lesson, but I
didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one little bit.
I brought him here to be a hired hand. He’s supposed to
answer to me, even if I was less than honest. In my mind, the
whole thing was supposed to play out differently. I knew I
wouldn’t be able to hide the truth of my situation, but figured
once we were here, I’d just lay it out to him – cool as a
cucumber – and he’d stay on because he needed the work.
Instead, he’d made me feel like an errant child and it stings.
When Pa died, I told myself I’d never answer to another man
again but standing in that barn with him looking down on me
made me feel like a little girl facing an adult.
I wish I could go out there and fire Sawyer Blaine for
insolence, tell him to just walk on back to town, that his services
aren’t needed. But the truth is I do need his services. I need his
strength. It’s taken two months of almost killing myself to make
me admit that I need someone to help me do the things I can’t
do for myself. I need someone to cut up the tree that fell two
weeks ago and now threatens to dam up the creek. I need
someone to repair the roof on the house. I need someone to dig
up stumps in the lower field. I need someone who can turn one
of the young bulls into a steer to fatten for market.
I knew men would be coming to Drake’s Pass to hire on
with the mine. I’d been picking up feed at the mill when I
overheard that there would be more applying than could be
hired. The idea of bringing a man here made me feel like a
failure, and the night before I went to town I had sat on the floor
and cried as I’d looked at the calloused hands that were failing
My father never loved me. The only thing of value I’d ever
gotten from him was this farm. Another man I thought loved me
had betrayed me. The only thing I’d gotten from him was the
resolve to never trust again. But there I was, finally forced to
face the truth. I couldn’t rely on the townspeople for help. Even
if my reputation hadn’t made me a pariah, once word was out
that Silas McCreed wanted my land no one would lift a finger to
help me hang on to it. I could see his smirk yesterday. It was the
same smirk he wore the day I rejected his offer. He already
considered my farm good as his. I guess he didn’t figure on me
hiring from outside. He probably thinks I can’t afford it, but I
found some money Pa had tucked away and while it’s not much,
it was enough to hire help, at least for a little while. I told
myself it’s just a necessary part of doing business. It’s no
different than needing a horse. I can’t pull a wagon. Getting a
horse to do it doesn’t make me weak.
I smooth my hands on my pants as I pull my thoughts back
to the present. I have an employee now, and he needs food. Food
and hot water. I see to the water first, priming the pump using
water from the pail on the floor. Once the water runs clear, I
pump more into a large metal bowl and carry it carefully to the
stove where I manage to set it down without sloshing. The fire
has long been out. I build another one, teasing a warm blaze
from twigs and coals before adding wood. While the water
boils, I prepare the food. I unwrap the loaf of bread I baked this
morning and place it on the table along with some salted ham.
In the pantry I survey my stock of canned food and reach for a
jar of apples I put up last fall. I pour them into a pan and heat
them until they are warm and bubbling. My small house is
fragrant when Sawyer walks in.
Seeing him standing in my doorway triggers a flashback of a
day two years ago, one much warmer than this one. I recall Pa
rising from his chair to open the door for the young solicitor
who’d come to inform him of some money he’d inherited from
an elderly aunt. I’d been wearing a flowered dress. My hair was
piled high on my head. There was sweat on my brow, and I
remember wondering why this well-dressed gentleman was
staring so hard at me given the state I was in, why there was
such appreciation in his eyes. It had made me feel flushed – the
first of many feelings I’d have for the fellow I wish I’d never
I force the memory aside. Sawyer doesn’t look at me like
that. His nod is respectful as he walks in. He thanks me for
warming the water and rolls up his sleeves as he stands over the
bowl warming on the stove. He’s a big man. His forearms are
well-muscled and corded with veins. His hands are large and
calloused. I go to fetch the plates.
“What happened to your pa?” he asks.
The sound of his voice startles me. The dishes rattle in my
“Apoplexy.” I walk over to the table and set out the plates
and cups. “I came in to find him slumped in that chair yonder.” I
nod to what had been Pa’s favorite seat in the house. “As soon
as I saw him, I knew he wouldn’t be long for this world.”
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“Don’t be.” The words sound harsh, even to me. But I mean
Sawyer picks up a towel. He dries his arms, looking at me in
a thoughtful way that makes me feel unsettled. His silence
demands an explanation he doesn’t deserve, but one I can’t help
but give.
“He didn’t love me,” I say.
“That’s a shame.” He tosses aside the towel. “I was always
told girls were the apples of their daddies’ eyes.”
“Not if they’re rotten.” I speak the words quietly, but
Sawyer must have strong ears because I can tell he heard. He
continues to study me like I’m a book he wants to read. I don’t
like it.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t stare at me like that. “I pick
up a knife and begin cutting a thick slab of bread. “I’d also
appreciate you remembering your place around here, Mr.
Blaine.” I raise my eyes to his. “You’re a hired hand. That’s it.
Even if it’s for two weeks you work for me. That means I’m in
charge. That means you don’t talk to me like you talked to me
out there in the barn, understand?”
I hold my breath, waiting for him to say something, waiting
for him to blow up or laugh or leave. But Sawyer doesn’t do
anything. He doesn’t even smirk.
“Yes ma’am.” There’s no sarcasm in his voice. He reaches
up and takes his hat off and puts it down on the table beside his
plate. The chair scrapes across the floor as he pulls it back and
sits down. I take his plate and pile it high with the food I’ve
prepared. He watches in silence and when I put the plate in front
of him, he thanks me as polite as can be. I fix my own plate and
sit across from him. We eat in silence for a few moments before
I clear my throat.
“So where do you come from?” I ask.
His eyes meet mine. They are a light gray and stand out
against the sun-bronzed skin of his face. For a moment I wonder
if he’s going to answer me.
“Kansas.” He’s finished his ham and stewed apples and is
swirling the hard crust of bread in the drippings on his plate.
“Are there coal mines in Kansas?”
“Yes ma’am. In the southeast section. I never worked coal,
“But you came here to work in a mine?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“So, what did you do in Kansas?”
“Worked the family farm on land as flat as this table. Raised
cattle, wheat, sorghum…” He looks out the window as if he’s
seeing what he’s talking about instead of my small holding with
a few cows and a flock of sheep.
I wait for him to go on. He doesn’t. I look at his plate. He’s a
big man. I haven’t given him enough. I ask him if he’d like
more food.
“If you can spare it, I’d be mighty grateful.”
I take his plate and cut another slab of ham and dish up the
last of the stewed apples. I cut another slice of bread, thicker
this time. I return the plate, taking mental stock of what I have
in the larder and fretting that it may not be enough for someone
who eats so much. He thanks me.
“Why did you leave Kansas? Are you in some kind of
I wait for him to state the obvious, that I should have already
asked him these things. He doesn’t. He just shakes his head.
“Ma’am, if you’re wondering if I’m a danger to you, I’m not. If
you’re wondering whether I’m dangerous in general, I’ll tell you
that I’m not above using force to protect those who need
protecting. Given that you don’t like me looking too hard at you,
I’m going to ask that you show me the same respect. Think you
can do that?”
I color up, realizing that I was staring at him as boldly as
he’d stared at me. I feel myself bristle, but what can I say? I
need him. He knows it. I return to my food and for the rest of
the meal I avoid looking at the man across from me. You’re in
charge, I tell myself again. You’ve got the upper hand. So why
doesn’t it feel that way?
The day you were born I knew you’d never be no good. Just
like your damn mama. She knew I wanted a son, but there she
was beaming like sunshine holding a girl child I never wanted.
She gave you all the time she should have been giving to me. I’d
come in to find her teaching you her language so you two could
talk in secret.
I took her in, gave her a place to live and what did I get?
You. Grace, that’s a hell of a name for a whore. I should have
turned you away when you come crawling back here. Should
have slammed the door in your face. It’s a good thing I’m a
Christian man. That’s all I’ve got to say.
Ma’s grave is covered in flowers every spring. Lupine and
bluebells and asters. They’re pretty, like she was. She deserved
better than Pa when she was alive and the way I saw it, she
deserved better than Pa in death, too. I had Pa’s grave dug on
the opposite side of the hill, the rocky side where grass doesn’t
grow even in the spring and where the wind hits hard from the
west. I had to pay the man extra to put the grave there, but it
was worth it. Thinking of Pa all alone is as close to revenge as
I’ll ever get.
I’m not a whore. I loved Dylan Morris, or at least I thought I
did. I thought he loved me, too. And I didn’t crawl back. I
escaped. Once I learned his real reason for taking me away from
Drake’s Pass, I swallowed my pride and came home. A whore?
A whore would have stayed. I’m no whore, Pa. I never was.
Dylan took my innocence. He took it hard and rough. Many
a night since I’ve laid awake wondering if it was like that for
Ma, wondering if whatever sweet words my Pa used to get a
pretty German girl to share his life felt like lies once she was
beneath him. Many a night I’ve wondered if all men are like
It’s that wondering that made me peek through the keyhole
at Sawyer Blaine. Looking ain’t whoring. It’s not a sin to look,
and I want to. What Dylan did to me changed me. It made me
curious. Is that wrong?
I held my breath as I watched Sawyer take off his clothes.
