Network Camera V5.5.113 Release Note - G5 (Internal)
Network Camera V5.5.113 Release Note - G5 (Internal)
Network Camera V5.5.113 Release Note - G5 (Internal)
Release Note(Internal)
Firmware Version: V5.5.113 build210317
Basic Information
1. New Features
Newly release 52 models, please refer to the list of supported models for specific models.
2. Improved Features
Fix the issue that the upgrade may fail.
DS-2CD2463G2 and DS-2CD2483G2 model does not support Rotate function.
3. Leftover Issues
If you configure parameters or upgrade device when smart events such as motion detection,
instrusion detection are turned on, there is a certain probability that the live preview will fail.
For the DS-2CD2466G2 models, the Rotate function is not available, and this model will no
longer support this function in the future.
Product design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
The Hikvision firmware may contain errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published