Learning Packet Q3

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La Trinidad Nazarene Learners Center

Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet 2601 Philippines


Quarter 3




NAME: _____________________________________________________________
Content Standard:
The students show understanding on the concept of great virtues which should be possessed by our country’s
future leaders.

Lesson and Scope

No. Lesson Learning Competencies Duration

1 Doing the Best of My Week 1
Ability - Dependability Show understanding to the underlying virtues by:
a. Demonstrating recognizable dependability traits
2 God Loves You – Love b. Do reflective self - assessment of loving the self in a Week 2
Yourself: Purity healthy way
3 Ways of the Children - c. Understand humility and its underlying benefits Week 3
Humility d. Identify practical ways to be obedient
4 Learning to Follow - e. Expressing and showing understanding of Week 4
Obedience servanthood

5 A Servant’s Heart Week 5

6 Making to – do – Lists: Week 6



Memory verse 1: Matthew 25:29

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But
from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.”

What do you observe that our society needs? What can young people do to make our society well? Our
world needs people who possess qualities of dependability, purity, humility, obedience, service, responsibility
and love. Our country badly needs leaders who serve not just with diligence but with all of the above.

1. Dependability is doing what we are expected to do: reliable

If you are lazy, you become unproductive – and this is not good. A person who is smart and wise
is expected to be dependable. Do your job to the best of your ability. Coming late in school is being

2. Dependability is fulfilling a promise you made.

The Parable Of The Two Sons – Matthew 21: 28-31

There was a man with two sons. He said to the older son, “Son, go out and work at the vineyard today.”
The son replied, “I am sorry father, I cannot.” Then later, the older son changed his mind and worked in
the vineyard.
Then the father called the younger son and said, “ Son, will you work at the vineyard today?” The son
replied, “Yes father, I will.” But the son did not go.

Which of the two was obeying their father?

Remember, our actions match our words. Our intention to obey is better.
Watch out for these words. It is for you keep them – NOT BREAK.
1. “I will call you tomorrow.” Walang isang
2. “Trust me.” salita!
3. “You can count on me.”
4. “I will meet you in this place right on time.”
5. “I am always at your side.”
6. “I will pay you next week.” LIAR!
7. “You are my onle best friend.”
8. “You are my only love.”
Small or big committment is important. Someone can always forgive your shortcoming. But when
breaking a promise becomes a habit, it will stick on you. It becomes part of your character. Would you be happy
to be branded as “liar”, “walang isang salita”, and “latecomer?” It is hard to trust the words of undependable

3. Being dependable is being productive and is rewarded.

A Godly person has a reputation for keeping his word and would not stop until his assignment or
job was completed. That dependable person stands out. If you can be trusted with the very small matters.
God will reward you with greater things. The way to lead is to be dependable even in minor things.

4. Dependability is building trust with others by doing what I say I will do: trustworthy
A Godly person has a reputation for keeping his word and would not stop until his assignment or
job was completed. That dependable person stands out. If you can be trusted with the very small matters,
God will reward you with greater things. The way to lead is to be dependable even in minor things.


1. Think of all the promises you have broke in the past. Now, list your promises to fulfill them.
Try hard to be dependable and make other trust your words.
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
d. _________________________
e. _________________________
Name/ date/ signature

2. Are you lazy or dependable? Elaborate your answer.


3. Describe someone you know that has earned your trust for being dependable.

4. What does being dependable have to do with keeping a job? Can you think of any jobs where being
dependable isn’t important?
5. In what ways can your teachers or parents count on you?

6. What consequences can students suffer when they have a reputation for being undependable?

7. Why is it important to be dependable or reliable?

“Dependable people are like kites that will go up against any wind.”-- Author Unknown

God loves us so much that He gave us His only Son to die for our sin – for us to have life eternal with
Him. What a great LOVE!

Sin is like a deadly virus, dangerous and can cause death. God hates sin. He is allergic to it. Sim is so
bad that He had to send Jesus Christ to die on the cross. That changes our fate.

Sin started with obedience. It obstructs the blessings to our life. It must be about Adam and Eve’s
disobedience to God’s command not to eat from the “Tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL”. God gave
them abundant life life. But they chose to disobey. At that moment of small rebellion, God’s pefect creation was
shattered. Adma and Eve were separated from God.

Our small and big disobedience prove that we are descendants of Adam. Only by asking for forgiveness
of Jesus Christ can we become children of God.

A. What makes a person impure?

1. Sexually impure – sexual passion outside marriage
2. Idolatry – worship of other gods other than the true God
3. Love of the world – to look at everything to acquire, possess and work for like the love of money

B. What can make a person pure?

1. Do not indulge in all things mentioned above.
2. Repent and ask God to forgive your sinfulness and be cleansed.
3. Maintain purity. After you are forgiven and cleansed, you need to be careful not to be tempted
4. Dwell only on what is good and perfect will of God. Take pleasure in doing good.
5. Enjoy your life. Be contented. Work hard to gain only what you deserve.
6. Refuse evil and focus your mind on beautiful, wonderful, and acceptable things.