His back was to me at that point and in the firelight’s glow I
could see his broad shoulders. His hands moved to the front as
he undid the placket of his pants. He bent over to push them
down. I couldn’t help but to contrast Sawyer with the only
naked man I’d ever seen. Dylan’s buttocks had been pale and
smooth. Sawyer’s were well-muscled, like his legs. I could have
looked away. I could have but I didn’t. I waited for him to turn
and when he did it confirmed how different men could be. The
part that got hard on Dylan is not hard on Sawyer, and yet it’s
bigger. He stepped into the water and my gaze moved to his
face. Dylan was handsome, but not like this. Dylan was
handsome in the way a statue in one of Ma’s books was
handsome. He was a fine-boned gentleman. Dylan was nothing
like the man I was looking at. Neither were the men Pa wanted
me to marry before I met him – the sons of family friends. They
were rough boys with rough hands and bad teeth, and I was rude
to them when Pa wasn’t looking. I didn’t want them to want me.
Ma once told me I deserved good love from a fine man. I
thought Dylan was that man. But he didn’t love me, and he
wasn’t fine. Sawyer is fine.
When he looked up, for a moment I thought he saw my eye
in the keyhole. My foot scraped the floor as I backed away. I’d
run to my bed and ducked under the quilts, listening as Sawyer
eventually got out of the tub and went to the adjoining room. I
heard him going through Pa’s wardrobe looking for the
nightshirt. A few minutes later there was a creak as he opened
my door. My heart pounded in my chest. I didn’t move. I
couldn’t move. Was he coming to me? To my bed? I’d told him
I had a knife, and I did but it was under the mattress. He’d
turned away, though, and I realized he’d just opened the door to
my room so the warmth could get in. He was heading back to
Pa’s room, the too-short nightshirt coming to mid-thigh.
It’s not like I want him. I don’t want any man. So why am I
laying here with this ache between my legs now that he’s
sleeping in the next room? I shift under the blankets, trying not
to think of how Dylan told he the first time was never good for a
woman. It’ll get better, he’d said. And it had. He’d touched me
in a way that felt good, and said it was okay because he was
going to take me to the chapel and marry me just as soon as his
folks got the letter he’d wrote telling them about me. He wanted
them to be with us for the wedding and in the meantime, I
should get used to the fine things in town like running water and
gaslights and pretty dresses with silk underthings because there
were more where they came from, and he knew I’d clean up
good. He could tell from the moment he looked at me I was a
diamond in the rough, oh yes, he could. He could tell that I was
desirable and with the right kind of training I’d learn fast how to
please a man.
I shouldn’t feel this way, not after what I’d been through. I
clench the quilt and shift in the bed, aware of how the ache
between my legs has spread like a fire to my breasts. My body is
remembering things I want to forget – the hot mouth drawing on
a nipple, the fingers stroking and pushing into my womanhood.
That’s what Dylan had called it at first. But each time his
language had gotten courser and bolder. I’d learned new words
for my anatomy. Tits. Pussy. Cunt. Were those words dirty? I
asked him and he said some men liked using dirty words. Some
men liked dirty women. I asked him if I was dirty, and he said I
ran my mouth too much and taught me a different use for it.
Whore. I’m not a whore, but Dylan was training me for the
job with false promises as payment. I had no way of knowing.
Stupid, lovesick little fool. You really thought that fancy city
man would love a little thing like you? Daddy got that right.
Dylan left me with a whole lot of shame and an ache that I
thought needed a man’s attention to ignite. But Sawyer Blaine
hasn’t paid me that kind of attention. What if he had tried?
Would I have really reached for that knife? Or would I have let
him come in. Would I have let him pull the covers back and
expose me to the cold air of the room, let him cover my body
with his, let him feel how hard my nipples are, how wet I am
between my legs?
Don’t do it! I send my hands orders that they ignore.
Shaking fingers brush the downy curls between my legs, the
mere touch sending a shudder rippling through my core. I move
onto my belly, burying my face in the pillow. I press the top of
my pubic mound against my hand and move my hips in the way
Dylan taught me. Pussy. Cunt. I’m not a whore. I move faster,
my fingers snaking back to stroke the slick petals between my
thighs as the pressure builds and builds. There’s a magic spot,
Dylan said, and my fingers find it. I’m panting into the pillow,
my breath making it hot against my face. I can barely breathe
and turn my head away, gasping for air just as the stifled cry
emerges from my throat before fading to a moan and then a
whimper, my hips rocking and rocking as I try to think of
anything except the man in the next room.
The day I hopped that train east, I made a bargain with God
that if he’d forgive me this one thing I’d done, I’d try not to
borrow trouble ever again. Killing a man is no small thing,
although the magnitude of my actions didn’t really hit me until I
forced myself to look at Joe Boggs where he lay in that open
grave. He still wore the same surprised expression he’d had
when he’d seen me standing there with the gun.
“Wait, now…” he’d said, holding up his hands. Those had
been the last words he spoke. He’d never raise his hands again.
Not in supplication. Not to hit my mama, either.
If the law ever gets around to looking at me, it’ll be after
investigating a long list of other suspects. Half the county hated
Joe Boggs. The other half feared him. Like mama, most took the
abuse in silence whether the crime was the financial ruin of a
rival or roughing up an acquaintance as a reminder to pay – or
overlook – an outstanding gambling debt. Quite a few men
wanted him dead as much as I did. The only difference between
me and them was that I killed him first.
“Don’t borrow trouble,” my mama used to say. I could walk
away from all this. I could head right down to Drake’s Pass
without a word and hop a train north or further east. I’m not just
borrowing trouble but borrowing trouble that isn’t even mine.
Maybe losing this farm would be a blessing in disguise for
Grace if it meant getting her to leave for a town where she can
start over.
The trouble is, that’s not what she wants, and after seeing
Mama denied her own choices, I can’t justify leaving Grace
denied hers. It’s more than that, though. When Grace served me
breakfast this morning, I caught the scent of lavender on her
hair. The day before I helped her haul water in for her bath and
after she’d put the last bucket in the tub, I’d gone out to do
chores. The whole time I kept looking back at the house
imagining her in the tub, naked. She doesn’t know I’ve heard
the soft moans coming from her room in the night, and more
than once. I know what a pleasured woman sounds like, even if
she’s pleasuring herself. Grace has needs. Grace is a woman.
But inside she’s a wounded little girl in need of protection and
love and that makes me want her in a way I’ve never wanted a
woman before.
Don’t borrow trouble. Wanting Grace Alton feels like
borrowing a whole different kind trouble. I told her everything
Silas McCreed said except that stuff about her past. It takes
strength to swallow one’s pride. She had to know the kind of
judgement she’d face when she got back home. Once a woman
is branded a whore that stain sticks with her the rest of her life
while men who whore never lose a night’s sleep.
I could see the worry in her eyes when she asked me if Silas
had said anything else. It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to
have. I didn’t want Grace to feel like she had to defend her past.
Who am I to judge? Killing is worse than whoring. Even if Joe
Boggs deserved it, I’m not God
It’s warming up and the soil in the upper field turns easily
under the blade. Charlie ambles along, pulling the plow as
competently as he pulls the wagon. I’m at the end of the second
pass by the barn when I hear a commotion. A sheep is in
“Stay here,” I say, and jog over.
Grace is kneeling in one of the lambing pens by a frantic
sheep. I recognize it as one of the ewes she said was delivering
for the first time. At Grace’s side is a small lamb still slick with
birthing fluid tinged with yellow. Having delivered animals of
my own, I know that color signals distress. I head over and join
her in the pen, taking the head of the ewe.
“Thanks,” Grace says. She’s gripping the front feet of the
second lamb the ewe is struggling to deliver. It’s a big one and
in a proper birth the nose should be showing between the
hooves. There’s no nose to be seen.
“Head turned back?” I crane my neck for a better look.
She nods grimly. “Hold her, Sawyer,” and I’m thinking
that’s the first time she’s said my name when she slips her hand
inside the ewe up to the elbow. The animal wails in protest but
when Grace pulls her hand back out, she’s guided the lamb’s
head into place.
“Push,” she says to the ewe, and it’s like the animal
understands. Grace pulls along with the contraction, keeping
pressure downward. The lamb’s head slips all the way out.
Grace sticks a finger in the lamb’s mouth to clear its airway
while waiting for the next contraction. The ewe pushes again.
Grace’s sleeves are rolled up. Her arms are muscular for a
The second push expels the shoulders. On the final push the
lamb slides out, its body steaming on the pile of straw. It’s not
breathing. Grace rubs the lamb’s side with a handful of straw as
the mother looks back in confusion at what just came out of her.
When the rubbing doesn’t work, Grace gets to her feet and lifts
the lamb by the legs. She needs to swing it.
“Not enough room,” I say, holding out my arms. She hands
the lamb off to me. I step over the side of the pen and move to
an open area of the barn and, holding the lamb by the back legs,
swing it up and down to force fluid from its lungs. I do this until
I hear a cough. It’s breathing.
Grace is smiling as I hand the lamb back to her. She rubs it
some more. The ewe has discovered the first lamb and is
making little motherly noises as she licks it clean. Grace checks
the gender of the larger twin.
