Google MSheet MExercise
Google MSheet MExercise
Google MSheet MExercise
Below is a basic description of each tab and its contents. More detailed instructions are located on ea
Worksheet 1
This worksheet requires the use of basic cell formatting, conditional formatting, and the use of COUN
Worksheet 2
This worksheet requires the use of PIVOT tables
Worksheet 3
This worksheet requires the use of VLOOKUP/INDEX, LIST, and conditional formatt
ility to complete sample
ft Excel (.xlsx)" > Upload Excel file into your skills test
Status Count
Utilization Total 19
1 Freeze and format the cell, font should be in Bold; fill cell A1 to H1 color should be blue.
Create a filter that will sort the Bike Types in column B.
INSTRUCTIONS: Set up conditional formatting
lumn F) shows:
Table A
Project Category Bid Amount Won or Lost Budget Tier Potential Revenue
MKTG ONLY $103.00 Won $5,000 to $10,000 $10,800.00
WEB ONLY $51.00 Lost $15,000 to $20,000 $36,764.00
MKTG ONLY $77.00 Lost Above $20,000 $26,460.00
MKTG + WEB $80.00 Won $10,000 to $15,000 $19,251.00
WEB ONLY $100.00 Lost $15,000 to $20,000 $14,908.00
WEB ONLY $73.00 Lost $15,000 to $20,000 $14,908.00
MKTG ONLY $0.00 Won Below $5,000 $21,600.00
MKTG + WEB $51.00 Won $15,000 to $20,000 $34,375.00
MKTG + WEB $51.00 Won $5,000 to $10,000 $38,348.00
WEB ONLY $208.00 Lost Below $5,000 $16,748.00
This is a list of the marketing bids that we have placed for the services we offer.
MKTG ONLY - Marketing bids only
MKTG + WEB - Marketing and Web bids
WEB - Web bids only
al Revenue
Bid Amount Potential Revenue Status
$103.00 $10,800.00 Won
$51.00 $36,764.00 Lost
$77.00 $26,460.00 Lost
$80.00 $19,251.00 Won
$100.00 $14,908.00 Lost
$73.00 $14,908.00 Lost
$0.00 $21,600.00 Won
INSTRUCTIONS: Insert Data Validation - Dropdown list, in cell B3-B9
Create a "List of items" referencing the Bid Amount from Worksheet 2.
INSTRUCTIONS: Create a VLOOKUP formula to display Potential Revenue in cell C3
2 Using data from "Worksheet 2", create a formula in cell C3 that will display the Potential Revenue
according to the Bid Amount in cell B3.
INSTRUCTIONS: Create a VLOOKUP formula to display Status in cell D3
3 Using data from "Worksheet 2", create a formula in cell D3 that will display the Won/Lost Status
according to the Bid Amount in cell B3.
INSTRUCTIONS: Conditional Formatting
4 Use conditional formatting to fill the row with "Lost" status, in gray.
Formula = Apply to range columns B3 to D9
l Revenue in cell C3
display the Potential Revenue
n cell D3
display the Won/Lost Status