Robust Method To Retrieve The Constituti
Robust Method To Retrieve The Constituti
Robust Method To Retrieve The Constituti
We propose an improved method to retrieve the effective constitutive parameters (permittivity and perme-
ability) of a slab of metamaterial from the measurement of S parameters. Improvements over existing methods
include the determination of the first boundary and the thickness of the effective slab, the selection of the
correct sign of effective impedance, and a mathematical method to choose the correct branch of the real part of
the refractive index. The sensitivity of the effective constitutive parameters to the accuracy of the S parameters
is also discussed. The method has been applied to various metamaterials and the successful retrieval results
prove its effectiveness and robustness.
I. INTRODUCTION ber of the incident wave in free space. The S parameters are
related to refractive index n and impedance z by [7,9,10]:
Left-handed (LH) structures have been realized so far as
metamaterials [1–3] and very quickly, researchers have been R01s1 − ei2nk0dd
working on retrieving their effective permittivity and perme- S11 = , s1ad
1 − R201ei2nk0d
ability to better characterize them [4–6]. Known methods to
date [7,8] use S parameters calculated from a wave incident s1 − R201deink0d
normally on a slab of metamaterial, from which the effective S21 = 2 i2nk0d , s1bd
refractive index n and impedance z are first obtained. The 1 − R01 e
permittivity e and permeability m are then directly calculated
from m = nz and e = n / z.
where R01 = z − 1 z + 1 .
As it has been pointed out in [4,5], the refractive index n
It is also known that this retrieval process may fail in and the impedance z are obtained by inverting Eqs. (1a) and
some instances, such as when the thickness of the effective (1b), yielding
slab (exhibiting bulk properties) is not accurately estimated
[4] or when reflection sS11d and transmission sS21d data are
very small in magnitude [6]. Although these issues have been
z= ± Î s1 + S11d2 − S221
s1 − S11d2 − S221
, s2ad
addressed to some extent in previous works, we have found
that the retrieved results in some cases are still unsatisfac- eink0d = X ± iÎ1 − X2 , s2bd
tory. In particular, the determination of the first boundary of
the effective homogeneous slab, the selection of the sign of where X = 1 / 2
2S21 s1 − S11 2
+ S21 d.
Since the metamaterial un-
the roots when solving for the impedance z, the determina- der consideration is a passive medium, the signs in Eqs. (2a)
tion of the branch of the real part of refractive index n, and and (2b) are determined by the requirement
the origin of the spikes appearing in the retrieved impedance
z8 ù 0, s3ad
z, are many problems that deserve further investigation. The
aforementioned issues are addressed in the next sections of
this paper and some typical retrieval results are presented to n9 ù 0, s3bd
show the robustness and effectiveness of the method. Note where s·d and s·d denote the real part and imaginary part
that the values of e, m, and z are relative to those in free 8 9
operators, respectively. The value of refractive index n can
space, thus dimensionless. be determined from Eq. (2b) as
II. RETRIEVAL METHOD n= hfflnseink0ddg9 + 2mpg − iflnseink0ddg8j, s4d
k 0d
A. Theoretical retrieval equations
where m is an integer related to the branch index of n8. As
In order to retrieve the effective permittivity and perme- mentioned above, the imaginary part of n is uniquely deter-
ability of a slab of metamaterial, we need to characterize it as mined, but the real part is complicated by the branches of the
an effective homogeneous slab. In this case, we can retrieve logarithm function.
the permittivity and permeability from the reflection sS11d Equations (2a) and (2b) can be directly applied in the case
and transmission sS21d data. For a plane wave incident nor- of a homogeneous slab for which the boundaries of the slab
mally on a homogeneous slab of thickness d with the origin are well defined and the S parameters are accurately known.
coinciding with the first face of the slab, S11 is equal to the However, since a metamaterial itself is not homogeneous, the
reflection coefficient, and S21 is related to the transmission two apparently straightforward issues mentioned above need
coefficient T by S21 = Teik0d, where k0 denotes the wave num- to be carefully addressed. First, the location of the two
dimensional (2D) [11,14] and asymmetric 1D metamaterials, the branches of logarithm function as seen in Eq. (4). In
no such rule could be found and the effective boundaries of order to address this problem, it has been suggested to use a
the slab need to be determined from optimization. slab of small thickness and applying the requirement that
esfd and msfd are continuous functions of frequency [4,5].
