HUL 320 Assignment
HUL 320 Assignment
HUL 320 Assignment
3. Two players are bargaining over 1 unit of money. They will bargain for
T + 1 periods starting from period 0. In even periods (starting at 0),
Player 1 offers a split (ot , 1 − ot ), where ot ∈ [0, 1] is Player 1’s share. If
Player 2 accepts, the game ends. Else, we move to the next period. In
odd periods, Player 2 offers a split. If no split is accepted at the end of
period T , then the game ends with each player getting 0. Money received
in period t is discounted by δ t t, where δ ∈ (0, 1). Find the subgame
perfect equilibrium of this game.
4. Consider the game form in Figure 1. Find the behavioral strategy of player
1 that is equivalent to her mixed strategy in which she plays (B, r) with
probability 0.4, (B, l‘) with probability 0.1, and (A, l) with probability 0.5.
Figure 1: