Network design consists of evaluating cell coverage and capacity and may involve many parameters related to environment,
system configuration and quality of service requirements. The key parameter for cost optimised Long Term Evolution
(LTE)-based network dimensioning is to provide a tight approximation of the effective signal-to-interference-plus-noise
ratio (SINR) distribution. This paper provides a novel framework for LTE and LTE-advanced network dimensioning, where
the classical single-carrier SINR performance evaluation is extended to multi-carriers systems operating over frequency
selective channels. Extension is achieved by expressing the link outage probability in terms of the statistics of the effective
SINR. For effective SINR computation, the exponential effective SINR mapping technique is used. Closed-form expression
for the link outage probability is achieved assuming a log skew normal approximation for single-carrier case. Then we
rely on the log-normal approximation to express the exponential effective SINR distribution as a function of the mean and
standard deviation of the SINR of a generic subcarrier. Effective SINR values are evaluated at click speed in each point on
the network. Simulations show that the proposed framework provides results with accuracy within 0.5 dB for any defined
outage probability target. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
M. Ben Hcine, Innovation of Communicant and Cooperative Mobiles Laboratory, Higher School of Communication, University of
Carthage, Ariana, Tunisia.
E-mail: [email protected]
dimensioning. In this paper, we substitute the resource- 1.2. Contribution of the current work
greedy system level simulations by an analytical frame-
work for effective SINR distribution derivation. First, we The contributions of this paper are summarised as follows.
provide a tight approximation of the SINR CDF on a (i) A simple formula for outage probability computation
generic subcarrier at any distance from the eNB, while in the presence of correlated log-normal interferes is pro-
taking into account the joint effect of path loss, shadowing posed. The proposed formula is based on log skew normal
and fast fading. Then, we extend this approach to multi- approximation to the sum of correlated log-normal RVs.
carriers system. Effective SINR distribution can thus be An analytical method is provided to derive log skew nor-
obtained at a click speed with very good accuracy. The mal distribution parameters. Simulations show that the
exponential effective SINR mapping (EESM) is considered proposed formula provides exact evaluation of outage
on this work. The validity of the EESM method to predict probability in the presence of correlated log-normal
the multi-carriers link error performance, under a variety interferes. (ii) An analytical model that considers shad-
of operating conditions, has been proved in several papers owing and fast fading effects is developed. SINR distri-
[1–3]. It has been shown that the EESM provides accuracy bution for single-carrier case is accurately approximated
within few tenths of a decibel, even when interference is considering real scenario deployment case, which takes
included [3]. cross-correlation matrix into consideration. (iii) An exten-
sion to multi-carriers case is proposed in order to provide
a tight approximation for the effective SINR distribution
1.1. Related work
on LTE networks based on log-normal distribution. Accu-
racy of approximation is within 0.5 dB. The proposed
The main objective of network dimensioning is to guar-
analytical framework allows us to analyse instantaneously
antee a minimum value of interference at cell edge while
the impact of various parameters involved in the dimen-
maintaining an acceptable overall cell throughput. In the
sioning of LTE-based networks. This includes environment
literature, several techniques have been proposed to miti-
parameters (shadowing, fast fading and path-loss expo-
gate interference and increase throughput especially at cell
nent), network and system parameters (cell range, eNBs
edge. In [4], a load balancing technique has been pro-
density and number of allocated RBs) and quality of
posed in order to reduce inter-cell interference. In [5],
service parameters (outage probabilities).
authors propose a demand-based spectrum orthogonalisa-
tion scheme for interference avoidance in LTE-advanced
networks. In [6], an expression of the SINR distribution 1.3. Outline of the present paper
conditionally on the average received powers has been
derived. Authors rely on Monte Carlo simulations at cell This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, sys-
edge to obtain the symbol error rate. In [7], authors propose tem model and parameters description are given. Inter-
a simple planning procedure based on the evaluation of two ference expressions based on this model are elaborated.