“Male and a female. Two healthy babies.” She gazes around
the barn and the lambing pen filled with expectant mothers.
“Lots more to go.” Her eyes soften as she looks at me. “Thank
“Don’t mention it,” I say, but what I want to say is how
beautiful she looks, even with her arms and dress a mess and her
hair coming undone around her flushed face.
There’s a pail of water nearby for washing up. Once her
arms are clean, she dries her hands on her apron. “I’d better go
have a look at the other ewes.” Grace opens the gate but as she
does, Rufus starts barking at the sound of an approaching horse.
Grace walks to the doorway. Even from where I’m standing, I
can tell her dander is up. I walk over and look outside.
“It’s Silas McCreed,” she says. “But not for long.”
I pull her back into the barn and turn her towards me. “Okay,
this is where you’re going to listen to me. We know why he’s
“I don’t care why he’s here. I’m going to get my shotgun, so
he knows what to expect if he doesn’t leave.” When she tries to
pull away, I tighten my grip and give her a little shake.
“No, you’re not getting your shotgun. We’re going to beat
this son-of-a-bitch at his own game, remember? You don’t have
to be nice. He’s not expecting that so act the way you normally
would. Just don’t lose your head. He’s here to further this
scheme he’s cooked up, to see if I’m going to play along like I
said I would. Just keep that in mind no matter what he says,
okay? Can you do that?”
Her chest is heaving, and her color is high. “I don’t know. I
want to hit him with a hammer.”
I try to suppress a laugh. “I get that. But you can’t and we
both know it. You go assaulting Silas McCreed, and he won’t
need me for the plan because you’ll be in the town jail. Now
keep your head out there.”
I reluctantly loosen my grip and let her walk from the barn. I
wait until I hear Grace tersely ask him what he wants before
coming out to join her.
“Just here to see if you’ve reconsidered my offer.” He looks
past her then. “Well, well. What do we have here?” Silas
McCreed grins as he pretends this is the first time we’ve met.
“You Grace’s new beau?” He nods in my direction. “If you’re
aiming to wed this one, you should know she’s not the kind to
make your mama proud.”
“He’s a hired hand, Silas.” Grace knows my presence is no
surprise to McCreed, but she’s playing along just as I asked.
Still, there’s strain in her voice and I know she’s anxious over
his alluding to her past.
“Sawyer Blaine,” I say, walking up to extend my hand. His
eyes meet mine and I read satisfaction in them at how I’m
keeping with the script. “I came out to hire on at your mine, but
I missed out.”
“So, you came here.” He looks around and sighs. “I’ve been
offering to buy this place so if you’re looking to help Miss
Grace here the best thing you could do is convince her to sell.”
“Never,” Grace hisses, and Silas shrugs.
“You heard the lady, Mr. Blaine. She aims to stay here and
run this farm into the ground and probably stick you for the last
month’s pay to boot. While I’m here I might as well make my
trip worth it. I can find a place for you at the mine if you still
want a job.”
Beside me, Grace’s eyes are shooting daggers. “He’s my
hired hand, not yours.”
“I say we let the man make up his own mind,” McCreed
Part of me wants to laugh. He thinks he’s so smart. He
thinks the two of us are setting Grace up. He has no clue that
she’s playing along beautifully.
“You know, I kind of like working the farm,” I say. “I
believe with my help it could turn a profit. I believe a man is
ultimately rewarded for hard work. Miss Alton has given her
word that she’ll pay me and so far, she hasn’t given me any
reason to question her character.”
“Is that so?” McCreed rubs his chin then takes up the reins
to his horse. “Something tells me Miss Grace hasn’t clued you
in to what kind of character she’s displayed this last year. But
once she goes in heat, you’ll get the idea.”
“Get off my farm, you bastard.” Grace’s face is hot with
rage. McCreed’s wide smile tells me he enjoys humiliating her
like this.
“Of course, my lady.” He says lady with no small dose of
sarcasm before turning his horse. As he leaves, he calls to me
over his shoulder. “Friend, if you change your mind, you know
where to find me.”
Grace is stomping back to the house as McCreed pushes his
horse to a canter heading away from the farm. I follow her
inside and find her removing the apron stained with blood from
the birthing sheep. She doesn’t speak as she tosses it in a bucket
with some other clothes she’ll wash later.
“Go on,” she says. “Ask me.”
“Ask you what?”
Her hands are shaking, and her chest is still heaving with
anger. “Don’t you want to know what McCreed meant when he
said I wasn’t the kind of woman a man would proudly take to
his mama?”
I wait a moment before answering. “I don’t have to,” I say.
“He told me in town.”
She whips her head around. “You said he didn’t say
anything else about me.”
“I lied.”
“Because it doesn’t matter.”
Grace gives me a look that tells me she doesn’t believe me.
“Did he tell you I was a whore?
“It doesn’t matter.”
Her voice is shaking now with the effort not to cry.
“I wasn’t a whore. There was a man…” Her voice breaks.
“He told me he loved me. He told me he’d take me away from
here, away from Pa. I trusted him. I was stupid and weak and
silly, and I trusted him. When we got to the city, I found out the
truth. He wanted to put me to work. But I wouldn’t do it. I
wouldn’t. Not even when he beat me. Not even when he …” A
flash of pain crosses her face with the memory. “I wouldn’t. I
ran away in the middle of the night. I stole money. I got on a
train. I came home….”
I walk over to her. She’s still talking, still telling me she’s
not a whore. I take hold of her arms, gently. “Hey, hey, hey….”
It’s as if she’s forgotten I’m there and looks up at me as if
“Listen to me, Grace Alton. Men have been doing women
wrong since the Garden of Eden. I can’t speak for the people of
Drake’s Pass, but the way I see it, if a woman is a whore, she’s
no worse than the man who lies with her …”
“I’m not a whore.” Her voice breaks with emotion. I can feel
her trembling.
“I believe you. You don’t strike me as the kind of woman
who would trade one misery for another. If your Pa had been
good to you, you wouldn’t have run away unless you thought it
was to a better life. There’s not a person in this world who
doesn’t have something they’re ashamed of and not a one of
them is fit to judge you, least of all me. You understand?”
Tears are running down her face. She nods, her breath
catching in her throat. Her face has grown red. Too red. I narrow
my eyes and put my hand to her temple. She’s warm.
“You feeling okay?”
“Not really,” she says. “I woke up with my head hurting.”
I curse under my breath. “If you woke up feeling bad then
what were you doing out there in that cold barn delivering
“It had to be done.”
“Well, you’re not doing anything the rest of the day except
getting in that bed and resting.”
She pulls away. “Are you crazy? I can’t go to bed. There’s
sheep to check and water to haul and…”
“And I can do it for you. Better take a day to rest now than
to wear yourself down and be of no use for a week.”
“I’m not going to bed.”
“Oh?” I step back and begin rolling up my sleeve.
“What are you doing?” she asks nervously.
“Fixing to spank you.” I give her a look to know I’m serious
because I am. “Of course, if you’d rather go get in that bed we
can wait. The way I look at it, you’re going to end up over my
knee one way or the other given how stubborn you are. It can be
now, or it can be later.”
“If you think I’m going to let a man hit me in my own
I shake my head as I begin rolling up my other sleeve. “Hit?
I’d never hit a woman. Warm her backside until she straightens
up and takes care of herself? You bet your bottom dollar I’ll do
that. But if it’s a matter of the house being a problem, I can take
you to that woodshed out back.”
With my sleeves rolled up I move towards Grace. She backs
away until she reaches the wall. I put my hands on either side of
her, hemming her in.
“What’s it going to be, little girl? You going to lay down or
am I going to have to spank you until you do?”
She’s trying hard to look brave. Her stubborn chin juts out
and her full lips are set in a stubborn line. I notice little things
about her – the pretty blue of her eyes, the sharpness of her
nose, the sprinkling of freckles. Does she have any idea how
bad I want to kiss her? Probably best that she doesn’t.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt for me to lay down,” she says.
“Good girl. I want you to rest. Don’t you worry about a
thing. Come morning you’ll feel a whole lot better. You’ll see.”
She walks to the room, looking back at me just before she
“Don’t think your being nice to me means I’m going to trust
you any more than I trust any other man,” she says.
I nod. I believe her. I also believe I’ll be changing that
before this is all over.
The house is on fire. I try to call for help but can’t speak. I
feel something against my forehead, so cool it burns.
I open my eyes. The room is spinning. There’s no fire, but
Sawyer is sitting by my bedside. He’s pressing a wet cloth
against my face. I remember now, remember how Sawyer
ordered me to lie down. But it was daylight then. It’s dark now.
I’ve slept the day away. The cow. The sheep. The horse. They
need tending. I try to get up.
“Whoa, whoa. Where are you going?” His big hand presses
against my upper chest. My bodice is damp with sweat. It’s
soaked through to the mattress.
“Chores,” I say, trying to move his hand, but he’s too strong.
Or I’m too weak.
“No, little girl. You’re sick.” He sounds worried. Worried
about me. “You’re real sick.”
“Sick?” I repeat his words even though I realize now why I
slept so long, why I’m hot and cold by turns, why my dress is
soaked. The slight fever I woke up with is raging out of control.
“I can’t be sick.”
