Deloitte Uk Sox Optimising Financial Control Blackline
Deloitte Uk Sox Optimising Financial Control Blackline
Deloitte Uk Sox Optimising Financial Control Blackline
Optimising Financial Controls
Financial Controls
Common Challenges
Transaction matching
Optimising Financial Controls
What is BlackLine?
BlackLine is a cloud-based financial operations management
platform that helps organisations move to modern accounting
by unifying their data and processes, automating repetitive work,
and driving accountability through visibility.
Optimising Financial Controls
Task Management
Core Improve visibility and execution by centralising the allocation
of control responsibilities and establishing dependencies
Focused on delivering the
most value in the shortest and accountability. Enable real-time dashboard reporting of
amount of time. Essentials global close and compliance status.
required to improve visibility
across close tasks and
automated reconciliations.
Account Reconcillations
Deliver more reliable and robust financial results by
automating the end-to-end account reconciliation process.
Embedded controls and automated, rules-based workflows
enable touchless certification and ensure audit readiness.
Variance Analysis
Discover discrepancies and fluctuations in balances quickly
through automated alerts and timely notifications for when
further action is required.
Transaction Matching
Integrated Match and reconcile high-volume data across multiple systems
and datasets with business rules to rapidly identify and resolve
Two-way data integration or explain exceptions. Flexible partial and suggested matching
enables BlackLine processes capabilities help reduce the volume of exceptions and manual
to be automatically processing.
updated and visible in your
technology ecosystem.
Journal Entry
Automate manual journal initiation, approval and posting
with a transparent audit trail and native integration with
reconciliations, tasks and transaction matching.
Close the gap between control performance and attestation
and unify all compliance documentation, projects and
stakeholders in one globally accessible, cloud-based system
to maximise visibility.
Optimising Financial Controls
Smart Close
Optimised This is a native solution for SAP. Automate SAP tasks, job
scheduling, execution, monitoring of close tasks, and outcome
Within your connected
verification and escalation; a robotics-led approach to the close.
ecosystem, BlackLine
helps fine-tune finance
and accounting processes
including intercompany
financial management.
Intercompary Hub
Manage and control the complexity inherent to
intercompany accounting. Issues over currency exchange
rates, transaction amounts, transfer pricing mark ups,
journal entry creation, invoicing and approval workflows are
neatly and automatically managed within the solution.
Platform features
Optimising Financial
Financial Controls
Optimising FinancialControls
What opportunities does a control implementation efforts required to ensure the right
framework offer? internal controls are in place; and they are designed
Globally, increased regulatory scrutiny and focus and operating effectively.
given to the effectiveness of controls and enabled
business to better empower management to What documentation will be needed to
manage their own risks. This has enabled Financial evidence the control environment?
Controllers to strengthen the ‘tone from the top’ Documentation and a clear understanding of the
and in turn provides a chance to act as a catalyst for end-to-end risks, processes, and controls is essential
change and rethink the controls landscape. Digital for establishing an effective control framework. This is
tools, such as BlackLine, embedded into the control critical to ensure an internal control framework can be
framework bottom-up provide greater assurance monitored effectively and meet regulatory reporting
over the accuracy of their financial reporting data requirements. This means much more than just good
and enable businesses to detect fraud more documentation and evidence of the performance of
effectively. controls and requires businesses to truly understand
and illustrate the design of their control framework.
When does my business need to be ready In addition to BlackLine providing a single depository
and how long will it take? for evidence related to the processes and controls
Although there are not yet confirmed dates, performed within the tool, adopting standardised
it is widely expected that some form of tighter approaches within a centralised tool minimises the
controls regulation will become effective in the scale of effort and cost required to implement and
next couple of years within the UK. The FRC has maintain process and control documentation
also recently pointed out that companies applying and mapping.
the Corporate Governance Code should already
be publicly reporting on their process to annually How can Financial Controllers support
review the effectiveness of their material controls implementation efforts to achieve
and any significant weaknesses. Organisations compliance with a control framework?
must understand, now, what level of effort and Financial Controllers are key individuals within the
implementation is required to put in place evidence first line of defence for ICFR. They play a key role in
that controls are operating effectively. BlackLine achieving their business’ compliance objects through
coupled with the Deloitte approach to ICFR is a strong strong the design, implementation, performance and
enabler to efficient and effective mitigate various monitoring of efficient and effective controls.
risks across the record to report and financial close
processes. A robust approach to ICFR is essential in fully
embedding changes achieve compliance within
What activities should be prioritised when an internal control environment, whether that be
aiming to achieve effective internal controls? in introducing new internal controls or enhancing
At a minimum, an effective internal control those currently in place. Implementing tools, such
environment would require the identification of as BlackLine within the record to report and financial
material risks and a mechanism in place to monitor close processes, supports Financial Controllers in
and report against the controls that mitigate achieving their compliance goals whilst providing
them. A critical first step is to undertake a controls their businesses with modern and cost-effective
gap analysis as the basis for understanding the ways of performing audit ready controls.
Optimising Financial Controls
Optimising Financial Controls
Over multiple years, Deloitte has developed a resilient approach to ICFR that has stood true regardless of regulatory
change globally. When exploring the impact of changes to UK Code and the responds needed for their organisation,
Financial Controllers should consider the following key elements of their control framework.
Risk Assessment
• Risk assessment process to identify a single, clear view of the risks and opportunities of the organisation.
• Ongoing process of risk scanning to ensure emerging risks and ‘near misses’ are captured to ensure the risk register
remains relevant.
Technology Enablement
• A comprehensive technology framework to support business in the operations, automation and monitoring of controls.
• Implementation of business process controls, continuous control monitoring, self-certification, evidence gathering and
Embedding & Change
• Winning the hearts and minds, helping employees understand the value to own controls.
• Setting up the business for success with necessary tools and techniques to deliver a sustainable controls framework.
• Deliver the change planning and management, communication and stakeholder engagement as part of control
implementation and transformation programmes
• Controls training programme for the first and second line of defence to develop a clear understanding of controls and
the requirements to operate controls effectively.
Assurance activity
• Providing 2nd and 3rd line of defence assurance activities over the design, implementation and operating effectiveness of
• Implementation of shared services assurance as a service capability.
This publication has been written in general terms and we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining
from action on any of the contents of this publication. Deloitte LLP accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or
refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication.
Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered
office at 1 New Street Square, London EC4A 3HQ, United Kingdom.
Deloitte LLP is the United Kingdom affiliate of Deloitte NSE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private
company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”). DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL and
Deloitte NSE LLP do not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of
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