Materials 15 01583
Materials 15 01583
Materials 15 01583
Cytotoxic Potential of Denture Adhesives on Human
Fibroblasts—In Vitro Study
Ewa Sobolewska 1 , Piotr Makowiecki 2 , Justyna Drozdowska 3 , Ireneusz Dziuba 4,5 , Alicja Nowicka 6 ,
Marzena Wyganowska-Światkowska
˛ 7 , Joanna Janiszewska-Olszowska 3 and Katarzyna Grocholewicz 3, *
Abstract: (1) In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the availability of denture
adhesives for stabilizing removable dentures. The aim of the present study was to assess the
cytotoxicity of three denture adhesives on human fibroblasts. (2) Methods: Three denture adhesives
Citation: Sobolewska, E.;
were analyzed. Fibroblast cultures were established for the study and control groups in order to assess
Makowiecki, P.; Drozdowska, J.;
Dziuba, I.; Nowicka, A.;
the incidence of necrosis and to evaluate the microscopic intracellular alterations induced. Following
˛ M.; incubation with (study groups) or without adhesives (control group), trypan blue dye exclusion assay
Janiszewska-Olszowska, J.; was used to determine the number of viable and/or dead cells. Microscopic specimens were stained
Grocholewicz, K. Cytotoxic Potential with haematoxylin and eosin, scanned, digitally processed and then analyzed by a histopathologist.
of Denture Adhesives on Human (3) Results: All three denture adhesives analyzed demonstrated various toxic effects in vitro on
Fibroblasts—In Vitro Study. Materials human fibroblast: quantitative evaluation—45.87–61.13% reduction of cell viability (p = 0.0001) and
2022, 15, 1583. slight to moderate cytotoxicity in qualitative evaluation. (4) Conclusions: Denture adhesive creams
demonstrated a toxic effect on human fibroblasts in vitro in quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
Academic Editor: Grzegorz Chladek In vivo observations are needed to find out if denture adhesives present a cytotoxic effect in patients.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the availability of adhesives
for stabilizing removable dentures. The study of Okazaki et al. showed that 19% of
denture wearers use denture adhesives [13]. Most denture adhesives contain non-toxic
polymers of carboxymethyl cellulose [14]. All creams that improve the stability of den-
tures also contain swelling agents, such as karaya gum, Arabic gum, tragacanth gum,
gelatin, pectin, methylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, synthetic polyethylene polymers
and others. Another group of ingredients are antibacterial and antifungal agents: sodium
borate, hexachlorophene and polyhydroxybenzoate [15,16]. Adhesives are thus compound
products; their use exerts not only a local effect on the oral mucosa, but also may influence
the general health [17–19]. Ingredients of adhesives (e.g., formaldehyde) may produce
allergenic and cytotoxic effects [20–22]. Another negative feature of denture adhesives is
their low pH (5.5 on average), which is capable of dissolving enamel hydroxyapatites in the
remaining dentition [23]. Denture adhesives are often used for an extended time period,
which causes excessive pressure on the denture base and consequently its progressive
wear. This may be a potential factor causing pathologies of the soft tissues [24]. In the
leaflets for adhesive creams, manufacturers recommend that they be applied pointwise by
squeezing out strips a few millimeters long from the tube. However, patients usually do not
follow these recommendations and use too much of these materials. Considering all these
problems associated with the use of denture adhesives, especially of formaldehyde content,
there is a justified need for testing their cytotoxicity, irrespective of the data provided by
their manufacturers.
Fibroblasts, the main group of connective tissue cells, are a heterogeneous group of
cells, which, despite numerous similarities in structure and function, are characterized by
significant differentiation depending on the anatomical location of the connective tissue,
but those in the face and oral cavity are derived from the neural crest. There are also
differences in fibroblasts isolated from healthy tissue and granulation tissue [25–31]. An
important feature depending on the source of fibroblasts used in experimental studies is
the rate of proliferation. Tooth pulp as an immature gelatinous tissue is rich in fibroblasts
capable of rapid multiplication.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of three denture adhesives
on human fibroblasts and to compare the effect of the analyzed products.
before placing it in the transport medium. Thus, the number of cultures was 14, and each
culture was supplemented with tested denture adhesives.