“I don’t think you’ve got any choice in the matter.” He
pivots and I shift my gaze to the bowl of cool water he’s placed
on the table by the head of my bed. He dips the rag in it, wrings
it out, and presses it to my face once more.
“I can’t be sick,” I repeat, but my voice seems far away,
even to me and the room swirls into darkness.
I’m not in my room anymore. I’m in another room. I hear
the distant sounds of an off-key piano, raucous laughter, and
men shouting. A woman is crying. That woman is me.
“Put it on.” Dylan is holding a dress. Red satin. Red as the
virgin blood that stained my thighs when he told me it was okay
because we were already married in God’s eyes, and we’d be
married in the law’s eyes too once we got to Wheeling. “Put it
I look up at the dress and know it’s like what I saw on the
other girls in the tavern. I know the black lace will barely cover
my breasts. I know I’ve been lied to. I sink to the floor, putting
my bruised face in my hands. Dylan fists my hair and hauls me
“There’s no use crying. You got no one to blame but
yourself. What kind of woman runs away with a man she barely
knows, huh?” He shakes me. “Huh?” His breath is rank with
whiskey. “I’ll tell you. A whore. Now you listen here. I’ve done
had you, so it’s not like you’ve got anything left to lose. I don’t
want what’s been used. Your daddy don’t want what’s been
used. You got nowhere to go, but if you are good to the fine
gentlemen of this establishment, you’ll adjust. If you don’t…”
He grips my jaw and wrenches it up so I’m looking at him. “You
don’t, and I’ll hurt you bad.” He stares into my eyes, and I
shudder. “I’ll hurt you real bad.”
Nooo! I scream and thrash but the arms around me are
“Grace, Grace. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got
you.” A man’s voice, but not Dylan’s. I open my eyes and they
adjust to the dim light of my room. Outside the wind is howling
cold against the house but Sawyer’s body is warm. I’m in his lap
and he’s clutching me to his chest. He’s rocking me. I whimper.
My body aches all over.
“I didn’t know,” I say. “I didn’t know he’d do that to me. I
didn’t know.”
“Hush now. Hush now. Nobody’s going to do anything bad
to you ever again, Grace. I’ve got you. You’re safe. You’re
Things go dark. Safe. He said I was safe.
Safe…if I’m safe why am I scared? My heart is pounding
because I know what I must do. No one saw me take the knife
from the table. They were too busy goading the man in the
oversized hat, laughing as they pushed him in my direction.
“Go on, boy. She’ll make you a man.”
He’s young and skinny and not much older than me. He’s
not much taller than me, either. He’s not like Dylan, who
watches smiling from the corner. He’s guileless. It’s his
birthday. I’m the present. Dylan told me his friends had already
paid for the privilege. He tells me the young man is nice, but not
to let it spoil me. “They won’t all be nice,” he says.
I take his hand. The knife in my garter is sharp against the
back of my leg. The other men leave, telling their young friend
to give it to me good and hard. Once we’re alone, he stands
there looking at me.
“You’re a whore,” he says.
I want to say no, but I can’t say anything.
The shy look on his face fades. He looks braver now.
Meaner. “So that means you have to do what I say.” He takes a
step towards me. “Take your clothes off.”
I keep my eyes on him as I untie my skirt. It drops to the
floor. I unlace my bodice and take it off. I’m in just my chemise
and garters.
“The rest of it.” His eyes are hard with lust. His cock juts
against the front of his pants. I lift my leg and put it on the chair,
reaching for the top of my stocking.
My daddy taught me where to stick a pig to kill it. The first
time I slid my knife into the jugular of a hog I sobbed as it
squealed and bled out. I don’t feel anything now that I’ve taken
the young man by surprise. I have the knife at his throat and
wonder if his daddy is a farmer, too. By the terror in his eyes, he
seems to know how close he is to death with my knife point
pushed into the skin. One move and the tip will be into that
pulsing vein. I drive my knee into his crotch. He falls, and I’m
grateful for the boisterousness downstairs that means no one
will hear. There’s a heavy pitcher on the wash basin. I lift it and
bring it down on his head. I step away, fearing that I’ve killed
him, but he’s not dead. He’s breathing, but not moving.
I take his money. I take his clothes and put them on. I hog tie
him with my bodice strings and gag him with a washcloth. The
window to the room overlooks an alley. There’s a steep,
shingled eave underneath the window but I’m more afraid of
staying than falling. I slide down feet first, grab the gutter and
look down. The drop is not as perilous as I thought. I let go and
land on hard dirt of the alleyway.
I stand. The young man’s hat is beside me. I pick it up, dust
it off, and put it on as I walk away. I stick to alleys and move
between carts and wagons. In the distance I can hear the train.
I’m afraid to look behind me but more afraid not to. I expect any
second to hear my name, to see Dylan running towards me, his
fists clenched and eager to renew my fading bruises.
The train platform is clear. I cry out to the conductor. He
tells me the train is about to pull out. I collapse at his feet. He
looks down at me, realizes I’m a woman. I hold up money. I’m
blubbering. Begging. I tell him I need to get on this train. He has
a kindly face and a white moustache. I can tell he’s puzzled as to
why I’m dressed as I am. He looks out to the street. I grab his
“Please. Please.”
He takes the money, helps me up. He guides me to the car.
“You didn’t even ask where the train is going.”
“I don’t care,” I tell him. Only when I’m in the seat and the
engine pulls away do I learnt that my prayers have been
answered; it’s going in direction of home.
Water. I’m in water. Am I being baptized? I was already
baptized but maybe they’re doing it again. Maybe the first one
didn’t take. Pa says even with Christ’s cleansing water after
what I’ve done, I may be outside His grace. The water is cold.
I’m shaking. I don’t want to drown. I tell him this.
“You’re not going to drown, Grace, but we’ve got to get this
fever down. This is the only way.”
“Cold. Cold.” I look down. I’m not in the river. I’m in the
washtub. The fire in the grate burns hot but the water is cold.
I’m shaking. Sawyer’s hands are gentle but firm as he holds me
in the water. He scoops some in his hand and pours it on my
burning face. I fight him, my teeth chattering.
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” I say. “I’m sorry I let you down. I’m not
bad. I’m not.”
“Ssshhh… You’re not bad, Grace.”
“Daddy. Do you mean it?”
“I mean it. You’re a good girl. Better than any of them ever
I look up expecting to see my father’s face, but it’s Sawyer
who’s looking down at me with the kindness my father never
showed, giving me the absolution I was denied. I feel a father’s
love from him, and it makes me forget the past, the sickness, the
fever. Suddenly everything feels still and calm.
“I’m naked,” I say without knowing why I said it.
“Yes, little girl, you are.” He scoops water over my shoulder.
“We need to get that fever down. I’m praying this works.” He
touches my face. “How do you feel?”
“I’m naked,” I repeat, and move my arms to cover my
“I’m not going to hurt you, Grace.” He puts a finger under
my chin and tips it up. “You understand? I’m not going to touch
you the way that man who took you did. Nobody is ever going
to hurt you like that again. Nobody.” There’s a ferocity in his
voice. A protectiveness. “You understand?”
“I understand,” I whisper.
He helps me to my feet. I’m too weak to stand. He wraps a
blanket around me and picks me up. Sawyer carries me like a
child to the chair and gently sets me down. I watch as he
remakes the bed with fresh linens. He goes through my armoire
and finds a fresh chemise.
“I’m going to dress you,” he says, and he does. He’s gentle,
like a loving daddy. He picks me up again like I don’t weigh a
thing. He lays me on soft, clean sheets and covers me with a
fresh quilt. He sits down on the edge of the bed and rests the
back of his hand against my forehead.
“Am I going to die?” I look at him through hooded lids.
“Not if I can help it.” He pulls the quilt up to my chin. “And
I’m not going to leave your side, so you just rest. You’re safe.
You’re safe with me.”
Safe. The darkness descends again. I steel myself for the
flood of awful memories that only come when I’m sleeping. But
they don’t come. Not this time. I sleep.
It’s light when I next open my eyes. I turn my head towards
the window expecting to see the pink rim of dawn, but it’s gone
past that. I draw a breath through parched lips and thirst hits me
like a fist. I look to my right. There’s a pitcher of water and a
glass. I move to prop myself up.
“You’re awake.” Sawyer is suddenly at my side. “Let me
help you.”
I’m too weak to protest. Even if I could I don’t think my dry
throat would support the formation of words. I let him lift me to
sitting. He props me against two pillows then pours me a glass
of water. When I reach for it, he tells me to let him hold it, that
my hands are still too shaky.
I let him. My first sip is tentative, my second eager, the rest
frantic. I drain the glass, grabbing his hand like a baby afraid of
losing its bottle.
“More.” The word emerges in a rasp.
He pours another glass. “Slower now,” he says. “You don’t
want to choke.”
Nothing has ever tasted so good. When I ask for a third,
Sawyer tells me to wait, to lie back against the pillow. I’ve been
a while without water and my brain needs time to register that
I’ve had it. I look up at the ceiling. The water has worked
wonders. My vision clears. I am aware of my surroundings. I’m
aware that I was sick, but…
“How long have I been in bed?” I ask.