averages of the SINR. Effective SINR is approximated by In Section 3, we study the SINR distribution for single-
a Gaussian random variable (RV). This approach is limited carrier case and give a closed-form expression for outage
by the resources-consuming simulation needed to com- probability, taken into account the shadowing and the fast
pute the involved SINR averages. A statistical link budget fading effects, for a user equipment (UE) located at any dis-
model for LTE networks has been proposed in [8]; how- tance from its serving eNB. Then, we extend our approach
ever, the system throughput performances have not been for multi-carriers case using EESM technique. Assuming
studied. In [9], authors propose a semi-analytical method log-normal approximation to the effective SINR distribu-
for effective SINR modelling based on the generalised tion, a closed-form expression for outage probability in
extreme value distribution. They rely on a time-consuming multi-carriers case is given. In Section 4, we validate our
Monte Carlo simulation for the estimation of distribution approach and compare our analytical results to Monte
parameters. A paper close in its objectives and its demarche Carlo simulation results. An example of dimensioning
to our work is in [10]. Authors assume a log-normal involving a streaming service is given in Section 5: studies
approximation to SINR distribution for a single-carrier of the outage capacity and selection of adequate channel
case while taking into account the shadowing effect. Then quality index (CQI) at cell edge are performed with our
they jointly take into account the shadowing and the fast formulas. At last, Section 6 concludes the paper.
fading effects to derive a simple outage probability for-
mula. They extend their approach to multi-carriers case 2. SYSTEM MODEL
using the capacity effective SINR mapping (CESM). How-
ever, it has been shown in [1] that CESM model does We consider a homogeneous hexagonal network made of N
not provide an acceptable accuracy when modelling effec- eNBs with three sectors per site. Figure 1 shows an exam-
tive SINR in LTE networks. As alternative to CESM, the ple of such a network with the main parameters involved
EESM technique is used in this work. EESM has been in the study: R, the cell radius (500 m), and 3 R, the inter-
validated in [2, 3] as an accurate approach for effective site distance. A reuse factor equal to 1 is assumed: all
SINR modelling. cells use the whole system bandwidth. The UE u is located
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
The macro BS antenna radiation pattern used in each sector 3.1. Single-carrier case
is defined by
The outage probability is defined as the probability for the
" 2 # SINR to be lower than a given threshold value ı
A. / D min 12 , Am where 180 6 6 180
3dB 0 1
B A./ C
B r .10 10 .Y0 .X0 C
3dB is the 3-dB beam width, which corresponds to 65ı , P. < ı/ D P B
B 3N1 < ı C
C (6)
and Am D 20 dB is the maximum attenuation. The SINR @ P A. j/ A
rj .10 10 .Yj .Xj
at user u is thus given by jD1
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
Assuming that RVs Xj j>1 are equal to their average be approximated by a log skew normal distribution
SN. ƒ , !ƒ , "ƒ /, where ƒ is defined as the solution the
value E Xj D 1, we may write
following nonlinear equation:
0 1
P A.j /
3N1 0 1
B r j .10 10 .Yj
B jD1 C P
3N1 2 @2 r A
P. < ı/ D P B
BX 0 < ı A./
C (7)
e2i ei ei 1 r 1C2
@ r .10 10 .Y0 A iD1 Bi,j 16i,j63N1
!2 D e 16i,j63N1 0 1 1
3N1 2
ei ei =2 2 2@r P A
Introducing the RV, iD1 Bi,j
A.j /
rj .10 10 .Yj
jD1 Such nonlinear equation can be solved using different
Zf D (8)
A./ mathematical utilities (e.g. fsolve in MATLAB). Accord-
r .10 10 .Y0
ing to Benhcine and Bouallegue [12], we can use upper
The outage probability is now expressed as tail slopes match of both distributions to find out an opti-
C1 mal starting guess solution 0 to (14) in order to converge
Z x rapidly (only few iterations are needed), where
P. < ı/ D P < Zf px .x/dx (9)
ı v2 13
0 u
u X
Zf is a location dependent factor. The numerator is the sum 0 D t Max fB.i, i/g
2 Bi,j A5 1 (15)
of log-normal RVs, which can be approximated by a log 16i,j63N1
skew normal RV [12].