The assay was conducted according to the following procedure: 0.5 mL of each tested
adhesive was placed in a Petri dish with 3 mL RPMI 1640 Medium supplemented with
20% FBS to obtain a solution. The Petri dishes were then placed in an incubator and kept
for 5 days under standard culture conditions. After 5 days the solution was transferred
to 96-well tissue culture plates (Sarstedt Inc., Newton, MA, USA). Each denture adhesive
was placed into 3 wells (study groups), and one well was filled with a pure medium
(as a negative control) to be used as the control group (K). Cultures of fibroblasts were
established in media prepared this way by placing about 100,000 cells from the first passage.
Culture plates were moved to the incubator set at standard parameters and incubated for
72 h. After this time, trypan blue dye exclusion assay was used to determine the number of
viable and/or dead cells. Trypan blue is a ~960 Daltons molecule, which is cell membrane
impermeable and therefore only enters cells with compromised membranes. Upon entry
into the cell, trypan blue binds to intracellular proteins thereby rendering the cells a bluish
color. The trypan blue exclusion assay allows for a direct identification and enumeration
of live (unstained) and dead (blue) cells in a given population. For that the cell culture
was stained with 0.4% Trypan Blue solution (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MI, USA). Then,
viable and necrotic fibroblasts were counted using an Axiovert 25 inverted transmitted
light microscope (Carl-Zeiss, Jena, Germany) and a glass hemocytometer. Trypan blue
was added to an Eppendorf tube with 100 µL of cells 400 µL 0.4% (final concentration
0.32%). Using a pipette, 100 µL of trypan blue-treated cell suspension was applied to the
hemocytometer. Viable (unstained) and necrotic (blue stained) cells were counted in all
16 squares under the microscope with a 100× magnification. Cell counting was performed
3 times for each well. Counting was carried out by the same person, unfamiliar with the
tested materials. The results from all wells for a given adhesive were summed up and
averaged. For the control culture, counting of viable and necrotic cells was carried out in
Materials 2022, 15, 1583 4 of 14
the same way, using a glass hemocytometer, but the cells were taken from three different
places of the well. The results were also summed up and averaged.
In order to assess the incidence of necrosis after in vitro cell culture, an AI (apoptotic
index) according to Prieto was used [32]. It is calculated by dividing the percentage of
apoptotic cells by the total percentage of cells in the sample. In the present study the index
was modified by using it to calculate the percentage of necrotic cells.
The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was performed
using STATA 11 software. All continuous variables were verified for distribution normality
using a Shapiro-Wilk test. Statistical significance of differences between two groups was
analyzed using a Mann-Whitney test. To investigate the relationship between two variables
a chi2 Pearson test and Spearman’s rank correlation test were used. The level of statistical
significance was set at α = 0.05. The risk of cell necrosis was expressed as an odds ratio
(OR) at 95% confidence interval (CI). Differences were considered significant if the level of
significance was α = 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Qantitative Evaluation of Cytotoxic Effect
Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the value of necrotic fibroblasts in the study
and control groups expressed in %. For all tested materials, a significantly higher percentage
of necrotic cells was found compared to the control cultures (p < 0.0001). The highest
percentage of necrotic cells was observed in culture supplemented with COREGA Extra
Materials 2022, 15, 1583 5 of 14
Strong. Although COREGA Extra Strong and PROTEFIX have a similar composition, their
necrotic effect on pulp fibroblast is different. Quantitative evaluation showed a reduction
of cell viability from 45.87% to 61.13%, which means that all tested materials induce a
cytotoxic effect on fibroblasts. In control groups the reduction of viability was 4.56–6.16%.
Table 2. Descriptive statistic for the value of necrotic fibroblasts and differences between study and
control groups analyzed using Mann-Whitney test.
The percentage of necrotic cells caused by tested adhesives was different. All differ-
ences were statistically significant; the levels of differences are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Significance levels of differences between percentages of necrotic cells in Mann-Whitney test.