C. Why does Satan tempt us?

To offer us life with his own standard and makes us give up on God’s kind of life – pure life.

D. Where does temptation come?

1. From our evil desires which are inside us – not from God.
2. It starts with an evil thought and later becomes sin.
3. When we focus on worldly thought and allow it to become action.
4. When we focus on worldly things and admire them, we begin to crave for more.

***Being tempted is not a sin. But submitting to temptation is sin.

***Satan tempted Eve and succeeded in getting her to sin.
***The great consequence of sin is separation from God.
***There is a blessing when you overcome temptation.

E. How could Eve have resisted temptation?

1. Pray to God for strength to resist.
2. Run – sometimes you have to do it literally.
3. Say no with wrong things.

Memory verse 2
“God blesses the people who patiently endure testing.” _ James 1:12


Humility is a humble condition or atttitude of the mind. A humble person knows that he is not perfect no
matter how others admire him. He knows that there are still to learn regardless of his education, training and
accomplishments. He is teachable, wanting to learn more.

What are the ways of the children?

Though we are not to be “childish”, we can be “childlike”. The mind of the child is humble and sincere
because they are “trustworthy” by nature. They trust adults and hold onto them always. That is why adults
should always be careful in their works and action because children look up to them. Are you “childish” –
playful and argues in small things? Or are you “childlike” that trust and depends on God at all time?

Like a child, a humble man may not need to know and understanding all the mysteries of the world. To
him or her, it is enough to know that God loves. This means that we should trust God with a child’s simplicity
and receptive.

“Be simple but attractive, Be quiet but receptive.”

THE TAX COLLECTOR – Luke 18:10-14

Two men were praying at the temple. One was a Pharisee and and the other was a tax collector. The
proud Pharisee stood and said, “Thank you God that I am not like that tax collector over there! I never
cheated, I don’t sin, I don’t commit malicious act, I fast twice a week and I give my offerings to the church.”

The tax collector likewise stood, bowed his head down and prayed, “O God be merciful to me, I am a

The tax collector begged for mercy because he knows he sinned against God. The Pharisee boasted for
his accomplishments. He took pride to everything he did. He worshipped himself. But the tax collector, who
bowed down to God was justified and honored.

A. What are the ways of the proud?

 Loses temper when someone gives insulting remarks. “Wala ka naman sinabi eh, di mo kaya.”
 Feels insecure when one is better. “Hmp, may mas magaling pa saiyo.”
 Reacts arrogantly. “Bawiin mo sinabi mo, kung hindi...”
 Conceited and praising oneself. “Ang galing-galing ko talaga!”

B. Why do you feel proud?

 Because of past painful experience or insecurity
 Hating someone
 Defensive
 Childish
 “kulang sa pansin”
 Selfish
 Lack of proper guidance from childhood
 Lack of self-confidence
 Family problems
 Lacking self-identity
C. What are the ways of the humble?
 Follows God
 Thankful in all situation and everything
 Appreciate other
 Never complain
 Does not need to be proved, but accepts positive remarks with sincere gratitude
 Mild-mannered, calm and composed
 Stands firm in biblical principles
 Responsible
 Teachable
 Trustworthy

Let’s think biblically!

We were told to be humble all the time because God delights in humility. Young people should be humble
enough to serve one another. Even though you are the future leaders, learn to follow and obey older people.
Respect those authorities above you. You will learn from them.

Apostle Peter said, “You young men, accept the authority of the elders. And all of you serve each other in
humility for God sets Himself against the proud, but He shows favor to the humble.”
_ 1 Peter 5:5

Results of Humility and Pride

Humility Pride
Leads to wisdom Leads to disgrace
Takes advice Produce arguments
Leads to honor Leads to punishments and distraction
Ends in honor and reward Ends in downfall and humiliation

Activity 2: Choose one result of humility and one result of pride. Then write your experience when
you once humbled or being proud.

“For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored.”
We look up to our Lord and imitate His ways. We should totally depend on Him. Because we know, He
will guide us and will never allow anything to harm us.
A person who does not need God is proud. He thinks he knows everything – he can manage his own life. No
man live only by himself. No man is an island.


Obedience is submission to authority, complying with orders, and fulfilling responsibility. Why do we
need to obey?
Failure to obey is sin. Sometimes obedience leads to opportunities when you must decide between
obeying God or man. But God wants you to obey Him first and all the rest will follow. Obey God with humility.
He doesn’t want our gifts and sacrifices. He wants our total submission and love.
However, obedience may cause problems. But when God finds you faithful in the middle of trials,
difficulties, shame and disapproval of others; He will lift you up and bless you. Noah lived a Godly life. He
obeyed God even He didn’t understand God’s plan.