For the sake of simplicity, we define ƒ as Optimal location and scale parameters "ƒ , !ƒ are obtained
according to ƒ
X A.j /
rj .10 .Yj D ƒj (10) v
10 u
u 1 C 2ƒ
jD1 jD1 !ƒ D u t P (16)
so that ƒj is a log-normal RV with mean j D log rj C
a.A.j / and variance j D a. , where a D ln.10/ 10 . !
X 2
ƒ D .ƒ0 , ƒ1 : : : ƒ3N1 / is a strictly positive random i i2 =2 !ƒ
! "ƒ D ln e e
vector such that the vector L D .L0 , L1 : : : L3N1 / with 2
Lj D log.ƒj / has an n-dimensional normal distribution 0 0 11
with mean vector D .0 , 2 : : : 3N1 / and covariance B B ƒ CC
ln B B
@ @r P CC
matrix M with M.i, j/ D Cov.Li , Lj /, 0 6 i, j 6 3N 1, ƒ Bi,j
is called an n-dimensional log-normal vector with param- 16i,j63N1
eters E and M. Let R be the shadowing correlation matrix.
We have On the one hand, as Zf D ƒ0 , COV.ƒ, ƒ0 / may be
8 expressed as
<1 if i D j p p
COV.ƒ, ƒ0 / D Corr.ƒ, ƒ0 /. Var.ƒ0 /. Var.ƒ/
R.i, j/ D intra if cell i, cell j belong to the same eNB q
inter if cell i, cell j belong to different eNBs
D Corr.ƒ, ƒ0 / e0 1
(11) q (18)
. 2.e! .2ˇ!/ 2 2 .ˇ!//
The covariance matrix is computed by Balakrishnan and
Lai [13] (Eq 11.71) 1 2
. exp " C 0 C ! C 02
( ) 2
r 2
ei 1 ej 1 C 1
M.i, j/ D ln R.i, j/. (12) On the other hand, using the moment generating function
of the bivariate skew normal distribution, defined in [14],
Cov.ƒi , ƒj / may be expressed as COV.ƒ, ƒ0 / may be computed by
i Cj C 12 i2 Cj2
COV.ƒ, ƒ0 / D E Œƒƒ0 E Œƒ E Œƒ
Cov.ƒi , ƒj / D e .eM.i,j/ 1/ (13)
D 2'.ˇ!/ .exp. !0 / 1/
Let B D M 1 be the inverse of the covariance matrix. 1 2
exp " C 0 C ! C 02
According to Benhcine and Bouallegue [12], ƒ can 2
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
where is the correlation factor between ln.ƒ/ and A fast and accurate calculation of Owen T function used
ln.ƒ0 /, which can be expressed as in our simulation is provided in [15].
2 s 3
Note that if we consider only shadowing effect, the
2 !2
e0 1. 2 e ƒ '.2ˇƒ !ƒ /2' 2 .ˇƒ !ƒ / single-carrier outage probability can be written as
6 7
ln 4Corr.ƒ, ƒ0 /. C 15
2'.ˇƒ !ƒ / 2 3
ln ı1 "f
0 ! ƒ P. < ı/ D Qf 4 5 (32)
(20) !f
and ˇƒ D q ƒ .
3.2. Effective SINR distribution
We adopt the multivariate extension for skew normal distri-
bution defined in [14]. As a quotient of two dependent log The exponential effective SINR [1] is expressed as
skew normal RVs, Zf has a log skew normal distribution
LSN. f , !f , "f / (Appendix), where M !
SINReff D ˇ ln exp (33)
M ˇ
!ƒ .˛2 C ˛1 / 0 .˛1 C ˛2 / nD1
f D q (21)
2 C .1 2 /.˛ ! C ˛ /2
!ƒ 1 ƒ 2 0 where ˇ is an optimisation factor that depends only on the
q MCS. M is the number of allocated subcarriers.
2 2 ! C 2
!f D !ƒ ƒ 0 (22) We assume that SINReff expressed in (33) can be approx-
imated by a log-normal RV. Such assumption seems to
"f D "ƒ 0 (23) be accurate for small number of allocated subcarriers, and
and it remains that way as M increases. The validity of this
! assumption is proved in the following by simulation.
