Laboratory Manual For: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (312302)
Laboratory Manual For: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (312302)
Laboratory Manual For: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (312302)
To provide high quality technical and managerial manpower, information and consultancy services to the
industry and community to enable the industry and community to face the challenging technological &
environmental challenges.
We, at MSBTE are committed to offer the best in class academic services to the students and institutes to
enhance the delight of industry and society. This will be achieved through continual improvement in
management practices adopted in the process of curriculum design, development, implementation,
evaluation and monitoring system along with adequate faculty development programmes.
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (1SO:9001:2015) (1SO/IEC 27001:2013)
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
4th Floor, Government Polytechnic Building, 49, Kherwadi, Bandra
(East), Mumbai- 400051.
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms……………………………………...
Roll No. ………………….…….of Second Semester of Diploma
in…...…………………………………………………...of Institute
de:………) has completed the term work satisfactorily in course Basic
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (312302) for the academic
year 20…….to 20…….. as prescribed in the curriculum.
Seal of
Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering (312302)
The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/field work in the technical education system is
to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in view, MSBTE
embarked on this innovative 'K' Scheme curricula for engineering diploma programmes with outcome-
based education as the focus and accordingly, relatively large amount of time is allotted for the
practical work. This displays the great importance of laboratory work making each teacher, instructor
and student to realize that every minute of the laboratory time need to be effectively utilized to develop
these outcomes, rather than doing other mundane activities. Therefore, for the successful
implementation of this outcome-based curriculum, every practical has been designed to serve as a
'vehicle' to develop this industry identified competency in every student. The practical skills are
difficult to develop through "chalk and duster" activity in the classroom situation. Accordingly, the "K
scheme laboratory manual development team designed the practical’s to focus on the outcomes, rather
than the traditional age old practice of conducting practical’s to 'verify the theory" (which may become
a byproduct along the way).
This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students, teachers and
instructors to develop in the student the pre-determined outcomes. It is expected from each student that
at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read through the concerned practical procedure that
they will do the next day and understand the minimum theoretical background associated with the
practical. Every practical in this manual begins by identifying the competency, industry relevant skills,
course outcomes and practical outcomes which serve key focal point for doing the practical. The
students will then become aware about the skills they will achieve through procedure shown there and
necessary precautions to be taken, which will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in
their professional life.
This manual also provides guidelines to teachers and instructors to effectively facilitate student-
centered lab activities through each practical exercise by arranging and managing necessary resources
in order that the students follow the procedures and precautions systematically ensuring the
achievement of outcomes in the students.
This course deals with the fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics engineering,
working principles of commonly used motors, different electronic components and circuits used. In
today’s world most of the consumer appliances are based on electronic circuits and devices, working of
computer or any of its peripherals are based on electronics. The basic concepts of electrical and
electronics engineering in this course will be very useful for understanding and testing simple electrical
circuits and electronic circuits. After studying this course students will develop an insight to identify,
build and trouble shoot simple electrical and electronic circuits.
Although best possible care has been taken to check for errors (if any) in this laboratory manual,
perfection may elude us as this is the first edition of this manual. Any errors and suggestions for
improvement are solicited and highly welcome.
PO 1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences
and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
PO 2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.
PO 3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems
and assist with the design of system components or processes to meet specified needs.
PO 4. Engineering tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
PO 5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
PO 6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team
member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined
engineering activities.
PO 7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes.
The following industry relevant skills of the competency "Use electrical equipment in industrial
applications" are expected to be developed in you by undertaking the practicals of this laboratory manual.
1. Calculate and measure basic electrical quantities and parameters.
2. Use different electrical machines by making connections.
3. Use electrical safety devices in electrical circuits.
4. Use relevant diode in different electronic circuits.
5. Use BJT and FET in various electronic circuits.
6. Use various types of sensors and transducers.
Sr. No. Title of the Practical CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6
10 Demonstrate the operation of stepper motor for
- - - - -
various speed rotation.
11 Use multimeter for measurement of voltage,
current (AC, DC), resistance and continuity of the - - - - -
given electrical circuit.
12 Connect fuse in electrical circuit and check its
- - - - -
operation at normal and abnormal conditions.
13 Connect MCB in electrical circuit and check its
- - - - -
operation at normal and abnormal conditions.
14 Connect ELCB in electrical circuit and check its
- - - - -
operation at normal and abnormal conditions.
15 Use of earth tester for measurement of earthing
- - - - -
resistance of a installed earthing of laboratory.
16 Connect the Zener diode in the circuit and test its
- - - - -
operation in forward and reverse bias mode.
17 Determine the voltage regulation by using Zener
- - - - -
diode under variable input and output conditions.
18 Check the output waveform of L, C and π filters
- - - - -
on CRO of rectifier circuit.
19 Make the input and output connections of UPS
and measure the output voltage under online and - - - - -
offline mode.
20 Make the input, output connections and check the
operation of UPS under normal and overload - - - - -
21 Test input /output characteristics of NPN
- - - - -
transistor in CE configuration
22 Test input /output characteristics of NPN
- - - - -
transistor in CB configuration.
23 Check the switch ON and switch OFF condition
- - - - -
of LED by using transistor.
24 Determine the Drain and Transfer characteristics
of FET. - - - - -
100) transducer.
26 Measure temperature of liquid using
thermocouple measurement. - - - - -
Content Page
List of Practical’s and Progressive Assessment Sheet
Sr. Title of the Practical Page Date of Date of Assessment Dated Remarks
No. no. Performance Submission Marks (25) sign. of (If any)
30 Measurement of 187
displacement using
Practical No.1 Measure the parameters of simple electrical and identify presence of flux lines in
magnetic circuit. (E.g. current, voltage, power, flux)
I Practical Significance:
To measure the parameters of a simple electrical circuit and identify the presence of flux lines in a
magnetic circuit, you can use various instruments and techniques.
II Industry /Employer Expected outcome:
Apply basic concept of electrical and electronics engineering in various application in relevant technical
III Course level learning outcome:
Calculate and measure basic electrical quantities and parameters.
IV Laboratory Learning outcome:
LLO Use electrical meters for measurement of electrical parameters.
LLO Identify presence of magnetic flux lines
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome:
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Avoid loose connections.
2. Don't touch wire with wet hand.
3. Gradually increase the voltage of auto-transformer.
X Procedure:
A) Procedure Circuit for measurement of voltage, current and power
1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.
2. Apply the voltage using autotransformer.
3. Measure the voltage, current and power of the circuit
XI Resources used:
XIV Results:
XVIII References/suggestions for further reading:
Practical No. 2: Measure frequency, Time period, Peak value, RMS value of sinusoidal AC
waveform for resistive and inductive circuit using CRO.
I Practical significance:
An alternating ac waveform is one that varies in both magnitude and direction in more or less an even
manner with respect to time. An AC function can mathematically represent either a power source or a
single source with the shape of an AC waveform
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
Use electrical equipment efficiently for different electronic engineering application.
Use single phase AC supply for Electrical and electronic equipments.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Calculate and measure basic electrical quantities and parameters.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
LLO Interpret the AC waveform for resistive and inductive circuit displayed on CRO.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background:
Waveform: The shape of the curve obtained by plotting the instantaneous values of voltage or current as
ordinate against time is called its waveform.