Sawyer pours more water into the glass, but only halfway.
“Three days,” he says.
I stare at him. “Three days?”
“You were sick, Grace. Real sick.” He furrows his brow as
he says this. I look around the room. Disjointed, hazy memories
start to reform and fall into place. Sawyer discovering I was
sick. Sawyer ordering me to bed like a recalcitrant little girl,
giving me the choice between resting and getting spanked. I’d
acquiesced. After that? I notice the dress I’d been wearing in the
barn washed and hanging from the edge of the armoire. I look
down. I’m dressed in a gown. The sheets and quilt on the bed
are different than the linens I’d laid down with. I turn
questioning eyes to Sawyer.
“I had to change your clothes. You soaked them.” He looks
away. “You soiled them.”
My face reddens from shame. “Sweet Jesus.” I close my
eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize. You needed taking care of, so I took
care of you.”
I open my eyes and force myself to look at him despite my
embarrassment. “It’s not your place,” I say. “You hired on as a
farmhand, not a nursemaid.”
The side of his mouth quirks into a smile. “I didn’t mind.
You’re a fighter, Grace, do you know that?”
“I don’t feel much like a fighter.”
“I’ve seen men half as bad off die. You were hot as a poker
and out of your mind but some part of you listened to me when I
had to take care of you.” He pauses. “I’m really proud of you.”
“Proud?” I draw a ragged breath, the lump in my throat
appearing suddenly. Sawyer has saved my life and he’s proud of
“Thank you,” I say. “But I think you’re the one who
deserves the praise here. You didn’t have to …”
“I wanted to.” He cuts me off and I feel his hand close over
mine. “I wanted to.”
His hand is warm and large, but he holds mine in the gentle
but firm way one might hold a bird. He reaches up to push a
strand of hair away from my face.
“Why are you so nice to me?” I ask.
He doesn’t immediately answer. He looks out the window.
When he looks back, he gently squeezes my hand before
answering. “I care about you, Grace. I don’t think you’re used to
that, but you deserve somebody who wants to look after you.
From what I gather, you’ve been looking after yourself for way
too long. I think you got sick because you were tired.” He
smiles. “You’re too sweet and pretty to be so tired all the time.”
“You think I’m sweet and pretty?”
“Well, you’re sweet like a tart apple. Gotta get past the sour
first. But yeah, you’re sweet. And pretty as a picture.” He
pauses. “I mean to take care of you, Grace.”
The latter is not a question. It’s a statement, and something
in the way he says it elicits a warm tug of desire in my lower
belly that moves between my legs. It’s all I can do not to press
my thighs together to alleviate it. Good lord, what kind of
wanton woman reacts like this on what could have been her
deathbed just a day before?
But Sawyer doesn’t give me time to consider this. He’s
grown serious.
“You need more than a man. You need a minder. I’m not
going to let you grind yourself down again. From now on,
you’re going to have to listen to me. You can’t do everything all
the time. You can’t work sunup to sundown like you’ve been
doing without consequences, so when I say rest, you’re going to
rest. When I say to let me handle something, you let me handle
it. You understand?”
I think of the day he ordered to bed. He had threatened to
spank me, and it wasn’t the first time. Between my legs the
throb won’t go away.
“Answer me, Grace,” he says. The command is gentle but
delivered with enough force that I know he means for me to
My rebellious spirit yearns to oppose him, but it’s drowned
out by my tired, wounded heart ready for what he’s offering. I
know it won’t be easy, but what he’s done for me…my own Pa
never did as much.
“Yes,” I say. “Yes, I understand.”
I’ve never been one to scare easily. I’ve stared danger in the
face on more than one occasion with steel nerves. But seeing
Grace so sick shook me in a way that made me realize how
much she’d come to mean to me. Flesh and blood men? They
can be defeated. But Lady Fate? We’re at her cold mercy, and
when Grace struggled in her fevered delirium all I could do was
pray she made it through. Pray and take care of her.
She’s gaining strength by the day but keeping her from
working has meant getting strict with her on more than one
occasion. Something has shifted in our relationship since she
came out of her fever. I mean to show her what it means to have
both the love of a good man and the caring of a daddy. She’s
missed out on both. She’s hungry for both. I’m going to satisfy
those appetites.
Maybe this is Lady Fate’s work, too. If it is, that’s a better
kind of mercy.
“Your bath’s ready,” I tell her.
“I’m not an invalid.”
“I know. You’re making progress but being stuck inside has
made you as cantankerous as a chestnut mare. A warm bath
might improve your mood. Off with the shift.”
She eyes me warily, then sighs and reaches for the tie at her
throat. I’ve seen her naked and she knows it. I cleaned her while
she was sick. Grace is honest enough to realize that hiding her
body from me now would amount to false modesty. But when
the gown slips off, I shift so she won’t see how readily my cock
stands at the sight of her. It’s one thing to look on a woman’s
nakedness when she’s prone and lost to the world in fever. It’s
another to see her moving towards you with that unconscious
sway in her hips. She raises her hand to unpin her hair and it
cascades around her shoulders. Her breasts are small with large,
pert nipples. Her waist is long for one so short. The deep cleft of
her pussy is just visible through the sparse curls on her pubic
mound. When she turns towards the tub, I’m afforded an
enticing view of her firm, round backside.
Grace silently slips into the water. “Thank you,” she says.
There’s trust in her eyes and I couldn’t find a vein of gold that
would make me feel richer. She’s been hard used; it takes a lot
for her to feel safe enough to be naked in front of any man.
I want more than anything to wash her, but don’t object
when she reaches for the soap. It’s worn down from when I
bought it; I remind myself to pick up more when I go to town
“I’m going to go out and get the eggs,” I say.
She nods and I leave but the thought of her in that tub, the
thought of her hands sliding over those sweet breasts and those
hard nipples causes a fierce ache in my loins. I’m sorely
tempted to relieve my own tension at the mental image of the
lithe, naked young woman behind the farmhouse door. By the
time I come back inside, she’s dressed and walking towards the
tub with a bucket.
“No, you don’t,” I say, walking over to gently take the
bucket from her hand. “Let me bail it out.”
“Sawyer, I feel fine and I’m going to go stark raving mad if
you don’t let me do something.”
“You can cook dinner if you’d like.”
“That’s woman’s work.”
I grin, resisting the urge to kiss the pout right off her lips.
“You’re a woman, right?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be stuck in the
kitchen. I miss milking the cow and hauling hay and…”
“You have my permission to start all that again in the
morning. But for now, I need you to fix us some salt pork,
beans, biscuits, and stewed apples. I also need you to make a list
of anything else we might need. I need to make an appearance
in town tomorrow.”
She eyes me thoughtfully. “I suppose you’ll be seeing
“I don’t have much choice. Seeing him there means you
won’t have to see him here. He’ll be expecting a report on how
things are going.”
“What will you tell him?”
I sigh. “I’ll tell him what he wants to hear, Grace. And in
case he does come around we are going to make the farm look
less prosperous.”
“How are we going to do that?”
“I was walking with Rufus up the trail the other day and
came across another meadow. You know it?”
She nods. “Yeah, Pa used to call it the high meadow. It’s
“It is,” I agree. “It’s smaller than the lower meadow, but the
grass is good. If we fence it, we can put some lambs up there.
That way if McCreed or one of his men come nosing around he
won’t see a bunch of lambs. He’s expecting me to sabotage you.
That means he wanted me to make sure some lambs didn’t make
The fire in her eyes makes me wish I hadn’t detailed his
“He wanted you to kill innocent lambs? I’m going to kill
“Hey now.” I take her face in my hands. “You aren’t the
killing type.”
She turns away. “And I suppose you are?” There’s scorn in
her tone. “Why would you be? You’ve never had a reason to
hate someone this much.”
If you only knew, little girl. If you only knew. I don’t address
her comments. I tell her I understand her anger because I do, but
I also remind her that I’m handling things now. “That means
you keep yourself in check or else I will. You got that?”
There’s challenge in her eyes, but also gratitude. Grace is
strong-willed. She hates the limits I’m imposing, but her
rational side knows they’re necessary.
“I’ll try.”
“You’ll try and succeed. Understand?
“I’ll try,” she says, moving to the pantry and I could push
things but decide to leave it for now.
While Grace cooks dinner, I head out to the meadow to drive
a few fence posts. The weather is finally warming. Grace’s farm
dog, Rufus, trails at my heels and noses the path as we walk.
Occasionally he stops and raises his head to sniff the air, and it
occurs to me that the only hitch in my plan for the second pen is
the isolation. This is wild mountain country, and I’ve seen scat
of both bear and bobcat. When I was sitting up with Grace
during her illness, I heard what I thought was a woman
screaming in the distance. I nearly jumped out of my skin but
realized it wasn’t a human that made the noise, but a mountain
lion. This didn’t bring me much relief. This time of year, a big
cat with cubs to raise will be looking for easy prey. I look down
at Grace’s dog. He’s a big fellow and provides good protection
for the flock, but he can’t be in two places at once. If predators
pick off the lambs, Silas McCreed will get his wish despite our
best efforts.