C. Determination of n and z from S11 and S21 However, no further details on the continuity argument were
provided. In our method, we determine the proper branch by
It is a common method to determine z and n from Eqs. using the mathematical continuity of the parameters, with
(2a) and (2b) with the requirement of Eqs. (3a) and (3b), special attention to possible discontinuities due to reso-
where z and n are determined independently. However this nances. The method is an iterative one: Assuming we have
method may fail in practice when z8 and n9 are close to zero: obtained the value of the refractive index nsf 0d at frequency
A little perturbation of S11 and S21, easily produced in experi- f 0, we obtain nsf 1d at the next frequency sample f 1 by ex-
mental measurements or numerical simulations, may change panding the function einsf 1dk0sf 1dd in a Taylor series:
the sign of z8 and n9, making it unreliable to apply the re-
quirement of Eqs. (3a) and (3b), as discussed in Ref. [6]. In
fact, z and n are related and we should use their relationship
to determine the signs in Eqs. (2a) and (2b). In order to
S 1
einsf 1dk0sf 1dd < einsf 0dk0sf 0dd 1 + D + D2 ,
CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 016608 (2004)
and z which exactly satisfy Eqs. (1a) and (1b), we solve for that although the results satisfy the condition e9 ù 0 and m9
the following inequalities: ù 0, the positive energy requirement ]sevd / ]v . 0 [19,20] is
U S11 −
R01s1 − ei2nk0dd
2 i2nk0d
1 − R01 e
U ø dr , s11ad
violated in the frequency band 12 GHz– 12.2 GHz. As a re-
sult, the resonance band is extended to 11 GHz– 12.2 GHz,
as shown by the vertical dashed lines in Fig. 7(a). The value
of e and m are both negative in the frequency range
U S21 −
s1 − R01 deink0d
2 i2nk0d
1 − R01 e
U ø dt , s11bd
12.2 GHz– 12.8 GHz, showing that in this band, the
metamaterial exhibits a LH behavior. We also retrieved the
effective parameters of four and five cells of metamaterial
where dr and dt are small positive numbers. Figure 5 shows shown in Fig. 1, and the retrieval results are close to those
the range of z satisfying Eqs. (11a) and (11b) for dr = 0.015 for one, two, and three cells.
and dt = 0.0. At each frequency, all z having a real and imagi-
In addition, we also applied our method to retrieve the
nary parts between the bounds shown in Fig. 5 satisfy Eqs.
effective parameters of the structure taken from [14,21], as
(11a) and (11b). It can be seen that the magnitude of the
shown in the inset of Fig. 8(a). For a 1D structure, by match-
spikes is within the tolerance error, which implies that they
are due to the noise in the S11 and S21 data. ing the impedance z for one and two cells of the metamate-
Finally, note that although the retrieved n and z for mul- rial using the previously described method, we obtain x̄opt
tiple cells may be different from that for one cell at some = s2.20533 10−3d0 , 1.13563 10−3d0d, where d0 is the length
specific frequencies, the calculated S11 and S21 for multiple of unit cell. Again, we find that the two boundaries of the
cells using the retrieved e and m from one cell data match effective homogeneous medium are close to the outer unit-
well with the S11 and S21 data computed for multiple cells cell boundaries of the 1D metamaterial. Figure 8 shows the
directly from numerical simulation, as is illustrated in Fig. 6. retrieved z, n, e, and m for one cell of this metamaterial. It
can be seen that the frequency range of 13.8 GHz– 14.5 GHz
is a LH band, which agrees with the conclusion in Ref. [14].
F. Results
It should be noted, however, that for a 2D version of this
The retrieved permittivity e and permeability m of a one metamaterial, the effective boundaries should be obtained
cell of SRR-rod structure of Fig. 1 are shown in Fig. 7. Note from the optimization process, as they do not necessarily
CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 016608 (2004)
match the unit-cell boundaries of the metamaterial. Indeed, the sign of z by the value of its corresponding n so that n9
in this specific case, we obtain x̄opt = s0.33110d0 , 0.30342d0d. ù 0.
(3) There is a resonance band characterized by the fact
that the requirement m9 ù 0 and e9 ù 0 cannot be satisfied at
III. CONCLUSION those frequencies. On each side of the resonance, the branch
We have proposed an improved method to retrieve the of n8 can be obtained by a Taylor expansion approach con-
effective parameters (index of refraction, impedance, permit- sidering the fact that the refractive index n is a continuous
tivity, and permeability) of metamaterials from transmission function of frequency. Since the refractive index n at the
and reflection data. The successful retrieval results for vari- initial frequency determines the values of n8 at the subse-
ous metamaterial structures show the effectiveness of the quent frequencies, we determine the branch of the real part
method. Our main conclusions are as follows: of n at the initial frequency by requiring that m9 and e9 are
(1) The first boundary and the thickness of the effective non-negative across all the frequency band.
media can be determined by matching z through all sample (4) Due to the noise contained in the S parameters, the
frequencies for different lengths of the slabs in the propaga- retrieved n and z at some specific frequencies are not reli-
tion direction. For symmetric 1D metamaterials, we have able, especially for thicker metamaterials at lower frequen-
drawn the empirical conclusion that the first boundary coin- cies. In spite of this, the fact that S11 and S21 for multiple
cides with the first boundary of the unit cell facing the inci- cells of metamaterial calculated from the retrieved e and m
dent wave, and the thickness of the effective medium is ap- for a unit-cell metamaterial match the S11 and S21 computed
proximately equal to the number of unit cells multiplied by directly from numerical simulation confirms that the
the length of a unit cell. For 2D and asymmetric 1D metama- metamaterials can be treated as an effective homogeneous
terials, the effective boundaries have to be determined by material.
(2) The requirement z8 ù 0 cannot be used directly for
practical retrievals when z8 is close to zero because the nu- This work was supported by DARPA (Contract No.
merical or measurement errors may flip the sign of z8, mak- N00014-03-1-0716) and ONR (Contact No. N00014-01-1-
ing the result unreliable. In this case, we have to determine 0713).
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