Time period (T): The time taken in seconds to complete one cycle of an alternating quantity is called its
time period. It is generally represented by T. Unit of time period is seconds.
Frequency (F): The number of cycles that occur in one second is called the frequency (f) of the
alternating quantity.
Amplitude. The maximum value (positive or negative) attained by an alternating quantity is called its
amplitude or peak value. The amplitude of an alternating voltage or current is designated by Vm or Im
Average Value: The average value of a alternating quantity is equal to the average of all its instantaneous
values over a period of time.
𝑽𝒂𝒗𝒈 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟑𝟕 ∗ 𝑽𝒎𝒂𝒙
Peak Value: It is the maximum value attained by an alternating quantity. The peak or maximum value of
an alternating voltage or current is represented by Vm or Im.
R.M.S Value: The effective or R.M.S. value of an alternating current is that steady current (d.c.) which
when flowing through a given resistance for a given time produces the same amount of heat as produced
by the alternating current when flowing through the same resistance for the same time.
𝑽𝒓𝒎𝒔 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟎𝟕 ∗ 𝑽𝒎𝒂𝒙
XIV Calculations:
1. Time period of ac waveform (T)= ………..division X ………. Time per division =
…………………. Seconds
2. Peak value of ac waveform= ………….. division X ………...... volt per division = ………………
3. R.M.S. value of ac waveform = Peak value X 0.707= ………… Volts
4. Average value of ac waveform = Peak value X 0.637=………… Volts
XV Results:
1. Time period : ………………...seconds
2. Peak value: …………………..volts
3. R.M.S. value: …………………volts
4. Average value: …………….... volts
XVIII References/Suggestions for further reading:
Practical No. 3: Phase difference between voltage and current in inductive circuit
I Practical Significance:
Phase difference between voltage and current in resistive and inductive circuits plays an important role in
electrical and electronic engineering. Because without these components such as relays, solenoids,
inductors, chokes, coils, loudspeakers, motors, generators, transformers and electricity meters etc, would
not work. Phase difference between voltage and current in a circuit depends on parameters of the circuit.
Based on this, circuit has lagging, leading or unity power factor.
II Industry/ Employer Expected Outcomes(s):
Apply basic concept of electrical and electronic engineering in various applications in relevant technical
III Course Level Learning Outcomes(s):
Calculate and measure basic electrical quantities and parameters.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes(s):
LLO Measure the phase difference between voltage and current in the AC circuit of the inductive circuit
Waveform representation of supply voltage V and circuit current I, phase difference is Φ, I is lagging
behind V by an angle of Φ
VII Actual circuit diagram used in laboratory with equipment specifications:
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.
2. Set rheostat at maximum position.
3. By using autotransformer apply the voltage.
4. Measure the voltage across R and L, measure current and power
5. Repeat the procedure for different voltages.
6. Draw phasor diagram for above readings.
XI Resources used:
Sr. Vr= I*R Voltage across R=𝑽𝑹 /I 𝑿𝑳 =𝑽𝑳 /I Z=V/I Cos(Φ)= Φ Reactive Apparent
No. pure P/VI power power
inductance Q (VAR) S (VA)
𝑽𝑳 =√𝑽𝒄𝒐𝒊𝒍𝟐 −
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of results:
XVIII References / Suggestions for Further Reading:
Practical No. 4: Measure the live voltage, phase voltage and phase current and line current in three
phase star connected balanced load.
I Practical Significance:
In practice, large power application like Transformer, Transmission line etc. use three phase systems. In a
three phase circuit loads can be connected in balanced star and delta mode. Practical will help the students
to acquire necessary skills.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
Three-phase power is commonly used in factories and manufacturing plants to power large equipment
such as compressors, pumps, conveyors, and motors, often use three-phase power to run large fans and
pumps It is necessary to formulate voltage and current relations for system parameters for testing ,
calculations and interpretations.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Calculate and measure basic electrical quantities and parameters.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
LLO 1 Measure the live voltage, phase voltage, phase current and line current in three phase star
connected balanced load.
LLO 2 Determine phase voltage and line current in delta connected load.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background (With diagrams if required):
In the Star Connection, the similar ends (either start or finish) of the three windings are connected to a
common point called star or neutral point. The three-line conductors run from the remaining three free
terminals called line conductors.
The same current flows through phase winding as well as in the line conductor as it is connected in series
with the phase winding.
Star connection is preferred for long distance power transmission because it is having the neutral point. In
this we need to come to the concept of balanced and unbalanced current in power system. When equal
current will flow through all the three phases, then it is called as balanced current.
Usually, Star Connection is used in both transmission and distribution networks (with either single phase
supply or three – phase. Delta Connection is generally used in distribution networks. Since insulation
required is less, Star Connection can be used for long distances.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Avoid loose connections.
2. Don’t touch wire with wet hands.
1. Ensure the output voltage of the Autotransformer should be zero.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
2. Confirm all the meters should be at zero position.
3. Set the rheostat at maximum position.
4. Set the autotransformer output voltage zero.
5. Switch ON the supply.
6. Record the reading of ammeters, voltmeters.
7. Take different readings at different input voltages.
Sr. No. Line Voltage Phase Line current Phase Ratio Ratio
Voltage Current VL/Vph IL/Iph
(volts) (Amp)
(Volts) (Amp)
XIV Result(s):
XV Interpretation of results:
XVI Conclusion and recommendation:
XVIII References/Suggestions for further reading:
Practical No. 5: Measure the live voltage, phase voltage and phase current and line current in three
phase delta connected balanced load.
I Practical Significance:
In practice, large power application like Transformer, Transmission line etc. use three phase systems. In a
three phase circuit loads can be connected in balanced star and delta mode. Practical will help the students
to acquire necessary skills.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
Three-phase power is commonly used in factories and manufacturing plants to power large equipment
such as compressors, pumps, conveyors, and motors, often use three-phase power to run large fans and
pumps It is necessary to formulate voltage and current relations for system parameters for testing,
calculations and interpretations.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Calculate and measure basic electrical quantities and parameters.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
LLO Find the phase voltage and line current relation in delta connected load.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background (With diagrams if required):
The delta in a three-phase system is formed by connecting one end of the winding to the starting end of
other winding and the connections are continued to form a closed loop. The star in the three-phase system
is formed by connecting one end of all three impedances are connected together.
In Delta (Δ) or Mesh connection, the finished terminal of one winding is connected to start terminal of
the other phase and so on which gives a closed circuit. The three-line conductors are run from the three
junctions of the mesh called Line Conductors.
To obtain the delta connections, a2 is connected with b1, b2 is connected with c1 and c2 is connected with
a1 as shown in the above figure. The three conductors R, Y and B are running from the three junctions
known as Line Conductors.
The current flowing through each phase is called Phase Current (Iph), and the current flowing through
each line conductor is called Line Current (IL).
The voltage across each phase is called Phase Voltage (Eph), and the voltage across two line conductors is
called Line Voltage (EL).
