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QCS 2010 Section 4 Part 2 General Requirements for Concrete Piles Page 1

2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE PILES ............................... 2

2.1 General .......................................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 Scope 2
2.1.2 References 2
2.2 MATERIALS................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Cement 2
2.2.2 Aggregate 2
2.2.3 Water 3
2.2.4 Admixtures 3

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2.2.5 Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing Steel 3
2.3 CONCRETE MIXES FOR PILING WORK ..................................................... 3
2.3.1 General 3
2.3.2 Grade Designation 3
2.3.3 Designed Mix 3
2.3.4 Durability 4
2.3.5 Minimum Cement 4
2.4 PLACING CONCRETE .................................................................................. 4
2.4.1 General 4
2.4.2 Inspection 4
2.4.3 Cleanliness of Pile Bases 4
2.4.4 Workability of Concrete 4
2.4.5 Compaction 5
2.4.6 Placing Concrete in Dry Borings 5
2.4.7 Placing Concrete under Water or Drilling Fluid 5

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QCS 2010 Section 4 Part 2 General Requirements for Concrete Piles Page 2


2.1 General

2.1.1 Scope

1 This part applies to cast in-situ as well as precast concrete piles.

2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:

This Section

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Part 1, General Requirements for Piling Work
Part 3, Precast Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Piles
Part 4, Precast Reinforced Concrete Segmental Piles
Part 5, Bored Cast-in-Place Piles
Part 6, Bored Piles Constructed Using Continuous Flight Augers and Concrete or
Grout Injection through Hollow Auger Stems
Part 7, Driven Cast-In-Place Piles
Section 5, Concrete.

2.1.2 References

1 The following Standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 5075, Concrete admixtures
BS 5328, Concrete
BS 4027, Sulphate-resisting Portland cement
BS 5573, Code of practice for safety precautions in the construction of large diameter
boreholes for piling and other purposes.

2.2.1 Cement

1 Cement shall be ordinary Portland, sulphate-resisting Portland, Portland blast-furnace

cement or rapid-hardening Portland cement unless otherwise specified or approved. When
submitting his piling method statement and programme to the Engineer, the Contractor shall
also submit for approval the type of cement, other than ordinary Portland cement, he
proposes to use. High alumina cement shall not be used. For cement requirements see
Section 5, Part 3.

2 The use of cement replacement materials will be permitted subject to the approval of the
Engineer and provided that they can be shown to have beneficial effects on concrete
impermeability, heat generation during setting and general durability. The mix proportions
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. For requirement of cementitious additions
refer to Section 5 Part 5.

3 All cement and cement replacement materials shall be stored in separate containers
according to type in waterproof stores or silos.

2.2.2 Aggregate

1 Aggregates shall consist of approved, naturally occurring or crushed sand and gravel. The
Contractor shall inform the Engineer of the source of supply of the aggregates before
beginning work and provide evidence regarding their properties and gradation. For
aggregates requirements refer to Section 5, Part 2.

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2.2.3 Water

1 If water for the Works is not available from a public supply, approval shall be obtained
regarding the source of water. For quality of water refer to Section 5, Part 4.

2.2.4 Admixtures

1 Admixtures complying with BS 5075 may be used, if approved, and shall be used as and
when required by the Engineer. For use of admixtures refer to Section 5, Part 5.

2.2.5 Steel Reinforcement and Prestressing Steel

1 Steel reinforcement shall be stored in clean and dry conditions. It shall be clean, and free
from loose rust and loose mill scale when installed in the Works. For requirements of steel

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reinforcement refer to Section 5, Part 11.

2 The number of joints in longitudinal steel bars shall be kept to a minimum. Joints in
reinforcement shall be such that the full strength of each bar is effective across the joint and
shall be made so that there is no detrimental displacement of the reinforcement during the
construction of the pile.

3 For requirements of prestressing steel refer to Section 5, Part 18.


2.3.1 General

1 For general requirements of concrete mixes, trial mixes, batching, mixing and transportation
of fresh concrete and testing of hardened concrete refer to Section 5.

2.3.2 Grade Designation

1 Grades of concrete shall be denoted by the characteristic 28 day test cube strength in mega
pascals (MPa or N/mm2), or by grades, in accordance with BS 5328.

2.3.3 Designed Mix

1 The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the mix proportions to achieve the required
strength and workability, but the Engineer will specify the minimum cement content and any
other properties required to ensure durability.

2 Designed mixes shall be in accordance with grades 20, 25 or 30 (for cast-in-place piles) or
grades 40, 50 or 60 (for precast piles) of BS 5328. Other grades may be approved if
appropriate to the work. Complete information on the mix and sources of aggregate for each
grade of concrete and the water/cementitious material ratio and the proposed degree of
workability shall be approved before work commences.

3 The free alkali content of the concrete mix shall be less than 3 kg per cubic metre of
concrete and the alkali content shall be calculated from the formula A = Ca/100, where A is
the alkali content of the concrete (kg/m3), C is the maximum expected Portland cement
content of the concrete (kg/m3) and a is the alkali content of Portland cement (%). The latter
percentage is to be the declared monthly mean alkali content + 0.1 %.

4 Where low-alkali, sulphate-resisting cement to BS 4027 is specified, the alkali content

(equivalent sodium oxide) of the cement shall not exceed 0.6 % by weight.