Compared Adhesives p
PROTEFIX vs. COREGA Extra Strong 0.0058
COREGA Extra Strong vs. BLENDA-A-DENT Plus <0.0001
The modified apoptotic index for BLEND-A DENT Plus was 45.87, for PROTEFIX it
was 52.70 and for COREGA Extra Strong it was 61.13.
The risk of detecting necrotic cells for all tested adhesives are presented in Table 4. In
each case we assessed the risk of detecting necrotic cells in the study group for each dental
adhesive compared to the control group. Results were expressed as the odds ratio (OR)
with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) at significance level p. The analysis revealed a
higher risk for OR > 0, lower risk for OR < 0 and no risk for OR = 0. With regard to the
control group the highest risk of detecting necrotic cells was for COREGA Extra Strong and
the lowest for BLEND-A-DENT Plus.
Table 4. Risk of detecting of necrotic cells in study groups versus control groups.
Table 5 presents a comparison of odds ratio for detecting necrotic cells between adhe-
sives. The risk of detecting necrotic cells was 1.74 times higher for COREGA Extra Strong
than for BLEND-A-DENT Plus and 1.38 times higher than for PROTEFIX. Comparing
PROTEFIX and BLEND-A-DENT Plus, the risk was 1.26 times higher for the first adhesive.
Materials 2022, 15, 1583 6 of 14
Table 6. Classification of denture adhesives BLEND-A-DENT Plus, PROTEFIX and COREGA Extra
Strong for their cytotoxic effect.
Table 7 presents the values of the chi2 Pearson test and Spearman’s rank correlation
test for (r) compared pairs of adhesives.
Adhesive chi2 df p r t p
BLEND-A-DENT Plus vs. COREGA Extra Strong 19.03 2 <0.0001 −0.81 6.939 <0.0001
PROTEFIX vs. COREGA Extra Strong 8.10 2 0.0174 0.54 3.244 0.0032
BLEND-A-DENT Plus vs. PROTEFIX 9.17 2 0.0102 −0.53 3.226 0.0038
Figure 3. Image of cells cultured on medium with BLEND-A-DENT Plus; 100× magnification.
Figure 3. Image of cells cultured on medium with BLEND-A-DENT Plus; 100× magnification.
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 18
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Image
Image of
of cells
cells cultured
cultured on
on medium
medium with
Plus; 200
200×× magnification.
Figure 5.
Figure Image of
5. Image of cells
cells cultured
cultured on
on medium
medium with
Figure 7.
7. Image
Image of
of cells
cells cultured
cultured on
on medium
medium with
with COREGA Extra Strong;
COREGA Extra Strong; 100
Figure 8. Image of cells cultured on medium with COREGA Extra Strong; 200× magnification.
Figure 8. Image of cells cultured on medium with COREGA Extra Strong; 200× magnification.
4. Discussion
Figures 1 and 2 show the histopathologic images of control cells culture (K) at 100× and
presented studyIt isanalyzed
a homogeneous population of three
the biocompatibility proliferating
adhesives. The
fibroblasts with
cytotoxicity tapering
of the adhesivesendswasofassessed
the cells;inthere is nowith
an assay cell fibroblasts
lysis and no reduction
extracted fromof ma-
growth. Oval nuclei can be in the central part of the cell with distinct ruby
ture permanent human teeth, a model reflecting the effect of denture adhesives on fibro- nucleoli. Intense
blasts staining
from oral indicates
tissues. active protein synthesis.
Mesenchymal-derived connective Numerous visible shape
tissues including changes
heart, lung,
occurred duringtract
gastrointestinal mitosis. This image
and muscle containrepresents
fibroblastsgrade 0 (nospecialized
that fulfill reactivity) functions
in qualitative
30]. Differencesgrading of cytotoxicity
in gene expression haveaccording to INTERNATIONAL
been demonstrated between dermalSTANDARD ISO
and nonder-
mal fibroblasts, and fibroblasts derived from different anatomical sites have differing de-
Figures 3origins,
velopmental and 4 including
show the histopathologic
the neural crest, images of cells
lateral plate culturedand
mesoderm withdermatomy-
otome [31]. Some studies on fibroblasts from different anatomical sites foundcells
DENT. No more than 20% of cells show changes in morphology. Spindle-shaped have
obvious morphological features of damage. The pale cytoplasm is weakly
topographic differences in expression of genes related to growth and differentiation, ECM stained, the
cells lose their spindle shape, and the cell margins are blurred. Fibroblasts
production, cell migration, lipid metabolism and various genodermatoses, which are mo- have different
lecularly some [27,34],
regulated with nuclei clearly
but the displaced
reaction to one
on toxic of theisends
materials of the
similar, cell. Damaged
regardless of the
fibroblasts are malformed and show different cytoplasm eosinophilicity. The
place of origin. There are a lot of studies that have evaluated the effect of dental materials number of
cells is markedly reduced compared to the control culture. Cellular debris
not having contact with gingiva on gingival fibroblasts [35–39]. Thus, an assumption was (fragments of
made that all fibroblasts from oral tissues follow the same metabolic traits, and for the
experiment, dental pulp fibroblasts were used.