Relation between Phase Voltage and Line Voltage in Delta Connection
In a Delta Connection, the Line and Phase Voltages are same and hence, more insulation is required for
individual phases. Usually, Star Connection is used in both transmission and distribution networks (with
either single phase supply or three – phase. Delta Connection is generally used in distribution networks
Three Phase balanced network are used in the power industry for the reason of economy and performance.
Three phase generators and motors run smoothly, with no torque pulsation, unlike single phase machine.
In addition balanced three phase system may be operated as three or four wire systems, which much less
copper needed for the power delivered as compared with three single phase systems.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Avoid loose connections.
2. Don’t touch wire with wet hands.
3. Ensure the output voltage of the Autotransformer should be zero.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
2. Confirm all the meters should be at zero position.
3. Set the rheostat at maximum position.
4. Set the autotransformer output voltage zero.
5. Switch ON the supply.
6. Record the reading of ammeters, voltmeters.
7. Take different readings at different input voltages.
Sr. No. Line Voltage Phase Voltage Line Phase Current Ratio Ratio
current VL/Vph
(volts) (volts) (amp) IL/Iph
XIV Result(s):
XV Interpretation of results:
XVI Conclusion and recommendation:
XVII Practical related questions (Provide space for answers)
1. Define balanced load and unbalanced load.
2. State the application of Delta connection.
3. What are the advantage of three phase system over single phase system?
4. Compare Star and delta connection.
Practical No. 6: Determination of the voltage ratio and current ratio of single phase transformer.
I Practical Significance:
A single phase Transformer is used for changing voltage levels in electronic circuits. Mostly electronic
devices/ circuits are energized with DC supply. To lower the voltage level of AC supply voltage
transformer is used and this lowered AC voltage level further rectified to DC supply. Voltage ratio of a
transformer decides increasing or decreasing voltage level.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
Determine voltage and current ratio of single phase transformer.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Use different electrical machines by making connections.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
LLO Determine the transformation ratio.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background:
Voltage ratio: The voltage ratio of a transformer is equal to the ratio of primary voltage and secondary
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =
Vp = Primary voltage
Vs = secondary voltage
Current ratio: The current ratio of a transformer is equal to the ratio of primary current and secondary
𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =
Ip = primary current Is = secondary current
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. All electrical connections should be neat and tight.
2. Check the power supply before connection.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.
2. Switch on power supply.
3. Note down reading of ammeter and voltmeter.
4. Calculate current and voltage ratio
XIV Results:
Voltage Ratio is ………………… and current ratio is ……………… for given transformer
XV Interpretation of results:
XVI Conclusion and recommendation:
XVII Practical related questions (Provide space for answers):
1. Define transformer.
2. Define voltage ratio.
3. Define current ratio.
4. Define transformation ratio.
5. State EMF equation of single phase transformer.
6. Define step up and step down transformer.
7. Give applications of step up and step down transformer.
XVIII References/Suggestions for further reading:
XIX Suggested Assessment Scheme:
I Practical Significance:
DC shunt motor draws very high current during starting which may burn armature winding. Hence to
protect DC shunt motor from damage due to heavy starting current, Three point starter is used to start
DC shunt motor.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
Select and connect DC motor to DC supply using particular starter for different applications.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Use different electrical machines by making connections.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
LLO DC shunt motor operation.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background:
3 point starter is a device whose main function is starting of DC shunt motor. The 3 point starter
connects the resistance in series with the circuit which reduces the high starting current and hence
protect DC Shunt motor from damage. For DC series motor 2 point starter is used.
VII Actual Circuit diagram used in laboratory with equipment Specifications:
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Connect the three point starter with DC shunt motor properly.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
2. Switch on DC supply.
3. Move the handle of 3 point starter from Start to Run position gradually.
4. Observe the starting of DC shunt motor.
5. By using tachometer measure the speed of the DC shunt motor
XI Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specification:
XIII Observations:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of results:
I Practical Significance:
DC series motor draws very high current during starting which may burn armature winding. Hence to
protect DC series motor from damage due to heavy starting current, Two point starter is used to start
DC series motor.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
Select and connect DC motor to DC supply using particular starter for different applications.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Use different electrical machines by making connections.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
LLO DC series motor operation.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background
2 point starter is a device whose main function is starting of DC series motor. The 2 point starter
connects the resistance in series with the circuit which reduces the high starting current and hence
protect DC Series motor from damage. For DC Shunt motor 3 point starter is used.
VII Actual Circuit diagram used in laboratory with equipment Specifications:
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Connect the two point starter with DC shunt motor properly.
2. Do not start DC series motor without any load.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
2. Switch on DC supply.
3. Move the handle of 3 point starter from Start to Run position gradually.
4. Observe the starting of DC shunt motor.
5. By using tachometer measure the speed of the DC shunt motor
XI Required Resources/apparatus/equipment with specification:
XIII Observations:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of results:
XVIII References/Suggestions for further reading:
I Practical Significance:
Reversal of rotation of Universal motor plays an important role in electrical and electronic engineering for
different medical instrumentation applications.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s)
Use universal motor for different applications. Reverser the direction of rotation of universal motor.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s)
Use different electrical machines by making connections.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s)
LLO Speed reversal of universal motor.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s)
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. All electrical connections should be neat and tight.
2. Check the power supply before connection.
X Procedure
1. Connect universal motor to AC/DC supply.
2. Mark the rotation of motor.
3. Change the armature winding terminal.
4. Mark the rotation of motor.
XIII Observations:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of results:
XVI Conclusion and recommendation
XVII Practical related questions (Provide space for answers)
1. State working of universal motor.
2. State main parts of State different types of single phase induction motors.
3. Give applications of universal motor.
XVIII References/Suggestions for further reading:
Practical No. 10: Demonstrate the operation of stepper motor for various speed rotation.
I Practical significance: Stepper motors convert electricity into rotation. Not only does a stepper
motor convert electrical power into rotation, but it can be very accurately controlled in terms of how
far it will rotate and how fast. Stepper motors are typically used for holding or positioning
II Industry/Employer expected outcome:
Apply basic concept of electrical engineering in various application in relevant technical field. Identify
different types of supply sources, equipment and machines.
III Course level learning outcome:
Use different electrical machines by making connection.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome
Demonstrate the stepper motor operation.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome
Follow safety electrical rules for practices.
VI Relevant Theoretical background
The construction of a stepper motor is fairly related to a DC motor. It includes a permanent magnet
like Rotor which is in the middle & it will turn once force acts on it. This rotor is enclosed through a
no. of the stator which is wound through a magnetic coil all over it. The stator is arranged near to rotor
so that magnetic fields within the stators can control the movement of the rotor.
Stepper Motor
The stepper motor can be controlled by energizing every stator one by one. So the stator will
magnetize & works like an electromagnetic pole which uses repulsive energy on the rotor to move
forward. The stator’s alternative magnetizing as well as demagnetizing will shift the rotor gradually
&allows it to turn through great control.
The stepper motor working principle is Electro-Magnetism. It includes a rotor which is made with a
permanent magnet whereas a stator is with electromagnets. Once the supply is provided to the winding
of the stator then the magnetic field will be developed within the stator. Now rotor in the motor will
start to move with the rotating magnetic field of the stator. So this is the fundamental working
principle of this motor.