5 The Contractor shall submit the slump factor he proposes for approval before work

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2.3.4 Durability

1 For piles exposed to potentially aggressive ground or groundwater, approved measures shall
be taken to ensure durability. Reference should be made to Building Research
Establishment Digest 360 relating to sulphate attack coupled with the CIRIA Special
Publication 31, Guide to Concrete Construction in the Gulf Region, to safeguard against
chloride attack.

2.3.5 Minimum Cement

1 The cement content in any mix for piling work shall be not less than 300 kg/m3. The cement
content shall be not less than 380 kg/m3 where concrete is to be placed under water or
drilling mud by tremie nor less than 400 kg/m3 where the pile will be exposed to sea water.

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2.4.1 General

1 The workability and method of placing and vibrating the concrete shall be such that a
continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section is formed.

2 The concrete shall be placed without such interruption as would produce a cold joint in the
pile. The method of placing shall be approved.

3 The Contractor shall take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete
to avoid arching of the concrete in a temporary casing. No soil, liquid or other foreign matter
which would adversely affect the performance of the pile shall be permitted to contaminate
the concrete.

2.4.2 Inspection

1 Each pile bore which does not contain standing water or drilling fluid shall be inspected
directly or indirectly before to concrete is placed in it. This inspection shall be carried out
from the ground surface in the case of piles of less than 750 mm diameter. Torches or other
approved means of lighting, measuring tapes, and a means of measuring verticality shall be
provided. For piles of 750 mm diameter or larger, equipment shall be provided by the
Contractor to enable his representatives and the Engineer to descend into the bore for the
purpose of inspection. Any method of descent and the equipment used shall comply with the
requirements of BS 5573.

2.4.3 Cleanliness of Pile Bases

1 On completion of boring and where inspection of a dry pile bore indicates the necessity,
loose, disturbed or softened soil shall be removed from the bore. Where pile bores contain
water or drilling fluid, a cleaning process shall be employed before concrete is placed, or the
concrete shall be placed by tremie method. Large debris or accumulated sediment, or both
of them, shall be removed using appropriate approved methods, which shall be designed to
clean while at the same time minimising ground disturbance below the pile bases. Water or
drilling fluid shall be maintained at such levels throughout and following the cleaning
operation that stability of the bore is preserved.

2.4.4 Workability of Concrete

1 Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile bore shall be in accordance with the
standards shown in Table 2.1.

2 The concrete shall be of the workability approved under Clause 2.3.3 when in its final
position and shall remain sufficiently workable for all pile construction procedures to be
safely completed.

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2.4.5 Compaction

1 Internal vibrators may be used to compact concrete, with the approval of the Engineer
obtained in advance for each specific use.

Table 2.1
Standards for Concrete Slump

Piling mix
Typical conditions of use

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Minimum Range
mm mm
A 75 75-150 Placed into water-free unlined or
permanently lined bore of 600 mm
diameter or over, or where concrete
is placed below temporary casing,
and where reinforcement is widely
spaced leaving ample room for free
movement of concrete between

B 100 100-200 Where reinforcement is not spaced

widely, where concrete is placed
within temporary casings, where
pile bore is water-free, and the
diameter less than 600 mm

C 150 150 or more Where concrete is to be placed by

tremie under water or drilling mud,
or by pumping

2.4.6 Placing Concrete in Dry Borings

1 Approved measures shall be taken to ensure that the structural strength of the concrete
placed in all piles is not impaired through grout loss, segregation or bleeding.

2 Concrete shall be placed by “elephant trunk”, and the free fall shall not exceed 1.2 m.

2.4.7 Placing Concrete under Water or Drilling Fluid

1 Before placing concrete, measures shall be taken in accordance with Clause 2.4.3 to ensure
that there is no accumulation of silt or other material at the base of the boring, and the
Contractor shall ensure that heavily contaminated bentonite suspension, which could impair
the free flow of concrete from the tremie pipe, has not accumulated in the bottom of the hole.

2 Concrete to be placed under water or drilling fluid shall be placed by tremie and shall not be
discharged freely into the water or drilling fluid. Pumping of concrete may be approved
where appropriate.

3 A sample of the bentonite suspension shall be taken from the base of the boring using an
approved sampling device. If the specific gravity of the suspension exceeds 1.20 the placing
of concrete shall not proceed. In this event the Contractor shall modify or replace the
bentonite as approved to meet the specification.

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4 The concrete shall be a rich, coherent mix and highly workable, and cement content shall be
in accordance with Clause 2.3.5.

5 The concrete shall be placed in such a manner that segregation does not occur.

6 The hopper and pipe of the tremie shall be clean and watertight throughout. The pipe shall
extend to the base of the bore and a sliding plug or barrier shall be placed in the pipe to
prevent direct contact between the first charge of concrete in the tremie and the water or
drilling fluid. The pipe shall at all times penetrate the concrete which has previously been
placed and shall be withdrawn at a rate such that there shall be a minimum concrete cover of
2 m over the end of the tremie pipe, until completion of concreting. A sufficient quantity of
concrete shall be maintained within the pipe to ensure that the pressure from it exceeds that
from the water or drilling fluid. The internal diameter of the tremie pipe shall be not less than
150 mm, and the maximum sized aggregate shall be 20 mm. It shall be so designed that

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external projections are minimised, allowing the tremie to pass within reinforcing cages
without causing damage. The internal face of the pipe of the tremie shall be free from


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