I spend two hours sinking posts and am grateful when I hear
Grace’s voice drifting towards me from further down the hill. I
whistle for Rufus, who comes bounding through the grass and
leads the way home. Home. I’m starting to think of the farm that
way, but it’s not my place. It belongs to Grace. My job is just to
help her keep it. I try not to think of how much I want to keep
her. The feeling grows stronger every day.
Each time I head into town, my appreciation for life on the
farm increases. Silas McCreed may be king of Drake’s Pass, but
he’s king of shit as far as I’m concerned. At the depot, men are
unloading lumber for hastily erected rooming houses and livery
stables. But the town’s only street remains carved with ruts and
riddled with puddles where mosquitoes breed in the spring
warmth. The sound of distant clanging from the mines is a
muted backdrop to the noises of piano music and drunken
laughter coming from the most successful operation – the
saloon. Across the street a woman in an ill-fitting dress emerges
from the newly opened McCreed Company Store trailed by
three children. Her expression speaks to the obvious worry that
the meager groceries she’s purchased won’t be enough for her
Like other big coal operations, McCreed issues credit in
paper form called scrip to coal miners. It’s meant to be used
between paydays when money runs short, which it always does
despite the promises men like him make to workers. Miners
who arrive with nothing are required to buy their own tools at
the company store, which carries everything from food to
clothing to furniture. The scrip is only good at the company
store which charges more for goods than Baysden’s Mercantile.
That’s where I’m headed today with my list and when I walk in,
I see Silas McCreed huddled with the Horace Baysden. It
appears to be a tense conversation and when McCreed sees me
and turns away, the shop owner is clearly relieved.
“Mr. Blaine!” McCreed smiles as he walks over. On the way
he plucks a piece of penny candy out of a barrel and pops it in
his mouth. Behind him, the shopkeeper’s face turns red at the
open theft. “How are things on the farm?”
I look past him. “Maybe we should talk outside?”
He grins knowingly and we walk out onto the porch where
two elderly men sit chatting in rocking chairs. Silas nods down
at one of them. “How about you gentlemen move on?”
“We can talk on the street,” I say, but McCreed holds up his
hand. “Nah, these fellas should be up and moving. Too much
sitting around makes old men stiff. Go on now, get. We’ve got
business best done in private.”
One of the men looks like he wants to say something. He
has a jagged scar down the side of his face and the hardened
look of a war veteran. I clench my jaw in anger at McCreed’s
disrespect as the old men leave their seats and shuffle off the
“When I take this store over, the first thing I’m going to do
is rip this damn porch off. A proper business doesn’t need a
bunch of folk loitering on the premises.”
“You’re taking this store over?”
He nods. “Eventually. Of course, old Horace doesn’t like the
idea, but I’ve been telling him it’s just a matter of time before
business dries up. As it is, he’s been having a real hard time
getting goods to stock the shelves.” He sighs. “Whole orders
have gone missing, bags of sugar come off the train busted. Just
bad luck I guess.” He gives me a knowing grin that makes me
want to punch him. “So, how’s Grace Alton’s luck these days?”
“Let’s say fortune’s not exactly smiling on her,” I reply.
McCreed chuckles. “Oh, you’ll have to do better than that
for what I’m going to pay you when this is over. I want details,
“All right.” I nod. “She put me in charge of lambing. Little
Miss High and Mighty decided having a hired man meant she
didn’t have to get her hands dirty. It turned out to be a bad year.
Half of the babies were stillborn. Another quarter died before
the first week.”
“And how did you explain that?” he asks.
“I blamed her. Told her I found mold in the hay in my first
week, that she’d been storing it wrong and that I’d seen this
before in sheep – mold causing sick or weak lambs.”
“Did she cry?” He’s grinning broadly now. At my side my
hand forms a fist, and I can’t help but think how satisfying it
would be to drive it into his face, to feel the bones of his nose
break to release a warm gush of red flowing down his starched
“Yeah,” I say. “She cried.” Grace loves her sheep and I
know her well enough now to infuse my lies with the truth of
her character. If anything happened to even one of her precious
lambs, she’d blame herself. And she’d grieve because unlike the
man standing before me, she has a good and caring heart.
“You keep giving her things to cry about, Blaine.” He
pauses. “How’s the crop?”
“Well, I’ve been rethinking that part of our strategy,” I say.
And this is true, too, but not for the reason he thinks. I intend to
defeat McCreed at his own game. Hiding the lambs in the high
meadow still gives Grace lambs to sell but sabotaging the crop
like he wants me to will hurt her in the long run. I need to make
him think it’s in his best interest for Grace’s farm to have a good
“Go on then,” he says.
I tip my hat back. “Grace isn’t dumb. If the crops fail in the
same year she loses a bunch of lambs she might blame me. The
way I see it, it would be better for all involved if you ended up
buying the farm with a good harvest in the offing. It would
guarantee a good profit in the first year.”
McCreed crosses his arms. “You miss the point. That bitch
turned me down.” He frowns. “And not just for my offer to buy.
The haughty little whore acted like she’s too good to let me in
her bed. The reward here isn’t profit.” He spreads his arms
wide. “You think I’m hurting for money? No, the reward is
seeing her broken and riding away from the farm she wanted to
keep with barely enough money to start over.”
Forget breaking his nose. I want to knock McCreed’s teeth
down his goddamn throat, but I play it cool as I continue.
“I get that,” I say. “But you hired me to do a job and I can’t
do it if she suspects I’m up to something. There are a hundred
other ways I can make things go wrong.”
McCreed doesn’t reply. He just looks off like he’s thinking it
over. “You fucked her yet, Blaine?”
“No,” I say, keeping my tone cold. “I have higher standards
for my whores.”
This causes him to burst out laughing and I know I’ve won
his approval with one cruel comment. “So,” he says when his
mirth subsides. “How you plan to bring her down if you’re
planning a decent crop?”
“The stream could get dammed up. Can’t tend the animals
without water. And it’s wild country up there. Bears. Wildcats.
If a few ewes disappear or a calf, that’ll leave her heartsore and
“Heartsore.” He smiles. “Leave her heartsore. Kill her stock.
And break her heart while you’re at it. Teach her a lesson.”
“I’ll do it.”
He claps me on the back. “Listen, you do this job to my
satisfaction, and I’ll have more work for you. A man like me
likes to keep his hands clean. People who turn me down have a
way of coming into bad luck. Take that sawmill in Dayton.
Fellow running it made awful accusations about me and one
night his whole place burns to the ground. They never did find
out who did it.” He smiles. “I hire good men. Discreet men. And
when the job is done, they’re well-paid men. Grace Alton isn’t
the only one around here who needs taking care of.” He glances
towards the door of the store. “Horace Baysden has the same
stubborn pride as that little bitch. Some people just don’t know
when they’re outmatched. Get me that farm and I’ll pay you so
well you’re gonna want to stick around and help me get this
store, too. Sound good?”
I force a convincing smile, but behind it I feel the spark of a
righteous rage I promised myself I’d keep under control – a rage
that’s catching fire and threatening to consume me. “Yes sir,” I
say, and head back towards the door.
“Hey, you about to do some shopping, are you?”
My hand is on the door handle, and I realize I’ve almost
made a mistake.
“Wouldn’t you rather shop at my store? Selection’s a whole
lot better than his. I’ll even set you up with a credit account.”
“Well, Mr. McCreed, if it was just me I would. But don’t
think it’s going to look suspicious – Grace sending her man to
shop at the store of her enemy?”
He sighs. “Good point. I guess you can go on in there.”
I’m fuming as he walks away, and it doesn’t make me feel
any better to see the usually friendly shopkeeper has turned cold
and suspicious in my company. I want to tell him he has nothing
to worry about, that I’m no friend of Silas McCreed, but I can’t
show my hand. Not yet. Not with so much at stake for Grace.
I load up on supplies, keeping account of what I still have
left. I’m mindful of my balance. Financial need didn’t drive me
out here, but I know at some point I’ll have to replenish my
funds. I don’t worry about it today, though. I imagine Grace’s
skin scented with lavender and gardenia as I select the last two
bars of soap. I get salt, molasses, and coffee. There are bare
spaces on the shelves that used to hold sugar and other shelves
are bare, too. I think of what McCreed said as I pick up the last
small tin of tea and some dried peaches and apples. I also get
two boxes of nails for the fence I’m building.
“How’s Miss Alton?” The shopkeeper doesn’t look at me
while he boxes my order.
“She’s good,” I say.
He looks at me like he wants to say something. Was he one
of the townspeople who turned his back on her? Who judged
her? When Silas McCreed came to town to open a mine, I
would imagine local business owners saw his arrival as a boon
for the small mountain town. Now the shopkeeper is being
victimized by the same man who’s victimizing the woman he
and others condemned.
On the way out of town I see a sign for puppies outside a
farm and pull the wagon into the drive. A large fierce looking
dog bounds towards me, barking ferociously.
“Can I help you, sir?” A man comes out of a nearby barn,
trailed by six smaller versions of the larger dog. When the
bigger dog hears his voice, it quiets down.
“These the puppies you got for sale?” I ask.
“Yup. Good guard dogs.”
The barking mother dog is now wagging her tail. “How are
they with stock?”