Stepper Motor Construction
In this motor, there is a soft iron that is enclosed through the electromagnetic stators. The poles of the
stator as well as the rotor don’t depend on the kind of stepper. Once the stators of this motor are
energized then the rotor will rotate to line up itself with the stator otherwise turns to have the least gap
through the stator. In this way, the stators are activated in a series to revolve the stepper motor.
A stepper motor is a type of electromechanical device that converts electrical pulses into discrete
mechanical movements. Unlike DC or AC motors that rotate continuously, a stepper motor moves
in precise increments or steps, hence the name "step- per." A stepper motor, also known as step
motor or stepping motor, is an electrical motor that rotates in a series of small angular steps, instead of
continuously. Stepper motors are so named because each pulse of electricity turns the motor one step.
The operation of a stepper motor for various speed rotation lies in understanding the capabilities and
application of stepper motors in different scenarios. Commercially, stepper motors are used in floppy
disk drives, flatbed scanners, computer printers, plotters, slot machines, image scanners, compact disc
drives, intelligent lighting, camera lenses, CNC machines, and 3D printers. They are used in numeric
control of machine tools. Used in tape drives, and electric watches. The stepper motor also uses in X-Y
plotter and robotics. It has wide application in textile industries and integrated circuit fabrications.
A stepper motor is an electromechanical device it converts electrical power into mechanical power.
Also, it is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that can divide a full rotation into an expansive
number of steps. The motor’s position can be controlled accurately without any feedback mechanism,
as long as the motor is carefully sized to the application. Stepper motors are similar to
switched reluctance motors. The stepper motor uses the theory of operation for magnets to make the
motor shaft turn a precise distance when a pulse of electricity is provided. The stator has eight poles,
and the rotor has six poles. The rotor will require 24 pulses of electricity to move the 24 steps to make
one complete revolution. Another way to say this is that the rotor will move precisely 15° for each
pulse of electricity that the motor receives. Stepper motors are typically used for holding or
positioning applications. In areas like lasers and optics, they are used in precision positioning
equipment such as linear actuators, linear stages, rotation stages, and more. They can also be used in
Packaging Machinery.
Practical No. 11: Use of Multimeter for measurement of voltage, current (AC, DC), resistance
and continuity of the given electrical circuit.
I Practical Significance:
Multimeter is used for measurement of voltage, current in AC and DC circuit. Also resistance and
continuity of the given electrical circuit can be checked by using multimeter.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
In the industry, Electrical Engineering diploma graduate are expected to handle digital multimeter to
measure basic parameters like voltage, current and resistance of the field devices. Therefore this
practical will help you to acquire necessary skills.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Use different electrical machines by making connections.
b) AC Voltage Measurement
d) DC Voltage Measurement
e) Resistance Measurement
f) Continuity checking
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Select proper range of meters.
2. Be careful while selecting AC/DC meters.
3. Don’t increase the current beyond meters capacity.
4. Use dimmerstat for voltage variation in AC.
5. Don’t touch the live wires.
6. Set the DMM at correct AC /DC voltmeter, AC/DC ammeter mode by operating selector
X Procedure:
A) AC Current Measurement
1) Connect a circuit as shown in fig for measurement of AC current.
2) Switch ON the supply.
3) Keep dimmerstat at minimum position.
4) Increase the output voltage of dimmerstat up to the rated value.
5) Switch on the load bank switches gradually in steps.
6) Record the current in the observation table after measuring with DMM reading
7) Record the ammeter reading.
8) Increase the load on by switching on one more switch of the load bank.
9) Repeat steps 6-9 for more readings.
B) AC voltage measurement
1) Connect a circuit as shown in fig for measurement of AC Voltage.
2) Switch ON the supply.
3) Keep dimmerstat at minimum position.
4) Increase the output voltage of dimmerstat up to the rated value.
5) Switch on the load bank switches gradually in steps.
6) Record the voltmeter reading.
7) Set the DMM at correct AC voltmeter mode by operating selector switch, record DMM
voltage reading.
8) Increase the load on by switching on one more switch of the load bank.
9) Repeat steps 6-9 for more readings.
C) DC Current Measurement
D) DC Voltage Measurement
E) Resistance Measurement
F) Continuity checking
XI Required Resources
Name of Resource Suggested Broad Specification Quantity
b) AC Voltage Measurement
c) DC Current Measurement
d) DC Voltage Measurement
e) Resistance Measurement
f) Checking continuity
XIII Result(s):
Practical No. 12: Connect the fuse in electrical circuit and check its operation at normal and
abnormal conditions.
I Practical Significance:
An electrical fuse is a safety device that operates to provide protection against the overflow of current
in an electrical circuit. An important component of an electrical fuse is a metal wire or strip that melts
when excess current flows through it. It helps to protect the device by stopping or interrupting the
II Industry/ Employer Expected Outcomes(s):
Select the relevant fuse for different requirements.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. There should not be any loose connection.
2. Ensure the proper rating of fuse is selected for the given circuit.
3. Ensure that supply is OFF while replacing the fuse.
4. Follow electrical safety rules,
X Procedure:
1. There should not be any loose connection.
2. Switch on the supply and adjust the rated load current.
3. Gradually increase the load current in steps of 10% of rated and note down the time of
operation for each current above rated till fuse blows.
4. Plot the graph between current and time of operation.
Sr. No. Voltmeter reading in volts Current through fuse Time of operation in seconds
element in Amps.
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
Practical No. 13: Connect MCB in electrical circuit and check its operation at normal and
abnormal conditions.
I Practical Significance:
MCB is the most important component of power distribution system. It provides safety, proper
operation of the system and ease in smooth operation of the installation. Therefore, it is essential to
know the working of this component.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. While testing MCB proper ratings of fuses should be used in ICDP.
2. Ensure the proper rating of MCB is selected for the given circuit.
3. Follow electrical safety rules.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram shown.
2. Switch on the supply.
3. Apply the rated voltage to the MCB.
4. Increase the load up to 3 times current rating of MCB.
5. Record the tripping time of MCB and ammeter reading in the observation table.
6. Increase the load up to 4 to 5 times of current rating of MCB.
7. Record the tripping time of MCB and ammeter reading in the observation table.
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
Practical No. 14: Connect ELCB in electrical circuit breaker and check its operation at normal
and abnormal conditions.
I Practical Significance:
ELCB is a life -saving device which is designed to prevent human life from electric shocks.
Connection of switchgears plays important role in engineering. Correct connection is necessary for
operating equipment safely. This device provides the safety in an electrical installation. Therefore, it is
essential to know the working of this component.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. While testing ELCB proper ratings of fuses should be used in ICDP.
2. Ensure the proper rating of ELCB is selected for the given circuit.
3. Precautions should be taken while operating knife switch.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the ELCB as per the circuit diagram.
2. Record the observation in ammeters.
3. If Knife switch is not available, then remove neutral wire of load and touch to Earth terminal of
Sr. No. Current through live wire Current through neutral wire
Sr. No. Current through live wire Current through neutral wire
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
Practical No.15 Use of earth tester for measurement of earthing resistance of a installed earthing
of laboratory.