After a predefined culture time the rates of viable and necrotic cells were estimated.
For all assays using cultured cells as a model system, it is valuable to know how many
live and dead cells are present during or after the end of the experiment. Commonly used
Materials 2022, 15, 1583 10 of 14
disintegrated cells) is seen in the background of the image. This image corresponds to
grade 1 (slight reactivity) of qualitative morphological grading of cytotoxicity.
Figures 5 and 6 show the histopathologic images of cells cultured with PROTEFIX.
The changes in morphology are visible in 30% of cells, which do not have a typical spindle
shape, and the cell margins are uneven and jagged. Nuclei are absent in some cells, others
have pale nuclei without nuclear membrane (cariolysis), which reflects leakage of their
contents into the cytoplasm. Cellular debris (fragments of disintegrated cells) is seen in
the background of the image. These features indicate necrosis of fibroblasts. This means
grade 2 (mild reactivity) cytotoxicity.
Figures 7 and 8 show the histopathologic images of cells cultured with COREGA Extra
Strong. Fibroblasts demonstrate morphological features of acute damage. All cells are
markedly malformed due to loss of cell membrane. There is a lack of integrity between cells.
Nuclei are absent in most of the damaged fibroblast, others present with a disintegrating
nucleus. Cytoplasm is excessively eosinophilic. Cellular debris (fragments of disintegrated
cells) is seen in the background of the image. The changes are observed in more than 70%
of cells, therefore, it can be concluded grade 3 (moderate reactivity) cytotoxicity exists.
4. Discussion
The presented study analyzed the biocompatibility of three denture adhesives. The
cytotoxicity of the adhesives was assessed in an assay with fibroblasts extracted from
mature permanent human teeth, a model reflecting the effect of denture adhesives on
fibroblasts from oral tissues. Mesenchymal-derived connective tissues including heart,
lung, gastrointestinal tract and muscle contain fibroblasts that fulfill specialized func-
tions [25–30]. Differences in gene expression have been demonstrated between dermal
and nondermal fibroblasts, and fibroblasts derived from different anatomical sites have
differing developmental origins, including the neural crest, lateral plate mesoderm and
dermatomyotome [31]. Some studies on fibroblasts from different anatomical sites found
marked topographic differences in expression of genes related to growth and differentiation,
ECM production, cell migration, lipid metabolism and various genodermatoses, which are
molecularly regulated [27,34], but the reaction on toxic materials is similar, regardless of the
place of origin. There are a lot of studies that have evaluated the effect of dental materials
not having contact with gingiva on gingival fibroblasts [35–39]. Thus, an assumption was
made that all fibroblasts from oral tissues follow the same metabolic traits, and for the
experiment, dental pulp fibroblasts were used.
After a predefined culture time the rates of viable and necrotic cells were estimated.
For all assays using cultured cells as a model system, it is valuable to know how many live
and dead cells are present during or after the end of the experiment. Commonly used direct
methods of estimating dead cells take advantage of the loss of membrane integrity and
the ability of indicator molecules to partition into a compartment, which is not achievable
if the cell membrane is intact. The selective staining of dead cells with trypan blue and
microscopic examination is one of the most frequently used routine methods to determine
the cell number and percent viability in a population of cells. Viable cells have a clear
cytoplasm, whereas dead cells have a blue cytoplasm. All tested adhesives demonstrated a
significantly higher amount/percentage of necrotic fibroblasts compared to controls, which
testifies to their cytotoxic effect. The adhesives differed regarding their cytotoxic potential.