“Gentle as a lamb,” he says. “But they’ll hunt down
anything that don’t belong. Foxes, raccoons, possums. Good
with any animal they’re raised with and hell on any animal
they’re not.”
I reach down and pick up one of the puppies. It has a thick
gray coat and brown eyes. The paws are huge, indicating the
size he’ll be when he’s grown. He reminds me of a smaller
version of Rufus.
“I don’t own the dad,” the farmer says. “He’s my brother’s
dog, but he’s a biggun. Same kind.”
As we speak another dog runs around the corner. The farmer
tells me he’s from last year’s litter. “If you’re looking for a well-
started dog ready to go to work, you might want this one.” He
laughs. “I’ve got more dogs here than I need.”
I smile. I may have found an answer to our predator problem
in the upper meadow. I tell the farmer that I’ll take the older
dog, but the puppy is looking at me with such affection I can’t
put him down. I decide I’m coming home with a nice surprise
for Grace.
It feels good to be outside again. Before Sawyer left for
town, he told me I was allowed to go out but sternly warned me
not to overexert myself. It feels odd, having someone care
enough to forbid me from doing something. I’ve helped with the
household chores since I could walk. Some of my earliest
memories were of baking with my mother. I have vague
recollections of helping her collect eggs, and of her patience
when she taught me how to crack them against the side of the
bowl. The eggs seem large in my memory, but really, I was just
so small.
When she died, I became the lady of the house even though
I was just a little girl. The father who took no pride in having a
daughter recognized my utilitarian value. My mother had made
me capable, and I quickly learned to work hard and hold back
tears whenever I felt lonely and unloved. Those feelings were
my constant companions. I built a shell around my heart to keep
it from breaking anew every day. But the need for validation, for
affection, lingered there like a sleeping animal waiting to wake
and feed. Dylan saw an opportunity in my emptiness, but
Sawyer? He sees a broken child in need of healing.
I didn’t realize how heavy my burden was until he came
along to lift it. I didn’t realize my desire to be guided until he
stretched out a hand. I’m taking it, but my grip is tenuous. I’m
still afraid to completely trust, even though Sawyer is nothing
like the man who used me. Even when I was naked and
vulnerable, he didn’t take advantage of me. Maybe he thinks my
past has left me without woman’s desire, but he would be
wrong. I ache for his touch. In quiet moments I find my gaze
drawn to his strong arms and wonder what they’d feel like
wrapped around me, or to his long fingers, imagining them
probing inside that aching, quivering place between my legs.
And his hands – large, hard, calloused. He’s threatened to spank
me like a child. and the threat fills me with waves of anger,
trepidation, and a distracting arousal I cannot understand. A
spanking is not sex. Why do I grow wet at the thought of being
held over his knee and punished? It makes no sense, and the
feelings I get when I ponder his discipline leave me confounded.
The lambs are frolicking in the field and as I watch them, I
think of what Sawyer told me Silas McCreed asked him to do.
Anger boils up in me, the pressure of it hurting my chest. He
would hurt my animals, and for what? Land he does not even
need. McCreed is like the fox that once came and killed thirty of
our chickens in one night. Even though it couldn’t eat more than
one, it got caught up in the thrill of killing and would not stop
until it had slaked its feral lust for senseless slaughter. I don’t
normally have a problem with wild animals, but one that kills so
savagely must be dealt with. In a perfect world, men who
behave like beasts would be treated as beasts and removed. But
it’s not a perfect world and now the threat of one selfish man
hangs over my farm like a cloud, and the only shield I have is
another man I barely know.
Across the field I see the head of the path Sawyer has cut
leading up to the high meadow where he plans to hide most of
the lambs. When I told him I wanted to see the meadow, he
ordered me to wait, that we would walk there tomorrow. But
why should I? The day is warm, and I’m stiff from so little
exercise. It’s still early, too, and while this is direct defiance of
Sawyer’s order, it’s not so dangerous as climbing on the roof.
Besides, I can be back well before he gets home and will act all
surprised tomorrow when he shows me the work he’s done on
the fence.
I start to whistle for Rufus, but he’s sleeping amid the lambs,
so I head for the trailhead alone. It’s a steep climb up to the high
meadow, and I feel guilty that Sawyer has had to haul the posts
up on his own. I plan to make up for it by helping with the
remaining fencing.
The meadow is lovely. The same stream that runs through
the farm further down the mountain snakes through this
meadow as well, although it’s narrower up here. The water
sparkles in the light and silvery darters flit from rock to rock.
The meadow isn’t large, but it’ll be sufficient to grow the lambs
for market. When they’re big enough we’ll drive them down the
mountain to sell. How and when that happens remains to be
seen. For now, we just need to hide them.
I resent having to do it but understand the necessity. I don’t
like having the sheep where I can’t see them, though. I scan the
hills, wondering what might be watching from the trees. How
will we protect the sheep up here? Rufus is a good guardian for
the livestock, but he’s not as young as he used to be. I couldn’t
live with myself if he died up here trying to defend the sheep.
I sit by the stream. Up on the ridge a flash of russet moves
through the trees. It’s a herd of white-tailed deer, and that brings
me some comfort. Deer are plentiful here, and hopefully they’re
prey enough for what might be hunting in the surrounding
woods. I raise my face to the sun and yawn. The climb up to the
meadow has left me more exhausted than I want to admit. I lay
back in the warm grass, listening to the babbling of the brook.
Before I know it, I’m asleep.
“Grace! Grace!” The sound of my name swims to me
through the current of a dream drifting through my mind. I
should get up and answer, but I’m warm and comfortable and
curl into myself.
“Grace!” The harsh tone is accompanied by a firm grip on
my arm. I’m pulled up and out of sleep and stand – momentarily
disoriented – blinking into the afternoon light. I look up to see
Sawyer’s grim expression.
“What the heck are you doing up here?”
“I wanted to see the meadow…”
“Yeah, and I told you we’d come up here tomorrow –
I wrench my arm from his grip, feeling irritated. “And
what’s wrong with me coming up here? If it’s safe enough for
the lambs, it’s safe enough for me.”
“That’s not the point, Grace. You need to listen to me…”
I look up at him, at his dark eyes flashing at my obstinance.
His shirt sleeves are rolled up, exposing corded, muscular
forearms. His hands – those large hands – are on his hips. I did
promise. I should own to it, but some part of me wants to find
his limit, to see if he’ll carry through with what a protective
Daddy would do in the face of a defiant little girl.
“I’m not going to listen to you on this, Sawyer. It’s stupid.”
I make to move past him and when I do, the renewed grip on
my forearm does not come as a surprise. I struggle, issuing
empty threats and insults as he heads to a large rock beneath a
nearby willow. I know what he means to do. I’m anxious and
scared. I’m indignant and furious. But I’m also aching with need
for a taste of loving correction, for the unknown of it.
Sawyer sits down on the rock. I pull back against his effort
to draw me across his lap, but I’m no match for his strength.
Within seconds, I’m restrained across his hard thighs. His arm
goes around my waist like an iron band. Cool air raises
gooseflesh on my exposed bottom as he lifts my skirts. I’m not
wearing a petticoat today and for a second, he grows still as if
surprised by my nakedness. I’m holding my breath.
“Grace, you’re going to learn that I mean what I say. If I tell
you not to do something, it’s for your own good. I told you I’d
spank you if you didn’t mind me, and that’s what I mean to do.”
That is the only preamble. The next sound is that of his hard
hand cracking against my upturned bottom and my yelp of pain.
The burn sinks into my skin, and there’s no time to recover
before he lands a second hard smack. His hand is large and hard,
and he isn’t gentle. I instantly regret both my curiosity and my
defiance, although I make a good show of the latter with a string
of curses that melt into infantile bawls. Hot tears stream down
my face into my open mouth. I writhe helplessly, my bottom
absorbing stinging punishment I beg to be released from. I can
only imagine what the scene must look like from his perspective
– my reddening bottom, my legs kicking and churning, and
between them the drenched fleece of my pussy. To my extreme
shame, arousal has risen with the pain. The two are mingling
and even though I would give anything to end the punishment,
between my legs there is that aching, rhythmic clench of desire.
If he touched me there now, I’d come. I know I would. My tears
are from regret, agony, and the sweet shame of my wanton
nature. What kind of woman reacts like this?
Sawyer tips me off his lap. I sway on shaky legs. My hands
move back to rub the sting out of my flaming cheeks. They are
hot to the touch. The throbbing between my legs does not abate.
I glare at him through my tears.
“You beat me!”
“I spanked you. We both know there’s a difference. You
earned that spanking, and I’ll never strike you anywhere else
other than the padding God put there for that very reason.” He
stands up and tips my chin so I have to look at him. His
expression is no longer angry. He sighs, producing a
handkerchief that he uses to blot away my tears.
“I thought something had happened to you when I got back,
and you weren’t at the farm. I figured you might have come up
here, stubborn as you are. When I saw you lying in the grass, I
“You thought what?” I ask through hitches of breath.
“I thought something had hurt you.” He shakes his head.
“There’s a big cat up here. I’ve seen the tracks.”
“A big cat?” Fresh tears sting my eyes. “And you want to
put my lambs up here?”