I Practical Significance:
Earthing System or Grounding System is an electrical network work as a safety measure to protect
human life as well as equipment. The main objective of the Earth testing is to measure the value of
earth resistance and compare and maintain it with recommended value of earth system resistance.
II Industry/ Employer Expected Outcomes(s):
Use earth tester for measurement of earthing resistance.
III Course Level Learning Outcomes(s):
Use Electrical safety devices in electrical circuit.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcomes(s):
Measurement of earth resistance.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
Follow safety electrical rules for safe practices.
VI Minimum Theoretical Background:
The instrument used for measuring the resistance of the earth is known as earth tester. All the
equipment of the power system is connected to the earth through the earth electrode. The earth
protects the equipment and personnel from the fault current. The resistance of the earth is very low.
The fault current through the earth electrode passes to the earth. Thus, protect system from damage. As
per Indian standard as well as international standard (IEEE and IEC), earthing resistance should not be
more than following recommended value for various installations:
1. Household-5 Ohm
2. Power station-0.5 Ohm
3. Major substations- 1 Ohm
4. Minor substation-2 Ohm
Earth tester is a special type of megger used for measurement of earth resistance having additional
constructional features of rotating current reverser and rectifier. It has four terminals namely P1, P2
and C1, C2. Two terminals PI and C1 are shorted to form a common point to be connected to the earth
electrode. P1, P2. The other two terminals P2 and C2 are connected to auxiliary electrodes P and C
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Read carefully the instructions of the manufacturer.
2. All connection should be tight.
3. Select the proper range of tester.
4. Handle rotation should be as per instruction given on instruments.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the earth tester and connecting cables.
2. Drive the current electrode at a distance of 30 meters from the main electrode.
3. Drive the potential electrode midway between the main and current electrodes.
4. Short the terminal C1 and P1, of the earth tester (if four terminals) and connect the terminals to
the main electrode.
5. Connect the terminal P2 and C2 of the earth tester to the potential electrode and current
electrodes respectively.
6. Rotate the earth tester at its rated speed.
7. Measure the resistance of the earth electrode directly in the tester and enter the value in
observation table.
8. Repeat the measurement by shifting the auxiliary electrode position as state in Nos. 2 to 4 of
observation table.
9. Calculate average value of earth resistance.
10. If the value is found more than 5 Ohm, pour water in funnel of earth electrode a measure the
earth resistance.
XI Resources Used (Student should the required resources):
XIII Observations and Calculations:
XIV Results:
XVIII References / Suggestions for Further Reading:
Practical No.16 : Connect the Zener diode in the circuit and test its operation in forward and
reverse bias mode.
I Practical Significance:
Zener diodes are widely used as voltage references and as shunt regulators to regulate the voltage
across small circuits. The student will be able to plot the forward and reverse characteristics of the
Zener diode and measure the Zener voltage
Electrical and Electronic industries use different types of DC power supplies with different voltage and
current ratings. Zener diode works as a voltage regulator in DC power supply. The Employee should
be able to test Zener diode for its ratings.
Zener diode is formed by combining highly doped P and N semiconductor materials. It works on the
principle of Zener breakdown and is normally operated in reverse breakdown region. In reverse
breakdown region, high current flow through the diode leading to high power dissipation.
The Zener breakdown occurs when the electric field across the junction produced due to the reverse
voltage is sufficiently high, this breaks covalent bonds. Thus a large numbers of carriers are generated
which causes a more current to flow. This mechanism is called as Zener breakdown. After Zener
breakdown the reverse current increases sharply but voltage across Zener diode remains constant.
Zener resistance of a Zener diode is a ratio of reverse Zener voltage to the reverse Zener current.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the
circuit diagram.
2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input voltage of the Zener diode beyond the
rated voltage of diode. This may lead to damaging of the diode.
3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
X Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2.
2. Switch ON the power supply.
3. Record the forward voltage and forward current in the observation table nol.
4. Increase the input voltage in step of 0.1 V
5. Record the forward voltage and forward current in the observation table nol.
6. Repeat steps 4 to 5 till 1 V is reached.
7. Plot the graph for the forward bias characteristics of Zener diode by taking forward voltage on
X- axis and forward current on Y-axis.
8. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 3.
9. Vary input voltage gradually in steps of 1V up to 12V.
10. Record the corresponding readings of reverse voltage and reverse current in the observation
table no2.
11. Plot the graph for the reverse bias characteristics of Zener diode by taking VR on X- axis and IR
on Y-axis.
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
3. What is the effect on voltage across zener diode and current flowing through it, when reverse
voltage across it is more than breakdown voltage?
4. What portion of zener diode characteristics is most useful for voltage regulation applications?
Practical No.17: Determine the voltage regulation by using zener diode under variable input and
output conditions.
I Practical Significance:
It is required to provide regulated power supply to various circuits and Integrated Circuits. Zener
diodes have a primary application as a voltage regulator. Various electronic equipment’s and circuits
require regulated power supply which can be provided by Zener voltage regulator. Student should be
able to test zener as a voltage regulator for variable input and variable load.
Electrical and Electronic industries use different types of DC power supplies with different voltage and
current ratings. Zener diode works as a voltage regulator in DC power supply. Depending on the input
voltage and required output voltage zener diode should be selected.
Zener diode is designed to operate in the breakdown region. It is possible to construct Zener diode with
required breakdown voltage in reverse bias condition. After breakdown, Zener diode acts as a constant
voltage source i.e. if the applied reverse voltage exceeds the Zener voltage; it keeps the voltage across
the device constant. Since it acts as a constant voltage regulator i.e. it keeps the output voltage constant
irrespective of changes in load current or changes in input voltage.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless the circuit connection are checked as per the circuit
2. See the data sheet to know the reverse breakdown voltage of the given diode before Starting the
3. Connect Voltmeters/Ammeters in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram
4. Switch OFF the power supply after taking readings.
X Procedure:
1. By changing the Load Resistance RL, measure the corresponding output (Voltmeter) voltage.
2. Measure the current in the two ammeters to measure zener current Iz and Load current IL
Line Regulation
Keep the Load resistance RL constant. Vary the input supply Vs & note down the corresponding output
Plot the graph of Load current IL (X-axis) Versus Load voltage Vo (Y-axis). Plot a graph between
Input voltage Vs (X-axis) Versus Output Voltage Vo (Y-axis)
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Give the value of input voltage when Zener current starts increasing?
2. For what value of Load resistance the Load current is Minimum?
3. For what value of Load resistance the Load current is Maximum?
4. Define zener breakdown?
Practical No.18: Check the output waveform of L, C and π filters on CRO of rectifier circuit.
I Practical Significance:
The device which converts the pulsating DC into pure DC is called filter. Voltage regulator keeps the
terminal voltage of the D.C. power supply constant, even if the A.C. input to the transformer varies or
the load varies. The electronic passive elements like capacitor and inductors are used to perform this
function. In this experiment the student will be able to test the performance of L, C, LC and CLC
Filters play active role in different D.C. power supplies used in industries. Depending upon the
application different types of filters or their combination can be selected and tested.