The weakest negative effect was found for BLEND-A-DENT Plus, and the strongest for
COREGA Extra Strong. PROTEFIX demonstrated a moderately toxic effect on cell cultures.
There is a limited number of reports on the cytotoxicity of denture adhesives. Papers
published concern COREGA Extra Strong and PROTEFIX [18–20]. However, we found
no studies investigating the effects of BLEND-A-DENT Plus. Results reported by other
researchers seem to be consistent with those presented in our paper, despite the use of
different types of tests evaluating cell viability. Depending on the method used, the
toxicity of the tested adhesives was defined as mild to moderate. Ekstrand et al. [40]
reported that in addition to the lysis of cultured cells, samples showed microbial growth
Materials 2022, 15, 1583 11 of 14
fungi and protozoans. Methyl benzoate seems to be less cytotoxic than propylparaben, but
the authors did not find any relevant comparative study. In an in vitro study Bunch et al.
found that methyl benzoate made cells less viable, but they grew well compared to the
control [46]. Thus, the cytotoxic effect was considered as minimal. The manufacturer of
BLEND-A-DENT Plus does not provide any preservative, and this adhesive demonstrated
the lowest cytotoxic effect compared to the other two tested materials. Perhaps the cause of
the cytotoxicity is not the zinc content, but the preservatives. This requires clarification in
further research.
In 2010 the European Union Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety stated that the
use of butylparaben and propylparaben as preservatives in finished cosmetic products may
be considered safe to the consumer, as long as the sum of their individual concentrations
does not exceed 0.19% [47].
It is clear that many other materials or drugs may have an effect on the oral mucosa,
either directly or indirectly through biofilm formation [48]. Further research in the field of
the cytotoxic effects of various dental materials could be focused on stem cells, which can
be isolated from oral tissues and contribute to their regeneration [49]. Another important
issue for future research could be the effects of lasers used in dentistry on oral cells, since
laser therapy has gained an important role in contemporary dental therapy [50,51].
Possible limitations of the present study may be associated with its in vitro design,
duration and concentration. In vitro studies carried on various cell types (human epidermal
keratinocyte cells, human oral fibroblasts cultures, gingival fibroblasts) have shown the
cytotoxic effect of adhesive creams, as shown by the results of this study. It can be suspected
that the use of denture adhesives may cause cellular damage in human fibroblasts in vivo
resulting in adverse health effects. The manufacturers’ recommendations regarding the
amount of the product used are intended to prevent exceeding the permissible doses of
any ingredients. However, the observations show that patients use too much of denture
adhesives and for an extended time period, which may have undesirable effects.
Thus, dentists should advise patients not to overuse denture adhesives, both in terms
of product quantity applied and using time. We also suggest that the use of these products
should be limited only to cases where the denture does not show proper retention and only
in exceptional situations. After all, there is a need for in vivo studies in this field.
5. Conclusions
All the three adhesive creams analyzed, PROTEFIX, COREGA Extra Strong and
BLEND-A-DENT Plus, demonstrated slight to moderate toxic effects on human fibroblasts
in in vitro quantitative and qualitative evaluation. The strongest toxicity was demonstrated
by COREGA Extra Strong and the weakest by BLEND-A-DENT Plus. In vivo observations
are needed to find out if denture adhesives cause a cytotoxic effect in patients.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.S. and K.G.; methodology, E.S. and A.N.; formal anal-
ysis, J.J.-O. and M.W.-Ś.; investigation, I.D.; resources, J.D. and I.D.; data curation, P.M. and K.G.;
writing—original draft preparation, P.M., K.G. and J.J.-O.; writing—review and editing, K.G. and E.S.
and M.W.-Ś.; visualization, J.D. and I.D.; supervision, E.S. and A.N.; project administration, E.S. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Pomeranian Medical
University in Szczecin (Resolution No. KB-0012/05/13).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Elżbieta Kowalska for preparation of the cell
cultures and microscopic specimens, as well as counting of the necrotic and viable cells.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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