5-6. RP Series Rising Plug Valves (2015)

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Fury “Lok RP Series Rising Plug Valves fe Catalog No. H-RP100 Robust Bar Handle. + sintered stainless steel handle [—— Internal Seal + prevent ingress of foreign materials Ine the actuating threads. ‘Stem Thread +s to prevent particle build-up and for long ie. «1s above the packing to prevent fluid contamination Pane! Mount «is available as option, > Non - Rotating Stem Tip + ensures positive sealing Locking Pin minimizing seat wear-out, + ensures no disassembly FAM 0 - Ring with Back - up Ring sis Standard Variety of End Connections include male/female NPT and Male/Female 150/85. Female Hy-Lok Tube Fittings ‘ensures max Cv POM Cone Seat “is standard for easier replacement and PEEK is also avalable as option. Features + reste rating Up to 6000psi9 @ 100 (38) “eT eahaes armae wT Or Temperature and Pressure Ratings 1sle body a sencerd Seat [Tempercive [Pose Ring] Presure Rang eg einy toed mteras | Rating |@ 100 8'C) [@ Max Temperature pow | -20F~250% | 6000 pa | 1.000 psig [4bon Materials of Construction Gandared |.avc~rar'e)| (ata bay | @ 250 (121°C) meek | 25-400 | 6000 psa | 1.000 psig (69ban Descipton | Matefal/ ASTM specication entenan [carenaacey| “ame B22 | 'atepiaeeey Boay Tonnet Spare Seat = 5916/49 oF A276 ‘availabe for maintenance as below = art No, Seat Marerais | GW7Pack WV -m- DE Pow sear 1 pe Seat POM standord RPV PR PERK Seat Te Seal FAM Standord Nelo "for eng connecion and sae designator Honale Set Sines See! 6.5, RPVIMPANPK (368 Ordeng Infomation, Toskng Pla Staines See! HY-LOK CORPORATION pe ing Plug Valves el oad cage ort | “aeuon Table of Dimensions soscronns, | Yer | ow ee So Fai 114 Fea NPT en goa eet as wea We Maton werenaen | oh | | | wr raw |] 7 We Female NPT SS R961 ze v3 Tan Tear Teer | yoo] 28 fe) Ta Sea eT irTeraioner | 4) Al dimensions Wh miimerer: Ordering Information O00 © Valve Type Designator, Gauge Port Designater* Seat MetetetDesignator* Motel Designate “s Ph Whoutstondrs) a Roucstoncere) atest ianice eet [Gen NaS Pa: Peak [GaN 12 Nor ve Gate tna Female Poe tveae Tere i anew ionas Ne Hale Pe theca Female Spe ved = NPT g801/88) Threactny [14] 17 wa Designator | aN@)_|BNiR)_|_ TENG, Note :No designator & reared for tancara e.g. RPV MF-12N BN-S316, SAFETY in VALVE SELECTION Proper installaton, materials compatiity, operation fond mainlenance of tneie valver are the responsiiy ff tne user, The foral system lesan must be taken into consideration to ensure optimal performance fond safety Distouted by www hy-lok.com

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