A rectifier is a circuit that converts the AC signal into pulsating DC. This pulsating DC is converted
into pure DC by using filters circuits. A filter circuit consists of passive components like inductors,
capacitors or their combination. For example, an inductor allows AC On the other hand, capacitor
allows flowing AC through it, but blocks DC. Therefore capacitor filter is always connected in parallel
with the load. Whereas inductor filter is connected in series with the load. Combination of L and C i.e.
LC or CLC filters are also widely used for getting better filtered output.
Any other
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the
circuit diagram.
2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond the rated
voltage of diode. This may lead to damage of the diode.
3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
X Procedure:
Part I
1. Connect the Electronic circuit for half wave rectifier on bread board as shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains and the secondary side to rectifier
3. Before switching on power supply, check the connection.
4. Switch ON the power supply and set CRO in DC mode adjust level accurately.
5. Observe the Waveforms across load resistance R₁ for capacitor filter.
6. Connect the inductor as shown in Figure 5 and observe the waveform across load resistor
Part II
1. Connect the Electronic circuit for Full wave rectifier on bread board as shown in Figure 2.
2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains and the secondary side to rectifier
3. Before switching on power supply, check the connection.
4. Switch ON the power supply and set CRO in DC mode adjust level accurately.
5. Observe the Waveforms across load resistance R₁ for capacitor filter.
6. Connect the inductor as shown in Figure 5 and observe the waveform across load resistor
7. Compare waveforms observed for half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. State the effect on output voltage if we replace the capacitor filter with pi filter.
2. Compare output wave form of LC filter and CLC filter for half wave rectifier as well as full
wave rectifier
3. Draw the circuit diagram of bridge rectifier with pi filter.
Practical No.19: Make the input and output connections of UPS and measure the output voltage
under online and offline mode
I Practical Significance:
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) have important role in various applications where a reliable and
continuous power supply is required.
II Industry/Employer Expected Outcome(s):
In industrial, domestic, commercial applications, continuous AC mains supply is needed. The
employee is expected to select UPS of suitable ratings and test it under online and offline mode.
III Course Level Learning Outcome(s):
Use relevant diode in different Electronic circuits.
IV Laboratory Learning Outcome(s):
Check the operation of UPS under online and offline mode.
V Relevant Affective Domain related outcome(s):
1. Handle the equipments and components carefully.
2. Follow safety precautions.
VI Relevant Theoretical Background (With diagrams if required):
The purpose of a UPS is to provide emergency power (usually by a lead/acid battery) to a load when it
senses that the input power source has failed. They are different from emergency power systems or
standby generators because they provide near-instantaneous protection from power interruption by
using a battery (which can be a super capacitor or flywheel). The battery itself usually has a short
runtime (about 5-20 minutes), but it should be enough to either save all that precious data/progress that
you have made, gracefully shut everything down, or fix the problem that caused the outage. A UPS can
be used to protect hardware like data centers, computers, and other electrical equipment where an
unexpected surge/sag can cause serious problems like data loss, business disruption, and even injuries
or fatalities.
Types of Uninterruptible Power Supplies
There are three types of uninterruptible power supplies: static, dynamic (rotary), and hybrid. Static
uses power electronic converters, dynamic uses electromagnetic engines (generators and motor), and
hybrid uses a combination of both static and dynamic.
1. Offline/Standby Uninterruptible Power Supply
The offline/standby UPS is the most basic out of the three. It provides light surge protection and
battery back-up. During normal operations, it gets its power from its main power source (generally an
AC outlet). Once it senses that the main power source goes beyond acceptable limits or fails, it
switches to the "offline/standby" battery where it will then go to the DC/AC inverter power source and
battery as such, there will be a small transfer time between the main
Mains ON:
Mains OFF:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. UPS Working Principle and Types - Offline and Online UPS Systems
2. Microsoft Word - MpBe002c_Energieeffizienz von USV-Anlagen_Schlussbericht.doc
Practical No.20: Make the input and output connections and check the operation of UPS under
normal and overload condition
I Practical Significance:
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) have vital role in various applications where a reliable and
continuous power supply is essential.
In industrial, domestic and commercial applications continuous AC mains supply is needed. This can
be provided by UPS. The employee is expected to select UPS of suitable ratings and test it under
normal and overload conditions.
In normal operation, a double-conversion UPS continually processes power twice. If the AC input
supply falls out of predefined limits, however, the input rectifier shuts off and the output inverter
begins drawing power from the battery instead. If you overload your UPS, it will either shut down or
the load will be transferred to by- pass until the condition is reversed. When this happens, all of the
devices connected to it will lose power.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not install UPS in an outdoor area that is open to direct sunlight, moisture, thunderstorms or
other drastic climatic conditions.
2. Only a skilled technician should do battery replacement.
3. Do not open the UPS cover unnecessarily.
4. If at all, you have to open the cover for checking any fault, it should be done only after switching the
UPS off and disconnecting it from the mains.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. UPS Working Principle and Types - Offline and Online UPS Systems
2. Microsoft Word - MpBe002c_Energieeffizienz von USV-Anlagen_Schlussbericht.doc
I Practical Significance:
A BJT is commonly used as an amplifier. Common Emitter (CE) mode is the universal mode of
operation for a BJT. All types of amplifications can be performed using CE mode with suitable
biasing. Common-emitter amplifiers are also used in radio frequency circuits..
Amplifier circuits are used in all electronic equipment used in industries. Employee should be able
select suitable type of transistor and configuration for given application.
BJT is called as Bipolar Junction transistor. It has 3 terminals namely emitter, base and collector. It is
called bipolar device because current through it is due to free elctrons and holes. A transistor can be in
any of the three configurations namely common base, common emitter and common collector.
The relation between of α,β and γ of CB, CE & CC are
α = β / 1+β
β = α/1- α
γ = 1+β = 1/1- α
In CE configuration base will be the input node and collector will be output node. Emitter is common
to both input and output and hence the name common emitter configuration. A transistor in CE
configuration is used widely as an amplifier
Input Characteristics:
This curve gives the relationship between input current (IB) and input voltage (VBE) for constant output
voltage (VCE) By varying VBE for constant VCE it may be noted that below knee voltage current is very
small. Beyond knee voltage, the base current (IB) increases with increase in VBE for constant VCE
Input characteristics may be used to determine the value of common emitter transistor a.c. input
resistance ri. It is the ratio of change in base to emitter voltage ( ΔVBE) to resulting change in base
current (IB) at a constant collector to emitter voltage (VCE).
Output Characteristic:
This curve gives the relationship between output current (IC) and output voltage (VCE) for constant
base current (IB).
The output characteristics are divided into three regions:
Cut off region: Transistor act as off switch.
Saturation region: Transistor act as on switch.
Active region: Transistor act as amplifier.
Output Characteristic may be used to determine the value of common emitter transistor a.c. output
resistance ro it is the ratio of change in collector to emitter voltage (ΔVCE) to resulting change in
collector current (ΔIC) at a constant base current (IB)
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Select proper range and mode of ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wires tightly while building circuit.