T ‰ 1 1
˛1 In order to compute the mean SINReff and the standard
˛ D D q (24)
˛2 ! ! deviation SINReff , we define the RV n as
1 C T ‰ 1
! ! SINRn
‰ D 1 1 T
(25) n D e ˇ (34)
0q 1
1 ı12 0 We compute E Œn and E 2n using the classical for-
D@ q A (26)
0 1 ı22 mula for each positive RV X and p 2 N : E ŒX p D
0 1 pxp1 P.X > x/dx
0 0
ıE D @ q ƒ A (27)
1C2ƒ C1
Z Z1
E Œn D .Rf . , t//et d dt (35)
D (28) 0 0
1 h i Z Z1
D (29)
1 2
E n D 2 Rf . , t/et d dt (36)
Thus, the single-carrier SINR CDF for a UE located at a 0 0
" #
distance r from its serving eNB, taking into account the t
ln ˇln./ "f
joint effect of shadowing and fast fading can be written, where Rf . , t/ D Qf !f . We define now the
using (9), as
RV as
Z " #
"f M
P. < ı/ D Qf
ln ı
ex dx (30)
De ˇ D exp (37)
!f M ˇ
0 nD1
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
Figure 2. Single-carrier outage probability for a UE located at different positions with (left) and without fast fading (right).
Figure 3. Multi-carriers outage probability for 4-QAM modulation, CQIindex D 5 and NRB D 5 with (left) and without fast fading (right).
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
Let t D x 1
1 , for more convenience, we define D 2
1 , so that
Z A2 D p exp
1 1 2 .˛1 2 C ˛2 1 / 1 2
'z .z/ D p exp 1
2 1 2 2.1 2 / ( 2 )
" #) 1 ˇ
z C 1 t z C 1 t 2 x .z /
t 2t C 2.1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
2 2
z C 1 t erf p dx
ˆ ˛1 t C ˛2 dt 2
h i h i
Let y D px , we have
Let x D ˛1 C ˛2 12 t C ˛2 z
2 , after some algebra, 2
we may write
n o Z
exp .z/
C1 1
2 2 A2 D p p exp
'z .z/ D p 2 .˛1 2 C ˛2 1 / 1 2
.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 / 1 2 1
1 ( 2)
( 2 ) p
1 ˇ
1 ˇ 2 y .z / erf .y/dy
exp x .z / 2.1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
2.1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
ˆ.x/dx Using Equation 13 from [17],
q C1
Z p !
n o b
D 12 21 2 C 22 exp .ax C b/2 erf .x/dx D erf p
a a2 C 1
ˇ D 2 .˛2 C ˛1 / 1 .˛1 C ˛2 / 1
Given the fact that ˆ.x/ D 1
1 C erf px , we We may write
2 2
may write 1 ˇ .z /
A2 D p erf p p
( ) 2 2 2 C .1 2 /.˛
1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
.z /2
'z .z/ D .A1 C A2 / exp 1 ˇ .z /
2 2 D p 2ˆ p
2 C .1 2 /.˛
1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
where so that
Z p " !#
1 2 ˇ.z /
A1 D p 'z .z/ D p 1ˆ p
2 .˛1 2 C ˛2 1 / 1 2 2 C .1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
1 ( )
( 2)
1 ˇ .z /2
exp x .z/ dx exp
2.1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2 2 2
1 Let Fz .z/ denote the CDF of the difference Z D Y X,
D p
2 .˛1 2 C ˛2 1 / 1 2 we have
1 p ( )
exp y2 dy; Zz Zz
2.1 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
2 2 .x /2
Fz .z/ D 'z .x/dx D p exp dx
ˇ 2 2
y D x .z / 1 1
Zz p
Z 2 ˇ.x /
1 1 p ˆ p
D exp t2 dt; 2 C .1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 /2
2 2 1
1 ( )
1 .x /2
tD p y exp dx
.1 2 /.˛1 2 C ˛2 1 / 2 2
D p .x/
2 Let y D , we may write
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
M. Ben Hcine and R. Bouallegue
Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett
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Trans. Emerging Tel. Tech. (2015) © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/ett