_ Genesis 6 -8
When human population began to grow rapidly on earth, the peoiple continued to do evil things before the
eyes of the Lord. People’s actons and thoughts were very wicked and this broke God’s heart to the point of
being sorry that He created them. So God decided to destroy human race including the animals and the
There is one man whom God is please – Noah. He was a righteous man – the only blameless man living on
earth that time. He loved God and obeyed Him all his life. He has three sons named – Shem, Ham, Japheth.
NOAH’S BIO-DATA Activity 3:
ADDRESS: Just outside the Garden of Eden YOUR BIO-DATA
OCCUPATION:Farmer,Preacher,Ship builder
AGE: Lived 950 years
SONS: Shem, Ham, Japheth
GRANDFATHER: Methuselah (the oldest man ADDRESS:
ever lived) DREAM JOB:
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The only follower of God AGE:
in his time, second father to human SIBLINGS:
race,first in major shipbuilding
CHARACTER TRAITS: Patient, consistent,
obedient, faithful. He obeyed God even
though he didn’t understand God’s order. GRANDPARENTS:
LIFE VERSE: “Noah did everything exaclty ACCOMPLISHMENTS:
what God had commanded.” (Genesis 6:22) CHARACTER TRAITS:


1. Obey your parents – Ephesians 6:13

As a child, Jesus the Son of God, obeyed God first – His heavenly Father. It also meant obeying
His human parents. But he had to leave his home and family to do the business of His Father.
Youths, obey your parents while you are still under their care. They are the authorities at home.
Honor and love them for life. If you do this, you will live long full of blessings.

2. Obey and respect the authorities – Romans 13

Obey those who lead you – leaders of the church, community, the government for God placed
them in their positions. Those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God.
Your teachers are the authority in school. They guide you to have better education and career in
the future.
The leaders in the church guide you on spiritual matters. They teach you about who God is.

Activity 4: Compose a song or make an acrostic about OBEDIENCE.


Leaders are servants of the people. They are the ones helping us at home school and community. How
do you see your leaders?

Serving is doing something to meet the needs of another. Servant is the one who performs a task under
the direction of someone. A servant respects his master. There are many ways you can serve.
Serve God in your church. One place God wants you to serve is through your local church. There are
many things you can do. Discover where you can serve with the use of your talents and interests.

The following are some ways you can do when serving at church:
 Cleaning
 Singing
 Praying
 Leading friends to attend church
 Teaching Sunday school

Serve God whenever you can. You don’t have to become a pastor or minister to serve God and others. God may
want you to be:
 A doctor – to serve the community
 A teacher – to educate students and model good characters
 A businessman – to help provide our needs by producing products and services
 A secretary – to help the office leaders/managers in their tasks
 A carpenter – to build houses, buildings and other facilities as shelter for people
 A bus driver – to bring people from one place to another safely and securely
 A street cleaner – to keep our surrounding clean
 A president of the country – to lead a strong, godly and progressive nation
 A missionary or pastor – to tell people about Jesus Christ, our only Savior

Characteristics of a Good Servant – servant’s heart

1. Serving out of love
2. Does the job with the best of his ability
3. Not lazy but enthusiastic
4. Respects his master and client
5. Selfless not selfish
6. Appreciate other’s accomplisment
7. Team builders not a commander
8. Aware of the needs of others
9. A good follower
10. Teachable not boastful

Activity 5: Let’s read the story of Eliezer, the servant of Abraham. (Genesis 24)
Then answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. What was the assignment given to servant Eliezer?

2. What did Eliezer pray to God?
3. Describe what kind of servant was Eliezer.
4. If you were to lead our nation, a school, a church or your company, what qualities should you possess?


Responsibility is being accountable or liable for whatever cause or effect of any action. The person who is
responsible should be reliable, trustworthy and can answer to any blame, loss or failure of any given action.
A responsible person motivates us to complete a task. When you have been given an assignment to complete or
responsibility to fulfill, commit yourself to sewing it through.


1. Thinks before acting
2. Consider the pros and cons 9 (positive and negative effect of action)
3. Study choices
4. Think long term results
5. Keep principles
6. Realize mistakes and takes full responsibilty of the consequences of action

Activity 6:
1. Make your To-Do-List. Simply list the things you want to accomplish. Arrange your list according to
priority or importance as number 1.
2. Is there something in your life that you have ignored or failed to do? What happened when you paid
attention to it?
3. Tell us something about you as a responsible person.

Let’s think Biblically!

God gives strength, time skills and gifts. He expects us to use them wisely. The issue is not how much
we have but how well we use our blessings.
Jesus said, “To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But to those who
are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them.” – Mark 4:25
The verse means that we should be responsible to use what we have. How much we have is not nearly as
important as what we do with it.

CONCLUDING ACTIVITY: Together with your family, make a 1 – 3 minutes video showing/demonstrating any
virtues/characters from our discussions. You may add a background music, subtitle or voice-over. You may also
insert some of your pictures to support the idea you want to show. You should end your video with your family

End of the Quarter
 Christian Living In Modern Education 7 By Faith I. Dela Cruz
 Edukasyon Sa Pagpapakatao7 By Pepita F. Peralta
 Google.com
 Bible (NIV

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