4. Show the connections to concerned teacher and then switch ON the power supply.
X Procedure:
Plot a graph of VBE (V) (X-axis) versus IB(µA) (Y-axis) for different VCE voltages.
Plot a graph of VCE (V) (X-axis) versus IC (mA) (Y-axis) for different IB (µA ) currents.
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Write the steps to identify emitter, base and collector terminals of given transistor.
2. State the range of ammeter and voltmeter selected
3. The BJT has IB-10 µA, ICO=1 µA what is collector current IC? (Take value of β obtained from
the graph)?
[Space for Answers]
I Practical Significance:
A BJT Transistor is a semiconductor device used as an amplifier or switch electronic signals &
electrical power. In this Practical students will plot the characteristics of NPN transistor in input output
mode. CB configuration is commonly used for amplifiers that require low input impedance such as
Amplifier circuits are necessary in all electronic equipment used in industries. Employee should be
able to select suitable type of transistor and configuration for given application.
The curve given in figure 1 gives the relationship between input current (IE) and input voltage (VEB)
for constant output voltage (VCB). By varying VEB for constant VCB it may be noted that below knee
voltage current is very small. Beyond knee voltage, the Emitter current (IE) increases with small
increase in emitter to base voltage VEB for constant VCB. As the collector to Base voltage is increased
above 1V, the curve shifts upwards. Input characteristics used to determine the value of common base
transistor AC input resistance ri. It is the ratio of change in emitter to base voltage (ΔVEB) to resulting
change in emitter current (IE) at a constant collector to base voltage (VCB).
This curve gives the relationship between output current (IC) and output voltage (VCB) for a constant
emitter current (IE).
The output characteristics are divided into three regions:
Cut off region: Transistor act as OFF switch
Saturation Region: Transistor act as ON switch
Active Region: Transistor acts as amplifier.
Output characteristics may be used to determine the value of common base transistor Output resistance
ro. It is the ratio of change in collector to base voltage (ΔVCB) to resulting change in Collector current
(ΔIC) at a constant emitter current (IE).
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Select proper range of ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wires tightly while building circuit..
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Define α and β.
2. Compare CB & CE configuration.
3. Explain why CE configuration is preferred for amplification.
[Space for Answers]
Practical No.23: Check the switch ON and switch OFF condition of LED by using transistor.
I Practical Significance:
The purpose of the Practical is to design and analyse the operation of transistor as a switch. Also, to
test a suitable driver circuit and multi vibrators circuits for a given application using transistor.
Many industrial application uses high frequency switching technique in electronic instruments.
Employee should select and test different types of transistors as a high frequency switch.
A transistor can function as a single-pole single-throw switch controlled by an electronic signal driving
the base terminal. When the control signal on the base terminal turns the transistor off, it acts like an
open switch. When the control signal on the base terminal turns the transistor on, it acts like a closed
switch. When transistor is used for switching, it is in one of two states on or off . In the off state, the
base bias current is zero and the transistor is in cut off region. In the on state, the base bias current is
set large enough to drive the transistor into saturation region.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not switch ON power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per circuit
2. While doing Practical do not exceed the input voltage of the transistor beyond its rated voltage.
This may lead to damaging of transistor.
3. Connection voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Compare the theoretical and practical values of parameters in cut off and saturation mode.
2. List applications of transistor as a switch.
3. State the operating regions in which a transistor acts as a switch.
[Space for Answers]
I Practical Significance:
The field-effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that uses an electric field at the gate to control the
electrical behaviour of the FET. JFETs are known as unipolar transistors since they involve single-
carrier-type operation. Field effect transistors have a very high input impedance at low frequencies. In
this Practical students will plot Drain and Gate Transfer characteristics of JFET. FET are used in high
frequency applications.
FET switch and FET amplifier are employed in high frequency circuits in electronic industries. The
employee should be able to select suitable type of transistor and configuration for given applications.
Junction Field Effect Transistors are a type of FETs (high input impedance devices) which have three
terminals namely Source (S), Gate (G) and Drain (D). These devices are also called voltage controlled
devices as the voltage applied at the gate terminal determines the amount of current flowing in-
between the drain and the source terminals.
N-channel JFET
N-channel JFET has its major portion made of n-type semiconductor. The mutually- opposite two
faces of this bulk material form the source and the drain terminals. There are two relatively-small p-
regions embedded into this substrate which are internally joined together to form the gate terminal.
Thus, here, the source and the drain terminals are of n-type while the gate is of p-type.
P-channel JFET
P-channel JFET has its major portion made of p-type semiconductor. The mutually- opposite two faces
of this bulk material form the source and the drain terminals. There are two relatively-small-regions
embedded into this substrate which are internally joined together to form the gate terminal. Thus, here,
the source and the drain terminals are of p-type while the gate is of n-type.
Drain Characteristics:
Ohmic Region: In this region drain current increases linearly with the increase in drain to source
voltage, obeying ohm's law.
In this region drain current increases at the inverse square law rate with the increase in drain to source
voltage. It is because of fact that with increase in drain to source voltage, drain current increases. This
in turn increases reverse bias voltage across gate to source junction. As a result width of depletion
region increases reducing effective width of channel.
Pinch off Region: This is also called saturation this region drain current remains almost
constant and at its maximum value.
Breakdown Region: In this region drain current increases rapidly as the drain to source voltage is
increased. It happens because of breakdown of gate to source junction due to avalanche effect.
Gate/Transfer Characteristics;
It gives relationship between drain current (lD) and gate to source voltage for a constant value of drain
to source voltage(VDS).
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Care should be taken while handling terminals of components.
2. Select proper range & mode of ammeter and voltmeter.
3. Connect wires tightly while building circuit.
4. Show the connections to concerned teacher and then switch ON the power supply.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
I Practical Significance:
RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is most linear passive temperature transducer. PT-100 is most
common low cost RTD. It is made up of platinum and it have 100 Ohm resistance at zero degree
temperature. Since RTD have higher accuracy and repeatability, they are slowly replacing
thermocouple in industrial application below 600° C. This practical will help you to measure
temperature using RTD for given liquid.
In the industry environment industrial electronics expected to handle various transducers for
measurement of process parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. It is
necessary to measure temperature of different ranges in various industries. Employee should able to
select, test and use appropriate temperature sensor.
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD): The resistance of certain metals changes with temperature
change. With the increase of temperature electrical resistance of certain metal increase in direct
proportion to the rise of temperature. RTD is a sensor to measure temperature. Many RTD elements
consist of a length of fine wire wrapped around a ceramic or glass core but other constructions are also
used. RTD wire is made of pure materials of platinum, Nickel or copper. The material has accurate
resistance/temperature relationship which is to provide an indication of temperature.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Ensure proper earthing to the equipment.
2. Ensure that the Power Supply switch is in off condition initially.
3. Ensure proper settings of range of analog meter before use
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Practicals, Maheshwari, L.K.; Anand, M.M.S.,
New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: ISBN: 9780852265543
3. https://youtube/WmIgusHZyPc?t=42
I Practical Significance:
Thermocouple is the active temperature transducer based on Seebeck and Peltier effect. Since it is
active transducer, designing of signal conditioner is easy. This is mostly used to measure the
temperature above 300° C. This practical will help students to use thermocouple for measuring the
temperature of the given liquid.