“I wouldn’t put them up here without protection, Grace. And
I don’t want you up here without protection, either. That’s why I
spanked your pretty ass. You need to be reminded that when I
tell you something, it’s for a reason. Now come on. We’re going
back down to the farm.”
He turns and walks away, and I know I’m expected to follow
so I do. My mind is racing with questions. How does he plan to
protect my flock? Is he planning to sleep out in the field with a
shotgun? I look to my right and left, as if expecting the tawny
blur of a big cat to drop from one of the rocks at any moment.
When we reach the end of the path, we cut through the
sheep field to the barn.
“Wait here,” he says once we’re inside. Rufus has followed
us in and drops down to lay at my feet. I kneel beside him,
taking his head in my hands. There’s gray on his muzzle. I
scratch his head. He whines. But wait. That’s not him whining. I
look up and another dog runs into the barn. It looks like Rufus,
only bigger and younger. Rufus stands and growls. The other
dog sniffs him all over. The two stand face to face, their bodies
stiff and for a moment I think they’re going to fight. Then the
larger dog drops down in a posture of submission, recognizing
Rufus’ standing. I’m trying to sort this all out when Sawyer
walks in. He’s carrying…a puppy?
I walk over, my eyes asking the question my voice has yet to
“I picked that fellow up from a farm outside of town. He’s a
seasoned guard dog. Nothing will bother the lambs with him
“And this one?” I ask, reaching out to touch the puppy and
Sawyer puts it in my arms. I can’t help but laugh when it licks
me in the face. I inhale the sweet scent of puppy breath before
burying my face in the thick fur of its neck.
“That’s a little girl. It’s not related to that fella, but when
she’s older we’ll have a new generation of protectors for the
It’s not lost on me that he said “we,” or that even when we
aren’t together Sawyer is thinking of ways to solve any
problems that might arise.
“I love them,” I say.
He smiles. “I thought you would.”
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have gone to the high
meadow without you.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”
“But you should have told me about the lion.”
“I was going to tell you tonight. I need to trust you to mind
me even if you don’t understand why I need you to. It’s not
because I think you’re dumb or anything like that. It’s just that
my way is to look for danger. I’m always thinking of ways to
keep you safe. I need to know that you’ll do what I say even if
there’s not time to explain.” He pauses. “There are worse
predators in this world than that lion.”
“Silas McCreed?” I say, and he nods. “Did you see him
“I did,” he replies. “And I think I know how we’re going to
beat him.”
The walk back to the cabin was quiet. I think both Grace and
I were in a state of shock. The only time the silence was broken
was when she asked if I was all right and I assured her I was.
After all that had happened, her first concern was for me.
At home – home – she sits me down in a chair and proceeds
to tend to my wounds. The swelling in my shut eye has gone
down and I can open it, but my face still throbs with pain,
especially my lip. I wince as she dabs it with a mixture of warm
water and salt to stave off any infection.
“I killed a man, Grace.”
She’s holding the rag an inch from my lip. There’s no
judgement in her expression, nor is there surprise.
“I figured it was more than work that sent you to Drake’s
Pass.” She dabs my lip again. “Hold still.” Satisfied with her
work, she drops the bloody rag into the bowl at her side. “What
I tell her about Joe Boggs, about how he abused my mother.
I tell her about the day I decided she’d never have a life while
he had his. I tell her everything. She listens and afterwards has
just one question: why didn’t I tell her before?
“I was afraid. I’ve been afraid for things in my life – like I
was afraid for you and for my ma. But I’ve never been afraid of
things, although I was afraid Reuben and his brother might
accidentally kill me in McCreed’s office. But even that wasn’t
as bad as the fear I had of losing you. I was afraid if you knew
I’d killed somebody you’d send me away, that you’d think me
just another bad man come to do you wrong.”
She smiles sadly. “If I were a man, I’d be sitting in jail right
now for killing somebody. Don’t think I haven’t thought about
it. God forgive me, I even thought on killing my father a time or
two. When I was little, I thought it was just the way of men to
be cruel. I didn’t have anything to compare it to. My mother
escaped through death, but I was so little I didn’t know how to
get away, especially after I was forced to take her place with all
the housekeeping.” She shakes her head. “And then there was
Dylan and McCreed…” She pauses. “I’m not one to judge
where killing is concerned. The Bible says if you’ve thought of
doing a sin it’s the same as doing it.”
“Not sure I buy that.” I smile and it hurts. “But I feel so
damn guilty…”
“For what? For killing that guy who hurt you mama?”
“No.” I shake my head. “For not killing McCreed when I
had the chance. He was at this farm more than once. I should
“No,” she says, putting her hand on mine.
“Yes.” I’m adamant. “The things he would have done to
you, the pain he would have made you feel….”
“He didn’t.”
“Well, it wasn’t because I stopped him.”
She takes my chin and turns my face so that I’m looking at
her. It’s a gesture I’ve done with her so many times before.
“Sawyer Blaine, is this about you being upset because you
didn’t save me up there?”
“It was your quick thinking saved both of us, Grace. Scaring
Reuben off like you did was brilliant. Chances are he’s still
running. But I should have been there for you…”
“You were, Sawyer. And you saved me whether you see it
that way or not.” Grace pulls up a chair and sits down in front of
me. “I grew up feeling worthless. My mama was the only
person who ever cared for me and by the time I was ten I
couldn’t even remember what she looked like. I couldn’t
remember the sound of her voice. When Dylan came, I thought,
“Here’s someone who thinks I’m worth something,” but I
realized after we got to the city that my worth to him was the
money he could make selling my body to strangers. Sawyer,
you’re the first person since my mama to make me realize I
deserve better. You’re the first person since my mama to thank
me for doing something, to hug me, to guide me. My soul was
starved for that, and my body? Dylan made me think those urges
led to nothing good for a woman. You changed that. You
changed me. You made me stronger in myself and you’ve given
me the vision of a future with someone who appreciates me for
who I am, who speaks my body’s language. I wouldn’t have
been able to fight McCreed the way I did if it hadn’t been for
the woman I’ve become with you.”
“I want to kiss you so bad right now,” I say. “And I would if
my lip weren’t busted.” Emotion swells in my chest as she leans
over to plant a feathery soft kiss on the corner of my mouth.
“You’ll be back to kissing me in no time.”
As it turns out, it took about two weeks before I could kiss
Grace the way I wanted to and two weeks after that to kiss her
where I wanted to, on the banks of the river as a preacher joins
us together. The whole of Drake’s Pass turned out to see the
woman they once called a harlot become a wife.
Grace is something of a hero. After she got me cleaned up,
we headed to town and told the sheriff what happened up on the
mountain. It was a risk given that McCreed had told everyone
that the sheriff was in his pocket. Most folks were to some
extent, but not because they wanted to be. McCreed had instilled
fear in everyone, the law included. The day we found what was
left of his body covered in leaves, the sheriff said as far as he
was concerned, the case was closed. It helped that Reuben
couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He’d told his brother and several
other people about how McCreed had him go up to the Alton
farm to help him kill some sheep when everything went wrong.
He said he’d fled from an evil on the mountain. He’d accused
Grace of summoning that evil, but that was dismissed on
account of Reuben being a bit slow and evidence that McCreed
had indeed been killed and eaten by a lion.
Grace joked that maybe she was a witch given how things
worked out. Mr. Baysden returned with more evidence of
McCreed’s wrongdoings in Ohio. He was accompanied by
Albert Swan and a big city detective who interviewed me about
what I’d been told. Last I heard, the man is planning to go after
McCreed’s estate.
The townsfolk have collectively decided that Drake’s Pass
will never again let one rich man have so much power. The
mine was shuttered and while the population dropped
considerably, the quality of life was much improved. The roads
were repaired, and the saloon was closed, and Horace Baysden
restocked his store and bought out the owner of the mill. A few
weeks later, he comes to me and asks if I’d like to be his partner.
He says there’s a shortage of good men and if I’m willing to
settle in Drake’s Pass, he could use an honest fellow to run the
mill. After consulting with Grace, I accept.
I offer to take Grace on a trip, but the only place she wants
to go is home. There will be time to travel after the lambs are
sold and the crop is harvested, she says. For now, she wants to
just live like a normal man and wife on a normal farm.
How can I tell Grace she’ll never be even close to normal?
She’s way too special. The trust in her eyes as I clumsily undo
the pearl buttons on her ivory wedding dress makes my heart
swell, and the sight of her body once that dress is off has me
swelling below the waist.
Grace grabs me boldly when I’m naked. Such a naughty
little girl, I think, then moan as she kneels and slides her mouth
down over the head of my cock. I wasn’t expecting such, and
the pleasure is nearly too much to take. I let her hot mouth
stroke me several times before I lift her up. I won’t be
unmanned on our wedding night. When I release my seed, it’ll
be into her ready womb. She’s confided in me that she wants to
have my baby, and I’m eager to make her the sweetest little
mama in West Virginia.
She’s hot, tight, and eager. Her limbs wind around me like
vines, and I dig my fingers into the soft flesh of her ass as I
drive into her. She likes it hard. She says it makes her feel alive
when I’m rough. The bed shakes beneath us, reminding me of
the train I know now was destined to bring me here, to this
moment, to this woman, to love everlasting.
The End
About The Author
Ava Sinclair