In the industry environment it is expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. It is necessary to measure the
high value temperature in various industries. Employee should able to select, test and use appropriate
A thermocouple is a device made by two different metals joined to form two junctions. The two wires
are called thermo elements or legs of the thermocouple. One end of thermocouple is called as
measuring end and the other end of the thermocouple is called reference end, The measuring end is
immersed in the environment whose temperature T2 is to be measured, which can be for instance the
temperature of a furnace at about 500°C, while the reference end is held at a different temperature T1,
e.g. at ambient temperature.
Thermocouples will cause an electric current to flow in the attached circuit when subjected to changes
in temperature. The amount of current that will be produced is dependent on the temperature difference
between the measurement and reference junction, the characteristics of the two metals used and the
characteristics of the attached circuit.
When a temperature difference exits between measuring junction and reference junction, and e.m.f. is
produced which causes current in the circuit. e.m.f. produced can be measured by voltmeter.
I. Practical setup:
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. State the output voltage when two terminals are short of thermocouple.
2. State the practical reason to cover thermocouple with metal case.
3. State the output voltage at room temperature.
4. State the different types of thermocouple.
[Space for Answers]
1. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Practicals, Maheshwari, L.K.; Anand, M.M.S.,
New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: ISBN: 9780852265543
3. https://youtube/WmIgusHZyPc?t=42
Practical No.27: Check the motion of given object using photoelectric sensor.
I Practical Significance:
A Photoelectric Sensor consists primarily of an Emitter for emitting light and a Receiver for receiving
light. When emitted light is interrupted or reflected by the object, it changes the amount of light that
arrives at the Receiver. The Receiver detects this change and converts it to an electrical output signal.
Many industries which manufacture communication instruments uses optical fibre, light sensitive
components .such as optical switches, optical relays, and optical isolators. Employee should be able to
select, test and use proper photo sensing devices as per the application.
A photoelectric sensor emits a light beam (visible or infrared) from its light-emitting element. A
reflective-type photoelectric sensor is used from the target. A thru beam type sensor to detect the light
beam sensor is used to measure the change in amount of light caused by the target crossing the optical
axis. A beam of light is emitted from the light emitting element and is received by the light receiving
I. Practical setup
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Make sure that the power supply is off while wiring.
2. Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating
3. If power is supplied from a commercial switching regulator, ensure that the frame ground
(F.G.) terminal of the power supply is connected to an actual ground.
4. Avoid dust, dirt, and steam.
5. .Take care that the sensor does not come in direct contact with water, oil, grease or organic
solvents, such as, thinner, etc
X Procedure:
1. Make the proper arrangement of Emitter for emitting light and a Receiver for receiving
2. Choose suitable size of moving target.
3. Place the target within the range of photoelectric sensor and note down the electrical Output.
4. Note the electrical output with and without interruption (reflection) of light.
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Practicals, Maheshwari, L.K.; Anand, M.M.S.,
New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: ISBN: 9780852265543
3. sensors
I Practical Significance:
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor modules are used where there is a need to sense the presence
and absence of light is necessary. These resistors are used as light sensors and the applications of LDR
mainly include alarm clocks, automatic street light control, light intensity meters and burglar alarm
Many industries which manufacture security systems. LUX meter, object counting instruments uses
LDR as photo sensitive transducer. Employee should be able to select, test and use proper photo
sensing devices as per the application.
Light dependent resistors or in other words photo resistors are very useful especially in light/dark
sensor circuits. They can also be referred to as photoconductors. Normally the resistance of an LDR is
very high, but when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically. A LDRs can have a
variety of resistances and functions. For example, it can be used to turn on a light when the LDR is in
darkness or to turn off a light when the LDR is in light. It can also work the other way around so
when the LDR is in light it turns on the circuit and when it's in darkness the resistance increase and
disrupts the circuit.
Figure 1: Symbol
I. Practical setup
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not switch ON power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the
circuit diagram.
2. Connect voltmeter and ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Practicals, Maheshwari, L.K.; Anand, M.M.S.,
New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: ISBN: 9780852265543
3. https://youtube/WmIgusHZyPc?t=42
I Practical Significance:
LVDT is passive transducer works on mutual inductance principle. It is used to Measure linear
displacement. It is used as secondary transducer for measurement Pressure using bourdon tube. This
practical help to measure displacement using LVDT.
In the industry environment it is necessary to measure the displacement precisely and accurately. This
is achieved by using LVDT as a displacement transducer. Employee should able to use LVDT
according to its specification.
LVDT is passive inductive transducer. It consists of single primary winding and two secondary
windings wound on hollow cylindrical former. Primary is connected to an AC source. Secondary
winding has an equal number of turns and is identically placed on either side of primary winding.
Principle of LVDT is based on mutual inductance. It converts linear motion into electrical voltage. It is
a displacement sensor in which variation of inductance is the function of displacement. The
displacement to be measured is applied to an arm attached to the soft iron core.
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Ensure proper earthing to the equipment.
2. Ensure the power switch is in 'off' condition initially.
3. Ensure proper settings of range of analog meter before use.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results:
1. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Practicals, Maheshwari, L.K.; Anand, M.M.S.,
New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: ISBN: 9780852265543
3. https://youtube/WmIgusHZyPc?t=42
I Practical Significance:
Potentiometers are used to adjust the level of analog signals (for example volume controls of audio
equipment) and to control inputs for electronic circuits. Potentiometer control a wide variety of
equipment functions. Potentiometers are widely use in consumer electronics. This practical help to
measure the linear displacement using potentiometer.
In the industry environment it is necessary to measure the linear displacement precisely and accurately.
This is achieved by using linear potentiometer as a displacement transducer. Employee should able to
select and use potentiometer according to its specification and application.
Potentiometer is a variable resistor which converts displacement into electrical signal. It is passive
transducer. Potentiometer is an electrical device comprising a resistor with a sliding third contact, often
termed a wiper, which allows the voltage to be varied depending upon where the slider is positioned
along the length of the resistor. Potentiometer are found in many electrical and electronic applications
and in many different forms, sizes and power ratings. For instance, in a relatively high power
application a wire wound potentiometer may be used to provide a variable D.C. (or A.C.) power
supply delivering many amperes at some voltage less than the supply voltage. In an electronic system a
low power rated carbon track potentiometer may be used to preset the voltage on a circuit board to
achieve the desired level of response. Manual adjustment of the wiper along the length of the fixed
resistance produces a variable voltage at the wiper. The magnitude of this output voltage is directly
proportional to its relative position along the length of the resistor. If the potentiometer wiper is
appropriately connected to a moving system then any movement in that system will cause the wiper to
move and so change the output voltage. This signal provides a direct measurement of position or
change in position.
The output voltage is governed by the position of the wiper (C) which may lie anywhere between the
two ends, A and B, of the resistance. For the general case the output voltage is given by the expression,
IX Precautions to be followed:
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.
X Procedure:
XIV Results:
XV Interpretation of Results: